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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1955, p. 12

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v PAGE TWELVE'l __________________________________ -~~W.CL~ ~ * lUWIIA~VILE O4TJU> HUlS#~, UN 9h,195 'f.U VAIA¶?ONTARIOA~ ~ . Another Fine Edition B.H.S. Screech 0w! Now Off The Press With the closing of the school year the students of Bowman- 'ville High Sehool have put the finishing touches on another edition of their fine year book The Screech Owi. This year's magazine foliows the same pat- tern as in the iast two years, being pubiished in three edf- tions throughout the year and completed by a pîctorial sec- tion. The book is bound with an attractive cover of a gray wood-graîn design with green iettering. The clever cartoon design on the cover i£ the work of Arthur Jam mer who also "~My Ontario" 'The creaming turbulence of1 rock-girt riveru, the serenc. gliiet of j'ewel-!iÀÂe lakes guarded by sentinel pnnei. A ye, that is MI' Ontario, the Ontario of the angler, where trout - speckleds, brown8, rainbous -- cone fast, fat and figh.ting. Really, Paradise wvasn't lost, it'8 here in Ontario. Bob Turnbull 3ob Turnbull, leading authority on Ontario's outdoors, knows from happy experience what bis own richly-endowed Province offers the holiday seeker. This summer the open road beckons every Ontario family to enjoy the best holiday ever- right here in Ontario. Rates are reasonable at resorts. . . there are more than a thousand to choose from. Pleasure opportunities abound. Send in the coupon below for valuable information. ------------------ - gONTARIO TRAVEL. ROOM 174. 67 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO. ONTARIO. I'LEASE SEND NIE A FREE ROAD MAP AND TRAVEL INFORMAlION ABOUT ONTARIO. I... ...... . - . ........ I.. Lui .I«lQ.. inie 1assisted with the illustratioin scattered through the restc the book which incidentai]' brighten the magazine consid erably. The difficuit task of orgar izing and editing The Screeci 0wl was this year haitdled b, fourth form. student Mari, Ferguson. In addition to he work on the magazine Mar,* takes an active part in man, other school activities and wa' the student chosen to represer B.H.S. in Ottawa this year fo: the Rotary Club's annual Ad venture in Citizenship prograri In addition to giving excel lent coverage to ail the extr curricular activities takin place during the year such a' dances, plays, clubs and athle tic events, the magazine con. tains a good selection of poem5 and essays contributed by thc students and also one "Englisi Decomposition" by an unnam- ed faculty member. The Forim News and Humour section arE particularly well done thiý year being for a change very humorous,. and as usual the liviely discussions carried or through the "Letters To The Editor" column add grcatly to the interest. This year's Screech 0wl staff is to be particularly congratu- lated for managing to turn out such an excellent magazine amidst the turmoil and confu- sion caused by the work being donc on the new addition tc the school it is hoped will be ready for use next September. Those responsible for the success of the 1954-55 Screecn Owl are: Editor-Marie Fergu- son, Assistant Pictorial Editor- Pat Morril], Special Events-- Janet McGregor, Publicity - Allan Porter, ?Keith Hensley, Brenda Cooper, Sports-Glenn Richards, Form News and Hut- mour & Form Programs-Nan- cy Mitchell, Grads and Alumi -Hazel Webber, Societies - Bey. Cowling, Finance-Floyd Fowler, Illustrations - Harvey Webber, Dona Dilling, Arthur Jammer. n- 1- hY )y ie ýy 't r n. -a ïg s Stafford Bros. Monumental Works ]Phono Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 319 Dundas St. E., Wbitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 'Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when vou choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. SProtect Your Insects and C Guest Artists at Public School Concert The Oshawa String Quartette will be guest artists at the annual instru- mental concert of,. the Bowmanville Public Sehools being presented in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, June 15, at 8:15, under the direction of Mr. D. C. Peters. The Quartette is composed of four talented musicians, lef t to right: Kiemi Hambourg, f irst violin; Charles Eder, second violin; John Drewniak violin cello; Michael Kupnicki, viola. The Quartette was enthusîastically received at a meeting of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association in Oshawa last October, and has been popular in other public appearances. Their contribution to the Public School Concert will be a most enjoyable one. -Photo by Mary's Photo Studio, Oshawa Clevelander Elected Of Rotary Internatioi President ,nal Chicago, 111. (Special)-A. Z. committec chairman and mcm- Baker o! Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. ber. He will assume office as A., was elccted President o! President of Rotar-y train Rotary International for 1955-56 ai on July 1. at the Golden Anniversary Con-. Elected ta. Rotary Internation- vention of that world-wide al's Board o! Directors were Ro- 7service club organization, which tarians from Australia, Bclgium, complcted its fivc-day session Brazil, Canada, Chile,,The Neth- here last wcek. The convention erlands and the U.S.A. registration o! more than 20,000 In the forma! convention ad- 1Rotanians and 'guests adrsss y otrys reidnt e d 8,700 Rotary Clubs with adessb oaysPeiet membiwhp o 411000busnes Herbert J. Taylor o! Chicago; mndmboeio 411,000 uvs inssVice-President Richard M. Nix- a0n rfessinleectvsi on o! the U.S.A.; Canada's Sec- 90 cuntnes.retary of State for External Af- Mr. Baker is President o! the fairs, Lester B. Pearson; New American Stockyards Associa- Zcaland's Ambassador ta the tion in Cleveland, Ohio. He is U.S.A., Sir Leslie Munro; and Chairman of tbc Board o! the other outstanding speakers, and Cleveland Union Stockyardsin the informai discussion Company, a Past Director of the1 groups, emphasis was given ta Federal Reserve Bank o! Cleve- bbc many opportunities wbich land, Past President of bbc Traf- Rotarians have in ail parts o! fic Club o! Cleveland and a Past the worid ta work for the Director of the Cleveland Cham- achievement of one o! the prin- ber of Commerce. A member cipal Rotary goals - the ad- o! the Rotary Club of Cleveland vancement of international un- since 1929, he is a Past Presi-1 derstanding, good will and dent of that Club and bas serv- peace. cd Rotary International as Di- Rotary's 1956 Convention'will rector. District Governor and 'a be held June 3-7 in Philadelphia, _______________________Pa., and plans arc being made ta hold the 1957 Convention in Lucerne and Central Switzer- Mil% land. rops Aainst Recent Bride )iseases With Mrs. John Ford ~agara QUALITY PRODUCIS Niagara Fungicides and Insecticides are specially formulated for effective, econom- ical control to help you get bigger and better fruit and vegetable crops. FUNGICIDES KOLO FERBAM KOLO SPRAY C.O.C.S. SPRAY NIAGARA FERBAM ORTHOCIDE (CAPTAN) Z-C. SPRAY INSECTICIDES NIAGARA D.D.D. MALATHION PHOSKIL NIATOX 50%/ D.D.T. ARSENATE 0F LEAD (PARATHION) Call your Niagara Dealer for ful information on Niagara Protectants Yeu Niaga'ra Brand" tfi fSpray ouf. Co., Limited I5URLINGTON, ONTARIO Honored by Friends Mrs. John Ford, recent bride, was the recipient of many ioveiy and useful gifts on Wed- nesday, June 1, when about 15 friends gathered at the home of Miss Marilyn Leask fora imiscellancous shower in her honour. On her arrivai, the bride was led to a chair in the centre of the room decorate' with pink and green stream- ers over which hung confetti filled balloons. The bride anc ber mother, Mrs. Forest Dilling, wre prcscntcd with corsages, te bride's bcing of beautiful i white chrysanthemums. A ssisted by co-hostesses Mar- ilyn Leask and Barbara Fairev thie bride opened the many gifts which werc placed in a gaily dccorated pink umbrella standing in front of her chair. *Mrs. Ford thankcd her friends graciously for the lovely gifts. The hostesses led in several *amusing games after which the guests enjoyed a social chat while a delicious lunch was being scrved. jOn Friday, June 3, Mrs. Ford guest of honor at a show- er given by relatives and close friends of the* family. Mrs. Marlon Allun and Miss Mary Wallace were co-hostesses at this event when the bride was presented with a set of alumin- iuma ware.. Mrs. S. Dunn pour- cd tea. MORRISH Sunday School ;vas held at the regular time, 3' were pres- cnt. The adult Bible class was taken by Mrs. F. McConnel. The superintendent Mrs. D. -Haines, conducted S. S. AIl re- gular teachers were present. The past week was realiy dlean-up week for the caretak- er of Morrish Church and Sun- day School-hef many hours of labour both inside and out is reflected in the bright, dlean and shining interior front the entrance door of the church through Sunday school and kitchen to exit of wood shed also the church lawn and flow- er beds are in apple Pie order. Thank you Mrs. Haines. Congratulations to Ruth Mar- vin. pupil o! our Public School who for the second year in succession was winncr of the junior championship in sports on Field Day, Frîday, June 3rd at Wclcome. This young lady is the proud possessor of a second bronze medal. The day was perfect for this event and al entries were keenly contested. Good will prevailed and al Jad a good time exceptiag thoae Who caubt a real bfisll est-to-goodness sunburn which rather spoilt the fun. Our best wishes for a speed.' recovery are extended to Mvr. Bert McCulloùgh of Zion who is at present a patient in our local hospîtal for X-rays and treatment. Mrs. Wm. McHolm spent Cuffe who is at present a Pa- tient in a Rest Home in that locality. Mr. Herb Lord and son are building a new barn on the home farm, a number of mnen in the ncighbourhood respond- cd to the cal! for help and tne building is progressing to the satisfaction of a!! concerned. Strawberrics are nipening and soon the caîl for pickers will be heard throughout this part of Ontario. We picked a few from the garden vesterday the 4th. and found them good. sti as Chevrolet's new high compression engines-V8 or 6 cylinder-give thse kind of respansiveness tIsa makes any Fsiii seem îmall.They're unbeatable in thse low priced field, A .5 ý a ý »ý- m 1 :i iii1qi No Car in the Low-Priced Fielid Equ ais Cizevrolet for pgoc. t.. y."" . '-: .* - t I Manvers Pupils Present Enjoyable Music Festival Bethany-Under the direc- tion o! James Gay of Nestîcton, supervisor of music in thei schools of Manvers township, a music festival was held in Bethany Town Hall. Schools participating werc Bethany senior room, teacher, Mrs. OYr- loe Wright; Bethany Junior room, teacher, Miss Muriel Flett; Lifford School, teachnr R. A. Wansborough; Failis school, teacher, Mrs. Earl Ar- gue; Galloway's school, teach- er, Mrs. Walter Rowan. The opening chorus was sursg by ahl the school "For The Beauty o! the Earth" and "Birds Are Singing". The programi continued as follows: "He Shall Feed His Flock" and "Abide With Me" - by- Fallis School. "The Fairy Piper"' and "Betty Pringle's Pig" by junior room pupils of 13ethany school. "Whcn 1 Arn Big Some Day" by ail juniors, Grades one to four, from al the schools. This last was a repeat number which had re- ceivcd honorable mention at the Kiwanis Festival in Peter- borough. -The Wise Bird" by junior pupils of Fallis School. "Arbor Day" and "Grasshop- per Green" by Gallowav's School. A medley, "Voices", "Stars". "If We Could Fly" and "Blow the Wind Southerly" by the-'Senior pupils o! Bcthany School. Judy De Gee2r showed real musical talent in her solo, "The Lark In the Morn". Thrce numbers "The Wing", "Trees In Winter", "Fainies in Cana- da" was sung by Lifford School. The next number was sung by Fallis School. These songs won the highest mark, V4i points, at the previous Peter- borough Festival "Land of Spain" and "Let Us Go A-May-, ing". Murray Henderson's solo, "Going To The Sca" won hear- ty applause. Fallis and Gal- ioway sehool pupils united in singing "Winter Good-Bye". Two pupils from Fallis Schocl, Norma Jakemnan and John Lo- gan sang "The World Is FLIII of Beauty". The mass choir of ail the schools sang "Going To The Fair", "Strawbcrry Fair", "Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron", "l'se the Boy that Builds the Boat", "Tie Maple Leaf" and "O Canada". Mr. H. F. Rayson o! the Bethany Trustee Board was chairman for the cvening and highly commended the pupils for their efforts, also express- ing appreciation to Mn. Gay for his instruction. - #42# kOOF Bisco roofs are proof against lire, wind andl weather Economical ta buy ond easy ta nstal. Bisco asphait shingles give extra years of trouble- free roofing protection ta your home. Choose the pattern specially mode for your par- ticular needs from the many attractive plain BISHOP ASPHALI PAPERS LIMITED Plants ut: Portneuf Station, P.Q., Toronto and London, Ont. Warehouses and Branches: Quebc & Montrel, P.Q., 5- - Toronto, Ont., Saint John, N.8 YOUR BISCO DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE McGregor Hardware, RING ST. W. MA 3-3386 L im ïted umm- 2Chevrolet's new, Iow centre of ,gravity, new, wîder-spaced reur Springs, and new tubeless tires cambine ta forni a bolanced raad-hugging ride that put& Che%,- ralet stabilîty in the sports car Steadiness, Stabîhity and Sm ooth niess There's an easy way to prove the above statement. It doesn't cost a cent and it's lots of fun. Take a demesastration drive in a Chevrolet. You'1l lind that Most of your old ideas about low-Cost motoring wilI be completely changed. If you're curiotîs, your salesman wiil tel! you about the many, many new features that make Chevrolct's ride so superior. But without being told a thing, you wilI know instantly that Chevrolet has given a tremendous break ta the man who wants "lots of car" at a Iow, low price. Call yaur local dealer today. Tell hlm you want to take a "Pleasure Drive" demonstration in a Chevrolet. for the sweetest ride of vour ite, ROAD TEST-STREET TEST-HILL TEST motoramic Road shocica rarely reads tlss \driver of thse new Ckevrolet. New angle-poised, sphericol- THE joint front suspension smaeths bumps et thse reor. flexible cu" I' o The relaxing, mileeotlng wgy Chevrolet flows ahead et legal tsigIsway speeds is unbeli.vabl. in a car tbat's priced sa Iow. Trry it for yourself - "Plaosur. Drive" a Chevrolet todoy. ROYW. Chevrolet - 'Oldsmobile Cars 'COURTICE NICHOLS - Chevrolet Trucks DO WNAN VILLE goes! "Gnou I shouliby ~. ~ -~ wh. selle the Firm's oddress, the. teloph.nt number e l 111 IM 1 i 1 . ' Fi KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 liii BOWNANVILLE

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