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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1955, p. 13

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? N~ Y R D A Y 3 T N Z O h, 19 5 f- a W A t ? A f ? *'- A l -q . u .t . ,a a V U - . N T A R IO - Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hilderley Celebrate 4.5th Anniversary Nearly a hundred friends eed on Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hflderley, 141 King St. West, Eowmanville, Saturday after- Maon and everixng, June 4, to offer congratulations on theïr 45th wedding anniversarv.' The happy couple received mnany lovely gifts, including a Iovely bouquet from their grandeidren, a garden chair from the neighbors, and many Individual gifts from friends, 4well as cards and messages congratulation. -The tea table was decorated wsth a bouquet of superb iris MOTHER WtI.i. S140W C000 JUOGMENT AND OCT £VLRYTING TI4ATI YOU N CED AT blooms frorn Mr. Hilderley own garden, and was centre with a lovely two-tier weddir cake appropriately decorate for the occasion. Miss Elizabel Painton poured tea, and assist ing in serving were Mrs. Lewi Rundle, Mrs. Russell Hallmar Mrs. Clarence Hall and Mr, Colin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Hiiderley' daughter Rachel, her husban Mr. Reginald Coumbes, an, two children, Carol and Der nis, were present for the hap py event. Their son Charles, o Toronto, was not able to b, there. After being served tea, thi many guests enjoyed wander ing about in the Hilderley gar den and admiring its immacu. late neatness and beautifu blooms. Gardening is Mr. Hil. derley's profession, for whict he apprenticed in England. H- bas six brothers. aIl of wbon are professional gardeners. Mr Hilderley is well known for hi: skill in this respect in Bow- manville where he attends t< gardens and grounds' for a number of Bowmanville resi- dents. Mr. and Mrs. Hilderley were married in Ripley. Surrey, England, in 1910 and camne tt Canada in 1927. They settlec first in Lindsay, but after a year there, moved to Bowman- ville where they have lived ever since. Their many friends bere wish them continued bap- piness in the years to corne. ~J Sales of radios by Canadiar tA :1 manufacturers dropped i 19.54 to a postwar low of 487,237 sets from 620,860 sets in 1953. If you need money to fix up your homce, repair your car or for any other purpose, borrow $50 up to $1 ,000 quickly, from HFC. You gel fast, on e-day service. The requirements are easy to meet. Up to 24 months to repay. Phone or stop in today 1 MONEY WUEN YOU NEED IT eHOUSEHOLD FINANCE' 111/2 Slmcoe St.South, second floor, phone Oshawa 5.1 139 OSHAWA, ONT.» PORT HOPE BRANCHt 71 Wal2on St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING a HEATING - OIL BURNERS KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-5651 f t t c d 0 n n f( CI ti ti a p hl h fc ai and one in 194S-. Miss Gayle Bristow, who lias Plreviousl been er»ployed by heDocean Telephone Co., at Millbrook, was home with her xnother, Mrs. Hilliard Bristow, for the weekend, leaving on Sunday for Oshawa where she has obtainied a position in the office of the Unemployment. Insurance Co. Dr. and Mrs. L. Scott, Ternis- kaming, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie, Lindsay, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Emma Cavario. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Harold White on the birth of their daughter Margaret Anne on May 31st. Airman Gordon Wood, Mon- treal, w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wood. Mr. and Mrs. James MeKin- non, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson and sons Ronald and John, visited Mr, and Mrs. John Ahren in Toronto. Mrs. Leonard Merrick and children, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Syer and family, Cavan, %vere guests with Mr. and Mrs. John WVhite. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hughes and Miss Wendy Hughes, To- ronto, with Mrs. Richard Fal- lis. Congratulations Io Miss Hel- en Ward, who graduated as a nurse from the Ottawa Civie Hospital School of Nursing. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward attended the graduation exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall and I daughter Lynda. Whitby, wîth j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson. Rex'. R. R. Bonsteel and Mr. H arry Preston aie atte-iding Ba ' of Quint eConferencce at Port Hope. :WilliaM Bigelow, niedical Public School Annual Concert 0f Instrumental Music In Town Hiall, Wed., June 151 Weddionzs 4 îg !h s.- ,s 'l JAMES- HEPBURN JOZKOSKI FIELDS n- A pretty bouse wedding took Mauve chrysantbemums and p- place on Saturday afternoon,I1 white snapdragons decoratd of May 28, when Margarct Cather- the altars of Holy Cross Romian be ine Hepburn was united ini Catbolic Church, Oshawa, fori marriage with Mr. Wilfred a wedding at 1l o*clock Satur- e James of King City, Ont., for- day morning, May 28, when- ý merly of Yorkshire, England. Helen Marie Fields, daughttr rThe ceremony was performed of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rby - at the home of the bride's par- Fields of Courtice was unitýd Lents, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hep- in marriage with Frances Jôs- - hurn, Enniskillen, by Rev. R. eph Jozkoski son of Mrs. J'as- .H. Riekard. eph Jozkoskj of Oshawa aiid [e Spring flowers decorated the the late Mr. Jozkoski. Rev. m roomns and formed a backgrouîid Phillip Coffev performed t1,e rfor the bridal ceremonv, Mrs. double ring ceremony and Vîd is Wallace Scott played the wed- the nuptial mass. 7- ding music. Miss Jean Kolodziej, A.R . '0 The bride was given in mar- T,. played the wedding music i niage by bier father and wore and accompanied Mrs. Brun~o -a waltz length gown of white Tessaro of Guelph who sanl embroidered nylon over taffe- Hail Holy Queen enthroned -ta. A bandeau fashioned of Above", "Ave Maria". "Panis ,white straw and orange blo,- Angelicus" - and "O God of Isomns was worn on bier hail., Loveliness." d and a wedding corsage of baby Given in marriage by ber a pink roses and stephanotis en- father the bride wore a gown i- hanced the loveliness of bep of snowfrost white Chantilly d wedding gown. lace over satin. Tiny buttons ls Miss Dorotb.v Boyter was Iaccented the slim bodice to the bridesmaid, wearing a waitz sweetbeart neckline . outlinedl length gown* of powder bltie in seed pearîs, and the long i organza with matching mittens sleeves formed points over the and headdress, and corsage of band. The bouffant skirt was nTalisman roses. fashioned with a front panel s A reception followed at theoflewihsdterofac bride's home, bier mother wear-ito tbe back ending in a slîght ing a dcess of black lace over sweep. Her finger tip veil of, pin stininstretlcnth Wîiitulle illusion, worn over the rnatching accessocies and cor- f e a edb a cet sage of pink feather carnations ed %vith lily of the \,alley, and Owing to the distance ofth she cacnied a cascade of white groom~s relatives, Mrs. Lan-ecrsntmms Beath of Toronto received foc Miss Vivian' Lescisin wva tbem with members of the bri- maid of bonor. The other at- dal party. tendants were Mrs. James Rod- For travelling on their wed- dick and Mrs. Frank Downey. ding trip to eastern points_ the Thex- aIl wore identical gowiis bride chose a pale blue suit of white crepe crystallette. The witb white atvccssories and a 'slim bodices featured an off tîi'- top coat of dusky rose. The shoulder neckline accented young couple will reside on with a shîrred band, and the Kingfield Farms, King City 1 bil lowing w altzlethsrs Ontario. were shirred in tiers. Tlicy Prior to bier marriage, the wo re short white gloves. pink bride was the reripient of many bats with wide mushroom., lovely gifts at several misccî - brims, and they carried cas- laneous sbowers. Mrs. Clive cades of Aristocrat pink roses Holbrook and Miss Dorothy and mauve cbrysanthemums. Boyter were hostesses at thie Ther jewellery was a pink former's home, 35 Shaver Ave, choker neeklace with matching Islington, Ont., when about 1 arrns girl friends of tbe bride were Miss Judy Raike, small niecc. in attendance. of the bride, was flo\*er girl, She was also entertained b-V wearing a gown of white crvs- Mrs. Lance Beath at a miscel- tallette designed on lines sin-1 lane .ous sbower. On May 17 1 ilar Io those worn by the sen- Mrs. Ray Smnith was bostess at ior attendants, with which se a shower for the bride wheiî wore a garland of white aid about 20 aunts and cousins pre'- pink. flowers on bier hair and sented lier with many useful carried a basket of mauve gifts. chrysantbemnums and pink roses.. Mr. Henrv Jozkoski was Local Man Fined best man for" bis brother. The nirhers were Mr. Fred Renkie- H ihe Pnaly orwicz and Mr. James Paea High r PealtyFor The reception was beld in lmpaired Driving whniete brid's otr He- A Bomanill mancbagedceived the guests wearing a A Bomanill manchageddress of charcoal and whitîp with driving while bis ability shantung silk, a white bat and was impaired xvas one of the matching accessories. The first to- feel the effect of the bridegroom's mother who as- stiffer penalty for this offence sisted, chose a dress of bloce wbich went into effeet on Mon.- rYnlnse wtlae'- day of iast week. Apaigi cents, a small pink bat and ]Bowmanville Police Court on matcbing accessories. Tbev Tuesday hie was fined $7.5 and both wore corsages of red costs, bis license was automat- roses. Mr. Norman Raike, ically suspended for three brother-in-law of the bride, montbs and bis car impounded was toastmaster at the wedding for the saine period. dinner. Preios t My 3 te1 The newly wedded couple tbree-month suspension of li_ left in the early evening for a cenise and impounding of thetrin to Southport, Conn.. and offender's car xvas not automa- ilas ii te onsi tic asis owthecas. Wenthe New England States. For convicted of drunk driving un-1 travelling the bride donned a der the new regulations, the suit of light blue linen with offender has bis license auto- beaded motifs on the collar, matiallysuspndedfor ix 'hite straw hat, and navy and rnonths and bis car impouindedih bite accessories. On their me- for the samne length of time. turn tbey will reside in Osb- It is also necessary now inaa charges of impaired driv'ing for ____________ Choice Quality - The King of Roasts - lst 5 ribs Prime Rib Roast lb. 53c 4j uRYS. LOVELLS IVS SOMILPLA~CE AND YOU'RE SOM£ r- BABY.' 35~ Sweet Relish 24c PICKLES BEST BUY! THREE FINE SESTlqFOOD»4ý//UYS COFFEES! t Red &whiter~~ Red & White - 2-oz. jar Instant Coffee 59c Early Riser CGFFEE Lb. Pkg. 85C Morning Glory COFFEE Lt. Pkg. 91C Aylmer Halves Choice -15-oz. tin PEACHES 19C Hillsdale '4 slices - 20 oz.tin ]PINEAPPLE 29c Stokelys Fancy - 20 oz. Apple Juive 2 For25v Jewel Shorlening I p M 1] m,. 25c 29C For Salads and Deep Frying - Pint 1MAZOLA OIL [orne Grown - Deliclous for Salads - Firm Heads CABBAGE B: Bi lb. 5c Irighten Your Salads - Sweet and Tender ýreen Top Bunches ?EETS each 5c leat the Heat with Lemonade - Large 126's LEMON*S 4or 19C Daily shiprnents of fresh Tomatoes, Lettuce, Crisp Celery and large varieties of fruits. F 1ROZEN FOODS Birdseye Lemonade Concentrate, 6-oz. - 2 for 39c Birdseye Fancy Peas, 12-oz. 2 for 49c CHEESE TO PLEASE Kraft Swankiswig Cheese, 4 oz. - --2 for 43e (Glass Tumbler) Kraft Sliced theese (ail varieties) 8 oz. ----29e MM Hlealth Aids SReg. size Brorno Seltzer --29c 3-07. size Listerine Antiseptie 33c Large Jar Noxzerna Skin Cream 65e Johnmon's Baby Powder tin 59e Halo Sharnpoo 39c size There's a Red & White Store in your'District: BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVEj Maple Grove Groceteria student at Toronto Y~egi' has gone to the United States for the summer months as a junior intern at Marcey Hospi- tl in Utica, N. Y. Woman's Association There were 14 members present at the June meeting 'f St. Paul's Church Womans Auxiliary held at the home ofi Mrs. Janet Smith, with Mrs. Allan Gribble presiding. Min- utes and correspondence were read by Mrs. R. Jarvis and Miss Winnifred Nesbitt gave the financial report. Mrs. T. S. Gault read the scripture, and a chapter from the study book on Missions in India. Numerotîs articles of fancy work were brought in by members to add to the bazaar sale and plans were made for a fowl supper, Mrs. Gribble, who bas sold ber home at Bethany and will be moving - to Loîndon thiî; month, tendered her resigna- tion as president, which was accepted with real regret. Mrs. T. S. Gault voiced their appre- ciation of ber faithful leader- ship during the past three vears. As there will be no meetings for next two months the miatter of a new president tOn Wednesday, June 15, the Bowmanville Public School will present their annual con- cert of instrumental musir. This year, owing Ito construc- tion operations which are un- der way at the High School, the concert will be held in the Town Hall. This is the third annual concert for the band, which was organized in the sommer of 1952, under the di- rection of Mr. D. C. Peters, supervisor of music. The schools are fortunate in having as their guests artists this year, the Oshawa String Quartette, composed of four accomp]ished young adult mus- was left in abeyance. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. F. S. Gray, Mrs. R. Jarvis and Mrs. SHIRRIFF'S INSTANT PUDDINGS Banded Deal 3 Pkg. 25c Red & White~ - 7 Flavors JELLY POWDERS 3 For 25c Treesweet Concentrateil - 6 oz. tin Lemon Juice 2/25c lVelch'ç New Formula - 16 oz. bot. Grape Juive 23c Brown Bear No. 1. 1-lb. cup Western Hfoney 31c Johnson's Jubilee - 16 oz. bot. WAX 75c Star Brand - 1 lb. Un Chioride of Lime 16c Wizard - 16 oz. tin GLASS WAX 49c ORONO Cornish Groceteria fi; --------------------------- -----.----~- Swift's Premium - The Nation's Favorite Rindless - ½-l.b. pIkg. Side Bacon $TrAYJUMa Keep an eye on that waistline but eat plenty' of healthful foods like salads. This week we are featuring the finest, the crispiest, and most appealing produce that is f resh from the orchards and fields. MAKE SALADS SING WITH THESE TASTY FOODS MIRACLE WHIP - 8-oz. jar Salad Dressing25c PARAMOUNT FANCY RED- Sockeye Salmon 39c CANADA - SPIRIT OR BLENDED - 24-oz. Vine gar 19C FAIR WIND- SOLID - LIGHT - -z Tuna Fish 3 CLOVER LEAF (SMALL) - 5-oz. Fancy Shrimps 41c SPEE - 6-z. Ja BEST BUY! Rose Brand Sweet Mixed - 16 oz. jar BEST BUT Old South - 48-oz. tin Grapefruit Juice 2.5c BEST BUY! Libby's - In Toniato Sauce - 15-oz. Spaghetti 2 for 25c icians. Mr. Klemi Hambourg w-ho bas been popular with «iu- diences here, plays first 'violin. Mr. Hambourg is instrucetor of string instruments in the Osh- -awa public schools. Other members of the Quar- tteaeCharles Eder, second viln ohn Drewniak, violn cello; and Michael Kupnicki. viola. Mr. Drewniak is a for- mer member of the CBC Or- chestra, Toronto. The Quar- tette bas been playing toge- ther for a year and bas beeîi received verv favorably in ils public appearances. Formation of a string quar- tette is a noteworthy achieve- ment for Oshawa, and as ail the great composers wrote composi- tions for that form of chamber music, those who attend on June 15 can look forward to WAUIAD Carl Smith. hearing some fine musir, well performed.' This will also be an inspiration to the young musicians in the band and or- chestra. The string section of the Bowmanville Public School music program was begun a littie over a year ago. The or- chestra made its debut at 13,-t year's concert in June. This year there are 14 violin pupilS and interest is very keon. Most of tbem are too young antlimir- mature to join in witb the oild- er band at present, but they are making good progress. A silver collection will be taken at the concert which be- gins at 8.15 in the Town Hall. It is hoped a large crowd %vil turn out to encourage tCie young musicians. CASH for REPAIRS E DlHITE.. Foe- D - m Freshly Ground1 Lean Minced Beef lb. 29c Swift's Brookfield - (Loose) Pure Pork Sausage lb. 43c Swift's Premiurn - A Tasty Treat Dutch Lunch Salamilb 1. 59C m 1 0 IWMDAT, MME §th, 1053 TM CAXAnTAW oNuffliLuýrp% N 35C 24C 35C

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