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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1955, p. 15

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?HIYJSDAY, Jt7N~E tih. 1955 M.Sm '...ZI.WL ET ATLESNAI'I, UVWMAi'NVffLLK, OZTAEXO P6UTF~ Ckssofied Ads P C=é1s of Thankcs1 COMING EVENS IN bMMRA E. I ou Mr'. and Mrs. L. Hiderley, 141 Cartwright District L.O.L. will CHAMBERS-In loving memory yo King St. W., Bowmanville, wish hold a meeting in Tyrone, June of a dear husband, father and tri to tbank friends and neighbours 13, 8:30 p.m. Special speakers. son, Donald David, who passed m« for their lovely gifts and cards. Ail L.OL. members welcome. away suddeniy, June 13, 1954. - and the lady helpers that made 231 We littie knew when we woke R) Our' Wedding anniversary a suc that morn er. ceun. 231 Mapie Grove W.M.S. ladies The sorrow the day would cil wil hold a home baking sale bring, Elq In the recent loss of a dear on Thursday, June 3th, at 2:30 For the eall was sudden, the Ph -fliother 1 would like ta thank p.m., in the Hydro Shop. 23-1* shock severe neighbors of Elgin St. who To part with one we loved so met baking and lovely flaw- Don't forget Mapie Grave' er . ers, also the nurses for the Anniversary an Sunday, June Smts i' d t ndr Iovely otted pants. 9th and Wednesday, June 22nd. Whsmehighaet e Mrs. Maurice Prout. Full particulars next week. But in his wisdom God las 23-1* l23-1 pind We wauld like ta thank Dr.!i Homne bake sale at Hydro Shop Btndar oert se Rubrnurses and staff atadMcut'anFiyJe God gave us strength ta fightt anHubbardn riay Jne1Andhcourage ta bear the blow, Mdemorial Hospital, F. F. Marris j 7th fram 2 - 4 p.m., sponsored But wht it cost ta lose yau - ambulaQce, doctors. nurses and1 by Bawmanviile Skating Club. No one wili ever know; staff at eick C hildren's Hospital,'2- Sdyadlvni eebr Bis al~ tosefrindswho50ed by his wife, children, Mom, kindly helped in any wav, for! Plan ta attend Yelverton Dad and famiiy. 23-1 HAsî kind enquiries, cards and giftsi Garderi Party on Friday, June 1 oh sentaaccidncnnectian w thh W~play 'Getting Billy's LARGE-ln ioving memary of jmai her eccie n i ii. Goat." Admission, 85e and 35c. ur mother, Maude M. Large, - 23-1! 23-1 who passed away June 10, 1952. Dear mother, you are not for- 1 I wish ta express my sincere' LOL. and L.O.B.A. Tyrone gotten thanks ta Dr. Keith Siemon. Dr~. Annuai Church Parade and Though on earth you are na BR] Harold Siemnon, nuises and staff Service, Junq 12, 10:30 a.m. more, of Memorial Hospitai. Bowman- Priends and ihembers weicome. Stili in memnory you are with us, ville; ail the special nurses and 23-1 As you always were befure 1 ail my kind friends and neighi- -Alwavs remembered by Eileen,1 bours for cards, flowers and Reserve Friday, June 17 at 'Elsie, Fera, Joyce, Lois, Helen 1 good wishes and a special thaak 8 p.n, for recital,,of dancing by land Shirley. 23-11I you ta Mrs. Orville Hindman local students of Irene Harvey OTRI ovn eoyo and Rev. Father MalanIle. iu Town Hall. Admission, 25e.,PRE-yoin eoyo Mrs. A. Payrie. 23-2 a dear brother, Joseph Porter, PL 2 3-i1 who passed awa, June 5th, 1954. tak Datice to the music of Bi'vce Tlli ur memory fades and life M Janie Swier wishes to hn Browns Sevenaires Orchestra, departs, everyone who has been so kind Friday, June lth. in Sauina You'Il iIe forever in our hearts. 2C durlng lier iilness both at home Commnunity Hall. Prizes. Hall, -Ever remembered by sisters, Flic and at the Sick Chilclren's Hos- air-coniditiolied. Sponsored by Hilda, Fanny and Martha. 23-1 pital. She appreciates the cails, Solina Football Club. 22-2ý flawers, cards and gifts fromi STRONG-In loving memary of bath grown people and girls and' Pontypool anniversary service a dear wife, mother and grand- boys. She wishes especially ta June «19, 7:30 p.m. Speaker, mother, Effie Vera, who passed thank Dr. Witzei, Rev. A. Rev. Hancock of Hamilton. away, June 13, 1952. Scliaap C. ofisher villand Speciai music. Strawberry social Today recalis sad memaries s 1 Rev.e.CFihro Newcastle Tuesdav, June 21, sponsored byl 0f a dear mather gane ta rest, for their cails. 23-1, the W.A. Good pragram. Ad-i And the anes who think af lher mission $ 1.00, 50c. Everyane' taday FaI We wish ta extend aur heart- welcome. 23-1 Are the ones wha loved her 3 fit thanks and appreciation for; best. the acts of kindness, messages of, Opening of Cedar Park, June Oft we think af yau dear mother sympathy and beautiful floral Il th and I 2th, l1,ý miles narth- I And aur hearts are filled with Iror offerings receîved from neigh- east of Hampton, with one of pain; bars, relatives and many friends. the largest and deepest pools ta Oh, this earth wauid le a heaven Co also thankinig Dr. H. Ferguson, dive in. Bathing free on open- Cudw eryu oc Mrs. H. Symthe, and Rev. A. G. ing dates. F. J. Clemens, pro- Coldwa haryurvac Scott for lis conspling words and prietor. 23-2 Tliree years have swiftly passed heip in aur sad bereaveme nt of away a laving wife and mother. Newtanville Circuit, including But stili we don't forget Mr. R. Franklin and familv. Kendal, Shilah and Newtanville For in the hearts that ioved yau 23-1 will have a parsanage tea on lest Phor i Thursday. June 16. 1955, at the Yaur memary lingers yet. P.O. The family of the late Mrs. parsanage in Newtonviiie. Tea -Always rememlered ly lus- John Shackelton would like ta. will be served in the afternoon band, sons, daughters and - express their sineere thanks fromn 2:30 ta 4:30 p.m., evening granddhildren. 23-1* L and appreciation toalal the won- 7:30 p.m. ta 9:30 p.m. Everyone derful neigibours and friends' is welcame. Tea, 25c. 23-1 THOMPSON-In loving memorv W ho constantly gave a helping io e r m t e , A n e M u i hand, also for messages of sym-i Plan ta enijoy the annual Pi To ader o ther, Aaeaud L pathy and leautiful floral irnb- nie of the Durham Federation of June 1, 1953. utes. Special thanks ta Dr. H. Agriculture at 5:30 p.m. on Wed- Twa years have passed away 1 Ferguson, Dr. Sturgis, staff of nesday, June 15 at the farm of andi gone, .1 Oshawa. Hospital, her speciali Mel Staples, just sauti of Orono Siace one we loveci 50 weli nurses, Mrs. R. Dilling, Mrs. T.l on Highway 35. A speaker will Wstknfo u oeo Buttery, Mrs. R. Davies and her 1autline the Tree Farm Move- earth ~nurse, Mrs. Lizzie Patterson:! ment and some approved Wood- With Jesus Christ ta dwell. P also Rev. T. A. Morgan for hiis lots will le inspected and cert- The fiawers we place upon her consoling words and help d uring ified. Program aiso includes a grave Phai the illness and death of a loving visit ta the Orono. Forest Sta. May wither and decay, wife and mother. tion. Bring your own food for But the love for her who sleeps John Shackelton and family. the pienie supper. Everyone leneath 23-1* welcome. 23-1 Shall neyer fade away. S-L avingly remembereci ly her twa daughters, Olive and Ferne, and their husbands. 23-1* T DR& RECEPTION C_______NT__ KedlSunday Sehool An- nîversary, Sunday, June 12th, at A reception wvilI be held by 2:30 p.m. Rev. F. J. Reed of T Hampton, guest speaker. Chul- T dren's Choir directed by Mrs. PORI JOHN 00 TEWesteuse.__ 23-1 JOHN OOTE admus Sunday Sehool An- Services at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 Ii Your Progressive Conservative Candidate p.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Mil- foII~~ ig th eletionton Sandensan, B.A., B.D., ofN folloving he elctionToronto. Music in the mornîng N ly the Sunday School. Music in the evening by Blackstock ini the Choir. Garden party and bazaan, Le( Friday. June 17. Supper will be served from 5:30> p.m. until Thr ah are satisfied. Concert at initial O dd Fellows Hall, O rono 1800p.n. A 3-aetcomd la h Tlornton's Corners Commujnity an Corne ln and choose iust the right .gift for Dad theiri Anew line of beautiful Billfolds in leather- agreed priced at------$1.50, $2.75, $3.75 and up make Key Cases, Utility' Cases, Writing Cases, Boxed n% Stationery, Playing- Cards, Fountain Pens, Bal ne Point Pens, the new Fhîid Lead Pencils. olw Irish Linen Handkerchiefs at3 for $1.00 Jumnbo sized Cups and Saucers ______________ Wlie and . . . just the riglit Card to express your , staff t sentiments by Coutts or Rust Craft De d So good-b, Removed fl igheat prices paid for- DII ead, OIc! and Crippled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787P NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 13-tf Local and Long Distance MOVING censed and Fully Insured Also GENERAL TRUCKING V. CLASS "C", 'TFy and "éH" Contact Iresion Transport ne MA 3-2493 Bowmanvllle BULLDOZING EXCAVATING GLINE - CLAM WORK Aften a long iilness patientiy Trucks and Loader for and caurageously bonne, Mrs. Gravel and Fi Jobs John Shaekelton passed ta rest FREE ESTLMATES at lier lame, 118 Clunch St., B owmanville, an May 24, 1955. 7ripp Conslrucion Sh~e was in lier 63rd year.t LT PERRY 392W year, Mrs. Shackeiton entered 32tt Oshawa Genenal Hospital for treatinent last October and later returniecita lier home tiateThreewhere she passed away. The w Members o help lian farnily on ta the g ,ux J, ornea Bnkeonio Mary Agnes Rahme waà ter ofthic t Robert Rahnie andi Martha Brawn. The family rea new members were hiveci at Hampton, Enniskillen ated -into mambership la and Zion, where the deceaseci Ladies Auxiliary - of the made many worthy and staunch nanvilie Branci of tie fricnds, who have shown thein idan Legion at the regu- ioyahty and love during lier neeting hld' on Monday long andi tiring illness. h t. President Florence1 Mrs. Shaekelton was a faitl- rt and Sergeant-at-Arms fui l elro i cu ton condueted the cere- Mothers Association, Women's ywhich acideci Comnades Hospital Auxilîary, Women's eMurdoch, Nyhl Sheeia-i Missionany Society, Women's Dorothy Johnson ta tie Institute, and a n-iember of Iiary memlersiip. TWO Trinity UnitedCi Cunch. Her applications were fayor- leadershjp and abiiity ta go receiveci.1 ahead and do what needed ta nvenors of committees le done ia cach organization banquets gave their re- wilil e long reniembereci. and annouaceci substan- Eveny minute of lier fuma was profits on vaniaus events. spent in 'doing,"' every minute thankec al] the coin- acaunted for ta some purpose.j who had helpeci with Mrs. Shaekelton loved and 1 affairs. enjayed - leing careladY Of ýsideat Kaiglit remiaded Trinity United Churci for fhie bers of Decoration Day, past 12 years. Working in and 19. The Auxiliary nmeii onrlber church vas a pleasune.! will forin thc Guard of Her minister, Rev. T. A. Mar- inr at the caremonv as in, gan, paid fine trilute ta Mrsj past. The Auxiliary mem- Shackelton whilc conductingi aiso eceeivcd an invi t. tie funeral service,,. whieh was- to attend the Légion Dis- heici on May 27 in Trinitv "FF' Drumhead Service in Unitedi Church. i by on June 26 along with Palileaners were aid friands Legion niembers. and neiglibors: Messrs Bentý * Axilarymemensd-~ IBillett, Hampton; Bert Stepi- ta visit iagana Falîs on?-ens, Hampton; Fred Cameron, annul sipt aaaFls yon: Zion; Rupert Byers, Charles Connade u p i r ' Joins, Alfredi Dewell, ah 0of Cad tamhr chreVtcbs n Bowmaaville. Taterment was Slîst of members plan-, Among the many leaufiful ton o. ased iaafloral tributes were those Of moalon Jak ledpurhasedarEl gin Street Neigibors, Off ie- Unio Jak b purhas.lai Board of Trinity Unitedi nijyalle lunch was served Chc, Empioyees of Towri ving the meeting. of Bowmanville, Eaniskillen, Community, Church Street No Tpu GvenNeigîbors, Wellington Street n a an lave a HtelNeigihbors, Corporation of ticl enaem ancis with aIl tic Town of Bowmanvilie, Scout yhke a of lidding the1 Mathers Association, Women's bye le bi Adniahrn 1Institute, Oshawa Dairy Em- tae gie away witîot gi pioyees, aGeneral Mators of ! t ge awy wthot gv-Canada, a welI as those fronm ip5. other friends and neigibors. Left ta moura 1ier loss are lier husbanci, John Slackeitoa; three sans, Eiwood, Bowman- ville, Douglas, Oshawa, and ,eihof Bowmanviile; and ane 1 daugifer, Vera (Mrs. Maurice iProut) of Bowmanville; also you s cght grandcilidren. CANNOT SUY A cliaeagre s BUTIE GASOLINEé To ciiaeagre st wvalk with God.--Christian Ba- Vce. TIe name chosen for our Club iSaiina's Willing Weeders. A hesson was given on trans- pianting and tiinning vegetabhes andi fiowers by aur Leader Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees. A taik an foodi value af vege- tables was given ly aur Assis- tant Leader Mrs. Murray Vice. Our lunch consisfed af cookeci asparagus, green onions andi radisias from Mrs. Murray Vice's garden. We girls lelpeci ta pre- pane vegetalles. Nexf meeting will le on July 8ti af fhe lame ai Mrs. Harvey Yeiiowhees. OBITUARY MRS. JOHN SHACKELTri ne seps on the soutn stUc oh fie building. He icît fiat 50 new feef af cavesfraughing shoulci le insfallaci, but fhe i'c- nmainder coulci le repaireci and painteci. Coun. Higgoa repart- ed fiat some ai tic gaivanizaci iran on fie tower wiil have fa be replaceci. One aifie town emnpioyees will le put fa work oný, washing the windows, he Buy Pipe for Signo Chairman Tom Reider ofthfe Police Com-mittee reporteci fIat le coulci obtain new black pip- ing for fie new streef sigas ut a cast ai 40e per foot. His coiyitfce will have fiese painted and fihieci wifi con- crete befone tIc sigas are mounted on fIat, le saici. Ris motion fiat 1,500 feet ai black Pipe le punciaseci at this price was passed. He stateci fiat lis committee xvouhd meef la fie near future on fie matter of liccnsing pub- lic halls, Ia answer fa a ques- tion ly Reave Sidney Litlle about progrcss on fie stop light aftih corner ai Liberty St. and King Sf. W., le report- cd that quatations lad been oltaîneci on a centra-mounfed ligit, but ha lad learnaci fis type af ligit is no langer legal. Two corner stop ligîts hava been orderaci, le saici. Mayor Osborne raportaci fiat a proparty owner in fown las requested flat a new tance le but between his properfy andi town proparty. Coun. John Regan believeci fIat fia fawn wouid bc panfly responsible for the cost ai anacfing suci a tance. On motion ai Can. Higgoa, tic clark was insfrucf- cd fo take fis matter up with thc town sfliitor. A latter was racaivcd front the United Counties stafing fiat if wouid pay on-a-l hie eost ai indigent patients freat- cd la rast homes la fIe area, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto, spent the weekend with lis matler, Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. Mrs. A. C. Perry, Toronto, spent fhe weekend with friends here. Misses Gwendolyn and Jacq- ueline Hils, Toronto, speatthfe weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Huis. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William- son, Miss Mary Keith, Toronto; Mr. Louis Williamson, Mrs. Ahf Mitchell, Miss Leona Mitchell, Ponfypool; Mr. and Mrs. Offa Wiihiamson, Peterboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Samt Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Ahian Parker, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Goodman andi Louise. Mrs. Charlotte Steplens lu spendiag two weeks with 1er son, Ivan, andi Mrs. Stephenson, JToronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Hills at- i tended the Belîman - Ondron- vcik wedding at Ridgetown, an jSaturday, May 28t1. JMiss Florence Werry spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Rowaa, Bethany. Mrs. W. W. Horn visifed friends at Part Hope on Tues- day. Mrs. G. D. Empey and girls, Highland Creek, called an friencis an Saturday evening. Miss N. Horn visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. R. Reynolds, Toronto, with Miss L. Reynolds. Mrs. Russell Luke. Oshawa, at Earl Luke's. Sympatly is extended ta Mrs. S. G. Nîddery in fie deafh of lier sister, Mrs. H. Raînt of Burketon; alsa, ta Mrs. Lamne Bradley in fie deati of her mother ln Saskatchewan. Rev. F. J. Reed and W. W. Horn are attend ing Bay of Quinte Conference of fhe United Church at Port Hope, this week. Repc&sproviding fhe rates were not higlier than hospital rates. A&DIO and televWsin repaira. r n t S u d ych o Town Cauncil had asked for a 1rompt service. Pick up and ( ib ralnferondtient at ishen t [livery. Lorne Dareen. 8 K rasservesn atenswhn ~LJHospital fa a private resi [OOVER service man will le et home, where casts of carnS ur store every Thursday. Brlng Trinitv Unitedi Church Sun- of Mr. Arthur Coflisan, organist for tliem are lower. ours ia or Phone Hlggan Elec- day Schooî Anniversary and and chlrmaster.1 Reeve Littfie stated fIat flie ic Limifed, 38 King St. E.. Bow Flower Sunday was observed et In lis message ta theccîildren, j haspital would appreclate co- ianville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf the morning service on June 5 Mr. Morgan dcveioped.the theme opration fram town couaicil in Iwith ali chilcirea of the Sunday of "Growing" by., a number of getting indigent patients out 'EPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- ISchool and fleir teachers af- camparisons, which were fitting- aofIte hospitai an d into a resf retors, domestic and cammer-! tcading. Rev. T. A. Morganj ly ilustrated with seeds, leaves, home. al-, milking coahers. Hnggon; coaducted thc service and ad- etc. He likeneci the pofential- TIe auditor's report for 1954 ectrie Limlted, 42 King St. E.! dressed ls message on "Grow-I ities of a chilci ta a seed pianted was received by council and hone MA 3-5438. 25-tf ing," especîally fa thc chilciren. la tie grounci. First of ahi, le Mayor Osborne suggested fIat IMembeit of fhe Junior, Inter- said, we have ta realize fIat members sîould study it as !AT H II~'IRNG mediate and Senior Chairs en- wiaf we are to-day was determ- there Is consideralle 'linterest- VATCH REPA RINGtered tiechcurch in processianal. ined by what we sfarted out ing reading" in if. Sunday Selool members pro- witl - that is, we are a boy or at ceeded I ronithtI back of tic a gii', and we may le very MA R' curh n hesaeway and de- ciever, or just average. "In WEDDIJi NLi M A R Sposited flowers in a large cross otlier words, you dan'f get h0ly JEIVELLER! af evergreen on the altar. Bas- 1 hacks from poppy seeds," Mr KELLY - OTT King St. W., ]Phone MA 3-5463;ý kefs of fliwcrs alsa decorated Morgan fold the chldren. BOIV1 theE i lpatffan around fhe pulpit Thcermots we put ouf are our Many ouf of town guesfs at- BOWMANILLE making a beautiful and ap- relationships at home, wifl aur tended the mariage in Victoria 1_fprapniate sefting for Flawer dhurci, sehool and community. Park Unitedi Churci éf Miss Ai- V/ok W nte Suday. Tliey hlip us ta graw strong sa berta Edytie Off, daugîter af _____________________ Mn. W. fosIrk, udytat we can withsfaad fie sf art Mr. andi Mrs. F. Vernon Off, Sehool Supeninteadent, who is andi stress of life. Aiso, plants Toronto, fa Mr. Haroldi Ralph AND and power lawn mower retining froin fils posf af ter 29 1 produce many useful produets.1 Kelly, son of Mn. and Mrs. Hugi arpening andi repairs. Gardon: years, gave an impressiye mes-'1 Simiiarhy, as children graw up, 1 Kelly of Bowmanville, an Sat- offatf, 141 Liberty St. N., Bow- i'saga ta tic congregafion on flic i thev are able ta give back ta fhe urday, May 28. Rev. Donald E. anvilie. 19-8* imiportant work aofite Sunida ' i community some of fie fiings Tansley officiated. Sehool. The tnibute aofie con- 1 tliey have taken fromin i, and Given ln marriage by lier tath- asory onsruciongragation fa Mr. Stnike for 113 I non-productive p e o p 1 c, like er, fie bride was gowned la lasony Costrufionfaithtul andi fruifful efforts o- weeds, arc neyer fao weicome white embroidered Swiss or- ICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE, beaal of tic Sunday School took I among their fcllows, fie min- gandie over white taffeta, waltz Free Estimates the forn af a mnantel dlock, pra- ister poînteci ouf. lcngth, fhe loag-sleeved bodice secite(i to hirm durng thfe sarv'ce. iMn. Morgan also advised boys finisheci wifi a Peter Pan cal- A ER B S. A ful report of tfie presenitatioii and * girls ta adapt theinselves ta I1arn Her finger-fip veil feul AvIi e founci eiscwhere ln thus thein cincuinstances la life, as frn rown edged witi seed MIA 3-21~73 or MA 3-3375 isue plants adapfticinmselves fa peanis, and she carrieci a white 12-ff The Seni*or Choir sang fha 1 yaniaus climates. Fiahy, flow- Bible witl carnations and steph- antherm, "O Gad Our Ielp i n es fura their faces ta the sun, anofis streamers. A. E . C O L E Ages Past" aad fie Junior Chair; le said. Just sa shouid ci-I Her attendants were Miss sang. 'Beautiful Saviaun." A' dnen's faces le turnaci toward! Dorofliy JoIns af Bowmanviile, LUMB.ING Ar HEATING double trio was featuned in fhe I flir sua. xvlo is God, froi maici-of-honour; Misses Wllla Authorized Iatanniediate Choir numban, "'Tis xvhom tley draw sfrcngth andi Simpson of Torant o, Lenore [r-Sun and Lenuiox Dealer RollingIna". Tic double trio baauty as flowers do fromn fie ISoufhwood of Branford and Ontni St Bwmavilewas camposeci of Canal Plum- sua. Beti Armstrong af Batawa, Ontaio i. owmavile mer, Diane Austin, Norma Dale, Tic entire service was mcm- junior bridesmaid. The senior ,e Night or Day MA 3-3473 Beverly Cowling, Eleanon Os-' arable and i ipressive andi was attendants wore dresses af orchid - _______ borne and Paf Hockiii. Ahi attended by a lange congrega- nylon marquisette aven taffeta, chairs wera unden fie direction 1 tioli. styleci hike fIe brida's, and car- SAVE MONEY AT -nîed nosegays ai yeliow and DAVE'Swhite carnations ta match thein DAVE' ump bandeaux. The junior brides- EIE EPIRSolina 4-Hi Town Dum majd xvas in yellow, wlti a H 0 E EPAIRmauvean whit e nosegay and si, romi Sevic Gar en lub(Continve romai Page One) matching bandeau. ist Prmp Sevic G rde Clib andi Reeva Sidney Little pro- A maie quartet sang "The misci a ookina ts affr.Lord's Prayer and "'11 Walk rEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) Soina-The second meeting ai Couni. Higgon reportaci thaf Bsitde ouf the urid' te on 23-tf fie Sauina 4H Garden Club was tic fowa lot on Ontario St.sised Otorofntc;bIdeas brother, heici at fie home ai aur Assistant nanti ai Bill Muffon's lame RTe Of, oto; IanWoleye Your Spring Requirements Leader Mrs. Munray Vice. TIare had been soid. Tenders lave Roley Coombes and Klennt NC'RTEinD MASNRY een girls present. Tic been receiveci for painting fie Mn. Kennefi Kelly ai Bow- :)NCRTE AN MASORY metingapaneci by fie nepeafing axterior oifite Town Hall but avlewsbtmnadth ~~~ofie 4 H piccige in unison. Rail1îaa'e not bcen consiciereci yet.mavle asetmnadfI >ÂirucLral Repaiurs eaul was answered by naming a One tender for eetiga tire ushers were Keith Shackleton, For Estimates Cail vegefale ia aur gardens which ercp nt e chsd fi th Bowmanvlle, and Douglas Arm- is ready fa le fiinned. Rohl cail ecp nfesofieo i strong ai Batawa. L . T RN R for aur ncxf meeting is ta le building la: been rec:ived, he Tic reception was at Varicty L TU NE R onevegefaîle I laye senveci statedl, andi le is waiting for Inn. Affen a motor trip, fie ae Res. MA 3-3718 evenings since aur last meeting and how ben cîer. Teforosfueungytcul will live la Bowmanville. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE I served iti. be aldfrcntut Mon. - Tues. - Wed.iy Junb 13, 14, 15 (Market and Buyers Week at Rayal York Hotel, Toronto) MW Head into a Summer; of. fun Head Into summer wth pride. Get your hair set for fun, now, with. a smart p.,rrançtt wave or a lovely aew setting. Corne in today! Raby 's I Bèauty Salon ZOO King St. E. MA 3-3408 Carveth Motors Ford & Monarch Sales& Used Cars and Trucks Heater and radio 1953. NERCURY 4-door »- Heater, radio, signal Iights m - m 0 $1,895.0 Hfeater 1953 CHE VIOLET 3/4-Ion PICKUP w n e l Heater, radio 1952 STUDEDAKER CHAMPION 4-door 1#150.00- Overdrive 1951 Ford STATION WAGON Cauulomline 1,095.00 Heater 1,875.00 m 1,050.00 1950 METEOR 4-door 'm - Heater, radio, overdrive, extras 1946 STUDEDAKEE 'k2-Ion PICKUP 325.00 10 -~r-~~ 'k - - - t I A , )t S. a it t t t Men's Wear New Hours For Barber Shops In Effect Nov; The barber sops ln Boy- manville now lave new hou.-3 ta go aiang witl the inreasel prices which went into effect the first of the month. At Monday night's meeting of Town Council a by-law %vas passed outining fhe new clos- ing liaurs. From June 1 ta Augusf 31 fhe barber slaps will close atil day Wednesday, except on- Wednesdays preceding a lo:li. day wen tley wil open froin 8 a.m. until 12 naon. They WVihl e open, for exampl, on the Wednesday moring prcedig tie July i holiday. On Mondays and Tuesdays3 tley will le open from 8 a.mi. fa 6 p.m. On Thursdays andi Saturdays tley will. be opea fromn 8 a.m. fa 7 p.rn. andi cixà Fridays front 8 a.m. ta 9 pni. A by-lawv was aso passuci appointing Douglas Rigg as Recreation Directon of tIiý Town of Bowmaavillc effctiv,ý June 1sf Service i q9m 08AVAMAW i HAMPTON 1954 METEOR 4-door 1953 FORD 2-door 1952 PONTIAC 4-door 1,250.00 1 nq; nn

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