PAGENaSKTEE -- Mt3AEMUAN. Lg. WMANfl.I YJ.&E.OÂNTAM ___________________________ ?VSAY U!t.15 ~!AVWA amu~.a~ ~ a* - -top- n--- £- 1 Aticles Fol Sale 1I ArticlesFv Fôr IP i.urn Page for Addllional Classifi BIRTH WIDDECOMBE-Bill and H Widdecombe (nee Rogers), to announce the birth of t son William Richard, on1 12, 1955, at Memorial Hosp Bowmanvile. 2 ENGAGEMENT Mrs. J. Moreben of Birkenh( ]England, wishes to announce engagement of ber daugl Patricia, to John Longir formerly of Bowmanville. wedding will take place in Paul's Cburch at 2:30 p.m. July 2nd, and the receptioni be held at the borne of Mr.î Mrs. J. Darch, of Liberty Str Bowmanville. 23 DEATHS ied !elen wish their May pital, iead, athe ffter man, The iSt.2 on1 willn andp reet, RAHM, Ameia-At Burketon on Wednesday, June lst, 1955, Amelia Rahm, beloved wife o! the late William Harry Rahm, in ber 85th year. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowman- ville. Service was held Satur- day, June 4th, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Bethesda Cernetemy. 23-1 WVATKINS, George Wesley-On Friday, June 3, 1955, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Toronto, George Wesley Watkins, lu bis 59th year, beloved husband o! Jane Singer, 393 St. Claen's Ave.; dear brother o! Edward, ,Albert, Joseph, Charles, Harold and Gertrude (Mrs. H. Cross, Belleville). Rested at the Earle Elliott Funeral Home, 715 Dov- ecourt Rd. M.ýrnoriaI service was conducted in the chapel by Rev. C. H. Way, Monday, at 2 p.m. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. 23-1 Reception Mvr. and Mrs. F. B. Why Orono, Ont., will be at home their friends on Tuesday, Ju 14, 1955, fromn 2:30 to 4:30 o'clc Jn the afternoon and frorn 7:30 9:30 o'clock in the evening the occasion of their 5th we ding anniversary. 23- Notices to me îck to on The office o! Keith A. Billett, Optometrist, will be closed from June 19 to July 4. 23-2* We are now maîîufacturing cernent blocks, botb interlocking and standard, and would be lileased to serve you with a good Product at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phobe 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf Dr. E. D. Hubbard bas moved to the late Dr. Birks' residence at 132 Wellington St. Office boums are 2 to 4:30 p.m. every afternoon except Wednesday and Sunday, and 7 to 9 p.m. Tues-. day and Tbursdav evenings. Dr. Hubbard's telephone number re- mains the sarne, MA 3-5910. 23-2 CAL L 3-3330 OR 3-3752 FOR ELECTIOIN DATA TRANSPORTATION TO POLLS BE SURE YOU VOTE rnip ONE gray Lloyd baby car Phone MA 3-5887. ICEBOX, 50-lb. capacity. Pl MA 3-3289.2 ONE DeLaval magnetic mi] Clarke 2934. JOHNSON outboard, 21 ½ good condition. Phone M.É 5476. SINGLE cabin, 8x10, wired, box 75 IL capacity. J. R. 1 caîf. Phone MA 3-2439. 2 THREE oil space heaters coal annex. Phone MA 3-3 Z KITCHEN range, coal and wý good condition. Phone MA 2695. TWO acres of standing1 mostîy timothy and clover. T, Phone MA 3-5496. 2ý QUANTITY of buckwheat. Ti Phone Orono 12 r 4. R. Sir COCKSHUTT bayloader, in gý repair. A. E. Morton. Ph, Orono 1416. 2 I J BOY'S C. C. M. tbree-spi bicycle, good condition, che 35 Temperance St.2 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 1J. bz deîivered ini Bowmanvjlle. Ph( MA 3-2473. 31 LLOYD baby carniage, yell trirnred with grey, excel condition, latest model. PhN MA 3-3393. 2 VENETIAN blinds-Newest Eý ours with plastic tapes. measure and instaîl. Morris Phone MA 3-5480. 6 MEDIUM size joycycle ai man's standard bicycle. Bo C.C.M. Apply George Crowt er. Phone 2441, Newcastle. 23 STRAWBERRIES for sale. A ply Mrs. M. Olesen, R.R. 1, Bei manville. Phone MA 3-29 after 5 i.m. 23 EMPIRE tractor with ahI im- plements. Sacrifice, owner mov- ing away. Phone MA 3-2746. 23-1 A PILE o! dry lumber, spruce, abmot 3,000 ft. P1"ondB2ac4- abum 300l.Pokaddr , nd 2"x4" stock 14 r 23. 23-1 SAVE on lumber, direct fmomn mill te you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rl11. 13-tf 12 ACRES o! standing med clov- er and alfalfa hay. Fred G. Smith, Tyrone. Orono 12 - 8. 23-1 * BLONDE bedroom, suite, bcd, springs and mattress, chiffonier, dressing table and bench. Phone MA 3-2764. 23-1 KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hlard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. . 46-tf 18 ACRES o! standing alfalfa hay, cheap for quick rernoval. Murray Malcolm, Nestleton. Phone Blackstock 64 r 11. 23-1* TWO used electrie ranges, $40 each, at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 23-1 TYPE WRITERS, adding ma- chines, new and used, for sale or ment; also Cole steel filing cabinets, office furniture. Walter F'rank, MArket 3-2403. 204* C~OMVPARE this! Brand new 8.1 cubic foot refrigerator.f Across-the-top freezer, nylon ice 1 cube dividers, f ive year guaran- tee, only $239.00 at Television J Service Co., 33 King St. West.2 Phone Bowrnanvilhe MA 3-3883. - 23-1 ALSCO 12 iage. 23-1 'hone ilkem. 22-2 A~ 3- 23-1 1ice c 3-1 * and 137.1 rood, ý %ý 3 -3 23-1 hay,v 'ele- ele-2 :ood ione r )eedS eap. C 23-1 f - ft ýags, VI Lone 1-tf1 low SE lent b ,oe E' 3-1 B 'We Co. i-tf and ýoth rth- ý3-1 'W. 932 ALUMINUM DOORS WINDOWS and AWNINGS Now Available la BOWMANVILLE Cali MA 3-3871I LORNE ALLIN 21-3 McKee &- - -- - W& JUIV BOY'S bicycle, i good condit 72 Elgin St. 2- STACK of wheat stmaw. PI MA 3-2985. DO your own floors - re sander or a floor polisher fr Lander Hardware, 7 King St. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5, ONE Harvie Berg tomato dusi one Love lift pipe doubled two DeLaval magnetie milI units. Phone Newcastle 21C TWO used wasbing machir excellent condition, $40 each, Higgon Electric Limited, 38 EJ St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 3-5438. 2 INSULATION, blowîng meth with rock wool. Workmansl guaranteed. Free estimat Harry L. Wade. Phone Clar 2420. 39 DOUBLE casernent window, ea 26"x26" with storm windo, and screens, also electric dinir room fixture. Phone MA 5403. 234 SPECIAL-One only new2 console model television. Trar former chassis, guaranteedo full year. Price $299.00 at Tel vision Service Co., 33 King1 West. Phone MA 3-3883. 23 HEARING aid service, testi service and complete stock batteries and cords at Higgi Electric Limited, 38 King St.1 Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-54' PRINTS o! photos o! pub events appearing in this par litaken by Carson Studio may obtained for $1,00 on 8x10 in 1glossy prints. Carson Stud Port Hope. 48. SPACE heater, oil, 52,000 B.T:1 Norgç, complete with insi tank and draft regulator. 'W heat 4 or 5 room cottage; ide for summer cottage. Reaso able. Phone MA 3-5445. 23- AFRICAN violets, ahl varieti some beautiful doubles 75e ai up. Sweet red pepper plants, 2 box. Mms. C. E. Abrams, foot Cburch St., near Vincent Mass( School, Bowmanvlle. 23 DINING-ROOM table, Que( Anne design, wîtb asbestos co, ering and extension leaves; dining-room. chairs, ahi in beau iful condition; one copper tu Beatty washing machine. Be offer. Phone MA 3-3844. 23-1 DISTRIBUTOR for bemmy boxe crates, six-quart baskets, bushi hampers. etc., for Oakville Woc Specialties Ltd. Durham Grom ers Co-operative Cold Storagi Newcastle. Phone Newcasti 2121. 23- NEW Continental beds $39.50 ul chrome ,kitchen sets $59.50; ' piece bedroom suites $79.50;2 piece cbesterfield $149. Trade-i -washers, rangettes, steel bec and vacuum cleaners. Murph Co., King West. 23-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinc custom made, or draperies soli by the yard. Our mepresentativ, will caîl at your borne any timi ,vith a complete range o! sample and suggestions without obliga tion. Fabrie Town. 59 King Si W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman ville. 48-t. A FINE vamiety of vegetabi( plants for sale, some asparagu! crowns, strawberry and tomat( plants. Ail plants 1 cent apiect for a week fmomn to-day, if yot bring your own containers Apply to O. P. Hertzberg, R.R. 4 Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3- 2200 noon or 6 p.m. 23-t SENTINEL Iluminum Self-storing Windowç MALO NE Y ALUMINUM DOORS $55-00 - Installed Free ROSS CLARK Il King St. E. Bowmanville -Phone MA 3-3801 19-ti DECORATINQ 71 For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paints For the Best Workmanship 8 I w p Shr edder - Harvesters1 S. G. Preston & Sonl Operated by ONE Man - ONE Tractor TED HOGAN PORT HOPIe Phone TUrner 5-2840 22-4 E unL IRRIGATION equipment-770' o! 4" -nd 3" aluminum beadland D A I ppipe, 740' of 2" pipe, 6 take-off heads on 28" raisers. All neces- F OR Dsary "Wade" couplerselbows to irrugate 212 acres at one set- ting. The above equipment is like new and is being offered for POLLS~ quick sale at 40( j off replace- ment value at only $800.00. Fergus E. Morrill, Bowmanville, OPEN Ont. Telephone MA 3-2456. 23-1 9 a.m. fo 8 p.m. INTERNATIONAL Harvester 12 231 $375;' 12 eu. ft. International Tendrs 'ant d Hrvester refrigerator with auto- shelves, regular $499 for $395;1 Tenders wil bc received up International Harvester 8.2 du.i tintil June 13, 1955, by the un- f t. refnigerator, regular S289 fori dersigned for the suppîying o! $239: Motorola 21-inch television,1 fuel cil, stove oùl and coal for regular $320 for $229; Philips« the ten schools o! Southi Darling- 21-inch television consolette ton Schooî Area. model with record player, reg-1 M. J. Hobbs, ular $399 for $325 at Farm Secretary-Treas., Equipment and Automotive, 134 Fknniskillen King St. E., Bgwrnalvi.e. Plione i q2-2 MA 3-5689, 23-Ià MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf DO IT YOURSELF En T IL E :0c each and up - AI] kinds :pert instructions supplied CUSTOM FZOORS LAMD H-. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanvillie 2B-tf USED farm macbinery-MeCor- mick W-4 tractor in perfect shape; Farmaîl H tractor with 4-row scuffler, ideal for corn; John Deere tractor, Oliver to tractor, Farmaîl A tractor In- ternational 15-30 tractor,' best offer; Cocksbutt bay loader used one season; Internationali grain cmop loader; International ropç type loader $25, Fleury-' Bissell horse-drawn spreader on rubber, Allis-Chalmers 2-frir- row pîough; Case automatic twlne tieing baler $750, Casel automatic twine tieing baler $415, International Harvester borse-drawn scuffler, Cocksbutt 7-ft. binder at Farm Equipment and Automètive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilje. Phone MA 3-1 5689. 23-1 s... IN MEMOIJAM5 RpsesdVeil o ae $1.00 Plus 10e ai lino for verso 1937 Ponti eic frSea COMMRIIAL CLAS8EDSS includes ail advertising for 197 Pnic ea p)ersons Oz firint a se vies.Serial No. 726194174 ideas or gonds of any description 1955 License plates No. 821-303 -3c Per word; minimum charge TobsldyPuicutone 75c cash with arder. To regular obsldyPuieAcont advertsers payable mont&iy. the highest bidder at the STIRTEVANTS "S play Classified at 31.50 Per AUCTION ROOM ETchwith C minimum of ane 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario lllciL Additionai insertions « einiga 73 .,',o tesierate£asnin t730pno AU Cassified Ad must b.t June 16, 1955 12 o'ciock £oMn, Wednesday. AARM PT T Sand cash, slamps or mone ART'S CARM R E al rder and gave man.y. 175 King St. W., Bowmanvllle ClP tht, out for handy relerence. e- Build - Better - Customrers 23-1* Real Estate for Sal .-pply 20 ACRES on Highway 401, al 23-l* two garden scufflers. Phci MA 3-2074. 23- ypîng vile CHOI CE building lots for sa 2- in Hampton. Phne MA 3-294 MODERN 5-room bungalow heat, also summer cottE cabins and building lots, rea able down payment; easy tei Apply J. Watson, end ofV ery Rd., or write J. Wat Auction Sales Help Wanted ti Ihae ecie ntutions STRAWBERRY pickers. AI 3~*from the executor ot the estate 55 Liberty N.Z ono the late Mrs. Robfr Holden to FEMALE office clerk, tyl 23-1 sell by public auction on Wed- essential. Apply Bowman - nesday, June 15 aitlber laite es- Foundry Co. 2 ait a idence, Station Street, Millbrook, Erom starting at 1 p.m., b&r entire BERRY pickers. Apply R .E*, household effects. Terms cash. Mutton. Phone MA 3-3352. 774. No eserve. Jack Reid, auction- 2 3-tf eer.. 23-1* COOK wvanted from June 2ý ster, I bave been favored witb in- JulY 10 at Strathaven1 disc, structions from Mr. J. B. Lawrie Home. Phone MA 3-5555. kinglICole, Lots 9 and 10, Broken 103.1 Front A, Clarke Township, two SALESLADY wanted, no exi "3-1 miles south df Newtonville, to, aence requîrcd. Breshin's La' -seli by public auction on Friday, Wear. 2 nes, June l7th, dommending at 1 p.m. FULL and part time office liq iat sharp, 33 head of choice Durhamrit , tating experience, toI :ing and Angus cattle, 3 borses, 25 36 coTeCnda t MA acres o! standing hay, fullI une 3a, cBowTemanle. ta 2-1 of good farmi machinery, large' -____ hod, quantity of manure. Further 'XOMAN to help in farm bci hip particulars, see bills. As Mr. good wvagcs, good livingc ites. Cole is unable to carrýy on farm- ditions, regular time off. Ph( irke ing, everything must be sold ClarI:e 2934.2 9-tf without reserve. Terms cash. - Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 i CLERK with knowledge o! iý ýach iing for local business. Wr p Livestock For Sale stating fuflparticulars, toE 3- EIGHT pigs, fine weeks old.mrBwavle tf-f Phone MA 3-2590. 23-11jFULL time salesman for 1o 21" SIX weeks old pigs for sale. rea este buiessseîi ins- Phone MA 3-2678. 2,-1- perineprfed. Apply one FU C. Pedwell Real Estate, Ne ale- FU pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone castie. 2 St. MA 3-2089. 23-1 FEMALE beîp for ligbt factc ý3HEREFORD cow, 4 years old, work. Apply in person. Specia' Jng bred; aiso hayloader. Phone1 Paper Products Ltd., 63 TEý o! MA 3-2096 evenings. 23-1 perance St., Bowmanville. gon 23-____________ E12 YORKSHIRE pigs, B weeks 38. old. Apply Blake Short. Phone WOMAN to day came two-yez -tf MA 3--2469. 23-1* oîd five days a week, from 8 a. to 4:30 p.m. Preferably soir lic HOLSTEIN cow, just been in one living near O'dell St. Wr per two weeks. Phone MA 3-5756. Box 364, c/o Canadian Stal( be22-2 man. 2ý ch ENGLISH Yorkshimes, purebred WANTED: Man for steady tra. .10, boars, service age, also wean- among consumers in Bowma tfling boars and gilts. Phone ville. Permanent connecti Orono 14 r 12. 22-3* with large manufacturer. O; ide reliable hustler considered. Wr dei Custom Work Rawleigh's Dept. F-140-11 eal Montreal, P.Q. 2ý )n- WEED spraying. Apply Bill SALESLADIES and sales orga _tf Jewell. MA 3-2987, 21-4 izers. One week's earnings, Mi es,Fo Fidler $132.00, Jim MacM ýnd For LenL $129.00, Mrs. Fleischauer $145.C ,2c H2US3 You can build a secure futu: o!f5Es eah 31 showing fast-selling lines ;ey FOUR ooms and bathroom. G. men's, women's and cbildrer -1 Forbes, 192 Liberty St. N. 232* wear. Firm established 192 Cash commissions and bonu ýen THREE-ROOM apartrnent with Write British Knitwear Ltc y- bath, private entrance, heavy Sirncoe, Ont. 23-, 6 wimng. Phone MA 3-5891. 23-1 START a permanent year mour it- ub THREE room apartment. Apply business. You hegin eamnir st 136 Wellington St., after 6 p.m. good money the first day. Strie 1*23-1* ly your own boss. Famile: -exceptional quality assurî es, SELF-CONTAINED two large quick, easy sales. Your hom( iel room basement apartment, dlean town and surroundings as tei od and dry; private toilet and show- ritory. AIl families are custon ,v er. Phone MA 3-5813. 23-1* ers and users o! our many prc dcs. Familex, 1600 Delorimie: ,e, FIVE-ROOMED self-contained Moeal Jheated apartrent, hardwood Mnra.22- -3floors throughout, by July first. ne oR n ý Phone MArket 3-3368. 23-1* vvane oR t 3- BRICK house, hydro, heavy wir- UNFURNISHED rooms needec i-îng, good well, 1 mile east o! two rooms immediately. Phon inBowmanvilîe. Phone MA 3-2050. 3106 Newcastle. 23- ys 23 1* ** 50 ACRES good . pasture land Lost -with stmeam running tbrough it, Is Pontypool vidinity. P. Mucha, IN Orono Park, Sunday, Jux Id Pontypool. 22-tf 5, black wallet containîng a sun 7e F o! money and valuable pape:. ie FOUR-moom apartment, central- Reward. Phone MA 3-2732. l~y located, flot suitable »or 23. younger children, V V-c To B tCanadian Statesman, Bowman- at ~ u tfville. 22-tf-f WILL pay cash for '46-'48 Cbev. -FOUR-roomed furnished home mnust be in A-i condition. Phor( ýe in Leskard, hydro, 4-piece bath, MA 3-32ek. 23-11 'S hot and cold water, pressure MUSKRATS wanted-Live pouI ;0 system, garage, with /à acre of try, goose feathers, feather ticks ýe land. Reasonable ent. Mirs. P. scrap iron, rags and metals. Ram u Bradshaw. Phone Oshawa RA furs and deeskins. Phon( 5-5488. 22-2* 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 9-t -COTTAGE, new, to ent for ALL kînds o! live poultry want. ;f summer, or year, cool in sum- ed. Top Toronto prices paid ai mer, warm in winter; town, city your door for large or smal and 401 Highway close. Twenty quantities. We have our owr 'S rods frorn Lake Ontario. Use o! market. M. Flatt, Betbany R private beach. Give references. R. 1. Telephone collect to Beth- Box 366, c/o Canadian States- any 7 r 13 or Bowmanvile MA mani. 231* 3-2970. 11-1i Articles For Sale Cars For Sale fSinger Sewing Centre '5 OTA eue 5 ota For Used or New seen at 147 Liberty St. S. 23-2 Sewing Machines '51 AUSTIN,' low mileage, ex- tagE 'sEl errr its< 100 ARE frm, artwight 100e AREfrm Cihartwrigbt, miearo m highway, L-shaj btranhBrc ouwaer ow stea rick bouse wrin, 8 roo furnta, heay wmi, rimpl mewns and tactorcresonabi dowin aynt. 10 whacres pmi grain59,andofaîl wban t.App man. 22-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoliL Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, On Two blocks nomtb o! tra.ff le signal, Newcastle. VAN NEST OFFERS $8,500 - $2,246 Cash 7 room brick, oul heat, heav: wiming, on lot 40x331. A goo, buy with quick possession. Over looking 401 Highway. 8 ooms on Duke St., stucci on brick, two 4-piece batbs, oi air conditioned fumnace, nrn renting for $100.00 per monti Somne finisbing for the band: man; 3 years old. Owner trans ferred to Alberta. Inspect, maki offer. Two 5 roomn frames, oil beat moedrn kitchens. Enquire as t( price and location. We have building lots, ga stations, stores, town businesý block. Phone anytime. J. Van Nest 118 King St. E. BowmanvillE MA 3-3230 K De Wiih Real Esiate ,es 100 acre farm, 1 mile froi mEhîgbway, whereof 85 acres got ~,clay-loam land, 10 acres wooi 0_etc. Ras two 60'x30' bank barn 0r lien bouse, pig pens, spring -4 wells; 8 roomed frame bousi heavy duty wiring, basemen -Price $8000. $3,500 down. 300 acres whereof 150 'acrE -workable, 135 acres ini woo( il, creek, wehls, 66'x41' bank bari ie implement shed, hieu bousi 1 garage, etc.; 10 oomed f rani - bouse with 4-piece batbroor water pressure, heavy duty wl: ed. This farm is sandy, reE e good tobaccoland, planted wit 'S $20,000. 110 acres close to Newcastl .and lakeshore, 100 acres 1evE - workable land, 50'x35' ban] barn, 7 roorned frame bousE Price $13,000. - 200 acre farm, 1/4 mile frox h igbway, whereof 140 acre eworkable ln, 0acres wo -rek wells, 75'x34' bank bani -implement shed, heun bouse, etc. B, 8oomed frame bouse, (5 year Sold) with fumnace, runnîng ho Sand cold water, beavy duty wir tf ed, 4-piece batbroom, parti) - hardwood floors. Prîce $10,500 b- Termis. Lt 40 acre farm, 3 miles fron Il Bowmanvilhe, all workabîe wit] n 24x50' bank barn, implemen- Lshed, garage! 7 roomed bni L_ bouse, beavy duty wimed. Clos. Sto school, cburcb and paveÈ ;f road. Price $11,500. Ternis. - 207'x260' lot on Higbway Ne 2, East Bowmanville, with 60'y 40' cernent block building witl cfurnace, heavy duty wired, etc ePrice arranged. 2 6 roomed ranch style bun. galow witb 3 acres o! land. Ras 4-piece batbroom, fimeplace, run- ning bot and cold water, built- in cupboards, laundry roorn *Price $6,500. Terms arranged. 7 roorned solid brick bouse ir Bowrnanville, witb 4 bedrooms, furîîace, 3-piece bath, built-in cupboards, running bot and cold water, heavy wired, storms and screens, garage. Asking $10.000. Terms arranged. 5 roomed shiplap ranch style bungalow (new) with 4-piece bath, bardwood and tile floors, oiù fumnace, bot and cold running water, built-in cupboards, large living-room witb dinette, 3 bed- roims, etc. Price $9,000. Terms arranged. 5 roomed insulated ranch style bungalow ini Bowmanville with 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, oil fumnace, built-in cupboards, recreation room, bot and cold1 running water, nicely landscap- ed, etc. Price $9,500. Mortgage available. Besides above inentioned we have approximately 65 more properties to chooje from i Oshawa, Bowmanvîîle, Cobourg and Trenton district. Contact Joh EF.De OR Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowinanville MA 3-3950 Paul Diamond, Port Ferry Phone 346 R HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber Found goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. WALLET, Orono Park. Owner Six samples 25e, 24 saruples must identify same, pay cost o!fS$1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, ad. and 'Phone cail. Dial RA 3- Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- 9080. Oshawa. 23-J ilton, Ont. 1-52 IN Village of Orono, 7 room centre hall plan, brick bon double lot, garage, ou bheate 3-piece bath, sbower, hardwoc floors, fireplace, substantial cas payment required. Possessic August lst. Phone Orono 12611 -Liter im o ursfem ale. P h o n e M AL 3-2977. - - OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982 23-1 ORME GERRY - ORONO 119, TENDERS WANTED- , 37 Kihgt St. W. BOwmanville TENDER8 FOR FUEL SUPPLY 23'l Tenders for the supply of fuel, \/ntd(Anthracite and Bituminous _________________ Coal) will be reccived by the undersigned up to 12:00 o'clock DUTCHMAN (farmer) wants to noon on Tbursday, June l6th, borrow money under a fimst 1955, for the Gaol and Countîes mortgage, to buy a farm. Write 'Homne. Box 363, c/o Canadian States- Analysis of type of fuel and mani. 23-1 price per tjon, delivered, teo be DEAD STOCK remnovedfon stated in tender. trm AIl tenders to be plainly mark. voum farm promptly for saruti ed "Tender for Fuel Supply" on disposai. Telephone collect: C0. outs'ide wrapping. Lowest or bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Goron oun Linitd. 60.t, any tender not necessarily ac- d se, n. re. r-, se, ne M, I Ih ak e. M C.; rs ot K. SYMONSIr Countis C e t , Turn; Page for Addional Classffieds ile Real Esta te for Sale Real Estate for Sale ilo LEASK REAL ESTATE O. E. CARSON LTD. ,oe 5roomed brick house, 3 bed- .*roorns, centrally located, garage. Realfors .euiprice $6,000. Terns. ;ae 7 roomed houjse with 3-piece $9,000.00 with very reasna 4.bath, kitchen cupboards, 2 acres down payment is the pticeW .*land, barn with stable under hien this 50 acre farm, &FmIl ro" ou ouse, chicken coops, 6 miles No 2 Highway, bank barn teel ,es, $8,500.00. Terms. partial bathroom,god ndir on~- 5 roomed modern bungalow, îoam. ns. tile and hardwood floors, large $1 3,900.00-B81 acres, medium v- Ifenced lawn, garden with small îoam, xetoal rdcie on fruits. A reasonable offer will . exptnaypruci, 2-3 be accepted on this miodern wintered 35 head matuïe cattie, - home cash crops, and you s(ould see fls, One half acre lot 75x200, good inhelgricbouse ins. 7'condton ne, tiled w ell, septic tank, hydro ku - ri o s i o on ii n - ' partially in to lot on Zion Road b ank barn 75x45, milk house, )od Will dig cellar. Terms on this implement shed, hydro through- sh lot. out, pressure system, 1 mile to Consut us before buying. from Hiampton. Ternis. See this. 10. $18,000-00 - 100 acres clay -tf M. E. Leask, Broker oam, a well kept, dlean farm, -65 Ontario St. Bowmanville owner reriring. Bank barn 1041 '/4 Phone MA 3-5919 x45', 7i room brick home, is,1 23-1* hardwood floors and hydro. 1s, NXO REL SAT Make splendid dairy farm. ns, IXO REA ESATE Terrns. le- B roomed house on 2 floors for $13,500.00-We feel that this le two families, 3-piece bath down- is the best value in a farm in ng stairs, 2-piece upstairs, garden, this community in some time. îly landscaped. $8,000. Term s. 2 0 a r s m d u o m 4 ýs 6-room stucco house, lhard- 200 acres medîum lo0ares 140h 4* wood floors, 4-piece bath, hydro, bulne r ultvaio, ares bush, - hot water heating, new roof, ba nc ro g p st e, pi g creek, 10 room insul-bric home basem ent, garage, possession one in ic co dt nf r a e y o 7-om,$,5oe0n0.ifsorytbroughout. Bank barn 100x30, broous, onecd elath, hymplement shed, garage, 20 brik ous, -picebat, ydr, minutes to Bowmanville. onromKi amebouetath $11,500.00 iz the cash price for 5 rom ram hosebat- thisl125 acre farm. A medium t. room, cernent foundation, hydro, loam, bas new steel barn 85x50, to be finished. Irnmediate pos- suitable for beef production, session. $2.600. 9 room two storey white frame .t± 6-room frame house, cernent hmhrwo los yr - foundation, heavy wiring, at- boeg oo loshde tached garage, wel, large lot, pnd installed. Drilltqd well, close t o school, c urch and store, . ak an e x e l n s ee 7V cmentroa. $4000 teris. ranch. This farmn has been e- )d 5-room n2w frame bungalow, duced $2,000.00 to sel. 3piece bath, heavy wiing, some $ 6lwheat,- 100 acres s8 rÇc r-hardwood and tiled floors, oil11 ha,1 ce ph heating, aluminum storms and grain, hay, pasture and 10 aceles ýOscenmdm kthn bush, stream, L-shaped bamns, il lot. P, osseinrngced. $7arge34x70 and 34x40, water bowls, h. Houses, businesses and farms. hydroetrOghut,18 mileso [y James Nixon, Broker pavemen,00 sbwa 8 ils S_ 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Ol$,000 down. wrdi ,eM A 3 - 5 6 8 2$ 2 , 0 0 - T e a s w o d i e23-1* fine farms, a nne room two - storey brick homo to suit the 't, most fastidious, beautifully fin. Pd elR a ae isbed in oak, four-piece bath, 15 acresl meoffENo.te furnace, electric ot water, ak 's Highway, 8 room insul brick barns 86x40 and 60x2O, /4' ràé 's houe bakbr 40'x80', 40 from school and church, -1/ mile use, bnk ror acres good bush. For quick sale dir pavement, in a growing we will accept $1000 cash down. isrct; 135 acres of rich sandy .e 50 acres, new steel barn, stuc: loam. This is the most com- co house, in Tyrone district. plete and attractive farm we 1 $5,500.00 with $1.000 cash. have ever seen. 12 acres with good 12 room $8,900.00-80 acres dlay loam,~ brick and cerent. block ouse, 9 room brick house, nicely dec- attached garage, al newy e- orated, heavy wiring, pressure modelled, $7,000, easy ternis. system, creek, 10 acres bush, Claphoard bouse in Bowman- good barn 45x60, bog pen 20x40, ville, central with attached ga- large implement shed, al buiil&à- rage, 6 rooms and bath, ot and ings in good condition. Close to. cold water. This is a good buy church and school. Two miles- at $5,000.00 with $500.00 down to No. 35 Highway. 4 room insul stone bouse and $15,000-170 acres, 110 work- garage on No. 2 Highway, 2 able, balance bush and pasture, smiles East of Newcastle. $3,500 .00 new 5 roomed ouse, hydr, -$ 1,000 down for a quick sale. bank barn 3x85, ' mile from; $2,500, haf acre of land, frame 35 Highway. About haf cash. ouse, 8 rooms. A real home in 10 year mortgage on1 balance the country close to Orone with te vendor at 5%. only $500.00 cash down. If you are considering the Forahkins ! frm, cn-purchase of a home, do liot tact us. overlook the idea of a home with income possibilities. Only H C.rPeawe, Broker 20 minutes to Oshawa, 9 acres H.C.of level garden land, 5 om Newcastle Clarke 38-SSL attractive home, pressure sys. Salesman, Howard M. Fox tem, bath, electric bot water 1Newcastle ~ Phone 2183 tank garage, nicely landscaped, 23-1 $,500.00 with $3,000.00 down. PAUL Paved road. $400.00 down gives you a five, RI~TO RE LT Room- home, full basern'ent, eý RISTO REA TOR moof, heavy wired, balance of. $2,200.00 repayable $25.00 pier; HAMPTON month. Needs decorating. Four room bungalow, sewers, 1 year old 4 room ranch style and water, picture window, home on highway, cernent block eîectric hot water tank, partial foundation with clapboard. Tile bathroom, priced to seel atý floor, heavy wiring, forced air $3 1500().In Bowmanvjlle. oil heat. Lot size 178x168. Ask- $7 000.00 with $2,000.00 do ing price $6,300, with a eason- easy terms on balance, 6 roor' able down payment. storey and one-haîf. Insul sto e, 3-piece bath, furnace, garage, nicely located in Bowmanville. 4 moom solid brick home on Centre St., Bowmanville, love- Scugog St., 2 bedrooms, living- ly brick home, large lot, bath, room, kitchen with cupoards, furnace, garage, nice grounds 3-piece bath, bot air heat, lot with large shade trees, reduced size 50x150. Possession immed- to $8,o00.o0. iately. Priced te seIL 52 King Sf.W. 97 acres on good road between BOWMANVIULF Bowmanville and Courtice. Solid MA 3-2453 brick home with 6 mooms, 2 After heurs cal: Personcil 17- L Phones 1 - .1 "M eAvAnTAX WrAnqM-MAU 120%wnxAmmvm à%mwàvmwým