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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1955, p. 6

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la ,2 TH~ -»JLeLj»£JQIPWMMVleuq. 1 TATWIT.? W tM'1'AUt -ederation Prior to the annual picnic of ihDurhamn Federation of Agri-. 3culture on Wednesday, June 15, ~atwhich the Tree Farm move- mient will be launched in this area, a tour of the Ganaraska Foetwill be held in the after- Mlon. The Ganaraska River Conser- vation Authority is sponsoring the tour, which will start at * Sylva n Glen, just north of Highway 106 between Welcome and Dale, at 1:30 p.m. The tour will visits parts of the Ganaraska Forest in Cavan, Hope and Clarke Townships and end at Orono. Everyone is Invited to this tour and members of municipal councils will be particularly wel- corne. Those attending the tour are asked to bring a picnic bas- kcet and attend the Durham Fed- eration of Agriculture picnic at 5:30 p.m. on the farm of Mcl Staples on No. 35 Highway justij south of Orono. To Certify Lots At this picnic the first two1 -p Lgy ;,ý ;'A t PITTSI Saepri HOUSE1 If your house is painted wl to look a dingy gray. Su Fume Resistant Outside M~ whiter and stays white long bat mildew a special mild( buit into Sun-Proof Outs durable and weather resisti Learn how the two-coat Pittsburgh Sun-Prool House Paint system offers extra protection at mod- erate cost. Corne in and let us explain the superiority of Sun-Proof House Paints. Cet your FREE copy "Color Dynanr 85 Ki Aberng Paint & \A ,ing St. W. oi 1 vqmmzm Rang omanaez maan m na m a ua ana a àb....u.i îmiià.b.iiiÉÉ1..iiENE f To Consolidate 40 X For Monthiy L For1 Kiniz Ma ~~~L~II *..KUEE.WU.EUU A For Home Elc*o Infom atïMoMW M Repairs * -A * DROP IN AT THE Prgrssv Nosrvt For New DU U B14 Purchases Commit tee Rooms Temi IN THE ROTARY ROOM For Any BALMORAL HO TEL .I CoelIn Today R( or r The Beilvue Way P HOME MA 3439853 Pay from Income Piap Your Progressive Conservative Candidate in Durham Countym Belivue iMJOHN FOOTE E Finance Wfic MIerebyheCORP. e Insrtd y heG. H. WILSON, Mgr. -v * BOWMANILLE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION 2Y ieeS il512 maxium mmanOSHAWA ---------------------------------------------------1l King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barmister, Solicitor Netary Public gSt. W. - Bowmanville hones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Bamister Notary Public amperance St., Bawmanville Phone MA 3-3292 [SS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Netamy Public ipemance St. - Bowmanville Morigages DY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First mcrtgage funds tesidences - Farms Business Properties Op fo meitr y KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist King St. E. - Bcwmanville, Telephcne MA 3-3252 ce Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 . Menday ta Satumday xcept Wednesday, 9 - 12 ?enings by Appointment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist & Loveli Bowrnauffl ,Phone MA 3-5778 Tour W/i,,q Nestieton Station Hub of immigration Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and Mr. Elmer Nesbitt were: Mr. andO'rrices Move to Oshawa îor toMrs. Robert Nesbitt, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Demo, Cae-1 Oshawa last week became the section of the five-county dis- sarea, and Roy Trewin, Toron- hub of immigration activities in trict. to. the five counties of Ontario, Besides keeping a close check P icnicMr. and Mrs. Norman Irvine, Durham, Victoria, Peterborough on lake vessels, pleasure boats Bowmanville, v i si t e d hi-, and Haliburton, covering an area and airplanes arriving in this Tree Farms in this district will grandmother, Mrs. J. W . Ir- of almost 300 square miles. area from the 'United States, the be certified. Following the pic- vine. The new immigration office new immigration office will nlic supper A. H. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. B. Heaslip spent opened in Oshawa was formerly hIandle placement of New Canad- Chief Conservation Engineer of Sunday at Mono Road with located in Peterborough but was lans. the Department of Planning and Mr. Wylie McKeown and fam- moved because the pressure of Help Newcomers Development, and a Director of ily. They also visited ber sister work is much heavier in the Wîth the aid of the National the National Tree Farm Com- Mrs. McKeown in Pee Mem- Oshawa area. Employment Service, and inter- mittee, wiIl address the gather- ora optladrpr ht hmsG hloimga ested greups in the cîty, Mr. ing. A visit to the Staples wood- sori Hoproita ndeprt tha iomasicG. inhreltonmmira-Shelton and his co-workers will lot will gîve everyone a chance Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sut- district, said the new office is help newcomers "get establish- te see a well-managed tree crop ton (nee Muriel Hyîand) and expected to handle an increas- d and bear a description of the TagtrLre r ooigigaon fbsns.he immigration office will forest practices that are used.s. Howard is with the armyas ok vey ley wt Time permitting, a tour of the wet.Y Oshawva is the centre the customs department, police OrnoFoes taio adand has been moved toi Edmon- of a rapidly expanding in- and agricultural groups. One of Oroo Fret Saton ndmovies ton. Mrs. Hyland received dustrial area," he said, "and the services it provides for im- will round out the evening. word from tbem from Blind the number of immigrants at- migrants is advance purchase of The Tree Farm movement is River. rce c hsae ilgo frmndnteae. a national and provincial pro- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sarn.- tractd to thisr.Te will theo Ifmnd the airat. nst gram, sponsored by the Canad- ells and Sharon, Peterboro, simteaiy. re.Tesyste "fteimgatwnst ian Forestry Association, that visited ber parents, Mr. and lmt buy a farm we make the' ar- aims at growing more and bet- Mrs. Larmer Hyland. In London and Hamilton, Mr. rangements for hlm ahead of ter wood on private land. In Mrs. Jos. Forder with Mr. Shelton said, the Immigration time-and we have to make sure Ontario the movement is being and Mrs. Roy Taylor and at- Department's staffs have in- he doesn't get gyped," Mr. Shel- developed by the Canadian tended Caesarea anniversary. creased recently from one man ton said. 'That means we have Forestry Association of O ntario, Visitors with the Grant each to 18 and 26 persons. to know our territory like the in ce-operation with the On- Thompsons were Mr. and Mrs. Inspector A. K. Harris and an back of our bands." tario Department of Lands and Perce Philp, West -Hill, Mr J assistant, who bad staffed the Mr. Shelton, a veteran immi- Forests. E. Johnston, North Bay 'Mvr' Peterborough office, arrived in gration officier, has served in In the initial stages, the move- and Mrs.. Arthur Ross' and Oshawa on June 1. departmental posts throughout ment gives public recognition to family and Mrs. Hamilton, Inspector Harris will contiu the province and ini London, individuals who have managed Lindsay. t work mostly in the northern England. forest properties well. Tbrough Mr. and Mrs. Tel Rabm, Osh- their example it is hoped to en- awa, visited ber brother, Mr. %% Il t owns are net forgotten, but the courage others te practice good Arthur Hulbert. iiia v~ç modern improvements are tak- fcesry Lte, t s larid o Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, f ng their place, slowly but sure- intensify the forest practices and with her mother, Mrs. Sam 1,*~ r*.l, and 'England bas regained to develop marketing facilities McKQee. v rrs ~ io some of its showmanship, be for woodlot produce. Mr. Clifton Beacock, Toron- rt s E io it building, musical or circus, to, vstdCartwrig~ht red eiethohrcunlsi- Al growtb that is not toward o istreds F romrn E ngla n d ter theohrcunls n Sympathy is extended to Mr. hrisoete tmwih Gorge Maonaltod. y. Orville Tripp and family in soEnlhtabegte Georg MacDnald.the passing of their mother, Many citizens in Bowmianville issumer Engs the beite Mrs. Alton Tripp in Port Perry will irecall some 20 years age umrotnst h esd Memorial Hospital on Sunday. a young English lad, W. H. Keel, resorts . . . Yes, tbey are as1 Mr.Alvn Mrlw ad fm-operated a store wbere Lorne. pepular as ever and attract both . Za.è.~ ly ro lvn iMar. and fMs Doreen's Radio and TV Sbop is young and middle-aged; if N. C. Marlow. new located on King St. East. ncsay h l ie Friends are bappy te learn of Keel was somewhat cf a char- The general election new be- the arrivai of a son to Mm. acter and named bis store "Miel- comîng a series cf meetings seion and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock. ody Mike's Music Store." Tolw ill give the country the ver- Mrs. Ben De Jong and small demonstrate bis phonograph ie d ict - Who's it te be - Conserva- son bave returned home frem would put his bead through a tive or Labeur? Port Perry Hospital. hele-in-the-wall and sîng and Yeurs faitbfully, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- clog. te keep time with tbe W. H. Keel. liams and Janice, with Mr. and Music, This week the editor re -__________ Mrs. Clarke Williams, Part ceîved the following letter from Hp."Melody Mike" in which he Expenses of, the Department Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist gives a-.birdseye view of con- cf National Revenue, the fed- spet Snda v~itng riedsditions in England: eral government's tax-collecting in Port Hope. Bungalow, dprmnwr 5 ilo Cburch Road, last year. Peasedown, WEDDING Nr. Bath, Business D~iret Somerset, Englandiecr WHITESIDE - SMITH lerSr 2th May, 1955. pretty weddlng wA.ol emnized at St. Lk' Angli- It is years silice Ils rtccoun.-ancy_ can Cburcb, Peterboro, June 4, YOU; 50 much bas happened M3.HCOGN when Cannon Gulling officiat- sînce the termination cf the war W...H OGN ed at the marriage cf Joseph- years. The mcst colossal under- Chartered Accountant h ine Smith, formerly cf Ponty- taking bas been the bousing 64 King St. E. Bowmanville2 MMpool and -Maurice Whiteside, program, making such an im- (Above Garton's Bus Station) I M ~ ~ jj ferrerly cf Yelverton. 4 pressien cf imprevement upon Phone MA 3-3612 IU R G Thebride was pretty in a city, tcwn and village. white crystalline nylon-crino- A typical illustration is the J. HUNTER AND COMPANY 0 line skirt fitted bedice with village where I bave lived for Certified Public Accountantsb ut-away jacket, white petal some years. It was once a cai 64 King Street E.0 bat and waltz length dress mining community up te the Oshawa 5-1621M complete with white accessor- closing cf mcst cf the pits; the Successors teO0. S. Hobbs r ies. remaining few carry on. The P A IIIl ~ ~~~The maid cf honeur, Miss remarkable sequence is - the vil- Chiroprac ic P A IN T ~~ ~Bessie Smith, was similarly at- lage is net desolate as tbe wcrk- C i o r c tired in blue, with fitted boci- ed-cut mines . . . ne .. . it grows: -F ice and full skirt. The bride a few hundred bungalows arid G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 0 'lite, you don't want it and bridesmaid carrieci nose houses bave been built. To cap ChiropractorJ gays cf rosebuds. its significance new parish boun- Office- un-Proof Mildew and The flower girl, Miss Linda daries bave been formed and Specialty Paper Products Bldg. S Edwards, niece cf the bride, in fer the first time in its bistery 63 Temperance Street a White looks whiter, is yellow with fullskirt trimmied this village is a parisb with its Phone MA 2-55090 with cornflowers and bead- cwn elected councillors. Office Heurs: By AppointmentJ ger. To effectively corn. band of flowers carried a bas- Transport, mostly buses, takeb ket cf cornflowers and daisies. the working population to tbeh [ew inhibitor has been The bride wore a pearl chok- neamby city and other such ap- D e n f ai er, gift cf. the groom, te cein- propriate places where factories,________________ side White. It's extra plete ber sensemble. She was sbcps and, industry absorbs D.~ .RDLDDS given in marriage by Mr., tbem. D.W .RDLDDS ant. Glen Edwards. This industrial change is quite Office: Jury Jubileie Bldg. S The groom was ably sup- common in England teday. 40 King St. W. - BowmanvilleR t ported by bis brother Mr. Agriculture-The most signif- Office Heurs:b Glen Wbiteside cf Peterbore. icant improvement is in the 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily E f ~~~Ushers were Mr.Bernard ar ed n ml rdcin9 a.m te 12 neen SaturdayN Nel fPentypeel and M.,. geneially, aworthy ad nees- Offî edSuday7 PITnmInGIThe reception was held in The combine barvester is heme, House Phcne - Newcastle 3551C rUI3VI~~ the Empress Hotel with Mrs. tbere and everywbere, but the D Edith Smith and Mrs. Mabel1 farm tracter bas replaced the DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. t Day, groom's aunt, eceiving. herses on almost ahl farms. Oftice in bis bomne IIFollowing the wedding break- What bas bappened te the 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvifle fast, Rev. Gault, Betbany, pro- herse trade? Apart from race Office Heurs: pesed a toast te the bride te herses and some few exceptions 1 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily OUTSDE WITEwhich the groom responded. . - . there is ne herse trade. The 9 a.m. te 12 neon Wednesday to.AN l.1.9,6AO Mr. Glen Wbiteside proposcd big herse faims are gene. What Closed Sunday the toast te their attendants, bas grown up in its place is a Phone MA 3-5604 ~P TrSBGiji Mrs. Whiteside chose for tra- huge transport industmy-Pas- velnabu mrieehegradfegt...bss R .F ATADDS BLÀCKSTOCK tiens! Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers with Mm. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bowmanville, and attended Trinity S. S. Anniversary. Mm. and Mms. Fred Crawford and Mary-Lou, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mms. J. N. Pearce and Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. Edward Darcy and Mrs. Ira Argue are visiting fiends at Sault St. Marie. We welcome te the village Mm. and Mrs. Polach and Mar- tin, recently cf Scotland, who are living in the Collins cot- tage. Mr. Polach. is employed by Dormeli Bras. Mmr.and Mrs. Frank Stani- land have pumchased the haus2 that Mm. Thomas Hodge built in North Blackstock. A very interesting service was held at St. John's Angli- can Cburcb Sunday memning with the Church Beys League assisting in the service and re- ceiving their badges. *Mr. and Mrs. Alian BeokEr, Mr. and Mms. Lavemne Devitt, Barbara and Neil, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Hamilton. Mrs. John McKee visited wlth Mrs. James McKee, Cad- mus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ccx, Bow- manville, with Mm. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Mm. and Mms. Herman tv;l- son, Port Pemmy, with Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Mcuntjay. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Clifford and Lorraine, enjoyed a business and sigbt-seeing trip te Peterborough an Sat- urday. Miss Mary Wilson, nurse-in- training, Oshawa, is at the Sick Children's -Hospital, To- rente, as part cf ber course. Mr. and Mrs. Memrill Van Camp were in Toronto, Sunday with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm. Mm. and Mms. Percy Phayre and Neel, Aldemwood, with Mm. and Mrs. R. Ginn. Mms. Charles Staback, Port Perry, visited at ber scn's, Mm. Grant'Jackson. Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Nancy, Bronte, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Mm. and Mms. Fred Dayes and Lorraine, weme Sunday tea guests with Mm. and Mrs. Char- ence Ginn. Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- colm, Bowmanviile, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Rev. C. W. Hutton is attend- ing conference at Port Hope. Mr. and Mms. Harvey Thomp- sen and children, Oshawa, witn the Ivan Tbampsans and Lorne Tbompsons. Sympathy is extended te the famihy cf Mrs. Florence Tmipp. Nestleton, wbo died an Sundayý. Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and famihy, Whitby; Mm. Vin- cent Archer, Joan, Mervin and Lyle Bligbt, Bowmanville, w:tb Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Mms. James Campbell and Mr. Alvin Campbell, Fenelon Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Miss Pearl Wright, Tomante , with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mm. Bud Tbompson bas fin- isbed bis two week's holidays and statted a training ceurse in Oshawa. Then be wil1 be manager cf the new Dominion Store in Wbitby. Congratula- Yelverton W. A. Plan Annual Garden Party Yelvertcn W.A. met at the hiome cf Mrs.. Demis Rowan with 23 ladies and 17 childmen in at- tendance. A quiet little gather- ing, we wager! The President opened the meeting. Devoticutal taken by Mary Moore consisted of a bymn in unisan. Scripture was read by Lorna Wilson. Mary read a poem "Let Yaur Light Se Shine" foilowed by prayer. Bus- iness session was a cmawded one. rllank you notes weme read from Pat Wright and Bruce Lawsan. Arrangements were made for our annual chUr'ch garden party June 10, followed by the play "Getting Billy's Goat." More silverware is te be pumcbased in anticipation cf a large crowd. A eommîttee cf Lorna Wilson, Joyce Malcolm and Helen Nes- bitt was set up te plan the riandling cf the banquet on June 13. Pmogram in charge of Helen Nesbitt included a paem "Wise 1'baughts" by Mrs. Harold Stin- son; piano selections by Linda .owan wbo was celebmating ber bimtbday; reading by Mms. Gea. HIeaslip and a centest by Helen Nesbitt. A delicicus lunch was semved by the hostess, Mms. Wm. Mc- Cabe, Mms. Harold Stinson and Doris Rewan. Durham Sun Glasses Child's size --25e, 39C Adult's size-- 35c, 50c, 1.00 Tone Ray 4.00, 5.95, 10.00 Polaroid 1.98, 2.50 First Aid Absorbine Junior 1.19 - 2.39 Olympene Liniment 49e - 85e Bathing Caps 69e - 79e - 98ce My apologies te Norman D. sart. The degree hé received la_&t week from Toronto Uni- versity is B.P.H.E.. (Bachelor Physical Health Educatien.) U.C. IVoman's, Association United Church W. A. met at the home cf Mrs. Harold Kyte with President Mms. Short- ridge presiding. Mrs. Stainfordi;.* Van Camp gave the devotional i wîth the theme, "As the days go, se shail thy strength be". Rail cali was answered with articles for the white elephant sale. Several thank you notes were read. Some talent mon>y was banded in te the treasurer. Mrs. Roy Taylor and her group were in charge of pro- gram. Mrs. Neil Wemry read a paper, "The Little Red School- - bouse". Mrs. Roy Taylor gave 4 twe readings. Mrs. H. Martý-n- conducted the sale of White Elephant goeds. Over $10 was aîsed. A delicieus lunch was served by the group. Inseci Repellenis 6-12 Repellent 59e Sta-way, tube 29e Boswick Bomb 98e Skeeter-Skatter 59o For Sun Tan Noxzemna Oil 39c, 75e SkoI ----- 55c, 75e EDesert Tan -- 1.00 Skolex 1.00 For Sunburn Tangel 85e Nivea Cream 65c, 1.10, 3.00 Nupercainal - 1.00 Unguentine 1.00, 1.19 Colgate's Special 2 tubes 59c size Faste for 89c Chase'. Nerve Food 790 - 1.99 Dodd's PIl 59e -850 Gin PUIlS 590 - 8se Feenament Gum. 19e - 33e - 69o Kodak Cameras Home Pe rmanents Brownie Holiday ------- 3.50 Hudnut's Quick - 1.75 Holiday Flash Model -- 5.90 Pin Quick ý1.75 Browaie Hawkeye 7.45 New Teni 1.75 DuaFlex - 17.95 Prom ____ 1.75 Use Aerosol Spray Bombs to kili insects Fly-Tox Bomb ----89c, 1.39 COWLING'S PHONES E WE FIT MA 3-5695 LJKLP STOR TRUSSES Farmers' Ridsect -- 1.39 Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years Coiunty Co-fop Phone Orono 137R1 "There's A Co-op Feed For Every Need" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Use Co-op feeds, they're the best ini the land l7our hens wiil lay to beat the band The pigs-will gain. The cows wili milk The bloom on your calves wiil be like silk; Co-op grow mash and Co-op iay mash for your chickens Co-op pig starter mash or pellet, hog grower and hog finisher for your pigi. Co-op caif starter grower for your calves. For your cows Co-op 16% dairy ration or 24% dairy concentrate to mix witb your own grain, and dry and fitting ration. Farmers - Haying and harvest time wiii soon be with us again and we are carrying our usuai uine of good Co-op Canadian made Baler and Binder Twines at reasonable prices. A good twine made by Canadians for Canadians. So, buy Co-op Twine and keep Canadians working, for after al they are the consumers who are purchasing your Beef, Pork and Eggs. Think it over. For besi resuits use Co-op Orono THI CANAMAN STATEsMAN. iowmAmvir..tir- nmTAitm la-ik.dd-.â xfTm" ail. 4"

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