t~ w ¶"HURDAy, UNE 9th, 1955 S~ L~~jZI~1L5OWMAVL.N V ILLE* O.NTA URM.-..PG S~! Miss Nellie Burke, Orillia,1 spent the weekend with ber mnother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Mrn. Kenneth E. Cox spent a1 week's holidays with her daugh- 1 ter. Mrs. J. E. Wylie, Florida. i Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Marr, Toronto, were weekend guests pf Mr. and Mrs. James Marr.c ~Ir.J. J. Brown has return-. ýM fro-m visiting ber son, Majorc William Brown and family, at 1 Ottawa.1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lowe,1 Port Hope, were Sundlay visit-c ors of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichais ti and Miss Dianna Milligan, Kings- t: ton; Mn. L. B. Nichais spent the weekend in Niagara Falls. 9 b Mns. M. Colwell, Mrs. B. Col- well, Edward .and Irwin, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. J. Lymer e and family at Godfrey's Cottage, E Scugog Island. E Mrs. Orville Osborne, Mrs. L Harold Hammond, Master Mur- tE ray Hammond left by plane ta C visit Mn. and Mrs. Alex Wight, Edmoniton, Alta.S Mr. Edward Colwell bas been IV. engaged ta teach Grades ,5 and bý 6 at Courtice for the month aofR June. Ted will be teacbing at fi Courtice in September, tao. in Mrs. Anaie Patterson, Mr. T and Mrs. Robert Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon McCal- a' lum of Caledon, visited Mr. w and Mrs. H. Francis and Den- 0 nus. Congratulations t o Mi ss o Diane Webber wbo has suc-1J : cessfully completed ber second year at McMaster Un iversity, Hamilton. She is spending the tc summer at Port Severn, Ont, ai ar There will be a cadet in- ve spection of the boys af the H4 Ontario Training Scbool fcr pli lys Friday night, June lth, Vi 4ý7 pan., Capt. Evans will be Tc ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican> Firsi Aller Trinify HOLY COMMUNION 10 and ila.. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.- MORNING FRAYER 7:00 p.r.- EVENING PRAYER I-PENT SSpeci, - il1 the Inspecting Officer. Visitons are wulcome. Mr. Thos. Cable and son Wayne, Sacramento, California, have retunned home after visit- ing the latter's grandma Mrs. T. A. Garton and uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Clare Ganton andi cousin Marilyn. The winning ticket, la the dnaw for a basket af grocenies rueld at tbe Liberal tua la Part Hope on Saturday was No. 341.1 Eolder of this ticket is asked ta J contact The Canadian Statesman, to dlaim the pnize. Mrs. J. Ross Stutt wbo is visit- ng relatives at Lexington, Ken- tucky, la a note af congratula- tion ta the Editor writus: We get two Lexington papurs a day, but ta me The Statesman is tops wben it arrives on Monday. Kinsmun Deputy District Gov- eron Ken Nicks, Prusident Art Hoaper af the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club and Kin Ray Latbangue are la North Bay at- tending the Kinsmun District 8 Convention tram June 10-12.A Congratuations ta Mn. John Stacey, son af Mn. and Mrs. Mansell Stacey, wbo passed al his uxaminations with bonors at Ryerson Institutu. This is John's irst year in the Ceaurai Course In Electronies and Electnical rechnology. Mr..- and Mrs. Ralph Pannisb nd Joan, Hamilton, spent the wekend witb Mayor Nelson >sborne and Mrs. Osborne. \fs. Parrisb attended the Club 15 Reunion at the Lions Centre )n Satunday uveaing with her J ister, Mrs. Osborne.1r Congratulations are extended, o Miss Muriel Stevens, daughter1 dMn. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, -m ber graduation troa Uni- ýrsity of Toronto la the Publicd Tealth Guneral Course. Muriel lans ta spend one year with the ictonian Order of Nurses i.n .ronto. Bowmanville firemen answer- I a cali about 4:30 p.m. Sun- ay ta a wooden raiiway bridge na siduroad aven the C.N.R. racks south af Caurtice. A igarette butt tossed troa a car id set tire ta some long grass id the tire was begiaaing ta read ta tbe bridge wben the 'e truck arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Hartluy Cale, la Anne and Timmy; Mn. id Mrs. Kennetb Marchment, o-Marie and Michael, Actan; r. aad Mrs. Jack Smitb, Mr. d Mrs. Herb Smith and tam- y, Osbawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cea. oddard and Louise, Courtice, ,e weekend guests of Mr. d Mrs. Harry Smitb. Miss Tanya Goddard was ýry pieased 'ta receive word >mn the Royal Canservatory Music that she had buen icessful la passing ber A.R. r. un piano. She daus fnot an teacbing at the present me as she hopes ta attend ivursity in the faîl. Haw- ýr, shu intends ta teach same- ne in the future. Aimong those who attended neral services for Mrs. F. )rward <nue Ada Wight) la ,amone, Ill., last Saturday, .6444444464é44644.¶.d.a..&.,..,..- 4' 4' 1' j' .9' A.. 4. 4' 4' 4' 4.. 4. 4' 4' G:. t i Trinity United Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M.- "The Beiler and ihe Besf" 7:00 P.M. - "The Man Who Losi His Dream" Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Bus. Bach., L.R.S.M. EBENEZER ANNIVERSARY Sund<uy, June lZth ai 2 and 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. Gea. Connolly, B.A., B.D. Field Secretary Christian Education, of the Bay of Quinte Conference Guest Soloist - Mr. Bob Henry SIWPED AND CONCERT W#ednesday, June 151h N~ Supper starting at 4:30 p.m. untîl ail are served "LENA RIVERS", play presented by Thornton's Corners Community Association SUPPER and CONCERT - - - $1.25 P 8 ciai & £ersonai k Phone MA 3-3303 Township in gratulations the daughte: Walter B. Re Whilu in the Quuen's1 tion Mn. and bad the plua and Mns. A. Eva Spry) former neig livud la Boi years ago. '1 occasion af r had not longc wben be ac( pail of watun un and ran1 as if bu had cannon. We ray since tI. fl0w he's a r with four Io has beun un I I I A I I I I I TO FIL NIG Iwere Mns. C. A. Wight, Bow- Imanville; Rey. H. S. Cobb and IMns. Cobb, a sisten af the de- ceased, and Miss Helen Cabb, Toronto; Mn. Harvey S. Wight, a brother, and Mrs, Wight af Czar, Alta.; Miss Beryl Tiffin and Mn. Ronald Tiffin, a niece and nepbew, of Lethbridge, Alta. The East Central Ontario Amateur Art Display will be in Bowmanville at the LionsI 4-8 inclusive, witb some 65 paiatings on exhibit including.1 four by members af the Bow- manville Adult Art Class. This travelling amateur art display is sometbing new and bas been1 greeted witb great iaterest ina the centres already visited. It cames ta Bawmanville tram Peterborough. Miss Muriel Reynolds bas graduated from Macdonald Insti- tutu, Guelph, in the Dipioma Course in Home Economies, and plans ta enter Guelph General Hospital as a probationer. Miss Margaret Reynolds recently graduated tram Peterborough Teachers' Callege and bas been lec nbaorugn~~1I(otnudta aeOu 1 September. Con- (Cniudfo aeoe ta bath. Tbey are Rev. A. W. Schaafsma, Minis- rs af Mn. and Mrs. ter of tbu Christian Reform-,d ynolds, Centre St. Cburcb, stating that canstn'îc- Kinsto atendngtion xvork ta compiete the Kningstyon tteningcurcb will begin la the near Mns. Cea. W. James future. He requestud that the ýsure af meeting Mn. congregation be aliowud ta D. MDonld neeuse thu auditorium af the Town ad. MconaMdrrnue Hall fan services at 10.15 a.m. andor son Mury, and 8.00 p.m. each Sunday un- :hbars wen tbuy30tii the construction work is rbe meeting was an finished. ruminiscing. Murray Duputy Reeve Wilfrid Carru- ýotten, as a littie lad thers painted out that rentaI cidentally sat la a af the Town Hall auditorium la the James kitcb- for these cburch services would home dripping wut mean that caretaker survic2 been shot out af a wouid have ta bu supplied and badn't seun Mur- the iigbts would bu iysed. He hat uventful day; fuit that the Christian ¶Ruform- rnucb married man ed Cburch sbould pay the ovely cbildrun and same rate as bas been cbarged nployed for years Yauth For Christ 'movemunt. A motion by Court. Dave Hig- gon was passed that permission bu givun the cburch ta use the auditorium at a charge af $11 pur Sunday. A lutter was received train the Inspector of Legal Offices af the Attorney Genural's Du- rent for the use af the caunceil chambers in trying cases onig- inating in municipalities ouz- side Bowmanville. Can Use Courtroom Coun. John Regan stated that unden the Magistrates Act the magistrate bas the right ta use any courtroom or town bhail, but not at times which ,would interlure with the or- dinary use af the courtroom. He bulievud that the town could nat charge reat ton the ing asesfromtownships an Newcastle, where there is a courtroom, are being tnied hure and that the towa sbould bu paid Ian this use, Coun. Regan agreed that it suemed tain tbat Bowmanville sbould receive thmeatie cr stued uien autfaity ta ursue tbe mter funthen with the Inspector of Lugal Offices. "It could bu 1983 bufore bu passes through Bowmanvilue as bu said in bis Iltter", His Worsfp declared. A motion by Coun. Higgon was passed that-the matter bu pur'- sued ta a mare favorable con- clusion. A lutter was ruceived train the Bowmanville Public Libra- ry Board asking that council - j request the provincial gavera- L I ment ta estabiisb a provincial Ecarequurs et tat poun-i the M he moinaspiatiBoan tato wat s igau laced iat the BE ingtrection y ad eta St.van- cnaniarySt. orepainig iec tion aIrqet the pta. rovn SLitles taed utbat uther ho-a dionot wantcoundbcitauel Athe sbt wmrey ived tbem ph ermitalHscitchal sigard hamben Slgnbe planed h Dnepuetion - R ertyStCandibr tintdouta the Cham-l Rev Lloc sat ad tat teospita i His mhotion that teaterc bthefered tauteol ice tcoi- iteadpermission t c uha ereet the iabu gned, as pas th ut ee acRaiiway poting -ouncil tthaepair- bad botin tmata the map- perach aI othe ridge enEoin- mtian as and permission ta c [oein aturaJnted, 18. a A letter wsrie fromaan Place, g c.opancing a dustanr valk wn ase dta the Rads ndtSreet amte wt iCommes rce orpermission ta I usea tagformerPrvincialPo- -o as ficsrd the Chamer. A jllier than the ua-an J pIewhJave t witfo tu4 ri l IVITH KINSMEIN LEAFLETS Sw'ith the Aluminum Ca. The editor recalled aven 25 years ago attendîng a Metbooist Cburch Conference ila Klngstan Iwhen the late John Hellyar and the editor were delegates ànd billeted wîth the McDonald tamily. At that time Mn. M>c- Donald was a guard at the peaitentlary and was nesponsible for baving us sbown througb tbis tamous penal institution. It ,%vas an expenience we'i1 neyer target and don't cane ta repeat it, elther as a v'isiton an "'guest" aof the bouse af dentention and correction. We understand the custam of admittiag visitons bas long since been discontinuud at the requust af the convicts. We wuru sarny ta lean that Mn. McDonald, owing ta ilI health, bad retired several years ago tram the punitentiary staff. Mrs. Mclianaid stili keeps in touch witb activities la ber native town tbnougb a gift subscrip- tion af The Statesman ber son Murray sends ber as a Christ- mspresent. Petilions COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS Pl hd.p.dentSPECIAL VALUES AND REM~ *rugIst~ALL THIS W . :~i* FOR ALL A( qThis week the spotligl- highlight the distincti, ~. ~ ~. FREE BEAUTY BOC Baty" ... a reprint ari cle in the June issi ~ gy~ PRZEScompliments of yo IN ALLI ~. YARDLEY Lotus Colop English La% nkn~ exou// ~ ~ -"~<'Bath Saits SHULTON "Friendship 3 e4/rnt'G Sic Clo Bubblhng Ba HUDNUT 1.75 Spray . Shampo Lighit & Bni Creme Rinsf TONI Home Perm Bobbi Pin-( Silven Curl1 CURTIS Helene Curt CUTEX NIVEA PACKAOI OP 30dw6/ eii 2< MAKNS SIZE 12"x12" ala e 1p Alex. à& ý . ', We Deliver w Oc Diamnond Nz Creme . . a SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS Cocoanut 011 Shampoo - - 39î 8 oz.- reg. 49c Evelyn Howard Cold Cream - - 69c 1 lb. - reg. 89c Cold C ream Soap - - - - 2In 23c Epsom Saits - - - - - - 19c 16 oz. - reg. 25c Father's Day is June 19 These are but a few of aur many competitively priced gift items suitable for Dad. Gift carton of 50 4.00 Value Gillette Blue Blades 2.50 Shave Brush ------- 2.98 GoId-plated Gillette DeLuxe Rocket Razor Waterman's Pen and Kit ------ 1.59 Puncil Sets 5.45, 6.95 up Golf Balls 45c, 3 for 1.25 Billfolds, from $1.00 up "Orient" Talcum - - - - - - 29c 16 oz. - assorted fragrances Combs - Bobby and Pocket 7c, 2 F-, 13c .D.A. Huahth Salts, 16-oz. tin - - ------59c Sun Glasses- range of prieus from - 69c to 10.00 Camneras by Kodak 3.50 up 6-12 Insect Repellent --59e Velvetta Insuct Repellent 49e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local I.DA. Drug Store 'ERSONAL SERVICE OR1s IINDERS EFFECTIVE rEEK 3ES 0F BEAUTY t is on beauty preparations to ive qualities of women of al )KLET! "The Four Ages of tin boo]kiet f orm of a beauty ue of Canadian Home Journal >ur I.D.A. Drug Store. ýne --------------- ------1.75, 3.00 vender 1.25 to 6.50 ------- -------- - - - - -- - - - - 1 .5 0 "'s Garden" Toilet Waten, 4 oz. 1.50 m ne -- - - - -- - ---- -- ----- -- ---- 1.25 ath Crys tais, 8's ---- ----------- 1.25 & Stay plus 75e Egg Creme oo - Both for - - ------- ------ 1.75 -ig t---- -- ----- - ----------- 1.75 se - ------ ----- 75c, 1.25, 2.00 anent - 3 tYples -------------1 .'à5 Curl Permanent -------- ------1.75 Permanent 1.75 tis Lanolin Dlscovery - 1.75 ail Polish -------------- --- --- 39e fter sun, wind, water. 63c, 1.10, 3. c MACLEÂNS TOOTH PASTE SPECIAL LOW.PRICE OFFiR f - With 10 I-AN DURABE Gillette Blue CAS Bladesin Dispenser $2-00 Valut Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 3- tirns such as Drigo.A K insmen Itually ia some townships, pro- perty values have declined and k <Cantinuud tram page one) assessable pnopertx- bas beeli 1 enMil Chirand"Th Con- lost due ta the establishment eny MFeoor a v-nd "Themaln-1 afreforestation prajects. "Baxx -- queteyFur wull-known mpaemanville bas been gctting away qatette wlc has appearedwith an assessrnent of $2,429,- at may lcal unctons. 900 for caunties purposes for Tber wil, I corse betheseveral years which is actually usua1 baoths, refreshments, wav out of line*", he declared. and games, including both He' also pointed out that Port bingo and - crawn-and-anchor. Hop, has been paying an only A' car draw baath will ýsI approximatuly $3,000,000, and tickets on thé 1955 Pantidc x-uw that the aid assessments wbich the Kinsmen Club will are being used for 1955 tbey. raflie off on Saturday nigbt. illii be paying low rates for Car Dnaw Saturday 'this y ear too. "The towns. in The car draw xiii be the big.fainness, should be paying a feature Saturday night and~ langer share of the costs af other attractions will be ap- caunties administration", bu pearances by six-year-old B.,- assunted. iy Wade, outstanding drummer Costs To Increase wbo neyer fails ta amaze bis Deputy - Reeve Carruthens audiences with the professionai alsa painted out that Unized easu with wbicb bu paunds out Caunties' administration casts the rhythm on bis tnaps. The wiil be higber ia the future, booths and games xiii also be since the Caunties Council is operating on Satunday night issuing higb scbool depentures with vury worth-wbiie item-s that were farmerly floated by as prizes. ýthe municipalities, and a new Ail residents af Durham administration building must C.ounty. bath aId and yaung, be built. He agneed that a cnm- are condially invited ta the mittee migbt be fonmed ta Kinsman Kannival on June -17 study the matter af appealing and 18. against the use af the equaliz- i ed assessments for countics ipurpases in 1956, and suggested n A i flItbat the opinion of the taxxn isescinad vB-LaNs solicitor on tbe atrsol (Cntnud ro pgeon) be obtained. (Cotined ra pae ou) A motion by Coun. Jack Deputy - Reeve Canruthers 'Brough was passed that thý- stated that Bowmanvillu had Boxvmanvillu Council's repres- alneady decided ta appeal the entatives ta Counties Caunc:i difference af $178,000 betwcen get the opinion af the town sol- the caunties figures af $6,535,- iciton on the matten of an ap- 000 and the town's awn fig- peal and keep in touch with unes af oniy $6,357,000. Appar- the situation. entlyr this was a cienical error Reeve Sidney Little congra- on the part af the coiintîie-.1 tulated Deputy-Reex'e Carru- hawever, and the appeal wil thers on the fine job be bad flot bu necessary. ie 1 done on behaîf of the town that in fairness ta the tawn-1 that day at the Counties Couni- sbips the ,towns should realize cil meeting. that practidaily ail the post- war growtb and duveloplrnent in the United Counties bas been Calgary was faunded as a in the towns, wbiie the town- 1 North West Maunted PoliceI sbips are menely holding their post in 1875 and aiginaliy was own, witb onu an twa excep- called Fart Bnisebais. rECOSTAL CHURCH 21 Ontario Street North Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastar ia Revival Services De'ginning Sunday, June 121h EVANGELIST L. B. KLEINSTTJBER in charge Sunday - 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday to Friclay at 8 p.m. Her messages wilI thrill you - Dont fail to hear ber COME ONE - COME ALL Sunburn and Suntan Items Skol -- .---- - 55c, 75c, 1.00 Naxzema Suntan Lotion in plastic squeeze bottie 1.00 Noxzema Suntan Ohl or Cream --39c, 75c; Coppertone Oil or Cream .---- - -1.50 Coppertone Spray - 2.25 Pee Vee asebli erguson on behaif of the club Pee W e Basball for her most interesting ac- Lea gue Needs count of her "'Adventure in Ci.- IWilling Workers Jackon resenktd te WH.S. Bowmanville Recreation De- Six guests were welcomied to partment has decided ta oper. the meeting: Dr. and Mrs. Har- ate the Pee \Vee Baseball ad Ferguson and Mr. Charles League again this summner, Denton of Bo-'mtian\,ille, Ro- Douglas Rigg, new Recreation tarians ('Iayton Joyce and Ch7riq D i r e c t o r, qhas annouinced. M_ýcKaV Of Port Hope and Sx d Games will be played at Mern- Ballard of Oshawa, and Coil- anial Park on Saturday morn- stable Jimn De Geer of the ings at 9 o'clack. There -,.11l R.C.MI.P., stationed at Vancou- be a double-header every Sat-1 ver, who is spendmng a vacation rurday with each game lasting with his parents, Rotarian and an hour and a haif. Mrs. Walter De Geer. Any boy of Pee Wee age, President Jackson made a under 13 yearg of age onMa birthday presentation ta Rotar- Ist, 1955, who is interested y ian Bill Rudell.Secretary Ric playing may pick up a player's Walters read an invitation froma certificate at the Recreation ithe Toronto Rotary' Club ta the Office in the Lions Community !local club ta attenid a meeting Centre. 1iii Toronto on June ,24 wvhen In orer t operte îe !lerbert Taylor, President of League it is necessary ta have iRtry International, will be. adut help ta manage and coach~ the speaker. the teams. Any persan inter- Dr. Ferguson expressed bis ested in acting in this capacitvy thanks ta the Rotary Club for please contact the Recreation 1 making his daughter's trip Office at Market 3-5761. possible. Rotary Club I ouG (Continued from Page One) T RK the National Art Gallery and T R E " xwere much impressed with the beauty of these buildings, sho 1 stated. Miss Ferguson also de* scribed the beautiful tulip gar- dens and stated that the Fed - eral District Commission is working on the projeet of mal- ing Canada's Capital even more beautiful than it is at present. , FLAVOR- FED Discussion Groups Held Discussion groups formed an:i 8 to 15 Ibs. important part of their pro- Ovndrse gram, she said, and the stu- Oe-rse dents at one of these felt that as much attention should be P HIL F IN N IEY paid ta the cultural develop- ment of Canada as ta its indus- MAPLE GROVE trial growth. ilM 3.09 Rotarian John M. James, M. Da A320 P. for Durham, thankedMisI______________ - C- b -X.Z;* m THE CANADIATi qrATr.quAu imnvýng,&v"Tv m"All2w-% m ........... P-ý 1