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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1955, p. 9

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-THE -CANADIAN STATESMM, EOWXANVU.IZ, ON4TAIO '.AENfh 1h ree Delegates Give Reports On Kinsmnen Club Convention Karnival Shows $600 Profit A repart an the. District Kinsmen Club convention in North Boy recently wos given by the thnee local delegates ati the at 'meeting af thc club1 for this seasan, on Tuesday af last week, in the Balmoral Ho- tel. President Art Hooper, Depu- ty District Gavernor KCen Nicke, and Kmn Bay Lathangue, cach reported on a different. ap et ai the conÎvention. KinRay suggested thot every memben of the çlub shauld attend such a convelition, to gain a difien- ent outloak an Kinsmanship. Monty Cranfield,,. a Oshiawa, was elected District Governor at thîs convention. It was de- cided that the annual Quantet NIgh lt, at whlch the Bowman- ville Club was hast ýhis yean, will be held in Lindsay in February. Kin John Grahami reponted on the car draw held in con- nection with the ecent Km.s- man Karnival. He sid that a pected when all business i. completed in connection withi the dnaw. The choirman of the: Car Draw commlttee reported, that the pickup in returns dur- ing the last week prian ta the draw showed that maney wîll KEDRON (Intended for last week) Kedron Sunday Schaol ob- served its annuel Anniversary an Sunday, June 19. Supt. Clan- ence Werry and Rev. R. H. Rickard conducted the wanship with guest preacher, Rey. J. K. Moffat, Oshawa, Who addnessed his remanks especially ta the boys and girls. The scholars, grouped in the chancel, sang several nurnbera under the di- rection af Mrs. R. Lee and aur 6-year-old boy soprano, Louis Vaillancourt,' was heard in solo, "Bless This House" in fine voice. Beautiful flowers, an- ranged by Mns. William Snaw- den, added their own message. In the evening, Mr. Moffat pneached a strang sermon an "Faith" in whlch he suggested that aur concept af Gad may1 be far too smaîl, aur concept of Christ may lack Hia great strength, and aur concept of Hia Church may be quite in- adequate. The regular choir, assisted by Miss Marilyn Booth, Oshawa, provided spe cial' musical numbers. Mres. Rasa Lee presided at the ergan. Congratulations to Ron Nemli of Pickering and Ran Werry,i who wenf ewarded second1 prize in mlen competition be- tween 17 caunties at the 3rd annual Dairy Show held. at Kemptville Agricultural Col- lege. The two Rons were the Dairy teanm Teprebenting On- tario County. The Peterboro team wene in first place by a merggm of three points only. Friends here extend sincere sympathy ta the family of the late Mns. Naylar, beloved mother of Mrs. H. Crosaman, Mns. C. Pascoe. and sans Char- les, Clifford and Russel. In her memnory, beautiful baskets af flowers were placed in our church an Sunday. Sevenal Kedron ladies attend- ed Ziasi Bazaar and Tea lest Wednesday evenmng, and en- joyed a friendly visit with our Zion neighbours. Misses Irene Bray and Olive Luke, Toronto, spent the week- end et the R. J. Luke home. Joining them an Sunday for anniversary services were the Bert Lukes and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Toronto; and the Miss- es Marie and Helen Cole of Markham. Guests et the P. Snowden home invluded Mrs. T. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rundle and Andrea, Oshawa, Mrs. tRoss Pearce, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, Enniskîcllen, and Mrs. J. Pengelly and Jimi my, Brooklin. Gucats af Mr. and Mrs. C. É. Lave were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Booth, Marilyn anid Norma, and Mr. Delbert Tilk, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hou- kmn Danna and Joanne, Har- xnony. The Harry Rase family en- joyed a picnic at Peterboro and visited cousins Mr. and Mns. Cheel, Mr. and Mrs. JamesI Morton, James, Robert and 1 David, Burlîngton, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robins. David, John and Joan, Indian Point, spent a day guestg ai Mr. and Mrs. H. Rose. Jim Blackburn and Miss Lois Morrison, Uxbridge, witii Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy. Mrs. E. Mountjoy attended the Presbytery W.A. Executive meeting in Oshawa Friday and was a dinner guest of her dau- ghter, Mns. Hugh Gannon. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- jay, Hampton, were Sunday tea guests af Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountj'y. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Rickard Patsy and Alistair, Mr. i Mrs. Tom Sobil, Zion, and Mr. and Mrs. Allon Werry and baby Sandra, were Sunday te guests ai the Ross Lees. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pasce visited Monday evening with Mns. W. McCullough, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wenry, Enniskillen, Mn. Frank Batty and Miss Doris Batty, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown and Eric, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guesta ai Mrs. Flet- cher Wenry and Wilma. Harry Rose was among a graup of Oshawa music lavera who enjayed a Musical Appre- ciatian evening in Toranto, camé ln If tickets are distnIbut-. ed. The top ticket. sellers in the club. wene named, and the name af inmRoy Swindells headed the ist. Karnivol Chairman Don Mc- Gregor, reponting on. tjie canni- val, sated the pnoject was suc- cessful, and a jnofit af about $000' is expecte which would Include the hass on the -can draw. President Art thanked the members ion their wonk ln connoction with the Kin Kan- nival, and stated that the re- sulta were quite good, coinsid- ering 11we mode a mistoke" in holding it inside the Anena when the weather was so hot. PFour club meetings will be held by special cammi ttees during the summer manths, ai- thaugh the reguhar meetings are oiiicially iinished for this seasan. Each committee will be camnpeting ogainst the othens ta pe-oduce the best meeting, and a prize is ta be given. The Kinsmen Club will be in charge oi the Bingo Booth at the Community Picnic, July lut, at the Cneam ai Barley again this year. Kin Murray Lanmen will be in charge af arrangements, and ather meni- bers wlll wark in the booth. Knawles, Oshawa, wene Tues- day dinnen guests ai Mn. and Mns. H. Rose. Guests ai the Wm. Wernys an Sunday were Mn.. W. Scott and Allan, Columbus, Miss Maxine McMillan, Port Penny, Mr. and Mns. H. Gilchrist and Bobby, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Douglas and Lynda. Mn,. J. Brooks spent the weekend here in hen cottage at Brook Park. Mr. and Mns. H. Rose and cblîdreni are vocationing at Sauble Beach on Lake Huron. Sunday guests af Mn. and Mns. M. Mountjoy were Misses Luella Hepburn and Beatnice Mauntjoy. Oshawa, Miss Irene Bray and Mn.. G. Gibson, To- ronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Ever- son Norton and Cnaîg, Brou- ghamn. At Sunnyside with the Han- old Werry family as anniver- ary guéstg were Mr. and Mns. Cecil Pound, Courtice, Mns. J. Brooks, Mr. and Mm. Laurence Allen and Lawrence Jr., and Miss Joan Clevendon, Oshawa, Misses Anna-Marie and Betty Hoskin, and Neilson Green- mree, Harmony, John Luke, To- ronto, Miss Grace Webben, Col- umnbus, Mn. and Mrs. H. Bah- aker and Mn. and Mn.. J. Gbo- ver. Miss Brenda Hopkins accom- panied hem aunt, Miss Edythe Short of Smooth Rock Falls ta Niagarq. Douglas Firfidale, Burling- ton, was home for the week- end. Other gueats of the liow- ard Fanndales for tea were Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bell, Qrillia, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bain, Oak- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Onville Lawton and family, Manhllo. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and famlly, Thorntoft's Cornera. It avs goodto sec the Gar- don a imly, Mr. and Mrà. Ed Davis, Oshawa,. and the1 Rolph Davis famlly, Sauina, bock at Kedron on Sunday. With Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis for tea were the Camp-1 bell Hamers, Doreen, Don and David, Eldad, and Mns. W. Turner, St. Thomas. Guests for tes at Mn. and Mrs. Hamvey Pmscoe's wenu Misses Sylvia and Marie Me- Inroy, Lmwnence Mountjoy, Philsp and John Mormow, Osh- awa. The Harvey Pascoes enjayed the annual iamily r.eunion at Hampton Park on Saturday. YELVERTON (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Molcolmi and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm attended the ecep- tien af Lulu's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philip, at Sterling on Saturday evening. Mr. Philp is well known locally having previaus. ly owned the farm irihabiteà by the Balfour Moore's. Con- gratulations ta the Philp's on their recent monriage. Weekend guests ai the Don Jahnsans were the Elwyn Dickey's af Bawmanville. Mr. and Mn.. Jas. Shackle- ton were Sunday guesta af Mr. and Mrs. Hemman McGill of Bethany and attended the Bethany Band Concert. Yelvertonians divided their devation ta Cadmus and Beth- any neighbours on Friday even- ing ta represent Yelventon at these twa garden parties. Re- ports from bath directions were satisfactary. On Manday evening, June 13, the Yelventon W.A. catered ta the annual meeting ai Dur- ham Trustees and Ratepayers' Association when 80 niembera sot down ta sup. Report op- pears in this issue. Among those attending the "Kirk" on Sundoy Were Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cape and Burke and friends Mr. and Mns. Perry from Owen Sound. Morley la a nephew of the late Burke McGill who owned the property now occupled by the Norman Wilsons. The Capes are well known an~d are sin- cerely welcomed back for a visit. Visitora ai the Hugh McGill's included Mm. and Mn.. Ken Snyden and Wayne, Leoside, Mn. and Mrm. Bent Arnott, Pc- terbona. Those attending a Philp re- union on Sundoy held at the When boter automobiles are bulit BUICK wiIl bulld them ThrïiII of the yu~ria A GINIRAL MOTORS VALUE Howard Philp famm in Brou- gham, were the Wilbert, How- &md and Murray Muicolms and the Jerry Bnistows. Mns. Harvey Malcolmn and, Mitzi accompanisd the 'Victor Malcolms ta the Farmer's Un- ion Picnie at Orono on Satun- day. (sole nepreseritatives from- Jonetville Union.) Fnam the limited attendance we deduce that others share dur opinion triat being a "Unionlst" ought ta be a supplement athen than an alternative ta good farming practJses. Mr. and Mns. Bert Visee and famlly wene Sunday guesta af the Gardon Robinsons. Mr. mnd Mns. Dave Wilson and Lloyd, Mms. Annie Mc- Quade were Sundoy guests ai the Orland McGills at Lindsay. Guests ai the Gea. E. Wil- sans wene Mrs. A. Fallis and Lloyd ai Ballyduff. Week-enders with Miss Em- nma H-enders were Mn. and Mrs. Don Berry and family, Mn. and Mns. Sid Cook and familv. Mr. and Mns. Jack Wilson and famlly motoned to Hamil- tan ta spend the day with Lor- na's slster., Mn. and Mns. Jini Taylor. Mn. and Mn.. Rolland McGill Lindsay, called on Miss tmý Henders. Mrs. Balfour Moores and Nancy, were guests of Mt& Sam Sedman,- Whitby. Mr. and Mr&. Art Rowaa and family were recent dinner guents of Mr. and Mrs. Orv*I Jackson at Brooklin. Mr. Bob Brown, RCAF.- Visit- ed relatives includixàg Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stfnson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson, Dale and Pam were Sunday callers on the Geo. Pages. Oshawa Memorial Servis Natural atone monuMentO markers and cornier atOneS No. 2 HIGHWAY B. OIP CITY LIMITS Dial OSHAWA RA 8-6611 an., time andi reverse charge, Uic Motors 166 King St. E. M417ne MA 3..5585:, -T----- - -----** - - - --... - CASH 'di $ 's "The neighbors ail have thus te say i As a cook 1.arn known for my knack. Here's a secret 1 use each day,. To make a real meml of a snack. If compliments ydu want a lot, oh, Serve 'em milk, that's my motto!" Glen Rue Dairy MA 3-5444 Bowmanville Robson &I 1 1.1 PAGI 8. , . -

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