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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1955, p. 10

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___________ TM! CANADTAKSTATESMAX,- EOWMA2Iv!LLE O!<AMO Gordon Âgnew, Ediior Socieal (mnd Personal Mnr. Sarah Fails and Mrs. vi&ing with Mr. H. T. Mani Jennie Ertel of Caro, Michigan, and family. visited for a few days last Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Williams week with Mrs. Mary Stevens. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Miss Mary Margaret Bona- Archie Martin and family o than and Miss Joyce Martin Toronto, spent the weekend a are leaving today for New York their summer Camp at Po: City and will sail on the An- Perry. driti Dorea for Nàples, Italy, oni Mr. and Mrs. Gerald What July lst. man and Mr. and Mrs. F. L Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare, ac* Agnew and grand-daughter companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Susan Brook, were Sur. S. Ames of Bowmanvi]le, spent day visitors with Mr. and Mrs Sunday at Lakeview Lodge at Gordon Agnew. Cobéconk. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gorsline and Miss Lois Martin of Toronto, family of Port Hope, were re- spent the weekend with Mir. cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs iand Mrs. H. B. Kelsey. F. Partridge. Mrs. G. T. Manes of. Leaside i Mrs. H. S. Britton is visitino lspending a week's holidays i oot with her son ano daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Neil Britton. Mr. Walter Haigh of Winni- B IC CL S peg, Manitoba is spending a with his mother, Mrs. E. Haigh J flV YVt!! S and aid friends in the village ~ after a, ten year absence. Deborah Adair entertained aid WAG NS sorne of ber lîttie frîends anc and W GONS their mothens, on Wednesday, NEW an TJED June 22nd, on the occasion of NEW an USED ber third birthday. Mrs. C. Wood of Orono, vis. ACCESSORIES AND ited with Mr. *and Mrs. George REPAIRSCrowther and family on Mon- REPAIRSday. FOR ALL MAKES Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Waltori of Agincourt were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. W. eo. lia wlhr ens Sunday dinner guests with NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose and PHONE2441family were Mrs. John Craw- PHONE2441ford, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Craw- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crawford. and son Murray, Mr. Newcastle Lions' Club CARNIVAL in' the Newcastle Communiîy, Park FRIDAY, JULY 8 'eaturing Donkey Basebal Came ai 8 p.m. Admission to Game - Aduits 50c, Children 25e DINGO and OTHER GAMES DRAW FOR BOAT, KOTOR AND TRAILER PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE FUND la cqse of rain Carnival will be held Saturday, JuIy 9th John' Heaf lie Fu King Street -NEWCASTLE HAMPTON Mrs. Roy Reed, Brandon, (e 9.sdqze#scIe4Man.; Miss Maude HunierMn and Mn,. Geo. Reed, Wodville, visiied Rev. and Mn. F. J. Reed. Mrs. Jim Hewson, visiied ber -. ' .Phono 3621- brother-in-law ai Millikenan also spent a week wiih Rev. and Mn.. Empey and girls ai High- land Cneek. il *..gMn.. Selena Stephens, ore Re .J h ,K tc e Sp a r wiih Mn.. Charlotte Stephens. Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, es Oshawa; Mis. Muriel Tum- monds, Port Penry, ai Lorenzo 1,At Friendship Club Meeting TrllS. T or ss S.T er Trnwt s. Mns. E. H. Cole. of Wiih iweniy-six membens Rev. John Fisher of Onono, Mn. and Mn.. Arthur Siainton, ai and eighi guesis in attendance gave a most intenesiing account Browning'. Istanid; Mn.. Donald irt the regutan meeting of the of bis wonk in the Mission Prescoti and Manvin, Enfield, aiI Friendship Club was held ini Fields in China where he speni Mn. and Mn,. Hosken Smiib's. the Sunday School room of the 31 yeans. A sound film, dealing Prof. and Mn.. Dunbar, -Toron- United Chunch on Wednesdmy with the firsi press and the to: Mn. and Mn.. M. Gqnmely, -~eveniuig, June 15th. The presi- publl§hing of the Bible ini Chi- Brooklin, with Mn. and M'ns. Jas. ~dent, Mns. Helen Ruddell call- nese %vas shown with Mn. C. R. Smaîes, Sr. ed the meeting to orden and Carveth openating the projec- Mn. and Mirs. Will Griffin and' following the singing of the ton. daughten Doroihy, Morden, kd opening hymn and prayer led A yole of thanks bo the Rev. Man., ealled on their cousin, by Rev. M. C. Fisher she wel- Mn. Kitchen fon his tlk and Mn.. Charlotte Stephens. comed mît thea guebts present to *the guesi singers wms pro- Mn. and Mn,. Norman Clem- and conducteda short business posed by Mn.. Wylma Scott. ens and family, Toronto, ai ig meeting. LvreCees The program was in charge A contest canducted by Mns..LvreCmn. id Grtrue Gry wa wonb a Mn. and Mrs. H. Peter., * f Mn.. Wilmm Scot'. group, GetueGm.wswnb Toronto, ai T. Salters. h ie devolional service- opening gnoup composed of Mrs. Fish- Mr. John Fletcher, Taber, -with the bymn "Onwand Chris- er, s. Woo, Mn.. Carsnan *dj Alta. visited Mn. and Mn.. a tian Soldiens" and the Scrip- Mn,. Rîckmby and Mn.. Rital Elmer Wil bur. g une Lesson read by Mrs. Be.S- Flintoff won the pnize for hav- M ' gbl ReyodBw 9sic Dean. During the service ing the oldesti icoin among the M. yodBw etwo lovely vocal duels wene group. Minvslea rt Reyknds'. -sung by Mn,. Rickaby and Mns.. Following the pnognamni e- Msh a ihry WilinsR.N., d Carson of Onono. fnesbments were served by oîd and Mn.. Wilkins. Intnoduced by the Rev. M. C. members of the group in charge Mr. and Mrs. A. Notbcutt, Fisher, the guesi speaker, the of the meeting. Miss Audrey Nonihcutt, Mn. and f Mm.. Lloyd Ayre and Cindy Lou, and Mn.. Gnaham Crawford Jr. Duha Rra Bowmanville; Mm. and Mm.. E. and dmughtcr Twylm, Mn. and .ula xra H. Ruibven, Pont Hope; Mn. and Mn.. Douglas Lmnsdetl and B s LalMns. H. Toms, Mns. L. Green, -chidren, Mn. and Mn,. Graam a bll League Toronto; Mn. Alex Sleightholm, Crawford Sr., Mrs. Lloyd S ig Whitby, ai A. L. Blanchard's. Melîvile Ackroyd al of Bramp- 1mnd Debora, Toronto, at Mn,. S. ton.Th following are the stand- G. Niddeny's. Mr. and Mn.. R. H. Poster ings of the temms in the South Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, and Philip of Toronto, and Mrs.. urbam Rural Basebaîl League Bowmanville; Mn. and Mn,. H. J. G. Jackson of Pont Penny, in games ptayed up ta and in- E. Pnice and son Bille, Willow- wene Sunday visitons wilb Mrs. cluding Saturday, June 1251h dale, with Mn. and Mns. A. E. George Smith. Team W L T Pi, Bîleti. Mn. and Mrs. Merwin Cryden- Mn. and Mn.. Vance Cooper. Welcome .. 6 3 - 12 man and family, Oshawa, witb and family of Oshawa were' Newcastle 5 3 - 10 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman. Sunday visitons with Mn. an d iCambounne 5 4 - 10 M~r. and Mn.. Newton Edgar, Mn,. George Kimball and fmm- Newionvillc . 5 3 - 10 Oshawa, ai Sam Dewell's. j ily. Côvendale . 3 2 2 8 Mn. and Mm.. C. J. Wray, Pt. Hope Kinsmen 2 2 2 6 Maxine and Debora, Mis, Eilcen Kendal-------- 2 4 1 5 Wray, R.N., Oshawa, Mn. and A eron eaPt. Hope Juveniles 2 4. - 4 Mn,. Percy Allun, Sheila* and Afternoon TeaGarden Hil.,-i------ 5 1 3 Russell, Bowmanville, ai T. Ends ctivtiesWray's. Ends ctivtiesMr. and Mn,. Harvey Balson , adfamily, Oshawa, a J. C of 'Mission Band Saint George ' Macnab's. M.ChsSitmn The . activities of *the Golden ChuL IM. annaO shaw as. ith .and Rule Mission Band of the Ne w- ..nrchNeI4 ~5Mn,. Lewis Trull. castle United Chunch wene Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Hogarth, brought ta a close. for the sum- A very pleasani Garden Pan- Clane, Joanne and Cathie, Pick- mer montbs with a very suc- ty was held on Wednesday af- ering, with Mn. and Mnm. Austin ccssful aftennoon tea served by tennoon, June 22nd, at the Barman. members of the FÉiendship home of Mns. Ross Cobbledick Mn. and Mn.. Wm. Found, Mn. Club on .Friday, June,241h. in aid of the Junior Auxiliary' and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple, Mn. Tea was -pouned by Mn,. Kay of St. George's Churcb. and Mn,. Hanry Freeman, Bow- Powell ai a 'table dccorated There was a nice crowd in manville, with Mn.- and Mn,. wiih a centre piece of beauti- altendance and the affair wa, Chanhie Warren. fully anranged ned roses and veny successful financially as Mrs. M. Goodman 4nd Louiser the program featuned a ballet well as socially. Duning the are v4siting Mr. and .Mrs. Allen number perfarmed by five lit- afiemnoon the draw was madle Parker, Toronto. île girls, Beth Powell, CmndY by Penny Meadows for th Mn. and Mrs. Robi. Sims, Stonks, Sharon Banchard, Bren- lucky winner of a loveîy steplIPatsy and David, Taronto; Missa da Brown and Patsy Ruddell, table donated by the DurbamIjM. Wilkins, Oshawa, ai GeraldD unden the direction of Miss Wood Producs-the, proceeds Balson's. t Gaylc Thomas. ta be given ta the Little Help- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, Solina; Two members of the Mission fens' Fund of St. George',. Mr.1Mn. and Mns. Kenneib Samelîs e Band, Douglas Jose and Bob- Enwrighi was the winner of the and Anna, Nestieton; Mr. and 0 by Brown were made. life table. Mn,. E. Strong and Fay, Bow- si membens of the Band ai ibis * * manvîlle; Mr. and Mn,. Evereti sý Mountjay, Kedron; Mn. and Mm,. s' meeting. The Annual, St pwberry Tea L. Bye ns, Mn. and Mrs. Russell q The tem was very welt ai- of St. George'.s Dhurch was'Mountjoy, Mn. and Mn.. Gardon iç tended by relatives and friends held on Friday, June 241h in Stinson, Mn. and Mn,. Milton t] of the Mission Band members the Parisb Hall, the wemiher Gray, Lotus, were annivensany and netted the group twenty- being too cool and cloudy ta visitons ai Menwin Mountjay's. sý five dollars, which included hold il oui of doors. Thene was Mn. and Mn.. Garnet Jabnston IR the sale of 95 bags of home- a gaod crowd, thaugh nat as and girls were with relatives mi S made cmndy. good as bad been hoped for. Seagrave, Sunday, the occasion ir The Mission Band leaders, The hall looked veny ttrac- af Mn. Johnstan's sister's 25th ei Mn,. Betty Brown and Mn,. tive with flowens fnamed ini wedding anniversany. M Rena Megît expressed their ap- the Windows and on ail of the Mn.. H. Rutian wa, ai ber vN prneciation to- -the membens of tables. The bennies were lavely home nean Gnavenhurt for the v the Friendhip Club and the and everyone enjayed a good weekend. ti mothens of the Mission Band Supper. Congratulations ta Mr. and membens for their assistance * *Mrs. Blayd Wilcox on the birth c( in mmking the Tea a ,uccess The Annual Family Sundav of a baby boy ai Memorial Hos- tj, and ta Miss Hattie Masan and, of St. George's Church will be pital, Bowmanville. pi Mrs Awe fr teirdonations. obscrved ibis coming Sunday, West ruofteWmnsd for their iJuly 3rd. T o n s , Gopo h oe' irniture G eWimt nnoi - Dial 3616 Refrigerator Bar gains iii m $289.50 $339.50 $349.50 WASHING 1MOCINES Ful. length skirt, two-ycmr guarantee -- $99.50 Ail Makes at Competitive Prices New.- At R.educed Prices BUY WH EN PRICES ARE LOW a. a. a. e t -frotu $99.50 - from $84.50 *from $59.50 24 MONTKS TO PAY ALL CONTRACTS LIFE INSLRED FREE Gold Medal Mn,. E. Lyceti, Principal of the Newcastle Public School has announccd that theSa- uei Wilmoit Gald Medal Award for bighest praficiency stand- J ing in Grade eigbt bas beenJ won ibis year by Gayle Tho- nms. The gnadualing daso of the] Newcasile Public School -for I 155, promoied ta Grade 9 1-1 as follows; Dawn Bell, Simc n Birsteken, John DeWîth ,tr' Gray, Patricia Hemilie, Ever., Lake, Hemîber Maughan, Ga,.- r"y McCullough, Paul Mcc't'- laugh, Annie Plulsier and jGayle Thomas. B URKETON Sympaihy Is extended to Mr. rnd Mrs. Frank Dorland, in thý dcaf h of Mn.. Dorland of Ea- niskillen, June 24th. Ivany from here attendcd the presentation in honour of Mr. and Mn.. Cîsyton, Weir. mier( nec Lovica, Hanibron) at Enniskillen hall June 241h. 1 We wcrc all veny sorry ta earn of the lass. o the Van Camp homesiead barn wbich vvas bunned down Friday even- Mr Mn Ml MacCoy was in Mon- treal for the weekend. with re., lai ives. Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams were with Mn. and, Mn,. Ed. Coch- rane, Raglan, Sunday. Mns. J. Curran and Mrs. Jack Smitb, apeni a day wtth Mns. Les. Argue. Mn.. Mary Armstrong -if Smith Falls, speni the wcekcr(i with Mr. and Mns. Ton y Smith Miss Gwen Dean, Mis Lois Davey, wene li Toronto. Many do witb oppotunities as' chidren do ai the seashore; tbey I f 111 ibein little hands wiib sand, and tben let the grain fal thraugh. one by anc. tili ail anc g=e..Thomas R. Jones.. _1_ 's TE!~ESDAY~ JUNE 3OU, ~U Institute were guesta 'of MUs. Lorenzo Truil ai their cottage ai Williams' Point Wednesday of liai week. Rev. F. J. Reed was guest minister for evening anniversany service of Leskard Church, Sun- day. 1 A meeting to make final 1arrangements for the Chunch Vacation School beginning on July 4th wms held Monday afier- noon, with a splendid attendance. Communion service will be held' on Sunday monning ai 11 o'clock. Annivensary on Sunday was well attended and will be con- tinued on July 1s.. Tyrone W. Hears Talk ;On Arthritis Tyrone: The Tynone Wom- en's Institute met on Wednes- day, June l5th at the home of Mn.. Howard Brent. Miss Lynn Stainton nendered a lovely pi- ano solo. Miss Gloria Brent sang a solo, accompmnîed by ber moth- er, Mrs. Gordyn Brent which was much enjoyed. The meeting enjoyed an ad- dress given by Mrs. Rmtb, of 1Oshawa, connected with 0. A. and R.S. She spoke on Anibnitis and the number wbo are afflicted with that disease, telling us of the treatments that are avail- able for anyone in their own home. The Tyrone Women's Insti- tute wxsh to extend a vote of thanks to the Canadian States- man for carrying our monthly report of our meetinxg which bas been much appreciated. ENFIELD Recent callens ai A. W. Pres- ctt'. were: Mn. and Mrs. Nor- man Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Hodgson, Hampton; Mn.. George Gilroy, Philip and Douglas, Columbus; Mrs. Mor- ley Gilnoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ross ýSmitb, Mrs. Wilbent Smith and Donothy, Oshawa, Miss Mar- jorie MeLean, Blackstock. Mn. Frank McCulloch, Ponty- pool, visited bis sister, Mns. H. Stinson. Old fniends of Mr. Frank Smith gathered ai the home of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith for a social evening with Frank and bis bride. Mn.. Wilfrid Bowman called the meeting to order and called on Mns. Frank Gilbert and Mns. Fred Mc- Laughlin who gave humorousf readings. Mn. Fred Samis ne-ad an address prepared by Mrs. A'. Prescott, followed by theC presentation of a side chair r and scatter nug tô the bride r« and groom. The presentatian t] was made by Mn. Fred Griffin F. and Mn,. Stan Gray of Oshawa. VIr.and Mns. Smith expressed h- thein appreciation for the gifts i] followed by speeches by sev- C emal of the guests who were old fniends' of the groom. The a social part of the evening was j spent in nenewing old frîend- S ships for Frank and getting ac- quainted with bis bride, who F is a charming person. We wiîh a themn every bappines.1% Since wniting lasi we have said farewell to bur pastor, sl Rev. R. M. Seymour and Mrs. a: Seymour. Rev. and Mrs. Sey- IV. mour shaîl long be remember- ed by the folk wbo worked X~ with-them for nine years. We K~ wish tbem bealth to enjay their d, we-l-deserved nest in their re- B iremen.. Anniversary practice shail commence Sunday ai one-thir- ai ty and ai twa-tbirty aur new E pastor, Rev. Gneen, shall con- n uci bis final service here.. Skinner and family visited Mr. ZION Decoration service at Zion Cemetery will be July 3 at 2.30 p.m. Mr. R. Schwartz, Oshawa, ai Hans Geissbergers. Miss Ruby Morris and fniend, Peterboro, at John Monahan'. Mr. and Mrs. William Rich- ards and Joyce, Oshawa, ai Frank Sobil'. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skin- ner and famlly, Oshawa, at Jim Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert BeckeI, Mr. and Mn.. Keith Staiton were on a three-day fishing trip. Mr. and Mn.. R. C. Stainton and Laurel at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mit- chell and sons, Toronto, at Rus- sell Perkin's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameronj at Morley Flintoff's, Maple! Grove. Miss Marie Killen and Mrs.j Tom Currie have returned ta H{amilton after holidaying at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. Samn Lee, Roy Lee and friend, Toronto, at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissber-1 ger and family were on a pic- flic to Sturgeon Lake.i Miss Pat Duquette, Oshawa,. at Russell Stainton's for the' weekend. Miss Grace Stainton return- ed to Oshawa after holîdaying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poloz, Midland, at R. C. Stainton's. Mrs. Poloz is staying for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sobil Jr. have returned from their hon- eymoon. Miss Reta Lumsden, New Glasgow, N.S., Miss June Lumsden, Lindsay, visited their1 sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Mon- ahan. W. A. bazaar was quite a success. Mrs. J. W. Balson, a life member, opened the baz- aar. Proceeds over $260. Mrs. Russell Perkins has ne- tiurned home from Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. We wish her a speedy recovery. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Waltir Park, Sr., visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Geis- berger, Zion.j Shirley Coombes spent the weekend with Anine White atj E{awk's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slute, Taunton, visîted Mr. and Mrs. A. FRahm.f Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and family attended the LarmerV family gathering at Orono Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pbilp, Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Philp and boys, Mrs. L. Taylor, Peterborough, spent Sunday ai he home of Mr., and Mrs. Howard Philp. Diane Siobodian returnedJ home on Wednesday atter spend- ing two weeks ai Menryland Camp, neur Perth. Mr. and l4rs. Leslie Coombes nid Bruce visited Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes, Campbellford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry spent Friday and Satunday in Toronto and attended the Kaye - Hipson wedding. Miss Margaret Crowe, W'hitby, spent a week with ber sisten and mother, Mrs. L. Boumne and G Mrs. Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rahmn, Mrs. W. T. Wor- den and Ross Hall attended the Hall - Sernon wedding ai Barry's Bay on Saturday. Mr. and Mns. A. Geisberger and Lynda, Zion, Mr.. and Mrs. :wart Bragg -and Norma, Bow- îanville; Mr. %gpd Mrs. Lloyd and Mu. W. Park, Sr. Mn. Alma Yeflowlees, ýCarod and Marilyn vlslted Mr. a*I Mrs. Donald Yellowlee, St Catharines, Carol remainil.o a week's holiday. Mn. W. Miller and Dqga spent the weekend witli Mns. Marshall Miller' at** cottage ai Kashagam0ai.o Lake. Rev. and Mn.. D. Lute and, Suszanne called on Mn.. Aimac Yellowlees on Saturday. i, 1 .David Lute vislted Jerry Hardy. Several from here attendfl Haydon Anniversary.g Coutice, visited Mr. and M10,~ D. Gavel. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Abbott Oshawa, spent the weekend with the Pnescott's and Hardy'. Mr. and Mn.. J. C. Cook, Johns and Launaine visited Rev. and,, Mn.. E. A. Cresswell, Lindsay.> Miss Ruth Pascoe is spending a week with Rev. and Ira. Stanley Snowden, Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cooper, ïMrs. R. J. Cassidy, Toronto, were Satunday visitons of Mn. and Mns. H. Brent. Mr. George Hynes, Willowi dale; Mr. Robert Hynes, Stouff- ville, visited their brother John Hynes on Saturday. Mrs. A. Hawkey visited Mrs,: G. Phare. Mr. and Mrs. K. Lamb, Port Credit, spent the NVekend withy Mr. and Mrs. GeorgZe Atldread.,.ý Mn. and Mns. C. Bigelow, Mi., and Mrs. A. Richards vlslted Percy White at Cobourg on Sun. day. Miss Jane Hodgkinson, John Carnigan, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley.' Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visit4 ed ber mother Mrs. John LiI. licrapp, Cannington. Mrs. Otto Virtue is spending a, few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay, Thonnhill. About 100 pupils and aduitu attended the school picnic at Orono 'Park on Tuesday afier4 noon. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Feriniqn,1 Mr. and Mn.. R. Gibbs nd family, Mr. and Mns. KenR j and boys, Mns. W. Rabm~ Clem attended the Gniffin reý. union ai Orono Park on Suné day. Congratulations to Mr. and~ Mns. Donald Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fraser and Mn. and Mn.. Theo' Down on thei; 25th wedding anniversary oit lune 27tb. Mr. Fred Moore, Misi Leti. Jackson, Bowmanville; Mns. Otto> Virttde, Mr. and Mn.; Leon Moore and family, Mn. and Mrse, Russell Virtue visitd ai Lake- field on Sunday and celebnat.d Mrn. and Mns. Thea Down's 25tk wvedding anniversany. The Statesman SoId,* Ai Following Stores-, Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany-ý rohnson's Drug Store, Newcaatle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskiflen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey, Bunketon H. T. Saywell. Blackstock Keith Brmdley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrneil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbnook Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmanville- R. P. Rickmby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovell Goheen's Handy Store The tate man ffic uncing.. j 1* t. CARSON'S WEDDINGS STUDIQ k 4 4 '1 PAoe'rEw - ~1 'v. NORGE JET-D-FROST NORGE CUSTOMATIC G. E. MOBEL JLD-98Mq Automatic ers Chesterfield and Davenport Suites Bedroom Suite with Hollywood led Chrome Sels, aicolours .-.-.* 9.8 cu. ft. 9.8 eu. ft. CIS COLUMBIA TV Mobi*le Photography Studio This 24 fi. Trailer 15 equipped with the most modern and up 10 date de vices TQ insure our Customers of the finest in Photo graphy work - CHILDREN PORTRAITURE WAAIT: Do net make plans for your Cbildren'is Photos WAA IT': umii you have seen là Local Representative: McNulty's Sport Shop - Watch this paper for furiher anitoancements à .J

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