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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1955, p. 11

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.-~~?RURSDAY, 3UN~ 3Oth, 1955 THE CANADIAN HTATESMAN. ECWMANVffL~. ONTAU?~ UA é'!W ~V W~iw .aES v ~. Liions Instal 0f ficers Sommit tee Reports Seveci a Busy- Year Lion Wally Braden, .i-esi- ~dent ai the Bowmenville Lionis Club for the 1955-56 seeson, oi- iicially took ovei- the leader- ship ai the club firn Lion Jim . ,..Marr et the regular meetin~g Maïnday. International Councilior Stan -Dàrlixig ai Peterborough, oiii-, ciater! et the installation ai ai- 1î icçrs. The new officers ai the club are as follows: president, Wel- .ly Braden; immediate past president, Jim Mai-r; lst vice- president, Howard Jeffei-y; 2nd vice-president, Jack Cale; 3rd vice-president, Glen Lander; * secretei-y, Norm 'Roui-kw, treasurer, Ai-t Cansihble; Lion Tlamer, Lawrence Goddard; *Teil Twister, Joe Cooper; sang ~ leader, Walter Runrile; Club historien, Andy Thompsan; di- rectors, Lou Dewell,- Raiph Mclntyre, Fred Cale and Don Williams., Incoming president Wahly ex- pressed hi. confidence in the club, and urgeri ail members ta make their 2lst year ai op- eretion as successful as the fi-st twenty. We cen be setîs- fied with oui- own record," liel *said, but emphasized that the club should neyer slecken its * foi-werd pace. "When you get ta the top ai the ladrier," lie said, "It's the eesiest thing in the world to be pushed off. I hope at the end ai tweive nionths we cen say thet we have added anothes- rung ta the top ai the larider, suffi- ciently equal ta the first twen- Jimmy Mai-r, wba was pi-e- senter! with a past-president's Sale of Men's Shoes Clearance of broken lunes. Reduced up to 30% the famous Scott-McHaIe Shoes -as Iow as $8.95 pair JOHN STUTT SHOES 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839_. Bowmanville [pin end certificate by his suc- cessai-, said thet his terni as president ai the Bowmanville Lions Club bar! been e "high- ligbt yeer af my lufe." The pest pi-esident thanked the club for their support and co-operation during hi. office. "I was biting my nails lest yea.r," be seid, "but one thing I bad flot counter! on was the 100 pei- cent ca-operation and support thet ail presidents uf this club recéive." He said that one source ai constant arnaze- nment ta him was ta watch club prajects boi-n, graw, and succeed. Committee Reports Cammittee ieports for the season now clased were given et this meeting, and ail mndi- cateri that the club bas bad a gaod year. Under lst vice-pi-e- sident Howard Jeffei-y, Hei-b Gordard repoited for the House Committee, which i. in charge af the Lions Commuri- ity Centre. An average ai 60 meetings e month are beld by variaus groups and argenîza- tians in this excellent building, and Glen Lander is in charge ai booking and keeping re- cords ai ail these. The Safety Committee, un- der Cliii Semis, has purchesed clothing and pravided psy for the liieguard et Bowmanvilie Beach, and woi-ked in canjunc- tian with the Community Bet- terment Committee on the staplights which ai-e 00W in- stalled et the King-Liberty in- tersection, and an "slnt. po- licemen" safety signs. One Boy Scout fi-rn Bow- manville will be sponsoi-ed by the Boy Scouts Committee ai the Lions Club, under Ernie Laird, et the International Jamboree at Niagara this year. The cammittee has also paid for scout camps and parties. High Attendance Attendance Chairmen Bob Mutton reporter! that attend- ance et regular meetings had increased fiar 90.1 per cent in the fi-st hali ai the year ta 94.1 per cent in the lattes-balf, for a fevaunebie overaîl aver- age ai 92 per cent, down 1.3 per cent firnmlest year. The highest ettendance was 97.2 per cent this yeer. and ther lawest was 81.9 per cent. Thes-e ar-e 51 club members eligible for 100 per cent pins. and 45 ai these bave penfect attend- ence. Pubilicity and Bulletin Cheirman Jack Ross reer! e poem ending in "but we didn't spend aur budget." Tbe Mem- bership Committee seprted that two new inembers have joined the club in the past year, and 13 names ai-e now being considered for membes-ship. Imnan Alex McGregor paid tri- bute ta the late J. J. Brown, who was chairman until his death. Mos-t of the arrange- nivesary celebration w er e made by Lion J. J. Rance Dili- ing reported for the Lions Ed- ucation and Convention Com- mittee. Under 2nd Vice-President. Jack Cale, Don Williams re- parted for the Minstrel Show Committee, which gat off to a fine start under John Watson, before he moved fi-arn Bow- manville. The highest profit since the beginning of Minstrel Shows f ive years ago was ri- porteéI fi-rn the three night stand. Hurricane Hazel's un- expected visit strained the budget of the Health' and Wel- lare Committee under Elmer PHONE TO-DAY We wiiI be pleased to suppiy you with F RE E ESTIMATES on your Heating or Plumbing A PANSY TRAY SMALL VASES LOTUS FLOWER BOWL --- PALM LEAF RELISH TRAY A POSY RING, 81," across ___ $1.50 1.50 3.50 4.50 6.00 These are just a few of the many pieces we have in stock. Banting, and1 made the corn- niittee exceed its budget. Profitable Tear A profit of $555.75 was real- ized from 278 hockey tickets, ta Maple Leaf home games, committee chairman Stu James reported. Finance Committee Chairman Ralph McIntyre re- ported an increase of $472.67 in the general account and $3,581.44 in the special ac- counit. The Ladies' Night loss was miade up ýor by the profit on the New Year's Dance, Jack Brough reported. Bob Kent reported that Constitution and By-laws of the club had been completely revlsed, and he passe.d out bocks to the mern- bers. Fred Cole. 3rd vice-president, called on Haward Gibson ta report for the Transportation Committee, which provided rides ta variaus functions for the biind people of the district. Bruce Semple said the Chateau Wembly outîng, which is self- supporting, and the Commun- ity Auction Sale, which real- ized a profit, were the two main items under the Special Activities Commit t ee. The Community Betterment Com- mittee under Wally Braden conducted work in connection wîth the hospital ward, the Town Hall auditorium renava- tion, the traffic lights, and ihe safety signs. Don Williams reported for the Blind Committee, whîch went over its budget due to one special case besides the regular work. The Boys andi Girls Committee, under Clar- ence Hockin took part in the? Cammunity Picnic, p ublii c school and B.T.S. public speak- ing, and high schooi awards, spending 92c over their budget of $300. Plan Carnival Plans are weli under way for- the annuel carnival, ta be beir! et the Central Public School, cammittee chairman Dave Preston reported. The two cars for the ds-aw are in town, and plans ai-e being marie for a feature attraction for a parade. Lion Deve called on ail members ta assist in i-e- pairing and painting the bootbs before the carnival. A special presentation was made ta Glen Hodgsan, who acter! as pianist et this meet- ing, for bis contribution ta the Minstrel Show, which was leit without a pjanist aiter Don Shay left Bowmanville ta become Director ai Recreatian in Sirncoe, Ontario. Glen ai- fered bis services for any time in the future. Guests ai the club were: Glen Hodgson, Bowmanville; John Lewis, London, England; R. G. Harper, past pi-esident ai Peterborough Lions Club; C a r 1 Hetberington, Niagara Falls, Ontario, and E. H. Brown, Bowmanville. Bixth- days were celebreter! by Lions Ray Dilling, Don Allun, Ne]s Osborne and Andy Thomlfson. NE WTON VILLE t Mn.. Chas. Reid, Tononto, k spending a few days with bei daughter, Mi-.. Wiifred Woad, Mr-. Ross Brown bas pur- chased the Clanence Gilmer trucking business. Ms-. andi. Mi-.. Clinton Burley, Toronto, spent Sunday with I is fether, Mr'. Spencer Burley. Mr-. Wm. Hallowell is fia. well and i. with bi& son anc Idaughter-in-law, Mr-. and Mss Gannet Halawehl, Toronto. Ms-. and Mi-.. Lew Cunning- hem, Belleville, spent Sunday with Mr-. and Mn.. Ar-nold Wade and attender! the Decor- ation Day service et Qi-ana. Mrs. Cecil Burley i. spend. ing a few day. with her daugbter, Mrs. Eenle McEwen, Peterborough. On Mandey ai this week the teaches.and pupils ai aur scbool joined with the teacher and pupils ai Lakeshone No. 2 for a picnice t the latter men- tioned grounds. Mi-.. George Jeoifnoy and girl friend, Toronto, are spend- ing a week witb Ms-. and Ms-s. Andrew Reichrath. Mr. and Mrs. RoF Bui-ley, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mi-. and Mi-s. Willis Fars-aw. Mi-. and Mrs. Melville Jones and Mr-. and Mrs. CIelend Lanc spent Sundey with Mi-. andi Mi-.. Robert Davidson, Beaver- tan. Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick, oui- primai-y teacher;' returner! ta ber home et Battes-sea on Thursday. Oui- Sunday Schaol Anniver- sexy xvas well attended. The flower cammittee de se rv c pi-aise for their floral arrange- ments. The members ai the school, about sixty in number, accupier! the front pews ai the church and rendered vert nicely two numbers. Th e speaker, Rev. J. V. Milîs ai Toronto, whose message was given in simple language si) the childi-en couir! understand, was just as applicable ta we aider anes. Mi-. Mîlis stressed tour points.: I aught, 1 cen, I wvill and lastly, I have. Mr-. Milîs was leter entertainer! at the home af Mr-. and Mi-.. Gea. Stapleton. Service next Sunday et the .zsual time ai 9:30 e.rn. W.M.S. Meeting' The June meeting wes held in the Sundey Schoal Hall on ruesday. the 2lst, with the president. Mi-.. Cecil Btirley, in the chair. The warsbip ser- vice was falawed fi-rn the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Gea. NicCullough neading the scrip- ture. Mrs. Ai-noir! Wede and r. Cecil Robinson were ap- pointed ta pack and send the baie ta the Fred Victor Miss- aon. The box wili still be ]eft n the Sundey Schaooita be refiIhed. It wes decided ta w'ithdraw the regular meeting. for July and August. It was decider! toaeccept Mrs. George M4cCullough'g vei-y kind in- vitation ta have a meeting et ici- place and sa a Baby Band! picnic will ha arrenged for orne time in August. The tudv book %vas rend! by NMrr Airnold W~ade. Mef-týnp cInýeij t;iti the Mizpeh benediction. .ttcnldâ4nc4 IL. f iL e Orono NewsJ 1 - Rice Lake Yacht Club Elects Off icers At the General Meeting of the Rice Lake Yacht Club beiri recently et the club bouse, Commodore Fred W. Belt pi-e- sidedanri presented the Second Annuel Report which wes ep- proved as read. In bis generel remarks the Commodore corn- mented brieily on whet bar! been accomplisher! lest yeai-, making particuler reference ta the new club bouse and the social functians which bar! been possible through the facilities provider!. There being no iurtber 1954 business ta be dispased ai, the next arder ai business wes ta elect the Committee ai Man- agement and Qificers for the current season. The Officers appointed for the year 1955-56 ai-e as fol- laws: Commodore -George Evans; Vice Commodore-C. E. Reh- der; Secretai-y-Treasurei- - W. Bisset; Cheirman, Membei-ship Cammittee - Fred W. Belt; Chairmen, Sailing Committee- J. Armstrong; Chairman, En-i tertainment Cornmittee-A. C.1 Sendercock; Chairman, Club House Committee-T. L. Wal- lace; General Qificer-S. T. Stephens. Fi-er W. Beit and C. E. Reb- der were elso moved and sec- onder! for the office ai Com- [modare but bath withdrew in favour ai George Evans. In each instance the voting for the officers appointed was unani- MOUS. At this paint in the meeting the chair was turned over, with ail good wishes, ta the newly appointed Commodore, George Evans, by the retiring Commo- dore, Fred W. Beit. WESLEY VILLE It wasn't for lack of newsi that it hasnt been reporter! fi-arn Wesleyville for some time, but illness got in the way. Events kept right an marchîng and one of the most important was the birth ai Mai-go Payne. Congratulations ta ber parents, Ms-. and Mrs. Howard Payne. The schoal childi-en have completer! their examinations and several have written their musical exems et Cobourg resuits ai al ai them we wl be hearing leter. Many ai the men continuc with the work in the basement ai the chui-ch and with this week's bee, they hope ta bave the welis finished. Two Treil Ranger meetings have been heir! et Billie Bar- loading is done in one opera- tion so this hîghly perishable food us taken right ta the fac- tory without lying on the ground ta wither the pods. Hay- ing is weil on the way on many farms and strawberry crops, in most gardens-not toa plenti- ful, are almost aver. There is an abundance of early cherries and at least in orchards Withn only anc tree of this variety they are strictly for the birds, aIl niceiy sprayed and ail. This wasn't the fermers' intention but a large oId cherry tree re- quires a lot of netting and thie birds prefer the cherries a shade (calaur and time) car- lier than the home canner. . Several fri-an here attende d the strawberry festival at Shi- lah an Friday, June 25 and some of thern helped provide the pragrem for the evening. Mrs. Carroll Nichais sang; also six littie girls - Gloria, Joan, and Ruth Nichais, and Carol, Sharon,and Linda Thorndykc; There were piano duets by Mrs. Nichais and Donna Ough- tred, and piano solo by Gloria. Lake Shore, Clarke The Lake Shore K. S. and C. Club met at the home of M. Robin Alldred, June 22. nhe next meeting wiil be at the home of Mrs. Bey. Jaynes July 6. Several from, this cornmunity attended the Decoration Day services et Orono on Sunday. Mr'. and Mrs. George Skeld- ing, Jr., Newcastle, were Sun- day visitars with Mr'. and Mrs. George Skelding. Mr'. and Mrs. Arthur Bed- win and farnily spent Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Stan Taylor, Caurtice. Mr. Harold- Wright and son Bruce, Toronto, spent the weekend wîth Mr'. and Mrs. C. Bedwin. Mrs. W. Grahamn and farnily, Pontiac, Mich., were weekend visitai-s with Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mi-. and Mrs. C.> Avery and family visited Mr'. and Mrs. Norman Avery, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alidred and family and Mrs. Paul Hot- son spent Friday evening with Mi-. and Mrs. M. Walter, Osh- awa. Mi-. AIf. Brown visited Mr. H. Brown et the Queen Eliza- beth Hospital, Toronto. Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Skin- ner, Tyrane, were visitors on Thursday with Mr'. and Mr. Alf. Br'own. 26 Sherwood Place; St. Vital, Winnipeg 8, Man., June 23, 1955... rowclougn's ana Pat Eyden's 1Da ere and the school picnic at Aus- D1i ere tin's beach.. I had been planning on se ing you at your office by this Mr. end Mrs. Bill Ashby en- timne but my plans were shat- joyed a motor ti-ip thraugh tered. 1 had planned et being Eastern Ontario and the Otta- pi-eserit at the Centennial Ser- wa Valley lest week, visitiflg vices at Eldad United Church, Ottawa, CheIk River, Pemn- Solina, with hope of meeting broke and other places. many aid acquaintances that Peas ai-e being cut with more might also be there. Howevei-, speed than ather years when that was nat ta be. i lied been the aperetion of cutting end appointed Eider Commissioner frorn the Winnipeg Presbytery ta the Generai Assembiy af the * Presbyterian Church which was I opening in St. Andrew's Pi-es- byterian Church ini Toronto, - Wednesday, June lse et 8 p.m. S My yaunger daughter took rny wife and I ta' the C.N.R. depot - for the 8.05 a.m. train. Three minutes before the train was ______due ta leave we perted, as my wife could nat go with me et the time. -She was walkingi away ta the exit, and eside the next coach ta the ance I was in, wiien she suddenly col- lapsed and was dead instantîy iFým'otURTV PICTURE it.OPS OVER fi-arn heart failuxc. Fortunate- wIIEN YOU WAU< PA5T CAML. US! I y, e station police wes only a iew feet away and saw it, also the coroner was ini the build- ing. The train departed and two MYLES husltrIrcie ee RADIO TV SERVICE ties were iminediately et work, my daughters were bath con-. Expert Repars to AU Makes tacted and many arrangements 3 Siver t. A 3-482were made by the time I re- 3 Slve S. M 3-48 turned 12 hours after depar. BOW~MANVfLLE ture. IMy wif. *,.ai ,s i - -v-u v&n r Mr. and Mi'.. Russell Van Home, Whitby, visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Seturday. Mi'.. John E. Arrnstrong re- tui-ned homne last Thursday after several weeks' visit with relatives in U.S.A. Congratulations ta Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Myles (the former Adele Cooper) on their mai-- riage on Saturday. June 25th, at Qi-ana United Church. Mrs. Alex Watson spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.. Archie Watson and family, Toronto. Mrs. J. J. Carnish airived home by 'plane Sunday efter three weeks' visit in Nevada and California. Mrs. Huggins, Peter-borough, is visiting Mrs. Fred Duncan. Qi-ana Boy Scouts will col- lect paper Saturday marning, July 2nd. Dr. T. A. Lucas and son, Mi-. Donald Lucas, Lansing, Michigan, and Mi-. D. Lucas, Toronto, visited Mi-s. J. E. Richards. Mi-. George Mitchell, Mrs. Jas. Pinfald. Toronto, and Mrs. Lucas, - England, visited Mn-. George Butters on Sunday. Mrs. Viola Smith, Bawmani- ville, spent Wednesday at heri home in Qi-ana. Mrs. Howard Walsh attend- ed the Webb -James wedding at Midland United Church an.d visited Mr-. and Mrs. John Beatty in Owen Sound lest week.. Mi-s. Doi-thy Devine and Mr. Henry Leamen, Toronto, spent the weekend with M- and Mrs. Wm. Leamen. 1 month. She har! been taklng trcatment for over- two years, and had reducer! some of her many activities. She had join- ed me in many activities where 1 har! taught and' here in St. Vital, and har! held executive positions in many af thern. Funeral service was held in Gardiner's large Funeral Par- lours, Rev. M. Creel, and Rev. W. G. MacLean officiatlng. An overflowing attendance, and unusual floral tribute frorn the xnany arganizetions expressed the high esteemn held by her many friends. A multitude af messages have been received by mail from fer and near. Now I have ta add ta my du- tics that of housekeeper for my younger daughter and self. Bachin4 is not the seme as in a shack on the prairie fifty years ega. 1 have a lavely home and will -carry an as long as 1 arn able. When my time cornes may it be as quick. However, I hope, ta have time ta complete the four Fam- ly - Trees, Law - Burton; Ho- gar-th - Elford fi-arn the time af the first arrivaIs in Amer- ice. I have 3,000 nemes now, but judging fi-rn the gaps there must be as many moi-e. Sa mv daughters naw want me tota teke the trip east foi- the month ai October. I may. If I do I shahl certainly cali ta see you George. Your aid iriend, Claude E. L. H. Law FRANKS Il SPAGHETTI PRD FVLE lim 'rnmance 1.tA RA EO A U S Reinz ... ln Tomato Sauce DAKED BEANS1 15-oz. tins 2 For 2 9c --- -- -- - - ---s s Dewklst . . Cholce Ungrai p EAÀS 15-o.,tins 2 For 25c SCHNEIDER'S Skinless ... Vacuum Packed FULLY COOKED Average'b 7 9C 44-4' ~ded Aylmer. . . Fancy APPLESAUCE 15-oz. tins 2 For 25C York. Faney Cream Style qCORN 20-o., tins 2 For ,31c Tuiip ... Regular MARGARINE Lb. Pkg. 27c - - - - 10 00 0 6 6 40 - IGA . .. Stuffed Mauzai-ile 0 L1VYE S 8-oz. jar 39C Clover Valley . . . Regeler CHEEZ PLEEZ 8--or. tumbier 25c Éobin 19»d ... White CAKE XIX 15-oz. pkg. 25c 1-lb. Ceilo Pkg. 3 7c IGA "'Table Rite"... Lean Rindics... Centre Slices Side Bacon Fiat* 39c Maple Leaf.. Variety Pack.. 4 Varieties CoId Cufs p*.45 C Vine Ripened ... Fuli of Flavour SALMON FLESITI Canfaloupes Ss5s Each 19c' Pcak of the Crop! ... Sunkist California Valencia Oranges 5 Ontario No. 1 ... Snow White Cauliflower California ... Honey Sweet Apricofs First of the Season!.. California Santa Rosa Plums BM. c Large Head! Each 25 C lb. 23c Large Size Doz. 39 C Extra Specisi! Reg. 350 value 72 Rubber- Tlpped DOBBY PINS and e Free Curl Comb IGA... Extra Whipped Salad Dressing fi -OZ. , Jar 33.dhJ - -** -*- -*-*-*- - O*-*-p- --- - -*-4-g-*-S-p- * Lest Chance to Enter Our GRAND DRAW I for your choice of STV SET - REFRIGERATOR - WASHER Drawwillb. coucluded Sat., July 9th Cawker's I.GA.4 Bowma.nvil[e Fresh . .. Lean . .. Eitber End Pork Loin Roast' lb..53-c IGA "Table Rite" Skinless ... Tender /~ SPODE DECORATIVE PIECES in lovely cool white are a joy ta own and meke a gift of distinction . . . one to be cherished through the year. The ideal wedding gift. *1I "-- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Er-nest Rarnsberry (the former Joan Cooper) on the birth ai their son on Seturday, June 25th. Mrs. D. Flintoif, Mi'.. Wes. Haskin and Mra. W. Preston, Oshawa, visiter! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood.* Mr. Amberson Gerry return- ed to Sunnybrook Hospital, Tanonto, lest week. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Hoace Best. Mr. F. W. Froste, Belleville, reiieving manager lsa t Orono Brench Bank staying with Mi-. end Ms-s. Chas. Fi-oste. Mrs. J. Naden, Toronto, spent the weekend et her home in Orono. Mr-. C. S. McLar-en is now steying in Oshawa for treat- ments. Mrs. Chas. Wood spent Mon- day with Mr'. and Mrs. Gea. Crowther, Newcastle. Mrs. J. E. Richards was in Belleville on Monday. rMi. and Mrs. Er-nest Dent wei-e in Windsor lest week. Mr. Dent attended the Sum- mer Technicel Confei-ence af the Association of Municipal iElectrîcal Utiliities. Mrs. Sid Ruther'ford and Mi-.. Robt. Chater, Leskei-d, were in Stratford and ettended the Shakespeaeen Fest iv al on Tuesday evening. The Brawnies held their lest meeting for the season in Orono Park on- Tuesday in the foirn ai a picnic and presented Mrs. Qi-ville Chatterton, their lead- er, with e gift. Presbytey W. A. Executive Plan Courtice Meeting Mrs. Rex Harper, president ai Sirncoe ~treet United Church Woman's Association sei-ved tee ta 21 members ai the Pi-esbytery W.A. executive as they finished planning thes pragram for the semi-ennuel meeting ta be held in Courtice United Church on Wednesday, October 19. The Presbytery W. A. president, Mrs. M. J. Tam- blyn aifQi-ana conducted the meeting. Mrs. Clayton Lee told ai e need foi- valunteer helpers for the coak et Camp Pretoria which i-uns from July 4 ta Au- gust 10 holding four camps ai about seven ta 10 days dura- tian. For the fis-st camp- 14 years and aver-more campes than ai-e already registered would be desirable as 60 girls cen be accornmodated at ane time. S TARKVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Trimj spent the weekend et their cottage. Miss E. Morris, Toronto. Mr'. and Mrs. Colin Br-own, Lesk- ard, visiteri Mr. and Mrs. Orme' Feais. Some fi-rn this vicinity et- tenderi the Decox-tion Ses-vice in Qi-ana Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch attended the Souch - Wbiteside wedding in Bowmanville lest Satui-day. Mrs. 1. Pium, Toronto, vis- Ited et Mr-. Arthur McKay's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobaon et Mr'. E. Ruthven's, ZMon, re- cently. The festival at Shtioh Pd*. day evening was well attend- ed. The program, with talent fi-rn Orono, Wesieyville, Klrb:f and local was greatiy enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Kelth Rowe and famiiy, Bowmnanviile, speri Sunday at Mr. Howard Fat- row s. Friends fi-rn the States vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd recently. Sunday visitors at Mr'. Liew Hallowell's were: Mr'. and Mrs. P ercy Allin and family, Tor- o ta; Misses Norma and Beu- lah Hallowell, Mr'. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halloweli and family, Mrs. Thos. Falls, Ken- dal. IYOUNGI TURKEYI ) -e-IlýIWLep »J' 1 - 1 - lý 1 Magnanimous Generosity Johnnie (et lessons): What*s megnanimous generosity, Fathi- ci'?" Aberdonian: "Dinna ask me, laddie, we didna get thae sub- jects when I was et the schule." KF - FED 8 to 15 lbs. Oven-dressed PHIL, FINNEY MAPLE GROVE Dial MA 3-2309 r--eeqlnMMAY, IMM 30th, 1955 TEE CANADUN STATZSMM. BOWMANVMM ONTAIUO Pkam irinum àxv wuc wu 04 years

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