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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1955, p. 14

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Z~ YOtTKT _______________ T2M CILAIAna r-u~ ....vLE N> ~- £"' ~ -m on. _ Turn PRaaefor 1_Articles For Sale 1 Articles For Sale - -~ QUANTITY of b u c k wheat. QUANTITY seed buckwheat. Addlina Clssfid Robert Parr, Enniskillen. 26-1* IR. Sim, Orono 12 - 4. 26-1 1,diitioal Cassiied RANGETTE, good condition. VACUUM cleaner, Electrolux, ____________________Apply 237 Scugog St., Bowman- good condition. Phone MA 3- BIRTHS ville. - 26-1l 3134.1 26-1 BUTTNSHA - ack ndONE baby carniage, one play- WOOD shavings available, no BUTONHA -Jak ndpen, in good condition. Phone charge. Paul H. Simpkin 'Cab- Barbara Buttonshaw (nee God-1 MA 3-5663. 26-1 mnet Co. 26-1* dard), are happy to announce I______________ the birth of their son, James ' KELLY Ryan spreader, power1 LAWN chairs and lawn orna- Edward, on Sunday, June 26th, takeoff, $495.00. Frank Hoskin, ments. Jerry Johnson. MA3 at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- 1Blackstock. 26-1 5968. 26-1 vil.i61 FIVE acres of mixed baled hay.i Quantity o! baled red dloyen WILCOX-To Jessie and Bloyd Harold Ormiston, Enfield. Phone and alfalfa hay. F. G. Smith, Wilcox (nee Hogarth), Cobourg, MA 3-2373. 26-1 Orono 12 - 8. 26-if on Frîday, June 24, 1955, a son, IDonald Johjp. 26-1* ROTARY moyers, GrassIMaster, LARGE quantity cedar posts with 1.6 h.p. motor. Frank and pales, ail sizes. Laverne TFw~-I.TLTr~ Hoskin, Blackstock. 26-1 Clemens, Hampton. 26-1 ENGAGEMElVLNTS wOoDeN kitchen suite includ- BANQUET tables, piano, cutlery,1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holland, 1ng buffet, excellent condition. dishes, the property of W. I., Forest, Ontario, announce* the Phone MA 3-5718. 26.1* Orono. Phone, Orono 1791. engagement of their daughter RANGETTE with automatîc 26-2 Mary Anne Hanlon, to Mr. oven control, good condition. ONE 28x46 Geo. White threshing Brenton Branigan, son of Mn. Phone MA 3-5697. 26-1 machine on rubber, good 'con- and Mrs, Clifford Branigan,. dition. Bail Bnos., MA 3-2568, Bowmanville. Marriage to take 150 CEDAR fence posts, prîce Bowmanville. 26-1* place in the early Faîl. 26-1* 30c. G. Bisschop, R.R. 2, Burke- _____ton. Phone MA 3-2016. 26-1* ONE steam boiler, 22 h.p., new Mr. and Mrs. Rowland BruceBAY crafoin tye, flues; also barn, steel roof. toanonealso single bcd. ing ypWrite Box 376, c/o Canadian Bowmanville, wish t noneas igebd both i excellent Saemn 61 the engagement of their daugh- condition. Pho6-A -549 teoniton Margare Edith-to4Joh teofa Hges, son oMr.hnd 26 1 MEDIUM size joycycle and Bodfn Hghe, so ofMr.andman's standard bicycle. Both Mns. Idris B. Hughes, Bowman- ONTARIO patatoes, '15 lb. bags, C.C.M. Apply .4eorge Cnowth- ville. The marniage to take delivered in Bowmanville.Phwe Phone 24,Nwate place at 139 Libenty South on MA 3-2473. 31-tf e.P26-14, ecate July 22nd at 8 p.m. 26-1*261 VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- TAEI-lcncrfiea Mn. and Mrs. Charles Burdetti ours with plastic tapes. We ton, 8 cu. ft., $99, closed unit; announce the engagement o!f' measure and instail. Morris Co. chèsterfields, 3-piece, $29 up;c their youngest daughter Joan1 Phone MA 3-5480. - 6-tf rangette $19.50, like new. IBelen, to Stanley James Bruce, EIGHT acres hay, $10 per acre; Murphy Go., King W. 26-1* son of Mr. and Mns. Rowland also Muscovy ducks. Tynone USED electrie range $20, used Bruce, Bowmanville. The mar- Red Schoolhouse, John Majon- Beatty electric washer $20, at riage will take place in St. Phone Oshawa RA 5-4612. 26-1 Fanm Equipment and Auto- John's Anglican Church on Sat-moie13KngS.EBw s Ürday, July 23rd at 2:30 pin AIR compresson, '/½ h.p. moton, mtv,14KngS.EBw 2.*in good shape. Imnperial Oil manvîlle. Phone MA 3-5689. S.ttion, Wnniski11éen.MA 3-6..9R26-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Maple Grove, wish ta annaunce the engagement o! thein daugh- ten Greta Evelyn, ta Wesley William Down, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Norman Down, Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 23, et 2:30 p.m., ln Maple Grave United Churcb. 26-i -'-'Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bradley wish ta announce the engage- mnent o! their deughter Elva Pearl, ta Kennetb Alan Hockin, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Clarence ,Hockin, Bowmanville. The mer- ziage will take place on Satur- çlay, July l6tb, 1955, et 3:30 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. 26-1 Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Charles Bongthan, Newcastle, announce the engagement o! their daughter Barbara Letitia, R.N., ta Lieu- tenant Glennis Cleon Kirk, son of Mn. and Mt's. Cleon Kirk o! West Virginia. Tbe marriege will take place on Saturday, July 16, 1955 at 3 'clock in the Hamilton Air Farce Base Chapel in Sani Francisco, California. 26-1 26-1* SAVE on lunîber, direct from miii ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinniount, Ont. Phone 17rI1. 13-tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf PHONOGRAPHS, electric, three- speed, almost new, reasonable, suitcase style; also table model, anc speed. MA 3-5613. 26-1* DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lancier Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmansbip guarantced. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf MIXED hay in four and five- acre lots. Apply ta Albert E. Beilman, 199 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5526. ý25-2 BALED hay, square baies, alfalfa and timothy from the field, 35e bundle. William E. Armstrong, Nestleton. Phone Blackstock 34 r 3. 26-2* WAGONS, plowshares, Master Feeds, cernent, pipe, pumnps, new and used; steel roofing, binder- twine, washing machines, etc. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MfA 3- 2240. 26-4 USED tracton mower, dump rake, M.-H. binder, M.-H. six- foot combine with motor; also, new mowers and rakes. Massey- Harris Sales and Service, 181 King St. E. MA 3-5781. 26-1 ZINNIA, tamato, savoy cabbage, Chînese cabbege and broccoli plants 15cea dozen wbîle they lest. Mrs. C. E. Abnams, foot o! Church St., near Vincent Massey Sehool, Bowmanville. 26-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will calet yaur home any time with a complete range o! samples and suggestions witbout obliga- tion. Febric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowmen- ville. 48-tf Singer Sewing Centre ]For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Uc'.irs tribaie '39 DODGE, 5 good tires, rei motor job, $75.00. Phone Mi 2472. 2 '39 DeSOTO coach with ra good tires, motor prima, cash. 26 Flett St., Bowmanv 21 AUSTIN A-40, 1950, exce] condition, good tires, 35 m.1 1$300 or best offer. Phone Mi 3701. 21 ,39 FORD coupe, Al runr condition, signal lights, hei and radio. Apply James Er ton, Nestieton. I NEW 1955 Chev. sedan, Oshî Legion car; two-tone paint' Can be purchased at substan reduction. Eari Stephený Maple Grove. Phone MA 3-2 Wanted ROOM and board wanted by tired middle-aged man in a g home. Apply Box 375, c/o Canadian Statesman.' DEAD STOCK removed fi your fanm promptly for sanil disposai. Telephone collect:i bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3( Gordon Youngz Limited. ,61 Wanted To Rent URGENTLY needed, 2 unfi. ished rooms. Phone Newca! 3106.2 FOUR or five-room house down stairs apartment for yot couple with two children. Ph( MA 3-3896. 2 LADY wishes two downsta unfurnished rooms and bath share with a pensioner ladya share expenses, central locati Apply Box 374, c/o Canadý Statesman. 26 Livestock For Sal nt j* j* nt 3- ig r r- ra b. 8. ie 18 WEANED pigs. Phone Blac stock 72 r -3. 26- LITTLE pigs. Phone -Howa Milîson, MA 3-2793 evenings. 26- TWO Holstein cows, anc freE one due soon, second caîxg John Vos, Enfield. 26 FRESHENED young caws ai calves, also bred Hereford he ens. Lavenne Clemensr Han ton. 26 PETS FOR SALE REGISTERED Labrador Retriev- er puppies, 10 weeks old. Phone Bowmnanvîlle MA 3-2571. 26-4 TENDERS WANTED Department of Highways Property Sale No. 172 Terms - Cash Land consisting o! Lot No. 8 witb a frontage a! 275' on High- way No. 2 locafred epproximetely 1 mile east o! Bowmanville. Tenders close et 12:00 faon E.S.T., Thunsday, July 2lst, 1955. Information and tender forms TYERTRS, raddng ma, Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 Tenders Secretary, cd, 3 bedrooms, accupancy July bank barn,. pig pens, implemer COLWILL-At Middle Green chines, new and used, for sale for Prompt Service Roomn 2631, East Block, 1. Phone MA 3-3307. . 26-1* shed, hen house; 10 roome, Villa, Oshawa on, Wednesday, or rent! also Cole steel filing 4tPalme Bidns frame bouse, milk bouse wit June 29, 1955, James Colwill, cabinets~, office furniture. Walter 4-tTPorant Bildins, 5Ô ACRES good Pasture land clectric cooler, milking machinE aged 70 years, son a! the late Frank, MAnket 3-2403. T4t ortoHor.H. with stream running through it, etc., etc. Pnice $18,500. Tenrm. Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Colwill. Rcst- o24-tficnty . uha 0Hope.rm 5 ceswr DECORATING Mý A PLort Pontypool.viiniy.P. ucal, 10 cefr85 a cres w50acre ing at the Morris Funcral Chapel, AWNINGS made ta measure. Deputy Minister of Highways, 22-f al, 10aces dwoo, 50acr Bowmanville. Service in thej Lovcly patterns. Free estimates. * For the Latest Papers TORONTO, Ontarii. newly sceded down, larî i Chapel on Friday, July I st at'Folding chairs, card and banquet 25-2 THrEEromr ufunihe, in gswt w 0 0 a 3:30 p.m. Interment Bethcsda tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 e For the Finest Paints _______________ yone; no objection to ane~o hen bouse, pig pens; 8 room<ý - Çemetery. 26-1 Simcoe N., Oshawa. -4.îl* *Foth Bt W * Tedr two small children. Possession frame bouse, beavy duty wired * For the Best______________Tenders_______ at once. Phone MA 3-2306, Bow- oae nhgwy rc DOLADAtMmoia os-HEARING aid service, testing manville. 26-1* oae n iha. F pîtlBomavilconFnda, service and complete stock ofTenders will be reccived by$,0.Trs victoria j batteres andocords at g S. G. Presion & Son the undersigned up until a bot THREE and four roomed apant- 100 acres of level land wil Jenin, n er86t yar wfeElctrc imte, 8 ingSt E, hoes9th fan the installing ofaho ments, hcatcd, heavy wiring,cnkadodbananpv Jen ins i be 86h ear wie lecnie Li ite , 3 R ng t. .,Pho esair furnace at S.S. No. 3 Darling- laundry, tule floors, built-in cup- road, 35 acres wood. Pri<g o! the late John Dorland, En- 1owmanvillr.. P -ne MvA 3-5438. MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 tan, either ail burning or coal boards, available July 1. Apply $3,500. Termis. -niskillen. Service was held a t 20-tf 44t burning. Apt. 4, 63 King St. W. 26-tf 8 roomed solid brick haust the~~~~~~~~~~i Mors-nrlC aeB w R N S a hts o ul with 159 acres of land. Ahl in. Mo MrisF ndlCa, , uid DO ot photoTof publieM. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen.FOUR-room apartmcnt, central- sulated, with oil furnace, 4-piec( manville, on Mn ,June 2,1events appcarng ng thîs paper DO j, IUURSELF26-2 l î ocated, otsuitable fr ahrnnnght -ncl at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton' taken by Carson Studio may be yo, fat fan nain, ocuac aenunnîng ncateaad al5'3 Cemetery. 26-i obtained fan $1.00 on 8x10 inchTILE e ar July 1. Write Box 342, c/o The barn, implement shed. PriCe HENERSN-A th Osaw 'P rt Hop . 48-o Sui , anadian Statesman, Bawman- $10,500. Ternis. GenDERl oNpitah ednOsawa;I__Port ___Hope. ____ 4841 712c each and up - Alil kinds RADIO and# television repamrs. ville. 22-tf-f 5 roomed (3 bcdrooms) new June 29, 1955, iliam W. en-iBAGIS-sd rergrao xpr nsrciossppld Prompt service. Pick up and ranch style bungalow with oa: dueson.19inhisliyar;W.Hus iba$5Guc aIng-etef25, rae-inrtistutin spld deiivery. Lane Dareen, 85 King POSSESSION Sept. lst, new furnace, 4-piece bathroom, run- do tnh late t Minnie McFcetcrs5outbo ard m ts; 5 trade-in w CUSTOM FLOORS LAID E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf modern bungalow, will rent un- ning hot and cald watcr, bard- ofth lteMnne eFeer otbar otrs tae-n owrfunnished or furnished, with tele- wo n ieforbiti -and dean father of Orville J., mowcr 20-inch eut, reel type, at HHOOVER service man will a iioeccncstrengat- dan tla rge î iv-n Toronto, and Helen (Mrs. Gar- iLne arwr,7RigS.E. G. HEu soe vr Tusdy e uhors L a n d Ï H rd w a e , K i n S t E .,o u r st o r e v ry T u rs a y .B rin g o r, ail h e a t. S u it tw a c o u p le s. w ith d în e tte , e tc . P n îc e $ 9 ,0 0 0 . dot thewMOrrshFnaw a el, 5774. 26ll. hoe A - Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanill yours in on Phone Higgon Elec- Adults only. Write J. Watson, 5 raamed (3 bedrooms) ranci ~aw heMorise. Seri ci heWE ar5givin a6-1radios28ltftrie Limited, 38 Ring St. E., Bow- Musicien, Bowmanvillc, Ontario. syebnao nBwavl Pohaell n erieinJuyltheatmanville, MA 3-5438. 52-t! 25-tf with ail furnace, hardwood anc o 'clock Interen Bw an-i ith cvery TV set or refnigerat- ,,SDfrm mcier-ue REPAIRS to ahl makes o! refrig- vile Cmeer n 26ma-1 or purchascd this week y'ou ne- " A" tractor, Farmaîl "H" tractor erators, domestic and commer- VV ne oB y piece bathnaom, built-in cup- ceive absolutely free, a beautiful with cultivaton: Oliver 60 trac- ciel; rfiilking coolers. Higgan ________________ boards, recreation room, etc., 5-tube mantle radio. Television itn on er ratrtlcn l~rie Limited, 42 King St. .TE obasial o out_ nicely landscaped. Pnice $8,900. _____________________i MAe o. 338KngSt.W Bissel hanse spreadcr an rub- 2bneM 3-538 25-tf roboam tar Phone MA32forotae vîale utb Cards of Thanks ,'ServieC. 3RigS.2.ber, Co ckshutt 7-foot binder, PoeM -48 t oadmtr hn A326-i. sodroomged(3lbdroMstranc Mn. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith PLOWSHARES for ms ae last chance on International WATC REPAIRING wis t tan tei mnyfncns ! îosMasc spr ae ngencosev uybyC TRUCK, 3/j or anc-tan; approx- style bungalow in Newcastle, '.. ist andany daerds an rdsaiorbb l00.00 ½-ton tralen, goae rInteaoal opetype yat imately 10,000 miles. Telephone ith 4-piece bath, ail furnace, st egbur o h lvlrbebo,$100.00; 'fatnntrailerbaload neratioFarm qupete 1 Sevenîngs MA 3-2678. 26-l* built-in cupboards, waten pres- those who helped in any way ta i7'_X9' platfonm with 3' racks,1 and Automotive, 134 King St. A GES pic-.. sur iv gre etltof beat.,Garge. niake their forty-eighth wedding . $1 9.00 steel stoneboats $20.0 E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-. JEWELLERT HGETpie adfrlv adnwt oso ri.Grg "anvraySaturday. evening and $5 0; rubber-tincdwhcs59.2- 43 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 poultry, goose feathens, feather Pnice $7,000 cash. *uch~whel a589 2uc6-26f1rwh~br 95 F BOIVMANVU.JLE ticks, scrap iran, rags and 2 roomed insulbrick bouse _______ s.26lflr he'barws, $.5 rnknTCr" - mtl.Phone RA 3-2043 Osha- with bydro, on là acre lot. Pnice Hoskin, Blackstock. 26-1 wtmeaclle. 2 -f$,0.Tr I would like ta express rmy! I USED wa rersonu.i 4 on,00.5 rmedfam ouei pincere tbanks and appreciation'LOOR what you ýget wbile this Pesn.ALk4o omdfaehuei toalal the neighbouns, fricnds offei' lasts-One super-powered A PPLIANCES I _______________ALknds a! live poultry want- village with garage. Heavy and relatives for the many acts Eurcka vacuum, camplete with cd. Top Toronto prices paid at duty wincd. Price $2,500. Terms o! indess beutfulfloalaI etechent, uarnted ac eaty foormoel RONR $25HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber youn door for large or small arrangcd. of kindess, bautifulfloralall attchment, guarateed oegBeads)fmaileddelpostpR id5ino plain quantî lWin haveitaur WownvBesidesn Babove a mentionednedwc tributes, and messages a! sym- 'Year, value $99.50; anc free FINDLALY COAL RANGE $69.501 sealed envelope with price list, market. M. Flett. Bethany R. bave epproximately 75 more pathy duning the illness and'Rato-Dolly (rubber-tired wbeels Mc LARY RANGE $125 Six samples 25c, 24 samples R. 1. Telephane collect ta Beth- praperties ta choose from in the d Allanf Clankte an fmil ncfatfulode m h) assoc7.50 RANGETTES $15 and up $1.00. Mail Orden Dept. TC2, any *7 r 13 or Bowmanville MA Oshawa, Bowmenville, Cobourg 26-1 wareiadlamiyodleanfi ern aIl ttch.:WASHER $39.50' Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hem- 3-2970. il-tf and Trenton district. ments, value $24.50-All for the 2 USED POWER MOWERS ito.O .______________ y isx oexresmysic rpice o! the cleaner alone. $99.50 MASONr & A EAuio Sls________________ 1aiht xrs yn staff at Television Service Ca., «33 TendersE WantedSalesJohn F. De Wllh etth emnilHopîa oad !a King St. W. Phone MA Z-3883. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE REALTOR rc . W.elemo n, alHsoita tnd t 26-i 36 KlngSt. E. MA 3-5408 Carl Wright will sell by pub- Tenders for the repairs ta D.CW.Seoas oteBOWMANVELLLE j lic aucti an, July 2nd. 1:30' p.m., eavestrougbing, flashing and Newcastle Phone 3341 kind friends wha visited me and, SHOES-Thé fallowing brand- 26-1 Blackstock Arena, bausehold e!- metal decking an the Town Hall Salesmen: sent car s a d f o w er d u ing na m sh es a e n w i st ck -fects, including living, dining- w ill be received by the under- D onald M ountjoy , B ow m anville Mrs. Lucinathe Nos cls. children's Savage shaes, Brouw- Tenders 'SNated roomn, bedroom suites, wblte signed up ta 12 a'clock noon, on MA 3-3950 26.Lcs ihls-1' c Research shoes, Sisman work parcelain stave, many othen Monday, July 4th,. 1955. Paul Dianond, Port Perry 26___ boots, Sisman Scampens, Scatt. TOWN 0F BOWMANV LLE pieces of furniture, also small Specifications may be obtain- Plione 346 R McHalc shoes, Dack shoes, Tenders for the replacing o! articles. 25-2* cd at the Clerk's office. Lowest 26-i I would sincerely like ta thenk, Grebb arch support work boots, steps and repairs ta cbininey of an any tender not neccssaruly ac-- ~y friends and neighbours, Faam Tneed slippers, ladies'the Town Hall will be received The undensigned auctioneer cepted. L s espeIaily Mns. A. Lane and Mrs. 'Gracia shaes, Lograllers, Dr. by the undersigned up ta 12 will seIl by publuc auction the Bowmanville, June 2lst, 1955. L s X. Jackson, St. John's Evening!'Scboll's foot remedies and shoe o'clock, noon, on Monday, July farm implements and a quantity A. J. LYLE, Clerk. IN vicinity of cemeteny, man's r &anch W.A., Dr. H. B. Rundle. 'supports, plus many othen uines; 14tb. 1955. o! bousebold funniture for Rolly 25-2 glesses, plastic amber trimmed, »gqraee and staff of Memonial' Kiwi, Esquire, Penda, Holly-1 Specifications may be obteiïi- Parsons, Lot 20ý Con. 7, Darling- l______________in brawn leathen case. Phone lebiq"al for their acts o! kind- ,waod Sani-white and Propents cd et the Clerk's office. Lowest ton Townsbip, % mile south o! A3-41.2- ]M, flowers, . gifts and cards,1 shoe polishes: modemn sboe ne- Ion any tender not necessarily se- Ermiskilen and west. on Setur- Custom \Vork M -41 61 Dâurnsg ry stay in bospitel and: pain service in the reen o! store. cepted. day, July 9th. List of articles mnj BED mattress, Saturday night ët borne,. Lloyd Ellis Shaes, 49 KingSt Bowmanville, June 2lst. 1955. next week's paper. Sale at 1:30.1 BALING bay. Sam Buma, R R between six and seven, vicinity Mu. Hugh McD)onald. WBwavfePhMA3A. J. LYLE, Clerk. Terms cash. Clifford Pethick. 4, Bawmanville. PhoneMA -Io cemetery and Liberty St. 26-1* 5941, 26-t4L a'~- 25-2 auctionme,__ ., 26-i 2595. _______ 25-2ý Phono MA 3-250t . 26-1. worm Wantea PLUMBING, heating and ea% tnoughing. Harvey Pari Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 2 HAND and power lawn moi sharpening and repaîrs. Gori Moffatt, 141 Liberty St. N., B( manville. 1 Masonry Consiruci BRICK - BLOCK -ý CONCRE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 A. E. COLE PLUMBING AZ-Yt HEATI] Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Deal 2e Ontario St. Bôwmanv Phone Night or Day MA 3-3 SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPA] Fast, Prompt Servi 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rn 23 1 Real tstate for Sale1 Real Estate for Sale mes- tner, 26-4 îwer rdon 0w- 19-8* IETE 5 .2-tf 1er ville 3473 6-tf [ R ice ar) 3-t 1 1 È*'"-- lcl-- C-i- ?cenl ýA 3 adio, $80 ville, lent 'A 3 rîing ater ner- 26-1 lawa job. ntial ison, 26-1 ne- :ooc The 26-1 xon Co- ý636, irnn tstît 26-1 ione 6-1 Ito and ion. lian -2 * e ck- ýard sh, es. ý6-1 and eif- "p. ý6-i BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT PERRY 392W 32tf . For Rent MUR x-ooms and bathroom.C Porbes, 192 Liberty St. N. 25-2 G.l LOT on Liberty St. N., 75x206. Phone MA 3-3613. 25-3 LOT on Martin Road, 100x165 ft. Phone MA 3-3613. 25-3 LOT 55'x132' on Jackman Rd. Phone 'MA 3-3802 after 6. 26-1 LOTS in good residential dis- trict. Phone MA 3-2307. 25-tf COTTAGES and lots, Bowman- ville Beach, low down payment, easy terms. Write J. Watson, Waverly Road. 25-2* 190 ACRES, creek flowing through it, good wells. Will consider terms to reliable party. Write Box 377, c/o Canadian Statesman. 26-1* LEASK REAL ESTATE '7 roomed solid brick bouse, 3-piece bath, hcavy wiring, at- tached garage, bardwood thraughout; an apartment could be rented. Pull pnice $8,700.00. Reasonable terms. 4 raomed stucco bungalow, new, bardwood and tile floors, ail furnace, 4-piece bath, large lot, garage, on Jane St., unden N.U.A. with low monthly pay- ments. 4 roomed clapbaard bungalow, ail furnace, many extras, deep- freeze in basement, double garage, lange lot, $7,500. Terms. 5 roamed new bungalow, 3- piece bath, forced air ail funnace, heavry wiring, an 8 acres o! land an the lake shore, cottages and cebins. The owner is secrificing this pnapenty due ta 111 health. Make an offer. 600 acre farn nean Madoc, new baen, good stable, double ben bouse, 2 bog pens, double garage, 9 roomed bouse, 2 well stocked trout streams through pnoperty; 300 acres workablc, balance timber, spruce and cedar. Pull price $8,000.00. Terms. This is an ideal bunting and fishing location. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bawmenvillc .Phone MA 3-5919 261 26-1 De With Real Estate 156 acre farm, 110 acres wonlt able clay-loam land, 10 acres c wood ,large cneek, well, 66'x44 bank barn with running water implement shed, hen house fgarage, silo; 8 roomed fram( bouse with bandwood floont heavy duty wired; milk haus( with electrie coolen, milk quota Pnice included with ail eattle 21 acres mixed grain, 25 acre. bey, 14 acres feul wheat and 1C >acres o! coan, $16,500. MortgagE available. 190 acre farm on paved road, 1/4 mile from. town, 100 acres workable land, 30 acres wood, large stream, well, 75'x40' bank barn with water bowls, imple- ment shed, ben bouse, 2 garages; 9 raomed frame bouse witl' furnace, hardwood floans, bath. ,raom, running bat and cold waten. Everytbing in perfeel condition. Price $18,000. Terms. 105 acre farm an highway es gaing concenn, with all cattle end machineny. Almost all nt ith ne, ns. -k- res ns, ed. ice [th ed se n- ce in -PAUL RISTOW REALTOR FARMS 117 acres excellent pastune with two year-round creeks. Good bush with considerable slarge cedar. Stone bouse rented. Taxes only $65.00. Close ta No. 2 Highway. Asking $ 10,500 with $4,000.00 down. 95 acres ta Oshawa, large quantity o! send and gravel, an' anc end o! farm. Excellent building prospects for this pro- perty, awnen in pon health, must sel et once. Asking pnice $ 15,000 with good down pay- ment. 5 acres gaod garden sali, 4, room bouse with partial bath- raom, fruit trees, barn, garage, well located et Maple Grave. $6,500 with bal! cash. SUMMER COTTAGE Rice Lake, 4-year-old cottageé fully furnished, 4 good rooms,1 good well; new 16-ft. boat in-1 cluded in price a! $3,500. Don't miss it. We bave many ather listings1 I fo numenous ta mention, inE IOshawa, Whitby, Pickering,r Port Ferry and Blackstock; also building lots in town and town-j PHONE MA 3-3517 After HoursS OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982) ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 37 King St. W. Bowmanville 26-1 J. VAN NEST OFFERS '7 room brick averlooking 401 Highway, hardwood floors, ail heat, natural fireplace, deep lot. A vcry pleasant place ta live. Asking $8,600, with $2,600 cash. 100 acre farm on No. 35 High- way, approximately 80 acres warkable, frame bouse, barn, land at present in pasture. Priced at $6,500 with $4,100 cash. 5 room frame nantb end, al conveniences, natural fireplace; a beautiful home. Asking $12,000 with tcrms. We hope yau have a pleasant holiday. J. Van Nest, Broker 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3230 NIXON REAL ESTATE 8-room bouse, suitable for two families, 3-piece bath down- stairs, 2-piece upstairs, garden, lendscaped. $7,500. Tenms. 6-room frame bouse, cernent foundation, beavy wiring, attacb- cd garage, well, large lot, close ta schoal, chunch and store;, cernent raad. $4,000. 7-room, anc and bel! starcy brick hause, 3-piece bath, bydro, on King St. 5-room new freme bungalow, 3-picce bath, heav.y wiring, some herdwood, tiled faonrs, ail beating, alaminum windows and screens, madern kitchen, $7,000. Large lot, possession arranged. 7 large roams, anc and bal! starey freme bouse, bydro, bath, some lots could be sold, good gerden, possession annanged. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bawmanville MA 3-5682h Noices.- Mis Hodgins' office will be closedý until July lith, 1955. 26-1' Dr. Rundle's office will be closed from June 30 ta August 1 IN Orono, 6-room frame hýouse, part hardwood floors, furnace, garage, good well, garden, suit- able for building lot. Phone 1357, Orono. 26-2* IN Village of Orono, 7 rooms, centre hall plan,, brick home, double lot, garage, oul heated, 3-piece bath, shower, hardwood floors, fireplace, substantial cash payment required. Possession August lst. Phone Orono 12610. 20-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold. Rented. Managed and Appralsed LM. AL L IS ON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566- Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffia signal, Newcastle. 20-tf O. E. CARSON LTD. Realiors $800 down, $3,50(Y full pnice, four room bungalow in town, water and sewers, heavy wiring, electric bot water, picture window, partial bathroom. $2,000 down, 5 room, 1A-- storey, insul-stone, furnace, bath- room, built-in cupboards, nice location. Pull pnice $6,500. 80 acres, lovely brick home, first jelass bank barn, presently shipping milk. This is the dlean- est, best kept, and what is most important, the best value in a farm you can find. Only $8,900 including crop. Many others from which to choose. 52 King Si. W. BOWMANVILLP MA 3-2453 Afier hours cali: Chas. D. Rankine MA 3-2762 or Alvin Boyd, MA 3-2487 inserted by Retal Merchants' Committee, Bownianville Uhamber ai Commerce 26-1 Help Wanted WOMAN or girl for general work. Apply in persan Cneem. of Baley Park. 26-1 * GIRL ta belp with young childnen, scbool girl acceptable. Phone Newcastle 3326. 26-1 PART time help for local bus- iness, baak-keeping and typina. Apply Box 371, c/o Canadien Stetesman, Bowmanville. 25-2 AVON Produets require a repre- sentative in Ncwcestlc. House- wives like yourself are earning gaod incarnes, so if you have spare time you wvish ta tamn into dollars write Box 373, c/o The Canadien Statesman. 26-2 WANTED: Relieble man as deal- er in Bawmanville. Experience nat neeessany. A fine opportuq ity ta stcp into aid profitabje business whcre Rawleigh pro~ duets have be~ sold for years. Big profits. PQd ucts fumnished on credit. Write Rawlcigh's Dept. F-140-163, Montreal, P.Q. 25-2 Lost SUM of money, Friday, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., between Benk a! C.ommece and Edsall Ave., via Temperance, Honsey, OdeIlland ;eugog Streets.1 Phone MA 3- 932. Rewerd. 26-1* Turn Page for Additional Classifieds The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATEF ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST . FOUND - ETC. Cash Roie. *3c POT Word wih aminimum 01 Suc Must b. pid by date o insertion U charqed. an additional 25o wiII be added. A charge ai 25c wiII be mode ta cmtai rpiesrecieq ta 1h18 o0 Ce. NIOTICES .COMINO VET AND CARDS F TN 3c a Word with a minimum oi $1.00 for 33 words or lots. SiRTiS.ENGAGEMENTS MARRIdES .DEATHS $1.00 pet Insertion INiMEMORIAUa $1.00 Plus 10C a lino foi ver"e COMMECIAL. CLASiFIED includsal advrtiuinq fot fersons oz firma sellan srvîces. fdeus or oo Ls a pîon -3cPetwor; mnimemschatrqe 75e cash with order. To requlaz advertisers payable monthjy. Display Ciaassjfied ai $1.50 pet inclwith a minimum cf onie Inch. Addtiona iInsertion. çi nnAil C a s l e d A d z m u »t h ù t e tht ofe sate rate & ha 12 ciock - a. e gp Sand cash. stamPs or moa*' Clip tbis out jSx h«Ddy reIerenue DEATHS Concrete and Masonry Structural and Repair Work AIl types ai CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK WORK ta suit your requirements Estimates Froc P.O. Box 177 Evenings - Phone MA 3-3718 BOWNAN VILLE Local and Long Distance MOVING Llcensed and FuiIy Insured Also GENERAL TRUCKING P.C.V. CLASS "«C"), " and "Hl' Contact Prest on Transport Phone MA 3-2493 Bownianvilie 14-tf 1- inclusie 25-6ofic wl1 Dr. ergsomndsoince ig Jbe 25loeabfoutan ludi4. g2June 25r to at Jul 14. 24d .* urypJl n wllBcosed at-l urdy JLy 2nd. Bowm andl Frigid Locker SyPltn. 2nd Kons ASnackPlar,o2osit PAmRiEW Sak ilBaropien Memialy Park,10iIl beopen.m dtaiy Frm10a.mJuy . o 1 m string Fiday, Jl.y l. 26on hlD. Keith JSle2 on wil be o hlialsivomJe.2heoficgust 1, n clse. ThmJue 2 offie wll blosd rom June 25A. yeto u Dunin uDr.A. nSylvfiest er 3i8lCenr. 24mo -sofic at 38e ntre St. 24.3*in eeows mabaufturking cene tntdaock, bohanterolckin pland ostadr, and woulda be plasdcto seareayo with agood poductrtioreasoe ne.W Ptniporucton.Phoe 32W Por Penny. en 40-twi Cen adarPark s.Opne f o neim hafmiaesinis Onthe an one-m tanf mlaesoth st 0f Hap-o ton. Frgstfowmminpol] arunBarFrinfrMAon2cal MrsPJ.arbara Mafrk, MA3-246 Oshawa RA 5-1859. 24-4 BOWMANVILLE STORES 1WILL BE OPEN until 9 p.m. THURS., JUNE 30 as Friday, July lst (Dominion Day) is a holiday Stores WILL CLOSE AT 6 p.m. Saturday, July 2nld -,-l 7 7': iý TffuPMAT. - 3vm SOUL imü 1

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