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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1955, p. 4

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IPt~IAAIWA WZDUWWIEMIVIL#lr4 ONARIO 2M JTHURSDYJUE01,l Rev. Merrili Ferguson Writes Letter on Return Trip to Af rica From Celigny, Switzerland The Ecumenicul Institute, l ocated [n a large country los8ey, Celigny, Switzerland, house some 13 miles from Gen- June lO, 1955. eva, Switzeriand. Between sen- tences I giance out at Lake Pea Dr. James, Leman and the Alps off be- Since I dld flot find an op- yond. portunity for congratuiating I arn very grateful that the you before leaving Canada, I Board of Overseas Missions of wish to do Bc now. Queen's Un- our church decided thatI iversity "1did weli indeed", as shouid pass here for a two- our Umbundu friends would weeks' "refresher-break" or express it, to honour yau, andi the way back to Angola. Same throug.h yau, the town of Bowv-1 90 missionaries fromn various nianville and Durham County. parts of Africa, India, Indone- [t, was appropriate that theysaHn Kng adSot uhould recognize the outstand- Aica are hereonorandSoth ing achievement in service that weeks' course. The Institute is you have attained. directed by Prof. H. Kraemer, This letter is beiihg written a Dutch missionary who served in the reading roam of the for many years in Indonesia, Ecumenical Institute which is and now is devoting his timne NE LIRES TIIEM! e Yowr shirt iaundor.d froe if we neglect to replace missing buttowyS1 0 Our extra carfuiloIundcring mokes shirts k.ep that new-look longer. Home laundering of sbires can neyer duplicate a proresý sianal job. Try our persanalized shirt service today,.. your shirts will look and fit and feel like nevoq DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Local Agent:- ROOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENÎTH 13000 Sincereiy yours, Merrli Ferguson St. Andrew's W.M.S. Meet at Home of Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin St. Andrew's Presbyterian W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Conces- sion St., on Tuesday afternoan, June 21st. President Miss Flora Galbraith took charge o! the meeting. Caîl ta worship was Psalm 119. Miss Galbraith led in prayen. ]Reports o! commit- tees were given. Mrs. A. G. Scott read the 24th Psalm. Mrs. Mari anc Ferguson sang a love- ly solo. The talk on Education in In- dia was taken by Miss Gai- braith. There are about 362 million people in India and only about 60 million who can read or write. The challenge is the need for more teachers ta help ta educate the people. Mrs. Marjorie Ferguson sangc another solo, "Blessed Hour o! Prayer" which was enjoyed. Mrs. McLaughlin served a dainty lunch and a social time was enjoyed.s Next meeting is September 2th. .look bath ways before cross- . ing a street-or a woman. 1 Your favourite B everages now have g spanking new DRESSES 0 0 in their attractive new labels Yes! - Wilson's famnous Ginger Aies are os smort in oppecaonce *uside the bottle as thie contents are sparkling inside! The Public always prefers Wilson's Ginger Ales - for their delicious flavour -their motchless sporkle-and their greatest value! Get themn now in theïr shining new labels! Wilson's DRY GINGER ALE and Wison's GOLDEN AMBER GINGER ALE. P.,-.-ond Wilson's CLUB SODA hos a new dreis, toc! THE GREATEST VALUE IN GINGER ALES 30 OUNCE$ FOR 18c OR 2 FOR 35c (PLUS DEPOSIT) Roll Call resulted as Iollows: Home cails 78, hospital cails 18, books read 3. Devatianal period was con- ducted by Mrs. J. C. Found, wha also led in prayer. A pas- sage from the Manthly and Scripture was given b y Mrs. Eric Courtice. Mrs. Somerville presented a leaflet on Angola and later in the meeting told us of very interesting excecxpts from letters reccived from Miss Lorraine Somerville, who is spending the summer assist- ing the minister at Union Church, a church for colored people in Montreal. Letters were read by Mrs. Found, from Miss Violet Stew- art, now in Karea, and who is ane of aur W. M. S. Misslisn- anies. Meeting cioscd by the slng- Ing o! a hymn and Benediction by Mrs. Found. This meeting was pvepared by Mrs. J. C. Found, Mrs. L. M. Somerville, Mrs. A. Muir Sr., and Mrs. Eric Courtice. In the Editor's Mail Box 23, Weybiirn. Sask., Dear Fiend: June 12, 1955 My heanty congratulations ta you on being raised ta an Hon- orary Dactorate o! Laws in the name o! that renowned educational institution at King- stan. You have been a very faith!ul and worthy son o! yaur father who set you a good ex- ample ta follow. I was made an Honorary Past Grand Master o! the Grand Black Chapter o! the Province o! Saskatchewan on March 29th last in Regina by the Most Worshlpful Grand Master o! the Grand Black Chapter o! British America. I was also made an Honorary Past Grand Master o! the Grand Orange Order a! Saskatchewan in 1946. (The Black Order is the Senior Onder). I arn quite praud o! these honours being 65 years an Orangeman last February and always active. I arn stili pretty gaod [n health at 83 years on June 23. Yaurs sincerely, T. A. Beacock, Native o! Cartwright. Lovely flowers are the smiles of God's goadness. - William Wilberforce. L 25-DAY SPICIÀi] LOW RO UND-TR IP RAIL FARES Eastern QUEBEC (FAST S MbGANTIC-LVIm-CnARff) end the MARITIMES EniJOY a refreahing mun-Ilhjd vocation **Down EaM"' thia yeor. Inexpenaïv. holiday tares ive you a 26-day limit with etop-vm ersmtt.d. JUNE 201h TO SEPTEMBER 5th bing done for retarded child- ren. Ral ' cail was: "Name a flower beginning with anc o! , your initiais."E Leam what ifs like bo drive s and energy ta bringing Christ- ians of ail countries and na- tithem int unies herMaple Grove Women's, Institute are English speaking butevr-HerM sIn rm tv Ad es thing is translated i.nto grezicH e rM s Ino m tv d e and Germani, and those wha wish may listen through ear- O h a so u o n r phones to the language they ne ain I hve d t Mr. Alan Strike, Bowman- It was most apparent ta lis- Onc hagyhain haehen t ville, guest speaker at the Ma- teners that without those of hangmy ead n same henpie Grave Women's Institute the legal profession there couic epeople have said, "Oh, 3'ou on June i lth, gave the ladies be no social order. areak oth Eangdli h o an insight into how, in aur, ci- Mr. Strike gave several ex- Frencoh!" E ought tandgivevlization, aur every day liv- amples of how we can protect e moFrech",tentouhtatha i an ing is governed. He said for ourselves from exploitation by >fmr ada Cntinental Europneans our own well-being by the being familiar with small items I ake fCortgrntlE that. they of the land, nomatter af legal knowledge in the mak- she our sp a to or , tre Ian hat happens our background ing of wills and in owning and~ ghug es. oortre a-o! English law gives a man a dlsposlng of property. s One ih we heard a helpfui attil Mrs. Wmn. Laird extendeda address by a Javanese student After a bit of mechanicai hearty thank you ta Mr. Strike whose second language in difficulty Mr. Strike showed on behalf of those. present. Dutch. Since that is flot ane o! National Film Board pictures. Mr. Strike was intraduced by sthe languages being used here, o! persans who, unable ta hire Mrs. Morley Flintoff, convener even though the director In na- legal advice or representation of Community Activities and turally of that tangue, aur Ja- ini court, are given free legal Public Relationsi who was ir vanese guest spoke in English aid through the Upper Canada charge Of the program. and used a word that I had ta Law Assacîatian's free clinic. Mrs. Wm. Laird spoke. an the look up in the dictionary. He There were 3600 applications motSar heyuae used it properly, too! for this service in Ontario îast oitto,"at whaee.yAuar The main emphasis of the year with 2600 in and around enumerating a great nxany Institute sa far has been upan TorpDnto. lovely and warthwhile things creating living Christian cam- The, great many phases of We have, Mrs. Laird suggested munities where we work, ra- law i.e., corporation work, liti- that we start with ourselves. ther than institutionahzecl gation, civil and crirninal unl- Sh said: "Don't waste time churches. Most attention is be- der statute and the many acts looking at a mountain, climb ing given ta Afrîca this year under gavernments pretty well it.", Quoting Edgar Guest-"We and we have persans here who take care af every phase Of needs must like ourselves since have worked in the Mohamn- lufe and death from the cradie we have to live with our- medan areas a! the north, [n ta the grave. selves". One of the good things the Mau Mau district, [n South we have is finsi n Africa and Rhodesia, in the frîeth mndshîpandie Jwestern parts where the pea- EBE NEZER Mentioned in cultivating aur- pie are working out political selves, amiability was sug- Sindependence, etc. Exchange of experience has been worth The regular meeting o! the gested as rather important in wthe trip from Lisban here even Aiternoan Auxiliary of the W. living a life of ups and downs. without the speeches, the Bi- M.S. was held in the Sunday Miss Phyllis Hait read a ble study and the periods for Schooi roam on June 21st with humoraus poem "Women's In- meditatian and prayer. an attendance a! sixteen. stitute". Mrs. K. Sumersford I had a fine trip by air from With Mrs. Charles Found sang "Melady o! Lave" and New York ta Lisbon, and again presiding at the piano, a per- "It's Nice ta Have a Man from Lisban ta Geneva. One o! iod o! quiet music and a hynin About the House". accompan- my boyhaod ideals was ta visit apened the meeting. ied by Mrs. Laird. Switzerland but I neyer ex- Mrs. Garnet Tubb, Secretary Business was canducteci by pected ta have the thrili of of Christian Stewardship pre- President Mrs. C. Milis when drapping dawn inta its midst sented some fine thaughts on a donation was voted ta tha from the air. I have ta leave the theme, "The Stewardship Institute for the Blind. A mo- on June lSth, befare the Insti- of Giving", and ciased with the tion was carried ta have cur- tute ends, in order ta reach words-"Let us ask God ta help rent events on Canadian Asso- Angola before the end o! the us always ta be good stewards." ciation of Consumers news and year's leave that I have, no I Mrs. Tubb reported 150 lbs o! W. I. current events. won't do much sight-seeing. used clothing had been receiv- Mrs. Milîs was delegated ta We have had an afternoon ed and Mrs. Pearce reported see schaol principal Hicks in in Geneva, with a visit ta the $11.55 realized from salvage regard ta purchasing a new headquarters o! The World collection. net for the bail field. Council a! Churches, with its Moved by Mrs. K. E. Cour- Mrs. Stephen Doyle announc- office staff chosen from almast tice and seconded by Mrs L ed plans for a three generatian ail the main Protestant ehurch M. Somervile that we send pi .CniclJlfy. gv e groups. three girls ta the School for prsof Ceil ffygve a ne- WUih the very best wishes Leaders in Whltby.pot!th tak ivn tth ta ail. 'P-11 (1«11 - . District Annual on the work. r. MORRISH (Intended for last week) W. A. met June 1Sth at the home o! Mrs. Wbn. McHolm with 16 members present and one junior. President Mrs. Harry Beckett conducted the meeting. Rail was called by secretary Mrs. Harold Osborne. It was answered by some gift for a fish. pond. Several thank you letters were read for Llow- ers and plants sent. BiUs for small items for church and Sunday schoal were ordered paid. Date for annual Thank- a!!ening and Anniversary Sun- day is Sept. 15, monning and evening service. Guest minis- ter, Rev. C. G. Clark of Frank- fard. Rcv. A. W. Harding will be on holiday fnom July 17 ta August 14. During this periad the members o! W.A. and Young People, with the help o! a guest speaker will be ne- sponsible for one service. July 10 is Temperance Sunday. Wa hope ta have a junior chair oDy that time. W. A. meetings for the next few months will be held in the evening. July 20 meeting will be held at Mrs. F. Cor- nish's, Ellen Street,,' Port Hope Mrs. Morton Henderson kîndly of!ered ta type the en- velopes for Thankof!ering and other work for the W.A., which, was gnatefully accepted. A letter frnm the Sudan Mission was nead by Mrs. Wmi. McHolm asking for donations and daily prayer ta carry an this gaad work. Mrs. Wm. Me- Holm read John 15:1-17. Les- son thaughts and prayer were given by Mrs. M. J. Osborne. President turned meeting aver ta Mrs. Wm. McHolm who was responsible for the pro- gram, the theme o! which was "Susanna Wesley's Influence Lives Today". This was cap- ably handled by Mrs. E. Bar- raclaugh of Wesleyville. Su- sanna was the mother o! 19 chîldren. She hersel! was the 25th o! 26 children in ber ma- ther's family. She taught her children, especially John and Charles, Greek, Latin and French. She was said ta be beautiful, not only in chanac- ter but in her physical and genenal gracefulness. Sa much could be said of this wondenful mothen and two o! ber sans, John and Charles, whose well known hymns are sung in churches ail over the warld. This subject is a favounite a! Mfrs. Barraclough's and we3 were ail sarry when ber inter- MA 3-5438 38 King St. E. LIMITED n'IRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AffTH*oiizUD6 Box 360 ,OENERAL* ELECTRIC Bowmanviile HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Onri the ENJQY THE DR[VNG-EASE THA.T'S YOURS WITH FORDS ~ FIE-CR PWER-ASSIST FEATURES Lite in a Ford can truly be a life of ease! With power steering you drive campletely relaied, wlth sure, &aie contrai on rough ronde and amooth ... and you can park no easlly, taa. Wlth power brakes you can stop swlftly and safely wlth a touch of yaur tac. These effort- gavlng featurea, u.Iong wlth 4-way power seat, power 4vtndow lifte and new Speed-Trigger Fordomatic Drive, make every mile of dnlving a mile of pleasure! leader I ord' A V-8 engine standard equipment in every model at no extra costl THIS IS YOUR INVITATION ... VISIT YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER AND TAKE A DRIVE. CON ONTHSEFO TE ES VLUS N SE AR S ADRUK CARVETH .,rrd Dealer For Bowma Showroom MOTOR*À mville and District Phone Newcastle 3251 j L i 2 ~ and Parts Depot at Newcastle A vocal duet, "Gentie Jeaus, theur marniage. Meek and Mild", a hymn o! Mrs. Wm. Austin, Toronto John Wesley, by Mrs. Haines with her brather, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Beckett, was much Ira Bebee, and son ]Donald. appreciated as also were two On 3une IC thirteen pupils short readi.ngs by Mrs. Wm. with their teacher, Mrs. Wi- McHolm. san, Marrish, enjoyed a trip A dainty tea was served by with other schools ta Pt. Hep. the hostess assisted by Miss M. ry, Kingston. Many intéresUlnir Beckett. President proposed a places were shown by thé ' vote of thanks ta the guest guide and historiCal even) speaker and ta Mrs. Wm. Mc- narrated. To many this was Halm, Miss Beckett, lunch their first long bus ride and by committee, Mrs. J. and Mrs. 8 p.m. tired and happy child- M. Brîmacambe, was propased ren were glad ta get home. by Mrs. Dawson Beebe. A barn-raising was quite an Mrs. A. Pinault and son event an the farm o! H. Lord Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. Glen and son during the heat of and Barry, Toronto, with Mrs. June l8th. Ail werrt Well andi Wm. McHolm. taday the crowd o! helpers are3 Mrs. Ira Bebee, Morrish, and resting from their strenuoua Mrs. Hawthorn, Peterboro, work. 0f course the women were guests o! their cousins. warked hard tao preparin Mr. and Mrs. Will Brinning of meals for hungry me.i l Oshawa, who recentlv celebr.-- share equaily inthnsa ted the 50th anniversary af praise. "I ADlMT THAT Y0UP,,'ROADM/IP' 0F OUR EXTENSION CORDS WAS A GOOD IDEA-- ONLY 1 5ILL CANT FIND THE CORD TI4AT CARnIES 0URZLECTRIC FAN!" Don't oerlend your wtrlng system. Whon you builli ormoderniz. provide ADEQUATI WIRENG. HIGOON ELECTRIC L ELECTRIC TM LqAWAIW-&w 3251 -0 1 Ki Phone Newcastle

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