PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. RO'WIVILL. ONTAUO___THRSDAY, JUNE 10*4 lU Fif e and Drum Band Makes Fine Showing The Bowmanville., Pife and Druni Band ma one year aidl this week. The latest local engage- ilient by the band for their first yerof openation was for the Loal Orange Lodge, No. 2384, at their church parade on Sun- day. The band, drcssed smartly in tileir white uniforms, and wear- mIng th orange and blue rosettes yý, anId sashes they use when taking Qpart in Orange parades, led members af the lodge and the Loyal Orange Benevolent As- (sociation ta the cenotapb, wbere a wreath was placed, and ta St. (Andrew's Presbytenian Church, where a service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Scott. Oshawa Orange Lodge cngag- i ed the band for a similar church parade in Oshawa Sunday even- ing after representatives of the >lodge had heard the band play here. -Leading the band were stan- éfrdbearer Fred Griffin and drum-majorettes Sharon Du- - rocher of Ajax, Erna Lits of Oshawa, and Barbara Brown of Bowmanville. Drum Major Baden Pingle of Hampton was unable ta take part in the parades, due ta an eye infection. Roy Bacon, deputy master of the Bowmanville Orange Lodge, placed a wreath on the cenotaph. Chaplain Harold Summerford and standard-bearer Fred Gril- lin, wha is also worshipful mas- ter of the lodge, assisted. The prayer was conducted by Rev. Scott. Since its first engagement a year ago, the membcrship in the Fife and Drum Band bas in- creased lrom 20 ta 35 members. It was orgànized by Fred Grif- lin with the aid of a number of interested persans. Practises are held negulanly at Mr. Griffin's home on Hunt Street. Mr. Grif- f in stresses the lact that the band is entirely independent o~f any lodge or organization, and is sell-linanced. Among thel methods used ta naise funds for j Store Closed This store will be closed for holidays July 1 11h - 21sf inclusive Tat Ant Traps 35o Fly-Tox Spray 35c-59c-98c Fly Bomba 89C-1.39-1.69 New 15-minute Toni- Regular-Super-Gentie 1.75 Bobbi Pin Curi - 1.75 Prom _ - ---____ 1.75 New Hudnut Pin Quick 1.75 Tonette for Children --- 1.75 Hudnut Quick- In three strengths - 1.7 5 Silver Cuni______ 1.75 Toni Curlers -___ 1.29 Bathing Caps 69c-79c-98o Vacuum Botties Trhermos Botties 1.79-1.98 NxeaSuntan 011 59c, 75eSpca Noxze7,a Lotion 39c, 75c, $1 » k , 5c 8cAviation Style Skr' - - 55, 5C Sun Glasses- - 990 Skolex Cream -__-- 1.00 Polaroid Glasses 1.98, 2.50 Desert Tan -- 6c, $1.00 TGne Ray Glasses $4. to $10. Brownie Hawkeye Camera 7.95- Flash attachment 4.50 Holiday Brownie-- 5.90 - Flash attachment -- 3.60 Baby Scales for Reni COWLI NG'S PHONESTR MA 3-5695 DRUGSTR WE FIT TRUSSES (Intended for last week) jFriends lromn near and fan assembled in Pontypoal United Church Sunday evening, June 19, ta share in the anniversany aservices, particuiarly ta wel- came, as guest speaker, a form- er bighly esteemed pastor af aur church, Rev. T. E. Hancock, now af Calvary United Chunch, Hamilton. It seems scarcely possible that seven years have elapsed since Rev. Hancock occupied aur pul- pit. During the first part of bis address he spent a lew mo- ments reminiscing over incidents wbich lie recalîs lrom those years among us - the children's services wben ail the children lrom every school on bis circuit '(which be visited weekly) form- cd a massed choir and took an active part in the service of warship; the vacation school; the train which used ta pull in to the station precisely 10 minutes alten bis church service had be- gun! His subject for the evening was "Cbrist's. Witnesses." De- livered in bis fluent yct forceful mannen which we recal50 well, his sermon sent ecdiof us home with the question, "Am I, in my daiiy living, being a witness for IChrist." Music for the service was supplicd by Cavan United Church Choir, featuring also a. maie quantete with Mrs. Mil- fard Byers arganist and choir leader. Aithough only neccntiy arganized, the freshness and en- thusiasm af this youthful choir was cantagiaus and their seler- tions were received with much interest and appreciation. We were happy ta have aur awn rnister, Rev. R. R. Ban- steel also at aur anniversary service, assisting with the war- ship. A social1 hour foliowing the service gave Rev, and Mms. Hancock an apportunity ta re- new aid acquaintances and everyone lef t for hame with a deep sense af satisfaction and appreciatian for an evening af fellowship as weii as warship. r ODERNIZE YGUR BATHROOM and use our Easy Time Payment 0 Plan You will be surprised how littie per week it casts§ you to modernize your bathraom. Corne in and see about it to-day! FSALE PuICE AS ABOVE $218.2 (Installation extra) In colour, add $35 - Many styles and colou THREE-PIECE BATHROOM (White), Installation Extra -$159.9, If you don't want the best, may we suggest a First Quality Cheaper LUne MAKE A CHOICE 0F MODERN DESIGN TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME to enjoy tomorrow and forever. WE- WOULD BE Jack Brough PLUIMBING AND HEATING Division Street S. Phon7 M~A 3-5615 >0 irs ý5 equipmnent are draws. The most recent of these was made last Saturday evening, and Gordon Sellers of Bowmanville won a fishing tackle outfit. The band will be tnking part in the Whitby Centennial Parade on July lst, at the invitation af the Town of Whitby. It bas been engaged by the Bowman- ville Orange Lodge for July l2th celebrations in Lindsay on July 9th. The Oshawa Black Knights have hired the band for a Derry Day parade in Haliburton August 13. Shower FHeld At Yelverton For Bride - elect Yelverton-Around 50 wcll- wisbers (al af the lemale af the specie excepting the bal a dozen out of place maies) gathcred Saturday cvening in Yelverton Community Church Hall ta hon- aur the bide-elect, Miss Mary Spcncely, with a miscellaneous shower. - Shortly after sundown proceedings gat underway with a bingo put on by Eiiecn Mai- colm and Mary Stinson. Mary Moore sponsoned a wed- ding flower cantest. Ample humour was provided trying ta place 13 local ladies by their baby pictures. Ernestine Rob- inson relereed a nelay. Eileen Malcolm pinned a corsage on the bonoured guest on taking ber appointed position and Marjorie Stinson read a poetic address de(composed) by Ralph Malcolm in humarous vein for the oc- casion. Doris Rowan and Moira Page presented Mary with two well-1 filled baskets af showen gifts with which ber bashful beau assisted, on coericion, in thel opening ceremonies. A lovely shower book was prcsented ta the bride-to-be by the local damsels which had been laboniously assembled anc evening carlier at the Peggy Stacey domicile. Mary and Ross proferned their effusive thanks ta the gathering for gifts and invited ail and sundry present ta the trousseau tea on the next Saturday. The serving of a delightful lunch brought the cvening toaa satislactory conclusion. The best wisbes af the community are showered on this popular young couple. PONTYPOOL 1I lost quite a bit," the 'storce- keeper respanded, "but i would bave been a lot warei the burgiars had gat in the night before. You sec, ycster- day. I just finished marking everything down 20 per cent." YOUR EYES and Vision Re-written K .f Irom previaus * copyrights af - -C. H. Tuck, Optometrist Disney Bldg,. 31 King E., Opp. P.O. OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 When we consider the question sa plainiy represented above we must readiiy believe that in the correction af refractive errore cansideration af every detail ë; essentiai. If we are gaing ta truly consider detail in the cor- rection only, lenses corrected ta thc last degree of perfection wil be considered absalutely perfect. Reaiiing thc great neccssity of efliciency in optical lenses, the manufacturers bend every effort ta, perfect n product, and ta be absolutely sure of perfection experience proves the necessitv of perfecting the Iinished articl .e in their awn plant. -- (Capyrigihted) . Rotary Club 0f ficers Give Annual Reports Showing Active Year The 1955-56 olficers af the Bowmanville Rotary Club af- ficially took up their positions at the regular meeting Friday noon in the Balmoral Hotel. This was the last meeting af the year. President Keith Jackson, who bas been acting president since the death of President O. F. Robson about three months aga, said lie is looking lorward "lIike an expectant father" ta a full, well-rounded year. "If I were just starting onto my year today, I'd give my plans, my aims, my bopes," lie stated. He titled bis short talk, "Down the Road ta Oblivion", stating that the past presidents af the club would know wbat hie means. Two tbings the new presi- dent expects from the club were emphasized by Mr. Jack- son. First, bie said. directors sbould bold meetings once a month, and ahl should be present. Secondly, "if you have a job ta do, do it." He asked tbe members ta do the jobs they were given, if possible, and if there were reasons why they could not do them, ta in- form the club so someone else could do the work. Seèrtar§'s Report Secretary Rex Waiters, who is turning the position aver ta Jim Stutt after two years, ra- ported that the Bowmanville Club wvas ane of the first Ù) achieve the 10 per cent in- crease in membership set as a goal by clubs in this district last year. Their memnbership bas been increased fromn 44 ta 49. Six bave joined, and two were lost by death. Oddy Robson, the club pre- sident. and Wes Jewell. 'an bion- orary member, died during the past term. The membersbip now stands at 42 active members, 4 senior active members, and three past-service members. There are four bonorary members. The club is now anc short of the quota of 50 members set by the district. Treasurer Mark Roenigk, who Business Directory Accounfancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 J. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1621 Successors to O. S. Hobbs C hi r o pr a cfi i c- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office- Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e nial1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 - House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvillc Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.rn. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephane: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Bowman'vilie Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvillc Phonies: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister Notary Public 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville Morigages LEROY HAMILTON - ORONOI Phone l r 16 First mortgage funds Residences - Farms Business Properties 1 Opifo m eitry KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvflle Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday except Wedncsday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveli Bowmna4vil --Phons MA 3-5778. , wlll continue ln this position, presentcd a detailec& report ai the ciub's finances for the year, along with a camparison ta last year's figures. This was one of the most complete and informative treasurer's reports given in the history af the club. A surplus af $748.78 an the year was attributed ta the fact that expenses in cannection with Crippled Children work were down considerably, ta the decrease in the number of cases, and the smaller casts of operations and other services. "That is something we cannot loresee," Mr. Roenigk statcd. An increase in receipts from fines within the club was not- cd, and a goad word spoken for Sergeant-at-Arms Keith Slemon. Garnet Rickard will be taking aven this task for the coming year. Receipts an the sale of Easter Seals, a club pro- ject, were also up. Among the langer disbursements werc $430.22 for a new valance and tnack for the curtains on the stage at the Town Hall, and $259.00 for 16,000 Christmas trees wbich bave been planted by the club. Directors af the club for the coming term will be Walter DeGeer, Forbes Heyland, Wal- ter Reynolds, Keith Siemon and Rex Walters. George Moo- dy holds the position of imme- diate Past President. AI Strike will assume the position af Sang-Leader, replacing Bob Stevens. Dave Morrison wil continue as pianist and club hîstorian. Several birthdays were celc- brated by club members at this meeting. Those receiving spoons ta mark the occasion were Gar- net Rîckand, Bill Coggins, Mar- ty Martin, Fred Vanstune, How- ard Rundie, and Keith Slemon. Visitons were Eric Joncs and Tom Dobbie of the Oshawa Ro- tary Club, and Harry Gîllham of Montreal, a- brother-in-law of Rotarian Forbes Heyland. A large photo showing a gathening at the recent Inter- national Convention in Chica- go was passed amang the mcm- bers. Three local -delegates and their *wives could be seen near the front of the audience in the buge arena. The Bowmanvilliej delegates wene Past Presidents Morley Vanstone, Howard Run- dle, and Mel Dale. Before closing the meeting and the club year, President Keith Jackson urged ah carn- mittee chairmen to hold meet- ings and prepare plans for next term, and ta put them on pa- per. He announced that Dis- trict Governor Maurice Rector will visit the club September 9. The president said "There are enaugh ideas born and die in two months in this club ta keep another club going for yean"." He urged the members ta develop many af these ideas into successlul projects, and lie put forth a slogan "Be alive in '55, and we won't necd new tricks in '56". % MORRISH On Frîday, June 24th the closing meeting af thc Missiax Band for No. 5 School was beld in the school, the leader, Mrs, Morley Harness, presiding. Thc meeting opened with "C Canada", Mrs. E. Wilson, teach- er at thc piano. The minutes of tic last meeting were read by the secretary Joan Marvir and were adapted as read. The raIl cali was answered by nain- ing some water animal. Tis was followed by tie M. B. Pur- pose in unison. The leader then read a mis- sianary story, "God's Hands". Elaine Anderson read the scnip- turc verses and Mary Beckett led in prayer. Mrs. Wm. McHolm gave a stary, "The Angel af Gifts". Games in tic playgraund were enjoyed for hall an hour with Betty Remsik and Rager Harness in charge. Ail were rcady when the caîl came for rest and lunchx, which was serv- cd in the school room as it was thought ratier too, cool for out- side eating. The lunch was a generaus suppiy of "hot dogs" of which one, two and sometimes three were served with plcnty af soft drinks. It was a good thing when. the suppiy of eats were exhausted because four af these delectable edibles may cause unnecessary sulfering. The meeting closed with a vote af thanks from Mrs. Wil- son ta Mrs. M. Hanness and Mrs. Win. McHolm for the picasant afternoan arranged, canried unanimausiy. Thc regular Churci Service was held at 10 arn., Sunday Schooi following at 11 a.m. This wvas Communion Sun-ý day with the Rev. A. W. Hard- ing in charge, soft music, wcll known hymns and a short ser- mon by Mr. Harding. Tice xvas a vcry goad number prses- cnt ta enjay this short service of warship. We wene pleased ta sec Mn. I. McConneli in bis usual p lace as' deacon after many weeks cf absence tbrough iiiness. Sunday School was conduet- cd by the supenintendent, Mrs. D. Haines. 46 were present. This was a special Sunday for many of the scholars, silver and gold pins or buttons with certificates were presentcd for perfect attendance. In the primarv1 cla5s, teachnr Mrs. Helen McHolmn' Diane, Paul and Dorothy McConnell, 4nn Harness and Karen Os- borne were proud receivers af their first button. Jane and Susan Harncss, Bul- ly, Babbie and Dannie Beckett, ceacher, Mrs. H. Beckett. Mary Beckett, Joan Marvin, to attend four more Sundays in a row - Teacher Mrs. Wm. M4cHolm. Claude. and Rager Harness, rimmy McHoIm-teacher Mrs. Haines. Try again disappointed child en, you m=" be vinusrs next year. A teacher's meeýting yms held on Tuesday evening iane 21zit in the home of Mrs. D. Haines, for the purpose of dcciding about the annual Sunday School picnic to be held July 7th. Cominittees were appointed ta take care of prises, ice cream, candy, races and picnlc ground. A birthday box is to be miade rcady for use on Sunday, July 3rd. A refreshing cup of tea twas scrved by the hostess at Lthe close of this meeting. MshrsItiAda Johnson, Toronto, isvlftn Mrs. Wm. Hender- son and Mrs. M. J. Osborne. Miss Hadden, Port Hope, is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConncll for a few weeks. The berry farm of Mr. Leo Bevan is a busy place these days from ten to fourteen pick- 1 rs are trying their hardest to outpick each other. The star pickers average between 100 and 140 quart boxes a day. The strawbcrries are large, swect Land very plentiful. Mr. Hutnick had a new roof on the large barn this week- On Saturday, June l8tb, a large number of their kith and kmn gathered at tbis home ta celebrate the occasion af the 25th anniversary of Mr: and Mrs. Hutnick's marriage. Though rather late we offer the good wishes of this neigh- bourhood to our friends upon this happy event.j YELVERTON Glad to report that the Wil- son twins, Norma and Ann, are progressing favourably follow- ing tonsilectomies on Tuesday past4n a Peaerboro bospital, per- formed by Dr. Longfeld of Bethany. Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Dam were Mrs. T. Zekveld and Helen Zekveld, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Benscbop and Mrs. G. Van Gngen, ail of Bow- manville. The Harold Stinsons accom- panied by the Bud Walkers of Janétville were Sunday callers i at the Walter Wright's of Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore and Nancy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Canning of Cameron. Several Yelvertonians were present this week at the Lifford garden party at St. Marys. Those attending the Lamb- Henderson Reunion on Sunday at Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- n-anville, were Messrs. Ornie and Walter Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamb and family of Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rolly and family of Milton, Mrs. Christinei Lamb and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beatty and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henderson and1 Jimmy, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson of Buckingham,, Que.: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Feath-i ergili, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson and family, Mrs. Ern- estine Henderson and Murray,1 Bethany; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson motored to Toronto. Mrs. Wilson îs go. ing into a hospital there for treatments which we hope and trust will soon resuit in much improved bcalth. g Congr!atulations to Mrs. Wes McGill (nec Beýrnice11 Kerr) on the birth of a son Donald, a brother for Douglas and Gwen. Church was poorl.v attended on Sunday. Lovely bouquets of flowers on the altar were pro-a vided by Mrs. Jean McCabe ina memony of ber late huisband 1 John. We of Yelverton, espe-a ciaily those of-us wbo have been1 closely associated with John in past yeans, extend our sincere a sympathy to the immediate à relatives on this the first sad an- niversary of bis death. . Sympatby is extended ta the ' Ed. Lawsons on the death of bis M aunt, Mrs. McRoberts of Osha- m wa.a The Earl Rosses of Toronto, a Mr. Gardon Heaslip and Miss a Noreen Greening were last weeknd cler at he eo. eas Lips and the Maurice Nesbitts. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Heaslip caîl- ed on Mrs. W. Fleming if Hill- kead. Masters Wayne Malcolm and Jonhn Pno, Nesteton AdMis. IHe's Wrong . .. but YOU Pay! SOMEBODY else's careless- ness can put a terrifie dent ln your wailet. Yos, even if you're not at fault, an auto accident may inean disastrous buis for you. How to '"get around" this dangerous possibility? Adequate Insurance is your safest answer. Cail on this Agency now. STUARTTIR. JAMS [usurance R~eal Estate Office ]Kesldence MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 King Street E. BowmanIie KEM PT VIL LE AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL ATTRACTIVE BURSARIES AND SCHOLARSHIPS Offers Practical Diploma Courses for YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN SHORT SCHOOL TERM: OCT. llth APRIL l3th AGRICULTURE Two Yearu. Machinery - SoUs - Crops Livestock - Farm Business A 400 acre dalry farm stocked and equipped to instruot young lainiers AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS )ne Year. Advanced course for holders of a dîpiorna in agriculture HOME ECONOMICS One or two years. Courses ln Nutrition - ChiId Training - HUome Decorating. Training for paylng positions as food supervisors or ln the field of sewing and textiles. (Boom and Board for above courses: $8.00 per week> DAIRYING. A three month course ln dairy processing. Begins Jan. 3rd. Under direction of the For full information write: Ontario Department of A. M. Barr, B.S.A.. Principal, Agriculture. Kemptville Agric. School, Kemptville, Ontario. ClearingSale We are clearing several lines of Paint and Enamels at a large reduction in price. These are discontinued colors, etc., of several leading brands of paint. Be sure and see what we are offering before you buy. Many lines at 25% to 40% off retail Je H. Abernethy ~ PAINT & WALLPAPER 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 * INTER.COUNTY SENIOR DBASEBARLLi M* GAME 10 iFriday, July 1sf LABOR -UNION DAY *Admission to one of two games, $1.00 * 10:-30 a.m. or 8 p.m. Kifchener Panihers vs. Oshawa Merchanis *and Temme nwrn ulfigqeto holding the proper ticket will receive a cash. Mprize of $1,635, for which a 1955 Chevrolet Tudor *Sedan niay be purchased on the grounds from- *Harry Donald Ltd., Whitby, Ont. * Sponsored by United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum . *and Plastic Workers of America, Local 2189, affiliat-: *ed with Oshawa and District Labor Council. M GAME il * NMonday, July 41 h at 8 p.xn.a London Majors vs. Oshawa Merchanis * GAME 12 Thursday, JuIy 71h at 8 p.m. * rnfr Red SoxULUvs. iOshacwa I'ercAants KINSMEN CIVIC MEMORIAL STADIUM OSHAWA X)ten a youngster lias ta take things slowly because he's just picking up experience, We, on the other hand, have the experience. That's why you can depend on us for a speedy service that's also careful and efficient. For quick pick-up, cali MA 3-5520. BOWMANVI LLE CLEANERS and DYERS LTD. PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL US PAM Mx 1 ill- Ili