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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 11

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~UURDAY ULY'7th, 1953 F'atfer S., J. Coffey ,eIebrates 25 Years un - OW i E EUv# il wilg t Twezty-five years of service served as assistant in1 nthe Prîesthood was observed1 borough and Bracebridge. yRÇ.V. S. J. Coffey, P.P.,'was appointed Parish Pri( OwneYville. on Wednesday, Bowmanviîîe in 1937. u~ne l15th. The Solemn High there he went to Trout CrE celebrated by the Jubilar- 1951 and assumed his pi was witnessed by His Ex- duties in Downeyvilîte, Sel ency. Bishop Webster, D.D., ber, 1953. rborough, and priests from At the conclusion o. fany points as well as a large Solemn High Mass an ad umnber of parishioners and from the Diocesan clergy riends. read by Rev. P. J. Lynch, Assisting Father Coffey were Ennismore, and a purse pr V. G. A. Wolff, P.P., PÉowas-1 ed to Father Coffey as a1 on, Deacon, Rev. F. K. Malane, 0f their esteem. This waý .P., Bowmanville, Subdeacon, lowed by an address andi ev. F. Fitzpatrick, Lindsay, sentation by the men of the aster of Ceremonies, and Rev. Name Society on behalf oc J. Hickey, Peterborough, as Parish. In very movingt hurifer. Father Coffey spoke of the Rt. Rev. L. Byrne, D.P. p.p. itude that welled up in his1 oth is occasion. He reji tahe was given the voi to the Priesthood by Alrr 'kGod, a vocation that was nurtured by good parentsa good home. The Jubi]i thanked ail who helped tor the celebration of his twE five years in the Priesthood a happy occasion. The ladies of the Parishs ed a sumptuous banquet to clergy and friends of Fa Coffey. Rt. Rev. J. V. McAi D.P. P.P. as Toastmaster ir duced the speakers. Rev.C McCarnev, P.P. welcomed -~ guests. Rev. S. A. Perdue, R. responded. Rev. J. J. Gar P.P. and Rev. R. J. Cori C.S.R. spoke of their associat y ,,with the jubilarian. Rev. Vei Perdue gave a history of .- Parish of Downeyville and Excellency Bishop Webt D.D., congratulated both jubilarian and the parishioi of Downeyville for their sp did Ioyalty and co-operation. paid tribute to Father Murl Father Coffey O.M.l., and asked everyone ingston, preached eloquently Fathe ollitnoth the ignty f e Prestoodunce r Murphy, the veneri t e igniy o thePriethod unle.gave a brief history of nd the great powers bestowed vocations of Murp hy-Coffey:f n one chosen for the high office ily. The jubilarian thanked * Our Divine Saviour. Mon- those present and he wasn ignor Byrne paid tribute to grateful for their presence, ather Coffey for the .wny their whole hearted assista ive years of faithful service inl in making the day a memorz he important work of salvation occasion. f souls. - He recalled for those resent the highlights of the Among those present w ubilarian's preparations for and two sisters of the Jubilai he service in the Priesthood. Mrs. Joseph T. Killorin of' his included his early stud ies chester and Mrs. Charles F.i t AlexandIer's College, Quebec; of Toronto. wo year f Philosophy at St. On July 3rd a reception ugustine's Seminary, Toronto, held in Father Coffey's ho nd his course in Sacred Theol- at his sister's home in Torc gy ini the Roman Serainary in for the relatives and friet he Eternal City of Rome.' that were unable to ioin hirr Father Coffey was ordained June l5th. n March lSth, 1930, by Cardinal 0oMiirthe Basilica of St. There were 4,029,612 pairs t. JOhn LIWan, the first Cath- all-rubber overshoes and lic Curcin Rome. Me of- loshes made in Canada in 19 ered his first Mass in St. Peter's Beaver peits were once asilica in Rome. Upon his re- accepted form of currency urto Canada, Father Coffey Canada. Vigor 0it Co,, Ltd. Reduces the Prices on FUEL Q1,L and STOVE QIL STOVE OIL 19 "1 FUEL QIL 16 '2 cents per gai. cents per gai. FOR 'DELIVERY PHONE OSHAWA 5-1109 *«Me ? Not on your life! I'm just shouti ng ioud enough so's everybody can hear what 1 hav-e to say. And what I bave to say is this: Never overlook the importance of or estt. Our Tigerishi frend is so right. Fortunateiy, today, niany wise men anid woinen reiy on the experience and co-coperation of The Sterling Trusts Corporation in matters concerning ther estate. Our trec bookiet. *'i3Liupritir For Your Faînhl>-." covers maux' aspects of estate administration. Irr;'ri ,o or i',ps todai,. SSTERLING TRUSTS CO0R POR ATIO N H IEAD C*FICE 372 Bay St., Torono BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunop St., Barrit Firemen Water Bail Field Grass Peter- M. e est of From ,eek in resent ptern- tf the ýddress' y was e.ent- token .s fol- 1pre- Mý oly Df the tones, grat- heart ,joiced cation serv- y th An u u u l j b o h o ma vle Pr ep r m n s th aei g o srvy oay t ireChie ucusam"ob ooerhe irmanileFreavr Depu sty-he ie Waltero tion ths gas Hackneh. n ldlo serv oess popfo e hose. -Poto by Aln Richard . s.r oftehse sfreI'v Hyawhl okigo e h e hare l tt o i rn EdYoungmafl's f LucusmHm opr iea rn ar n d Dmpu Chi f ate itios Hckny. A ol lo seves s apro forthacts. whiterbvew i chordeam bster, have been ma oe onswidr s Cahe aot the ClamsOfficer, Mr th te te d YWorkmeno um Wrkes Compensation viwBaoeeighstwaosD.r.R ari,69M da plns-oree oTrnob ri evc nGray hrh Bt hendoctors think th exold and H as Thday. smtold mess he ha one of the hp- g is doin0K nodyhould b ance, Bhave onyoladIpisms nersigyaso reas nymouende atefor tal uktn ayfre ce f i ie ei rnhsek monrthos ifhelpeDr.bW.u.ervise, lowsn renwcvre oigraain mridtoapyioterCay. Tat lst rd r rbe pInplan ttioste betwe f enIis girl whioversetaker-g s ond o-goe heh brow tha fan BurktetWon an Cotenatheiod thewwa metinghs tonereson, p 0umtekers Rom- had bee aripe fro m re forthe OCaaain, so 40diers s Armeoueln, Iw a splvaa Mos od reepoabyToroo tanevicein Germany s beuethe froh oe2 ors, but they adlas. uso, hze oe er o aerme, Geranespectthe a w ee Il dinteretKngand excit-b asc tri es n tonassist nature iicover-Canadi n t aslingyso er. ing. yson n nabr ingup n ugly caranmer wieslo hile i the un-pa the si hle b uerie nto w help crae mo cr by n es atina cap nquaied tif n m y io rp.Talstwd vids mong latats uralcoer, ju rst ilwieoesa uigiss o-oehg rwt ri toobig somebtona d y wl, h sdnte was ed Ynkounma Me st S OeLngiNAlmbtc im atiben t wit dfr lreforra rhprl as alph Mcaw, ot el a nvaa ee d ed lpran. fr oeoes choo teacerat Pontypool. téIn Tmhomhre 1 M snbotd a so lWhilethe o, luon te grsainterasmokeron thespetain, a i al eveing lastinwenek at t ofwas r e ally goodate pasturesr aae catteaou tree;hehmeoiEat gE.c ga-r loke upargy cd. Wathea dif- ie in rotoewas oing nat easDnaVc e n end fe nceing the tr m oethod sto oia. W e eto e v rhp srie a d rfe 0, hanoblinge hay todythato 0 s th at Iwas Eassoiated wiH te mn s erseved sen e ago! Weein oc a the IDet f ands aPnFoestsn he eSoliresiden are da tic- cusîom th o netrowof hgayJ ehquîeIfnIheerabento ata eing lagsttwendek ath 953 "cous", inthperhaps, a c f ol Kamou. DanedIf henin't tohese icennil ervies of mens- drawing it to the barn once work with the chap where at Eldad Church on Sundays with horses and wagon, bales Verd Fisk and I boarded while July 10 and 17 and also at the now strew the ground, a we were pianting trees up that- reunion on July 1l at the Sol- youngster of tender years drives a-way Iast autumn. ina school grounds and th,.a the tractor while the men stack Arriving at Pontypool, my Isupcrvised piciiic suppcr in the the bales on a trailer; or a side- next worry was, how to hobble, Community Mail. delivery rake has prepared the out the four miles to home. Helen Knox. Barbara Mooey loose hay for a hayloader. Elgin Budd made the mistake of and Deanna Vance are attend- ît is evident' that your scribe Wanting to show me some ing C.G.I.T. Camp at Camp quit farming just when it stop- Christmas trees and ended up Pretoria. ped being a disease and turned by driving me home. That will Mr. and Mrs. Praiilk West- into a gentlemanly profession. teach him not to talk to stran- 'lake Jr.,and fan iff attenduci My only qualifications were a___ strong back and weak mind, which today xvould probably cause bankruptcy. George Irons entrained at- Burketon for Locust ii. which automatically meant a chin-wag. 1 Agincourt reminded me of the 0"iteû7J0 two-foot snowfall 13 years ago, that I helped shovel. Leaside Imade me think of the box car of rotten onions and thawed out oranges that we had to0 dean out. Blimey! They didn't 'arf um. iWhile in the Union Station I uc lnehnsa t.Ammnaypuecnim Ibumped into Jack Jebson, theAquc lnehtsaitAmmetypuecorn. assistant station master, who it. You'll lose your heart to this beauty. once helped the Youngman You'il thrill to the enger, inviting lines that sprirz family cut wood and do chores. froni Plymouth's motion-design for The Ferward Look IHe and George 'Walton of New- castle married two sisters, a fact Even more discoveries await you. There's luxurjou I neyer knew tili last Thursday, new riding conifort that smooths out the bounices anc although Jack and I have been jounoes such as you have seldom experienced. yaqantdfr oethn2 You'll find a New Horizon windshieid that wrapý As I Wa limping up BaY St. around at the bottorn as well as at the top. And there', I met Doug. Thomas, sonl of the new steermng ease that makes curves and corners aimosi Ifamous J. D. Thomnas, which as easy to manoeuvre as a straightaway. jmeant another chin-wag. Then, *Jinto the Tely building, to have So be prepared to lose your heart. Drive the nevç a acup of cîffee with a Mason. Plymouth soon. As a handsome performer, àL cornes ur Nancy Wallace. Mere I also liadtoeryxecto.Ty ! a gander at a beautiful dres in anfaurdnCaa b/hr-lr(rpWin a plastic bag, ready for ship- o!aiuattrdi Canada, LtVniledc oprin ment to Marilyn Bell , who is inofCia, iiie England for a try- at swimming the big ditch hetween France and Blighty. When word arrived that Greg Clark was quite ill, Pete Mc- Gillen immediately volunteered to write a couple of articles for him. That's what 1 call broth- erly love, or practising christian- ity. No wonder evervone who knows Pete speaks of the big lug with affection. Ambling west on College St., near UniversitxY Ave, a car horm honked, and who should he do- i ng the honking but Pontypool's own Max Crystal. Boy, did ive have a visit right there on he curb. Max is currentl oe rat- ing a restaurant at 188 E"liç- ton Ave. West, with the ra'lher ns g k. us id s ýs t w p 1 a family reunion ai Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson and son-s, Brooklin, visited at Mr. Bruce Tink's. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langma-1d took Mrs. O. Lunn and Teddy to Peterborough on Sunday after several days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- w:maid and daughters were Sun.j day guests at Mr. George Gil- roy's, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Enniskillen, visited at Mr. Roy Langmaids. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgsoni îand Marie, Mr. and Mrs. A.1 Thompson and Darlene, Bow- manville, were recent callers1 at Mr. J. Yellowlees, who is able to be up around a lit1cl? each. day, again.t Mr. and Mis. Harvey Yel-Y lowlees and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, were Sunday din- e ner guests at Mr. Glenn Allin's, Orono.1 Mr., and Mrs. Ralph Davis 1 and Patsy, visited Sunday S evening at Mr. J. E. Davis'. Mrs. R. W. Crouse. Oshawa, is visiting at Mr. E. Spires' and 'wîth them attended a family reunion at Cobourg on JuIy 1. Kenny Spires is visiting bis cousins, Gary and Bobbie Mc- Kenzie at Belleville. Mrs. Jack Large. Janet and Robbie, Bowmanville, visited on Saturday at Mr. Walter Parrinder's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pascoe ,vere Sunday visitors at Mr. Clîfford1 Naylor's, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. H. Milîson and girls; Mrs. Hazel Harris and Miss Mabel Marris visîted at Mrs. John Reed's at Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and girls visited at Mr, M. McCar- -eIl's, Omemee. Carol remained for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, 3Boxvmanville; Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and boys, Zion, at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker and family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crawford and sons, Whitby, at Mr. John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett, Mur- .ray and Marie. visited at M-. Thos. Flett's, Columbus.i Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, . *Ebenezer, at Mr. Harrv Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and girls; Mr. and Mrs. H. Knox and Dean, attendcd the Ellicott picnic at Brougham on Juy 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pascoe and baby at Mr. Glen Glas- pell's, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cryderman, Newmarket.Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn, and baby, Oshawa, ai Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- man and Ellen at Mr. Bob Flett's, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Peterborough, at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray, To- ronto, Carolyn and Donald Werry, Oshawa, at Messrs .S. E. and Wes Werry's. Mrs. Dan Byam, Bow Island, Alta.. Miss Mabel Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Alexander, North Oshawa, visited at Mr. N. Wotten's. Two Aberdeen cronies were discussing old times. "Ay," said 'Pam, "nearly a' our ald frecnds are dead, but 1 miss Jock Maist." -How's that, David?"I "I mnarried his wîdow,ý." 7, WPl(YMfOUTH r,# f .. r .~. - ~'5yr/~rrr-r -- i -r-- r r-r 5 r..rr * )DEALER NOW, FOR THE SMARTEST VALUE 0F THE YEARt MAOTOR Bowmanville Ph'Àr'iA MA ~AÂR7 - - ----- * w . hi SALES il r -..... ...... THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE W?.VIu' OBITUARY seveho ol pnlPaincldshe lik Man. They movecL to St. Vital MRS. CLAUDE LAW in May, 1928. (St. Vital, Man., Lance) Wherever she lived, Mrs. Law took an active part in commun- Funeral service for Ms. ity activities. She was President Thorunn Law, 61, of 26 Sher- f the Norwood Lawn Bowling wood Place, St. Vital, was held Club and a member of the Friday in A. B. Gardiner funeral executive of the Greater Win- home. Rev. Murray Creal and nipeg Ladies' Lawn Bowling Rev. W. G. MacLean officiated. Association; Past President and Burial was in Chapel Lawn life member of the St. Vital Memorial Gardens. Ladies' Curling Association, and Mrs. Law died suddenly fol- executive member of the Great- 'owing a heart seizure in the er Winnipeg Curlers' Past Pres- C.N.R. depot, May 31, a few idents' Association. She was minutes after seeing her hus- also on the executive of the aux- band off on a trip to the East. iliarY of St. John's College. Born at Sandy Bay, Man., Surviving are her husband, May 1, 1894, the daughter of Claude E. Law, native f Solina, Sigurjon and Guthrun Jonason, Durham County: two daughters, rvrs. Law moved with hier family Mrs. L. G. Clifford and Jean, to Swan Creek, S.D., when a one sister, Mrs. M. E. Khler yroung girl. She attended the and two grandchildren, Brian Agicultural College at Tuxedo and Barbara Clifford. and received a diplom a in hom e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ economics.1 In 1912, she manired C. E. L. 1 will studv and get ready and H. Law in the Preshyteian i the opportunity will came.- vlanse, Norwood Grove. Rev. R. Abraham Lincoîn. J. May officiating. Followingl Earth with lier thousand everal years at Warrenton, voices praises God. -Samuel Mlan., where lier husbandxa Tyo1 olrde ALSCei. iIý,),«Ou*r -f Î;ii; Magulictefere of Aiwellot'a Ovistandi tq"tveriibk Storm-Scrieil wIwe" avd For FRÉE Estimate end Hon» De ion Coli MA 3-3871 NE ALLIN 1 ý povlp 0 0 §YI 1%ïo 1 Y Ir-% %J - N 1 )f r ýs is Le .d 1- d w 1, r. ýr d e v t s

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