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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1955, p. 10

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1~ M AU AniffA T A T"@..lAw tm Amm ? V e% aDe J5uwmaniUK4DrY, ONTARIO TRI il PHmLips - MCKENNA 10n Saturday afternoon, July 2, .St. George's Anglican Church,' Néwcast1e, was the scene of lhe wedding of Maureen Me- Kenna, daughter of Mr. andi 14fs. George McKenna, Orono, and Ralph Charles Phillips, oda f Mr. andi Mrs. HucTh p illips of Kinmount. Rev. R: Dewdney performeti the céremony. The bride- was lovely in a '21DAY SPECIAL ZWROUND-TRIP [AIL PAREj TRI Eastern QUEBEC 1 FAST 0F MEAnTC-LEVIS-CP.,NY> anti the MARITIMES EnJoy' a am-MW edvacation l'oEt" thi. Inexpmnave holiday fares give you a 25-day Droit with top-overs p.rmtt.d. JUNE 2Oth TO SEPTEMBER Sth ConstMy Caodia. Pacifié Railway agef LAIE'and CHILDREN'S Footweart Ladies' White Pumps lu AA, B, C, EE Wldths 25% Off Women's and Children's SANDALS, lu whites an& 'colours 25 % Off BSee thein on display ln ouxç Windows JOHN STUTT re 15 King St. E. ýMA 3-5839SHS J fowrinaxavilej -iip -gown of white embroitienet net over taffeta worn with Jmatching mittens. A coronet o f embroidereti net heiti ber fingertip veil anti she carrieti a bouquet of reti roses anti wbite 'mums. She was attenieti by Mrs. Robent Forbes of Toronto, who was gowneti in pink taffeta with matching flowen halo anti carrieti pink sweet peas anti white 'mums. Mn. Brantit Phil- lips, brother of the groom, per- formeti the dulies cf best man. A reception was helti in the Oddfellows Hall, Orono, the britie's mothen receiving in a dress of blue printoti taffeta with wlilte accessories anti cor- sage cf pink roses. The groom's mother assisteti, wearing a dress of pale blue sheer wit h wbite accessories anti corsage of reti roses. For thein wetiting trip te the ]Eastern Unitedi States, the bride chose a champagne silk suit witb bronze accessorios.I On thein return the young cou- 1 pie will reside in Oshaw a, wbere both are on the office staff of General Motors of Can- ada. Among the wetiding guests was the groom's grantimother who wore mauve lace anti a corsage of yellow 'mums. Frientis anti relatives wene aIse present from Kinmount, Toronto anti Oshawa. HANCOCK - FORDIER A very pretty wedtiing teck place in St. Paul's Uniteti Churcb, Bowmaitville, on Sat- urtiay afterncon, July 9th, at 3 p.m. when Marilyn Kathleen Alice Fonder, tiaughten cf Mrs. Joseph H. Fortien anti the late Mn. Fonder, became the bride cf Gary Graham Hancock, son of Mn. anti Mns. Victor Han- cock, all cf Bowmanville. Mixeti summer flowers le standards deconateti the cburch for the occasion. Rev. Haroldi Turner penformeti the cere- mony anti Mrs. C. H. Dudley playeti the wetiting music anti accompanieti the soloist, Mns. Sam Black, wbo sang "The Wetiting Prayer"' anti "Be- cause." The bride, given in manniage Iby ber brother, Mn. Haroldi R. Fonder cf Port Penny, looketi lovely in a waltz length gown cf white nylon net. A match- ing jacket with long sheath sleeves was worn ýoven the stnapless bodice, which j'oineti the flcwing skirt -, f tiereti Swiss capee net. A coronet of matcbing net belti ber finger- tip veil anti she cannieti a bouquet cf pink Sweetheant roses. Miss Donna Fonder, Bow- manVille, was hon sister's cnly attendant, woaring a strapless waltz length gcwn cf Wedge- wooti blue nylon tulle w-th matching shoultierette. Thae pleateti bedice joineti a billcw- ing skint of tulle flounces with peplum over the hips. She wone a matching bandeau anti carnieti a nosegay cf pink anti yeliow 'muins. Mn. Alfredi Cockrane, Newv- castle, performed the duties cf best man, anti Mr. Jack Wil- son, Oncno, was usher. A neception folioweti at the home cf the- brido's sisten, Mn. anti Mrs. Gortion Sturnock, 210 Scugog St., whene the britie's1 mothor receiveti the guests1 wearing a jacket dress cf navy blue ticatina crepe, the sweet-( heant neckline trimmeti with( white ottoman cord. Wîth it( she wone a neti bat anti acces-i scnies anti a corsage of retis roses. The groom's mothen as- sîsteti, wearing a dress cf navy1 eyelet jersey with white batx anti accessonies anti reti rosei corsage.s For thein wedding..trip ta I Northern Ontario, the bride1 chose a dress cf black andti white polka dot crystaletter with high neck anti small1 peinteti coilan. The biplie was t pe Open ad Siudays cut to a V front and back andi the full skirt had'a self crin- oline. With it she wore a small black straw bat, black accessories anti corsage of red roses. On their retunn the young couple wil reside at 77 Church St., Bowmanvile. Congratulations wene neceiv- ed by telephone from the bride's brother, Cadet Don Farder, R.C.A.C., Camp Ipper- wash, who was unable to be pregent. The bride, who was educateti in Blackstock schools, is a certifieti nursing assistant at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. The groom attendeti Orono, Newcastle anti Bow- manville schools anti is at pro- sent an employee of General Matons of Canada, Oshawa. HP enjoys the outdoor pursuits of hunting anti fishing. SOUCH - WHITESIDE Nontbminster Unitedi Churci Oshawa, was the scene of thE marriage on June 25 at 4 p.n. of Joan Mervine Whitesiti' daughter cf Mn. anti Mrs. Mer- vin E. Whiteside, anti Ross Ell. wooti Souch, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Androw Lunnemann, al] pof Bowmanvillo. Mauve delph- inium. in-baskets anti tail stan- dards formeti the backgnounè for the ceremony which wa5 porformeti by Rev. H. A. Me]- icw. Mr. John Robertson played the wodding music anti accom- panieti the soloist, Miss Eliza- beth Deeming, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" anti"'1l Walk Beside You". The bride was given in mar- niage by hier father, anti wore an original gown in floon lengtl cf white Chantilly lace fash- ioneti on pnincess linos. The scoop neckline xvas embroider- eti in seeti pearls, anti the fuil skirts cf satin, tulle anti lace were worn over a crinoline anc entiet in a train. Her veil of tulle illusion was caugbt te a croWn of lace anti seeti peani: matching her gown anti she carnieti a bouquet of gardenias, stephanotis anti ivy. Attending the bride were Miss June Smyth, Toronto, maiti cf honor, anti bridesmaids Misses Nina King anti Betty Ferguson of Oshawa, Myrna Souch, sister cf the groom, Pittsburgh, anti Anne Little, Toronto, a cousin cf the bride. Ail wone identical gowns of apple green embroitiereti tulle over taffeta anti crinolines. Matching green stoles, glavos and shoos were worn anti cres- cent shapeti crowns cf green feathens. Thein flowers wero Johanna Hill roses. Mr. Murray Beatile, Whitby,. was best man, anti ushers were Mrn. Walter Church, Whitby; Mrn. Floydi McMullen and Mr. Rlobert Shearer, Bowmanville;j Mir. Ken Hoskin, Harmony. A reception in the U.A.W. Hall, Bond St., Oshawa, follow- ed the coremony, the bride's nother recorving the guests tvearing a tiress cf toast lace oven champagne tulle anti taf- feta wvith matcbing bat anti ac- cessories anti corsage of creani roses. The groom'e mother as- isteti wearing French blue lace and crepe with pink bat anti gloves anti corsage tif pink ro- oes. The wedtiing cake was eut by the bride anti groom with th same knife useti by the britie's parents at their wed- .ing. For their wedding trip te the suthern Uniteti States, the bride chose for travelling a lue suit worn with pink bat, shoos anti gloves, anti a cor- ageof cf et roses. On their ne- irn the couple wiil resiteienj Ehom new home at R. R. 3, Bowmanville. Guests attendeti the wedding Fom, Toronto, Barrie, Pitts- :urgh, Whitby. Newtonvillc, o'wcastle anti Bowmanvjlle. The bride bas the very inter- ýting hobby cf raising Collie logs, Shelties anti smcoth bain- id Fox Terriers anti bas shown nmany of the Ontario dug hows. The bridai pan{y was enter- ained by Mrs. Andrew Lunne- nann foilowing the wedding -hearsal. She was assistet inl erving the delicious lunch by )r. Irono Shank of Pittsburgh. 'h bride anti groom presenteti .0 maiti cf honor anti brides- naitis with single strantis cf ýarls anti the best man antid hoËrs with leàthen wailets. I VIlGOR OIL Co. Ih. ie n. id s 1- k Married in -Baptist Church Pictured are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Farina who were married in Bowmanville Baptist Church on May 27 in an evening ceremony. The bride is the former Marion Robertson Park, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrie, Jr., Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Farina Elkpoint, Alta. O0rono High School Promotions The foliewing is a list cf suc- da, Margaret Martin, GraytionI cessful students at Orono H-igh Meeban, Margaret N o di e n, ISchool who pass ente the next James Powen. Conditioneti: Igrade. Subjects in brackets in.. Lois Alîdreti (Soc. St., Sc,. Art dicate that this subject bas anti Music), Davidi Feston Ibeen misseti anti will be car- (Math.), Earl Hooey (Soc. St., nieti by the student. Sc.), Morley Lake (Soc. St., Grade 12 te 13 - Honours: Math), La Verne Martin Mary Ann Armstrong, Douglas (Math., Se.), Albert Mitchell Lyceit, Anne Stapieton. Pass: (Math, Art anti Music), Sandy Robert Collett, Madeline Cow- Ritchie (Math., Art anti Mu- an, Gloria Lane, Marie Lewîs. sic), Andy Sutch (Math.) Conditioneti: Frances Quantnili, Grade Il te 12 - Honours: M nstr Iflducted eihAdams, Jacýùelyn Bai- At Enikle loy, Nancy Lake, Milton Rain-flISUie ey, Davidi Rickard. Pass: Do r- . . , ee Alidreti, Ann Best, Mary Unfited Ch.urch Bird, Douglas Gamsby, Robent P o r t e r, Marilyn Quantnili, The induction cf Rev. R. B.j Merle Stapleton, Boyti Woed- Green inte the ministny cf the Conditioneti: Betty Bullock Enniskillen charge - who, in (Alg.) Wayne Hoooy (Latin). answen te the invitation cf the Grade 10 to 11Il Honours: charge, bati recently arniveti Bennice Lunn, Mary Pluisten, frcmn Grand Falls, Newfound- Elizabeth Reidi, Paul Ruther- landi - teck place at Enniskil-j fond. Pass: (Students in this hon cburch July 8th, at 8 p.m. group qualify for' the' Interme- The service Was directeti by diate Certificate. Subjeets afPer Rev. S. J. Hillien, Brooklin, as- names are extras in which stui- sisteti by Rev. F. J. Jackson, dents diti not get standing): Tyrone. Rov. Roy Riekard of Neil Chard, Doreen ýCopping, Columbus, deliveneti the mess- Carol Gaines (Math.), Carol age te the ministen anti con- Hancock (Math.), Nancy Han- grogation, aften wbich the cock, Peter Laing (Latin), Paul ceremony cf induction was McMackin, Walter Stapleton, ponfonneti by Rev. Hillien. The Shirley Vagg. Conditioneti: newly inducteti minister was Gwen Baîley (Hist.,. Math., La- conducteti to bis pulpit by Rev. tin), Robent Knox (Math., Art F. Reeti cf Hampton. anti music, Latin), Lorraine After the ceremcny theo f- Martin (French), Glony Pigo)t ficials consideneti some routine (Hist., Latin). Norah Wood business anti thon netiredti t (Hist., Geog., Math.) the basement wbere the ladies Grade 9 te I 0-Honours: Bar- cf the circuit hati prepareti bara Ann Alîdreti, Patsy Fosl- lunch whicb was enjoyeti with tor, Kathleen Geach, Carol Go- a perioti of fellowship., heen, Carole Grant, DavidtI l- Jas.A er rfredt lach, Elaine Powell, Jo Ann te. htyA. Wery nefereti ta Rutherford, Bon Smidstra, Ann tbe uio n pnioti foltcwand Woodyard, Marge Yendriclc. Bibe Cunion cf Metwoists at Pass: Fric Carleton, Ronald BbeCnsin,1hc a Covier, Neil Elliett, Fred Fish,pastin18.HmonC- LeoardHo, Iis orpatacuit included what is nowl Elizabeth Maartense, Ben Mal-Enskle bfoe Bktn Church wvas epeneti as a six point change with twe ordaineti ministers. Mn. W. Bowman extendeti a welcome to Ena. Green anti family in a few choice words ~Q~f)te which Rev. R. B. Green matie a very fitting ropiy. 4' There were cihen exchanges cf greetings. The circuit was well nepresenteti. A genoral introduction anti hand-shaking concludeti a veny fitting anti happy gathering. On Our Team ! STRENGTH is an finipor- tant factor te look fer when you buy insurance *. . e cmpany financial strength and reputation for prompt and hionest payment of Ios daims. Thai's the kind of insurance we offer. And, if disaster atrikes, it's the kind you'I want STUART B. JAMES Insurance Office MA 3-5681 Kingf Street E. Real Estate Residene MA -3-54L3 Bowmauvllle YOUR EYES and' Re-written from previaus c opyrights of 4.H. Tuek Optometriat Disney Bidg,. 31 King E., Opp. PO?. OSHAWA Phone RA 5-613 301. As a chaîn is cniy as strong as its weakest lirnk so the Oph- thalic lens can oniy be as gooti as the many featunes that con- tnîbute ta ats. ultîmate quaiity. The lens must ho accurately centroti if it is te hoe free frein prism ini the finisheti lens and acurate in the finisheti prestrip- tien. The optica ions, ta be pen- fectly correc must be cf the bighest. quality crown and flint glass, froc from stains, perfectly gnound, polisheti anti centred, ta give the nequireti fecus. (Cop)Yrighted) ENNISKILLEN Note: Please excuse the er- ror of Enniskillen Public School Resuits. They were in aiphabetical order, not in order of menit, as printed in last week's Statesman. Mr. andi Mrs. Garnet Towns and family, Peterboro, with Mr. andi Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Miss Elva Orchard, Bow-' manville, with Mr. andi Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Solina. Mrs. Edgar Wright, Messrs. Albert and Walter Oke, accom-, panied Mr. Howardi Oke, Osh- awa. who attendeti the funra of their cousin, Harry Oke, son of the late Byron Oke, at Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanna- maker, Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Impey, Jennifer and David, Trenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. How- ell. Miss Susan Svanefeit, Lang- staff, with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Y. Svanefelt. Misses Laverne anti Elva Or- charti, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stain- ton, attended the Centennial celebration at Eldad Church, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Peter- boro, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Dor- iP urpie Hill, visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. IE.*Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomns were guests on the chartereti bus that matie a tour of King- ston and Thousanti Islandis. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra visiteti Miss Marie Cole, Markham. Miss Nancy Wood, with Miss Karlie Palmer, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, Mimico, with Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Trewin, anti attendeti the Tre- win picnic at Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Wil1- son anti Kerry, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright vis- iteti Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Sauina. Miss June Irwin, Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Miss Donna Gail Irwin. Miss Donna Ratz, Huntsvilie, Mr. Harolti Spry, Rochester, N. Y., visited Mr. andi Mrs. E. Wright. Master Locki McNair enter- taineti a few littie frientis ta his seventh birthday on Wed- nestiay. Mr. anti Mns. Fred Toms were Sunday tea guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Purpie Hill.1 Mr. anti Mrs. A. L. Wearn. anti Susan, are visiting at New York anti other points. Miss Nancy Wood is holiday- ing at Cameror. Lake with Mr. anti Mrs. Floyd Pethick anti Robin, Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo.' Irwin, Donna Gail anti Rodney visit- eti Mr. anti Mrs. Alvin Scoti, Oshawa. Misses Doris anti Carrol Wright are visiting their un- cie Mr. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y. Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Yeo anti family, spent the weekend at Sturgeon Lake. Mr. anti Mrs. S. R. Pethick is visiting Mr. anti Mrs. 0. Pethîck, Barrie. iWe welcome Rev. anti Mrs. R. B. Green anti family to the parsonage. Rev. anti Mrs. R. M. Seymour have gone te Battersea. Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Masters, Gail anti Darleno, Bowman- ville, Misses Ruby Virtue anti Dorothy Skinnen, Toronto, Mr. Ross Sharp, were at Mr. andi Mrs. Ralph Virtue's.Ni Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeila4 don, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fontaine and Neil, Toronto, with Mr,. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeii ac- companieti Mr. anti Mrs. iR. Vanstone, Whitby, to Bowvmarq. ville, and visited with Mrs. K. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry tendeti the Centennial celebr<a-- tion at Eldati Church anti visit- eti Mr. anti Mrs. S. E, Werry. W.A. met at the home of Mrg. H. Grubb, with 21 member,~ five visitors anti two chi1dre > present. Mrs. G. Yeo openud the meeting with a pcem, "Tra - vel Pack Hill" written by -a tweive-year-old girl. Devotion.- ai was in charge of Mrs. F. Wright who gave the Bibie, neading anti the leafiet art 11 Arn The Vine". Program ina charge of Mrs. 'L. Siatntorè. Group 2 convener. Music byt Gloria Wright on the accord.- ion was enjoyed. Pictures on Newfoundlanti were ghowri whicb. were very interestiing. Lunch was served by Group 2. Progress is the activity of te- day anti the assurance of to- morow-Ralph Waldo Emer- An Adjusio Shower for Your Dathroom It is the greatest discovery in a shower fixture. Spray can be directed to any part ,of the body just as you would like to have It. No need to get your hair wet. Ideal for showering the chiltiren or for shampooing. Where installild it is con- stantly ln use by the whole family. Tlie Adjusto is ýuaranteed for 10 years andi .scost is surprisingly low. Cali us for~ a helpfui suggestion as to how to make your bathroom up-to-date. If building a new home specify an ADJUSTO SHOWER and Tub Filler, a fixture which the whole family wili enjoy using. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS PHONE S1 Blain Elliott Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmnithing 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 -SUM MER. BA RêAIMS on New 1955 International Harvester FREEZERS and REFRIGERATORS More room ihan any other refrigerafor 8.2 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top OI 9.6 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top Only Only 12 ciL fi. Freezer 450 lb. capacity - ------------ Only $239 $295 $390 $365 Now is the time te get your freezer and stock up with the plentiful supply of fruit and vegetables in the summer so that you can really save money and enioy gardon fresh produce in the. winter. OmUy $2.00 per we0k FOR ANY 0F THE ABOVE MACHINES Thor Washing Machine 39i .00 With Electric Rinse Pump, reg. $171.95 .- for IJ7 Philips 21" Television With Record Player, reg. $389 for 44h 9J-7.7 Philips 21"" TV Consolelle Regular $359 for $2 9 5 .00 Farm Equipment and Auto-motive TOM COWAN, Prop. 134 KING ST. EAST PHONE MA 3-5689 ,- r- - - ., -~'-.--..~ -mi jp~ q i cnnounces the opening of its New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Free -GIoswu me given away with the purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline Vigor Gasoline and Motor Oil at . reasonable prices STOVE OL.--for your convenience, in small quantities 12 ci.. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top, roleut shelves, automatic defrost, butter conditioner - N 1955 3 PA« TM à

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