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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1955, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN Isn't it odd how a young the third day, we figured weI animal can twine ilself around had seen the Iast of our scrappy,I a pcrsons affections? About playful, lovable, little Irish pup.l March lst, Bob bougbt a pup The 'phone rang! Beverly from a chap in Lotus; the litIle Brown thought he had located fcllow was part Irish and part Tippy beneath a tree in one of fox terrier; be wasn't any bigger their hay fields. When Butchi than a minute. yelled the news to Bob, he Because Dora w-as trying ho nearly fell off the tractor in his rnake a buck on the side by eagernýess 10t get to his car and! counter-bopping a t Jury & race for Brown's. Lovcll's Drttg Store iii Bowman- Well, yvou never saw such a ville, and because Bob would reunion as that tiny mutt had be absent in the btîsh ail day, with Bob, mother and I. He and because m ' vwîfe thought a was gaunt as a piece of rag, but baby pup should be fed often, cocky as ever. Mr. Brown Tippy stayed with us. tbought he bad kept alive by He had a great lime leasing cating beetles, grasshoppers and - poor old Mîke (our dogl, and such. We fed that purp as care- was ctuite a companion for me though he bad been a while 1 was mopbng around the Il uman castaway on a barren house %with a leg casl. island. Now b&'s f illed out and After Mike uvas dispatcbcd Io struts arourîd as though be owrîs the happy- hunting grounds, the joint. 1h must be the Irish 1P Tippy became even more likelinihim. one of the familv. and ive some-1 A couple of weks ago. Laverne t times forgot that lie be lonlged Curis made us a present of a to Boh, until orie da,,, rccently. j month-old Dobermann-Pincher Bob's other doggie, a lady pup. Everyone keeps eling us Spaniel, went for a stroîl wilb 10 crop bis cars and tail or hec young Tippv; after an hour or -w&on't look like a truc Dober- so Niggsy returned but Tip mann. didn't. Just to he different, by golîx-, 7 Ini spite of differetît hutning1 we are going ho leave bis cars expeditions by -mv xife, Bob and taau as nature intended. He and Dora. Tippy- failed to be appears ho be bow-leggcd i hl found. That night, between one front. In tact, bis knees seein - and two 1 awoke to fînd to be down near bis feet, but - fricnd wife hanging out en up- w-c don't care; aIl we want is a -- stairs window and alternatclv dog. We caîl him Darky! calling "Here Tippy, Tîppyý," and,- Sonetimes w-& e al hlm Dob'Y,- then whistling for hlm. So help but- I rcqucstcd mv wife to . me, folks, until then I didn't please stop, because cvery lime know Butch could whistle, and she called hum Doby 1 tlhought don't forget, FI-e known the 1 she was calling me 'dopey'X These 10 Royal Canadian Army Cadets front Bow- lady for over 40 years. Back When Bob takes Tippy home a vle nd B a k t c Hi h S ols re ow te d ng to sîcep! we will miss the perky littema ileadBaktkHghShosaeovatndg Then along about brear.rascal, with bis cule ways, but a sevcn-xveeks summcr training cour-se at Camp Ipper- MY spouse ivas at the kitchenlwe will bave Daî-key ho feed wash, on Lake Huron. Thev ai-e taking the Senior Leader door going lhrough the. same and train and enjnv. His cas-s course, wlîich qualifies them as senior cadets. 1h is similar routine. When 1 asked wbx-, she flop, bis laul is about a yard toa eur army basic tr-aining course. Shomn at the, said she tbougbt she bad heard long, he is knee-sprung and are la him bark: incidentalîx-, bis bark clumsx-, besides baving the sad- CNR railwav station before leaxing for camp last xveek 15s very similar ho the shas-p yap dest looking eyes imaginable, _______________ of a fox, but we love the homely - ookiog The next day w-e 'ph oned lithIe mutt, and expeet to gel f if-e had been located. No luck! people's reactions when they trx D roo kd al-me lpRoses Lose What bothered us niost was the ho figure out whcther be'is 'a fact that the poor litIle gufferlbound, a sooner, or a Heinz iriight die of thirst in the terrifie He may humn out to be a bard-T o àir, n m9 - bëat. 1 ware dog, yo0u know'v, one of af Every tinse we drox-e tbrough Ibose who mnake a boît for the the arca, we did so sl hv op-1 door. He«s qtite smart, cari A heav-hitting Cobourg I-Tus- if it had not been for the ing against hope we might sec stand upon bis'bind legs-if you termncl 'tt baizeball hcam de- logtgrs in tihe1 outfield ixhieh 1-imn. But by quitting time of bold his front unes up. - eated the c Lst-place Bowman- to'tpped ltîe bal '.vhen ih lit ~uooeu.....--ville Brookdale Roses aI Memn- the groxsnd, and for the ruling * *UUMUUUUUMMMMUM************,orial Park ]ast Friday eveniti-?, xxhich sas-s a bail wiîich boîsn- Mwitb a score of .9-6t. ces off the road along the silo *INTER-COUNTY Scoring was restricled to tbe of thie park shaîl go for a doit- *fiîst and fiflh innings !or tIhe hie when there is traffie ob- ~ Mavisitors. Bownîanv.ille had hxvo slîucting a player from retIne%,. a runs iin the first inning and onc, jingl the bail. S EN IO R A16 EL in each of the third, fourn1,i. T.a'he condition of tepr W l ~~~~~~fo r C o b o u rg . H e b it o tu t a s i . - î g I o s o e f r b f i l a Tnursday, July 14 gie, adv-anced on an error 'tl and made fieldin iîg cut M Msecond. Hart gol on base with Ieavy Hittissg IGaif Terriers vs. Oshawa MerchantsitîW ancl Mxi ortwsh * .(BAK NGHT :Donlevv and Flannagan singled a double and a single, and iitn GAME 17 M b scor'e the fiist four runnieri;. Cox and Roy Falls oaci-s ari M* N- BRow-nanxille managed to gî-: a -loillDoit Glîhoole-. and Miondav Juiy 18 lwo stins off tiio-o alks in lh.ti- .John Staintots each notchcd a zu aîf of the firet frame. TLie s ligIes. : first tii-o batteis, Gilhooley and For 'the Cobour-g Legion- :London Majors vs. Oshawa Merchahfs : Hamilton, were sent 10 hu-' naresHarnders had a double 3 * ~~~~~~~baseýs and advanced on a sacs'--a- io snttn.mkn fibunt bv Tini Cox and ail bii-î E'Ven xith teanima'e 1wo-base ftoldes-'s choice pîrs'. C:ntnboli. Turpinî and Stanlev aI I~ IN~Mb\, Maxie Yourlh. carli'had one double 10 Iheir- K N M N C V C0* Llo-d Hamilton picked u rdt Sinsgle baseItits wxere ~I\L.> I:A*anotiie- w-alk in the ihird in-plent-fu I. aind Donlcx x- led t!ic- M 'ILII\.I'%,-L ST DI aning. andi xxas sent home on it a\ .'.-~' îh four- for ifi'.e tini-es O S Il AdWuAle b'. Max Yous-th. Ted -It 'bal. Barkliosse had tbreo, OSHAWA Dadson st'artocl on a single i n Stevenýon and lnan thefouthand wentftise tou ) CaclhadtýQ I I J.LiTHE CANAIA.uN .ATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THUTRSDA, UL t, O Ed Youngman's Column The Statesman's Gras Roots Columit Westnghouse Is first to bring the convenience of automatie defrosting to every price field! There are two super-luxurious models with exclusive, fully automatie Frost-Free ... and two thrifty new xvwisc buys" with the ncwr Westinghouse "Push- Button" Automatie Defrosting. So whatever your refrigeratQr budget is, you can have the luxury of automatic dcfrosting at the price you want to pay. You Can Be Sure - If 1t's... Wdf?'sitlg/iouse Score Tied T1hpefaiics ,ýanri rlti o f : Witlh Bownianvillen l C uty as;aiMr anid Mr-. . 1). nrpi> Nature is an Aeolian bat n a fis ii i-l fiiueligmusical instrument, whose toncs I ith( orgr the firsî antiiversarv eent Thcv! are the re-echo of highe tîg chadc 1 onge r e ague Standing wr p1etci Wt ad- within us-Novalis. hL. strdeg wîclegiiii nd lji ion. The flowers are riattîte's r wr bat once, and five rafle scoreci. Standing as of JuIy 12a< s cdnul aIl hand'a ] I ewels with whose wealth she 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 Cambel sartd ff 7i Tcnîa gnoadt iin. decks her somnmer beauty.- Capelsatdof1eTaiW L Av"-. i l :and \t.(I .Forg'. Gorge Croly.I fîftb cntre ihadobeb' Cha ..19 à .73 t Son, Oshlaua: Mr. and Mu,. tween entreand ieft field. Kitc'hener ----15 12 551lcbRn-r11tR.<,wr Two runners were pu t it Oitndo ~1 2 .555 elbguesis of . . (iwleoaes 1 infie]d plays, aidcithen Don- St. Thomas -.-13 12 .2147 Meis . dMs eadRio 1e'sin, le When Flanna"ail Galt -il 14 .41i) hvopUrcI2 cd a votta,'Q at:M~ srgled and Stalevbi dou- Bt anitfoi d . 8 18 .3 7 )Scll 'ýog Pointutd a' cha ble. FergLISOn came in 10to - - qica e i b- 'cI elidj place Stujitton ýon the mou ua Mc -ittd Mr' . Hokjn LIclg for Bow',inaiijlle. Tuîrpin, À . I fMl.-. and Mrs r H si ie ýStaintonis first batter, hi t aMr. & Mrs. B. yley tamlok-, Mr. anîd Mrs. J \liW double, stole a base. and wf r1-1! Bas n.111, Mr. ave a loJ.vW.y bit borne bY Harroden. mna kJn!ý el rate e ier ,Bv'lnmming beacli. a toi aioJtc usof f ~M. and Mrs. Keith Billett bits. z.5rn Mnnlversary and farnîilY\is itcd theBlet Bowînn'-ilescored one t'in rteBaonSndyiv- in the fifth, off doubles by BcthantheSattirdar, Ju]v 9îlî ng Yourth and Fallsi. and one more -as te 25th x'.edCilitn annix-ur- in the stxtb vhcn Gjlboole'. arv. 0f Bruice ityleyve, we1 started wvith a base on an -,r- "'îBethaiîv mercbant and t TR E - WD ror. stole second, aund wahF* iswiflie orerHect M home by Tim Cox wih a dou-Il nui Oit Suitdav aormrnli ,- bIc. aîhettiîgto celebrate the oc- Bal Ficiri Poor ci.utWas held at the home Both teamis dîd sorte hea.v 1 Of Mr. and Mrs. Getalci E. Sta 1 hitting ini tht- ganie. and some f-P1e., Lak-efielî and the briîdePT IB RDCO N lof ite doubles shouici.ha,,e andi groni received manY lov- ' gone tor triples 0ot eVei bhon1 I gifts cluiig a coffee ta-o u riei-light floot' lamp wj ilio f*u Inatchîng srnoker's stand, p U U B antams Have c- ofl iiia n s erae En tire Summer Stock of 1 aYcongr1tutla tory cards. Busy Schedule 2! 1 iAAuu'.mmmn pat kd scedul toi Unitedi Clarch at BethanI VII fOOS conig ee i i sor frtheuitI o thte Rev L. W. SciottL,1 o'fe nsfm o y c o m n g x e k t i n t o î f o t i e î t a t n g a n d t h e i e c e p t i o n t f -M nattes ha 'seballteam .Bov.tnan-!of the brides parents, Mr. anBoxl gell Bntî et stra s a edatiehm ville is on top at present, aud 1\Irs. Jamies MeKinnon. Both str ivn înt stiv .tbei e to i are lifetime residents of tle CuL. . the' .ohîi Foote* Lakeshore Tro- vlae carrv ing on iii tie gen- 4111 .. MCoh n er'at store business establishedi Titiee-e anies in a rnw xx ll b,'eodas RylevsF Hu be plaved. Fridav. at 6:30, New- I n r randfather Toa'sSNPRc onea d casîle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a c aîl vst a e o-a "~ re now assisted v thi< Paint' is hetter than e'-jb- t tMroiltosons, HarrY and oet cause if*s FUME-PROOF! Will - Park. Mondiax evening the Ici- 7..i1 flot darken or discolor from L f . ~ ro cals jotirneY 10 Newcastle, and Mis. R, le.' helps activelY in ! coal smoke or industrial Rases. ~M M W M a gainte hich wvas rained ou, h(- wonen .s Association of 'he: Self-cicaning, too. Reimoves sur. a M MS up l e at Port Hope Juix' 5th xiiiLUntited Cbarcb. Mr. Ryle'-. ' 1i face dirt. play'ed July 21. .chiot hobby* is the ba'ebai The Bantarn teani needs tem.A'keen laer andvau supprt f lcal aseallfan1cd me mber o the team fior suo rt0filocal bsbi asnîanx- s ars, he is theoabf tomet inncalobligations., the peentCom. a ch 1 The boYs put on a good show gae0 i for their spectators. andplj . on Fridav nigbt, with threc XX ~ ~ ~ n thab for-ed hum iout of retir-eetkllndiihîut htpavr onte injuelI~t Iiei ~Here's YOUr chance to stock up on menCs and boys' clothing and weaoud iae an îe ea .n'd he got a big hand from the ij campers' supplies . . . and save plenty! Ail items on sale are from our jealus. aits when lie :cored a run iin regular stock and must be cleared to niake room for Fali and Winter stock thie lad iýnniin" .He lias beld sw rrvig sex-oral offices in the Athleie o riig As >ociation. Both Mr. qnd Mrý-. Rvle-v are keenly intvrested in o DeaCm i T-dy nd Sv VriijhiuiŽuu~~ ansthing for the bettermient Dn! Dla on iiT-ay ad Sv j the village and take a very ac E I4 7,a ive îerfst in all eotnmuniitv ; Paint &Wallpaper w avleS rlsSales i Ic. nîan% friends through- o"t r district joit) in s- Phone MA 3-5431 irig theni continued bappineŽ: f, _________ 42 ýIng St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3211. tihlouRhout thse years ahead.-UM tre, ow, left to right: Ken Willhamson, Dave 'Jobniston, Jint Mitchell, Maurice Richards, Ted Schwvartz (Blackstock). Front roxv, left to right: Dave Kellett, Roger Cook, Glenn Crossey, Bill Bradley, Don Forder. Another B.H.S. cadet, Alex Alexander, is attcnding a Signals cour-se at Camp Borden. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Gra ndmothers were Guests At Hampton Women s Institute Hanmpton Women's Institisie 'Make 1955 Better Tlîan 1954" met Thursday atternoon in the on wbieh Mrs. A. E, Biliett S.S. room '.vitb Mr-" C. War-ren, ,î-ce-presideîîli. presiding. ROI, gave a vcsy nice paper. Mîs. ial wxas -Your Gsandmother's Keînneth Hull, Bowmanvillc, M aiden N i e' a d he- w s favored w ith tw o ovey solos., Fi real good responise. It wa"Homing" and "Wedding Pray-. decided Io hold a bazaar in th-e r."' Mrs. Howard Cole gavel fal. Discussion followed on he current events. Mrs. R. Our August bus trip but thex' Hodgson g ave a wonderfui come to'no dcisioni, atbo Mrs.paper on "Grandmoher's Past, Waren orkd lardon t. Present and Future" xvhich; Waren vorcdliad 0 it Iwas full of humnor and coim- Ms-s. Warren vers- kindi.v mon sense. Mrs. Albert Cole, I broutght a beatittiful ho.ll Of Bowmanville, and Miss Norah varions; coloîred s-oser from bier Horn piayed two piano duets. gardon anid prosented ecdi Mrs. S. Kersev, dressed ins erandmnolher witli one. $lt>.001o]d fashioned 'ctothes, long w-as mnted Iolthe blind. black boots (laced), long blacît Mrs. W. Doi-îge took thef dress, lace shawl andbot. chair for the prograiti. All tied under ber chin, gave a sang "Wlicn You atsd I Were recitation "Grand mob e rs Old Youîng Maggie." The mnotto was and New" composed by lier- - - self. Mrs. K. Cax-erleY and Ms HAMPTON Hull Sang 'Melody of Love" and Mrs. Caverlev sang "A- Mi, nd Mrs. Norman Grtt- 1 mong My Sou-venirs ll ss fin, Wc-- t Couirtice. and friends, Albert Cole the accompanist. Ms-. attd Mis. Gallo.xay from t Card tables w-ere set tîp for Winmiiig, vtsiîecl Mr. artd Mrs.! the grandmoîhers and a de-, J. W. Baisoni. flicious lunch of bread and but- I Mr. and M\lî. J.1 C. Macnab ter, fruit cups and ea, pro-i and faiiil .Mi.% tîîd -îs .Earîlivided by the norlh group u-n Lukeli atscfut cl e r the con venersbip of M -. Barrn atwePat ,, arland Trul and Mrs. Hoskeli isitecI relatives tîere o Sll,-'S mith, was served. Cadets Leave for Summer Camp I Trhis Week at the Royal FRIJAY - SATURDAY - JULY 15 - 16 "Sholgun" (Technico lor-) STERLING HAYDEN - YVONNE DE CARLO ZACHARY SCOTT and "Carolina Cannonball" Starring JUDY CANOVA - ROSS ELLIOTT-1 Friday - 7 and S8:21) Saturday- 6:30 and 9:15 Fri. Eve and Sat. P.M.-Chapter 4 of "Pony Express" MON. - TUE. - WED. - JULY 18 -19 -20 ~tSNTE o~WARE R S or Tiri-e - 7 and 9:05' STARTJNG THUISDAY, JULY 21 "The High and the Mighty"? (Colorij Starring JOHN WAYNE and CLAIR TREVOR ,1e,,on (equal). More Mvusic Grade V in Honours-Jean Baker. i-il G rade IV Piano Exar Res ltsPass- Gail Baker; Dore Exam ~suirs Ardele Pickering. Grade IM Piano iAre Issued FrtCasHnus-Fe Grs assHnm. -Fe The following is a list of suc- Honours-Dennis Gay; Bertha cessful candidates in examina- Estelle Clarke. tions held recently by the Roy- Pass--Sharon Darlene Han- ai Conservatorv of Music of cock, Joan Marie McMaster, Toronto lin Bowmanville, On- Johanne Parkhill (equal);- tario. The flan-es are arranged Gwendolyn Glaspell; Margarý in order of merit.i Thieshurger; Louise Elizab Grade X PianoHuhs eg NlSir Pass-Fae M: Reynolds. jH Ghes aegIl io Grade IX Piano Pass-Lvnne Stainton. Pass-Margaret Goheen; Wil- Grade I Piano da Harker; Marie Ferguson. First Class Honours-David Grade VII Piano Michael Williams. Honours-Marilyn Quantrili; Honours - Anti Ferguion,; Harold Yellowlees. Lynda Scott. Pass - Monty Emmerson, Pass-Carol Elston; Doreen Alan Smith (equal); Marilyn Hamer: Marilyn Glaspeil. J. Cobbledick. Grade VIII Singlng Grade VI Piano Pass-Sbînley Milis. Honours - Karen Clarke, Grade VI Singing Doris Martin (equal). Honours-Jean Thompson. Pass- Patricia Knox, Dane Pass-Kathleen Jackson. Lyccît (equal); Janice Beech;, Grade IV Singing Merridy Mutton, Nancy Ste- Pass-Mary Ann Grace. There' s an- Automatic Defrosting IWESTINGHO USE Teoflipurm'budget Yeur kitchen *Yomr 3lOrage needs IrTm rà"A?%TAIKT 1

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