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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1955, p. 3

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Tm CANTADIAN STATE3MAN. EOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO PAOE 1YLFB *Annuai R. C.-Picnic1 yHeId Las! Sunday About 300 people, including gorv Cooper, 2 Anthony M.ýalloy, children, attended St. Joseph's, 3 Don Masterson. Single girlsi 1Bowmanville. and St. John's 16 and over-Evelyn Jones, j Church, Newcastle, pîcnic at the Elisa Verlaysen. Single bo's-ý Cream of Barley Park last Sun- A. Masterson, A . Malloy. day afternoon. The Holy Name Society, which includes both Sixteen married men enteredi the next race and looked at the parishes, made ail the arrange- he, ments and Brian Gaherty wases of Roy Secord and Heink j Picnic chairman. Pieper. Eighteen married ladiesj ran for the next prizes which Father Raymond Hart of the wvere won by Mrs. Violet Hun- Peterborough Diocese t o o k eriuk and Mrs. GladYs Master- Father Malane's place and, mnci- son, . dently, pitched a rattling good The boys' wheelbarrow "-ace gamne of bail. He led his teamn was won by the team of Vin-j to Win 15 to 4 over a team pick- cent Malloy a'nd John Pollock. ed by Joe Cooper, in spite of the The girls, *6 f0 12, who could tact that Joe acted as umpire. first whistle after eating two After the adult bail game, four soda biscuits %vere May Cowles innings, two boys teams played. and Evelvn Jones. Bckys 15 and The catcher and pitcher of the under, 100 yard dash---A. Mas-j winning teamn were R. McLean terson, Gregory Cooper, Richard and Sebastian Sweep, of the los- McLean. Girls 1.5 and under. ing team were Vince Malloy and 100 yard dash-Evelyn Jones,j Anthony Malloy. It was a close Anne Lepine, Maria Sw.%eep. game, 5 to 4. The most spectacular eventI Races for children and aduli was probably the ladies shoe followed the bail game and kicking contest. Some of the prizes were given for each shoes sailed high over the head's event. Girls 6 and 7-1 Francie of the* judges who had placced Veriaysen, 2 Rosemary Roche. thems&',Ives at wvhat tiey con- 3 Mary Jane Lax'erty. Boys 6 sidered a safe distance from thie and 7-1 Joey Koropatwa, 2 20 contestants. Mrs. FrancesI l Michael Shuttleworth, 3 Jack Memsen and Mrs. BettY Ku ver 1 Chard. Girls 8 and 9-1 Vicki tied, the former wlnning on thel Chard, 2 Anne Wilson, 3 Maria kick-off. Sweep. Boys 8 and 9-i Walter The men's shoe race. in ,w-iich' Verlaysen, 2 Danny Jones, 3 ail shoes were scrauïblccl in a George Chard. pile and the entrants had t0 Thirty-one children entered race to the pile,,. put on their the race for five and under, aIl own shoes and tie them properlv%, were given prizes; George Con- was won by Roy Secord. fors camne first. This pienie was attended by, Girls under 12-1 Evelyn members of St. Joseph's parish Jones, 2 Elisa Verlaysen, 3 Maria Bowmanville, and St. John's we.Boys under 12-1 Gre- parish, Newcastle. Attendance Nuns- HoId -Religiaus Education Classes S. Gault in charge of the ser- Ross Bowlins, Oshawa, Mr. and vice. The members met at the Mrs. Fred Partner, Mr. Lorne Lodge rooms and headed hvOsborne wcre viQitors at Ud- the Standard Bearer Thoma's1 Bryce, the Misses Wilma jakce-:ney, Ont., on Sunday. man. Norma Jakeman, I,,gr':di Patty and Wendy Partner Rajski and Leone Smith as tr'!;"i are on holidavs w'th thr majorettes in costume and ac- J companied by the Betharnv rnpîns Bnthey paraded down tne Mr. and Mrs. James Parkin- main' street to the Churcl-. Fol - son and family of Agincourt lowing the service they march. spent Sunday ,vith Mr. and1 ed again with the Band pi aving Mrs. R. Gibson and Sandra. severai selections before 'd;s- Sundav visitors with Mrs. missal. Edith Mvurphy were Mrs. Ko- IWalter Mutphy and fanîîy, Mr. LONG SAULT ftai1k"y5 Little Margo Mvurphy spent Ihr weekend w'ith lber. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn 1great-gyrandmtotlicî' at Orono. and girls, Mr. and' MrS. JOllm Miýr. anid Mrs. Harold Murphy Wetton, Burketon, were Sun- 1 spent SundaV at Orono. Ba ihJhsons. M.and Mrs. jMr. Alex Mc(-Laggan, Heat- Bill Jonýson'. 1 crand Janet. spent Saturday Mr. Louis Rice. Ca lifornia. at Elmhîîrst Beach, Kcswick. Mrs. L. Moore, Mrs. Mils'r. Mrs. Hatherlev, Tyroncl. Mvr.1 On MondaN- Sandira Gibson and Mrs. R. Donath. Osawa ad a vcrY enjovable party in Mrs. Valentine, Berlin, Ger- the aftecnoon with eleven of inanv, were ThursdaN- vsitors her school chiorns in honor of of Mr. and Mrs. Wailter'Vari- lher 2th bîcthday. e.îk and John. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vanev-k Naturc's first and last lessons vere xisitocs at M,-. and Mrs. teach man to bc kind, andl even John Van Beck. Millbrook. pride should sanction wbat our Mr. Elmer Hulm, Alberta, natures nced.- Mary Baker Miss Helen Partncr and Mr. Eddy. Whiatevèr the season ... one-week class in religious education was con-1 Sister Betce ai ssonraigt ml ru ducted last week in the Lions Community Centre by two of the 50 hildren taught in two classes. Left ta right are: nuns from Lindsay, as a supplemnent to the work Father Miarlene Pelletier (front) of Newcastle; Ann Woolner, MONREL-I tishea .. -its nlygociMalane of St. Joseph's R. C. Church does among the Bowmanville; Catherine Liptay, Haydon; Bob Whalen, y sese 0 d evrytingwe ao 0 ral5' ~children of his parish during the year. This is the fourth Maple Grove; Michael Wolnik, Bowmanville, and Walter work en;ir-sijeb as u.sing GLIDE I[-141) vear this "Summer School" has been conducted here. Verleysen, Hampton. STARCHI for olîr rottons, linc, nen Iîî house dresses. Glide bas wax in îi - -n ilat yolir . eedoaedbmr ironing is much Rmonth e. The îîî: in i ai1,usIo p izes eednae yme-B T ANY Baptismal Service weddings struck this locality on1 çvhiteness. And 1 wish you'd sc lIov ~j (chants here. Oshawa and Whit- BE HJuly 9th. How -sweet romance" io use 1 Just add watpr to (ilide - hot or oi _b.%. Some of the winners werc: cnfors nsc osik that's al! You can vary the strength f Me trîn-. slt prize. electric coffee perco- Mrs. Ina Gribble ]eft for ber Feattired at Picnic caforshnscbotsic' any type of fabrie or garment ...f'r inýtance,, a thin si:e ni csltr. l ai uen n rznwhm nLno nStr ~ h wcather is a question w'hich can nyosdelicately crisp and lovelyl Bu ' yGlide in the 32 oz. b ie tackle box, Henry Eikers; 3rd day. Prior to ber departuïe. O a t nurch aprnl easee n. .1 or the 6 z in Economy Size. Youlil be proud of yoîîr î.ndivo,î prîze, salad bowl, knife and members of St. Paul's Church tecmltl .on that - jst se! spoon, Maria Sweep.1 presentcd hec with a life mem- Bowmanville Baptst Church -far beyond our' comprelension Oh Biii It's Nice! There are the birds singng ouiside the wjii,(oe, and Other prizes were won by-' ber's certificate and gold pin in lheld ifs annual Chucch and Sun- I admitf. I gîîess those two grey, liee an ontheinMe-injngtoo br~~ee in Mateson Gemane u-appreciation of hec \'alued ser day School picnie on Saturday, hairs that have snuck loto in' dishwashing lias been mnade so mucb easiee-- îbexau, Larry McLean, Mrs. Brian vices as leader of the W.A. dur- JuÏv 9. A bus and several cars beard are alter ail an ad'sancc ing the past several yars. The left the church on Nelson Street waning approaching seniliy. Thijs is why I'm so pleased with Gay-and why Mielhael Regan, Mary Jane Grbl rpry etrkona n 'lcta4igt aingf w h a veý*- sur yu il b to. t asesth dsiî~ ~ p~~ JLa ect.y, Joey Koropatwa, MrsI sTeMiiPn asbe u- Toronto where the picnic was O odyadTedyps 14-asuwre yousilve plin e o.Ia-yesthit bases, edMs.~og hr. chased bv Mc. and Mcs. R. A. held at Kew Beach Park. 5ev- we placed our thermometer out Frease-cutting power for pots and pans. And hlk - Scott and famuly Of Wood- eral hours of fun and fellowship on lawn to register the intensitv 8o econornical -one, bofile does fifly dishwasb-Th uk wingnmbr bridge. followed, with the boys and of the heat. Up it shot on two imes! (Gay- rakesuid.z that are a plcasure f0 worlk ii. i """ drawn by Father Hart and In con-pany with hec son, girls (bath junior and aduit) successive days (o 125', as high witb - and lias a deli-ate fragrance that yoill presented by G. H. Wilson, Bruce Beer and familY, (If compcting for prizes.asi vudrgte.D vry1 like. Ail this -and Gay is easy on the liandsý, Piesident of' the Hoiy Name Brampton, Mlrs. Ernest the as it would registnerng. Did butvery- t-o!t Do get a bottle and sec why I'm so enliusiastic about ~Society. Others assisting with motored 11, Saskatchewan an alsuper washe red oncne tigbu at heraces and other events were: is now xisiting wîth Mrs. Nct giwabender te ltrees andonce o ;-Two Teen-agers g are setting ont on a simmer advenh ie ,jt starter, Tom Masterson; an- tic Thorniton in Wynx-ard. edagî Bowmnvijle ladie prov- on rt ch ol n exi o. M 'l fn f, can e, to h e n o u n cer G . H . W ilson ; G eorg e M c. an d M rs. Jam e s ' M cK in cd ethat t ey noa nodi an rt Seoo i M xîo. W'In t aie o ie c" 111 vide good things t a n r a quiest ion of liow they were going Io td irL liaJ , Joe Cndahy. Paul La- non, Mc. and Mcs. Vincent audnc.A terte meal, V They weot straigbt to our local l [ UA NK Ole hs inie was an outstanding John, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R-- everyone relaxed foc a time, andfndtîyeerhsacl q o! padJeCprTmMlo.d Frt ThîsRALpicrJackson and sornsavoi sRonald a hn uane. Afe prty alkd Aarded is ]eNrgCeALq euîes.- acnîngcI 10eTux l-SOleM. n rs1 a-yRlyquietly, to oeacby Wat-eriey Rd.i Bof M are easy f0 rash at lioielsq, banks and da gess it M. ndTiih ur t- ler Ceqie. raelei Cîeîis oî î îe dand Roet Rvley ere and BaptisttChuncha 1siores, but un iil <euni crsigned by ynIu, t]v ie TIC K E T S GrldSapehaeakfe]c, in an atmosphere o ofsno aill oan.or la* iyIm,,1f>z TO EVERYWUERE Mc. ad Mrs. us a aefil Earw orship, the picnickcrs witness- essntal ora tiiy crefre lolia.. je- Air. Rail or Steamship Miss Catharîne Eacl and John cd the ordinance of baptism.. Bethany: Accompanying the the best ntrneaantlsortit o,*>) Consuit EarI of Ida, visîted with Mr- Pastor Halse' read from týhe local Orange Lodge to Lindsay in ejîher case your rooney will he Ifully reftinded. Bcforr e far ing on JU[R Y & L O VE LL and Mr-s. Allan Beer on Sun- scripturcs, the gi-cal commission on Satnrdav, the Bethanyv Coin- your vacation, I siîggest 7ravellers Cheques . . , a\-ailable at 3your 3owmanville day.. of Christ in which His followers munity Band were awaî-ded branch of the B of M. 15 King St. W. MA 3-578 Mrs. Hugh McDonald. To- are to "teach ail nations, baptiz- firsl prize and received a silvt-r a'onfo, is spendiiîg several davs îng theai in the name of the cup foc the Best AILlBcass wýith Mcs. Richard Fallis. Father, and 0f the Son, and of 1 Band in the parade. Winning __________ Mr. and Mî-s. Gordon Smith the Holy Ghost". 1thecpi7ei i hemr e andfailyofCoiore wco Mr. IBaise stated quîetly butmrhbeien that this Band 1 Sun day guests with Mr. anad ficmly that any other forai of1 was organized uton ye-I Mrs. Robert Sisson. baptism other than the im- ago. To the first leader RonaldJ Mc. nd is. Rcg. Edm nds mersion of believers is both W illianison and the preseit MOR DAY 0fTHEWEE ARaAd a f raerek'dacon al'Then followed the îrite itself, inlPeterboi-ough goes nuh of the MOR£ DAYSOF THE WEK ARE AWasagoma Beh. aatona which six people confessed ci-edit for the- mulsicians' pro- Mi-.andMcs Harld hili ~ Christ as Saviour and wece bap- ficiency. Peterborough, spent the weck-lid.Teasraedfo Membci-s of the local lad'es endwit Mc an Mc. Wlli'n 0-year-oid Carol Mac-donald 10 and mens Oratîge Lodges at- Philips. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Drinkie, j tended Divine service in S. Mc. and Mrs. Creighton Ca'-c a couple in their 70's. The oth-i Parîî's Anglican Chuî-ch on anS UviR ErcSudaIge N ers wecc Marilyn Macdonald and! Sindav evcning wt Rex'. T. M anw wrMelviliy e Mc- îlcen and Mildred Vondracek.I____ ~ G M a Ran. The cecemnony was quietly im- I. of AV NGainctS cefgdwennI J0ree atirmed pic-2 -EXCLU-- Mc. and Mrs. Leonard Mer- pesv n stetrdpc ri£ýk -hildren ofKingston fillcd the cýars for the homeward 4 ECU Angeles. Calif., visited witn oefn n ue wchp Sultana Dr. J. J. Hamilton and Mis. DEP-U SEIASPEANUT BUTTER 16-oz ar 3 lc YELVERTON : GENUINE COD New Pack Choîce Yuo lb(otnsOl)is wîh M. and Mrs. Perey~ A& P AS2 5-z ns2 c IN ERAL i3~~ #i 2. akma fc weks actiR Congratulations are in oî-der Strawberry (Pec tins2 AddedLE2) zbils2.cey T. S. Ganit, with Mcs. ta the principals involved in two <-Ganît ad their childi-en, Ma.- local nuptial events, Mc. and e - r'. JAMWelch'sryoe and Patricia, arc Mrs. Norman Caimpbell <nee; 24-az îar24GRAPEa2-oz 1 spending this wcek at Wasaga Dawnc Black) 0f Cadmnus, and!~ Heinz Vegetaran Mcae'1Mnanla tfe Beach. to Mr. and Mrs. Boss Lockwood: 0 BEANS 215(anzanlla)ns 39e (nec Mary Spcncely> of Yclvcc-. Ecanomy Heavy OLIVESd Mr-.zjar 't Mal Crispie Sweef Mîxed ii colai, Mr. and Mcs. Murray Mal- C WAX P PE îo4 ral 5 PCK ES 6-z ar3H eIad jin ft i-.1ndMts"W'bet _al colai motored to Detroit, Mich., W A ,P P R10I rl I KfS1 -zir3 cor wcckcnd to attend the * SPECIAL 1 VIGOROUS & WINEY Florîda npialsof Mr. and Mrs. Dick - JAN PRKR USOM ROND OR NG JICE 48ozin31 Ja Sum m er 1Phlp(ne Geraldîne Wylev>),10 JA N PA K ERCUS O M ROU D R A N E J I C E 4 8 oz in 1 L uln's nephew and son of fii e DOUBLE CRUST O hl.B o f C o s PIECQFFEE Swift's Corr~ issLon 3IE itte3MisREMna2rigt o lb9: RMl?-oz. tins 2For69 Blackstock spent a few daysý eac î lehIolidas this wek with hr each 3 c 1 ,gcandipacents, the Hacold Stin- 3-l. Bg -C O R N ED BE EF 12-z , 3 9c I i '0f. SUPER-IGET MEATrS Luncheon Meat I ifour Moores were: Miss June i Extra Lean, Ideal for Hamburgers or Meat Loaf KAM 12-oz tin 39 Holmes, Mrs. Nettie Moore and!1 MINCED BEEF Lic Hi CijMr.Fern Moore of Toronto. ad~*NN ShortC EFi29 OR ANGE DRINK 48-oz S,33c dayguets a th Davd Wlso ShortHi C Oven Read, Gilets ed, *0 3lb. Averge lna ieetî Addd~ jda% ? ue te Jothe sond son h StanlC Mcotas C H IC K E N S b49c STRA W. JA M 24-ozjar39c I iYe ve on attend-db es THE B4.PA0RTYHPUNCH - LindavfonSaucSay or a C W h e a t e y B a n d a d d o k - u u t a u t n d S r j R T Z 8 o z p c g 1 c Ii nb g nthe l h oam pe d . n u ona g ~~~~~i Saned i ay besto.~ c h m s : S r e F I H T I K S3 O- z kg 1 0 0 P E C H S S- z, ti s2- o ar 3 9 c H aeno s m e ît r. W li ro n a a d tt leF uiui e d ManLederdl GeorIa No. 1, Sw.tR. utgRAE ONtnn J" t sa theaOangeLarason of ra MagrneSeua ria oviy elomegusî f ets - - - - wTHAVEiU. peFanenEwave Em nds on Saturday.rCITACo Chatle rand Roadock - *..t o andSevSng K Y2f k diC~vsta B o ers of ot PLUNSdoz35 '1 a b I Carkesat th A. Rders CaIfi ST. ICKStaN.w C o j Mc. JS15o- tns2osh3c Ever a s of agi r.anwa 1PHAad E S Sfor29c j gueMst 0fi thli a ck W hn and tt e MBe ut SaHedes. th i 1fckFru3 i g S. W. - a- =- -Z&OKin St E.MA -348 -prMissof futurewcddedf Toront MargarineSpecial AVE_160_prmanent_____ora______ Ethîswek is n Yivrtonand i W A E ME O S C 7 C P K Y --i4ciPni etig.Cmei tdy' Ar. Aerta Lanepinde a Thcre's aIwaysý a reason fo r Playtex Pype Keeps your Baby neat and sweet . . . comfortable and protected - as no ordinaî.y diapering does. Let your baby enjoy the dry, cornfortahle protection of' PLAYTEX Flryper! This revolii. tinnary diapering metbod ends 'lie soeggy discomfort of bulky )ld-fashioned diapers .. . hel1ps )revent rashes with a hygienie. Illyfrcsh Dryper Pad for ecd liange. Soiled Pads flush away.I I)rvpcr Panty's exclusive waist- laps confine wetness t0 the panty area. Let Dryper always keep your baby "SociallyI Acceptable"! Corne in, mrite or phone today for your JURY &,ih.- H-odiLake Ex,,,ié Lrge. Act Uratr-iY Siaed by haby*à »egbt. i ii'-Iii AY ii in Wih. Ir*' a.Y-lIhat'a 'LAYTEX 1) y E R.Il Box o.1 19101 Pian., D'i->~~ Vs,14S1.3. and $1.594 l'la sgei I,îp,,.PaungyIfi JURYE NIAL3-577 "IVE ai tMARR'S RN FLOWER CUl GLASS e y r j $ 1.4UWe carry a complete line of $1.40 CORN FLOWER i $ 1.40 VASES - RELISH DISHES: si.oo CANDELABRA ROSE BOWLS Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5463 'mTJSDA, UY l4th, 1935 BOWIWANVILLE

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