PAGE IX T W CA AflT M T' I~'~flAj MTAI 'mt~-- . . ~ f.,aN., *lS JVVÂTtA N VILLEL, ONT..lAIOTRI hause at 288 Albert Street, Wa- mayor"I lives manu yert terloo, and expeetto*(ymo'e' enjoy the honours. about the end of Juv. I have G. Elmore rean rented my houiie here toaa Cofegite eacer.To a great mind, nothing in Here's hoping the "lolci gr;av Iittle.-Conan Doyle. PLAN T ATTEN Eldad Centennial Services Eldad Church Celebrates Centennial A Day Long ta be Remembered' Fine TaIk by Rev. F. Cryderman GepO (Gladys Yellowlees) solo, and "My God Is Anv Dear eorge:3, When Eldad Church observ'Hour Sa Sweet", by Brig.-S, y elare ouuse ed its special centennial ser- with Allan Balson of Kingsto.n calld 'aeto"? Ped vice an Sunday, July 10, mallv taking the sala part. cle Dco'?Pr former residents and friends Members of the chir in- wl elk e assembled in due reverence t cled:D.Ga erO doctor a long Urne bef assure the success of this 11 awa; Allan Balsan, Kingston: ~, the titie professor thal splring and retrospectiveoc~ Elgin Taylor, Sauina; We lywscledpoesr Sion, and help maintain th&, Yelaowlees, Sauina: H-iîîo0i seecmed ta think I w likwhc hsbon SuaTink, Ebenezer; Russell Viec.-, spoken ta. together for the past century. ar Baker, Howard Milison. I have followed the Sauina; Jimn Smales, Jr., Ham, - S In the Statesman and When the church was filled! tan; Mrs. Ivan Ellicoît, Peter-' sure that yaur many ta capacity seats were arran.- 1baraugh; Miss Helen Baker, were delighted thaty ed beneath the trees on tha 1 Toronta: Mrs. Percy Dewei1,'I.ohnurdada church lawn where thase seat- Hmcon r.Brc rxvi *k'whoua nIofeaba ed could join in the service of' Mrs. Everett Elliott, Oshalia ltm emn o worshtp and sang through the' Mrs. Hilton Tink. Ebenerer: ours ringresansibilit service of the arnplifying sys* 1 Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Laon, naw havsbrig esno opt tem sa kindly installed bY Mrs. Jim Smales, r., Hamp- . wriehav e in iscetin The friendly spirit prevailing Solina.- Organist. Mrs. Alan . . at this service was generauls Taylor (nee Ileen Balson) Ui- learn tha b ter( and cantagiaus - it was like can B. C. l e r" e t wha b befrest that existing during the Christ- 1Wc are very grateful ta M-,.Listviesaa.1Abut two mas season. On every hand o;i- Atkins of Taunton who so Waoteresidenbot af heard the friendly greeting' tastefully arranged floral ho agte Pasedetif and saw the genuine fiendly 1quels and providec ilpal I4.ý o una.Conl side b eingDea handclasps as folk greeted anc 1 hich ail lent their beauty ta "of\ Lon\..II IIIIMss ay Trwi an M snid en Coune anather, as friendships and aie- this Ispecial service. 'EhreMiss MaTrewin eenostsMs thningtettneo quitncswr rn\,e. batiful 'baskets of flo x v s a s a aiaAt a miscellan eus howerin hiid thet back int For same months committees gracing the altar were in lovx La Elarnes hoer cde o e bc it ;ewredtgterfraing memory of Mcl. A. i,. P- t- honor af Miss Helen Bertrirn, again and wear out in corimo prpoe o mkethcýea bride-to-be. Helen revdrusting out. Toa ace secesaon upos tandmake he 1 ce, M.iss Norac Wcrry andDl.,Ma n y centennial ,visitors bins, Bawmanville, vwere tmn oeyad sflgfs rik meant that I sh sevcsasucs n a r ad Mrs. John Reynoldls and wcre enteriained in homes Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Helen was also honored' in1 near the College and theEe people xve awe a great sons, Gardon, Nelson and Jactk, ti-îoughouîtetie community fol. With Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice Oshawa with severai showers. 'have baughit a seven debt of gratitude. ýand placed thore by their fain. 1îoje,. the service at Eldad. were: Mc. andi Mrs. Elmer Gib -_______ _____ ___ The service was conducted, ilies. ;tssa ap avs n oGenak by the minister. Rev. F. J. , flhDvi'i-snGenak RedwhleRe.F.M.Crde- Monday3s Program c1uced Mr. and M\,rs. Joe Rey- At Mr. E. Crydermans were man, assistant minister at Thi-. Continiiing the obzervanc.e i nOlds, Prof. and Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jase and athy Eaton Memorial Chucch. of the Centennial. on Monday Reynolds, Miss Ida Reynolds, Douglas, Newcastie, and Mr. Toronto, and a former Hamp- afternoon about 200 peoaple ga- ? Mrs. Mabel Westley, Mrs. Jine Frank Cryderman, Bowman- ton boy, was guest speaker. thered at Sauina school grounç.1!ý Terry. Bria n and Jimmie; Mir. ville. After a review of the church for the special program. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnell, To- With the Werry's at Rose.Bu ao s C lenge ta aur cammunity-to set master of cerernonies. a rd Mrs. Arthur Rey'nolds, Everett Hall, London; Mr. an- aur sails for a stcaight and Chairman of the Plannings tDebbie and Steve, Hampton; Mrs. Howard Faley, Dr. and honorable course for the new Committee, Wes Ycllowlee s . Mrs. Lenore Crawle, Miss Bes - Mrs. Gea. W. James; Mr. and century upon which wie have spoke briefly extending a warm t sic Reynolds, Mr. A. Haskell, Mrs. Will Lycett and Avehyn; entered. welcome toalal. Then followed f Mc. and Mcs. J. E. H. Davs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wrgt Preceding the service and speeches expressing congratu- Oshawa; Ms. Isobel Reynolds, Bo w ma nv il1he; Mrs. JackÀ duing the eceiving of the of- lation ta the Eldad cmmunt:x-Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams and Brooks, Mrs. Barnhart and Li- ferig, Ms. . Crderan ad o reahiI Cheryl, Miss Fae Reynolds, Mr. lan, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Dor- Mcs. Alan Taylor (formecly milestone in the history of theRoyFlsChreAlnBo-otyMNcladP; Ileen Balson) of Duncan, B.C., church. manville; Mr. and Mcs. Wes Mrs. Robert Smales, Dr. and....... Yellowlees, Harold and Mur- Mrs. George Werry and chu- Ki phayed piano andi argan duets, Among those wha spoke1 ray; Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- dren; Mr. and Mrs. John Bac- 1 which were much appreciated. were Rev. Harold Turner, Bo,,w-lesMsGads elwesrdle ndBin The chor, omp set 0f for ma vile, ast charm~ ~ M c. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- Mrs. Chas. W erry, Oshawa: mer members and under the Oshawa P re sb yt e ry wlelies, Karen and Brenda. Mrs. L. Miller and Mcs. E. leadership of Mrs. J. Bakerc brought greetings ta, the Eldadi With Mr. and Mcs. Howard Hodge, Hampton; Mrs. Carl çrovided two anthems, "Seek Church on behaîf af the Pres. Milîson were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur, Mrs. Allan Wilbur and eThe Lord", by Roberts with bytery. He spoke in the ab- George Milîson, Douglas andi Gary, Taunton; Mr. George Mrs. J. Smales, Jr.,- singing the sence of the new chairman,Mare, rsElaTyoan Bray, Taronto; Mc. anti Mcs. N. Rev. C. W. Hutton af Black- Sandira, Toronto; Ruth Ellezi E. Wright, Mr. andi Mrs. Etigari stock, who is at present inl Ch- iîoM.aniMs amn Wright, Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. cago. Anthes, anti chiltiren, Dundas; Wecry. Clark andi Betty Jane; MAys wEAR Others who spake were Dr. Mr. anti Mrs. Stan Milîsan' Mc. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry, ALIFE JACKÈT L. B. Williams and Dr. Gea. Glenn andi Grant; Mr. Ms.FncsWry W. James of Bowmanville;, Rev. Milison. Mr. and Mlis. Alan Werry anti WHEN YOWRE 10 G. D. Empey, Highland Cceek, With Mr. and Mcs. Harold Santica, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey BA.a former pastor; Mr. B. G. Pascoe: Rev. and Mrs. F. Reed, MeGill, Enniskillen. A BOA. Styens, Sauina;, Rev. J. G. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna and Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Knox THN HCAETotten, Richmond Hill, also a, Rose Ellen; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Dean accampanied Mr. and THEN I CA$Eformer pastar; Mr. James A.; Fergusan, Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Mrs. Wm. Knox of Brougham OF ACCIDENT Werry, Enniskihlen; Mr. J. Ba- Stephens, Mc. and Mrs. Lewis ta St. George on Suntiay. Values effective at YOU WLL MO SIN ker and Mr. Everett Vice, well Cryderman, Mcs. Hewitson, Mr. L. Kiveli, Owen Sounti, your Dominion Store YO WLLNO SNK known Sauina cesidents. f Mrs. Will Wilbur, Hampton; iMc. Arthuc J. Honey, Vancou- YULthHighlightmng the programiof Rev. and Mrs. FakM. Cry- ver, Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Biekie, July 14, 15, 16 FLOAT f detailed historîcal review of Tamblyn, Orono; Mcs. John an, Tyrone, Mr. andi Mcs. Stan- the church, excellently pre- Cowling, Mrs. Will Leask, Mr. ley Sharpe and chiltiren, Idia, senteti by Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Frank Cryderman, Bowmani- and Mc. and Mrs. Tcivett, Wes- _________ The program cancludeti with ville; Mrs. D. McLaughlin, Mr. ton, at Mr. J. Kivell's. CH the singing of Aulti Lang Syne. anti Mcs J. W. Dyer anti Eh- Mr. W. R. Westlake, Oshawa,CHL Sports were codctd bvIzaheth, *Mr. anti Mrs. Chas.McadMr.NsnFcent Ewact Leask, and Mrs. RalTi-i Smith, Oshawa; Mrs. Robert- MarIlynl Taunton, were at Mr. Davis and Bruce Tink announe- son, Hamilton; Mc. and Mrs. Frank Westlake's. eti the races ovec the ] od Ray Pascoe and Beverley, Mr. Congratulatians ta the girls. P speaker. Thece wece contez-y> and Mrs. Hacry Jase anti Patsy Davis, Patsy Knox, Gaîl- foc alI, even ta a tug-of-war 'Douglas, Newcastle. Baker, Doceen Hamer and He- FO I TH '+ EDCRSi for the men and a peanut With Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Bal- len Knox and ta Harold lie- seramble fac the little ones. son: Mc. anti Mrs. Alhan Bal- lowlees who were successful dM P Everyone joucneyedti t the son and family, Kingston; Mr. psigterpaoadtec Cammunity Hall foc the pien c~ and Mcs. Hector Bowen, Orona.exmntns suprwhich was heartilv en- With the Ray Pascoe's: Mc. Mrs. Alan Taylor anti Mich-1 joyeti. The beautifully decorat- and Mrs. J. W. Dyec and Eliza-- ael are visitîng at Mr. Allan ed birthday cake, suitably hin-beth, Oshawa. Balson's, Kingstan. S 711# GLAD 10 SEE TI4EM sccibed, which was made at theI With Mc. and Mrs. joie SO LIVELY. 1 IÇEEP Iivell's, graceti the head table j Snowden: M . anti Mrs. Char- ~V llt IM E - >T W VAY W IT14 and ivrs. ia ae î £c jes soci:. les L a id an ti d u h w g g E V < M A R E the honor of cutting if. 1 maiti: Mc. anti Mrs. Ray Mc- Mr. aiid Mrs. Stan Wooîîîngs, DOCTOR AND 1 H-AYE i Mc. Howarti Foley on behaîf Gill anti Reva, Mr. anti Mcs. Toronto, visited Mc. anti Mrs. fi Ryf the guests expresset incereMillon Stainton, Miss Laverne Henry Ashton, Sthanks ta, Solina folk forer Orcharti, Enniskillen; Mc. anti LOV LL - kid ositliy.Foloin ~ Mrs. L. Collacutt, Maple Grave; Mr ebnJ Ashton, Nia-- supper, themenf and boys en- c.Jm Hgrh Mrs. Leslie Graham. joyeti aeo fobl.I Hampton; Mc. L. Squair, Sa- Mc. anti Mcs. RobertCor-I______________________ FILI. A. PRESCRIPTIONS. _________________lem.___________ thee wre oesttff anir it . pre:gan anti Diane Goulti, Toronto, -___SERVI__________________ aca- Vith Mc. anti Mrs. E.nSpires:with Mr. anti Mrs. C. Rankine. -1 ingjont th nxtmorning. Mix Elmer Crouse, Mc.hanti Mc. anti Mrs. George Grahamn10o G aate Th scod f hecetennial M s a rue saa anti baby, Mc. Ron Morrisor., churchi services wili be hl McPt Ati Mrs . . Taylor's were: Miss Helen Bertrim, Mr. anti Eldati church on Sundav Uà Mr nd- s Clarence Rowan Mrs. Tom Graham, Reta antiu liy Met - Linstadnow ~ce Elanor, Bthany; Tommy, Oshawa, at Mc. antidaiy M asw S. Lnsted, nw ofMoor- JO Abernethy, Manilla:Mis r.M.Btim. fieldi, anti a former minister vev Taylor, Peterborough, McaniMsHnyAhon -- ~ --~- will be guest p eaer f -anti Miss Lena Tay,, Bow- JoMre anti MrienPr toap,, Bolr 12t b.L I i.anti Mca. Ralph Crawford Several from Haydan took rD f k anti sons, Whitby; Mc. anti Mrs. intebstpath Tosnif F E.D IVfigor ()iI (o. LtcI. Tomms Anderson anti taugh-> isn etip to teTosnP IER P A IS 2k ters, Toxocîto; Mr. and M c M. anti Mca. A. McNeil vis- For Cold Drinks - Pkg. of 10 Bob Malcolm, Brougham, M.'s'iteti relatives EG AL C UP S O Reduces the Prices one onlMllct, eebrMs. W. Martin is v îsiting augh. f relatives at Orono. JLE A U S9 t Gary Crawford, Whitby, is 1 Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Ashton cei ok, posPae halidaiying at Mc. John Knax's. anti Ray at Mr. and Mrs. *Har- Duchs okSonPae 5,-m]Mc. ai-d Mrs. Rahph Craw- old Tait's. Millbcoàk. Es F E I an .SO EOL lfard anti sons. Whitby, wr tMc. anti Mrs. Lloyd Sleo!I CN IC ]K ITS5Ea 25C Mc. C. Hamec's. were t edM.adMr.Wlu Fu101a T V JL With the J. and Tom Baker's v Tdm',, Bacd oca. inkSa- dlfoSlmnCsele-V j ee Mcs.Minnie Snowtien, Mc. anti Mc .Slemon w'ePn el-IelfrSlo asrl STOVE 01I 18 cents per rai.Mliet we. Mr.- dinner guests of Mc. antid M - NKA N N 5 Boib Snowden, Maple Grave;! rdTmEnsilnM~lI Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Hogarth, Mr. FSun Tominikleav.I N SALM 5 FUEL 011 16 ~cents per gai ncJc. Sam es Jr.,and MAervivsii'_________________ Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Smales Sr.,! thur Trewin, having returneti i Fresh Daily - 24-oz. Loaf Hamnpton: Mrs. Chas. Johnson, il ram New Brunswick. It FO R. DELIVERY Philip anti Elizabeth, Lon don- Anna Martyn, Bowmanville, c ni Ms arc acîpcns c ni Ma m PHON OSHWA 51109anti fari, Georgetown, ai, Trewin. PHONE OS AWA 5-109 NMaster Peter Pritchard, Mari,- l'le Trewin family attend--tii tîi.the Trewin Pienie at the Creain jDO0MI1NIO 0NS b-li and Mr&. Russell Raj- of Barley Camp, Bowmanvliue. in Street, 1to being rhaps yo)u was called ýfore I gat ait when Il1 .I neyer vas being eremarks id I arn iy friendsi you werc nurse you >t it. But that han-. ties: You nbut tat nces. Haw rested ta ;of Aug- 1 sidents of omonths Waterla I wouldj of Men ,r. After ver I de- charnes ristead o f cept thi s ýhould hei Id SO \V rroomed Twiligh t FielId Meetings Durham Soil & Crop i -MONDAY, JULY lSth on MARSHALL FNLLIS' FARtM, Millbrook No. 3, Fallis Lne. Inspection of varlety and fertilizer experîments oh Fall Wheat and Oats. Mr. Ken Fallis, Field Crops Branch, wilI diseuss the experiments. 2. FRIDAY, JULY 22nd 'on FARM 0F GARNET B. RICKARD on No. 2 Highway, 2 miles East of Bowman- ville. Wheat experiments, seven varieties of oats, grass plots, tour of Riekard farm and J. T. Brown & Sons' farm. Speakers - Dr. D. N. Huntley, head et Field Husbandry, Department and Prof, W. H. Waddell, Improvement ' SOUND PICTURES AT BOTH MEETINGS LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED.- LUNCII RALPH LARMER, E. A. SUMMERS, Presitient. Sec.-Treas. INADA'PACKERS brands I Canada Packers have a long-standing reputation for the quality andi purity of their products. This week is Canada Packer's w..k et Dominion. Stock Up for the cottage with a wide varlety o! these popu- lar brands. Shop with canfidence-Shop ai Dominion. where you are Shortening Maple Leaf Tenderflake LARD Lb. 19C Maple Leaf - 12-oz LIQUID DETERGENT 43e For Cool Summer Meals - 12-oZ.4 UAN PORE LOAF -39c ,DREN LOVE IT! - YORK BRAND- 'LE LEAF - PURE - DOUBLE SIZE c>ap Flakes 75C EARINE - REGULAR- 1-1b. Pk. ýargene 35C 7E COLD OR HOT - YORK CHOICE- 28-oz. tin )matQes 2ic 43Co 's Orange Pekoe )upon in pack - 30's SBags 45C ýllo - 16-oz. jar id Dressing 39cý SJuices - 48-oz. tin ip e fr ui1 t's -'3 tins in sleeve anser 29C 21CJ Nabisco - 12 Biscuit Pkg. shredded Wheai 18C Glenwood - Pure - Shaker ]Black >Pepper 1l7c Red Rose - 20-oz. jar - l0c off Instant Coffee 63c Monarch - l6-oz. jar - Sweet Nixed Pickles 24c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES ARRIVING FRESH DAILY at el RASPBERRIES Attractiey GEORGIA - RED - RIPE and SWEET Watermelons ONTARIO - LONG GREEN - SLICERS Cucumbers New Green Apples fr19c -l.Polly Bag SWEET - THIN SKINNEI) - FULL 0F JUICE - Size 288 Sunkist Oranges doz. 29C STORES LIMITED PAGE SrK THE- CANADIAN STATMRMAN nnWMAýnM.r.r- nwlr,&U'rr% IURSDAY, JULY Ata, Lb. Pkg. 30c 1 95C