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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1955, p. 7

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-~ - ~. - ~ ~U~UL SL&4~ -L r-r- t '~IUEDAT MVY 14ft .cLocal -~ Phone Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 'bis, Kingston, visited bis' er, Mr. Luther Nichais. Mn. and Mrs. F. V. Ott, TI to, visited their daughter, and Mrs. Ralph Kelly, iast' ~iss Brenda Murdoch weekend with Miss 0 at their cottage on Lake. tp Miss Cathariné Alld Newcastle, is holidaying ber cougin, Miss Jacqu Bird. Master Gary MacDoug: holidaying *ith bis aunt uncie, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ma Sulphide. Misses Lillian and Helen are warking at "Lake Bouse", Jackson's Point, fa: summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Lew London, England, are Vi: with Mn. and Mrs. George ish, Flett Street. Mn. and Mrs. Cedric 1' bam and family, SyracusE 'Y., visited bis parents, Mn. Mns. J. H. Needham. Mns. Mabel Bagneli and and Mrs. Perey Corbett hoiidaying this week at a tage an Lake Simcoe. Mn. and Mns. L. M. Annis daughters Marilyn and H Toronto, spent the weekend lier parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 Cann. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Cai and son Harold Jr., viý relatives and fiends aven holiday weekend in Trenton Brighton. Mns. M. L. Roenigfc has1 'Visiting her son and daugl in-law, Mn. and Mrs. J. P. à berry and their new son Princeton, N.J. &fsses Mari anc and E: Çwan~d Janet and Ai ÎÇ*ruthers, attended the Si lt*d IFestival last weekend saw two of the plays. Miss Annie Mountjoy has been with Mn. and1 Russell Gilbert for some1 bas gone ta stay with Mrs. don McLean at Uxbridge. Visitons with Mn. and1 Clanence Hockin this week Mn. and Mrs. Jack Happs, cramento, Calif., and Cpi. C Hopps af the U. S. Marines Rev. W. E. Midgley, 77 E durn St. N., Hamilton, in newing his paper writes: greatly appreciate the Sta mnan coming ta aur home ev week. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Richa Bob, Ronald and Hazel, sper feW ays with Dr. and Mrs. B. ~ndle and sons at t. * coie at Ivy Lea, St. Lawre River. Mrs. Walten Dempsey, Hai ton, was the lucky winner a Frigidaire reinigerator ir tjýaiw adeat Cawker's i, ru ndrkt atay aitennoon &ayor Nelson Osborne. Mr.4;E, ýC. Higginbgth< Calgary, Alta., has been a gu tis week ai Mn. and Mns. G W.James. Mr. and Mns. H. Hligginbotham, Toronto, w also dinner guests on Tuesc Mr. and Mrs. Joe Le-ý wera Sunday tea guests ai and - Mrs. Gardon LeslieE Mrs. J. Sleighthoime, Oshai Mns. Sieightholme celebra ber 8th bithday on July " Mn. and Mns. Robt. Woods, daughten Margaret A and Mr. R. Hessel, Lonil were Sunday guests ai Mn.a Mrs. Gea. W. James.1 Woods is remaining for a lai en visit with bis sisten. The Statesman regrets thai listing the names ai those Room 1 ai Ontario Street Scb ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican> Sunday, JuIy 171 h Sixih Afier Trinif y 8 and il arn. - HOLY COMMUNION Evenlng Service Wthdrawn dunlng July hl legs &A 'PWf A$AI'AM~ V'I MUUn.1AMN VP TAMCYPAE Z Bo wmanville %Fife'and Drum Band in, iuly 12 Parade Nich- in last week's issue, Donald f ath- Henning's. name appeared in- correctly as Donald Helling. oron- Bowmanville firemen' were Mr. called out about 11:15 Wednes-* week- day marning ta extinguish a lire in a grain field near Oshawa. spent The firetruck xWas stopped at Roxy Courtice, however, and a matar- LBob ist natif ied themn the fire had been put out. dread, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Philiips, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vane, Mr. ueline AI Mercer, al of Toronto, and Miss Frances Hincks, Assistant ýa is Supt. of Memorial Hospital, tand Bowmanvilie, were guests af a r Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cabban, yers, Elgin Street, Saturday. Cae Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lang!I L oeand family, Miss Reta and1 )rvtew Madeline flew framn Brandon ta rtevisit their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. McCulloch and ris af cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sitar7S McCulloch and family. They Vin' returned home with a new Olds- Taking part in the mobile car a week later. Lindsay, July 9, along xwitf .eed- Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson, mianville Fife and Drum Ba e, N. Toronto, Mrs. W. 1. Tait and and twin daughters, Sharon and their white uniforms trimrn Karon, and son Michael, Sask- 1Mr. atoon, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. J. are A. Wynn and family, Brant- cat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tait, Kitchener, were guests of Mr. opig t sand and Mrs. C. W. Tait, Veteran's elen, Avenue. o W rkn with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike W- - hvebeen attending the Canad- Stopîights are now in Ian Electrical Association Con- operation at the corner of )oney vention in Vancouver, B.C., and King Street East and isited also visited Kemano and the Liberty Street, and signs .the Kitimat develapment. They also have been erected about iand visited at Jasper and Banff and 500 feet back from the inter- expect ta take in the Calgary section warning of the been Stampede this week, returning signais ahead. lter- home this weekend. The signs are of 'the tri- Mvay- Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Miss angular orange type current- , in Mary Jewell flew ta Calgary, Iy in use, and have black Alta., last week, and ejoyed a lettering saying "signais' ileen trip by train through the ahead." They show up Lgnes mountains ta Vancouver, B.C. brightly at night when lights trat- They, will visit friends at shine off themn. and 'Nanaimo on Vancouver Island Trees along the highway before returnîng ta Edmonton have been trimmed and the who and thence home by 'plane. They iights aré now in clear view Mrs. repart a good flight out and a of motorists fromn any direc- time wonderful time Sa far. tion. Ejor- Miss Katherine Reid, Toronto, injured Sunday evening Fom' Mrs. when the car in which she was Fr er Employee are a passenger struck the rear of Sa- anather which was turnir1g off Glen Highway 401 towards Bowman- S. ville. Damage ta the two cars :)un- amaunted ta about $751J. P.C. re- Frank Dryden of the Bowman- We ville O.P.P. investîgated. Driver tes- of the second car said he did not very see the signals of the car ahead, driven by Ross G. M. Hume, rds, Toronto. nt a St. Paul's Sunday School he]d H. a very successful picnic at Ca- ýheir bourg Park an Wednesday, Juiy ence 6. About 125 chiidren, teachers, parents and church members rnp- attended. The youngsters enjoy- * of ed a couple af hours of swim- n a ming and playing an the beach, GA after which races and games by were condlucted. Ail enjayed a bountiful picnîc supper. One of the Garton. buses was chartered ia, for the. occasion and many went uest by car as well. :ea. .C. Mrs. Edna Anderson, Grand ere conductress of Ontario, O.E.S., day. attended a Five Ray Session of .'ett the Grand Chapter ai Nova Mr. Sctia held at New Glasgow on and une28-30. With hier were Mr. Ma. and Mrs. Gerry Solomon, Bright- 7th. PGM. Strathroy. While there Mrs. Anderson and friends en- D. joyed a trip ta Cape Breton, ýnn and also were taken aboard the Arthur J. Honey 1on, American aircraft carrier, Valley Vancouver, B.C., arrived from and Forge No. 45. a ship 950 feet in the Pacifie Coast ~ast week ta Mr- length which carnies a compie- visit bis numerous relatives in ýng- ment of 3,200 men. his native county of Durham It was with regret that while guest of his nephew, Mr. inI friends in Bowmanville earn- and Mrs. Charles Bickle, Can- in ed of the passing of Mrs. Harry cession St. Mr. Honey is the '()0' C. Aluin (nee Nina A. Dilling) oldest living ex-employee of The ests afi slington, on July 6, after Statesi-an, having started his an illness of same dunation. apprenticeship as a printer in She leaves ta maurn her loss, 1884, two years befare the her husband; her fathen Her- 1 present editon was born. He is bert H. Dilling of Bowman- oane ai the oidest members af the ville, and chiidren Joyce (Mrs. Typographicai Union, having Bryan Anderson) Toronto; joined in Toronto in 1890. He Barbara (Mrs. W. G. Hannah, went West in 1907, first ta Ed- Buriington; and Robent W. AI- monton and later ta Vancouver ,l, Toronto; a sister, Mrs. Lena where lie bas been retired for a Burns, Peterborougb; and bro- number of years. For a man in thers Lloyd, Ray and Fonrest his 86th year he is nemarkably Dilling, al oi Bowmanville. alert and active. Funenal. service was held j n Toronto on July 8 witb inter'- I ment in Bawmanville Cerne. A t S o tery. A t S o The- ditr- ws -lasel-t MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Munroe and Ifamily, Toronto, called on Mrs. L. C. Snawden, Mildned. and Bob an Sunday befone leaving fon Europe. Several fram this commun- iWv attended the lOth anniver- sary services at Sauina on Sun- day and Moncday. Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mun- day and Donald, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Bancroft. Master Peter Pritchard, Manotick, is huiidaying with bis grandmother, Mrs. L. C. Snawden. Mn. and Mrs. Ivisan Miinday spent the weekend in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greeni- ham and Carole, spent the weekend at Rice Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Hoar spent the weekend in Buffalo. Mrs. Jeweil, Cannington, is visiting ber cousin, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Church School on Sunday is at 11.15 a.m. D.S.T. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Laird and boys sperit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Pearson, Lakefield. Around sixty gnandmothers, mothens, cbiidren and grand- cblidren enjayed the Mapie Grave Women's Institute picnic at Oshawa on Jiîly llth. The noon-time dinnen began wi'.h the singing ai thQ W. 1. grace. The young children enjoyed swings and slides while the eiders staged a game ai base- bail. Mrs. Stephen Doyle, bistoni-' cal research convener, and hem group in change ai arrange- ments for the picnic, condueted sports giving pnizes ta John McGuirk, - Ivan - Milîs,; Grant Flintofi and ta Mrs. J. D. Ste- yens as the eldest grandmath- er present and ta Arthur Doyle, the yaungest chiid. Mr. Roy- MeIntyre, Mn. and Mrs. Ellis Dyers, Cochrane, calied on Mrs. L. C. Snawden and familv. 1 Mapie Grave Girls Garden Club officers are Joyce Mills president, Marie Cooney secre- tary. Name ai club is "Sun- shine Gardeners". Rail cal]I was aur favorite flower. Tbe lead- ers, Mrs. Li C. Snowden and iMrs. C. Greenbam toid us what )we weme ta do fan the next imeeting at the home ai Joyce iand Barbara Milis. Rail eaul was a vegetabie that needed I tbinning. Third meeting wi]i be beid at home ai Mms. Snow- den on July 20. Roll cali is one vegetable we bad conked andl prepared. We are ta stake a tomato plant before the next meeting afd 'caok two veget- ables. Rotary Club (Continued from page one) treason, when the door burst open and in waiked.Mm. Malin- quiwist witb a tmay ai twenty glasses of water. Witb fuil pomp and giary he served each delegate with a glass ai water. Then praceedings carried on. Wbat fome countnies won't do, tend the Seminan, with wbich she was "gneatiy impressed." Guests at the meeting. which was cbaired by vice-president Dr. Bill Rudeil, were Mrs. . B. Mitchell, Mn. T. M. Chant (Hampton), Lt. Bill Brown ai the Saivation Army, Arthur Honey ai Vancouver, and Ru- tarians Ken Coulter and Tam Dobhie ai Oshawa. Congratulations wene extend- ed ta Rotarian Charles Carte- and bis Rotary Anne, wbo cele- brated their Fiftieth wedding anniversary on Fniday. An attendance pin was pre- sented ta Rick Rickaby. A let- ter was received inviting mein- bers and friends ai the Rotary Club ta attend a concert at the Mernywood - on - the - Rideau Camp for Cippled Chiidren,1 whicb is sponsored througb thý2 sale "ai Easter Seais. The Con-! cent is on Juiy 17. Another letter invîtcd mem- bers ta take part in the instal- lation ai a new club in Wood- bridge, at Mant Kenny's Rancn July 19. The Oshawa Rotary Club inforned the Bowman- ville club that the Oddy Rab- son Memoriai Bell is being, passed on ta the Ajax club at a meeting Juiy 18 at Camp Samac. Winners in the basèball draw for Tononto Maple Leaf borne games were Bill Burgess, C. Uteck (Toronto). Howard Run- dle, Alan Osborne, Lamaa Cochnane, and George Hack- ing. e"Gloriaus Twelfth" parade in led the Bowmanville Orange Lodges, both L.O.L. and h many other bands, -the Bow- L.O.B.A. There is- no age limit ta .Join* this band, and ýand gave a fine shawing. With the littie fellow next ta the drum majorette on the lef t is ned with orange and blue, they ail set ta ioin in with bis f ife. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope crop af potatoes each spring. Mran Ms.RSaceo, Due notice ai this gardenig H t Mr. and M ns. R.Sa k .n achievement would appear in Hmtnir n r.K The Statesman when the first Shackleton and family, Mn. andi digging wauid be brought ta Mrs. G. Shackleton and famiy., the office. These three worthy Glen and Bob Blackburn, at- 1 citizens have long since pass- tended the Orange Parade at ed ta their reward, but the Lindsay' on Saturday. tradition or customn has noa* Mr. Victor Ptiips and famn- been allowed ta be forgotten. ily, Barrie, wene week-end vi- For on Juiy 6th Mn. Mark Roe- itors with IN-r. and Mrs. W.1 nilk who now owns the beauii- Cnaig. fui estate af his late uncle T. Mrs. Mark Blackburn is vit'- H. Knight, waiked inta the edi- iting Mn. and Mns. F. Black- 1 tor's sanctum beaming aven burn. with a broad smile of accom - __________ plishment and a heaping basket af smaoth well-formed pota- I chose my wife as she did her toes as a git for the editar. wedding gown, for qualities Thanks, Mark, they are pnav- that would wear wel.--Oliver in& excellent eating. Go1Ld.miti. £Persona/ A 3-3303 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE devendent SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE AI om",ALL THIS WEEK r 1 F i 1A fSPICIAL LOW.PRICE OFi[ER! With 10 GXillette Blue C5 Moades lu ta ~ ~ ~ ~ E geST aREe ~t4!LIEF witk In closing, Canai thanked the Rotaryv Club for makîng it pas- sble for ber and Nancy ta at- I L The Statesman Sold FOR THE Ai Follow«ing Stores KIDNEYS Reg. Edmund's Store, Betbany Johnson's Drug Store. Newcasle T. Enwnight, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonvilie C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Truii's Store. Countice -a I' D.-,.4-.- ... L2fl.., butrRe ton, I. T. Sayvell, Biackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Onono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbent Food Market, Millbnook Hendenson's Book Store, Oshawa -Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 2011 W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shap Rîte's Smoke Shop Jury & Loveli Goheen's Handy Store The Statesman Office Economy 980 la of 12, 80 differem 'from Padsî 40c il M P. Alex. We Deliver 1Sun- Glasses SPECIAI, VALUE Aviation type in leatherette case ---99 Kiddies' 1 Glasses - --------25c, 29e Glaremaster Clip-oven -----------69e Polaroid Zephyr or Winsome --- - -- 1.98 Sunlan and Sunburn Preparalions Coppertone 011 aad Cream --------1.50 Spray Bomb ---------------- - 2.25 Skol ------- -------- - - 55c, 75c, 1.00 Noxzema Suntan Lotion- squeeze bottie ------ --- ---- --- 1.00 fNoxzema Santan Oul or Lotion 39c, 75c Acriflex Ointment --. ----- --------60e Nupercainal Ointment ----- --- 1.00 Nivea Creme--- ----- 63c, 1.10, 3.00 Phofographîc Supplies Brownie Holiday CAMERAS Camera -- -3.50 Holiday Flash Camera 5.90 Kodalite Flasholder for above .3.60 Brownie Hawkeye Flash Outfit- Includes camera, flasholder, batteries, flash guard, bulbs, and film ---- 15.50 SYLVANIA FLASH BULBS No. M2, 12e each Bantam 8, 14c each Bantam 8 Gift Pack - 1.68 No. 25C for Co-lan Film -__ 20e Press No. 25 ----- --- -------- j 6e VERICHROME FILM 120 and 620 47e Duo Pak ---89e 127 ,-- - 42c Duo Pak --- 79e Tri-X 120, 127 -- ----------52e Film - Kodacolor 8 exp.- C127 and C127A-----_ .94 C120 and C620 -----------.- 2.70 S ALIN ES YUol I.D.A. HEALTH ýSALTS' Refreshing .C'ooling! 59Se - ENO'S Fruit Salts 69e - 1.09 '1E>LTH KKOVAH Salts SALrs Pleasant Tasting 35e - 59e - 89c BROMO - SELTZER For fast relief fromn taa much sun 29e - 55e - 98e ANDREW'S LIVER SALTS 45e - 79e ALKA-SELTZER - Soothes indi- gestiona, upset stomach, headaches 34e - 6gc SAL HEPATICA 43c, 85c, 1.09 Shop at VOUR DRUG STORE, the safe, iogicai and dependabie place to, buy drugs, medicines, and other pro- duets for heaith aad heauty cane. I.D.A. TOOTH PASTE 32e - 57c I.D.A. BRANDS SPECIALS WAX PAPER Reg. 29c 25e A.B.S. & C. TABLETS 100's, neg. 23e 19e COCOANUT OrL SHAMPOO 8 oz., reg. 49e 39e WRITING PADS Reg. 15e 13e - 2/25e PENCILS (HB) reg. 5c ea. 3 for 10e SPECIAL BRITE-LITE FLASHLIGHTS 49e INSECT REPELLENTS Veivetta - -49e: Sta.way- tube ----- 29e bottle --- 59e Tantoo, tube 60e Bomb --. 98e 6-12 Insect Repelient Stick or iiquld f 59e RILLERS Green Cross Insect plomb 89e - 1.39 Green Cross Household Spray 43e - 62e - 99e Hep Aerosol Bomb 1,39 Sapho Pressurized 1 BÔrmb - - -1-.39: Bridgeport i Aer-a-soi Bomb' 98c-1.59 BATHING CAPS: Howiand Cap- Aduits' 1.29 Children's 1.25 Seiberllng Cap@ with new double i band watertigbt featune i 69e - 79c - 98e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Sets, styles, weoe ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURI PERMANENT " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WINDINGI $175 Comnpots Q l FISTOOTH PEAT CHCS A. BET MAKE TETH * ITg Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 We can dô more good byr be- The grandest of ail laws is ing good, than in any other the law o: progressive develop- way.-Rowland Hill. ment.-Christiah Bovee. Modern Cottagé Set Tableware rf 1 INTERNATIONAL STAINLESS STEEL 2.4 J-'ece T Service for 6 OnIy $6.95 Hooper's 1 ~Jewellery & Gift Shopi ST. PAUL'S, '~UNITED CHURCH Rev.. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. ia.m.- TrinitY and St. Paulus congregations worshlp luSt. Paula. a~Ne Evenlng Servie Orgahist-Mrs. fteta Dudley. A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. w b i -y mm il gi ý CM» IRED FEELING? -- -1 2 m "M CAMAIDTAlq qTATZRVAW- XMWVAMM.T.r nulrAIRTM -- 'D À #--IR awmwwm w

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