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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1955, p. 8

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N. J.I1L 'A1NALJL&r<TATESMN. IOWMANVffX, ONTARTO W** - -- A, Mayor Congratulates Band Members from B.T.S. MaYoI7 Nelson Osborne, who officially opened the from the Ontario Training School for Boys. Left to1 Community Picnic at the Cream of Barley Park, con- are Mike Schertzer, LeRoy Dorcy, Bob Drew and Ge gratulates four of the members of the fine bugle band Haynes. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Btaywsmarked with a Polio Vaccination ~5 cnic at the Athletie Park withSho ReusJ Polio Vaccnation ispupilsan hi teachers from Sho eut schools of Lifford, Yeiverton BETHANY SCHOOL and South Janetville also at- Nowi Co np le ted iI-ere tending. There were races and . S. S. No. 15, Manvers games for everyone supervised Report is in alphabetical or- Wit th clse f te shoo nedls. ll hes suplis wroby teachers, Mrs. M. Wright, der with N.P. indicating those th the Ploselofthes vchcinseried.Ailthe stsupplies eeMiss Muriel Fiett, Mrs. Ralpb wbho did fnot pass. etho proom yets c cin sted oorgize bytHsta ffteMalcolm, Mrs. Ray Robinson, Grade VIII te IX - Colleen faon p rgram rasompl eted Cobourg Gue , nera spit a ftrAlex W ansborough and he Durham, Murray -Henderson, for ail chi dre in gra es , ea h d y's use an as it as stu rent m inister on the M an- D onald S m ith . and 3 in the United Counties. a busy schedule, this assistancevescrutM. rynLe. GaeVItVII-Jn Dr. C. M. florner, Medical 0f- was invaluable. Behn colta ws i-Artog(e.) SlyC- ficer of Heallh, states that 4,- During the poîiomyeîitis sea- etan seoolleamewas win- bArmstronga Drca), SalyPCn- 737 cblidren reccivcd the two son this year, the Provincial ner iniabaeaigmposhuDna urmNiFn dloses. This is 90.3%< of the Department of Heaith wiîî be cd by a picked teamn from the ney, Brenda Rowan, George cbidre elgibe. he blîrencaryin ona secil sudv o f er three schools. Lunch was Scott, Donald Smelt, Leone attended one of the 32 clinic cases which occur among chil- Grie ytedesadpa-Sib auVI ot eroyI (recsther centres, and in many cases had dren in the 5-12 year age group ents. Pupils from Betbany jun- GaeV oVI-Ete te be brought te the clinic by throughiout Ontario. It is hop- ior room presented nhita cke Armstrong (N.P.), Wilna Armn- Car. ed that some conclusions cal, e, itli the gift of a chinack strong (rec.), Dianne Bglw Dr. liorner also stated that be reached regarding the ef- lt, u nd saucer and pair Wallace Cooper (N.P.), Leone* wtnderful cooperation was giv- fectiveness of the vaccination of bath toweîs, expressing re- Jordan,. Tommy Rayson, Don-! en he eafliUnt saffbytheprgra whcbbasjut bengretý at ber ieaving and appre- ald Scott, Malcolm Smelt. 1 en he ealh Uit taf b th prgra wich ba jut benciation of her teaching during Grade V to VI-Donald Lane i Ytembers of scbool boards, par- completed. To assist in this t ents and volunteer workers, study, the medical officer of l epast two yea oevigrs. Miss Frigett (N.P.),o and that their assistance help- bealth and members of the ofwil eacn exb er h mvlSaeniMr. oMr rgt tahr ed to make this program sueýh Health Unit Staff will corn- ofFneo aisdettrm e Ior Room.i a success. pile special information on sus- During the holtdays Beth- Grade IVto V -aroe The supplies required inoluci- pect and known cases of thLý any scbool is ta have seme ex- Armstrong (rec.), Sharon Bige- ed over 225 syringes and 1750 disease. tensive remodelling which in- low, Jack Durham, Jane Falhis, cludes new floors, new fire es- John Jackson, Larry Lamib, cape door, new utiîity room Norman Lane (rec.), Dianne: BerETHANage near Burnt River. and a furnace. Water js te bc Mulligan, Allan Sih BET ANYMr.and Mrs. Douglas Bruce, piped into the sebool and a Grade III to IV - Dorothy Petrohia, were guests of Mr. complete redecorating job donc Armstrong', Allan Bristow (N. (Intended for hast week) and Mrs. Leonard Driver. of the interior. P.), Bobby Edmunds, Patricia Guests with Mrs. Hilliard Miss Joan Bristow is faking Green, Ronald Jackson (N.P.),I Bristow and Mrs. J. Davis welr i ee' umr ece' Ross Jordan, Randy Longfield , Miss Gayle Bristoxv, Osbawa, aousxe tOk's omm e tee' DTTTIi Howard Morton, Melvyn SmeltI Mrs. Rhoda Johnston and Mr'cureat*kwo ChegaeU ITUAflI (rec.), Carolyn Smith, Patricia and Mrs. H. MeMahon, Peter_ Toronto. Bigelow, Dianne Smith. boog.Mrs. James Parr and Judy MRS. FRANK TAIT Grade II ta 11-Mary-Rose I Mr. andM. Larry Ingram, tioning with Mr. and Mrs. Reg MVrs. Frank G. Tait. of 3~29 Scott, Bîlly Smelt (rec.), Bob-' Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Joan Mc- Edmunds. Mr. Parr was aiso Patricia Blvd., Timmins, died by Smelt, Carol Armstrong (N. Ciii and Mr. Cecil McGill,. To- here for the weekend. - suddonly Friday morning July p., Ivan Armstrong (N.P.), j xeonto, were guests of M. and Miss Gwen Gray, Kinigston, st at ber home. Wayne Armstrong (N.P.), Bob - ,,;rs. James Mc Kinnon. is vacationîng with ber parents, TS omrDrsDxnMs yDmaianGenE-1 ý, Mr. and Mrs. ,Jobn Hender- Mm. and Mrs. Fred Gray. Tait wn eTmisls e-deGen ahenMotn son, Buckingham, Que., with Miss Marie Carr, Peterbor- tembrwnthtobTimmis ast SepDoadieGrenitlee(N. ortoni Mrs.Ernstie Hnderon. oug, sent he eeknd ithwas transferred from the Sault Woods, Glen Wright. Mus. J. Kennedv. Dunroin, ber parents, M r. and Mrs. Ross Ste. Marie branch of a national Miss Muriel Flett, teacher vithi Dr. andi Mes. G. M. Long- Carr.. wholesale cornpany. Junior Room. lie 1d. Miss Phyllis Bistow is in .Mý,iss Lauretta Rowan, teacb- Miilbrook, guest of Miss Fran- Sue is survived hy three FALLIS SCHOOL er at Iroquais Falls, is home cis Thorn. cilidren, Anne of London and S. S. No. 3, Manvers for vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hugbes Frances and Jack at borne; two 10.N ýei Mr. arnd Mrs. Walter Rowan. and Miss Wendy Hughes, Te-7o675 5-6b6 fNwYr msaei re fm, C Mr. and Mrs. Orloe Wrigh.,t ronto, with Mrs. Richard Fallis. Mel of Bowmanville and one 5 A06-5,B D-6,C anci fa!nilv v'rni- at their suim- The closing day of school at sister. Madelaine, also of Bow- 'rade VIII ta IX - Norma - _________ ___ __________ma n ville. Jakeman, A. Funieral services were held Grade VII ta VIII - David 'n te is United Church Wood, B; John Logan, B. I. .1 IIwith Rex-. A. P. Addison offi- Grade VI ta VII - Wilma e " i e s r v a i U Burial was in Timmins Jakernan, A; Bruce Wright B I -- radley, A; ta InHreC 1Grade IV ta V-Vimginia Ur- Yelv rton W .Abankîewicz, A. Grade III ta IV-Walter Ur- Meet in Churcli ankiewicz, A; Judy Horner, C; Jul ,v meeting of Yelverton Stephenson, D. W.A. xxvas helcî at the churcli Grade II tb III-Wayne Ste- on Thui-sdav. Devotional taken phenson, A. Better wUALITY by Loriia Wilson consistedaof Grade I ta II-Ray Stephen- the el Dri3son, A; Ricky Masters, B. Rowan: îeaîding by convenor; Award Winners: General B ig er UA TI Y reacling h- Peggy Staccy, "I proflciency, Norma Jakeman. Bigger UANTITY Met Gdi the Morning"'; reade Highest attendance for year, in g bv Ruthi Malcolm, ".Sumn- Wilma Jakeman. Clean, neat i- rand Church". books, Virginia Urbankiewicz. Mary Moore acted as secr- Mrs. Jean M. Argue, teacher. 0tar v. Roll cali revealed 22 GALLOWAY'S SCHOOL VEAZaduits present and 18 junior S. S. No. 4 Manvers cornbataîîts. Plans were mnade GaeVI eI-osNas ta catyr ta a wedding break- Grade VII ta I-GRos e. fast on Juix- in the hall.. GeradeVIIta IIIGar D On adjournment the wives Gre Vrthonours.De A ~rushed home ta hustie up nu- GradeV onoVil-JudetyPe- triment foi work-weary Ger hnur, enehPrs THE BIG P ses engaged in Ihaying process. tn Lloyd Amstrong, (ec.). 12 OJNCEPLU DEPSITGrade V ta VI-Muriel Neals, 12OUNE PLUSDEPOST C O LCarohyn Falhis, *Hanours, Di- BOTTLEit takes less time ta do a thing anne Porter, Donald Armstrong J AT ALL COOLERS 5 , righit than it does ta explain why! (rec )-. 531 ou did it wrong.-Henry Wads- Grade Il ta hîl-Sandra Fal-1 _____ woî-th Longfellow-.j lis, honours. - Grade I ta II-Heather Sis- .**********ê*********ê*****..ê.~... son, honours; Marguerite Beer.1 -s. H. Laura Rowan, teach- NOTHING'S AS CLEAN AS SANITONE CLEAN! Thot'$ why we Say YOU CAN SMELL THE DIFFERENCE Y'ot'll find that Sanirone Dry Clcanîng qot only gets out ALL the dirt ... evcry t race off spot and stain, even perspiration ... but leaves garmcns smelling as fresh. and c1ean as they look. Why not find otit for yourself? Phone lodity/or Sanilone. EVELEIGH'S Laundries Cleaners & Dyers OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR MA1PLEURUVE, June meeting of the Even- îng Auxilîary met at the home off Mis. W. H. Brown, with Mrs. 'Brown's group in charge of meeting. Worsbip Service and programn "Anniversary in Angola" was presented by Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mrs. P. Flintoff and Mms. S. Doyle. President Mrs. I. Bradley took charge of business period. Minutes rcad and approved andj rail cai answered by number l of books read and number of calîs each member had made since aur May meeting, Moved by Mrs. C. Milîs and seconded hy Mrs. H. Stevens that we send aur bale ta the Fred V,,c- tor Mission in Toronto. Evening Auxiliary and Babyl Band Picnic ta be held at the I Creami of Barley Camp an Ju. IY 28th wilh Mrs. H. Allison's - group in charge. Mrs. Ted Hoar gave a talk on Christian citizenshîp. Sulent prayer observed for aur Mis- sianary. Miss Agnes Quin. Cul- lection 11,111, Number present 14. Meeting closed with Bene- diction. Group in charge served 1strawberries and fruit loaf I right I I I 01 I 1 1 674#T4f,éÀdlrÀ%" (4W-Àd POÀÀ&l CALIFORNIA' ORANGES 4 Treat your family to fresh-squeezed luice, cooling orangeade, tangy orange salads, refreshing orange desserts. >~~CO~~#2 doz. 55c *GARDEN - FRESH PRODUCE CALIFORNIA'S FINEST Red Grapes Make Delicious Applesauce No. 1 NEW - FRESH POTATOES i cl c oc foz.9 I for 39~ 37~ I. _____________I. _____________ F'or Salad Bowl or Casserole .a. Crea mette! Macaroni Param ont " Salmon 39c CUL VERHOUSE " BUYS"F Culverhouse - Choice Strawberries [JLVERHOLSE - Choice Jream2 o 3 :orn2o33 28-oz. Pkgs. :EINZ - Il-oz. romalo :elchup luaker 2fr3 luffets2fr3 GILVIE LEMON LIME ake jix3 Sc lb. 23c with YelIow Transparents 2 Lb. 29Ck SUNSPUN - 6-oz. tins ORANGE JUICE BIRDSEYE - 6-oz. tins Bag 3c 1 J wel Sortenng l. 35 1O Bag 3acI Jewel Shortening lb. 2.5 BEST FOOD BUYS!J Wagstaffe's (New Pack) Strawýberry JAM 24-oz.41 Meat RaIls and Gravy 3 7cz HALF - PRICE *EApkLU TOWEL Size 36" x 60"1 1.49. with a $5.00 Ordler Reg. $2.98 Value OFFER, Fresh - Lean - Tenderloin End PORK LOIN ROAST Lb. 47c Fresh Cut - Rib Chops - BRANDED BEEF - Preniium VEAL FRONT BOLLS Lb. 39c swift's Premium - lO-oz.1 Braunschweiger Chubs Ea. 39c 59C1 . . .Libby's LIBBY'S DeeP Brown - 20-oz. DEANS 2 f'or 39C LIRBY'S SLICED - 20-oz. tii Pineapple 34c LIBBY'S FANCY - 48-oz. tin Juice 33C LIBBY'S COOKFD - 20-oz. tin Spagheffi 18C DELSEY TOILET TISSUE <COLOIIED) 2 For 37c LIPTONIS - 30*s TEA BACS 43c (10e Coupon Attached) SHIRRIFF'S - '-.z, jar SUNDAE TOPPJNGS Choecolc-h Carmelsoc Fri armel KRFruT a aKRAT Margarin 100'0E 'O'D RITE 1900D i - 31c - 31c 1-Ab. pkg. 27c CULVERHOUSE BETTY CROCKER DEVIL'S FOOD Choice Peas1 Cake Mix'- I 20-oz. 20-ox 2 tins 3 C Pkg. 3 C THERE'S A RED BOWMANVILL.E Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria Cornish Groceteria & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU! APLE GEOVE M ORONO i n 3 3 1 Ic Ic c n n THMMDAY, MMY 14th, 1051 County Teams at the Provin- cial Dairy Show at Kemptvile Agricultural College with John GuI, Ron Neal and Ron Wery from County, and the 40 acre pasture plot at Elnirofti Farm here, showing studies of pasture management belng made by George McLaughlin. Columbus - Kedron Y. P. U. closed the present season with an' outdoor meeting in the woods at Mr. R. J. Luke's, on Tuesday evening, with 15 in attendance. Douglas Love con- vened the outing, but with wor- ship, games, camp-fire an'd sing-song, wieners toasted rnarshmallows and coffee, al- most everyone had a finger in the pie,q'sometime during a KEDRON (Intended for last week) *Mr. and Mrs. Murton Walter and Dorothy attended tha Blackburn - Hardy picnic at Solina, and the Silver Wedding Anniversary Party of Mr. and Mrs. Samn Jackson, Oshawa. Congratulations *to Mr. an.d Mrs. Ron Lambert on the arri- Val of a fine big baby girl- Barbara Joan. Visiting at Sunnyside for the weekeîcd with the Harold Wer- rF "aMi,,, were Mr. and Mrs., T. c. Smnilie, Toronto. Mr. and'Mrs. J. Elliott, iRob- Iert and Freddy, spent the holi- day week-end on a camping tripi at Bobcaygeon. Congratulations to the pupils o f Pereman's School, who have Ipassed from Grade VIII and will attend Collegiate next year-Robert Spencer, Allan Francis, Carl Grass and Keith Marten. Miss Claire Allin, Oshawa, and Phillip Veitch, Ajax, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wal-I ter.1 Miss Mabel Bruton, Toronto, accompanied Miss Olive Luke here for the weekend. It waà interesting to see local projects and local folk on' the1 AH-Country Calendar. on TV Sunday evening. Visualized, and under discussion were the number f0 the National Anthem TOMA TO CATSUP SANITONE ý='l 1 which concluded the evening's' sisters. These -numbers won eentertainment. splendid applause. Unfortunately space wil not Mr. McCoy. accompaniedft permit a complete outline of Miss Gwendolyn Dean, sang, lji the program, but perhaps this his usual good voice, three de. correspondent can present a lightful numbers. This was fol- general outline of the concert lo%ved by a concluding grou, which wil enable those who !f songs by the entire scho, Iwere unable to attend to realize choir, and týwo negro spiritua the extent of the training and effectively rendereàl by Mr. Mc.« the splendid co-ordination Coy. whlch went into the of Mr. T. R. McEwen, Senior this concert. Inspector of Schools, was pres- Al of the children were ent during the evening and at seated on the platformn, the the conclusion of the program girls wearing dresses of white, spoke briefly commendîing the blue and pink crepe paper; the work of the teacher and pupiil boys white shixts, dark trou- lin providing such an excelle1. sers, and bow ties of blue program.6 . crepe paper. Following the The evening was warm and opening number of "O Canada" the programn rather lengthy but".. the entire school, under the di-teauine vsthledb rection of Mr. McCoy, sang ai the aecent perforaneof4 group of seven délightful Iahl numbers and completely rounds. This was followed by1 forgot the temptrature. It was eight recitations of excellentl quite pparent that eacli chiid verse, each girl who participat- was st iving to do bis and her- ed representing one of the best ta make the concert a eight grades of the school. success, and the discipline Then came a group of six throughout was splendid. songs. In the first of these, "I Believe", Mr. McCoy sang and accompanied on hîs piano ac- T 1 C K E T S cordion while the children TO EVERYWVUERE hummed the air in the back- Air, Rail or Steamshlp ground. The effect was most Consult pleasing. This portion of the JURY & LOVELL program was followed by a1 3owmanville group of three solos and a 15 King St. W. MA T-5778 Dutch song sung by two Dutch _____________ l'à a lý m Burketon School Students Present Fine Concert Ieurketon: A very excellent concert held in Burketon Un- ited Church on Wednesday evening, June 29th marked the closing of Burketon Public School term. Mr. E. M. McCoy, the teacher, arranged the pro- gram and everything ran like ciock-work from the openingr yem MIGE 58 - FROZEN FOODS - LIBBY'S PURITAN 11-oz. with i7ci m, 49C 1

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