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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1955, p. 10

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'TP rA.?rTA.B@IA"a)W? F1I1AN~~VLLE O.- a~f ~fJVfU.ft~T ff-~Vl~f' 4NTA IO*Ei, DELLING - ADAIR A marriage of Intenest touk place in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, an Fni- day cvening. July l5th, when Catherine Frances Adair ()f Oshawa, became the bride of John W'alace Diiling. Th,ý bride i ' the daughter of Mr. and Mrq. William Henry Adaiur of Stony Mourntain, Manitob, and the bridcgromr is the soni of Mr. and Mns. Farrest A. Dill- ing of Bowmanville. For the ceremany the brid.- wiore a suit of white linen with matching accessories, and he- ilowers wene red sweetheart roses. Miss Mary Kolisnyk of' Pcý- Ie"bcrough, O n t a r i o, was bndsmidwearing a brown I dncress with beige acces- s)ries and corsagae of yellow roe.Mr. Gary Dilling of Ne~v Toronto, was hest man for his bi other. A receptian was held at thell bomne of Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, Bowmanville. The new- 1v wcdded couple left laten byl mator car for Winnipeg, Man., and on thoir return will reside ini Oàhawa. JACK BROUGH Plumbing and Heating MA 3-5615 BOWMANVHILLE Division Street S. LUNN - JERMEY At Onono United Church on Saturday, July 9th at 2:301 o'clock Marvin Henry Luno, son of Mcs. Emma Luon and the late Mr. Lawrence Lunn, took as bis bride Frances Ma- rie Jecmey, daughter of Mr.1 and Mns. Delmo Jenmey of Barrie.i The ceremany was perfonm- ed by the Rev . John Kitchen.j Befare the cenemany Mr. Reg- inald Peters of Peterboroughi sang "The Lord's Prayer" and- "Bless This House". During theF signing af the register lie sang The bride, who was given lin manriage by hec fathor, wone a flooc-length strapless gow~n of nylon tulle net avec white -~a- tin. The bodico wvas accentuat- ed with imported embroiden:d nylon lace jacket with long' pointcd sleeves and stand up Queen Aine collar. A very foî fingentip veil was gathercd tightly ta the back of a small snug-fitting seed peani hat and she cacriod a bouquet af anc mauve archid encircled with tiny white pom pom chrysan- themums. Margaret Woodnow of On]l- lia, as matron af hanour and Misses Bernice Lunn, sister cf the groom and Eleanor Jermey, Onillia, sister af the bride, as bridesmaîds, were identically gawned in floor length nylon tulle avec silk in colors of )r- chid, yellow and green, fash- uaned with Grecian style bod- ice with painted torso waist. Ail wore small crawn-like bead dresses of pleated net encnust- ed with coioured sequins and carried bouquets af light andl dack yellow and mauve chrys- anthemums. Mc. Keith West, Onono, was best man and the ushers were Mr. John Shetier, Oshawa and Mr. Charles Anmstrang, Ocono. A reception was held in thes Sunday School Auditorium,1 where the bride's mather ce-r ceived wearing an attractivet tailored dcess of pink lace avec beige with a dark corded after- 0 noon hat and pink accssacies. s She wore a corsage of pînk roses. The bnidegroom's' mother, c who assisted was in a teal blue imparted cotton with bar- h zontal and vertical stitc*uing s] on the skirt and bodice with a aplain short sleeved jacket and white accessories. She wore f( - \22 mlWl PAGE TEX Yelverton's white church( the hili was decorated wi- delphinium, snapdragon a] ferns for a very pretty wei ding on Satucday, July 9, whE Mary Helen Spetxceley was ut ited in marriage with Roý Moore Lockwood in a doub. ring ceremony. The bride the daughter of Mr. and Mr G. E. Spenceley, Bethany, an the groom is the son of Mr-. E. Lockwood of Lindsay. Given in macniage by he father, the bride was lovely i a gown of white Chantilly lac and tulle, the fitted bodice fea turing a portrait neckline. Thr long sîceves, embcoideced wit seed pearîs, came to a poli over the hands. The very ful skirt was of nylon tulle ove taffeta. Her eibow-length ve. of tulle illusion was caught t a lace headdress embroidere wvith pearîs and she carnied cascade bouquet of pink rose and stephanotis. Hec only or nament was a necklacec pearis. Miss Betty Preston was maic of honor wearing blue nyloi sheer over taffeta in ballerini length, fashioned with shirre( bodice and full skirt. Her head dress was a satin flowere( bandeau. The bridesmaids, Mis Jean Omerod, Toronto, anc Miss Catherine Mcçrae, Lind say, were similacly gowned ir pink and yellow nylon sheei respectively, with matchini bandeaux. Ahl the bride's at. tendants carried bouquets o: 'mums and stephanotis wit] ribbon streamers matchini thein gowns. A ceception followed in thE church hall when the bride'. mother received the guest. wearing a pink ensemble witl white accessories and corsage of white 'mums. The groom'5 grandmother, Mrs. Lockwood, assisted, wearing a navy en- semble with matching acces- sories and corsage of red roses. The dainty wedding refresh. nents were catered by Yelver- ton W. A. Rev. C. Torrance, Toronto, officiated at the ceremony, as. sisted by Rev. R. Bonsteel of Bethany. The soloist, Mcs. Francis Davey, Toronto, ac- companîed at the organ by Mr. Fred Redwood, sang "The Lord's Prayer", and during the igning of the register, "Stili as the Night". Mr. Wesley Lockwood per- formed the duties of best man for his brother, and ushers vere Messrs. Jim. Spenceley nd Pearn Lockwood. For their honeymoon trip ta th West, the bride chose for travelling a pink linen dress with pale beige shortie coat and accessories. Her corsage 'as of white baby 'mums. The ride and groom plan to at- 'd tbe Calgary Stampede id visit Banff and Lake ,ouise. On ceturnîng home they vili reside in Lindsay where lie groom is employed. CAMPBELL » BLACK Against a background of adioli and ferns in CarIm,, United Church on Saturda3 July 9, a very pcetty weddin was solemnized by the Rev. 1 W. Newell, Toronto. Margaret DaWne Black, onl: daughtec af Mn. and Mr., Gearge Black, Cadmus, becami the bride of Norman Dougla Campbell, son of Mr. Jameý Campbell and the late Mnu Campbell, Toronto, in a doublt ring ceremony. Given in marriage by hoi father, the bride was lovely ir Swiss eyelet organdy avec white strapless gawn af Crys. talette with full train. Hec finý gectip net veil was held byE cananet headdress and she worE mttens ai wbite eyelet organ. dy. Hec cascade bouquet xva< of white gardenias, pink rose: and stephanotis. Miss Nina Jahnston, RN. Osbawa, was maid af honor wearing' a gown of yellow crys- talette wîth matching head- dress with pearis and acces- sanies and carried a cascade bouquet aiflýlue and yellow daisy 'mums. The bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Ana Gibbs, niece ai the groom and Miss Marie Lane, Toronto, Who woce bluie crystalette gowns with match- ing headdresses and accessar- les, and cacnied cascade bou- quets of yellow daisy 'mums. Moreen Weavec, Toronto, niece oif the groom was a pret- ty little flowen girl in blue crystalet te cancying yellow The gnaomsman was Harold Sandenson, Toronto, brother- in -law ai the groom and the ushens wero Beverley Black, brides brother, and Ernest Lune. Ail the men in the bridai panty wene handsome in white jackets and black trousers, with a ced rose boutonniece. Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy. Hanm- pton. was arganist with Mcs. Lamne Thompson the soloist,, Whbo sang very beautifully, -j Love You Tculy" and "Ill Walk Beside You"l. The ceception was held in the Cartwright Recceational Centre whece the Blackstock O.N.O. Club catered to the ninety guosts. The bride's mother received her guests gowned in mauve chiffon and lace over taffota with wihite accessories anct -wearing a corsage ai baby whita 'mums and pink ross Mr. Campbell was in the! ceceiving lino representing thei groam's family. The bride's ta-i ble was centred with a thcee. storied wedding cake withl i ~nk an.d whîte zsweet peas. A-tier Iih Supçier and1 tùazs' 11- briiaprt' and guesîss 'went t.o the home of lhe bride's' ith n ad- sn )le is .s. rid T. er. n a-. i e n ýil :0 d a Id n d d ss d )f S: s- Wed in Christian Reformed .Church a corsage of pink roses. I. Later Mr. and Mrs. Lum left for a wedding trip ta the East Coast and on their return they will live in Orono. For travelling the bride wore a navy box suit with a pink pll box hat and matching jac- ket of pink poodie cloth, pink gloves and pink linen shoes. Guests were present from Orillia, Barrie, Toronto, Coe Hill, Peterboro, Oshawa and Orono. LOCKWOOD - SPENCELET Showri following their wedding which took plac e in the Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on July 9are Mr. and Mrs. Elisa Mostert. The bride is the former Miss Gey Zandstra of Simcoe, Ont., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mostert, R.R. 2, Newcastle. The young couple will reside at R.R. 2, Newcastle. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope parents ta see the gifts, then veil of fine tulle illusion edged ahl ceturned ta the Recreation- with lace matching hec gown, -ai Centre for an evening af was held by a headdress in dancing. crown design, embcoidered Foc going away the bride with tiny seed peacîs. She car- wace a dark blue crystaiette rîed a mauve orchid with white dress with round neckline and stephanatis on hen white *tarso waist, white accessonies nucse's Bible. fand a corsage of white canna- The bcide's attendants were tions. Mcs. Donald Clark, Toronto, They spent a week at Holi- sister of the bride, as matran day Inn on Lake Kashagawig- af honon, Mrs. Donald Stutt, amag, near Haliburtan and wili Bowmanviile, Miss Duane Pea- live in Toronto at 795 Carlaw cock, Oshawa, Miss Dorathy Ave. Hockin, Bowmanville, sister of The bride is employed at the groom, bridesmaids. They Rogers-Majestic as a Tube In- wore identical waltz length ispector and the groom is enu- gowns af mauve dotted Swîss ployed at The Canadian Com- 1argandy warn over a deepen stoc Co.Ltd.shade mauve taffeta under. The bride, befone hec mac- sit h l-vls oie î rage was given sbawecs by re- were fashioned with round latives ai the groom, hec bride- necklunes, and the fitted bodi- smaid Miss Marie Lane and the ces extended avec the hipline, girls whene she is employed. farming a V at the back, ta Guests at the wedding were break into very full skirts. fcam Toronto, Chatham, Lind- They wore matching picture say, Guelph, Omemee, Par'. hats and mittens and cannied Perryand lcal.white baskets with mauve Pennyand lcal.sweet peas, mauve gladioli and gypsophila. HOCKIN * BRADLEY Mc. Donald Stuit, Bowman- ville, acted as best man, and A very pnetty wedding took ushers were Mc. Donald Clark, place on Satunday aiternoon, Mr. Ted Ott, bath af Toron ta, July 16, in Trinity United and Mr. Ivan Woolley, Bow- Churcch, Bawmanville, when manville. Elva Pearl. Bradley became the bride of Kenneth Alan Hockin, The guests were received in bot ofBowmavile. hebride the S unday School parlons by ba the a Baw.manvîM. aThe 'the bnide's mother, who wone irst edauBdeyfn.and Mthe heaveniy blue nylon lace avec groom is the son ai Mr. and satin wih wite accessonies Mrs. Clarence Hockin. and white gandenia corsage. White gladioli and fenns She was assisted by the gnoomn's formed the background for the mother wha wone navy blue ceremany which was perfonm- lace avec taffeta with pink ac- ed by Rev. Harold Turner. Mc. cessonies and corsage of pink Arthur Collison pnesided at the roses. orga an acompaied Mr. The bride and groom leit on Roland Coombes who sang a wedding trip ta nanthern "The Locd's Prayer" befort? points, the bride travelling in the ceremany, and "Because"' a pale blue linon suit. with duning the signing of the ce- white accessanies and corsagel gister. af wbite carnations., On their The bride was given in mac- ceturn the yaung couple wil niage by hec fatbe~r and wore reside in Bawmanville. a floon length gown of impact- Gusts attended the wedding ed French Chantilly lace aven rmOtwTrno t a satin, the fitted bodice fashion-- tharin es, Sacramento, CALf, ed with a Queen Anne collan Oshawa, Windsor, Hampton, and long pointed sleeves. Th,ý Nestieton, Edwards, and Pont full skirt feil ta the floar with Penny. sweeping cascades ai aitennate a The bride, who is a graduate laceandtule. er ingrti ofOshawa Genenal Hospital, laceandtule. H c fngetipclass af '54, is on the staff af * ~ the Ontario Training Schaal Sfor Boys, Bowmanviile. The I-Iead into groom is a dnaftsman with Du H ead inj plate Canada Limnited, Oshawa. *He is a member of Oshawa r. ILitte Theatre gnaup and Treas. I j uner af Bowmanville Kinsmen a ummer îCtl o Pnior ta ber marniage, the Il Iflmiscellaneous showens held by of funM Mrs. Joseph Guest, Hampton; fMns. Samnuel Leggott, Elinh I IHately, Queen St., _Bowmani- jville; and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son, Nestletan. Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. W. Holmes visited jfriends and relatives at Belle-j Sville, Picton, and at Carthage' and Copenhagen, N.Y. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa;i IMis Tucker Couch, Toronto:; Mr ad Mrs. Glen Pollard and' !Douglas. Streetsville; Mr. H.ý IRowland, Orono, and Mrs. Bihl jRowland and fami]y, Toronto,j were visitors witl- Mr. andj IMrs. W. Holmes. Coratulaion to Miss Doris Matnon receiving honors in ber Grade six music exam. Mr. and Mrs. R. Searl, Loy- erna, Sask., with Mr. and Mr's. Bey. Jaynes. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. L. Laverty., Mrs. E. Tonkin. Oshawa; Mr.; and Mrs. A. H-oldaway, Wes- leyville, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Arch and family, Streetsville. with Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding. Several from this community attended the lOth Anniversary of The Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Canada in Toronto on SzIrad:I at the ( .Grand,- ,Mr. and Mrs. Robia Alld.recid and famlily, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams and Marie, Toronto, took a trip through the Thousand Islands and visited Fort Henry. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Brown and family, Oshawa, visitedt Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mis Lois Alldred spent the we ekend with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldred, Orono. Miss Doreen Powell spent the weekend with Misc Hilda Bell, Orono. Miss Donna and Sandra and Masters Floyd and Dana Cou',- ter, Downsview, are holiday- ing with their grandparents-,i Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther- ford, Ordno, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. George Shev- lin and family, Buffalo, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook' and family, Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Mr. Mac Couch, Timmins; Mrs. Hall, Mrs. D. A. Valeau, Mrs. Boyd Valeau, Oshawa;I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sterling and Susan, Rochester; Mrs. A. L. Gibson, Miss Margaret Gib- son and Mr. Alfred Gibson. Courtland, N.Y.; Mr. and M.-s. Bob Shupak and Gary, Tac- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mc. Jack Holmes attended Masonie Grand Lodge in Toc- onto on Manday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brown and Mrs. Bill Lake visited Mrs. H. Brown at the Queen Elizabeth Haspital, Taronto. walked around the tables to The Statesman Office IGA - TOMATO CATSUP 1i-oz. bottie 19C Vacation Bible School is Hield At Hampton Hampton: Once again the S. S. Room of Hampton United Church was a very busy place each morning during the firt two weeks of July. The school was again under the supervi- sion Of Rev. F. J. and Mrs. Reed, with a capable staff of yaung women teaching in shifts. Two "behind the scenes" groups deserve mention,-the baby-sitters who looked after young children while their Imothers were on duty rit school, and others who suppliezl traispoctation for members of the staff. A very fine spirit of co -operation was manifested b y everyone concerned throughout the two weeks. Fifty-eight children, ages 6 to 12, registered from our own community with an avera.xe attendance of 51. There wc2re also three visitons. The theme for the Bibk', Study ivas "The Bible Jesus Knew". On Thursday after- noon July 14, Open House was held and the S. S. Room was filled to capacity with math- ers and others interested wh4-n each group presented a smali portion of what they had learned. Afterward everyone Stokely's - Fancy Tomato 220-o:. 27 Juice 2 is2 c Spray - Standard Dessert 2 1-o.27 Pears 2 tn 7 104t.25 16-oz. Icebox Special Offer! Royal - Ail Flavors Instant 2 Reg. 2O Puddings 2 gs20 Brmuter!NwBleDtegn 37cý Giant size wîth DUz Free Tea7o5e 75c 38c Free Face Cloth CLAIRK'S In Chili Sauce BEANS with PORK 15-oz. tins 2 Fr 27c YORK BRAND SPICED DEEF 12-oz. tin 35c IGA -Choice 20-oz. tins 2 For 35c I I California - YeIlow Flesh - Freestone ELBERTA PEA CHES Large 5 Sze29C ISunkist - alifornia Valencia Californla -Juicy- Refreshing - Jumbo 126', LEMONS4 For 19C Marsh Grown - Fresh Green Topq - Lge. bcbg. CARROTS 2ForI17c Arriving Fresh Daily - Reasonably Prlced! STAIKED TOMqATOES FROZEN FOOD FEATURES 2 Tins 3lc 19C Bowmanvillce LIQUID BLEACHI JAVEX 32-oz. bottle 21C IGA "TABLE RITE" BEEF BONELESS ROUND Ste-ak or Roast >lb. 69c Fresh - Delicious PORK TENDERLOIN 1hb. Oc IGA "Table Rite" - Smoked- Sugar Cured 13ACK BACON F atg49C IGA "Tablé Rite" - Juicy - Flavorful FRANKS 1-1b~k. 37c Freshly Siced - Tender - Young. DEEF LIVER Lb.- 33c Cawker's I.GA. -I view the very fine handworlc that had been done. Teachers and pupils are al agreed that the schaol is a very worthwhile church corn- munity project and we ms, do it again next year. About 82 million board feet of, timber is used each year in making matches. The Statesman SoId, Af Following Stores:~ Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick. Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribev, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa -Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry .Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovel Goheen's Handy Store 'E Green Glant IGA - Heavy Duty NEW CROP! Wtie PUAS Paper 2Fon 33c York -Homogenized I, ad Into summer withJ pride. Get Your hair set for- fun, now, witb a smart permanent wave or a lovely Inew setting. Corne in today!I IRab y'sI IliBeauty Salon j .00 Kitig Si. E. NIA 3 -310 8 OId South - 6-oz. tins ORANGE JUICE Pict 9weet - 9 o,. pkg. FRENCH FIES il! vé, Paz rlo7d*-*g MEATS FRUIT & VEGETABLES THE CANADIAN RrATV-qMAM nwnqAiDTt% id - 1 i Lb. Bag 59C

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