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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1955, p. 12

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P~cft~ TWELVE TEE CAXADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVHLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY. .J'ULY 2lst, 1955 Gordon Agnew, Edior Social and Personai Recent visitors with Mr-s. Jack Nesbitt and son John Paul were, Miss Edna Haggith of Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. E. Lycett of Regina, Sask., and Mr. and Mns. Herbent Thompson and family of Kin.- SIc),n. îr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter visited with her mother, Mrs. Philip Veale in Beaverton on Sa turday. Mns. N. E. Bellyou of Tren- ton is visiting with her niece, Mrs. George Walton. Mr. and Mns. Stan.ley Brown, Bobbie and Brenda, visited witb Mr. and Mns. Gardon Bachelor in Toronto on Sun- d ay. Mvr. and Mns. Perey Hare visited in Stouffville on Sun- day. Mir. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and family and Mrs. Harold 'aris vk:-ited with Mrs. Mary StLaples in Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Symons and Mr. and Mrs. William Chest- flot in Welcome on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. John Scott and family visited with Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Stuob in TI Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Fran were at home ta th~ friends on Tbunsday,. Some eîghty guests cý ing the afternoon and Mn. and Mns. T. G visited on Saturday son, Dr. Fred Sowdeý a patient in the Civic in Petenborough. He' many friends pleased ta learn that Gould returned ta ber Satunday from Memo pital in Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. J. R and Erie of Buckingl2 bec, Mrs. C. Stoni Wellington, visited) and Mrs. Frank Parti Canal an Fniday. Mn. and Mns. C. R attended the funeral c cie the late Mr. Will nish, in Onano on Tu The Little Helpers' St. George's Church, b held thein annual Picic in the Newcas munity Park nPcenl Re-wire on Tinr Have your home converted to Heavy Duty Se, for as littie as $8.00 a month without down payr RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - WASF HOT WATER HEATERS - PUMPS - E on the sanie liberal terms Carrying charges at bank interest rates KEITH AIKEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR (Member of E.C.A. of Ontario) Phone Newcastle 3301 More room than any of 8.2 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top 9.6 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top------ 12 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top, roll out shel' automatie defrost, butter conditioner 12 cu. fi. Freezer 450 lb. capacity Now is the tinie to get your freezer and stoc] of fruit and vegetables in the sumnier s0 thi and enjoy garden fresh produ( OnIy $2.OO v FOR ANY 0F THE ABOV Thor Washing Machine With Electnic Rinse Pump, reg. $171.95 Philips 21"" Television With Record Player, reg. $38z, Philips 21"" TV Consolelle Regular $359-____ Farm Equil and Autoi T031 COWAS, Pi 1,14 RIN-%G ST. FAST 0 J ll~ 9The Oroi Phone 3621 Mr. Alex Watson visited Mr. onto..1 Mrs. Jennie Richardson, of S Chatham, is spending a week i at hier bouse, Chunch St. Nortih. LongCou cilSesionMr. and Mrs. Ed. Grahanm Long Cou c esion and family, Miss Alma Cuttel] oronto on visited Mr. and Mrs. Milt ~ ~ ~Morris and Ross at their cot- k Parker R ve<a 55F'r LBrigade5Utage, View Lake. eir many Mrs. E. H. Samuel and July l4th. 1 * 1 daughter Lisa are visiting Mn. -alled du r-5 ~ N r~ n U IIll and Mrs. Jos. Rosenfeld, Tor- d evening. To Stay inMillagEe ~onto. i. Sowden Mrs. Clifford May and Miss ,ith their The regular July meeting of despite the village regulation May of Windsor; Mr. Hanny n wbo 15 the Newcastle Village Council prohibiting the answering Of Hooper, Mrs. T. W. F. G. An - SHospital seemingly consîsted of a lot of any calîs outside the village. dnews, Mr. and Mrs. Harold talk and little action, according According to Fire Chie! Frank Awde and Donald, Toronto, will be to the minutes of the meeting. Miller, he refused to answer visited Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mns. Carl Several contentious matters the alarm put in by a member Mrs. Luther Barrabali spent rhome on were discussed at length witb of the Provincial Poice Fonce, the weekend in Maple Grave orial Hos- a building permit and first and on the advice of Fire Comman d orieat irgad second reading of a traffic by- tee Chairman Fred Coucb, but andute nd brgrand-,o Yardley law being teol uiesa-teDprmn a ae r Courtice, is with bier for a visit .îam, Quc- tually transacted. dened to answer the caîl by this week. ýburg of The building permit was Reeve J. H. Jose. Miss Dianne Phasey and ,with Mn. granted to Michael MaîkienczB The village Clerk, Mrs. Floyd Mr. Fred Parish, Oshawa, vis- ridge and for the erectian of a dwelling Butler, billed the Smith Trans- ited Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wooai on George Street west. The port Company for the call,* but o udy LCarveth new traffic by-law which will a letter received from the Ms Mary Ann Armstrong of bis un- receive third and final neading company stated, in effect, that underwent an appendix opera- Liam Cor- fallowing approval of the De- the village should receive pay- tian on Mondas' at Memoniali iesday. pai*ment of Higbways, will ne- ment, but as the company dle Hospital, Bowmanville. gnoup of gulate traffic on King, Mill not cail for assistance they do Ms .H wiTrno Newcastle, and Church streets. not feel obliged to pay for the Mr.J1.SaiTnno Bitdy Tevlaetxcletr .caîl. visiting Miss Mary Somerville., Bintday Thevillge ax olletor E.Mrs. M. H. Staples is visit- tle Com- W. Fisher, gave bis semi-an- After considerable discussion, ing Mn. and Mns. Glenn B. ly, with fluai report to council reveal- the members agneed that the Wiggins and family at Don ing that $23,270 a little more fine truck should flot attend Milîs. than haîf of the total tax roll any fines outside the village Mn. and Mns. Wm. Howden, of $44,685 had been collected no matter who gave the onders. Cavan, iie isBrh by the thintieth day of June. The perenniai question (if Cain. vstd Mis Bnh The always contentious pnob- the extension of Beaver Street Mn and Mns. Wmn. Lantz, S lem of the Fine Department at.- north to provide access to the Trýo and Mrs. Wyven Reid, tending fines outside the village new home under construction Tnno le - came up again as the Depant- by -G. H. Hodgson was also dis- ment bad answered a caîl to cussed again and council, once I'S N.9 Cak rvi1ce a bunning transport on No. 2 again, decided ta go up and Uj . No ,Cak -nn. Highway near- Newtonville, look the situation over but no ment action was taken on tbe mat- Mn. Bob Mantin is attending, foty chlden uner eihtter. summer course at Kingston fort chldre uner eghtUn iversity. [ERS years of age in attendance, ac- Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes companied by some thirty and family, Shaw's, witb Mr. ['C. aduits. Tbe cildren played o nriea e and Mrs. L. Martin, Sunday. the swings, slide, etc., before Mns. W. Brunt is holidaying sitting down to a gaily decr %, witb bier daoghten, Mrs. Bil ated table for a picnic of sand_-Io emonsrrate Gordon, Columbus. wicbes, chocolate milk, binth- Mn. Walter Branch, Mn. Bob day cake and ice cream. Each LI L ranch, Oshawa, and Mns. cbild neceived a gaily colouned rrlu 1 Niglt Jacob Branch, Bowmanvîlle. papen bat and a balloon. The witb Mns. Jas. Brancb on Sun- success of this event was Wa ol apni e-dy - langely due ta the efforts o!f ht ol hpeniMe r a.M and Mrs. Cbnis Banchard1 the Officers o! the Little Help- castle if a serious fine tbneat- ens' group witb special appre- ened ta destroy our village? and Sharon visited with bis ciaionbeig epresedto rs.Tbe local Volunteen Fine De- mother, Mns. A. Fisk.1 Ross Cobbledick who provided partment bave planned a de- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dooleyi the irtdaycaks ad ppermonstration to take place onan family, Miss Helen Turner,i bats, and to Messrs. Gordon the lakeshone in Newcastle *onToAust iiTne r. adMs Gannod, Alec Hendny, Ross Fia vnng omn g Mn. and Mrs. A. Turner at-1 Cobbledick and Gordon Gray about 7 p.m. to show local cit-teddhe asneC tena for their assistance. Ahl are zn htcnb oe na in Toronto on Sunday. laoking forwand to another emergency, tbnougb the Mutual Mn. and Mrs. Russell Ped-j - sncb event next year. Aid Plan being carnied ont by el Tontaesndg Fine Brigades in the district. wel Tontae sndg Five f ire pumpers and some thein bolîdays at their new sixty men fnom Cobourg, Pont home next ta bis fatber's. Hope, Orono, Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Bob Wattam, e, ~Newcastle, are expected ta par- Tonawanda, N.Y., visited witb ' ticipate in the local demonstra- Mrs. Roy Brancb and family. tion tomonnow evening ta show Mn. and Mns. Wally Gibson, intenested citizens the advan- Genald, Russell and Canal en-1 ntages of the mutual aid systein joyed a few days last week wbich is being carried ont in nean Minden. ca-operation with the Civil De. Masters Genald and Russeý1li fence Authonities. Waten will Gibson are spending a Zfew be pumped from tbe beach days with their grandparents,j -at the Glen by relay frorn Mn. and Mrs. W. Henning Sr., pumpen ta pumper to the oid Oshawa. dock at the foot of Mill stneet. Mr. Wes. Wheeier, Heathcote; been held pneviousîy ini severai Tommy, Toronto, spent the towns in the district aven the weekend with Mn. and Mrs.i past year and local and districtH.PdeladM.nd rs citizens wbo are interested M. Pe dwell.* enougb to attend tomorrow Mn. and Mns. Maurice Ped-1 evening's demonstration wil well and Barry and Mn. and1 be sbown a real examnple of Mrs. Bill Banchard and Lois( the resuits gained through co enjoyed a week's camping trip1 few 1 45,5operation. ta Manitoulin Island and other M.and Mrs. Chas. Brown, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, mal Harvester NEWTONVILLE visited with bis bnother, Mn. N andMrs.L. Bown.TheyalsoE Mn. and Mns. Fred Hender- called on Mn. and Mrs. Gea. son and son Peter spent the Laing, Mr. and Mrs. C. Malley E R S a n dweekend with Mn. and Mrs. and Mn. and Mns. W. Brunt. ERSa dRaymond Shaw, Bolton. Mrs, W. H. isnTo; Mr anDA T hri Hl r and Mrs. Chas. Gbo,' and amiy, oroto, ithMr.Oshwacalled on Mn. and Mns. ÏE A TRand Mns. Milton Kimbaill W. Gibson and familv, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gardon of ]Promotions at S.S. No. 9 Columbus, with Mn. and Mrs. Clarke (Lockhart's> Harold Bnrley, Fniday. Grade 8 ta 9--Marie Kent,4, fher refigerforMn. Andnew Reichrath who Betty Brancb. was ite viollge on M nay Grade 5 ta 6-hyhis Main, Bo0wmýan-vil le,On Wednesday and is at present with ber sis- ~r ter, Mrs. John Turner, Orono. for 1 9 o Mrs. Clinton Farrow héld a - showen Saturday evening for Miss Ruth Wilson;, Grafton, a f ormer teacher of Crooked.5~ for -~ ~ ~ 95 Creek school. o h cm fo r $3 2 -95The sympathy o tis o- munity is extended to Mr. an" Mrs. Wilfred Wood in the pass C 0 ing of bis mothen, Mrs. Mark for 2 5 o Wood, Elizabetbville. Mrs. Roy Wilard and Missi Lauryne Martin, Staynen, when - retunning tramn a trip ta New ~*. Brunswick, called an Mn. and £VM~ FEEL LiKE DOING THISP Mrs. George Stapleton. FIRST, GIVE US A CHANCE TOFIX IT.. p m entMrs. John Pearce and son on Saturday. Returnlng onj M YTL E r'ii ~ Sunday they were accompa RAD motive ~ied by ber sister, Mrs. Mbl 'Leushner, wbo is recuperatngRA I)T SEVC rop. !romn an operati*i. Next Sunday, July 24th !Expert RepairS t. Ali lMakes PHO«NE MA 3568 Rev. M. C. Fisher o! NewcastlI 1 Silver St. MA 3-3482 %v ii (P2ccupy' he polpit et 9.31)1 a.m. as Re'-. and- Mrs. S. J.j BOIV31ANVILLEt Pike are away on holidays. _I_____________ od News Bowmanvifle, visited mn Or6 no recently. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Obern of Cleveland, Ohio, visited Mrs. Luther Barraball. Mrs. Geo. Wilson is in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Miss Jacqueline Bailey, Cast- leton, visited Miss Gail Cooper last week. Mr. Wm. Cornish passed a- way Saturday evening. Funeral was on Tuesday. Interment Orono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Luxton and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer. Miss Bertha Cain visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Osh- awa. ness and girls, Mr. Tom Hark- ness, Cavan, with Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Tom Stewart and the girls visited relatives at Weston. Mrs. Austin Beacock visited iast week in Toronto. Miss Mynthe Tamblyn, To- ronto, with Mnr.and Mrs. George Wolfe. Mn. arid Mrs. Percy Phayre and -Noel, Aldenwood, with Mn. and Mns. R. Ginn. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Todd, West Hill, wîth the Edmund Harris family. The president, Mrs. Darothy Marlow, ententained the O. N. O. Club at ber home hast Tbunsday evening. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Merril Van Camp on the arnival o! a fine baby boy at Oshawa Hospital an Monday. 1KIRBY The W.M.S. and W.A. bell1 BLACKSTOCK hr July meetings on Wed- nesday evening, July 6th, at Misses Joyce Venning and the church. Dorothy Gray left by train on, Mrs.Win. Allun, President, Sunday from Toronto to go ta opened the W.M.S. meeting the West Coast for their holu- wth invocation and hymn. The days. minutes, roll cail, offering and Miss Mabel Van Camp, Q.Ç., dedication followed. It was left Malton Airport on Tues- decided to have our August day for a trip to England. Shc meeting in the form of a pic- wilI visit Fiance, Holland and nie. the British Isies after attend- The program was based on ing the International Bar Con- the Trinidad of to-day showing vention in London. some of the elements which Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm arc enter into the life of modern holdayng t teircotageatTrinidad and how we as Can- heodyng Lateirctaea adians should give special Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston thought to Trinidad. visited friends in Millbrook. Mrs. H. Lowery gave an in- Mrs. John Scott was in *To- teresting story entitled "Work ronto for the weekend. and Worship," a chapter froni Mr. nd Ms. Jhn Aguethe book "Treasure in Tnini- Mr. and Mrs. Jothnrgue, dad" ini which Miss Constance Mns. Leslie Mountjoy on Surn- agrgvsadyihr day. -work of service in Trinidad. d .ay. Ms . .Dwo Mrs. Wm. Ruthèrford took a an.d Sandra, Windsor, bnought story on the different races in Mrs. Fred Bailey home fromn Trinidad. Mrs. Wm. Cochrane her visit to Chicago last Fr1- read an article on "More Edu- day. Ahl attended the Mc- cation for Trinidad." Laughin Picnic at the Mrs. Wm. Wannan opencd new park east of Hampton on the W.A. meeting. Mrs. Wrn. Saturday. Rutherford gave a very inter- The Werry Family Pîcnic estin g devotional based on the was at Hampton Park on Sat- scripture. urday with local membens at- tending. Miss Betty Bnadburn 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder. WE HAVE A J Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brown IsIAMIDARP - and Dorothy, Columbus, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. 4A ieWiH - Congratulations to Mr. and TO MEASIJRE Mns. Gary Hancock (nee Mar- ilyn Fonder) on their recent UP*ro marriage. Y A W Mn. and Mrs. Albert Black I T-A E~ and Isobel, Midland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze. At the United Cburch on Sunday evening Mr. Allan Barnes of Wilfrid took the ser- vice with Mr. Glenn Larmer toc- assisting, and it was greatly enjoyed by ail. The Union Cemetery Decora- tion Service will be beld on - Sunday. Mr. Jack Smith is visîting friends at St. Joseph's Island. _________ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arm- strong, June, Hugh and Mary- Ellen, and Mr. Jack Pbillips, îwÀ Burnt River; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson, Yelverton, with Mr. lb !and Mns. Ray McGill. u i Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze attended the Ney re-union at MUTUAL 1IN SUR Midland recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well and Margaret, have bought Protects the properi a cottage on the Bruce estate, Lake Scugog. On Sunday, Mrs. W. A. Van Camp and ail the ta n t local members of the Van Camp family enjoyed open~ S E E Y 0 U R L housd at the lovely cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drink- water and Charles retunned to -..-Yold W. Wade - Ottawa on Sunday.StatRJme Mr. and Mrs. Arnold TaylorStatRJme and Dianne, spent the week- Nelson E. Osborne- end at Walmer Lodge near S. Everton White ___ Brechin. Dirk Brinkman ------ Mr. and Mns. Frank Hark -_____________ F amily Reunion BRADLEY PICNIC Saome 75 members of the Bradley Family met for their annual picnic July 9th at Springhill Park. During the aftenon the younger members enjayed the spaciaus swimming and wadine, pools wbile the aider members enjoyed cards and borseshoe pitching. At six o'clock Mn. Leslie Thonipsan, Haydon, said Giece and ail sat down ta well laden tables for picnic supper. Later President Ennie Bradley, Bow- manville, called the gatbering ta orden when Secretary Mrs. Bessie Thonipson, Tonrontoa, read the minutes o! the last picnic. After a short busines periad the executive for 1955- 56 was e]ected as fahlows: President - Ronald Thonipson, Toronto; Vice-Presîdent-Hugo Bradley, Myrtle; Sec.-Treas.- Mrs. Bessie Tbampsan, Toronto; Sports Committee - Douglas Brock, Lamne Braeey, Oshawa; Don Thonipson, Courtice; Gea. Graham, Bowmanville, and Ir- win McCullough, Newcastle. Races for the youngen oncs and sparts events for the aider ones were participated in by ahl under the cbnvenership o! Mrs. Gea. Graham, Ross Dis- ney, Lamne Bradley and Joan McDonald. Ail felt the absence o! Mn. Will Bradley, the only snrviv- ing member o! the original family wbo bas neyer missed a picnic altbaugb 87 years o! ag-a who was unable ta attend thîs yean because of illness. As dankness fell good-byes were said baping ta meet again next year at Springbill Park. Saskatchewan bas more lakes per capita than any other province. T1C K ET S TO EVERYWUERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 PHONE TO-DAY We will be pleased to supply you with F RE E ESTIMATES on your Heating or Plumblng mA i M IN HOT WTR ETN 'B WMAN\I Tfl -esc R AN CE CO MPA-NY rty et more Canadia ns bher Company LOC A L AG EN T NewtorivilIe Bowmanville _____ Bowmanville _____ Bowmanville THE IDEAL WATCHESI SFor the Boy in your Family! -el KEEP HIM ON TIME THIS SUMMER WITH ONE 0F THESE LOW PRICED, QUALITY WATCHES. *Strong and Durable *Sweep Second Hand- e Expansion Bracelef *Moisfureproof *Guaranfeed e 15 and l7-Jewel Movemeni *Luminous fiai * Anfi-magnefic S$24.95 and $2 7.50 P*FOR THE YOUNGSTER IN YOUR FAMILY ... * Reliable Boy's I STEEL WATCH q uaranteed One Year each JeweIIevy& Hooper's Giuft Shop 28 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 ir-~ ~t~fT~ ) j P--Ldt Twlmvz THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW3L&NVMLLF. ONTARIO 7WURSDAT, XMY 21st 1953 1 *qk SA',ot 4d

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