T!RSA. IT21it, legs THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BCWMANVILLLF, ONTARIO C lo ss fie Darlington Ail-Stars Defeat Peterborouqh Tearnlnma~nsetrann. IN MEORIAMNotices CARD 0F TH.ANKS ec .Weràn hsWie ,OBEIK I oigDr. Rundle's office wlll be I would like to express my dMr.H adBonad 'COBBEDICKIII lvingme- closed from June 30 to August 1 sincere thani<s ta Dr. L. Nicholas, Ei:Ms .SaradB~n mary of a dear daughter and inclusive. 25-61 Rev. M. C. Fisher, nurses and M.R .Lk n r.Mu:e sister who pse away July2,- staff of Memarial Hospital, Bow- .rseru 1954, aged 21 months. Perris Beauty Shop will be manville, friends and neighbours s'~ tL xi onTrn Alittie lamb too sweet and pure, closed August lst ta August 14. 1 for cards and flowers during myta eeween uss t Upon this earth tà roamn;282tainhstaadsncIre An angel came 2- tur ndhome. cd tandcan gathIring And took aur dear child home. Dr. Rudell's office will be clos- Ann Gould. -Lovingly remembered by ed from July 21 ta August 13 in- 29-1 Frdl a encnie o rnommy andSarry, toshearanhatusHowa 29- brothers. 29-1 24____ Miller's Beauty Salon will be 1 wish ta take this opportun-athneaannw ad STON-In loving memory of a closed August lst ta Aug. l5th ity of expressing my sincereI dear husband and father, Frank inclusive. 29-1 thanks ta my neighbours who .-Ibr.adM.adMs m Stone, who departed this life s0 willingly helped with theTrifadcilrn Toot, July 2lst, 1948. Howard R. Foley, Co-op. In- cutting, raking and drawing of .er reetgssof hi, We do flot forget you, nor do surance Agent. wilI be out of my hay, also, for the elevator.sitr r.DykM.Dckad we intend, town until July 26. In case of Thanks a lot ta everyane who aiv We think of you often and will emergency caîl MA 3-3512. helped in any way. s.gcan n ta the end. 29a1teDo' as Jak- <I Gone and forgotten by some you Watr9eguo.-a1RoadBooî-,'r may be We are now maiiufacturing 2-~Tusa-geî iteWiîn But we will remnember, noa cernent blocks, bath interlocking WexvÏ matter how long. and standard, and would be To ail people living in theanfnilwihteCHa r, -Ever remembered by wife and pleased to serve you with a good vicinity of Central Public School:anhdapiîctghi t farnily. 29-1* product at a reasonable price. Branch 178, Canadian Legion,;Lk ice Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, wish ta thank ail people in the rThe cDariin Wn All-S .o ccer team, compi s-d 'ville Bvarn.1 Tyrone; jack Baker, Solina; LouiPhljMs.El Pco Brî\n ai PROUS-In loving memnory cf Port Perry. 40-tf vicinity of the Central Publici -1ilu a dear husband and father, Wil- School for their patience and Of players from all the teams in the DarlincTton Football Tyrone. Front rowv, John Venning, Court ice; Dick Pascoe, u n u.Wlo ace mat R. Prouse, who passed away G. Edwin Mann, D.C., will be understandir.g last Sundav maun-1 League, defeated a team from Canadian General Electrie Solina; Barry Johnston, Courtice; Art Re,,nolds, Hampton;Bwnnilhaeejvdt~ July 23, 1954. sneta on vacation from July 23 ta, ing. We wish ta state that the!r in Peterborough last week at T-vr'orne with a Feore of 4-2. Bill Gearing, Courtice; Grant Williams, Zion; Ray Preston,hoedrnthsptwek One year has passed sneta August 1, inclusive. Dr. Edwin work in dismantling the booths'Back row, lcft ta right: Bob Muir. Courtice; a Zion plaver; Maple Grave; Reg. Griffin, Ennsjhe: ie enishi. Mse laorM îo n sad day Hn, Chiropractor of New- uas a case of necessity, as wvei When one we loved was called market, will be in Dr. Mann's xvere under i0structians ta have, Char-les Langmaid, Sauina; Ross Sharp, Enuîi.kil1cn; Zion. Ross Sharp wvas manager and coach of Ille îearn. JanneWrMisFne Gdaway. office on Monday, Jul.v 26 and the grounds cleared the dav fol- Harvey Partner, Tyrone; H-arold Balson, Hlampton; Gren- -Pc vRhc .detOhw.adMs -a- Gdtook him home - it was His Thursday. July 28, in the after- lowing aur Carnivai, for -pîaic- - bY_____ e dWry pn afwdv . will; noons and evenings. 29-1 ground use. 29-1 aanLkKsog aihi ur hearts he liveth fo* wh ichi is now planned for the! daughter Marilyni, bride-to-be. NOTICE OF~ MEETING VVaIC[I Out for ive or u vening of Juiv 29 ut Mr. Perey i Mr. and Mrs. l-laruvRs wu auec lensadI-a-i -Sadly missed and lovingly re- TO CONSIDER BY-LAW We wish ta convey aur heart- MiVlounjoV's woodis ut 6:30 tp.m.; puivilegced 01n Satuudiay c,eticng i Wuv o dne n rnembered by his wife and fam- feit thianks ta Lloyd Browjn, Bob Ihecmite ncare il tattd1wLit Tatepaofhîng1t ily. 29-.î* Take notice that a By-Law Brown Leonard Cain, Auehi e e ore Beco hi ng a .SucSri provide the beverage. but every-r ____________________for raislng $20,000.00 under te HvClrne an ila one is recjiested ta siîpplY their i provisions ofTerl ring oCaeceCiWlimoV.-n dishes. AIl interested1 0fTh TleDringeCain, Gerald Fisk, Aubrcy Cain. Among lwiadreds aof fauds by iînvi linies of eustoînirs ta young couples will be welcome.i COMING EVENTS Act, will be taken inta consider- Ken Mloses. EarI Argue. John ývhich the public is daily being', asic for the retun iio their innlJuîo 1amrs ebesa ainby the Council 0f the Pavn, Hrla MCarelJuAnioreaed Fv ar mot ersstet o îe uuaiof The Ferguson and Adams Township of Cartwright at the Sute, a. an M aml, AJo h ad, ie red ThersBsetr onrde s ysrnall ($1 ta $3) the Oshawa Dairy Caîf Club, picnic will be Saturday, August Communnty Hall in the Village I u ic Gearn DmJh1andO B ies Breau clhessetee revs ening. gaensie n Husaod 6. at Cream of Barley. 29.1* of Blackstack on the lSth dav vnsad I BrwThos ýB, lle earii - money - at home'emet a n nyid nuestso h aod ______ iAuus,195 a tehorofIkindly cut and hiauled in 40 r fie frauds as folious: unoudercd 'che-rers lead thousands ta part Wer-s. (ioder the leadership Bino eeryFrdayeveingat8:30 in the evening. loads' of hav- for uis while we merchandise, phony photogra- I litii SI ta S5 each in the hope'ai Ken Holiday and RauWery BioemilPrvlueua ery Thampson. Clerkt were iii in bed. Special thanks' phers, earn - nioney - ut - home ai getting part-lime home work. a class af Holstein calv.es was1 Memoial ark lubouseat Hnry homson.Cler, 1ta Mildred and Alice Broivn, schemcs, and uranium stocks. Inatv lr p..To$5jc os 91 Township af Cartwright.1 Mary Sutchi and Jessie Fisk for, h nreed-mrhn i10a pical case. exposed lasI judged, and reason'u, gienfr Thpem. Two $25 -ack pots. 29-1 ycar. "International Enterprises" the placing. A discussion of' Catwigt nin emteyR.S.O. 1950 Chapter 392, pies, cte. Youu kindness 's schemers mu'. send bail-poin't; offeued home jobs sarting and shownanship and fitting the eau I Catwigt nin emteySec. 1, Sub-Sec. 3. 28-31 deeoly apl5reciated . pcns. handkerehiefs, wallets or adduessing mail fou a "large'foi' showing, foilowed. Refresh- Decoration Day will be held on- Cliii, Gwen and Herbie Curtis. 1ather goods, alwýavs oif 1300rniail-order hanse"* Eaeh ap-' inents were served ani the lawn.1 Sunday, July 24th. Service at IRG TO 91*quait.y. The puices are hi.gh and plicant.ueceived a circular seemn- There weue saine 15 Junior i 2:30____ 28-_ a persan is made ta feledurderi ing ta tiller empînyment but re- F armiers in attendance and sey- Euhrtabehîdi te et E ON TR TONrobligation ta buy whut lhe re-J qui ring thie purcha. se ai an in- erai fathers. ceiyes. Oiten thie nan'e aof a structian pamphlet costiîîg $5 Present on the Farm Business Beach Store, Tuesday, July 26 BN m d Peiet fieeaiyb fudta"i and containing only elementary Imiprovement Tour in Welling- at& .m Pizsrerehmntused. ta make himi believe hie is posal information. More than rtan Couritv on Thursday last, 25c.ý 29-1 £rmcantributing ta a worth - cause. 2.500 i)o these worthless pamiph-: was William Weruy, prsdn A persan need nat pay for ansy lets were sold. ofa the Bîaaklin Junior Farmeus i Snowden Annual Picnic wiîî iNewcastle îînordeued meuchandise îînless ' in eompany af Mu. Lynn Fairr b. beld at the Memoria Park, t'a t' TI r~t!lie tises it. He need flot ret'un Cautioniing the reacler on the adohrmmesa h so Hampton, on Civic Holiday, .rUay ELvg., JuIy 22i.evntoghpsae se-ptrchase af cheap uranium cnation. Visîts were made ta August 1. Everyone corne. We have purchased an Irrigation icoc.I h hpe ed o tcs avuaim etr am erWtr 29-1 sytem fa use o pastues andil, lie can demand soaeprises exist on paper only, the usadn geneal frm raps Mr Geogechaes. ed nly uranium in their passes- - held at Hampton Park Mr. Geor oni torper a se ion beinks the' word i'ef, whîich rPersonals: The Ferguson picnic will be Winklemaier, representlng the' O.~poouahr si lu warmest goa .ishes go - 1 aveu 20,00)0 comnplaints ta theï anost awy appears in their r ot oui' newest Kedron par- Hard t Hamton PrknonSat-Better Business Bureau lusI: nam e,. Sorne are ornmed rmere-.etteMra onjyt urday, July 3Ô.th. Supper serv- Hady Ira tionULLUU r Thesp gyps are mainiv lIV Io look fou the metal. Th- utteMrayMuto',h ed at 5 o'clock. Sparts begin atE itnerants w,,ha t ick motheu; tibul:ç mus-y put up $500,000 fouro Fiay al b- n h 3 o'clck. Ms. N.Mountjy, r ota bg orders for photos f' 10 peu ccntft he stock, wuot. se'y; Roy Fergusorj, pres. 29-11 wiII be on hand ta explainà1 their childuen and insist on puy- triepamcr contribute $1,0 Osa a e ral Hsial ab its operation. i ment beforE the mother se rfouoothuecuitr, ad Mr.hirlev laIe Trel Enfield Anniversary and 'Re- Anyone interested in irrigation i-frio 1,o-.Thie iroi is-ofsormething o n agitrPtiiatCc- opening Services, Snnday, July welcome. The monev\-back gUarante e carly nothiîîg is tfie cîsual buit'borne, weue weekend guests utý ~24. Services at 2 and 7:30 withr racket snares the un'.ar *v 1)'y ad- in fraudailent sehemes. People the home of Mu. and Mrs. > W. 1 Rev R.B.Gren cndctiig AM S T BR WNvertising fantastie bauguins with aie urge d ta report every (uase' Mountjov. Hiarold's parents. Mu. both services. Music byth the maney-back clause attached. o f fraud ta Bctter Business and Mus. Treble of WinnipegAfl achool, assisted by "Trie Country Agent av e L vesI Fou~' n rieeyein. Mndy HrdyIrigaionEqipmntWorthlesu merchandise is ship- Bureaux, Chambe's 0of Cor-' Manitoba, aecompanied them ta evein at9 'clck Dr L B.291*ped; thie r.ucieteers profil Iv the moere or postal auithorities. thie lreuntion, and uejoined them r Willamswil preentan nte- on Sundav ta '.isit friends and' Willamswil prsen anentr- o±Thaks LO G S ULI with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. relatives ini this arca. Midsmmer witLpNtGre fea- rMu r ad Murs. Bruce Little M\'iss Lois Roberts, Whitby, uring history, beauty and seenes I wauld like ta express rny Mrs. Gertrude W. Eiseman andi funilv. Agincauit. entaxeka oiusa of local interest. 'rhere will be sincere thanks ta friends and 1 Master Tommiy 1Milîson. Sintulav vi',tors \\ith Mu. 3nigîe'ut ofAIrM. and Mus. J. Dyck. RED +CR055 WAE AEYSRIE avariety af musical numbers. neighbors for their inquiries and!I af Boston. Mass., w.as namiet Newtonx lle, wi th Mu. ani Musý. k. Shak o.Mus. Muton M'alter with Mrs S P.-eýý1d,.n of he Mthe ChuchRoss Lee weue guests in Toron- Admission 50e and 25e. 29.1 cards duuing my stay in treî, dn fTeMther C1rc, Ms. Alfredh Miliscln. Mu.iau'J ilMu. and Aius. W. G. Werr,ý. ,10 on Saturdav ai a trousseau __________________________ Trono enealHosiTh.eiv FiNi Chureri ai Christ, Mus. Fred Feuguson, Sa]. " îîidY i W vfui1lu P- tea at thte homne of Mus. J. Mus. Ted Bagneil. 1 Scientistin Boston, Mass., at the AiMu andI Mus. Frd Patwnu n ut al amipton an Saturduv. ak h netie o e Repairs 2-1lAnnuiai Meeting ai Trie Mother were Sunday ex'eîing visitaus, Mu. nîrd Mus. George Seforllie ________Chauli atendd hychureri ut trie Milîson haime. ar, lMuni Ms u aar ______ 1~'PT nt'nR nT~P Tre fmil ai he ate u. enîlersiron unny artsai ri" u ud M~s. harie Pu ei(~ id ua eek-uîd ut ad__i__-___and___ ______Ken_____________________ .L.Ld1 flJ~UfL~U erdiriVses', Port MeNicoll, wîd warden anîd Wade, with Mi..L(>de otr Bbugo.i wtonld like ta express their sn- .Mus. Eisemar has heen nctiVe and Mus. Ed Fo.wler, Bownian-. - -- i 4 cer thnksandappueciation ta In '.auious capacities in ti ville, at irctaet i; M A R R'S I r sandrelatives for trie! Christian Science mov.ement fou iýtait Lake. cotae t is%. ckAR h ei Survings n Si p r R i h many acts ai kindncss, beautiful 1muny yeaus. A native aiNC MýeuBri Kiit, an ,b1 ZEWELLERY floral tributes and nmessages af; York City, sue is now a Christ ian' BWAVLEdeatri of aur dear father. 29-1:1 Heu uppointment was annouunced MusPeanl. Pnwrceu urs Mur iiiii1psonE.aend.M. aîîd 43King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 sympaîriy at trie lime aof'tre; Scieciepatae r i 0Rst;"',,r ll, ' .viti rs adnjr.adutlîE ec.M idl V _______________1___ _______by l'ie Christian Science Boardi rPeal. v.MT. r. iîntospoin u.Lt iu Trie family of trie ate Mu. ai Directors. Trie terni ai office Sandax' vîsitars nt trie M Cir~rtrîî pitSna Peso a ýl i oroe er.pivh 'ýwtihAMr. ani lMus. E. Green. [p William J. Penwarden woul inouoie(e, rpy o eee-Mu. andl Mur Mu. and Mus. R. AMoffut. Quana jM eronlEal Penwarden. M.anAl like ta express their sincere Puior ta devotiuîg lier ful l ime Mre. urh and GauM.M.r.Rosobi;in 1! I{YGIENIC supplies - (rubber tansAt-apreiaio t a -a ue .ubicpucAceaCl1i-fwîn iat u.PtiGii oatwt r niMs r. r o. wucu ieiir paiensMr al(j j Mus;. Wnî. Penwardeîî, M.AlCiauli OKLV f bLC rfl OK bU A irc Ms. W alter Vanev,'k aid (J_ CANAftA' CHAMPIONS ,Jori. M. ad Ms. Puroldai g CMIIMUMJ evk.JohnM. ani Ms. HaaiDCVanJ PBOroRK P c.;cStye lR91 M ille an ti bo ys.,, M u. andi Mu. r K 'D flTRO N5 IJ W A NEED YOUR HELP! ~~Chai-rie Peuîwaucen anti Wadr'výN I E~eta~ NEED YOUR HELP! and Mr. P. Timoil anud 111 q). la of;hîît ilot stic-k.,anoý M N EB EFetaen enja-ceti a pienicr ut Luik iti iil. ttat f i nu oi Beach. Scuigag 1Iindt. Stinnluu ,. nanîlîis u.atiî' c fou ie I v Chiioce, Weil Trimmred iaet sSold Mes Y6ur dollars are urgentiy n~dedAM. Stanl-y Fl.tcher. Tori ors Sucna'. ux vc 2s atKeodun.Rer*. b B E O G E ' 7cV A U L T b 3 ta. 'vitr ris' parents o'.er jýR.FI. Ruakaîid spoke on (;ouug weeeuti.th' ccoît .îi le. \rContrg ure Lon Mrple Leaf Skin.os or to aed ur O lv», ic T'amni to the 19.56g~anes! -P-.\.omoîidt;M CHOPS lb 73c PORK SA USAE1b ,Lee,*. ho prasditit aOtliteo ., Over 120 voung Canadian athletes ill paricipate. ë ALM1Rosi GrdinOvn 4 t 5 lb ver,,lbo- The cost of transportation for sucb a number is high, DEDUCTIBLE FROM INCOME TAX Thre v tI ri n rhcuicii "c- au. nîlak e tie l, uial in- F W Gae"" heiRay t bae bulpt o t usin .e m s ie ra o r o aio h A r ceipt, for fax purp ses, w iII b . sent R ev . F. Jackýon i;o n au olidavz .w hich î is (u.n ro ic1aré fo ni pr.c -r d * " v n R n y F y n r B oii gS i hch tege usthee.for ail donations of $1.00 or more. Abouit 1,fitv attende' lIý't"ice J G de "" Ovtheedy, ryin or ronlng Srce WINTIR GAMES -Cerfica. litely .. . The Canadian Pcia,1mpo 'I UKENS 2 - 3 lb av..i 9c R-F OO teamtha tryai tathisfamus pors cntr wf un Cimmuuiî. piri uthlaupl>îîThe Adotit Bibin' CIasýz haO Ji tentcattrvlstotisfmos prt cnrewiiih ast' Fidav.. heei cujo'.îicf l1ite vai liot1. au.îi j GaJ. ',A" Ovcn Ready, Broiler Type S. iid uhreigning worldis champions as figure skaters-----------------------Sieni W'A. v. it holdt11 îuîr .eus wrio ia'.e beeii kint iUrgTIII Frances Dafoe and Narris Bowdess, as well as aur Make iheque payable Io Juiv nmeetung ut flue home oif ta ieati trie ala.,s notation. UK S4 - 6 lb ave i 3 ICDH own hockey temgn, stihi ta b. named. he pick of I nadasOlympc Tm FundP.O loi45 1, NimInlo,O. E. TvsFrd y T us a nk lae sh w, nr I I C ILEe I rIr. anud Mus. H1owvad Foie'-, Dv ck1. >Next Sandla'.'.Juv2. C OE C D I L 3 SUMMER GAMES -MeIbouroo. Astralie ... To the .Mupie Grovî,e.lMu. anti '\rs LE. vc e xi h,ý avi' trihgi;ti* 1ai * Don jaer eesCaad ih andrunrjupers, ... __________ Falev 'seue Thirtciav l.uOO icariîug Mu.IL. Bohaker '.'ho ihsa.ýI I E A D CK FL E S b35 yimmers, divers - the top Canadian athietes in everry - y 'ttr h riM. 'and AMu'-. r. tin cuîct ta (r(uttuît e tIa phas of ummr sprt. Blck'i'-it ant Mu Mai (ISiUr'~un r eruie'hs<'idue iis ci1 phase_____of______________sport.___ Diâla c;u. -neeaetret o f t hetto YOU CAN HELP THRIM TO WIN . .. Send your donation II IMsaCiv ws ishcrI b'. ale h asui u lis jO n n*a-,Prices Effective Untl now and help to keep (anadas naine high an the liits41;n-'sin 1 i:,s DorecuîUe.'.uu chuuch i pogrammne.r g~ aturday, July 23rd, 1955. o-f m inners. Canada',. athletes have tihe abihit> but iuicy ICT _______________ 7o ______ r rTr lt u1 u K da at Ta n iity Puu i.c t v l F it'. ntI;t r ' imced )our backing. Send it ioda>'. - - - - - -- - - - - -liîrM.Rrr ' 'i.r,' teu'lpolu ta Ichildren, were Sunday visît"Orà,thie C. K.DoubleS Club pîcnci --- 1II~ SCI tUAi A'tA>4r,( a FACW< 58* COM'AJ*Y US. ~~Il j 1' w - i W"4 il 1 i ýý!