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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1955, p. 1

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'w. Ç~fl1~Zbt4u 'VOLUME 101 BOWMANVILLE. ON~T APM ~rTTTDTn AV rTTIT . Xr 01-. - N."~. 1I±JIID1JiItyU 1st, 1955 10C PER (COPV Presented to Brooklin Man ig Ross McKnight, president of Canadian Legian Branch 178, is shown present- Igthe keys of the new car ta Mr. H. Win tan, R.R. 1, Brooklin, while Mr. Wintan's daughter Brenda, and Mrs. Muriel Dunn laok an. Mrs. Dunn toak charge.of the car and sold many of the tickets before the carnival last Friday and Saturday evenings. M4r. Winton owned an aid car, but it decided recently ta quit running. -Photo by Rebder Brooklin Man Winner ~'egion Carnival Car New Take De"Pite weatbcr that Wes Bowmanville. Ladies" Auxil- Nins ieitheér faim nom rainy, but e iary draws: Dol-M. C. Cooper, Presideni iJttle bit of bath, the Legion c/o C. Christian, Bawmanvilic; the Kunsmr a'VÇriival lest weekend wes al Luxury chair - Pauline - Ail- bis duties ~"uecessful event. Sterting ealy dreed, Tyrone; End Table - presidentA Friday evening wîth a parade Evelyn Grant, 48 Concession at the secoi by tbe Pipe Band in full re- StreetBwmaaville; Chromne formai sun galle, and continuing with en- Smakeýr-Mrs. C. Oke, 28 Flett The aew tertainment, the -fair itscif hediStreet, Bowmanville. 56 will cor hardly startèd wben showtîrs - A highlight of the caraival, for the rer' forced e cencellation. A 90oo1 beld et the Central public mer and mw crowd returncd Seturday even- sechool grounds was the excel- ciaily in th( ing ý,a enjoy the meny booths 'ltent ettainment. Cy Leon- Tuesday's an-d games of chance, and t0 ard, e clever ventrîloquist, act- et the farni watch Legion President Ross cd as master of ceremonies, in- end inlu de( McKnight daw the tickets forî trodcn ac cag c e is the everl przes.cordionist and singer, and the and a huff The winner of the black and Walt Family of acrabats. The style. Sport ,white 1955 Chevroiet was H. yaugest member of the Walt basebaîl an, Winton, of R. R. 1, Brooklin, troupews carried anstage in prizes weme ain employce of Genemai Mo- e suitcase, and popped up un- ners. toms. R. C. Rogers, of 27 Liber- expectcdly ta take part in the ty Street,. Bawmanville, mc-1 stunts. The little girl twistcd ceives $200 for seiling bim the ber body mbt shapes that made winniag ticket. Mm. Winton bbc audience gasp, and then S.A brought bis young daughtcr belanced herseif preceiausly. Brenda with him ta the Legion on hem fatber's ad, wbile Hall on Qucen Street Manday anc leg was strcbched past hier monming wbcre the offiemal head. presentation was made. Te Legion president Ross M- '-u riew o\vner bcd a car of bis Knigbt was pleased with bbc ~-4>Wn, a 1934 Pontiac but thc aid results of the camival, and e- tThccdecidcd recentiy ta partcd that bbe crowd was quit running, SO e neighiboum quibe good on bath aights. The gave Mm. Winton and bis number which rcturned Satur- daughtcm e ride inta Bowmaii- day was everi larger than tbey ville. The ncighbour was pres- had boped for, bie said. ent wben the car was fimst de livemcd ta the winner Sundav, and was just as pieased ta leain1 of bis friend's good fortune asîT e s Tak was Mr-. Winton. The Wintoîî s! do nat have a telephone.dr sSlo ac ne we ,the following: Bicycle AU Vole>, . Ofitria Street.From Camp jr1 Gu de fPenny sot machines see G irl uidesfair game for pctty thieves lest Thursday nigbt, and sameoi:c to Cam madle off witb anc candy vend- G o to* Camp ung machine which tekes cap- d pems, and another whicb takes n M onday dines. from the Cream of Bar- On M nday ley Park. Tetop was rippcd off an- Lt. Wn On Mondax'. 20 local Girl * other machine and pennies Succeeds Lt. Guides wfli Icave Bo wmanl-i stmawn aound. The criminel ficer in cbamgE ville for a 12 day camp periad or criminals may not be bbc Ammy in Bowr et Pigeon Lake. This goup meanest thieves, but thevare f bheen trai will form npart of aDvs'i etiI - a group camp af girls f rom Port1 Hope, Bewdley, Orono, Lind- say, Bobeaygeon and Bown an-r ville. The staff also drawn lihree MAen from tbc Division wiii consýs of a Camp Commandant end' Assistant Commandent, twioA e ie ,ý,,1jgstered nurses, four Quar- r i tructrss, six Sanvimming I- Ae stucressibwo Handirg F- or rStealing structresses (ail members of the Royal Life Seving Socirý- A man feul aslecp in the ty) and four Junior Guiders. back seat of a car saved bim Those on staff from Bow- 1self $27 this wcek. maville arc Mrs. A. J. Frank, Thmee mca wbo wcme witb Commandant, Mrs. A. Caver- the sleeping man, Wiifred Ev- Iey and Mrs. H. Hughes, Quar- enden, af Oshawa, were coa- termasters, Miss Lena Taylor. victcd in magis' rates court ]Regisbered Nurse, Mrs. Kern 1 bere Tuesdey af ebempted Nicks, Hendicreft, Miss Nomnua'chickea theft, and wcere finedJ Dale, Swimming Instructress. $25 and costs each. The case The nemes af the girls frorn egainst Evenden was dismisb- Bowmanvillc wiil be submitted ed by Magistrate R. B. Baxter. later as camp fees are not yet William Turchin, William and the list us incamplete. Thomton, and Howard Mack- Visitor's Day is Sundey, Ju- *in, ail of Oshawa, were the 3Ist, and ail relatives and three men wbo weme caught in icads of campers and staff the act at the Brooks Farm are welcome. Foiiow Hîghwey west of Bowmanvîlie July 9th. No. 36 from Bbbceygeon, f ive Their companion claimed lie miles ta the wateing trough. 1 was fast asleep in the back sent Watch for Girl Guide Camp, o f their car and did't knav a . 1 what thbe o thera weS doang* Off icers Over at nen Club ILionel Parker of cen Club took ovpr - ram' the 1954-aSI Art Hooper Tuesday ond of the club's in- Immer meetings. ;executive for 1955. nduct the business nainder of the sumn w'ill take aver offi- he Faîl. smeeting was beld n of Nomîn Bothwvell, 'd cntcrtainmcnt by and bis committee, ffet supper, outdoum rts ovents included id horseshoes, and egivea ta the win- m. A. Brown John Hem as of ge af bbc Saivatioi manviile. Lt. Han lia elter bhree years home. Th new officer and bis wifc an deughtcr came fmom Tweec wbemc they bave been for thmc years. Mm. Brown is a telenteý musicien and vacalist, and ha been gucst ertist at meny cn temtainments et Tweed. Clean Beach After Using A number of complaints have been received in con- nection with the trash and botties left on Bowmnan- ville Beach following weekend parties and pic- nics. If you are guilty, re- mnember tliat cottagers ap- preciate a clean beach, and so do other people who like to use the beach for swimming and Plcnickint. Don't be a Litter Bug! It is ev'eryone's duty to keep the beacà clean "d4,izeat. 'n 1 1 - *-WI a Legion District DeputyWilM e With Police to Discuss Local Parking Problems io ni gïstteMniia Cmayplants a nuwman- , -UI aVIeS iorne '0 cfew minutes, for th- system. No date was set or ville and New Toronto wiil take conveiience of customerso suggested for the meeting, place at the Cream of Barley,.1 E the stores.1 Membershlp Drive Park Sunday, Juiy 24. ThisIIiJ m Lngland Suggest Survey Chairmawiil be the first game of a Parking meters were sug Ch ira Art Hooper of the home-and-home series. Mrs. Amy Tait arredh e gested, but 'the matter wa Membership Committee hm ed that a mernbership drive AI Osborne will be acting ]ast Thursday after bier very 1 will be conducted in the im- manager of the local Wingfool vnfu rptoEgad rediate future, sa prospective squad, and the teamn consista ±evnfu oft ngad Many members andi thse who wi1- the folowing payers: Doa, GU1ý wil remèrnber Mrs. Tait's lei - ta re ew tei m m erhishooley,- Larry Chant, Frank ter published in The Statesmails s ýr are notified that dues are noiv Mohun, Roy Falls, Ted Dadsonore weeks aga describing the 5 being- accéptedI.'A--totk1- oC Ili Murray -ýTighe, - Gary . Tighe,,-QY9ge over and, the many in yr businesses became rnemberý I Harry Snowden,, Ted Bagneil> juries she sustained when theD v l p *since the last meeting, with a Don Masters, George Ste hl. sbip ran into a very bad storm total of 43 individuals repre- ens, Paul Chant, Ralph n, and als hisa~pol -ented. tyre, John Stainton, AI Os- came crasing down en 14s Bowmanville's assessment in 195 Cntnnalborne. Tait's 95 lb. frame. the Lake Ontario Regionai De- s 195 Centnnialvelopment Association is $407.. Theplnsfo aCetenillMrs. Tait was in 'oed for a 00 Elmer Banting, the erea e plaon for7a ent en-l1month after reaching ber representative, reported ta thi2 * clebatin i 157 eremen ~niece's home, Mr. and Mrs. Chamber of Commerce Mon- Bal ield Robert Dodd, Forest Hall, New- day. The amount is based o was ransorte fr Gia "participation in the recently 7Local Youth In Good Shape by car atthe shise pens,. formed schee designed toat- ,Is Safe After. The baseball diarond at highly the wonderful care sh urs -ke J urnesiderably improved during the ses on board ship, and thegion. La pest week. The Memorial Park Cunard Company's provision This money is ta be turned Proinia Poic ad lfeav e s fs thert d ay- from Glasgow, where they 25. ing tatins btwee her an Roses Intermediate Basebali Tbey also provided for her re TeCabr fCmer Scarboro were alerted Sunday team have removed ail the turn from there ta Glasgow decided ta ask Town Council night when an open boat pilot- weeds from the infield. for the return voyage on~ the ta set aside the $5,000 designat- :Vile yuthwas epotedmisssaie sip, he CapainCook". ed in this year's budget for in- ed b an18-earoidBowan- ________________ sam shp, he Capaindustrial and promotion, in a ille 1ot a epre is The number of cards an.- speciai account, accessible tao John Stacey, of Orchard Viexv tvemorial Hlospital letters received by Mrs. Tait in the Chamber of Commer -e I3vd wa feeklr oeru England following the story with their approval. Thyut o tey Reot which appeared in The States- s.met for some 0f n saidhe et ut fom lexndra Fortheweek of July 10-16. She is very grateful indeed ta h adrnail the arganizations and indi-goraeasflwsCbug Yato Club, trontoemanuran Admission ----------- 40 viduals 'who remembered her $570, Campbeliford $210, Pr'- later. His 28-foot nboard was Discbarges --- - ~ i hswy Her niece and terborough $2,800, Lindsay pulled into Centre Island for Births, 4 maie, 2 female_ 6 niece's busband thought their Ho$700.elvle 10,P aunt's Canadian friends were Hp 40 repairs. Major operations -- -- --- 7 sml wonderful and marvç>-l- Wben all the money, total- After losing several boum-' Munor operations-------- 9 led at the volume of mail she ling about $ 10,000 is pledged ping in Scarboro to drap off a Emergency treatments---- 40 received. ta the association, the Provin- time hestatedhom, sop-cial Govemnment wi]l grant passenger. These facts are publishe:i "I cried when 1 got every $10,000 to the organization and Stacey said bis riding lights weckly in an effort ta acquaint one," Mrs. Tait said. "But thcY a charter wili be received. had failed, and be was foraed this community with the ser- wcre just wonderful. I bad all Seek Data ta travel siowly. vices of our hospital. the beautiful cards arrangcd rpre eraund my room, and the let- President Banting rpre ters were such a beip in cheer- ta the Chamber of Commerce! ing me up."1 that bie had spent the best part1 "Hole -in -the - W all" Besides ber physical injuries, Chamber of Commerce and the' Mrs. Taia day with themOntarua and ber nerves are stili in poor A gain Accident Scene condition. Otherwise, she has RtrsAt A g ain A ccid ent S cene almost recovercd from her te:-Rei s f i which foilowed the ship for lwenty - 15hree lnjurecl ribl xpeiece'i tistr ]TI L'W»ny-t[jie ' passengers ini lie did rot sec tbc transport, il a Colonial Coach lines bus wes'e xvlich was eitber ntil ed r o e ,1 njured early iast Friday mamu- travelling ,very SiowIY, niit\o e Take iiiing whcn the bus ammed into was boa late. He jammed on'C os e port rector-trier unit as it foot brake, but could nat stop, i '..,qn, are ed ppmoached "The Hale-m -bbc- and the empty transport was'l as Wall" on Highwey 2 cast uf, pusbcd 80 fect by bhbc pat 1-I Newcastle. The front of tbc bus xwTs eut From (.,rono fTea af bbe injured persans open anîd pushed back like an mee fmom bbc Maritime pmov- eccardion by the racks of -lie The Bookdele Roses squeez-,, inces, and the others were from, truck, anc of wbich bamely e d tbrougb ta thc narrawcst, Toroo, Hamilton, Otaj isd the' bus drivel's bead. victory af the season overO- Mnreai Peterborough, anci Police Chief Arthur Randaili oaa O's Monday evening et 1 Grafton. Most seriously hurt of Newcastle, investigatcd thef Memoriai Park, winning an was rs.PretonDiamoad, 0f accident, which occurme d abolit evcnly-balenea elgm - Chamlottetown, P.E.I. She wvas 1,5 yards east af the underpess 8. rusbed ta Oshawa General under the Canadien Pacifie crsra - ntet Hospital with severe shock and RaiiwaY tracks. 'Soe ed55l b hr lacerations ta bier entire body, The place where this ecci- finning, ad 7-7 in tbb begin- iacluding a smeasbed knee-cej. dent bappcned b as been the niag of tbc eigbtb inning. scene of severai athesi atBowmanville got bwo ruas in, Al bbc other injure dper-fyem aniisnbrsin asie tue lest inning while Orono got fson s were r1 er adi orou aseabed et Bowma- 'd . e-spot. woonl ner ville Memorial Hospital, wbere! . Twa cars could nyac ex off-duty staff wemecaclledi possibly squeeze thuthe Stino trebthewi ito came for tbc emergency uxîderpass et bbc same time, wes givea ta Gord "Wieaer" Lucius "Hem" Haoper, Bowmanville Fire Chief cases.bu t ut is aimost impassible for'Sellers wbo came in ta pitch, la shown being presented with a gold watch by C. E. transport, driven laprtgdverls oso.a i Tbc abs-itethi was mede of a u-Rehder, preieto h omnil onr opn The la~~~~~~,prt erveirs ado in .tranb-itmnbthi rsdein.fScan eidn f h aw avl oudyCopn 1 by John Bishop, of Ganenoque, 1 af flicking their ]ighbs as tbcy standing performance in the Ltd., on his retiremeat Iast Friday afternoon. Mr. Hoaper beci appaently sbopped toailf eppraacb, ta wemn traffie corn- oubfield by speedy Ted Dadsouî,f holds anc of the iongest service records with the Faundry. low another truck ta pess îng from bbe opposite direction, wbo made two or three specta- The watch was engraved with a suitable inscription. Other through the aarrow underpass, and then speeding through tbe culer catches et stretegic mam-ogsric mlye honi h htoae ete located irP a hollow betwecn centre of thc underpass ta gain lents, beiping the Roses consid-agsrieepoessow ntepooae ete two sbeep huis. The bus driver,f momenbum ta meke bbc bill ou erably against their stroagest: Gord Cowle (27 years> and, right, Bill Yeo (48 years). 'AZthtar erry1 o IigUtOD, za4 I the other aide of th.e valley. i vaisa, --Photo by Rehder he !nous at heLime. TaheJNew- ofcastle Fime Departmcnt did nit mespond ta the caîl, whicbi came fromn outside the village limits. A stary on page 12 of 9- this issue deais with the policy ssed,$407 T 1ýraýde.aed sTndustry Brancb re. - etiy. He sid that the records -the Trede and Industry Branch ia bas o Bwmanville do nat s sho enypropemty available 'L for industry, and are camplete- i ly outdated on ail aspects. *r He statcd that be bad sug- Ygestcd a meeting af mepresen- *tatives from that organization il itNBwmRvll officiais and aliC.NR.and C.P.R. Industrial B mnceh oficias ta acquaint them with Bowmanvilic, lis- ten ta their ideas regarding promotion of industry bere, and tos "et lest get tbe facts o2 what we have got and whet we baven't got." Those ta whom be had spoken weme whoic-bcamtcdiy in favor of such a meeting. I Almost-But Not Quite iMm. Banting stted that an industmy which had been ser- i iausly considcming iocating here bad established in Ajax be- cause spece wes not evaiiabie beme for them ta ment. He feit that Bowmanvi]le's unfombun- 1 ae situation as far as ecquir- ung af new industries is not caused by a shortage of pros- pects, but mather hy a short- age af "foliow-up" by groups and individuels who shauld Le ,unterested. 1He urged that members ùf the real estate business in Bowmanviiie compile listings 50 the Chamber af Commerce cen bell prospective buyems et a moment's notice just what is available in and near Bowman- ville. r47 Years Car, J I JLV%, JL £U.Lb Wil Sfart to Pave Rest of 11.5 In August Pavîng is expected ta begin fbighway, but will flot be next month on the section of duai-lane route. Highway 115 south of Orono, Carter Construction bas Mr. Duff, District Engineer for sub-contract for constrtwtioc the Department of Highwayý, of the cloverleaf west of Ne,ý- bas stated. castle. Highway 115 wili g Compiaints of dust from under Highway 2. Highwa farmerr, and others living along 2 wiii be connected with th this section of road wiil sooin 401 route near the point whci, be remedîed. lit merges from four lanes int The Hi-way Construction two, and with the new roai Compny i doig th priaryeast of the main portion of thf Compny s dong he pimay ad hîghway. The cloverlea construction of this road and will b e large and easily fal thet extenýson wich will con- loxed by motorists from aný Chamber Plans Calling Public Meeting About Town Garbage Problem Municipal Garbage Collec- tianed at the Chamber of Ition, yes or no, will be the ta- Commerce meeting Monday, pic of a public meeting and and Art Hooper suggested that panel discussion in the Town the local Chamber acqui*e co- Hall, if Town Council approves pies of the programs and news- of the Chamber of Commerce's paper write-ups from Wbitby, suggestion. London, and ather centres Authorities on bath sides af wbich celebrated their centen- the question wîli be present ta fiels this year. "They bac answer questions on the sub- some great ideas", bie remark- ject, and ta present their viewvs cd. It was egreed thet the in order ta educete the citizens Chamber of Commerce will be of Bowmanvile on the tapie piaying a major role wher *whîch is presently receiving a Buwmanviiie's Centennial rails good deai of discussion arouna around. town. Town Council plans ta take action et their next meet- ing if an adequate expression Tw«ro y a of opinion is received fromn theIw o d e r people before that time. At present, individuel con- a cerns operate the garbege col-Plns t P lection as private enterprise. Pa t o P a duct such a meeting, if the cpJ- Soft baIl Here aperation of Town Council i s received, and will obtain au- Ail-Star softbell between th;s thorities who will speak botil Goodyear Tire and Rubber NUMBER 29 "Durham Countyes Great Familv Journal" W_ A special committee of thrce consiclored rather "touchy" and go: men was fommed by the Chami- vas dropped. President Bant- ay ber of Commerce Mondey -ta ung stateci that he wvould likze he meet with the Police Commh,- ta include the question of re sian ta discuss ways and means parking maeters eiong with of împrovîng the parking s-.t- sanie of the other suggestions ta uation whîch exists in Bow-r in a survey including 'dozens idhe~ manville. of questions" on rnany tapics afI Glen Hughes, Bernard Kit- of intercst, s0 that the opinions ney and Rick Rickaby were rOa the gencral population of name ta this com itte . Ithe tawn and the surroundiný pu area could bc detcrmined. be- Severai suggestions werepu fore tbe Chamber of Commerce forwa md by the Chamber mcm- takes any initiative and asks pf~~~ ~~ bers present at the July meet- TownCuci atkeStn < 4 ing. Among hese was tbe ad- nsuch rolems. ke aci - diion f atrafie oficr tatha Wbile the Police Force was police frce in order ta m ake un e di c s on ev r l e - a more complete and thorough bers xrse hi l-sr Check an parking vialators. ihtepresedthecie suîPo Berna rd Kitney, a former mem- ihte o h hifa o ber f te Bwmanill Pocolice, Sid Ventani, bas done in b oreof teeBoanvithe oice is the past and is still doing for orceagmed hatthefore ~the town. "He bas kcpt mare undcrstaffed. "This is the anly young fellows out of jeul than John S. Emmerson town ain Ontario that I know lie bas put in jeul," anc mcm- of thatha sn't a man an thei ber asserted. the Secretary af Jerusalemn front street whilc the stores Parking Lot Lodgc A.F. & A.M., No. 31, a re open," he seid. "I'm sur- Ab Sturmock repÔrted that be Bowmanviile, wes elccted Dis- prised that the merchants and a committec arc investigat- Strict Deputy Grand Master of havcn't dcmanded it."intepssbitaIstis- Ontario District No. 10 by ac- nthposblyofeali- clamation t the Masonie Lodge At present, parking 15 check- ing a parking lot behind stors - ornt t ecd by anc member of tbe four- on King Street and are baving convention in Trnotis ek man force once or twicc a wcek. some success so fer. The amea Mr. Emmerson, who resides et President Elmer Banting tbcy are considering was des- Mastiertf teetalorth, i1942 mentioned thet in Strathroy, ar cribed by Mm. Sturrock ta be in S e iastemof ce the oodyinc94r man asked permission af Coun- some places "almost a slurn plantin mlya the esnelDsonea cil ta be traffie officer, and arca", and it us the \vish cf and is a member of the Canadin when he was granted the job, the committe ta not ony pro- Legion, Boy Scouts Association proceedd ta tag the mayor's vide parking but ta dlean up Executve, and the Board of car and those of the councllors the ara as wei. Trinity United Curch. Born in wo vilated even the least Oakwood, Ontario, he movd ta enforcd regulations. Now, Mr. 5Bowmanvilic in 1926.- He is Banting said, parking is en-f L married ta the former Lillian forced ta the letter, and "the ire L..esroys Hlmn, Newtonvile, and thy people lve it." have two cbildrcn, Monty, 12, Bernard Kitney suggested and Phyllis Ann, 6. The district that "no parking islands" b Ho use WVed. wbch Mr. Emmerson head-, markd outi in front of four comprises 13 lodges fromn Port grocery stores on the oh Pcrmy ta Caîborne. side of King Street wherc gro- At Newcastle ecries could be loadcd into cars, and where trucks coud A ouse and garage owned deliver their goods. In Corn- by Martin Kaartinen, R. R. 2, M rs. A. Tait wal, he said, this sYstern Newcastle ure t h

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