I e W4Aqz TM New Boys" ÇCamp Being Parents to 53 Boys at Camp Proves Exciting and Enjoyable Here TM CANADIAN STATESMAN, IEOWMANVTLLIC, ONTARO Dinner'is Served, Outdoor Style Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew - ' Cavan are father and mother 10 53 boys, and they love e.very: one of them. The boys are al residents at the ÇVorking Boys' Home, on Gould Street, in Toronto. During the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Cavan are in chargé of a4 camp near Bowmanvilîe, where the boys spend weekends and bolidays. The camp is located. o11 the creek which runs intol e Vanstone's mill-pond, and is sil- uated just forth of the "western end of Mill Lane. This is the second Year 'of opecration of the camp, anaver- i'ge of 25 boys are spending-théir weckends here this year, and' 5('efl or more are remaining an . entire weçk or two for their holidays. "The boss, "Mr. Cavan, is superintendent of Oakham House. Canadas onlvý, Working Boys' Home, and is loved n respected bY -ail his wards. '1\ost of the -53 boys presently bnarding at Oakhamn House corne irOrn i hrl:n homes, andi have! !eu n sL1!t therc bv chcli rhandti chiltren '. a j d or!-anizatioxns hali os-vr hei ernng1 A grloup of bos at the \Working Boys' Home stIMMer camp north-wst of Box thicir sax'ings and do!es out mniie ae o oiclo Barry Harrop prepare 'hi supper of f i spenin;ý nine.., atoes. As maux- as 25 bovs frorn Oakh-am House, a bnarding home foir workipg boy~ Iluse Be Firrn 'lnor-onto, styatt1he camp n o eekends, and '-' s- -vea tes eanfrte- i ho Bein.1 parents te s;O nian..j1 Mr. and Alrs. B. Cavaii days.Sir in is one of th-e fax'ourite activities of the boys while they are bore box's is rio easy vtask, Mr. Cavani as an bcseen-y thee\_ienef___________ts saiti. "You ave to know when 1- to ho firin, and when bo be 1B-B" rifle loto the hilîside,! steps cnt into the earth.ascnb'eu1'th eidc-ufahug ut. kind." 'The boss" knows. tIhe boss" glared at him, then' At Ibis site, on the east sideý When one of the boy's fired a nîairched over, grabd the rifle, of the vailex'. a cabin has been' - ~ Sandi dernandeti, "W%ýas that Joadi- built as residence for- the boys rirsi Cabin [N'ov "The Boss"' Q uarters ed' who staY a week or more aI the oYs, sir." camp, and as a stol-ehouse. "You know better than that," Three white canx-as lents are hie said, as lie clipped i hm a gooti the weekend quarters. To reach * T Pst one. The vouth, about 16 years Mr Cavan's cabin, on the other - -u Due st old. fllncbed, and turned his side* uf the x-allex', the visitor DeBis eyes 10 the grouind, as Mr. Cavan mu st follow the footpath down reprimanded hlmi firmil-, and 1 more stops to the creek, across bold him ele place to fire the a wooden bridge constructdý To Consolidate rifle was on the range, dw the boys, and along the creek EUin the valle. Thon he scoldod bank 10 the swimming hole. Mon thly Iwo of the older boy s for allow- where a dam bas beeii built - Payments ing the rifle 10 be fireti near 10 deopon the water, then 0the camp. through the woods on a pathway M e Must Be Kind of s»rngy pine neetiles andi up AA short while later, the samne a no b er steep bank. Here, in For omeyouth propped himiseif on bisi a grassy plot, a small broïvn FofHm elbows on a camp table and1 ca-bin is located. On the sitie Repairs asked the superintendent, "Are lof the cabin is the nine 'Work- Yanu guing 10 let mie bave onough ing Boys Home." A roadway money 10 go to the show tonight, leads from the west end of this boss?"' lot soubhward 10 No. 2 Highway. For New "No. l'mi going b bteach you.Pou ofBy au 1 save your money if it's the Mr. and Mrs. Cavan, who Purchases last thing I do." have four children of their own,-- 'But I usually get a dollar are proud of the boys they have on Wednesday," the boy said.* now. "We have a good bunch , "l'*I'll ust gel 50 cents next week, of boys," Mr. Cavan said, "anti j For Any 'boss." we are very thankful." I~~- ~ - Afler a short lecture on how Mrs. Cavan pointed out that 1U - Emergency to save money, "the boss" reach- boy ho have been subjected cd in bis pocket anti scî-aped up 1 the life that many of their ' 47 cents. He borrowedti hree lad ebvecseen cannot help be- Corne In Today ~~~cents from another boy- n n i yia, andsm Tr Te BI ue ay sid "hak bss"axreseYbrilndaton a h y andod il over 10 the boy, who se 0be unruly at limes. She44 on a ~"Ilýs the sanie with ail of peuple wbo thînk Oakham House . . *. - on athem" Mr Cavn sad.,is a home for bad boys. 'i gel ('amp Bought 1954la so mad," she said, "because The first cabiu bujît by the boys at t he Working Boys' Home summer camp two mosl of bhem are very nice yearls ago is situatod in a grassy area at the top of the valley bank, west of Barber's B eTheue nianvicampsartedi 154 - Creek, and now serves as a summer week end home for Mr. and Mrs. . Barbholomew atruthe lnd Wr rv, ih vll wî they re ghere and aI avan, superinlendeuts of the camp. Th2 tents and another cabin have been ereoîed ornedn f te Otrodo whal is right, the people wiîî a the cast side of the 22-acre pruperty for the boys who spend the summer week- FI l fCerinindthoiforheBos hro0gel 10 know them anti see Ihat ends here. 1Ih 2ar plot bas a road lbey are gooti boys," she stateti. CORP. allowance lcading lu il, but the Started in 1867flT TA v charge. Later. thcy, bought the Boauty from order springs- G. B. WILSON, Mgr. roadway endis at an abrupt cliff,1 The Working Boys 'Home, 'JJJ.LUARYL store on the Island anti for William King. 291/ Simcoe S. Dial 5-1121 so the entranco is a foo-path1 startei by Sir Daniel Wilson, a seventeen years were faitb fui - - OSHAWA ~~~~~~~~~~~througýh a corn-field, along the mnember cf Sir John A. Macdon- MR.JH JBLNndbovtme er0f a-- ___ bank of the va]le *y past sumacb altis cabinet in 1867, was oi- Mrs. John Joblin passetiI ic land. huchaI the foot of___ anti applo trocs, anti down the inalx' a Newsboys' Home. Si teIslroea huchd._ side of the vallcy by moans of Daniel was a Glasgow news boy. away "suddenly' on Friay, Juix' s obi ssuvvdb ----- In 1891, the namne andi location' 151h al Maple Gien Rest Home. r.Jbi ssrieib were changeti, andtihIe home Gormloy. Ont., in bier 92nd o Calgery, AMrs.,H.aC. BitsA. gaineti its present status. A full- year. lCla, laat VlsA B. Joniess of Moose Jaw, Sask., wAI lime staff is employeti aI Oak- The tieceasoti was bon near also a broth-er, Mr. Fred H. b ain House, anti much of the Bowmanvillo, the tiaugliter o)f Joness of Stettier, Alla., anti a xxoik is dune by bhe boys anti J. M. anti Mrs. Joness and ti I n ,v.F .Jolno tercummittees. A boys' court- spent the oarly part of ho Perry. orhcl r * e 1 o tP~sn e.F.GJoln f cielecctidb the by them- in Bowmanvillo community The funeî-al service was beltiA selves, secs thal activities are wbere shewa a much beo- from the McDcrmott Funeral * Y ou can o w r - wir on im e.properîx' run. et u d e o l t a h r il' H om e, P ort Perry, conducte tci You can nw re-wireon time.Mr.anti lVrs. Cavan are sup- the MoTthodîst l'Cohurch, later- by Rev. Dr. B. D. Armstrong, cîîntendents, andti he Boardi of Triniy Uniteti Chureh. Fi sitt yRx.Po.Knse Management consisîs of several so e yoars he hltithe posI- Joblin of Toronto. Dr. Arm- igg n ct ic tdweaibhy individuals. including tion of district organizer of lte strong gave a most comforbingW E1Lton, himsclf an *'Olti Boy", of the In 1911 sho was marriedti text, "She bath dune whal she 8E h o ru to demn Fran lf o a' si n r o i t es ge fo b p r pit announce their he Many former reitienîs Mr. John Joblin of Redi Deor, coul'd"ý. ML.I th ome bave become suc- Alla., Indian Industrial School Interment was in the family A AR R ~ ~~~1 essful businessmen ant ciizens. %,',lere sho. founti ample scope, plot in Bowmanville Cemeery R EuW R E N TI E iPublie Invjted for1ber Mr.sioln wz al. Iwbere Prof. Joblin reati the 1 u ~ E W W i f f E ~ U U M '1 M r . C a a n p o i n t e t i o u t t h a . I n 1 9 8 M -. J o b i n \'. a ss e r v i c e . -. any plans are being matie for poneNE b Suo pone --h Suo psoalýPllbearers were Messrs. Ser icethe surnmer camp. A swimming Hoota ofnc ugog; nRussell ar me, lieIClardo c Falik adRussell r predcted andthe eopl o er, Oliver Reatier anti Stanley3 9 NO DOWN PAYMENT Bpredîct eti an ithe teopl f Ploughman of Port eran8,VI L o v ( e r y b n a e a r gB o w anv îe nt i dse i ti c t e îl lP errm ei nxiei -ie il f b e î o!M oirris Joness of B wm anville, 60 L n w nea ly ank rat ) c rry ng charges 1~ H e inviteti anyone w ho is in- a n p e f t e d c a e i igt ejr rai isorpectleon tcar their coage in M s kka.m---ès k' S'HAC I EOM be takefloff the track by one man. at os eebruh COOKED HAM Commercial Alterations. IM L Since men Who design rail 1Sn rdyvistos t rkL C C9 at -.QUICE eightful relief from the portation equipment reguarly member the Vacation Bible Gbi u $YxPm of~n heati cold, sinus. catarrh, use aluminuni to cut down deadi Showihsaî nMn ILT b""""i s n. sthna, hay ever. weight anti increase pay load, it Sday, Aug. 8 taro9 nclusiveR L E T H§0 0N LEC RIeadyto-halr Compmnd $5d00. is no surprise that aluminum from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. w Af ga ndmo u e n alrtm e toe-35 r 00. ed to replace heavier Sym pa hy of Iis com m un- ,LIMITED vit.die tninSoe, r materials in man>r parts of this ity is extendedti 10the family14 3 ELCTICW~1N, WPIK AD EFIGRAED LGAR EMOrN.ASSOCIATIS inspection car. The person %ho and relatives of Mrs. B. J. Gay, W t4yBrend Cooke<d Allfouzj> ox 6 .1990 le e wili.-dbe surprise is the loc osh wa 0 e Wi niîveso BL L Agflïiio3"Od rcSdCr»motive engineer Who first sees a Who passeti away hast week -M A 1- 43 fNERA L 0 ELECTRIC Bow m anville ff-ant si glehanwdldu 4 9 ~ MAT3ere are almxoONTsrad100pedifferchalatl49 3K ing St. E. tOMS APPLANC NALEft Ontario is scooter fi-rn the traclT ekae.l o t 11 ife -z ý rý'a n i gl -nsp etor- n on h itly - 1 aft r a engt ydilness AL M Iu. C MPeY 0 F en I a i-joies of M aple, t n of p ALUMPUNI C'%IPAY OF which are economîically imnnr- %&LOa. LI. (L.4.aJ " tant "Canacia1 0- t- 1 uat.ete Zo:3" Fri. eve and Sat. p.m., Chapter 7 "CODY GETS HIS MAN" MON. - TUES. - AUGUST 8 - 9 "Beachhead" (Tech) Starring TONY CURTIS, FRANK LOVEJOY and MARY MURPHY Stark realism and stirring heroies highlight this suspenseful World War Il saga filmcd on the Hawajian island of Kauai. Extra Color Short "VISTA VISION VISITS NORWAY") Time 7 and 9:10 WED. - THRURS.- AUGUSI 10 - 11 of"Revengé o the Cetr Starring JOHN AGAR and LORI NELSON Also "A GIFT FROM DIRK" (filmed ini Holland) Time 7 and 9:10 Enjoy Hearty ~ ~ vJi~ Good w ! r j Seasonal Savings To. R With A&P's and VEGE TAB3LjES! California's Finest No. 1 Honey Dew MELONS «h.ý California Fancy Valencia (Now at their best) ORANGES 5-ib cello bag 59c Golden Ripe No. 1 BANANAS lb1 9C Ontario Grown No. 1 White Table Stock POTATOES - ob b3.5c Deep-oCut bSpeialog! A&P CHERRIES Ch~oke Red Pitted 2 15-oz tins 35c S HREDDIES Doicious'Breakfast Ceoai 281/a-oz pkgs 3lc PICKLES McLamn Crispie Sweet Mixed l6-z îar 29c LEMON JUICE Sunkist 2 6-oz tins 21c SI PEI-RIGHT MNEA TSI Extra Lean MINCED BEEF 3 bs 79C Peamealed (Whole or Malf) COTTAGE ROLLS lb d45C Rendy to Cook - 4 - 5 lb. Average GRADE A FOWL lb 53C Supe-Righ, Smol.d Rindle MIE BACON 1-b pkg 63 c B3y the. Piece BIE OILOGNA n'23c . Prie*#II Effective rÀ Unt"f Satardoy,Fo dS re' Aug GUi.~~Iiie.~ »1 ~e Gel-ai M~-ama COMPANT DAY, AUG. 4th, 1035 BetURDy, r. . ths, 1efS Mrs. L. Jones spent a -few Barbara and Marjorie h. days with her aunt, Mrs. Levi lips are staying with their Ward, Toronto. aunt, Miss Foec Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Cook and Fomvlrenc John, spent a few daSrs with vle Rev. and"Mrs. A. E. Cressweil Mr* and Mrs. WiIl Hall, Bar- at their cottage, Cressy Coveý rie Bay, visited last week witil Bala. ,Eldon returned home his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1-. after spending a week with Hall. John. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byarn Congratulations to Mr. -and visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Williâ, Mrs. Allyn Taylor (nee Kath- Cannington. leen Smith) who were married Mr. and Mrs. Carson Tayor last Saturday at Hampton un-. and Floyd, Meadowville, spet» ited Church.- the weekend with. Mr. e Mrs. Ann Phillips, Carol and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. This Week at the Royal TEURS. FR. SAT. -AU. 4 -5 6 "Man Wit haut A Star" (Tech) Starring KIRK DOUGLAS,* JEANNE CRAINE and CLAIRE TREVOR with Frankie Lane singing the titie 'song. This story of the fight between frontier r-inchers has ail the -ingredients anci' situations that are cx- pected in a top-grade sagebrush picture. Extra Featutrette "Who's Who 3 La Fri. 7 and 9:15 â:30 and 10:30