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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1955, p. 11

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17fflDAY, AUG. 4th, 1955 CIossïrmed O NTA~RO TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the pur- chase of Scotch Pine Christmas Trees, growing on Lot 17, Con. 1, Manvers Township, Durham !ý0unty, the said lot being part IGanaraska Authority Forest. ,Tenders will be forwarded ta the District Forester at Lindsay, n sealed envelopes, marked "Tender for Christmas Trees." Tneswill be received up ý'0and including August 3lst, 1955, at 12:00 o'clock noon, E.D.S.T. Tenderers will find the trees for sale in areas adjoining the new Peterborough Highway No. 115, toward the north end of the lot. Turn east off Highway No. 35, at MacRae's Church, isouth of Pontypool. The lot contains an estimated 15,000 trees, over 5 feet in height, ail of which must be re- mnoved by the successful tender- er. Tenderer must agree ta take ail trees over 5 feet in height. Tendered price is for the trees on the stump, the success- fui tenderer to cut and remnove trees at his own expense. Successful ýenderer to remit certified chet ue for $2,500.00, made payable to the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario, to the Department of Lands and For- ests, Lindsay, by September 15th, 1955, the balance to be paid prior to remnoval of trees from the roadside premnises. Cuttin~ rights cease Novem- ber l5th, 1955. A Departmnental employee must be present to counit al trees being loaded on trucks. No cutting or damnage to the red pine on the lot permitted. Ail living branches on stumps created by the tenderer must be temnoved by the tenderer. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at Lindsay, Ont., 27th JulN, 1955. Clare E. Mapledoram, Minister of Lands and Foresis. 31-1 Tenders Wanted -Egg-Throwing Contest'at the WestBeach Civic holiday activities-at the West Beach included the traditional ânnual egg- throwing contest. Broken eggs, and squeals of nMild terror filled the air. The gents on one side and ladies on the other engaged in a game of torssing fresh eggs back and forth at ever increasing distances. One victim in this photo is appai'entlv suffer- ing from broken egg on her dress. (The yolks on you') Temperatures ranged a- round 100 degrees in the suni, and the beach attracted hundreds of visitors. Roses'Hang Close One, I In the Civie holiday garne at Memorial Park Monday morning, the Bowmanville Brookdale Roses held on to win 7-6 over the second place Orono team. in spite of Orono'5 four-run rally in the ninth in- ning. Heavy hitting by svea Orono pla.vers was responsible1 TYRONE Mrs. Florence Scott is visit- ing ber sister Mrs. W. Mac- donald, Bowmanvillc, and at- tended the Macdonald-Brown ONTAflIOwedding at Port Hope Satur- TENDERS will be received by day last. the undensigned, for the pur- Kay and Joyce Davey spent chase of Scots Pine Christmas a week et Nelson Bickell's, Trees growing in Northumber- Bowmanville. land County Forest. Kennetb Rosevear visited Tenders will be forwarded to his cousin, Kcith Larmer, Fra- the District Forester at Lindsay, senville. in sealed envelopes marked Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott "Tender for Christmas Trees, and Ross, Toronto; Mrs. C. Northumberland Forest." fShaw and Ralph, Oshawa, vi,- T ders will be received up ited with Mr. and Mrs. E. A to * incuding August 27th, Virtue. 1955, at 12 noon. E.D.S.T. Mrs. M. G. Stephens, Toron- Tendeners may see the trees ta; Mn. and Mrs. E. Connors, by appointment only, by *con- Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. tacting the Forest Caretaken atu Burgess. e .R. 3, Cobourg, Ont., Gladys Maynard, Oshawa, is There are an estimated 4,0001 spending a few days wtth her i "Irees of good quaîity.1 sister, Mrs. Horace Hall. Ethel Tendened price is for trees on Hall, Bowmanville, also spent the stump. Cutting and loading the weekend at ber home. to be done at the tenderer'si Mr. and Mrs. K. Rahm and expense.. boYs viritod Mr. and Mrs. C. Successful tenderer shaîl re- Kinapp, Lotus. mit certificd cheque for $2,000.00 Marie. Barbara, Jerry, Mer- made payable to the Provincial 'lene Roslyn, Janice Taylor, Treasurer of Ontario, to the1 John Moore, are holidaying a Department of Lands end For- week at Lake Vairymple. ests, Lindsay, by Septemberi Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bur- 17th, 1955; the balance to be1 gess, Bowmanville; Mr. and Wid prior ta removel of the1 Mrs. Carson Taylor and Floyd, tesfrom the County Forest Meadowvale; Mr. and Mrs. property. Eanl Stevens, lVIr. and MIr s. Ail cutting rights to ceese by Stuart Whytc, Keswick; Mr. November 26th, 1955. and Mrs. Walter Park, Sr., A Department employee shaîl were Saturday evening guests be present to count ail trees as of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. rcmoved. Ail cutting shall be i Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Mer- under the supervision of the' ilyn, and Ronald, Misses Joyce Depertment of Lands and For- !Hopkins and Jean Philp, spent ests.i the weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Highcst or any tender flot Chas. Wage, Binghampton, N. necessarily eccepted. Y. Dated at Lindsay, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson 27th day of July, 1955. Connor, Toronto; Little Patty Clare E. Mepledorem, Paterson and cousin, BonnMinister of Lands Paterson, Maple Grove, are and Forests. 31-1 holidaying with Mr. end Mr. PHONE TO-DAY We wiIl be pleased to supply you with F RE E ESTIMATES on your Heating or Plumbing 11 IFor ail your HOLI DAY CanadPal CANOES Johnston OUTBOARD MOTORS Paceship and Simpldn - Marine 'BOATS Ma ny Opinions About the Thing At Statesman The photo in lest week's Statesinan of the odd abject dubbed "The Thing" for lack of the proper name, brought several suggestions fnomn reed- ers. The object was brought ta The Statesman office b.y Mr. S. J. Beaufoy of Columbus who got it from Mr. Jîm Bell, Whit- by.' Mr. 0. P. Hertzberg wes tbe first to telephone last Thur. - day, sayinghe thought the pe'. culier sbapèd object wes a carpentcr's level. Dr. L. B. Willams confirmed the oniy gucss o! Statesman staff menm- bers. that it was a kind of prism. Mr. Herb Rogers, Jane Stree.,' came in to give the interesting piece of information that his grandfather, William Elford of Hampton, used to make such things for the childccn there. Hie said that it m-as a prism. For the benefit of those whol didn't se the picture of "The1 Thing' in last week's States- I man, vve will tr -v Io describe it again. It is made of wood, is 21 1- inches long altoicethcr. with handies shaped like a rolling pin. The middle part has three identical sides Of glass. well puttied into a frame of the wood, and this glass cei- closed part is hollew. A hole in one of the wonden hannlles PA<IP 1~T~V~U H undreds of -Children in Parade Madame Mystie, fortune teller deluxe, is shown in the foreground, as "she" ac- companies the long parade presented by the playgrounds of the Department of Re- creation to the Penny Fair last Thursday at the Lions Community Centre. Over $100 was earned through the pennies which were spent at the fair. This maney wilI be used to pav for the annual picnic in Orono next Wednesday. lcads into ti' s se on o Vm arg Cowd fi~d s ssumcd that this miri- Two Brides, Two FlowerGiri (le section \vas mearit to h fildwith water t.hroug] 1h12 <Continued from page are) hpndie. thon stoppcrod, and ~ the object set up in the sun io ninth adspcaleens icu ing efa vte sanysrygvn the traditional caw-egg throw- the colo rs of the setu.I for, the big nn î nning. Gord ing centest, and the mutt j ou hveay teriea Sellers camne in te neliox c show, are listed: pleasc let The Statesman hear George 'General" Joncs afttol Girls 6-7 - Betty Pickerd. fromn you. The obicct bas wr'it- the General had pitchcd 9 2/3 Elaine Highifield. Mary Ti ten along one edge: "Thomas innings of nip-and-tuck bal]. Gree-n. ; Boys 6-7 - Ronrp Saleo fo Ms Day Bowmanville's heavy hittir1g Parker. Jim Brown, David Dowmnville. Apnil, 1864. speecmei te.istt - i Stavort; Girls 8.9- Margaret Dos n.n know who cîtheL' nings, with threc runs scoing9 Piekard, Gaii Mulholland, Ber- Fo hs epe\ee in cach. Bowmanvi1le's final niee uny Boys 8-9-David lcague game is taday (Thurs- Kerr, Tuhly Thompson, John day, nOro.Kirkpatrick. Ladies Spot Race-Mrs. Nor- ognhare C. W. Woodlcy. man Bottreli: Girls 1(-11-Pet- Miss Nine ogoaa e John Virtue is spcnding a: sy Kilpatrick. Diane Hallman, turnced to Washington, D.C., few days with bis cousin, P Margaret Corden; Boys 10-Il-1 after spending two weeks with Relph Shaw, Oshawa.1 Don Kerr, Bob Lowe, Robert her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Toron. Mennan. J. Hodgson. ta; Mn, John Tamblyn, Orono, Mens Balloon Race - Mol Mrs. A. C. Perryý. Torontoi, visitcd Mr. and Mns. A. Hills. Burgess; Girls 12-13 - Diare spent the. weekcnd with friends Those ettcnding the Taylor- Ferguson. Beverley McRobbic, hene. Smith wcdding from Tyrone Patsv Kilpatnîck; Boys 12-13--j Guests of Rev. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lowell Highficld, Don Henning, , Reed were Rex'. and Mca. Park, Sn., Mn. and Mrs R. Gregory Cooper. Newton Rccd and daughter Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. wý. H. LaisSo Kkn-MsI Susan. Precceville, Sask.; Mr. Taylor and familyý. Burton, Mrs. Bond; Men's SpotI andi Mcs. Donald Reeti anti Grace Gibbs holidiayeti with Race- Harry Hadcock; Girls Canolyn. Scarbono; Mr. andý Joan Davey. Shoe Race 12 and under-Be- Arthur Leighton and son Jiin. The Davey. sisters spent verlov McRobhie, Diane. Hall- Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mr. ant Tuesday with Audrey Cox, mani; Boys Piggy Back 12 and, Mrs. George Recd, Woodvillc, Ncwpark.. under-(Bob Lowe, Bill Cul- and Mr. Malcolm Recd, Toron- Mrs. C. P. Ma 'v, Win-dsor; 'ley),. (Don Kerr, Jim Vander- Wht otue hn to.atl ntesulgta Miss Donotby Mas' Toronto; schaaf). Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kcra, Wiecsuessoebilatv ntesnih visiteti Mn. andi î-.1 rek Mixed couple Shoc Race ilodl- t .~ rscy's. Fv il rm h in1eteplyrudlôe Wcrny. (Bort Hutchison. Donothy Ann *e vegrsfo th LinCnre ia rudlbk E Mrs. Olive Norrisb, Bow-j Currie), (Bevfrlcy McRobbie, i Mr. Bert Creeper ai-d Miss outfits. Left ta right are Janie Verbeek, Vicky Fishei menville, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oke): Girls Balloon Alice Creepen, Toronto, eit M-. Vandemeet and Hilda Verbeek. S. Norrish. Race 1.5 and uý, der-Bcverley E. H. Colc's._______ ______ Mrs. V. Milîson with Mr. andi McRobbie, Kath,',rine Hický,; Mrs. Ken Caverly and Mrsl was held in our park Seturday, Mns. Leon Mooro. Boys Peanuit Race, 1,5 and un- Albert Cole left Tuesdayfo and the Snowdcn family on but cach night stnip the chol- Mr. and Mci. Frank Hatchcr- doi- Edward Dunn, Jim Van- Vancouver, whore they will Monday. ccst cobs of coi-n in the gardeîi lyý andi family, Lakevicw, caîl- drcaf ii h omn daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cbapmn -cr atdenyhe n cd on Mrs. A. Hatbenly. Egg-throwing Contest-(Bet- (Gwen), Mrs. B. Servis, Mr. i took a trip ho Niagara Falls . sprayed for cab-werni, and Arlene and Esther Ann,,?tv\ McNeil. Ted Datison); Do glSarvis and family. ! and to Crystal Beach wherc, just now at the point where i, Reseveer. spent a couple of Derby-Coaches 15 and under Miss Jacquecline and Mss they visited bei- brother,, Mr. could have returneti seme fruit days with their grantifathen, I -Wayne Severs, dog "Judy";I Gwentiolx-n Huis of Toronto, Gibbs who is il. Thoy laten for Our cffor-t. Mn. 1. W. Larmen. Millbrook. Kar-en Mulholland. deg -Luc-, speot the weekcnd at hxome.* enjoyed a trip in northern On- Personals Margaret and Inez Bickell. ky". Punt Race-15 and under Miss Louise Ternill bas ce- tarie. Each weck seemi ta bring a Bowmanvilc, are spending a -Gary Cole, Don Green, Hac- turne d fcem visiting hor Mr. anti Mci. Gardon Wil monasui-e e! illness for some ef weck at the home e! Mr. andi vcy Bottrol. Ron Memin. grarqdparents in Mentreal, bur, Donna, and baby SOn' oui- Kedron familles.'This week Mrs. D. Davey. Que. Clarke, are eccupying a cottage we regret te report that Hacnx' Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Clapp Misses Giativs Chapman andi tWlîm'Pit Rose bas undergone surgical and Roddv, Belleviloe. isitecd Ceeule Petit visîtcd the Chap- Noda-u sedvyich oon Sun- treatment in Toronta, and \vill1 Mn. and Mî-s. Raymond Clapp. B . Aan's on their rcturn from da- ibe helti at 10 j es-be confincd as a patient there man sin wll b hed a 10.5. or everl dys.Ourthoughts Lorraine Rosevear is vîsitin;, Flot-ida.sinonevaltysOu ce- with ficnds et Millbrooký. (Continued from Page One) Misses Darlene andi Cathie, and best wishes forc ora Mr. and Mci. E. Stevens, Mr. i Hall are visiling fheir grand- ploi e cecovery are with Hanry and Mns. S. Whyte. Kesw.,ick:! in expenses above that buti- 1 parents et Brooklin while Mr..IKLDRuN andi bis famnily ait this time. Mn. and Mci.. Carson Taylor geteti for the pear. anti Mrs. Hall are on e vaca- Mci. Alvin Spencer is still and Flo.ti, Meadow-vale. vis:t-1 Towvn Planning tien trip. The Colurnbus-Ketiion Do,-1 confined in Oshawa hospital, cdr. adMi trPr The third rcatiing o! the i Mr. and Mî-s. J. A. Wanrac bles Club enjoverl a fine picnî uti nersin aorby r. andi MrsWalterRahmTown Planning By-Law, No. and Marilyn arc on a holidlayj witb Mr. anti Mrs. PercY Fîrieiidliest thoughts and kind- 1587, was passed, and a fcc of Itrip te Viî-ginia. Mountjoy hasts, ah their pivn!L est wishes anc witb her tee as spent the wcekend with Mr. $1.0 sent ta the Municipal' Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradley grounds, andi an attendance of xve sympathize with these Ke- and Mrs. A. Grace, Four Mile Planning Board. A heaning on and Herbic* are on a trip to 3 ls dron folk who are bcd-patients Lake. th ylwwilnwb ei akthwa.3 ls in this spell of prolongeti heat. Mr.andMrs Hary athr-mn the Council Chamber Thurs- Others who are cnjoying FMr. and Mns. Ray Scott can- ly, Larry and Wayne, Aider- day, Sept. 15, when anyono holiday trips arc Mr. and Mrs ucet t'ppogannt pots last %var a ntiRosBufoan wood, spent a week xith bis wishing changes in the byý-lawx Laverne Clemens, Eiarle Luke-s with pnizes as follaws: Pi- -senlat ekndiBufo mother, Mrs. A. Hatheriy, may be heard. Mr. Jack Macnab. Rev. and sohool chiltiren-Donald Wer- with Mr. anti Mci. Reg. Black- Shirley and Canal returning Ms ed c.Ndeyat ry, Ian Hancock; Jr. Girls -_ more. Eari Brown is spending home with them. Bicycle Racks Mar r e ae s. ime.yan June Davis, Lynda Scott; Hop this holiday weckcnd there Congratulations te Mr. anti DC. Maitland, o! Feirpgnt Mr.areatLaMc i. ek yc - Douglas Scott, Lynda Hep- with bis sister anti plans ta. Mci.Rayont Clpp n teinBeach, asked permission te were guests et the Mastens-Fai- kins; Blind folti iac foi- menbin Mr.Bakoentbr 25tb wcdding ennivcrsary ,jit- oreot bicycle racks in towli, iey wedding in Bowmanville-Duls cttPnyMettw citrnhoe ihhm ly 3lst. A femily gatierfingý wit]h space for edvertising b., nsautiy joy; Backwards race - Lorne for a holiday on the faim, ta waî helti et the home of Mr. local merchants. Refennedti te Wcon lcme ttaurvilag Tregunna, Frank Hancock: escape the city's heat. anti Mrs. R. J. Hotigion, Hamp- 1 Police Committec. Mr. anti Mci. Cecil Slcmon o! Nail-driving conteit for ladies Jeekie Hoskin of Harmony, ton, lest week. Dance Halls Havdôn, who have taken up -Mrs. C. Hopkins; Ball-throiv- spent a week et Sunnyside with Mr. anti Mci. K. Colbary anti Police Committce repontetiý residence in the home former- I ming - Mci. Lamne Tiegurina, the Haroldi Wennys, before Frankie, spent two weeks hall- that a by-law hs in* force negi- 1-]y owned by Mn. anti Mcrs c.PnyMuto.levn o eke cu dain e Sit Fîl atith ltigpublicehalls in Bowmen-MakBcbr. Faveurs werc presentedti t Camp et Cnow Lake. w-cekcnd et Prairie Lake. 1 il-bt.t'e etafc n.W .Hm a enthe winners anti e vote Of Miss Olive Luke, with frientis Thene xvîll be ne Tyrone dtance halls such as those et the confinedti t beti anti untier the thanks xvas moveti by Bill from Tarante, is en.îoyîng the news for two wecks as aur ce'-- cc hîen diso stotr ae eing taken Snewden for the use o! the holiday weekend et Lumina, respondent anti ber husband chargeti. Funthen investigation suddenly ilI while in, Oshawva' fine groundis, andti taMr. anti jLk !Byat ae are taking a wcll-carnet hall- i, planncd 10 tny te regulate on Monday ofo lait wcck. He isMi.Ry ct fra!agigita Pembroke, Ottawa anti Gan- dayet otsh ekener Bn-these places. somewhat improveti but still for the sports anti prizes.enu. croft. Anyonc who lias news 1 Icaner Mauntjay h is Siting te be publisheti pîcase senti or Liquiti ncfreshmcnts wcne requiring reit in bcd. IFan bis final service beforeiheir sisten. Mci. Evenson Nec-1 phone it direct te The States,- pi-ovidedti t council members, Mn. anti Mci. R. J. Hotigien lii holidav, Rex'. R. H. Rick - ton, Brougham. man. anti othens et the meeting by entectainedti t a femily dinner anti chose te speak on the tex t, 1Mr. anti Mci. Howard Brown m nHis W onîhip, Mayor Osborne.j July 27th in hoor ofo their '"Come ye yourselves apar nto anti Erie, Oshawa, visiteti Mci. IThe liquitis bet nathing ho do j g ghter anti buibanti, Mr. anti a desent place anti nest aw',hile" Fletchen Wercy anti Wilma, -)n witbi the ceming vote on local Mrs. aymondi Clapp. o!f 1s- Frank Haneock ,vas tbc soloiÂ1 Thursday, anti ail enjayeti a oion. rene, on their 25th wcddixg foc this morning serice ant i ini togethen in the woods. i DeeomnAsn annivecsary. sang -Tbcre's aV if tOCle Ms H. Crosîman, Mci. B. H. 'K. Long, chairmen of, Mci. AlIv'n Taylor (nec Kath- Bs eiA're. - Mci. H. Pascoe anti Mns Betwisbes from tbe congre- Hi. Werry werc in attendarn-e Zone 2 cf the Lake Ontarie leen Smith) xvhese manniege gation follow the farnily in our at the Columbus Communitv N E SRegianal Devclopment Assci-took place on Satuctiay. manie fer a splendid month o!f Sho\ver foc John Neyloc anti i EE Stien, wrotc stating that i I The Ferguson family piOf 10 hohidys. Mr. Riekard's adde. his bride in the Church Hall. ciation are net in immediatcl:, mi ahe xvhub i. woîlli Columbus, on Tuestiay even. 50 per cent o! the $1a,000.00 Oak Lake, Sterling P.O., R. R.j Mrs. E. Love, Donna Hosiun. E- ~~~~~gex'ernmen't grant will be lest, -dWmvat n hanti il will be impossible te, irs. Harodie, adJen dxertise fr t ir scetay- i Service will be withdrawn i e w r ve- ht guests of 3manager. Bowmanville's tee of \\ ~foc the Sundays of August 7, Mr andi Mci. Lelanti Love et $400 hati already heen sent ji anti 14, anti a supply will oe- their cottage on Mazinaw Lake te the association. cupy the pulpît for the lest t\wo j on Tbursdie e-cing. Suntiavi o! the manth, when John Luke anti Ron werry reguler services are resumeti wece weekend guests cf Dr. Tho' we travel the world e t.9.4 5 arnm. Roy Montgornerv and femily il ver te finti the beautiful, wc Flowers et the alhar the pa .t et theîî summer home oin miust have it in us or finti it two Sundavi wecc fnom the Lake-of-Bavs anti with theni anot.-Raipb Waldo Emerson. " gardens o! Mns. E. Mountjoy, attenide tth Holiday Dance et beauifulis oe ofthe i bresbing i the'oactiofo the ing. As participants in the Re- a fetuiwaYs o! Eultivatiiîgi da', vith fair fall wheat yield7lgetta on Setucday aftennoo, rim er ~ ~~anhm; c es !teeqat~~ i appreciatian o! the d1ivine ïNEN ALLYO'U GETrS ABELANME but mucb spring grain of!in- 1Hou, John anti the two Mont S a e ,E.ix rnkMf P--:f1itethe ," lionsPCKlm a- iri lo ng ît -Agn - Mis L-i-l-ianý ls, One Nurse it the parade lest Thursday, ,ery attractive in their neat 'r, Wilma Vandemeet, Rita er's wedding on Saturday af. iternoon, when Donald Mount- 1joy and Mary Elizabeth Hard. 1ing, daughter of Mrs. George Harding, and the late Mr. tHarding, were unitcd in mar- riage at Albert Strect United Church, Oshawa, and were guesis at the reception follow- ing. Kedron friends cxtend congratulations and wishes for happiness to Don and his bride, who are on hioneymooi in the Muskoka district. Many Kedron ladies were among gucsts of Mrs. Clifford, Naylor. Columbus, on Satur- day afternoon when she en- tertained at a pnst-nuptial te&, honouring her new daughter, Mrs. John Naylor. Dining- room hostess w'us Mrs. Bovri Ayrc, cousin of the groom andI Mrs. H-arvey Crossrnan, with Mrs. Ceci] Pascoe and Mrs. Chas. Naylor officiating at the tea services. Jeanine Werr, with Janct and Mac Naylor served the guests, To Joha and Barbara, in their home un the Danforth, Toronto, goes our best. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, Donald and Dennis, were Sun- day guests of the Orval Jack- son's, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke vis- ited at home here with R. J. Luke on Friday on their ne- turn from a vacatiô)n motor trip to the East Coast. cfi£ LATiNs ARE SKILLED AtTMTE RUMBA LOVELL'S PI4ARMACISTS ARE SKILLED AT FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS - EP[NOASLE SA CCU RATE LY QUtCKLI v " THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV=XI2.OqTAMO BOATING Motor MA 3-5487 ý -4é &LP 1 >. my e PAGE LPLEVEN 41

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