THLV CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'TEmSAY, AUG. t,15 TunPgefr JIN MEMORIA Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sc jCOULTER--.In loving memoi-y POTATOES for sale. Alle De1 WANTED-I wilî pay $1.00 to LOTS in good residential dis- LEASK REAL ESTATE A dditional Classified ilfradfather, Frank Smith Coul- Lsi new automnatic Zip-Grip clothes- SIX-roomed insulated bungalow forced air heat, kitchen c ENGAGEMENTS g195a0 ub:dater n age R..4hoeMA 3-201. 31 -i 3O o n clothesline ta dno pns.aitrc. Phoeigfrae MA, 3-2307ay.uut ,TRSHN il.Lsi Cw-lne ieim urnte h 25-tf board, 3 rooedahinula _______________________con ever take awayr, g ..4 omnil.3~* lteln htnesn is in cupboards. Termis. Phone garage on cement foundati gi. r free demonstration caîl MA 3-3477. 31-1 large corner 'lot on Liberty M.and Mrs. R. C. Rogers i The love a heart holds dear,'DOMINION upright piano, $50.lHp fold Murphy, Tyrone. Phone with excellent view. This bi wiht noneteegg-Fond memories linger everydyPone MA 3-3093. 31-l! MA 3-2194. 30-2 HOUSE and garage, unfinished, galow bas some finishing to met f her auhtrBety Remembrance keeps bim near. n 1-acre lot. Low down pay- done. Good buy. meou t erduhtr et -Sadly missed and ever re- WTR Hr or soft. Robt. DRAPERIES and venetian bliinds ment. Contact Maleolm White, We have choice building Ic Lu oRonald William Locke, membered by his loving wife. H. Cale., MAi-ket 3-547î6. 29-tf customn made, or draperies sold Hancock Road, North, Courtice. central, ail sizes, besides farr son of Mi-. and Mrs. William, Lillian, and family. 31-1* by the yard. Oui- representative 3- uglwbueec toctkeplace at 2:30 . M., Set.- TH31P2bungIlowsving memoety octkeplacemanvi:30e. Mai-nae11 GLADIOLI-King St.Eat west will caîl at your home any time- Consuit us before buying Church. ohn's Pt-gican o So roter, te.Ng orniE.'f Cemetery. Phone MA 333.with a complote range of samples FARM For Sale-1OO aci-es, cdayM.ELes 31-1 Thompo, whoeas kioeman E 30-41 and suggestions without obliga- loam, &il workable, red brick 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvi Chuch 311 Thmponwh wa klle i - tion. Fabric Town, 59 Kifig St. house, 3 bar-ns, lien bouse 20x4O, Phone MA 3-5919 action in France, August 9th, THREE - burner Colema ngas W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- implement shed 22x42, steel Mi- and Mrs. Kenneth C. 1944: 1 stove, Ai condition. Phone ville. 48-tf roofs throughout, water and 3 Hopkins, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, 1Al to ourselvos we think Of you,f MA 3-2947. 30-2* j-hdoibanadbouse. Locat- U-i~ n ± Ont., a1 yrinbnadnnounce the engagement Think of the things we used M A LO NE Y d mn Durham CouUty. One mile De WYili neail sIafi of their daughtor, Virginia Irene, to do, CANNING jars, perfect condi- ALUM1NUM D00RSfo aevle 1mlst to Mi-. Kenneth Jack Hartley, Think of the things you used tion, $ 1.00 doz.; canner. Phone A U INUM DOORdrosanetvillebusIsemie to 18ar am o ih son of Mi-. and'Mrs. Lloyd Hart- f aM -91 1i $55.00 - Instailed Free Lnsy(aiybssrvc dt 1ar fa rm in oncehighv tos ,M -91 11gate. Farm in good state of (liy sagigcnenx loy, Englebart, Ontario, mariage Think of you in every wav, iClrkropair, cultivation and soil er 31- head of pure bred Jers to take place on Saturdav, Sept. We laugh with the wvofid but; ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, Rîoss Caktiîitv Corne and look it over.8 cansle full line of machinei 3rd, at 2 p.m., in Ebenezer * wo nover forget, idoiiverod in Bowmanvjlle. Phoneo 8cata'eml qoam United Church. 31-l'h For deep in our hearts, Norm, MA 3-2473. 31-tf 71 King St. F. Bowmanville Apply to Ross Davidson, Janet- Phono MA 3-3801 ville, Ont. Phone Lindsay ern stabling, 90' x 36' batik bai Mi-. andMrs. Ganet Hav f -Evert 2-f4-09 3 implement shed, lhen bou! Gre aof-vrremembered by brothers EL TI sigmchine, _______4__4059.__ 30___ Mr.r mndrv is ept. ______________________- igarage; 8-roomed brick hou! Campbellford,.wish -to annouince and sisters. 31-If' xelet4odiincea.Phn 4 HARLEY-Davidson; 42-45 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE heavy wired, oul furnace. Lai MA 3-5819. 31-i1, - all level, with creek, c' the engagement of their daugh- Harloy - Davidson; 1948 Royal Newcastiesixroomed bouse, 'sig$650.Trs ter, Audrey Marion, to Mr. WILCOX-In loving memory of Î'4-ACRES of standing oats. Infield, these motorcycles are close ýto church, must be sold. Akn 350 o-s Clayton Arthur Reed, only son a deai- mother, Mrs. Bertha Wil. Appîx' 219 Liberty N. after, in good condition: also C.C.M. Owner trarisfei-red. 20-acre chioken farm in v. of Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Reed, cox, wlio passed away on Aug 5 P.m.312! 3-speed road race~r bicycle, Lme e aeNtc lage, with creek, with 45' x of Haydon. The wedding t0 tako th, 1954: _.-1 many extras; 3 h.p. Johnson ubrMnTk Noie cie anumngwt, place in t. John' United %veet arThhee-hundredCOFacresle40$5pine chicksenrebarnrrunacing4water place inam St. o bnd s n ited S we t a e nt e m m r e FEtables, $5; a n ch ai s, outboard m otor, in A i condition , and birch , close to N o 35 H igh- se f-feeders (autom atic) broo i Chu ch C mp eli or , n ug. sl nl e t $5 and $6. Phon o M A 3-5968: G. Barrott, 42 Liberty St., S., o e O O g t v s, ec; 9io m d fa 27h tfurocok i-~Froeweivdadnee erohsn______ 1* way, possibility tobacco farm. btvs t. -onidfa 27h tforocoj. 3 oroeelforet.and__________Jonson_31 31-* See my other farms before house with bathroom, fumna Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Hov, - Lovinglv remembered by GLADIOLI and cut flowers foriISne "C tr buy'ing. heater, hardwood floors, ha Weston, Ontario, wish to an- daughters Hazel and Mauâe and'ail occasions. Mrs. E. Passant. Sige ewing Cnr Properties Sold. Rented, wired. Price $16,000. nounce the coming marriago of families. 31-1 j Phono MA 3-3527. 29-3*FoUsdrNe Managed and Appraisod 156-acre dairy farmi as a goir their only daughter, Eda Marie, - IX rc ie,70s 0 L. M. AL LI S ON concern with 14 milk cows, ti to Harold Joseph Crawford, son pl, iigod cndiioniGa-ne o Mran r.Jsp G.NoticespSym n ons, cndPh on A325. 31 *Retas r epirReal Estate Brokor whole cro, miiking machin CrawfordhoHempton2459nt31-o*________or_______Phone_2566_-Newcastle, Ont. electric cooler. Has 66' x4 VENETIAN bliamptoN.wOstacil Phono OSHAWA 5-5443 Two blocks north of traffic bank bai-n with i-unning wate The mariage to take place on' Dr. Rudeil's office will ho clos-, EEINbidsws o-sio, good stabling, implemei Saturday, August 6th, 1955, n ed from Juiy 21 to August 13 in- ours with plastic tapes. We for Prompt àervice signal, Newcastle. su Hampton United Cburch' at clusive. 29-4 moasure and instaîl. Morris Co. 44-tf 31-1* shed, hien bouse, garage; 2:3 p m. 1- L C. M a on La O fi e, ho o A 3 54 0.6-tf F O U R -row high clearance (6 ft.) P A U L w ood floors, eavy duty w irei closed August 4th to August40BU.TmoCrts mostly power sprayer; borse-drawn on ~H as creek and situated 1-mi DEATHS 24th, 'inclusive. 31-3*1 cedar, reasoniahie. pply R. J. rubber wheels. Specialiy built RISTOW RElAL liT jro biha.Pce$6,0 Di... utn' fic iî osklPotHpe n.1hn for nursery or tobacco crops. P-pit pasdfe 200-acre farm, ¼/-miie frci HODGSON, Harriet - Suddenly ho. C.i.ose fo hidysffi om TU 5-2353. 30-2 Also heavY duty one-horse haro- 0highway, 140 acres workabl atOila njdesaJl ess, especiaily made for sprayer.chreayte.Gvusaai 40 acres wood, creek, 75'x3 at O uila o W ed esd y, uly ' Au ust lst to S pte ber Sth SA VE on lum ber, direct f rom 1Excellent condition. H orse scuf- cain s ou i tie s fors.h Wo aes, an k a- ih r n i g w 27th, 1955, Harriet Hodgson, inclusive. 30-6 miii to you. Phillips Lumber fiers; one-horso piough. 1ce box BowmanvilshedNewcestle and î bloved wife of the late Jacob iwavllNwatl n omed me h on bous e Hodgson, in her 8th year., The office of Strike & Strike CoKnon, Ont. Phono (cork iined). Cheap for quick Orono. Building lots in towni Rested at Northcutt & Smithj wili ho closed for holidays from 17r1 1. 13-tf sale. Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- n onhp eas aeod ih 4pee btro Funeral Home, 53 Division St., jAugust lst to August l3th in- OLD fashioned long-ere, lak- roery iteBioOhaawaerunerpesur, ura Bowmanviile, wbere service was clusive. 30-2* and tan fox and deer hound RFFRIGERATOR - "General Whitby, Port Perry and Black eeti etr ieydcrt p.m. Itrment Bowm0thanvlejD. .D ubadsofc pups. Bahl Bros., R.R. 4, Bow- Eloctnic", $50 or best offer. Stock.- Price $100,500. 2Ceme ter ' will e cl o ED for ldasoffommavile 50-acre farm, 35 acres woi-? Ceetr. 1- wl b coedfr oldysfommavll.311-1* Washing machine 'Easy Spiral- PHONE able with pond, Weil, gooc August 2nd to August l4th in- KEYS cut automaticaliy , whiie aofr. Eleocnitove 75G eera MA 3357fonces, 58'x 30' bank bai-n wit LORD, Milton George-Suddenly uive- 30- you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- Electric", late model, like flOw, garage; 7-roomed frame bous, at St. Catharines General Hos- Will the person who picked ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- 2 4 pusb buttoný, time switch. with running water, heaw pital on Satui-day, July 3th, up lady's change purse contain- ville. 46r-tf oess than haîf prico, $190 oniy. Af ter Hourswieicldcoae.P- 1955, Milton George Lord, be-i ing sum of monev at Memorial HIGH yielding Genesee Faîl Must be sold, mo.ving to Toronto 0Wencl ecrtd rc ]ovd hsbad f Rby hilîp, PrkBino lst riay leae beaionaplie fo Oartment. COWimdatl, EN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982 $7,000. Mortgage availahie. loe ubn fRb Pilpp*kBnolatFia laewet, Registratio ple o.A alimdaey 5-roomed (3 bedrooms) i-anci ànd dear father of Mrs. Ted roturn the sanie and save trouble Harvey Malcolm, JanetvilleNeMaste, ntaeK n, style, now, bungalow in Bow Hayward (Marion) of St. Cath- as the.v are known. 31-4* Phono Blackstock 83r1. 31-4 Newcastle Ont. 31-i ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 m-anville, with lepiece bat] 4,rines, and John of Toronto. - _________________and__________________ ______ Service at the Chapel of M-' McCrae's Docoration Day. Ser-BAY crae foin tye TRADE-IN-rangette, $15; studio 37 King St. W. Bowmanville fi Dougail & Brown Ltd., 646 St., vice, Sundav, August 7th, at, single hed with mattress, both couch, $15; two chairs to match, - 3-1 naro, electric beater, built-ir Clair Ave. W. Service Wednes- 3 o*clock. Mr-. Mervyn Love, iin ecletcniin hn $5 each; thIfee-piece wine velour 3- ubadlrelvn or day.IntementProsect em-'assitantonctelMaeerschareiMtio5n9.Ph-Ifn otefpd$9lienwsac NIXON REAL ESTATE- with dinette, etc. Price $9,000 etery. ~31-1 ! wiil speak, assisted by Mr. A.!i - _b eater, large size, $45; Kelvin- 5-room framo bouse at East Mortgage availabie. Otiy. ___H -. Monk. Speciai music by Mr. DO _your' own floors -rent a ator refrigerator, $69; new Norge Beach, Bowmanville, vei-andahs, 5-roomed (3 bedrooms) i-anch POWÎER-In Oshawa Hospital Rani-y Preston. 31-il' ander or a floor polisher from 1 reffigerators, washers, ranges, bath, fireplace, cuphoards, in- stylo bungalow in Bowmanville, Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E, chsterfieds, space savers, bed- suated, heavy wring, garage,' with 4-piece bath, rcreatio. oni T udy, August d, 1955, We are now matiufactu ig Bowmanvile. Phono MA 3-5774.1 room suites, fans, rugs, ail in immaculate condition. $5,000. olro, ardwood atril aerflkit- Ann e M ud, bel ved dau hte ce rent blocks, botb interlocking 3-tf p r ed to dlea ; 1953 Chev. tw o- Term s. o u n c , e e ti e t r i of the late Edward J. and Emma and standard, and would be do.Mrh oKn t . 3ro rm uglw ae hncpors rc 890 M.Perl, Handel, old H. t of, product to serve you with a good ONE Frigidaire range, in «good do31-urpy Cmentng, w. -r o fra ee unlw, ascen upoadsrrie 8,0 MerleHazelHaroldH. of roductat a rasonabe prie. conitionith5.someonwood.riPricedsmetoodseil. d t10-room.ed-rsolidso brickic bous Oshawa, and Gordon of Orono.'-Tri pp Construction. Phone 392W, - Limited, 38 King St. E., Bow-;- 6-room bouse, hardwood floons, in Newcastle with oul furnace, Funeral Hrome, Oshawa, o Fn Port Penny. 40-tf manville. Phone MA, 3-5438. H..ep vvarLeu 4-piece bath, bot wator hoating, water pressure system, electric day, August 5, at 2 p.m. Inter- 31-1 ne______________ 0w roof, basement, garage.hetrmoe kihn,4pc TWO tomato pickers. Phono Possession one month. $6,500. bathroom, heated sunroom, bard- metwwavleCmtriNSLth o wol orkngmanhip MA 3-22271.3-i 50 acres good land, good barns, Wood floors. nicely iandscapec 31-i*1 vih oc_______kanhi 3- stable, bard and soft water' and surrounded with large trocs. guaranteed. Fi-ee estimates.1 TOMATO pickers wanted. Phone flowing spring, al tilable; 14: Rest home at the present time. Th ami f h lt rs .EXPERIENCED waitress. steady 5 acres, bain and stable, nie 7-roomed frame ouse i- The amiy ofthelateMrs J.AFRICAN violets, plants, beaves, empioy~ment. Olympia Restaur- strearn of water, small fruit Tynone village, with hydro, Hodgson wisb bo thank their Croaino supplies, newest best varieties'i ant. Phone MA-3-9003. 31-1 god'i -omfaobue furnace and cistern. smalharn, many friends, relatives and inciuding double pinks and! . base ment,' gara go, not fan from basement. etc. Piie $5,200, neighbors for floral tihutes The Town of Bowmanvi le fiingof tes. Stowai't's Seeds, 32 SUPERVISOR for Ontario Train- omnil.$,0.dw $6. »nd kindnesses shown in the Take Notice That;- Division St., Bowman\villê. 27-tf,'ing School for Boys. Applyinv 10e rnhstl bn sudden passing of a dean mother 1. The Counicil of the Corpona-- person tQ Superintendent. Phono Other proporties. l o od rncye hu-pc and grandmother. 31-1; tien cf the Town of Bowman- TYPEWRITERS. adding ma-1 MA 3-3,301. 31-i JAMES NIXON, Bromker daii ie lo ville intends te construct a chines, 0*\V and used, !or sale,- 160 Liberty St., N., Bomaville bath. hardwoo adtu foos We wouid like to thank ail cernent sidewalk four foot in' or i-ont! also Colo steel fiiing' WANTED at once - Rawleigh Phone MA 3-5682 wter podrsure, eetoreirheater oui frens ad eigbors or width on the east side of. cabinets, office furniture. Walter! Dealer in Bowmanviile. Write 31-1*wihgdrunn steinu- their kindness, sympathy, cards Ontar'io Street from Nelson Frank,- MAnket 3l-2403. 24-tf Rawl7eigh's Dept. q--140-R, Mont-_________- edalqup ntpo coer Street__ _____________________31-1_'ash register, ciertrir scaies, and fiowens sent dîîring the' Srett Lbry Street and AN G ae1 es icl, Q 1iu JiL.U s c cunter, show cases, etc. bereavement of oui- ioving onl the west side of St. George A N GSmd o eaure. 1ÜRID mnfo ko .E. lCA CRSON LTD.1Akigpce$50. rm mother, Mns. John Liilirrap. Street front King Street te Loveiy patterns. Freestîmates. 1 ArED mnfr ok ~akngep-r l,(0 em Ete n ioeCvm hLirch Street, as a Locali Foîding chairs, card and banquet daii-y farm. Higbest wagos te Realtors a rrangd . Ethe andLion l-ian itens etables foiri-ont. Cieve Fox, 412 oxperienred help. Usua] per- Bsdsaoemnindw specialiv assoss a part cf the:' Simcoe N., Oshawa. 24-11*, quisites. W. G. Bowies, Black- $8,650.00-Terms, modern bun- have approx. 85 moi-e proerties j- - stock. Phone 1511. 31-i galow in residential district of to choose fi-cm in the Oshawa, T w sb to tha k r. Mik os1 est up n he an a utt ng IEA RIN G aid service, testing _ _ _ _ - - young people. 4 r eem s and bath, 1 B ow m anville, Cobourg and Tren- directly on the work. service and complote stock of COMPANION for elderly lady, garage, Iandscaped. ton district. nurses and staff cf Memoniai 2. The estimiated cost of the'1 batteries and crds at Higgonj comfortabie homo in smail vill- $1.000 down, $50 a month on Contact kindness during my stay. Aise o 0 1 Electrîc Lirnîted, 38 King St. E.,a, sm ih oskeig aac,3hdomhmwtr y ~ ~ D will my relaties and fiencîs '68.0 is te e pad by the Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. Appiy iin poison te Mrs. Sophia and sewer, modern kitchen, John IF . DeWitn who brightened m.,,'heuLrs Cth or poration, and the esti- I 20-tf Wilson, Porrytown. 31 -2 furnace, garage, large lot. messages, rards. fiowors, cig- ,I____ mated test per foot frontage' . $8,700-Brick, 7 rooms, ver- REALTOR anettes and visits, please accopt' 1.Tesoilass-jPIT tpotso ulcD o att aemny andah, sun-porch, heautiful le- Newcastle Phono 3341 mysicee haksan aprci-, ment is te ho paid for inevents appearing in tbis paper Even if you nover sQld a tbing ati(on.rToi-ms. Salesmen:- ty ion e Willis HaJncs. 31-cia twenty affluai instalments. , taken by Carson Studio may bhoin0 your life, write teday, get the.ofln, 30iean oal onjoBwanil __3._ Pensons desiring to petition 1 obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch farts, thon make up yeur mitd. bu sh acr,00 Sochland $0.00u, ndDnad Mu ntjyrBwaiil against undertaking the work glsv1iins1Cro Studio' Famniiex, 1600 Delenimiex-, Mont,300Soc ie 800 I wouid like 10 express nm msvd oo n eoeth otHpei. 4Carals-cshoMn-35 i- u iu- bee vmln. ALL Wheat. Caîl Irvine Feeds , name snoes are iiow in stck:31-11goo0d Weil, - Lucky IJiaw - 31iTaunton. Oshawa RA 5-9245.'l chîld-ens Savage shoos, Brouw- -03 i eenhsos imnwr nice locatoinsae. S S.M rn& Sn - jboots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- Livestock For Sale meda pssio.FR QIMN The family of the late Herbent HIGHEST prices paid for lv cae sos ak so 3ieieton wish to express their pouîtiry, goose fahrfahrGebac upr workbo,1 PIGS for sale. Phone MA 3-2885. Maple GrovToi-ms 31-1 C inc re p r c a i n t the m i v anx I scrap mron, ags and , Foani Tread sippers. ladies'"_______$_,0_0-________ t r t e r elaut ui es and ei ct ill eta s. Ph ono e RA 3-2043 O s hia- G racia shoes, Log o iers. D r.! F U e i t r d J r e h i e s P L T A E orf thnde thhtir vad uî oll<heu 26-tf jSChols fojot reniedies and shoe.FOUac inated uerinsoey mer.,APYS ifkndes terloex'(i-1 supiports. plus înativ .othen linos; accne -u i 'ST A E letters and floral tribt:týS, in ftire ALil k(js fh'.e pcliv ant- es: EqGaePnd. r32n9 Smns PoetM HSTAYD no heprmies 'ecenn sasngo ma Iie ethe ooni<rhe pi t rcc ai-lie n P-prt ________________ î*1,ApIA - Lot in fadarf W.EsurPnd.loi-À25 AIl, CD]nron.7 Mneit2 oe thu e. 1') Pice pidat,,(fondzti yeaineandPingsti *(l heifen and I - .nd grandfatlîer. Special thanks vouîr door for large or small shoeepolîshes: modenx shoe ne-ITWO sows and 18 pigs, s-evo- Mo H. W.9fapleon s teen).eaAnyvone knowing cf DI oDr. L. S, Miklos. Mns. Zetta ouantitics. We. have eur own' pain service in the roar of storp. weeks-oid; thi-ce 2-xean-old Hol- NewfonvlVAAA theîr whereabouts please nntify vo )iiiing and the nurses and staff markctM. Fat'. B"thanv R R. lod EliIs, Shos. 49 Xnx- S. ste'n heifers. b red in Apili.Mn. Geore Chapm-an. Bcîhanv, di f Mlemorial Hospital, Bowman- 1I.Triphone coiiect te Beth;dnv - W.. Bowmanvilie. Phne MNA :;- innn fresh Ayresbire cow. Phone PHONE CLARKE 731 and receive reward. Phoneelbo rWe.* 31-1 7 r 13. 28-ti 5941. 26-tf MA 3-2684. 31-1 -1- 311* Bethany 7r3. 31-1 Gc die COMING EVENTS Seed Cleaning Bowmanvifle Skating Club THE Seed Cleaning and Treating [ow, Carnival March 2nd and 3rd, Plant at Enniskillen is. under cuP- 1956. 31.1 new management. The plant is ted, now operating and grain will:e ion, Decoration Day Service of1 accepted at any time. Phone rSt. Lakevjew Cemetery, Newvton- MArket 3-5439 or Blackstoclc bun- ville, will be held on Sunday, 102J- 31-4 o be Aug. l4th. 31-21_______________ lots, You don't want to miss this Cars For Sale ' 'ms, Year's Gigantic' Bowmanville Lions Club Carnival to be held TRUCK, '47 Mercury 2-ton i. on Friday, August 9th, at the stake, in running condition. Public School Grounds. Leaside Phone MA 3-2678. 31-1 * 1 ville Lions Band and Majorettes will 1946 G.M.C. 2-ton stakce truck, Rive a demonstration starting at! 147 p.m. The draw for the 195591lin good condition. Only $375. 31I Phone MA 3-24013. 31-1* -Buick will climax the evening. 1 te In case of rain Carnival will be '37 OLDSMOBILE, $60. Phone eheld Saturday, JuIy 2th. 31-3! MA 3-3816 after six o'clock. vay - 31-10 'ith For Rent *47 MERCURY. gooq body and sey _______________ motor. R. Connely, 39 'Elgin eryS. front door. 3-, od- ONE 6-roomed cottage for rent,.S- 3- .rfrom Au&. 15 to Aug. 3.Cdr use, Crest B e e c h, Bownianville 5 TRE-tn 'de ryk use, Phone MA 3-5611. 31-1 brand new hoist and convertible dump bodv, AI condition. Phonc et.FOUR-room apartment, heavy1 MA 3-2947. 3,)-2 wiring, built-in cuphoards, cen-, '39 DbDGE Coup!7 radio and trally located. Applv Box 391,1 heater, body and motor in ex- 36'- c/o Canadian Statesman. 31-4* cellent running condition. Phone :3'__4 MA 3-5919. 31-1 u,4THREE-roomed apartment and - - ider four-piece bathroom, centrally 1954 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof me located. Apply'MA 3-3077. model, used as a second car, low rcF -ro 31-1 mileage, immaculate condition, triewill seil beloxv list pie Private vy ORro aparment in States- sale. Phone Bowmanville MA man block, flot suitable for3-69 28-if dng young children. Applv at The teCanadian Statesman, Bowman- U '~C R rie, ville. 27-tf-f USED CAR 44' ______________ '52 Plymouth sedan ter, '51 Dodge Sedan ent vvors. V nted~ '51 Ford Sedan 8- '50 OIds. Coach rd- WE remove trees, stumps, brush '50 Chev. Coach -d. and dlean uip yards, etc. Free '47 Dog Sedan ile estirnates. Phone MA 3-3694 or '6 ogSea 1\A13'-2740. 311* '46 FordeCSean OmHAVE your repairs done now. '39 Nash le, Carpentry and cernent work. We 34 build and repair cottages, gar- Ue~T 1. ýeaeverandahs, c hi i mnn e y s, Lt ± rucss 8 plastering, cernent steps, etc. .rs We also do exterior and interior '53 Chev. Sedan Delivery (2) painting.'52 GM 'Aý-ton Express ~' pintng.Lowest price in town. '1PnicSdnDlvr 'e, Free estimate. Phone MA 3-3694 '1PnicSdnDlvr ed. or MA 3-2740. 31-1* '46 International %-ton stake eodMasonry Construction Ple oo ae th BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE MA 3-5487 20 King St. E. de Free Estimiates 3- ie ANGER BROS. Proa MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber eh 12-tf goods) mailed postpaid in plain J- ealed nvelope with price list. th AS . C ix samples 25c, 2J4ePample8s in IMUMB1NG Ar-] HEATING I Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 9l.âgm. Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer h 29 Ontario St. Bowmanville Repairs ýe, Phone Night or Day MA 3-3473 )n i6-tff RADIO and television repairs. S, Prompt service. Pick up anci, - SAVE MONEY AT delivery. Lorne Dorcen, 85 King-4t D A VE'5 E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf seE EPA R HOOVEservice man wilbe at el SH 0 R EPA IR Or store every Thursday. Bring ic yours in or Phone Higgon EIec- evie tric Lirnited, 38 King St. E.. Bow- 3- Fst, romp Sericemanville, MA 3-5438. 52-te ci35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) S. ____ REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- 23-tf erators, domestic and commer- is ciai; milking coolers. Higgon TAYLOR Electrie Limited, 42 King St. nearSo Phone MA 3-5438. 2 RADIATORS and HEATERS W TC RE A I G REPAIRED and CLEANEDÏa RECORING M A atR Queen St. W. Bownianville R Phone M 3-3459 JEWELLERY 30-tf 43 King St. W.. Phone MA 3-5463 Concrefe and Masonryý BO MANILL Structural and Repair WVork1 Ail types of1 Turn Page for CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOC'K tosi O~ uRemnt dditional Classifieds L. TURNER Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 Although agriculture remains Evenings - Phone MA 3.3718 Canada's most important pri- BOWMANVILLE mary industry, only 15 per cent 3ffof tho total labor for'ce now - ] d cruly omployed on the BULLDOZING Gfa rrn. lnt ransfer pv E CA A INmfents-that illct out to the public in the form TRENCHING - LGADING 'f amlcalo__ e- ldag lripp Construction PORT PERRY 392Wi The Canadian Statesmnan 321f CLASSIFIED TOWNEADVERTISING TV ANENNARATES TVRAN ENNAS FOIISAE Installation & Repairsý R FOR SAFL~PED ij LOST . FOUND- ETC. FOR FAST AND EFFICIENT Cash Rate - - 3c pur word TV ATENN SERICEwith a minimum of S0: TV ANTNNA SRVICE Mijst bn paid bv date 01 insertion Phone MA 3-5919 11 tcl1arq'd. a' AL WRKGAR -TE ail replies directd ta this office FOR ONE YEAR NOTICES - COMING EVMNS Specilizig inAND CARDS OF TISANES S p e c i ii z i g i n3c a w o rd w ih a m in im u m ol $ 1.00 for 83 words or lois. Rotor Antennès B'TT laGEMNT BILL LLOYD '$1.00 PeT insertion LEASK HAMILTON i EOIM 29-4 $1.00 plus i0c a line for ver». i COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDI VV a ted includes ail advertiniagin ideas or gonds of any description ROOMERS wanted. Applv 182 -3c per word; minimum charqe ~hurh St, Bwmanxllea7c cash with order. Ta oeulat, Churh St, B wrna vile. 3 l* dveuisers payable maafhiyý ýEVERAL ladies, full on part Dripay Cloissilied tf 31.50 pet] tie, to handle a fast growingi mch with a mi~nimum of one~ ne in this district. See the -nCh. Addifionol insertionsc lading lady iin oui- new line. jcrerts a Phone MA .1-5683. .3 1*-1 AUl Clussified Ada must h. tn iioffice net lafer thanj IEA STO-CK nomoved fi-rn 12 taOclackrijoon, Wednesday. ioui- farm promptly for sani lary gond cash, clamps or money isposai. Telephone coilect: Co. ordor and csave MaoUO. )oure 1266 on Toronto EM 3-363&6 1 ' thZ-aut for h ndy reference ordon Young Limited. - 0-t±' P-tai TW w o I I s i f c 1. r t, v