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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1955, p. 1

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Il Immu MI m r, -- JIJIIUM~i ME u 4 p Durham' County's CGTe at - Family Journal' VOLJUME 101 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 19-5à 10e PER COPY NMER3 vOcai Woman Kilied in, Head-on Car Crash :Son Critically lnjured An 80-year-old Bowvmanville resident, Mrs. J. Hodgson, well- known throughout this district, was kiiied in an auto accident riear Washago iast Wednesday, July 27th. She died five minutes after being admitted to Soldiers' Memoriai Hospital in Orillia. Her son, George Henry Hodgson, better known as Harry, off New- castle, R.R. 1, xvas driving the car in which she was a pass- enger. lic was criticalY injured and did not regain consclousncss until Saturday. First ByPass Fatality MVr. Hodgson and his mucher Were returningi home after visit- ing his wife who is a patient in! Gravenhurst Sanitariumn. Near the entrance off the cutofff %vhich leads f rom the Bypass into Washago, the.,,-attempted to mnake a left. turn across the' north-bound traffjc into the cut- off. According to witnesses, an- other car emerged from thc cut- off and as it passed, the Hodgsoni vehicie started to turn into the north-bound lane, where it was struck head-on by a north- bound auto driven by George Jundzis off St. Catharines. He later told police that the first v'ehicle had blocked his view .cýf the Hodgson car. The crash spun the light Hodgson car across the road, throwing the two occupants out the driver's door to the pave-J ment where they lay until an ambulance arrived. Two passengers in the Jundzîs car were injured. Zanis Kru- inins received a broken wrist and the driver's mother, Mrs. Herta Jundzis suffered a badly bruised sîde. ? Second Family Death This is the second death in the Hodgson family this year. In February, Mrs. Hodgson's hue6and died in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile. Mrs. Hodgson's bo7dy was brought to Bowmanvilie for buriai on Saturday from North- cutt & Smith's Funerai Home. A large gathering off friends, repcsadnihor ahr Ail-Star Game "1. Newcastle Park Keeping up with the Major Leagues, the South Durham Rural Baseball League is in- stituting an annual Al-Star Game, East vs. West, with the proceeds being uýed to build up a fund to assist injured players. The first off these games is scheduled for this Saturday afternoon, August 6th, in the Newcastle Community Park with Newcastle's own Doug. Walton coaching the West team mnade up off players from New- tonville, Kendai, Garden Hill and Newcastle. The Eastern team consisting off players from Welcome. Port Hope Kinsmen, Port Hope Juveniles, Clover- dale and Cambourne will bel coached by Laurnce Huffman of Port Hope. Thegamep will be pla.ved under recgular league rules with each team being allowed to dress 16 piavers. This should be a reai thriller to watch with the best players from East and West competing for the honours, and passed experiences have proven that the cause is worthy as ac*- cidents can and do happen even in basebail, and this League Fund can be of real assistance. Came time on Saturdvatr mnr is twvo o'cdock. Lucky TV Wir ed for the service conducted by Rev. Harold Turner off St. Paul's United Church. Burial took place in the family plot in Bow- manville Cemnetery,- They will be well remembered in the Newcastle District where in 1945 they came to live with their son Harry, north of the subway. Later, they moved t, Bowmanviile where they buiit a bungalow in 1952 on property owned by another son Stanlcy. Originally. the family came to Canada from the County of Durham in England. Mrs. Hodg- son was the last member of the iDuckworth family. Pallbearers were Messrs. Wm. Scott, Port Hope; G. Gaines, Newcastle; L. Thompson, Hay- don; C. Tomlinson, Wilfrid Car- ruthers and Geo. W. Graham, Bowmanvilie. The flower bear- crs were grandsons and friends. She leaves eight childrcn to mourn her loss: George Henry (Harry), Newcastle; Mrs. Wm. Barr (Dolly), Stanley and Eric, Bowmanville; Percy in England; Mrs. J. Clark (Beaty), R.R. 3, Port Hope; Wiifred, Kamloops, B.C.; Ernie, St. John, N.B.; aiso 22 grandchildren and eight great- grandchiidren. Foilowing the funerai, friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson. Short of Calis Wont Approve Mail Delivery There wilI be no mail delivery la Bowmanvllle for the present, Council was informed on Tuesday night. The Post Office Depart- ment recently conducted a survey at the request off Council and local M.P. John M. James. The resuit showed that Bowmanville does not have the 2,500 points off eal whlch are re- quired before a house-to- house mail delivery niay be authorized. However, accordlng te Mr. James, this will not de- lay einnstructi.on of the- new Publeo uc ilding to be sit- .The Town off Bowmanvillê- uated across fromn the was informeti by Dr. Charlotte Town Hall. The Public M. Horner, Medical Officer off Works *epartment expects Health, that the sewage facîli- to calI for tenders within fies in the Meadewview subdi- a month and the target vision on Liberty Street North date for opening the new require attention. Ceunicil was building bas been set for ativiseti to consider the, estab- January, 1957. When the lishment off a sewer north on new building ha.s been Liberty Streef. conipleted, there w~ill be Mention was made in tlhe sufficient mail boxes to letter off the fact that a new take care off the ever- subdivision in this area ha-ý growing demand for such been approved. If was fel. service. however, that this new subdi- * vision would not be able te ,onnect with present faciliti',, or any built aiong the. Liber'ty Top Bond Street route, due to the locý.- At Carnival t'ogtbfr oni o t *Friday, Aug. 19, is the date tention earliei'. but it was feit for Bowmanvilie Lions Carni- by Town Council and Public val which will be held this Ufilities Commission that the year on the grounds off Bo'.- cost would be pr'ohibitive. Op~- manville Central School. The Jrncin was aiso expresseti thet Carnîval promises f0 be bigger the present disposai facîlîties and better than ever with ncew are taxedti t capacity andi an attractions, including a demon- i extra loati wouid be tee much stration by Leaside Lions Club for theni. Bandi andi Majorettes at 7 p.m. Finance Committee wiii meet Lucky ticket draw for the with Public Utilities Commis- 1955 Buick Sedan wili be sion fo.£onsider the.letter from made at the conclusion off the the Department off Health, andi evening's activities. Plan no,,, decide on action to hc taken. to attend. In case off îain the Fire Alarms Carnival wîll be the following Council was fforced te takc' night, Saturday, Aug.20 b action on changing parts off the mner at Beach ,, hen the lucky ticket was drawn at the close of the ~est Beach festivities on Monday, Miss Margaret Osborne, fJhurch St., Bowmanville, shown here with her prize was ahxiost too flabbergasted to dlaim this beautiful TV. set. She and her mother have been talking about buying. one for some time but didn' t get around to if. Now, thev1 will be able to eniov this 17" beauty. especially Nvhen it ' only cost 25c. Miss Osborne is employed at the Goodyear ITr& ub C.pathe 19 Local Flyer Receives Winqs Four cadets receive their wings at a recent graduation and B. Armstrong of Bowmanville, Ontario. Barry Arm- of Navigators that was held at the Air Navigation Sehool strong, age 20, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Arm- in Winnipeg. The presentation of wings was made by strong, of Tekwini Farm, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. He is Air Commpodore J. G. Bryans, CBE, CD, Group Commander married to the former Nancy Smythe of Bowmanville, of 14 Training Group. The graduates admiring the seroli and is now living in Winnipeg. He joined the R.C.A.F. are Flight Cadets G. H. Nishimura, of Toronto, Ont.; R. J. in July, 1954. Macdonald of Ripley, Ont.; G. P. Vincent of Toronto, Ont., happal is going to end," Coun. Tow îi t0 W atch Regan continued. He urged that the solicîtor be required A A I f0 sit in on the assessment ap- t t ,>p eaIs on peals, and be prepared to tk an active part to defend Bow- *manville and prevent a change A ssesmentin the assessment which wouil taking aril act.ive 'part in a p- peals against the new Equùaliz- 1-ubIic M e tn Counties, the town solicitor and other town officiais willT i a sit in' on the appeais when Wit i M nt they are heard sometime 'le September, in order that they At may be able to ascertain how APublic meeting, where the thie town will be affected if the 1iPublic cao air opinions and appeals by other municpalities1 learn details off the Municipal are successfui.. Garbage Collection which has Port Hope, Cobouîrg, Camp- received considerable publicity beliford and Newcastle ace ap- îtî Plaling the new assessment on ltl, was approved by Town, V rious grounds. Counicîl Tuesday nîght. C-ou. Jhn eganspet 1 The Chamber off Commerce time exPressing iiidignation af, suggesfed ' that such a meeting the attitude off the Town Coun. be hcld, with a panel off per- cil in- Bowmanville in regard sons who know the facts and te the new assessment and th e appeals.. When the new assess- figur'esoff the Plan here and meint -vas reviewed in Cobourg in other municipalities present recently , he stated, fou i' souci- t 1,u s th r bl ' ii n tors were present from othecr swer questions on 'the centre- mnunicipalities, but* "BoiAmran- versi ai issue. ville was- cither too cheap or h esisofthspbi too lax to have a solicituor Tme eing, wfichwi pubblc there.~'be held within the next month, "It's. a job for a lawyer," lie are cxpected to influence the emphasized. "Are we going to action off Town Council. If op- take a "laissez-faire' attitude inion is stili divided after this and say everything is going. to1 meeting, the issue wiil prob- turn ouf OK, or' are we goin.g, ably be put to a plebikite. to have a watchdog on the jo)b1 Àll persons interested in the to inform us off what is going outeeme off the issue , are ad- on?" vised to be present at, thi.; 'Wednesda.y present f ire alarm sysfem, twhen a letter from the Bell Telephone Company Informed them that the poles, upon whîch the xires cointrolling the aiarm boxes are strung, xviii be changed in places, anti the telephone lines placeti un- derground. The mayor and the Fin? Committee off Council wi meef with Bell f0 discuss the m attfer. Local Option Approval off the local option vote (By-Law 1598) to be lhe'l Wednesday, October 26, xvas received from the Liquor Con- tî'ol Board off Ontario. Instruc- 1 tiens on how the vote is to be conducted will be ffor\varded from the L.C.B.0. There ar.'ý thrce questions contained iin titis vote, involving establish- ment off sale outiets for 'liquor, and for beer, andi dining room lounge license for sale off bey- erages with meals. Recreation Grant A portion off the annual grant from the Dept. off Edu- cation, Community Programs Branch, 'tb the Dept. off Recrea- tion, here was receiveti. Sum off $2,518.26 was receiveti, be- ing 90 per cent off total. The reduction in the grant for the present was due to an inci'ease (Continueti on page eleven> Famous TV'Personality- Gi! Chrj*stile Returns To Address Rotarians Gil Christy, one of anada's different places, i n c u d in g favorteTlviinpersonali- uelph, South Porcupine an d les, and a native:of Bowman- Toronto, which he now calis ville, was guest speaker at the home, having lived there for Rotary Club meeting Friday in four years. Much of his time the Balmoral Hotel. was spent mn the United 'States. He gave an extremeiy inter- Recall* Childhood esting and humorous discourse The TV star, who lived next on his chiidhood in Bowman- door to Dr. C. W. Siemon on ville, and on some of theaspects Church. Strget, recalied riding off his present occupation, the around in the rumble seat of -radio and- television industry. Dr. :Slemon's old car as he Gil was born here 27 years travelied his country calis. He *ago. His father was'T. B. Gil- 1or'b-,'d christ, owner off a ciothing store on King Street -West where Stedman's is now located. GI has been a staff announcer w'ith CBLT, Toronto, since the be- ginning of terevision iii. Canada. His was the first voice hearde over Canada's first 'TV channel. The name which he uses now i was derived from his proper name off Tom Gilchrist, because . people had a tendency to mis- ' pronounce the iast name. His 1$ attractive face ad pesn voice is now known all over the area within the range off Toronto television chann'el CBLT and its program, Tabioid, i, particular. T. Bruce Gilchrist, father off the speaker, was a member of the Bowmanviîre Rotary Clubi while he lived here. Gî si moth'er, who is now living i the United States, since the; death off her husband, was the t< former Marie Olsen, whose par - .... ents owned a farm north off Cil Christy Bowmanville. John M. James, M.P., intro- ous incidents, when he disap.. duced the speaker, who came peared from bis home for the here to speak to the Rotary entiie day, travelling with the Club at the invitation off Geo. mikman, or the baker, and W. James, edîtor of The Canad- even in the back off the garbage ian Statesman. Mr. James met mnan's truck. Mr. Christy when he appeared Some humorous incidents of on the -program Tabioid in hais experiences in radio and connection with the lSth Anni- television 'Nere rclated to the versary off Neighborly News members off the Rotary club, last spring. who listened intently to the Gil commented that being handsome young man, and laugh. "back home" to speak to the ed ioudly at some off the embar. leading citizens off the ,town rassing situations he described. where he was born was "quite "Flufffs" and "Spoonerisms,' an experience." Since leaving such as the statement by a radio Bowmanviile at the age off seven announcer who said "Good lad- years, Gil has iived in many 1 <Contînued on page seven) Success fui Penny Fair. Featurirrg HugePa'rade Raises.$100 for Outing <The first annual Penny Fair was hicld. Judges off costumeg conducted by the five play- were Mi'. and Mrs. L. Dewell. grounds under the Department Mrs. A. Hooper, and Mrs. R. of Rcretio lat Turs ayAmes. of .Receaton lst hurday Many parents and childrcrn was an outstanding success. spent theli' pennies in an as- Over $100 profit was realized sortment of' amusement booths th.rough pennies. This money and games at the fairgî'ounds will bc used to finance the an- behind the Lions Community' nuai outing in Orono Park la- Centre. ter in the season. A fortune tcller read caris A parade aimost two blocks and gazed into a crystal bal long, and fetturing hundreds for 1 c&nt. A Rocket Ride des- off children in brightly colour- cribed as being "out off this ed costumes, proved that a pa- world" sent youngsters fflying rade in Bowmanville can be a into space for'i cent a ride. Thm- success, despite the fears ex- House off Horrors was as weird pressed recently by local scr- an experience for the kids as vice clubs. Every member off could be imagined. A kissing the playgrounds and their par- booth also some, and ents pitched in and made thiz theCv Carne Out off the tent with the best parade ever. lipstick on their cheeks. Other Recreation Director Doug hooths and concessions inciud. Rigg admitted that the res. ed Bingo, ring toss, penny ponse to the parade exceedcd throxv, Hit-the-Clownon-the- even his highest expectations'. Head, basebali toss, ffish pond, Judging was done according to and weight guessing. Bingo parks, rather than individual- cost 3 cents and was the most ly, and the winners were Lioils expensive gamne on the grounds. Centre, 1st, Franklin Park, Tickets were soid for 2 cents 2nd and Ontario Street, 3rd each. and over 30 prizes were The parade marched aiong Dî- given out to the lucky winners vision Street to King, alo ng of the draw. The prizes inciudi- King to Temperance, and bpck eciffree banana 'splits, hiaircuts, "We on' knw were he eetng.Centre, where the Penny Fair the show. Large Crowd at Beach PagonsPnyFi adPrd ra ucs For Holiday FestivalPagrudPenFaradPaeGeaSces Local Girl Wins TV C cvic Holidae celebrations i Tlhé xvinners off the fancy af the West Beach attracted aijdress parade xwere as folloxxs: lare 'crwd or heevetsl(Upa te 3 yars-Darlene Corson laîe tc 'd fr te een Bdlet dancer>, Margarut which staîteti Sunday even in Rombough (Gay 90's costume); and centinucd fhrough o o 101-4,5. 6 years - Colleen Greer day nigh lixxîdow lady), CarolAnne Me- Final highlight off the fwo- Leish (angel); 7, 8, 9 years- day acf vties-w as a dia v forI Linda Corson (Carmen Miran- a telex sion set and other da), S ha r on Hutchinson prizc.Wnne off the TV was (Queen off Hearts); 10, il, 12 Miss Maigaret Osborne, 200 years - Michael Cook (Wee Church Street. Powmanvie. Viliie Wînkîe), Bill Murchison A pop-up toaiter was won by (fisherman. and fish); 13 years Mr. Art Hitc, 82 Murrie Street, and over-Judy Hutchinson Mimnico. H. Sehepers, 251 Scar- (drumn majorette),' best novel- leff Road. Toronfo, won a ten ty-Ron Parker (TV set); Best kettie, and Miss Susan Butler, comic-Donaid Butler (negro West Beach Store, Bowman- jazz dancer>; best pair-Mari- ville, won a ffeatherweight iron. lou and Donald Green (fisher- On Sunday evening. a fancy man and-mermnaid). dress parade hati chiltiren anti A treasure hunt was won by aduits alike decked ouf in ai! Ken Nash, wifh Doug Oke and their finery. Prîzes werç given Donald Butler as runners-up. for the chiltirens costuims. The sand-castle building Two off the hits off the evening. contest was won by CoileenW howex'er. were costume capers Greer in the 4, 5, 6 year-oid by, aduit residînts off the class, with Karen Mulholiand Beach. A mock wedtiing, corn-l second. Margaret Pickard won plete wîth sLotgun-toting fath- the 7, 8, 9 year-old class, and er off the bride, andi xhite col- Ian Follett was second. The lared minister, brought the 10, 11, 12 year-old class was house doxvn. Bridesmais and won by Bruce Wilmot and flower girls were ail men, andi Margaret Corden was runner- fhey presented a ridiculous ap- Up. pearance. A bathing beauiv Ross Wright and Bill Street One of the many groups of costumned paraders taking Bonnie Balt, Heather Purdy, Jennîfer Purdy, Mary Ruthi contest in which some more 1off were horseshoe champions -, part in the f irst annual Penny Fair parade last Thursday, Osborne, Mary Jane Kil patrick, and Jili Kilpatrick. Thestà evth n men mec kr ipi idat atrCoeadDnMs hese Ha %vaiian girls created a hit with the many sp*ecta- girls helped the LionsCnrwnth ieorh evrvh~g ro Bkni te mf) ei- 'rýere their closest rivais.-At lft to ar Chrisee . 1" *for etpeepark desfv-ffîrst tye on a il shapesi Other winners of the rà cesi tors. A hack, eto right, aeCrse Richter, Linda with the best costumnes. and forms off models, (Continued on page elevn) Purdy, Suzanne Bail and Gail Kilpatrick. In front are Board Approves Vote On Local Option Issueý 3

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