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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1955, p. 9

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THURSDAY. AUJG. 111h, 1953 Ed Youngman 's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Columnist At time o! writing. youi and in a nicely modulated, cu: scribe is still swinging the leadý tured tone enquired: "Are vc et the taxpayers expense, at! going far?" Needless to say, w~ jolly old Malton-on-the Pogey.' howled at that bit o! humour. The knee (the one 1 brought1 The doctor who looks aftE with me) is bending a bit moi-e me is a dead ringer for Fran ail the time, but is a long way Jamieson of Bowmanville. E~ from being O.K. For one thing, jflot only looks like Frank. bi Shad to get it limbered up a' has his general physique, colo tsa I could make a fast get- ,off hair and eves, besides man TwTay, down the corridor if any 1of Frank's mannerisms. plus of my pet slave driversshuId mustache. Probably bothc suddenly and u n erp ect edly Irish extraction, seeing one. came round the corner. named Jamieson and the othe Like the Army, the fîrst, im- Jacobs. portant thing ta learn is 'duty', I One of the' staff gave us quit and how to dodge it, in ten'1 a yak when he told o! a happer easy lessons. ing during his recruit day, Arriving back here, after be- Eighteen men were lined up fc Ing home for the week-end, revolver practice, when the ir one of the boys who didn't go structor an ex-R.C.M.P., noti( home, sang out cheerilv "Wel- ed a man chewing an enormou came home, gentlemen'. We wad of gum, he angrily ordere knew we were in the right spot him to throw it away, but th~ when we were called gentie- rookie thought he said 'gur mnen; anywhere else the appel-. and nonchalantly tossed th' lation might have been more cocked, loaded revolver ont expressive. the grass, and wondered wli Friendships are formed the instructor and seventee quickly here: On July 18,' five recruits hastily took off for th~ of us came by W.C.B. bus from bis. Toronto ta Malton, we had ne- Whcn hiking for the, junctio Ver met before, yet we have o! highways 115 and 35, and ta' stuck together since. We came ing a heavy suitcase, ta meE from different places, Ed El- the car for Malton, an Civi liott, Brantford; George Ballan- Monday, about two hundre tyne, Waterloo; Bill Nagy, Wel- motar vehicles passed me in on land; Morgan Gibbons, South- and a haîf miles without offer ,ampton, and yours truly, Ponty- ing me a lift, which proves the pool.. the motoring public is gettin Morgan has since returned smart about acting the goo home, but neyer a da'y goes by Samaritan only ta be played fo without us four 'trusties' won- a sucke r by sonne wayfarer wit dering how he's doing an the! criminal tendencies. 'outside'. Even sa, that ninety-fîve de 1 had occasion ta caîl on an gree heat made me wish same efficial: W'hile there, hins steno- body would say 'hop in!' Bu grapher palitely enquired what no onc did. mvy occupation was. When Sa 1 decided. as 1 trudge, tld, she quickly enquired if I wearily along that, henccfort, knew a certain chap in the Re- the only hitch-hiker gettin forestation Division of the Dept. sympathy from me would b. of Lands and Forests. Turned woman with a littie tot in eaÉ out that she was his ex-wife. arm, pushing a baby carniag .One of the patients said that, containing triplets, and expecl lhaving ta wear 'specs' was a ing the stork soon. nuisance, but had one excellent Arriving at the meetini advautage, he was too aid ta place, I spotted some loase]- attract young women, and the rolled waven wire, which mach specs made the older ones ap- a springy, amry seat, but dai Vear fairly attractive. Iganed if someone hasn't inac Two of us were working on off with it, which means tha the stationary bikes, when a VUI have ta thinik up som.ethin, tail Englishmnan strolled aven. cIsc for my comfort. There' MONTRICAL-Here'u a way . for jettiag vonderful effeet with almost no work st- ail! wish you'd just try GLIDE LIQUID STARGH and Seo how profemejonal it makes yow r uaing look. And how white the loues are-beame the blue in Glide. Seo, Ico, hov nmoodly the iran glides over your garments because cd Ibe f wax inaGilde. Once you'vc tried it, linmmsue hat, ", ,I*e me, you won'b vent ta be wthout it again. So easy ta ue-. simply add vater to Glide, hot or cod-that's all 1 Yau eau get it i the 8 cs. bottie, or the giant ecauomy sise-« on. jaa-ead bave ! Tedk 01 The . V&vw OMSeience! I le.?! av ee eoSm W ti the kitchea sink every night, wheu I pour ïi a cap of the new liquid detergent GAY. For 4ier. ar e frathiag, fragrant sule--mo pleae- at te vork withi Thcre'u tbe remuit in ilver, glaaswre and chin at sI parkle with cdea 'Une@@. And there-because Gay bas ar=%0 ,zrease-outliag powers, are lhe pots and pans scrubbed fresh and shining with so little effort. ',And yet-aand Ibis issa important 1-scicnco hao .reatcd Gay no that it's easy on lhe bande- doui dry the. skrn Economical hoo-oae bouedo fh Miy lu.. s arhe S«We every Urne 11% holiday timeel Y Iuivce' no air so relaziag. Another tbing tiaI helpe me ta relax za the kaowlcdge tiat my jeweiy sud irreplaceable pthaar ile steel-strong .ccurity of a B ANK OF' MONTREAL &4aety! Deout Box. Not even the e Mcold velau Me, if Id left liem bekiad ian empty hau.. o' aPartment-at tie meroy ai tbieve-e.pecially in August, thc year's biggest holiday moulu. .A: Safety Deposit Box givez ou full protectiou, froni fire, las. and theft. it costas M bttle-., lm atia two cents a day -yet the. me s01 .ecurîty omnts for no much! If you are going away tbia mcclii, why m»ot ensure that your vacation in &» &oub xy wt "M- B oE M Saiety Deposit Box hoday, A cook at an R.C.A.F. station woke up late and had ten minutes ta prepare a scrambled egg breakfast for 2,000 nmen. With some volunteer help he had w- enough eggs to go around broken into big kitchen pails. Then he had a pilot friend taxi a jet aircraft ta a spot behind the kitchens. Ail the cook had to do 'vas ta pour the pails of eggs inta the jet engine intakes and have a man at the back catch the scrambled eggs as. they emerged, nicely cooked. GOLDEN ALE B R EW ERY LI1M 1T ED always a blooming fly in the1 ointment. The young lady who has been massaging my knee is due for holidays, and opined, that I might not get much massaging until her return. z; The betting is that Miss Os-1 1borne, an interne. and a real1 fiery red head, willbecaes- Vethis is published-I hope. The boys in Ward 7E did a elittle research, and voted Mrs.1 ,kYoung the mnost distinctive le looking, classiest dressed sten-j] ut ographer in camp. When I told or her the news. Morgan Gibbonsj "Y said 'don't mind him, he's cabin a crazy'. Just mention the foregoing to ,s prove that, though injured, aur ersusceptibilities are operating on ail eight. The girls accept th2 te good-natured kidding with a n- grin. They're good sports! s. *- C_ YELVERTON d (Intended for last week) rie Amateur Show îeA number fromn Yelverton towere present at Nestleton'% ,l, Amateur Show on Wednesday an evening to celebrate the reop- e ening of the Forester Commun- ity Hall following the comple- ntion of an interior decorating >program. Those in Nestieton ecommu nity who were respons- -i ible for the "face-lifting" giv- aden the hall in a spirit of co-op- ,erative community enterprise .le are ta be heartily commended rfor their enthusiasm in this g praject. )d The results, showed walls orand ceilings in pleasing pastel h shades. appealing to the eyes in contrast ta previaus browfl drabness; with drapes made by e- the ladies to further accentuatee ea homney atmosphere. ut We venture however, the dgreatest community asset to ýdcorne of this project will be the h welding together of individuals g into a community spirited nei- a ghborhoad. Not wishing te encroach Into e th newsfield or otherwise Sproject my plump proboscis in- to territary covered by nelgh- Ig bourmng correspondent, would IY like to mention that the ama- le teur concert provided a fine 9- varied cntertalnment and we le wore proud of the numbers at supplied by this vicmty-Lit- ,g tie Miss Linda Gray-solo and 's tap-dancing; Master Brian Gray--solo; Little Miss Vanee- ta McGill-solo; Miss Lorraine MeGili and Master Lloyd Wil- son-duet in costume; solo by Llo ,d Wilson; and à number by ed E. Spenceley in his own inimitable stylmng wlth guitar accompaniment. Hlgh honaurs of the .vening went, in our estimation, to Mr. John Berkett (who the day b.- fore celebrated his 83rd birth- day) with his hoe-down num- bers on his trusty flddle. Vacation Ichool The two - week Vacation Sehool held In Janetville under th. tutorshi provided byIe maembers of UJnited Church - Caravae , waz- brought te a fitting close on Fridm.y everln.g with a program put on by' pu- ils and teachers (an open ouse for benefit of parents and anyone nterested> with diaplaying of woodwork, amy- on work, etc., don. by Pupils. The program consisted of a solo by Kenny Wilson of Yel- verton, a sing-song led by Miss Shirley Robinson, (both novel- ty and religlous sangs), a dram- atlzation of the story of Joseph by Miss Marion Hyland's group with choral reading and Bible verses. A chorus of tiny begîn ners led by Miss Edna 'Clydes- dale sang a couple of children's hymns. Another fetture was the puppet show with puppets made by children rgpresentimg the story of Dlavid. Mm. Mer- vyn Love, a student minister. presented oertificates to ail those attending at leait moyen days, assisted by Mr. Dennis Jackson. The "Caravaners'were in- Edna Clydesdlale of Warshaw, Marion Hyland of Witidsor, Shirly ob sn f ('hna" in teCOFhal hen over 200 well-wishers congregated ta welcome Dorothy ta the community and extend congra- tulations ta John the genial postmaster of this neighbor- hood. Mrs. Ross Davidsan read the poetic address composed for the occasion. Personala The Hugh McGills played hot ta many vacationists this past week - including Mrs. Rodney Jones, David and Ric- key, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Snyder and Wayne of Toronto: also as callers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Gill of Bowmnanville. Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Carnegie and Jimmy 1 off Port Perry MIr. Ferne Moore of Toronto. acconpa!edthe Balfour14 lMNooi-ez; to viàt Mr. and Mrs.14 'Herb Weidon off Oakw.ood. Mrs. Bella Henders. Mr. and Mv.Eldred H-enders of Winni- pez. NMan ..Mr. Austin Stacev', off Port Credit. vnre welcome callers a, En Henders on Sun- day. Mrs. Henders Sr.. onîx' 85 y'ears young has flown home TIM CANADIAI? STATESVL4N. BOWMNVLL, ONTARIO rADE NInU Tardy Paymi Delay Provii A number of municipalities taking part ln this region o! the Lake Ontaria Development Association have not yet ful- fillcd Iheir financial commit- ments, acconding la Herbert Long, IsI vice-president o! tice organizatian, and the machin- eny o! tic association is being held up as a nesult. Mn. Long said that a meet- ing of Zone 2 (Durham and, for the second lime to renew aid acquaintances here in this lacality. She re]ports a lovely smaoth trip doWn. Shc once lived on the farm owned by Em Henders. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Cook, Douglas and Jimmy, spent Ibis week with aunt Em. Mc. and Mrs. Gea. E. Wilson called on Mrs. Victor Grandy in Lindsay Ibis week. Glad ta sec Mrs. Wilson able ta be out. Mrs. Ernie Lane is accam- panying thc Roy Henders on a trip west by train. Sic wil1. visit wif h her sons, George and Ralph o! Kenora. Miss Em Henders will kcep tic home fines .burning at Roy's til1 their retun. Mr. and Mrs. ..Hugh McGill wcrc present on Saîurday, Ju- ly 23. at the nuptials o! Mrs. McGill's grandniece, Miss Dar- cen Pullcyshot and Mn. John Runhant, of Peterbora. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Jean MeCabe and Eleanor Jean aI the A. Hickson home. Mn. and Mrs. W. ilarold Stin- son werc Tiursday cvening suppen guests o! the Dalton Brown's, Fleetwood. ents Blamed 1 OBITUARY ..:. i f~mjIM ~4 MISS ANNIE MAUD POWER nca G rant'~ ' In failing health for teps Norhumenandcantis)cxc, ear Annie Maud Power, 83 Nortumbrlad cuntes)exe 1Centre Street, Oshàwa, passed cutives will be held in Port! way at the Oshawa General Hope August 10 ta look int the Hospital on Tuesday evening, reason for the tandy payments. August 2. Assessment for each mnuni-) Born in Darlington Township. cipality which vated ta enter the deceased wvas a daughter o! the schcmne is seven cents per the late Edward J. and Emma capita. Final date o! payment J. Power. was set at July 25th. To date Miss Power taught for a num- three municipalities in Dur- ber o! years at Albert Street ham and Northumberland have. School and later for several not paid. It is believed that ai years at the E. A. Loveil Schaol langer number in the other' prior ta hec retirement about zones have still ta make pay- four years ago. ment. She was a devoted member Canuot Get Grant a! Simcoe Street United Church. Mr. Long said further that She was also a member of the until the association was asur church choir and o! the Harvey cd o! the $10,000 from the Hunt Missionary Auxiliary. municipalities. il could not re-I h evst ar e quest the grant 'o! $10 ,000 I passing two sisters, Misses Merle promied b theprovincial and Hazel Power o! Oshawa, pormcd borthe . lsand twa brothers, Harold H. govrnmntor eceve 15Powec of Oshawa, and Gardon charter. Power o! Orono. Similarily, it cannaI adver-1 The funecal service was held tise for a manager until il is fcom the Luke-McIntash Fun- sure o! the funds and until eral Home at 2 p.m., Friday, this step is taken a central August 5. Rev. J. K, Moffatt, headquarters for the associa- minister o! Simcoe Street United tion. will nat be chosen.. Church, conducted the services. Assessments in the regional Interment Bowmanville Cerne- association are as follows: tery. Port Hope $450. Cobourg $570, Bawmanvile $400, Peterbor- ough $2,800, Lindsay $700, Audlubon Society Belleville $ 1,400, and Camp- belîford $210. A poits ullTime We are glad ta report that'W "" Bowmanville isnot one of xeutie ireti bas not paid ils !ee. The Audubon Society of Can- ada, this countcy's anly nation- To secure anc gallon of ma- wide conservation organization, pie syrup il takes 87 gallons o! has announced the appointment sap containing anc percent su- o! Mr. John Allen Livingston; gar. In 1954 Canada produced' as ifs Executive Director. 21.3 million paunds of Maple Tor. Livingston, a well-knownj Sugar. i oonto advertising executive, has foc many years been an ac- tive naturalist. Educated at the University o! Toronto, Mr. Liv- ngston served with the Royal Canadian Navy in World War I, and was formerly associated with McKim Advertismng Limit- ed and Erwin, Wasey o! Cana- da Limited. In announcing fuis a ppoint- ment, Mc. D. Bruce Murray.! Chairman o! the Board o! Di- rectors, states: "The necd for public and private endorsement of conservation activity andý education was neyer greater than aI this moment. Caniada's fantastically rapid growf h ne-ý presents a continually increasý- ing drain on aur natucal resour ces". The Audubon Society o! Can-, ada operates from coasîta coast in the field o! conservation, and especially in conservation cdu- cation, which is in Mr. Living- ston's words, "The only sound basis an which ta build a na- tional consciousness of the need. for the preservaf ion and perpe- tuation of aur natural resourc- ess During the suirmer cf 195J The United Church of Canada brought together 45,500 children in its Church Vacation School! across Canada. Dead Stock Removed Highest prices paid for Dead, Old and Crippled Faru Stoek. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 7tUIwn s MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Protects the property of more Canadians than any other Company SE E Y0U R LO0C AL AG EN T Arnold W. Wade ______-Newtonville Stuart R. James _____-Bownianville Nelson E. Osborne-___ Bownîanville S. Everton White-____ Bowmanville Dirk Brinkman --------NeWcastle k:ss:e*s~*z--- ------ :s ---z:zz:z~zz:~z:z::;:::z;zz::z::~" "h BQWMk4ANYILLE LIONS BOWMANVILLE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS FRE1 LUCKY TICKET FOR BUICK 19 LEASIDE BAND FREE DRAW SEDAN WILL BE MADE AT THE CONCLUSION 0F THE I.EVENING'S ACTIVITI ES - Digger and R3elier PROCEEDS FOR LIONS COMMUNITY WORK FRIDAY AUGUST (in case of rain Carnival wIl be held Saturday, August 20) FEATURING AT 7:00 P.M. DEMONSTRATION BY LIONS CLUB AND MAJORETTES ADMISS ION 1955 NEW CARNI VAL ATTRACTIONS ----------- - -----

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