PAGUEtETm-ffl~WAAiS STJATMILN, BWNVLOPAROTHUEA, J.ItUSm -.- -BIRTHS Notices Articles For Sale Articleg For Sale =ANTT-r. d MntDh D.)n iwel's office will be WATER-H1ard or sat.. Robt. GIRL'S bicycle, $10. fireplace Baret, shwa anouceth cosed fromn August 12th ta Sept. H. Cale., MArket 3-5476.. 29-tf spark guard. Phone MA 3-3939.1 birth oi Canol Elizabeth, July l2th. 32-_______ 2- 28, 1955, a sister for Ralph and --________________e D 31- Diane. 32.1 Dr. Rudell's office will be clos- ,tager. Phone MA 3-2017. 32-1* NINE acrsa ha ta, base cd from July 21 to August 13 in- or baled. Blake Short. MA 3. COCHRANE-Alfred and Rose- clusive. 29-4 GLADIOLI-King St. East, west 2479. 32-1 Mary Cochrane (nee Bostock) ai Cemetery. Phone MA 3-30M4 AR 2x4.ApyDnEls wish ta announce the arrivai Of L. C. Màson, Law Office,-BAN3x4.A l DnEis their son William David on July closed August 4th to August 30-4 243-,Smpson Ave., 'Bawjmanville. 29 at Memorial Hospital. Bow- 24th, inclusive. 31-3* NEW Spencer garaient,' short Phone MA 3 -2680. ' 32-1 nianvile. 32-1* stout, $20. 1 Silver St,, Bowman- YELLOW and grây T.loyd baby Dr. Sisson's office will be clos- ville. 32-1w' cerriage, excellent condition, COWLE-Mr. and Mrs. Donald cd for haiidays from August 12 $2 . Phone MA 3-3393. 32.1 Cowle (nee Ruth Adams), are ta 31st inclusive. 32-3 ONTARIO patataes, 75 lb. bags,- happly ta anxlounce the birth aifdlivredI in Bawmaniville. Phone BALED straw, baled from h Augst3,atMeonil ositlbecloedfnm ugst l3th A 32'7.31-tf stack, 30c per bale at the barn. a ugh 3 t e onal oMari, an D. H. ed rtgus ofic wl A 3243Phone Blackstock 14 r 23. 32-2 Bowmanvile, 8 lbs., 9½ý oz. September 6th inclusive. 32-3* 114-ACRE of standing oats.OE12-sspao coron 32-1*ON 2baspaoacrin John A. Holgate & Son wil Appy 219 Liberty N. aiter ane used Astral nefrigerator, in STEPHENS-Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. be closed for holidays, August 5 p.m. 31-2 very good condition. Phone MA Stephens annaunce 'the birth ai 15 ta August 27 inclusive. 32-2 3OAOS -5868. 3- thein daughter Dale Cynthia,' Dr. C. J. Austin's office wil tert, first farrn, sauth-east ai FOUR-burner G.E. stove, white, 8 ibs., 8 oz., on Jul3r 28th at St. be closed for hoiidays 'fnom subway, Newcastle, 32-1 large oven and starage bin, ex-1 Catharines Gencral Hospital. A August lat ta September 5th --cellent condition. Meadowmount nitrfrna ie.ean 32o-1 inclusive. 30-6 GLADIOLI and cut flowers for Farms, R.R. 3, Newcastlc. Phone nie._______32-1______ail occasions. Mrs. E. Passant. Clarke 2811. 32-1 Dr. E. D. Hubbard's Office Phone MA 3m-3527. 32-3* ENGAGEMENTS wîll bceclosed for holidays fromn TRADE-IN-Rangettes $15; As- -_August 2nd ta August l4th in- CAR TOP-boat, V-bottopy rlrfieao 5,gaate Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer, clusive. 30-3 waod; one full size bed and y-thareiea Klitr $9 rnerig matres. PoneMA tr$69r; ne appliance an Buyketon, annaunce the engage- Bowmanviile Public Library mtrs. hn A 32.1*frntr $9 e w pri acîa. ment ai their daughter, Audrey wiil be ciosed Thursday and 32- Munuhy Ca. 32o le. Marare, a Gen . îbsn, onFrîday, August il and 12. Open BAUTIFUL box spring and mat- oi Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson, Satudy 32-1trsdulbcsilkenw DR EISanvntanlns Nestieton. The marriage will tes dul edrd, ienwDAERE ny.ntanbid take place August 27th at the L. W. Dippeil wiii be at th bargain, $35. Newcastle 3716. customn made, or draperies soid home ai the bride's parents. HhSholMna, tea 32-1 by the yard. Our nepresentative HighSchol Mnday Tuedaywill caîl at your home any time2 32 1* and Wednesday, August 15, 16, SOLID mahogany four-poster with a complete range ai sampies 1 Mrs Hndic Bon17, ta sec any pupils regarding bed wih pineapple tops; aiso, and suggestions without obliga- Mn. and Ms edikBo their courses af study for the waodensingle bed. Phone MA tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. - of Coaksville wish ta annaunce coming year. 32-1 3-3522. 32-1 W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- the engagement ai their daugh- vle 8t ter Gertrude ChrIstina, ta Roy Wc are now mariufacturing VENETIAN blinds-Newest cal- vle 8t Arthur Wcrry, son ai Mn. and ceaient blocks, bath interlocking ours with plastic tapes. Wc Mrs. Francis W. Werny ai Ennis- and standard, and would be Tacasure and instail. Morris Ca. MA LO NE Y killen. Marriage ta take place plcased ta serve you with a good Phone MýA 3-5480. 6-tf A LU M IN UM D OO R 5 on Sept. 10 at Enniakilien par- product at a reasonable price.$500 -IsaldFe conagre followed by receptian at Tripp Construction. Phone 392w, SAVE on lumber, direct front 5.0 - ntiedFe the F. W. Werrys. 32-1 Part Pery. 40-tf miii ta you. Phillipa Lumber Rs Ca.,' Kinniannt, Ont. Phane R s Clark 3! The engagement is announced By-Law No. 2028 ai the Town- 17r11. 13-tf 71 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle oi Elizabeth Linda, daughter af ship ai Darlington, known as an Phone MA 3-3801 Mrs. Mraz and the late Mn. John "Area ai Subdivision Contrai ICEYS eut automatically, while 28-tf Mraz, Falkland, B.C., ta Russell By-Law", will affect those who you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- J. Gardner, son ai Mn. and Mrs. wish ta buy or seli smaii parceis ware, 36 King St. E., Bowmian-Sne >~1gunr John Gardner; Winnipeg, Man. ai land in the Township. ville. 4-fSne e igCnr Trhe marniage will take place on Most ai the land in the town- Satunday, September 3, 1955, at ship bas been designated and HIGH yielding Gehiesce Fali For Used or New ci 3:30 p.m., in iTninty United established as an arca ai sub- whcat,' Registration applied foi'. Sewing Machines ChuchBo=anýfleOnt. division contrai, within the Harvey Malcolmi, Janetville, etlorepi Chrh omnail, 32-1* meaninig ai the Planning Act, Phone Backstock 8311. 31-4 PhoentSAi WAor-Re 44 * R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 277, Sec- DO yaur own faons - rent a -hneOSAAE-54 The engagement is announced tian 24. sander or a faonr polisher fromn for Prompt Service of Miss B rnice Grace Lang- The immediate effect af the Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., 4t rnald, only daughtcr ai Mn. P. A. by-iaw is that mast sales ai la.nd Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. FOUR-now high clearance (6 it.) Langmaid ai Oshawa and the in parcels ai less than 10 acres 3t ae pae;hredano late Mrs. Langmaid, ta Mr. Jahn wiil requine the consent ai the 3-fprubbcraheis. ospecialy bui Ralph Found, son ai Mn. and municipaiity. The Board wil INSULATION, blawing method, frbe hes pcal ul Mrs. Charles Found ai Bowman- meet on the founth Thunsday with rock wool. Wonkmanship Ais 0 nursery or tobacco draps. e ai ech onth tareviw apli-guaanted. nc sti ates heavy duty anc-hanse harn- ville R.R. 2. The marniage wil fec ott eiwapl-gaate. Fe siae. css, espcciaîîy made for sprayer. take place in King Street United cations, and information ne- Hanny L. Wade. Phonie Clar'ke Ecletcniin as cf Church, Oshawa an Saturday, garding such applications shauld 2420. Excfiers ntchnseipiou. HrsIc bo Septeaibe 3rd, at 3 p.m 32-.1 be in the handa ai the Boand's 3-ffes n-os luh c o ecretany not later than one NOW is the time ta order your (cank lined). Chcap for quick D] Cards of Thanks week previaus ta the date ai Campbellford Silo ta have it sale. Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- meeting,. norain a ecrccted in time for youn corn senies, Bawmnanviiie. 30-3 Funtherifaon my de rap. Cali MA 3-2403, Walter I wish to thank thec Enniakil- abtained by contacting the un- Frank. 32-3 Cars For Sale len Service Çlub, Mn. Ted Wood- densigned. yard, Bowmanville, and those Darlingtan Township AFRICAN violets, plants, icaves,' TRUCK, '47 ecr,'-o P who sold and baught tickets and, newest best vanieties Mnuy -oP donations for my televîsion. W.lE.ninBd. ertn including doubl pik an stake. Phone MA 3-2678. 32-1* Many thanks t a a1. 3-1fingettes.' Stewant's Seeda, 32'4 Ciud Slt. ________________ Dvi3o2t.-B wmni'e427t DODGE truck, 3-ton. B. de Claue Sith Divsio St, Bwmanill. 2-tfMan, Waverly Road, Bowman- 32.1* Lost TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- ville. 321* On behaif ai my famidly and chines, new and used, for sale 1950 AUSTIN sedan, good con- Inyself, I wish ta express aur BLACK and white kitten, child's or nent! aisa Cale steel filing dition thnoughout, gets 40 m.p.g. appreciation ta friends and pet, last in business section, cabinets, office funniture. Walter '95PoeM -71 21 neighbours for their many offers Phone MA :'3232. 32-1* Frank; MArket 3-2403. 24-tf $25.P on*A -70I32n and acta ai kindness duning the m eta aue 1946 G.M.C. 2-ton stake truck, past year. Ms.J.csbitt. Help Nanteej Lovcîy patterns. Free estimates inPoadciinneiy $243.375.- Folding chairs, dard and banquetPhnMA320.21 32-1 TOMATO pickcrs. H. Schmid, tables for rent. Cieve Fox, 412 '49 DODGE deluxe sedan, eus- 1 wish ta express my sincere Newcastle. 32-1 Simcae N., Oshawa. 24.11* tam radio, slip cavera, under- thankis t my frienda, relatives TOMATO pickens. Phone 3741 HEARING adsrietsigcaated, tires and motar excellent. A: and neighbons for thein many Newcastle. 32-1 service and complete stock aiPo eMf-50.3- acta ai kindness and for flowers, batteries and cor~de at Higgon fruit and carda and messages 1 HANDYMAN ta assist in making MElctric limitcd, 38 King St. E., Livestock For Sale receîved while nesting in my smail septic tanks. Appiy J. Bowmanvflle. Phone MA 3-5438. home fram my painful accident. Watson, end ai Wavcrly Road. 20-tf F4EHJre cwfrsl Sincerely, Mrs. A. F. Spencer. 32-1 32-iJese BI orsae 32-1* - PRINTS ai photos ai public -LE. WOMAýN for companion and eventa appearing in this paper REGISTERED heifen calves. 1wouid like ta xresMy iight housekecping. Mrs. F. S. taken by Carson Studio may be Austin Wood. MA 3-2388. 321* _ incere thanka and appreciatian ole,17Kn E. Phone M obtained for $1,00 on 8xlu inch toalal the many friends who so3-58 32-1 glossy prnts. Carson Studio, CLYDE hanse, about 1,500 Ibs., kindly remembened my sister, MAUN wanted for Rawlcigh bus- Port Hope- 48--ii, quiet single or double. Phone Miss Helen Morris, with letters, iness. Sdi ta 1,500 families. Clarke 1520. 32-1 THI carda, flowers, and in other Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. DECORATING 250 YEAR.old Leghorn hiens, Plat thoughtful ways duning her stay H-140-SA, Montreal, P.Q. 32-1 truhteneiw in Memonial Hospital, Bowman- Forthe atea Pathe Imoult. Bill Tom- o ville. WANTED - experienced furn- FrteLes aw linson. Phone Orono 13 r 3. acce Mrs. G. W. Garner, iture and appliance salesman, For the Finest Paints 32-1 MA (Florence Morris), Oshawa. full or part time. Apply John FOUR regîstcned Jersey heifers, 102, 32-bf Heatlie Furniture, Newcastle. * For the Beat Workînanship vaccinated, due in September. - 32-1& S Garne Symons, Phone MA COMING EVENTS EXPERIENCED a u ta m obil e S. G. Preston & on 3-2459.312 Bingo Friday night, Aug. 12, salesmen. Real opportunity for Phones HIGH quality negiate red ed RAI' and Thunsday night, Aug.'18, at aggnessive men. Apply in per-Duhmbltre3 s0dPo 8 p.m., in Memoiai Park Club son. Robson Matons Ltd., 166 MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 Duovna irbull,0thuee yea aid Pro Hous. 321 Kig St E. 2-1 4-tfoats, 1954 drap, also table corn. E.1 Onono Evcning Aui-iiary e-ni nnhte nITP 1rl'Trm _ arc SEN MA1-922.9.T.A. qu ir 2. * f Yaudont wnt a iss this thre2 tn.Ho i- rte a p y ., owrnaville. Phone MA 3. bath, available Aug. 15. Phone yea' Ggatc Bwavlepu car allowance an mileage 4. 26-tf MA 3-3880 on write 10 Pe te IJons Club Carnival ta be beld basis, where authorized. Ad- 3retX,3or Kiit Tl on Fnlday, AU lDth, at the dress applicationin2- hnd u Public School uns Leaside wniinttng opnience n and Teènders W'ctted COTTAGE, al Ycar round, East33 L Lions Bançi and MJanettes will educatin, to Regional Statistica Beach, Bowmanvilc. Available give a dernonstratron starting at Officer, 215 Victoria Street, Written tenders will be neceev- Sept. bat. Apply 93 Liberty St. 7 pin. Th. dnaw for the 1955 Toronto , Ontanria. 32-1 cd by the undersigned until N. Phone MA 3 3836. 32-1 Buick will climiax the evenîng.J 5:00 p.m. Ine of Taun a~,i y 2Oth. 31-3 bPersoncdlThursday, August 1a, 1955 FOUR-room aparment in States- man block, flot suitable for heldSattda. Jly 2th.31- oor a ncw car. standard madel. YCoung children. AppIY at The A IIt O - 1YGIENIC supplies - (rubber Pentc,193FrCohCanadian Statesman, Bowman- BEI __________________e goods) niailed postpaid in Plain ta be uscd as trade ini.ville 2 -t- sealed envelopeLawest or any tender flotV 7t- seaedenebpewith Pnice Est. necessariîy accepted. APARTMENT, four rooms, bath, < ACCOMMODATION for eldely Six saapîes 25c, 24 samples Cfde'sAdScit, pivt nrachatd o iolk AIl c nve ien es. Con sîoo. M ail Order Dept. T-28, 230 W abton Street, n n, i x h n e f r d y c r u e Vaiescn177 wL co, hn o.Rb Co.. Box 91. Bain- Port Hope, Ont. for four-year.ld boy. Phone * n>171 2'ilton, ont,14 -1 1 -8802 OZaft& six. .ý 2A I UT.....i.. ~ à ~ .~ - - - - vVL>.LA vVUULte WE remve trees, stunps, and dlean Up yards, etc,. estinates. Phone MA 3-36 MA 3-2740. ZLDERLY mari. wants ýa jc a quiet fanai home daing ci gaod teanisten, good wit] live stock. Write Willie sqn, 58Q Veterans Road, H-AVEý,your repairs done now. C4rpentry -and cement work. We build and repàir cottages, gar- ages, verandahs, c h 1 mne y s plastering, cernent steps, etc. We also do exterior and interior paint-ing. Lowest price in tawn. Free estimate. Phone MA 3-36i94 or MA 3-2740. 32-1. Masonry Consfruclion BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. MA 3-i2273 or MA 3-3375 12-tf A. E. COLE PLUMBING Ar.-r HEATINiG Authorized MWor-Sun and Lennox Dealer 26 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phane Nlght or Day MA 3-3473 16-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) bruali Free W94 or 32-1 job an lianres, h al Osha- Concret e and Masonry Structural and Repair Work Al types of ONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK WORK ta suit your requirements L. TURNER tstimates Free P.O. Box 177 Evenings - Phone MA 3-3718 BOWMANVILLE 31-tf SBULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LOADING bRAGLIiNE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction 'RT PERRY 392W 32tf TOWNE TV ANTENNA astallation & Repairs POR FAST AND) EFFICIENT TV ANTENNA SERVICE Phone MA 3-5919 1 LLL WORK GUARANTEED9 FOR ONE YEAR 1 Specalizing In1 Rotor Antennas t n ci t( E Pl c hg V( P, Sq Q (n ta on [LL 1Seed Cleaning IE Secd Cleaning and Trea'ting it at Enniskiiien is under w management. The plant is w opcnating and grain wiil be ,pted at any time. Phone Irket 3-5439 or Blackstock J. 31-4 Repairs )TO and television repaira. sipt service. Pick up and iveny. Lamne Dorcen. 85 King Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf OVER service man will be at store every Thursday. Bring rs in on Phone Higgon Elc- Limited, 38 King St. E.. Bow- ville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf PAIRS ta all makes af refrig. ýors, domestie and cammer- ;milking coolers. Higgon ýtrie Liaiitcd, 42 King St. E. le MA 3-5438. 25-tf RTH REPAIRING at MARR'S JEWELLERY ing St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 BO WMAN VILLE levieion and Radio Repairs IPT - PROFESSIONAL SAME-DAY SERVICE at Reasonabie Rates 3vision Service Co. Ing st. W. MA 3-3883 32-1 TAYLOR Repair Shop )MTORS and HEATERS 'AIRED and CLEANED RECORING eral Soldernt Repains St W. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-3459 LLOYD HAMIILTC mBiMIL t Cte T ma~o iiy BABY carnîage. Phone MI 3075. FALL Whcat. Caîl Irvine Fe Taunton. Oshawa ftA 5-9. 31 MANGEL cutter., Mostent, fanai south-east of subway, N' castle. HIGHEST pnices paid for palry, goose icathers. féal tikserap iran, naga metals. Phone RA 3-2043 O,: YOUNG couple desires ta p chase home, $1,500 dciwn. Re onable monthiy payments, stei ily empioycd. Appiy Box3 c/o Canadian Statesman.3 ALL kinds of live poultry wa: ed. Top Toronto prices paid your door for large or sm quantities. We hqve our ci market. M. Fiatt, Bethany R 1. Telephone collcct ta Betha 7 r13.. 28 SIGL Wantondr rr must be expcnîenced milkei good wages; also, wanted, pota tocs for cattie. Apply Z.0 Benschop, R.R. 4, BowmanviiiE MA 3-2926. 32-1 DEAD STOCK nemoved fin voun farm Pnamptly for sanitar disposal. Telephone collect: Co bourg U~66 or Toronto EM 3-3636 Gardon Young Liniited. 50-t Auction Sales Auction Sale 50 Head of Holsteiw Milkers, Springers, Open and Bred Heifers, Mllking Machine, etc., the entire herd ai Meadow- view Fans, to bc sold without reserve at DURHAM COUNTY Sale Arena, Orono Friday Ev'g, Aug. 19 commcncing at 8:30 Anyone intenested in purchasing good dairy cows would be wel] advîsed ta attend this sale. See Bis - Ternis, Cash JACK REID, Auctioneen H. DeWITH, Farm Manager LAWRENCE HARRIS, Clerk 32-2* Privat e Sale Willow Acres A3- 32-1 eeds, ý245. W-3* first qew- 32-1 bive Lther and ýsha- 6-tf pur- cas- ead- 392, 32-1 ant- cl at nal Dwn ýany Mr4. and Mrs. Fergus E. Morrili 252 Ring St. E. - Bowmanville .For appointien4tat view, Prease telephane MA 3-2456 Tractor, Farmall "Hl' with îydrauic 2-now cultivator, dises, etc.; L a t h e, waodwonking, nounted on bench with attach- nents; Paint Sprayer, campres- anr and motor (piston type) heavy duty; Flaodlight, reflector type, 750 - 1500 watts; Cuitivator, 3section, Spning-tooth Hanrows, Grinder, heavy duty with ,k h.p. noton; Stone-boat, ail steel, custom made; Ladder, 30' Ex- tension; Lawn Rouler, steel; Tractor Jack, Fence Stretcher, teel; Chain and Jack, Oul Drums, Typewriter, Underwood; Duplicaton, motor, 4 speeds; Electnic Stove, Frigidaire; Fine- lace Fixtures, Chesterfield, Odd "hairs, Television, 21" Electro- ore; Book af Knowiedge, 20 ïolumes; Arai Chairs, Tables, 'orcelain-top Table, Silver Tea envide, antique 6-piece set - ýuad. plate. 32-1 Réception Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wagar ice Jean Toms) wil be at home otheir fniends at "Open House" in Thunsday, August il, fnom - 10 p.m. 32.1* 7 The Canadian Statesmau CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR lIENT - RELP WANTED CARS nOR SALE LOBT . FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate - - 3c per Word With a minimum of soc Muet b. paid by date of insertion Ul charged, an additional 250 wîU b. added. A chare of 25c wM lb. made for an repleiesdredted to tht, office. NOTICES - COMING EVENTS AND CAIIDS an TEANKS 3c a word with a minimum ai $ 1.00 for 33 words oz lbas. SIRTHS - ENGAGEMENTS MARIIAGES - DEATHI $1.00 per Insertion IN MEMORIANE 01.00 plus 10c a uine for Por»e COMMERCIAL CLASBIFIEDS 1InÇludes ail adver-tising for persons or firms e reia services. ideas or goods of any d1escription -O e ord: minimum charge 5c cash with order. To reqular adv.rtsers payable monthly. Dslay Classified ai $1.50 pt tnhwth a minimum of on. inch. Additional insertions at the nome rates AIl Classiffed Ada musi be la ibis office flot later thon 12 o'ciock noon, Wedaesdar. Bond cash, siamps or monop order aj;d saye mon.y. Gip ibis oui for kandy rei*renoe la SIXromr bungalow, insui $4,000 down. Phone MA 3. dated, IN Newtonville, seven-roomed frame house and '/ acre af land. Phone Clarke 6 r il. 32-1 TWO large building lots on 1Ontario Street, next ta Ontario Street Schoal. Phone MA 3-3865. 32-1 SUMMER cottage, wired for lightè, finished inside, price $600, to be moved. Phone MA 3-3824 for information. 32-1 HOUSE and garage, unfinished, on 1-acre lot. Low down pay- ment. Contact Malcolm White, Hancock Road, North, Courtice. 31-2 THREE-bedroorn home, insulat- ed, auter houses, quarter acre of land, good weil and pressure system. Terms arranged. Mac McPhail, Mill St., Orono. 32-2 EIGHT-roomed house, unfinish- ed but livabie, 1 acre land, just off 35 Highway, 2 miles north of Pontypool. Possession at once. Apply next farm. east. Wm. Mitchell. 32-1 FARM For Sale.-100 acres, dlay loam, ail workabie, red brick house, 3 barns, hien house 20x4O, implement sl4ed 22x42, steel roofs throughout, water and hydro in barn and. house. Locat- ed in Durham County. One mile from Janetvilie, il miles to Lindsay. Daily bus service at gate. Farm in good state of repair, cultivation and soil fer- tility. Come and look it over. Appiy ta Ross Davidson, Janet-c ville, Ont. Phone Lindsay 4-4059. 32-2* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ProDerties Sold, Rented, Managed and Apprais«d 1 L. M. ALLISON f Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.s Two blocks north of traffic t signal, Newcastle1 32-tf il HAMILTON REAL ESTAT $ For rent - Leskard corner Louse, four rains and bath, hydro, garage, garden and creek. " Possession September lat. Low e cent. Applyh Leroy Hamilton, Broker c Oronolr 16 F 32-1 a PAUL b. EIISTOW REALTOR hl I i i I r F 97 acres near Courtice, with large sand and gravel dcqosit, 60 acres wankable, excellent lo- cation for sub-dividing; 6 room brick house, good barn, impie. ment shed, 2 welis. Wiii consid- er smaillbouse as part payaient. Offering at $17,000 for quick sale. 117 acres excellent pasture with two year round creeka. Good bush with considerable large cedar. Stone house on pro- perty bninging in stcady rev- enue. Taxes anly $65.00. Close ta No. 2 Highway. $10,500 with terms. BOUSES Deautiful 5 raoai brick and garage, 3 years aId, in good lo- cation. 'Up ta the minute in cvery detail. Niceiy landacaped, many extras inciudcd in pnice af $10,500. One af the towns finer homes, 7 rooms, brick, with attachcd garage. Lovcly shaded lawn. Home is ultra modern in every respect, ineluding heatîng sys- teai. Owner leaving town, and offering at aniy $17,000, with excellent terma. 4 rooms and bath, hardwood and tule floor, iaundry tubs, heavy wiing. Hot air heat, coal. Full ceilar with waten pressure. Lot size 110x150. Asking pnice $7,500 with tenais Countice arca. 4 room inaul brick an ceaient foundation. E{eavy wired, an acre lot, $4,000 with $1.000 down. PHONE MA 3-3517 Alter Houri OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982 ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 37 King St. W. Bowmanvie A 32-1 Pedwell Real Egtate Fanais ai evcny description, Praces range from $4,500 ta1 P0,000. These fanas should not )e ovcrbooked if considening- )uying a farai. Our special thia veek is: 100 acres two miles from New- eu, tatie, %k mile from new Higli- fu vays 35 and 115, pniced at $ 11,000 on tenais. Two banaan aonc walls, equipped fan dairy; la' ripiement shed, fanie bun- ga alow with buiit-in cupboards, ra, lydro, pressure- systeai, ail do urnace. We stili have a nuaiber af 3 sali houses with $500 aiçlW. 1,000 down. m Frame house in BawmanvilceP n Simipson Avenue, $6,500, balf ash. toi 1C. Pedwell, Broker tic ýwcastie Phono 3856 cel 32-1fa If we have flot peace within rseîves, it is in vain ta aeek it 65 = autward sources.-Roche- M1, er, ta- I. le. j* M ry 0. c c e t, r I L3( 8 hý ai th ni la lu B( ki ar ac he $4 101 $3 haý Pt( Os' an4 Ne, Sal Doi 0. pari 5 upb an 5,5 a On' 5 r iuli )st Ch, wia Loi c a Or 1 Real Estate for Scde 1 room house on 1/4 acre land, ýdrooms, 3-piece bath, hot nr heating, bcavy wiring, ated. garage; lmnaediate ;ssion. aoice building lot an Vie. aStreet, 48x165. $500.00(. :t on ZVon Road 75x20( "eQi. ank and hydro in. Wlib#ïc;> low down Payaient. ehave bouses, bungalows, is and lots.. :nsult us before M. E. Leask, Droken stania St. Bawaianville Phone MA 3-5919 PAM yomtnm 1 9-4 ýý w- 1 m 6à" i. Fail Fair Dates Fali fair dates ai Interest la'. ealily include the f Illwn~ BeileviIe-Aug. 15-18 Oshawa-Aug. b18-20W Ottawa (Central Canada) - Aug. 20-27. k Toronta (C.N.E.)-Aug. 26. Sept. 10. Port Hope-Sept. 2, 3 Kinmount--Sept. 2, 3 Pont Penny-Sept. 3. 5 Marmora--Sept. 3, 5 Napanee-Sept. 5-7 Picton-Sept. 8-10 Orono--Sept. 9, 10 London (Western Fair) - Sept. 12-17. Sunderland-Sept. 13, 14 Braaipton--Sept. 15-17 Lakefield-Sept. 16, 17 Tweed-Sept. 20, 21 Lindsay.-ept. 20-24 Camipbllford ept, 27, 28 Uxbnidge-Sept. 2Z8 Markham-Sept. 29-Oct. 1 Bobcaygeon, Sept. 30-Oct.1 Madoc-Oet. 4, 5 Blac stock-Oct. 7, 8 Nanwood-Oct. 7, î, 10 A good yicld fnomn an apple tree is eonsidered ta be 25 ta 35 boxes ai apples per year. Real Estate for Sale De With Real Estate 134 acre fami baI the land workable, w1th streaai, wells, remainden wood, 60'x30' bank barn, garage; 10 roorned farne bouse with full celian, hydro. VerY close ta sehool, stores, etc. Pnice $4,000. Tenais arranged. 100 acre fanai, 80 acres wonk. able, 6 acres bush, creck, wells, 54'x36' and 40'x30' bank barn, lien bouse, pig pens; 8 nooaied soiid brick bouse withlî eavy wiring, hot and cold running water, new furnace, bandwood floons, etc. Pnice $ 14,000. Mont. gage available. 190 acre fanai, light nailing sandy, 130 acres piowabie, 50 acres waod, 15,000 Christmias trees, with creek, wel, 70'x30' bank ban, 9 noomed frame house with hydro, cistenn. Pnice $8,500. Tenis, 107 acre farm, 30 acres work. able, 50 acres bush, witji spring, weli, 65'x42' bank ban, 8 room- ed dlapboard house with bydro, heavy wincd, full basement. Clase ta sehool, chunch, etc. 'nice $4,200. Tenais anranged. 50 acre farm, clay-loam, 40 acnes wonkable, stream, 80x30' bank barn, implement shed, etc.; 7roamed frame insulbrick 0oUsd, hcavy wincd, Wose te school. Pnice $8,00 Tenais arranged. 165 acre fanai, situated 10 miles rom. Oshawa with large cneek, 30 acres ai valuable waod, 72' W'bank barn with waten bow'iL , jO'x35' steel driving shed,er' Sraomed marne . bouse h iardwood floons, heavy duty wring. Pnice $15.000, Tenais trranged. 7 rooaied farne bouse with firc sunroo ma, ini Newcastle, icely loeatcd, surrounded with nrge trees, fireplace, wcii. Large ot. Pnice $5,000. Tenis. 7 rooaied solid brick bouse in awmanviile with 3 piece bath, âtchen cupboards, running hot id cold water, furnace, full taaient. Centrally located. ride $10.000, Tenais arranged. à rooaied b ½ -storey insul. Sick bouse an bighway with 1 nre lot, containing furnace, iaten pressure systeai, electrie eaten, 3-picce bath. Price 4,500. $1,500 down. 4 raomcd frame bouse with iseaient far another 4iouse on 0'x663' lot, ineiuding barn, reil. Hydro installed. Pnice 3,000. T e nis. ' Besides above mentioned we ave approximately '85 more toperties ta choose from in the ;bhawa, Bowaianville, Cobaurg ,d Trenton district. Contact John F. De With REALTOR eweastie Phone 3341 Lesmen: )naid MountJoy, Bowmanvil. ,MA 3-3950 Paul Dlamond, Font Ferry Phone 246 R 1