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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1955, p. 2

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PAGE cTWO MT"'CANqADL&J STATESMAN. EOWMAÉV=IZ 019TAUO 1Efl'1fRJMIS t University Courses Too High It costs too much ta go ta callege, according ta, an article in 'The Finanial Pout. It goés on ta say: for an out-of-town student who has ta pay board, a four-year B.A. may run ta $5,000. For -a médical stUdent the tab la likeiy ta be closer to $10,000. Joe College can work in the suminer, rake lawps in the lu, mimd babies in the winter. But lt's stili a prohibitive ainount for many able schoiars. Even with seholar- ships, hiÉher education is becomtng the preservé of the privilegéd. Ability ranka after father's bank account -or the strokê offate which puts the wouid-be siudezlt'a fàmily in a college town where he can Ilve at home. .University. oai Toronto's President Smith compiains that "We should be get. tirîg more students from the rural districts and from centres that are remote tram tiniversities." Yet there are lots af students at lege who neyer should bé ibère. Thei too high a percentage af failures. Presidi Smith puis il at 22%o of the freshman yE Why are théy there wasting th own and othér students' time, the sources of the univérsity, their p arer and taxpayers' monéy? There ls, of coui a snob appeal of some tort ln a univers degree and a lack af recognition that - 9. or maore af Canadiana wiho haven't gat.c are doing- qulte well w1tbout IL.- Tultion fées on average pay lesq th 50% ci a atudent's éducation; in di caees, the taxpayer pays thé rest. Wouldn't h *be -Wise to sperud soi cf this money ta help thooo who havet xbility 'and .willpower but not thé mon ta gel a collège éducation? To iil-éqt a human immd la ta waste a prtec.lo resource. Target For To-Morrow plce imn wI a beteo-or aýn sur Y-v.,fw,,, lh te--- '-* "Ja bit-Ten t nyuI idi air Whatcver you do, save regularly- 1lace ri whch ta ark ad sections respectively sanie yéarsthnyucct".do'drw utadlradseho lve. ugo. Interment o! déceased was1 hnyuepc. o'drwutaolr-dsehw In sanie Instances' théy are ut Narwood Cémetéry' an Sat-1. Here's ail you de. First, open a compound interest helps your balance actually penalized by serving, urday. svnsacuta h aainBn rw o'lmk tay ap rg for most hospital boards take Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc- savCnmmacut t he anaia Bak rsow Y our kestadyBuhappy rpu- great care that thème cari be Cube and Alex, énjoyed a o omre hr aigi la estwrsyu ol u o' u na suggestion that a mémber week's vacation ut thé cottage sure. Thon figure a ccrtain amount you off ta tomorrow what yoji can start might, even lIndirectly, make up nrth., can put by cach pay-day-.and deposit today. Drap in at our nearest branch and uny profit irom thé hospitai. ]gr Keith Stinson and Mas- that in your savings account before start saving now. Anyone in aur more - Accordingly, a member wha ter Kennywére Suriday cullers vou do anything else. Some wise ipcaple than 680 branches will gladly help you. cauld pravide a product or ut thé W. H. Stinsan..t ýservice which the hospital A large guthering of friends couid use, usually atepa aside and neighbours congreguted ut for a competitive ftrm. . thé Geo. Healps ta wish bon E Hun PAcIllIW. 'roof Opinion varies as ta the size voyage ta Lloyd Healip, B.A., WNY Nor uSE0UnomS. sAN , IMoi oi a hospital board.,GeneiaJJy prior ta bla embarklng» an a F*tt nO'Rcr speaking a' board.,that la ta trip ta Germny and othér "cru 'Y".uU «KiTI «i larg becmes nwiedy nd porta ai caîl. Among thosé pré- .« & IVJISCiU~S'O" thé work falîs largély on an sent weré thé Harold and Gar- "«~ o ouw CN OM exacutive conmmIttee anvway. don Flemnings af Hillhead, thée_______________________ If a board la too smail, its Robt. Wrlghts andi Mr. Albert wark and effectivénesa cari eHéIeasitp ai Janetvile, Glen and haaadicapped, especially dur i'g Edna Stewart ai Lindsay, Mr.C N D A A K 0 0 MR E thé holiday season. From rine and Mrs. Clame Staples and THE CA A I N B N F C ME C ta sixteen is a good range. Mrs. Tam E. Shea af Lindsay, .a is conducted thraugh commit- Peter ai Toronto. Mr..and Mrsi t e s; ch ao ! h é o ra! e b u rd aM r l s. i s , P .u rc e d oS n H a mlip o m n i l r n hH . H C I a a e are aten selected because ai and Mlsa& Noreen Gréening, Mr. their recognlzed ability aild and Mm. Wauyy Morntng, of Our trée nursery production target for 1956 in Ontario la 30 million seedlings for planting - 5 million more than wil be distributec4 in 1955 and more than two and a hait urnes the number ai trees grown for reforestation purposes in 1947. Oi this year's production, smre 15 million treés have already been shlpped ta plantera. The remaining 10 million wvere reserved for thé reforestation ai public (Crown) lands, and for country forests and conservation authority plant- ationsa. Another target is the establishment af small nurseries in Northérn Ontario adjacent ta thé foréat areffl in which the trees wili be plantéd. This wiil supple- ment natiiral regeneration an cut-over The more ane bears and reads about automation the more fascinating and fan- tastic you become over ibis gadget lri modern industry. Here's what we read about it in the News -Letter maiiéd out by the Canadian Chambér ai Commerce from Montreal: One of the bug-a-boos ai the second half ai the 20th century is the word "automation" Automation bas béén de- fined as the use of machinés ta ruai machines. The fear bas been expressed that mass unempioymént will hé the ré- suit ai ibis .trend towards mechanization. Weii, aur expérience bas dernonstrat- ed that -mechanization by providing goods ai lower prices bas in facti ircreased prq- duction and increased the numbér ai job~s at the same urne. Just take a look at thé automotive industry. It sbouid be ré- eognized that jobs exist flot oniy in the factory where production takes place, but Sevéral weeks ugo we publishéd an éditorial irom thé Simcoe Reformer rais- #ng thé question about promotion resuits ù ,i some public achools not béing publisbéd while others print them. If you are stili Interested in this subjeci hère are two more éditerial comments: (Part Dovèr Maple Leaf) This is thé weék that the youngstérs and ail théir relatives and frienda in town and at distant points wouid be ioaking for thé names ai thé promotion lista and -why a amali group ai public achool teachers cari set thé poiicy for thé Sebool Poards ai théeéritire County ai Norfolk, is beyond compréhension. And why thé- local achool boards let them, is stili a biggér question mark. It would be interésting ta gét a copy ai thé Inapectors' Repart ai thé vaniaus schools, and then perbapa wé would have thé trué perspective ai who thé pninicipals are realiy trying ta protect - thé teachers, or thé pupils who didn't maké it. lands and ensure that compatible and ue ful species are grown. B ut, ln spltç ai commendable pr gress, thé need remnains far beyand t] goal. Gigantic efforts wiil be requirèd public authonities-as wéil as private lai owners li Southern Ontario for decac, If the devastated aréas resuiting fr< disastrous aver-cutting in the past is be restored. Most ai aur southerri forests areL below average in forest caver. Vasi areý unsquitable for farming must be returnE to trees. Our final objective must evér be1 leave the renéwabie resources in bettE shape than they were ieft ta us. - Sylva Magazi: up and down theé une. Suppliés ai raw materials requiré ai ditional heip, large numbers ai men ai arid wili be required ta build néw mac] '1nes, repair them, contrai them and prg gram thé work. Additionai numbers w: be needed as designers ai machiner: draitsmén, systern-éngineers, mathematii !ans or logicians. Above ail there wil I appartunitiés aplenty for men ta f iii *ne, maragriai jobs requiirig a high levél traininig and abiiity. As Peter F. Drucker bas painted au thé reaily sériaus social probiem is-nc èmpioyment but thé need ta up-grac whoie segments ai thé population in ver short timé. Theré will,.of course bé di: location, but that bas always occurre with change, and ability to adapt la built-in characteristie ai a society whic: is flexible and nigid. (Delhi News-Record) How welcorne la thé décision not tc publish Public School résulta in Norfol. County? It should hé safe ta assumé thal this viewpoint arrivéd at by thé Norfoâ Urban Principals' Association is détinitély a minarity one. Sincé 90 per cen. or morE ai thé studénts DO pasa, thèse pupils andt parents look forward witb pridé and eagér anticipation ta thé public recognition pro- vidéd by thé presa. If a pupil passer, does he not desérve crédit? And ifa pupil bas worked bard or appiied himself assiduously and procures an bonour passa w hy bide bis achievernents? Aitér ail, no attempt la made ta humîhiate those who faiied by publishing a liai ai failures. And many people, bésidés parents and othéî relatives, také an intéresi in thé pragress ai thé pupils. Is thème réaily sa much barrn done by thé publication ai school promotion lista ta warrant non-publica. tion? a Wh ich WiII it be Medals .Wbat!-You've Ioat interest? Con- ditions are too diffîcuit ta avércamé? Griping about what a bard lité you'vé bad? Can't see anytbing but failuré on thé road abéad? Liten : *Milton was blind wben he wrote uParadisé Lost." Gauguin gavé up wéalth and farnily ta paint in lonéhinéas and pavérty. Stevenson, tubércular and bed- idewroté tonies ai gay advénture. Pasteur, partly pamalyzed, carried an bis çéaséleas war on disease. From bier sick- bed, Florence Nightingale organized the liospitals ai a nation. Steinmetz for years could not sleep L'itout an apiate because ai rbeumnatic or Scars? pains. Toscanini once played second fiiddke in an obscure South American orchestra. Francis Parkman, who wraté twa dozén large volumes ai bistory, suiiéred tram so mariy kinds ai pain that hé could work only a féw minutes at a urne. And you-healtby, strong, bavirig plénty ai evérything but nérve-are say- ing thé race ia anly ta thé swiit. For shame. Wbén God looks mari over, it wan't hé for medals-it wil h for scars. Gét inta thé fight, mistér, and get al scarred up!-Jerry Fleisbman. Who Pays Taxes? According ta Thé Prîited Word ai Fort Erie, thé taxpayer who bas thé masi ight ta speak up la thé persan with an incarné ai betwèén $3,000 and $5,000 a year. As ibère are s0 many ai bim hé paya moat ai thé taxes. People in thé higher incarne brackets are so few ihat despité thé pro- gréssively stéep rate ai taxation, ihéir con- tribution ta thb fédéral revenue la but a tiny fraction -of thé wbolé. Il is the amaller incarnes that puy most ai thé cost ai family ailowances. Il is tram the.smaller incarnés that most ai thé $40 a mnonth aid age pensions are drawn off for all Canadians ai 70 or over regardlèss ai need. Observations and Opinions Dr. J. R. Anderson, Simcoé Caunty Public Heaith ýService: We do nat féél thai aur ultimrate usefulpness wili hé judgéd by haw much we do for people but by bow mnuch wé can gét them ta do for themsélves. One ai aur proiessors ai the School ai Hygiène féit that thé duty ai thé Heaith Deparîment was "«ta gel people to want wbat they need and ta work for .what they want" - i A ___- j Get Ready For Automation Not Printing S -chno'ol Resuits Bta3blishad 1454 with wluch ta tnconpoat.d th owmnanvj* News. The. Newcatle Iadep.ndest and The. Orono Nws 101sf Yom ai Conginuons.Service ta the Tawn af Bawraanville oed Durham Caunty AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER &S.Wa .It nathe tTuItqdswxen TiaIMMPUBUSHM GCOMPANY Bowmàu ntmbO JLUUMi»d m osud ~Mn Uk rfl DopSotuLOUCIM GOWJAMES. EDoe TBUPMAT. Al[P*. Ilth, JOU the 'return ta the producer de. pend on the price at which thé Cana a, P ckes Re ortpacker is able ta, sell park but nnth DmProduction Record theaccpta a ofCanadian re's Through the years we have -brought tatal net to,- 3,716,662, bath at haome and in exl>art lt D itan Pas t always looked upon the annual an increase over 1954 of$1, markets. D is nhe Canada P krs63Z. T we.sices hse dmsicmr ,ear. From lThe statemmFleada esoa esg heir from Mr. J.S. MeLean, Chair- Tongofpdutsl a ing and rigid in hier1 standa =23Man of the Board, who passed ToneaipdutolWS for Jean park, CanadN han two re- 94 rpr- 1,980,000,000 pounds, 48 million principal outlets- Britain and nt' 28YAI GO(98)49 "EAlto A40 (1906) Ing the varlous departmenta of pounds or c2.5 lper cent more United States. Although we are rse, natier 62 yearskof than in fiscal 1954. However, not presently shipping to, Bn- ire fe 2yas*fexistencè, An inquest was held ta tI.hanto wd akn or- 1954 fiscal year contained 53 tain, Canadian bacon has a first sity BowmanvlP Fair aeased to be. quire inta the death by drown- e g anizatiou *ra.pLe an d ei ek.O acmaal 2clasa reputation thare. A mlght ý51 At a meeting of West Durham naiGredttkeapsalpidad week basis the Increase iyas 4.4ealyhpe ththeUtd one Aiu1tural Society, t asde- ngc Goge Albert flurk, son satisfactioh lin the accompllsh- 'per cent. eRigdom auld tagatenedm ci ed o oei the 14 acres af of Mr. and Mra. Erastus Burk. ments and ! uccesses of the Kndn ol aanbcm graunds ta iU. C. Downham ci Dr. A. S. TilJey, coroner, co- Comnpany under hil capable Dollar sales were $364,000,- an important outiet for thi,. han Strathroy for $3 000 eauh.utethinusatwiht and painstaking leadership. lie 000 compared wlth $374,000,000 Canadian producer. "It *Ou1t.Q'7 hot The towra had been shart idce iqet at shc i et his sights high and wîth his In 1954, a decrease af 2.7 pèr bea tragedy for the Canadian watèr durlng a hot Bpell i thewas concluded that the bruises characteristic enthusiasm, en- cent, though on a comparable hog praducer it wé were not "annlng meaon And Couicili an his body were caused by the ergy and forealght hie built un 52 week bais only 0.8 per cent. ready to take advantage af that me discunased building a new equal. waves throwing him against the one of the most important W_ This dedline resulted fram a fine reput4tion because the 0dustries in the country in decline in prices of smre pro- quallty of aur hoga had deter.- tho Izr but declded ta have a fîrit tosî. . There wau no evidenco hc aain ngtwl edcahnldb i.cmay lorated", Mp. McLean warns. ny Pind look atetér ingBU. of foui play. Caues of drowning broud, and farmers to a great In fiscal 1955 the average prîce Canlada'; other export autiet, luip St. Joseph's Church had a was not determined. extent have benèfitted. of ail products sold was 18.4 the UnltedStates la a premlium Ous ouccessful garden partr an Ci- A beauty treatment recom- In scanning the 28th annual cents per pound. In 1954 It waa market for Jean park. viec Holiday at White Rase' mended b y Parla was the milk r'eport for the year endinq 19.3 cents, and Ini 1952 22.8 Inereaae Beef Markettnge Camping Grounds, Rev. P. P. bath for face and neck, Jettîng March 3th, 1955, copy ai whIch cents.Nongaubttalncas Buerw- pastor at the time. the mnilk dry and then rubbing we received last week, we find The drap tI packinghouse In beef marketings in 1934, Mr. Newcastle best Orono 6-5 In the ukin wlth thîn asuces af a the high and splendid tradi- operating profit was due main- McLean states that Increaaed the Basebaîl TournaMent, at raw potato or cucumber. tions set by the Jate Mr. Mc- 1yta a heàvy lous on park, cansumption (72 pounds per Newcastle an Civic Holiday for PrfChsT.Puarid Lean. brought about by a sharp i al caplta campared with 64.5 the third Grand Challenge Sil. baok safely in United States af- An ail-time high in pounds iateaeaepieo ospu~si 93 edl absocb. ise- ver Cup. "Shin" Moise waini ter being in China and travel- of product sold, a oamaîl increase fram $35.09 per 100 pounds ed the increased production, pitcher's box for Newcastle. ling around the globe. He sur-. I profit, and a small decrease dreg8ed in May 1954' ta $22.86 and exporta ta thé United Io n Standing Field Cro? corn- vived a cas e ai A'siatic smaîî- in dollar sales are the high- in October. Freezer stocks States were again very amaîl. he ptitionfo Cartwrlgh, fîrst pox through which his wiie lghts In this report. just re- which had been accumulated------ priz winerwasEdwad Am- ursd hi wihou cotracingleaed.during the winter and early ohe strz inrwsEwr r-nreshmwtotcnrciglaepring were sold at a heavy The true motives oi aur ac- Of- 3tron& 2nd Stanley Malcolmi, the disease herself. Prof. Paul Net profit on packinghouse ss.tos ietera ie ia les seven winner . nTe awoeewsantv iBwmn-l.oeain a 31178ws D lnI o ultrgan, are usually conceaied, ther altge- The' fine flower, fruit and down from fiscal 1954 by $445,-but te Iiled an hollw ty Dm The gift of woven wîre fence vegetable garden of Mr. and 798, or 12.3 per cent. This pro- In his revlew ai the hag mar.. text is pompausîy place? n t1 and two large and two'aml Mrs. Joseph Brittain at 'their fit amounted ta anly 15.1, cents ket, Mr. W. F. McLean, presl- the frornt for- show.-Caleb C. gates for HarI<pton Cernetery hoe"ughenden"' (now pro- per hundred pounds (ane-sev- dent ai Canada Packers, notes Colton. far ag adeby M. ad Ms. erty ai Mr. James Nixon) on enth cent per pound) ai pro- that during the past few years Bas DailBrmse nd Mem . faberty Street North, called ducts sold. or 87 cents per $100 there has been a serious decline ai her parents, Ivir. and Mra. frth comment from the editôr. ai sales (seven-eighths of one in the quality ai hogs beingT1CKET8 Led Fred Griffin, Enniskillen. Chief attraction ai Civic Hol- cent per dollar). However, (il produced in Canada. This de- TO I VE T 8ER Death was recarded of Miss iday was the D.O. & P. Co. vidends from subsidiaries, itl- ine has occurred everywhere At alo tasi to Grace Vera Trewin, daughter Band excursion ta Olcott Beach', corne from investments and in the country except in the Ar alo tasI er ai Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, N.Y., via "Garden City". profit on sale of investments Maritimes where the quaity Cnsult after seeral yers of Ilness. f hogs has improved over the 3 U fY & L 0V EL L aie eea er iBowling for, Bowmanville insm kid %mnil Mrs. A. P. Mitchell, Newton- a taurnament with Toronto St. Toronto, the Ken Heaslie3s and same peniot. W5 MAn3-5778 ,ne ville, died irom Injuries recelv- Matthews were Chas. P. Blair, family of Lindsay, Mr. and Mr. MeLean points out that________________ ed when shé was attacked by a F. J. Horne, John Lyle, J. H. Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt and Tre- ram. McMurtry, W. L. Mallory, vor, Messrs. Frank Jollife and One case ai polio i Bow- James Deyman, J. B. Mitchell, Libro De Caris ai Taronto. manville and two in Darliagion, Dr. B. J. Hazlewood. Bowman- Visitors o! the Gea. Clark's Ru a kS ge & C m p y were reparted by Dr. W, H. ville won by 15 points. Visitors this week included Rev. K. u' c ,S ie & Co p n Birks, Medical Officer ai were entertained at the Ben- Scott and daugiaters, Mariarn k- Health. nett House. and Susan o! Part Perry, also 147 Spadina Ave. Chartered Accountants ________________________________________Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Grainger of Toronto, Ontario EMpire 6.4643-4 re ______________________________Mimico. l-ry Malcolm were hersisters, RESIDENT PARTNERS: Licensed Truste. Misses Tmuus and Tieny Boon J. Rumaek, C.A. In Bankruptop __ ~ ~~~~~~~Ms. Ernestine Hemterson elV .Segl .. ~~j -Bethany, with Mrs. Ralph Mal- H. Temple, C.A. >'o ~ !jW~. colm this week. A. Mandel, C.A. be Mm. and Mrs. Norman Lemoy afid Jack ai Hamilton at the ____________________________ o by G. E. Robinsons. Mr. Roy Wright spent Civic G. HARVEY AGNEW, M.D. Holiday weekend at the Mal- PREIDET, NTÀIO OSPTALASSCIAIONcolms ai Janetville. Also called ~ PRSDNOTAI OPTL SOITO on the Ralph and Harvey Mal- lecolms. ill leARTICLE NO. 7 background ai training. If any Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, rY The heading on thîs article, ai aur eaders aspire ta this Mr. Gea. E. Wilson, attended ' It'a Your Hospital" was sel- honou-and it is a real honour the funeral ai Mr. Squire in' d ected only aiter much thaught -let me warn you that it Peterboro on Saturday. a and cansîdemation. should not be lightly undertak- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton h, Every public haspîtai in On- en. It means lots ai hard work and family of Markham, Mm. tario as built, nlaintained and and many long aitemnoon and and Mms. Percy Preston, Betty aperated for the people and by evening sessions. and Gerald, were Sunday the people. The "ýpeople" The courts do not generally guests o! the Maurice NesbittLs - ,__F means YOU, your family, your' consider a hospital liable for af Nestleton. F I IIO iof L11 neighbours, your business as' the indivîdual actions af staff The W. J. Malcoinis, the 004ý sociates, yaur acquaintances. doctors, provided due came and Howard Malcolms, the Murray 0029DXý^. Every public hospital, ac- judgment has been exemcised Malcolms (the whole fam-dam- comding ta goverriment enact- in their appointment. Mence ly) matored up. to Lake Cat- Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years a0 ment, must have a board o! medicl saf appointments chacomba ta enjoy a weekend moerors or truetees in some must be approved by the board at Dr. Hender's cottage theme. f ormi or other. The hospital in af trustees and are usually for I orcommunity ia no éxcep- one year only. It is -customary ----'-. .....* tin.Te ndvdulb-lwsofta base such approvai upon the...... each public hospital cîearîy i-remenaino a creden- ,y dicate how directors or trus- -e tees are ta be elected or ap- staff. This is sound. d pointed. Furthermore, thesé From my own êxperience by-laws must have the appro- over the years, I know that - for thé Province of Ontario. have ta dip deep into their S, In yaur cammunity, as in own pockets ta nieet deficîts or a every cther community, the supplément other funds ta Sdirectors or trustées are select- réach an objective. Further- e d from amangst the citizens more, if elected, hé prepared , whol are known ta hé interest- ta devoté this extensive time, 0 éd in thé community weîîaré. thought and eriergy without . ....... Some represent thé municipal- expecting much in thé way o! ity, some thé supparting or a "thank you" fmom other re- Iother voluntary oraiton sidents in your community. r sonie have contributed gêner- If you are a trustée and your S ously ai théir substance and cammitments prevent you from- others are just déeply inter" pulling yaur wéight, it might estd illngworkers wha eally aid yaur hospital if you want ta do something for théir Jet sameone Who has thé time hospital. and énergy take your place. In Thèse public-spiritéd nmen thèse days trustée boards need .... and wamen xwhna v felya a héhlppssbe

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