- ..--' - - - - THURSDAY, AUG. 114h, 1935 TW~ !~AfAnTA1~ ~TAI'W~MA~? UflW'MAMVT.T.I~ ~9'AUiI Al~~ ~ <uccess Dei Boss- Worki Ëupervisor" Erxployer-employee relations in modern industry was the subject f a very informativE address by John S. "Jack" Emt inerson, time-study and pro- duction supervisor oif thE £poclyear Tire 'and Rubbei I ~mpany Plant here, at thE NVtary Club meeting Friday. Mr. Emmerson is a promin- ent citizen of Bowmanville. ac- tive in Canada Legion, Triru:- Church, anal Boy Scout execu. tive activities. He is at present District Deputy Gran~d Mastei o! the Masonîc Lodge. Born in Mariposa Township, hie waý educated in Lindsay. and joîn- ed the Goodyear company ir Bowmanville in 1926. "How the employers and emn ployees get along together de- termines the success of the business," the speaker empha- sized. He noted that with the increase in size and production of industries, close te] ationship between boss and each indivi- dual vorker bas becomne inm possible to. obtain. When indus- How He's Grown THE DOLLAR value o! -your home and Its contents ha. lncreased tremendously ln the past few years. And that means danger! Yeu may be under-insured. Disaster may rob you of unprotected dollars. Let us make sure NOW that Ion have -adequate protection. STUART R. JAMES Insurance Real Estate Office Residence MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493ý 'Kiug, ~Street n. fowmanville We are now shi "SudioMi selection of better and cen ive you quie Be sure to see thest Also - Take advanfi aiC August CIe 0F PAINTS ANI Real Mone factor ini ehoosing the job for Sudy u.1t hl o-1snadM.adMs bpend s LJpofl him. Many people are content Ros s Davidson PON TYPOOL Sny , Au. lds th i l Pon - j usoMneila nd .and l s p e ýto earn their living on what tpol ols-hersnAuut MNeBill ne aylest and aeknown as "dead-end jobs" 2lst. Mrher ateneBih ;L Malley rlad while others lnsist on jobs evael cfrom heraeded ofoThesMaIley orOrillia R elcitionsomtin s ikly 'eTo '..ollect nTaxirc aad f h utorchrhservicelbeen recent visitors in oui suprvior ainain prduc-prBlakstck naSndasevnin. ony lstwadgretlyappeci-nM. adJMs.Lorewhre romtio islikly.T!,e T x RyalBlak KighsMr.hedandth Comunty arkOflI Mge 'rtion through quantity and quail- ers Local of Ders plan to attendted with Rev. Bonsteel in' Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Tells R ota y Supervisor ImportantTh reuarm tigote Haliburton on Saturdav, Aug- was in attendance and with a Bowmanville, were weel He ustakobe hege-e- uniiplarou n of the'n ust 1t loud speaker operating well visitors. trie smustn ec t'e ala et àbou lic, shpp o M ners wasthelTown- Decoratiqp Day services et Ithe service was enjoyed b3' The extreme heat e ployee did his own bargaining which should be clear and un- Aug. 2nd, with ail members MCa' eeeywr ag-Jmn.dogthsntafce 'e for wages, heurs, and benefits, derstood by employer and lenm- present. 'Reeve Beer presided. li attended on Sunday with. Mrs. Milton Williamson of crop of visitbrs from the Mr. Lave and Mr. )!onk in~ Grand View, Manitoba, and The beach and swimming 1the boss knew each mani by ployee. Communications, from the charge. The Maie Quartette son, Fred Williamnson. of Wind-,have been well patronized b- is name, and was acquainted Communications, by means folloWing Were received and rendered a fine service of song. sor, with Mr. and Mrs. B. WiI- ail business places domn e thorougbly with bis family and means, of bulletin boards and , read:- Counties Clerk re. 2 in- Decoration services wUll also liamson *of Toronto, celle&' on thriving business. 'r activities. Now. supervisors and factoty publications help main- 'digent hospital patients; Depix be held at 'Fallis Cemetery on their brother, Mr. Lou William- Mr. Elgin, Budd of Sir e personnel men are employe'J tain proper relations. by keep- of Higbways te. Approval o! on a fuil-time basis to maintain ing employees informed of ac- pipe. arch culvert; Dept. of Agr. 1- such relations throughq constant tivities of the factory and of te. Brucellosis; Northumber-1 ccontact with the employees, as their fellow workers. The pub- land and Durham Uealth Unit! :y individuals. lications give' in detail wbat i monthly report; R. G. Honev i Te Many Phases usually posted in notice forln te. meeting at ' Cobourg re.1 ito ultnboards. equalized assessment appeals;; Ir ad fel'o rtnnv a fEm uloee -l activities are in Dept. o! Public W elare e.I the hands of a. special super- grant Home' for the Aged: M uT as; visor in most larger companirs. Dept. o! Veterans Affairs te.' 1_: Sports sucb as basebal and propôsed new street; S. S. No. hockey hielp maintain good 15 te. advance on Debenture! heait!,, which in turn mekes issue; H.E.P.C. te. 2 applica-1 for top production. "If men tions for rural hydro services; cen play together," the speak- and letters from ratepayers re. eer asserted. "they are more brush, street lîght, payment of, likelv to work together with land etc.' Pless 'friction." Sports and hob- Moved 1by Payne, seconded: n, ~bics are a great way to get ac- hv Feuls thfat the Clerk notify 1 quainted, Mr. Emmerson said. Mr. A. Heaslip thet the Coun-'. Co-operative Relations cil was o! the opinion that suf- Suggestion boxes help main- ficient compensation had been .~~tain relations by giving Ille made for land occupied. Car- 4 employee a say in the wey Itle ried. '4- production is to be done. Ade- By-law No. 1315 to levy cet- 4 quate financial rewards Ior tain rates within the Townshîp suggestions help keep up the1 for 1955 and By.law No. 13i4 interest of the employee. to levy Trustee rates withi'i Safety and the edvertising the several school sections werc of safety practises are another given the several readings, l1Nimportant wav o! maintaininq, signed. sealed and numhered.SWFS PA EL John S. Emmersoî,. a odmrl among workers-. B-law No. 1316 to appoint' WF' EM A Tandnurses aire employed, Boss Davidson as tax collector. relations, Mr. Emmerson said,! end ail workers are urged tO was given its severai readîngs,; o t g o l includes many phases. obtain first aid for even the signed, sealed and numberec~i D U J i hnh is p st-i euto uhB S o t g o l Direct relations with the ei-' slightest cut. A definite cash Moedb' ane, eone BSWF'SPEMU plie forwork. An interview 1 areing ttim and los pr- by Fallis that the sharp turn on 1Lost gr's corners be straigh- by a specially trained member duction are elimineted to a tened out. o! the personnel division de- great extent by safety practises Af dicussin tR o i Sav termines the health, characte.,, Contractual relations through fe so dcuin th > B t B y! Sv 6c abilitv and attitude o! the ep- unions in the larger firms pro- Council decided to take no fur-,nUY SWIFT'S ORIOLE plicant. Ail o! these factors de- vide adequate understandi.1'g ther action, et the present tirlm- cause fellow workers are en- donc, flot bv individuels The Clerk was asked to pre- D THLU C titled to be with co-operatîx-e, through their initiative, but b pare a draft o! a Building BN- Dc L NC 1-leasant co-workers. Jobsar unions on their behaîf, to oh-; law. for the Township and [o L fIH givn o mpoyesacorin, -a1 best working hours, sen- present this for discussion at SLM Sliced Io ability, so they will ha hap- ' orjtv agreements, and wage the next Council meeting. SLM py with what they are doing. scales. On môtion of -Brown and Mc- Large 16-oz. jar S ITSM C Production is best when an Makes Suggestions Gi]] the Reeve and Treasurer S ITSM C employee is doing that job I lsnM.Emro eeatoie osg hqe which he is adept et. I lsig r E mroL oafutoiedt in hqe Training of the empîoe suggested that employers re- for the following accounts-C i k nL anoter mporantpha e!i member that their employ'ees Thos. Whillier & Son, trdcoy rltosis lare members o! a free society Supplies - ------- 45.6 ________S IF' tmroctpy rlatos hipsrinin rlisand are entitled to ha treated Ivan Wright, Dump site 100.00 smale antthe ranting as Th He urged that a strong A. H. Watson. Relief 40.81 ilarger industries, training is labour policy be set up 50 that Peterboro Examiner,, Save 6c -2 for B raurisc iw 'eiger done before the pros - ectiî'a if may he fully understood hy Ad. 8.91 employee is started in actual hoth the boss and the worker .lCaiadian Statesman,IF-RFROZ E N F production. Training work is Finallv, be emphasized that al Ad. - - --- ----4.5i) ~ ~ aa>E . IHS - 6o.tn le!t f0 the supervisor, one o! grievances hy employees must Northumberland and ym rBadED.S IH 6o tn the most important links in he immediately and ef!ectively Durham Board o!flt ty, methods, and the place of Guests et the Rtr etn Permit Acc. . 00 l E A NS 2 5 2 CONCENTRATED GRA the work being done in the were Ben Dalhy, o! Fenelon i Treas. S. S. No. 15,'" BIRDS EYE - l-oz. pkg finihedprouct re il -Falls, and Ralph Jewell andj Advance on Deben- fiihe rout r alex aneBet o shw.ture Issue ----- 2000.00 15-oz. tins pleined f0 the new worker bY 1i eath o!inshe:a Lance I ______________ FISH ST ICK S the supervisor.. The attitude o! AtsetedancTomPnsmer ei p ue-TpTrNs. 8_oad --1448 the employee is an importent sne 0TmPleKih VuhrN.81448 Slemon and. Tom Rehder. Ah Municipal World, Sup- Derch was gliven a hirthday plies 49 presentation. It was announed Rohert Sisson, Shoot- B si Buy! Save 5c NE...thet the annuel picnic will be ing 1 dog et sheep - 5.00w Wedniesday, August 10. There' James Curtis, Sbeep wi IIiJ ano D'N îvlà ' meeting on I daim -- ------------ 35.00 Q~uaker ili gw wuw I Frîday o! thîs week. AllaniBeer, Sheep 0) I ~Arnold Hickson, Ne2eea esainfor iowing the new Jo nNo I She di 50 Jo n C. N e Roy Ferren, Sheep 20LargALeFRNI RE las! erpiece" ID J. C. umseJlCO NALFR I RE Sel.- ------------------ --- 50.00Pkg grade Wallpapers- beautiful designs. ~ Officer R. Davidson, Jly8.0ripL Ca d na G a îk delivery'on orders. DR.tictvidsonC a riTap top ~k DCobourg ---------- 30 ISel. Acec ------------- _150.00 i' CRISP - VAC. COOLED - Large Hez r ~ iMontreal-The appointment O oin h on i : Onmtinth oui4la- tage ofx me nargains o onC ola ulcrl-jundt eto usa orcentral region o! the Cnadian Sep. , 95 Buy! Save 6c ~I- e d Le t c ourNational Reilwavs, with head- CAROLINA - Large Size Iquarters in Toronfo, was an- - mnounced here today by W. Ri. N S L T NCnd rn ,àiiig Sle Wright, director'of public tela-- ___ 1 WATERMELON, take over bis new* dufies onl home o! Mrs. A. E. Sues, Cees-IGODNYL W 1)D L IP P R September 1. Mr. Noci wes as- aea, in charge o! Mrs. G. Blow-c sistant representative in Toron-1 ers' group, with 22 ladies andIV U A1 ~ 7 -L Saesrt--1- in 1944. hlde peet.Tis V5E A C b o w e t C Esfimales given on Painting - Decoraiing Abernethy's Painit & Wallpaper Phone MA 3-5431 85 King Si t. H-e entered C.N.R. service'was the grendmnothers' meeting Iwith the radio department il' with Mrs. J. Watson tbe oldest 1 1927 and wes iin the headquer- o! eight gx-ndmothers and Mrs. ters, programme and technical G. Tbompson the youngest., Idivisions until the railway turn- Meeting . opened witbtl-the Ode;I ed over its radio operations to led by Mrs. L. Malcolm. Motto, the Canadien Broadcastin'g "Nothing worth having is eesilyi iCorporation in 1933. He then won" wes well given by Mrs. B.' trensferred f0 the general pub-i Heasiip. Historical Research; licity depertmenf and worked Convener Mrs. G. Thompsoni in the headquerters, press, ad- called on Mrs. Fred Bowen, vertîsing and magazine branch- Orono, to give us a talk on Ced-J es. He was made assistent man- mus and Ceesarea Scbools abouti ager o! the press bureau in. 50 years ego wben sbe was the 1946, associete manager in 194-à teacher. She to]d us meny in-' and manager in 1949. feresting things. -Mrs. Foster jHe was on the committee in Ferguson wes also present and 1 charge o! press arrangemen',s spoke e !cw- words. Roll Cal for the Royal Visit to Canada "'My hest bargain" wes weil and the United States in 1939, answered. Plans were made for and information officer on the the exhihits et Port Perry and i prcss train during the Royal Blackstock Fairs. Meeting clos-' Visit in 1951. He was with the ced with "The Queen". Mts. director o! censorship in World Sues, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Fer- 1 Wer II and essisted in rai- guson and group were given a!, ing the wartime informatiomn vote o! thanks. A deinty lunch bureau. wes served by Mrs. Sues and the JHe is active in community group. All were piven a good work and a commissioned dbo- ciap for enother splendid meet-' ceasen lay reedet in the Church ing et Mrs. Sues'.1 o! England. The Nestleton W.A. and W.M. S. will meet et the home o! Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Aug. l& et; The law o! success More 2:30, in charge o! Mrs. M.' Em-! bone in the back an d less in crson's group. Ail ladies wel- the heed. J ome. - - ~.- ' JCongratulations to Mr. Neil Beiley and Miss Elaine Thomp- W ~ICN<SISTRIgS * son who were married on Set- IR Q"UIOCIKST DM0 SUR£S? utday. WAY TO bilp "BACK q, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze.' TUIA P1C1410* G~N Oshawa, were supper guests with 15 TO ~ ~ OCTO~ Mr: and Mrs. L. Joblin and also 1 To o L OTOR% visited, Mr. and Mrs. George, AOVIU C&O.RLPukty ANDO Johns. T&YIC Uî amcR pRIPoftç 1o Congratulations to Little Miss' ima~~ iGail Malcolm who celebrated her tsixth birtbday on August .th LOV 0LL S and entertained some o! ber Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier. fl't w.~uu. ,Wo . Gloria and Janice attended Pet- ACCOAfV ~.ve<s.~ erboro Fair end sbowed severalý horses. Tbey got 13 first prizes.' - Congratulations. IMrs. Victor Malcolm and Mark, Ivisited her uncle and aunt, Mr.' and Mrs. Isaac Beatty, Tweed,!i over the weekend. Congratulations to Mrs. Victor, Malcolm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr, Yelverton, who i are celebrating their 3th wed- ding anniversary on 'Friday' nigbt, Aug. l2th. Sv mpathy is ex-tended to Mrs.; Norman Muirhead who buried; her busband. Mr. Norman Muir- lieud, at Nestleton on Saturday. . Gai. Jar Plus 20e Deposit "REFRESHING" DRINKS 'I - (Assorted Flavors) KOOL.5 for2.9c AID LIFEBUOY - Reg. Size Toilel Soap 2 For 19C ROBIN HOOD - 15-oz. Brownie mix 35c1 BENSON'S' Corn Starch 2 For 35c There's a Red & White Store near you BQWMANVI LLE Yeo's Marketeria ORONO Cornish Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple. Grove Groceteria1 Chas.! xas a recent business visit-Dr, k. ihEre. Mrs.i Tobacco harvesting thresh- have ing and combining are in fuill v. - 1 swing. Some early spuds have been dug and a fair ý1eld te- IGill, ported but the late crop neeris Rav immediate heavy tains to save ll or the situation. k 1d In 1952 there were 1,840, and Canadiens with incomes in ex- the cess' o! $50,000. This group bcd city. a total income o! $143 millioa, pool 'on which it paid $7 1.2 million 1and in personal income taxes. To- ig a tel o! personal income taxes peid by all Canadiens thet year% mcoe was $l.07 1.8 million. -ed t lb. 47c lb. 3 9c lb. 49c lb. 69c M M M M M M M I M I lb.. 55c Chubs lb. 39c 0 0D S- PE JUICE 2 Tin. 39C i'1g. 45C p ýads orn 2 lb. 29c 2 for 25c each 95C doz. 3 5c DAILY ARRIVALS - HOME-GROWN TOMATOES - PLUMS APPLES - PEACHES PICNIC N.EEDS DUCHESS p 1clîl1 SETS 6's~25~ DIXIE COLD 6's Drink Cups 2 Pkg- 27c HOUSEHOLD DRINKING S 1r aw s GOLDEN HOUR- 2 k-25C Many Flevors q# K &a d uI CANDIEs i9cl P-RESERVING SUPPLIES CRGWN FRUIT JARS Smal i Dozen 1.55~ Medium Dozen 1,75I~ RED RUDBER RINGS 12 to k ZINC JAR RINGS Poz. 35c CERTO LIGUID Bottle 27c CULVERHOUSE BUYS Cherries P itt ed Sirawherries Diced Beels 2 Diced Carrois 2 LIPTON'S Chieken Noedie - Tomiato VegetabIe PABLUN 1-z BABY CER[EAL 3 c 15-0z. 20-o:.23 20-o:.23 2or 25c I i k E D WHITE 0:00D S"roRIES THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWL&NVMLIE. ONTAMô ipArq-r. - omuim_ 1 '- c- * il ux 9OUVU&O