- ~ Il -- , T~TTJR8 AvatT. lltb, lobs _____________________ .THELftA~AUN STATEM. BOWMdA.NVILsL. ONTABi M.. AE EO qnm Mns. .. D. Healey, Port A thur, is visiting her sister, M, William Prower, and Mn. Prçi er. Miss Elizabeth!-.Standfiel Toronto, is a visîtor with hl nd tMrs. Fred Knox, Lov ,r. Dorothy M. James,'T no, spent the weekend wi hrý mother, Mn.. N. S.1 James. Miss Jane Hodgkinson, AI rora, spent tise weekend- w: Mr. and Mrs. C., W. Woodl;: Tyrone. Mrs. Morley Baker, Hyann, Mass., has been a guest o! h: brother-in-law, Mr. A. S. BE ker, and Mrs. Baker. Mr. Arcisie Tbampson, Mai vers Rd., bas been visiting i brother, Mr. Bert Thompson an family, Lakewood, Ohio. Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Jackma and Mary, St. Catharines, ai visiting Mr. and Mrs. Doul Jackman, Division Street. Mr. Albert W. Pickard ha returned after visiting Mr. ai Mns. S. R. James and famil at tiseir cottage, Gooderham. Visitors iast wcek with i' and Mrs. Stuart Candier wer bis motier, Mns. Win. Smitl and Mrs. Alex Cheffen,. Detroi Mich., Miss Dorotisy and Master Do. aid Folcy, Maple Grave, isav retunned home fnom a weel' holidays witi tiseir cousin, Irw.j Colwell. Mrs. George Brown,- anc Miss Jean Canitenon, o! Roches tean, N.Y., are visiting Mcl ar( Jack McNulty at Ott's Cottage West Beach. Mrs. R. N. Rea, Partage 1 Prairie, Man., i. .visiting he: aunt, Miss Carnie A. Mantyi and otiser relatives and fricndc in tisis district. Mns. Jack Lodge, son Johnny Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. A. W Balson and family, Kingston have been visiting their niothis Mn.. C. J. Smale. Miss Nell Burke, Chie! Diet. tian at Soldiers' Memorial Hos. pital, Orillia, bas joined hei mather, Mrs. T. S. Holgate, foi a montis's isolidays. Mr. and Mns. Arthur Marjer- rison and Bob, Flett St., arE holidaying with friends and relatives in Belleville', Cornwall and Souths Porcupine. Reée'nt visitons at Mrs. C. Gý Curtis', Ontario St., were Mrs Jessie Grigg, Mn. and Mrs:W J. Major, and Miss Heatser SMurray, ail o! Toronto.' Miss Gwen Murdoch accomn panied Mr. and Mn.. D. Clark and Helen on a mator trip to ,P~T-w Brunswick; visiting many Jfaces a! intePest en route. Walker Stores are conducting business as usual whilc Jin Abernetisy's cnew of paintens ane applying a fresis coat o! paint tc ieintenion and extenior of the 'rýare. >Mn. Bill Tait, Jr., arrived or Sunday from Saskatoon ta jain bis wife and family also hie pgrents, Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Tait, for a holiclay at Bowman- ville Beach. Mr. and Mra. W. H. NichaIs, Mn. and Mra. L. J. Nichais and Mn. L. B. Nichais visited Mn. and Mra. Douglas«Nichols, Kings- ton, and taok in the Thausand Islands Boat Tnip. Mr. Harry. Hooper, Salmon Arm, B.C., is nenewing acquain- tances in bis native Caunty af Durham while visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cann and attended cisurcis service in Trinity Churcis, Tise flag on tise Bowman- ýrille Post Office bas been fiy- ing at isalf-mast for tise past few days duc ta tise deatis o! tise Postmaster General,, Hon. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. T. A. Morkan, Pastor ia.m.- St. Paul's and Trinity Congregations worship in Trinity. Sitting Service for Babies and Young £hldren - No Evenint Service - 1 ST. JOHN'S CHURCU (Anglican) 8:00 &.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. - MORNING PRAYEZ Eveninh Service lVlthdrawn durln.g August a nd Duîrllam Couùnty bybe ing -a regular subseniben ta The States- man. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder 1 and membens o! tiseir family v recentiy enjoyed vacationing il at Rice' Lake from which point 'V they cruisedl in their boat up ti tisrough tise lakes as W~ as c Stoney Lake. Members o! tise S !amiiy *ho joined them includ- b ed Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rehder d and their three children, Pointe c Claire, Que. Mn. and Mns. Tum si Rehder. B6'wmanville; NMr. and! si M. ah RhdIU dU ILLj! Lynda, Peterboroughs: Mi.s iha Barbara Reisder and Mn. Blýt WaUson Brockvilhle. B.IILs Retires After 40 Years Service1 Ar- Alcide Cote, which occurre drs. last weekend. PW- Mrs. J. W. Noble and Mij -Helen Noble,- Indianapolis.; Mr eld, Gus Baunsail, Town;' visite Mrn. thse latter's sister, Mn. and Mr Me J. D.' Fluken at their summE home. Fernbanc, ont 'the S Ta- Lawrence River. ith Mary Lau' and Pat Mar B. daugisters of Mr. and, Mrs. Jin . Marr, are visiting their aun .u_ Mrs. D. Coffey, in Nanths Baj itis They will continue from tiser tay t Renfrew to visit their granc father, Mr. T. Fergusan. njs Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Ma Le? son, Debby and Barbara, Tc Ba- nonto, visited his mother, Mrg C. H. Mason, and bis siste; a-Mrs. F. E. Walden and 'he idNew Wcstminjter, B.C.- ndMn.. E. Hffnt and daughte ian Sharon Anne, Ottawa, have beei re holidaying witis ber mothez u.Mrs. R. Witheridge, and MrE g.Bernice Tuerk, Bowmanvjlli Beach, whilc Staff-Sergeant E as Hunt is at Camp Gagetown idN.B. Lly E. F. Hall, of Trenton, foi- r.merIassistant assessor at Co U.bourg and assessor witILj th( >re United Counties of Nortiffimb 1h, erland and Durham has beer thired by Victoria county coun cil as caunty assessor effectiv( )n- Oct. 1. Lve Mrs. A. J. Lymer. Bilf an( :'s Douglas, Oshawa; Mrs. Mini Iin Coiwell, Mns. Bert Colwell anc Inwin are bolidaying with rela id tives at Bond Headand ]ýaetor s- where they had a surprise part.ý id in honor of Mrs. Mina Cblwel] -, on ber birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Qýuick, ac- la companied by Mrs., Williamr Lr Quick and Miss Lenore Quick yn of Toronto, have neturned from Is an enjayable motor trip through the New England ,y, States, stapping at Province- W. town on-Cape Cod. n, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Braden er and Elizabeth, Mr. E. H. Brown and aisa Miss Heather Mitchell tj- have neturned froma most cen- sjoyable twa weeks' holiday er spent with Mr. and Mrs. Lait- or rence Goddard at their cottagc on Lake Catchacoma. x- AC 1 Ron Kitson, son of Mr. re and Mrs. Wilfned Kitson, is d home on leave from RCAF Sta- 111 tion Foymount, near Killaloe, Ontario. During the first part of his one-month Icave, hie mo- Storcd thnaugh tise 'United rStates and visitcd his sister, r Shirley, in Winnipeg, Man. -The Býowmanville Frigid -Locker building, formerly the .k Bowman House, is undergoing L2 a face-lifting applicd by How-, Ly ard S. Brooking and staff of Ilocal decorators. The thrce- ,storey building, when finishcd, ? w ili be a soft green in colon in- mistead of white, giving a vcry 7eattractive appearance. ýe ,Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hawthorne and son Barncy, have neturned fncim a holiday trip ta Eastn points and Lake Champlain, -N.Y. While in Ottawa, touning the Parliament Buildings and gctting thse view fram the Peace Tower, they met Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, pros'- sing once again the old saying d that it's a small wonld. *Mrs. C. A. Bartlýtt entertain- d d nearly 50 guests at a bouse- warming imi her recently ac- quired cottage, "Tise Bluffs". nEast Beach, Bowmanville, last '- Tisunsday afternoon. Gucats Ifcnjoyed sccing Mrs. Bantlett's cattractive cottage while relax- ding in the cool breezes off Lake LOntario. The hostess servcd a -deliciaus supper wisich was en- -joyed by ail. t I a letter fnom Mrs. W. G. fWagar advising us ta send hier Statesman for two weeks ta Stanley House, Ont., whilc visit- ing her daugister Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Weir, se says Alton, wiscne sise bas been yisiting, is sunnounded by his and littie lakes. Carlton Street Churcis, Toronto, has a farm nearby and bring their young boy campens in ta tise chunch hene Sunday mornings. Arthsur Perry, Kingston, was fined $25 and costs by Magis- trate R. B. Baxten here Tucs- day when convicted o! caneless dniving. Costs werc veiy iigh. Penry was the driver of a Col- onial Coach Line bus which Dan i ngton ta Regulate -Sale 0f S'maIl Lots At a recent meeting Dar- lngton Township Council passed a restrioting by-laZ whies may be misunder- stood by soute people. Under Its conditions, les. tisait 10 acre lots of land in most parts o! the town- ship may not bc disposed of without permission o! tise -Planning Boasrd. A notice ta this effeet will be !ound on the Classi!ied Page of this issue and Darlington residents would be well-ad- vised ta read it closely. Those who contemplate eitlier buying or selling should contact tise Town- shilp Clerk at Hampten bc- fore proceeding with any attempt te transfer land. This measure isas been tak.. en for tise protection of ci- tizens and. it appears prob- able tisat a zoning by-law o! saine kind will follow ta complete tise contrai o! future building, which up to tise present has not been of a planned cisaracter. Mns. H. W. Green, Toron lo, daugister o! Dr. and Mns. E. W. Sisson, is acting as secnetary ta Ed Summens, Dunrham Agri- culture Representative, whiie Miss Kay Smitis is on halidays. Will t4e tisougistîcas and carelesa painter who dumped 6 or 7 empty paint cana on El- gin Street,; opposite tise Public Scisool, please gatiser tiscm up and take them out ta tise civic dump. By sa doing he will ne- ceive tise thanka o! citizens wbo take a pnide in their tawn. (Published by nequcat.) Mr. and Mins. Jack Nichols, accompanied by> ber sister, Mirs. Mangaret Cunningham o! New- castie-on-Tyne, England, are leaving today by motor ta visit Mr. and Mina. Jack Somner (nec Margaret Nichais) at Calgary, Alta. Mn.. Nichais and Mirs. Cunningham bave not seen cacis othen fan 27 yeana and are hav- ing a wonderful visit together. Tise motar trip ta Calgary tri visit ber niece will give Mira. Cunningisam an apportunity ta sec a good deal o! Cand wisile ase is isere. Mins. Cun- ningisam flew out, landing at Mantreal, but will return by boat. ý Dr. and Mins. Norman Aluin have retunned fromn a holiday in England, where thcy visited their son, Dr. George Allin and Mn.. Allin and family in Lon- don. Dr. George Allin is a eaduate af medicine, Univ2r- sity of Edmonton, and is daing post-graduate study for a Fel- lowsisip in sungery at vaniaus haspitais in England, includinig the wvell known Hammensmitis Hoaspital in London. Tise tw.o families enjoycd motoring ta ,'ariaus places o! interest in .ngland and Scotland during he visit. Dr. and Mins. ýZorman Al1in jaunneyed by boat bath &'ays, leaving on June 7 anj 'eturning on Juiy 30. Mir. and Mira. Kennetis Flet- cher, Vancouver, B.C., are vis- itig bis sister, Mins. Wm. G.- James and Mn. James. Mr., Fletchser bas isad an intenestingj navai cancer cammencing at Isle ge of 16 when he joined tise British Mverchant Marine with risicis he served for 12 year.s.11 inluding wvar service in World Van II. During tisat time *le- travelied araund tise.w'orld a couple o! times and sailed tise Seven Seas. In September 1952 àe came ta Canada aad imme- liately went ta tise Pacifie oast wisene he entered tisej -ervice o! tise Union Steam- ihipa Ca. a! Canada, a company. ýstablished in 1859, wbîch nùwi as il passengen and fneigist leamers p]ying tise Britiash Col- ambia coastal wate;& Mr.I Hospital Wili (Continued fnom page one) 000 undentise, sciseme ta keep aur isospital modernized and in good condition. Tise Board also hope. ta be able ta pur- cisase a new obstetnical table and a fractûre table in tise nean future, but these purcisases will not be made at. present. Over $1,000 bas also, been spent on an office typewnriter, medi-car surgeny floor, a croupette and aspinatar; a sucti'on machine surgcry floar which was paid for by tise Nurses' Association at $165.00 and four Air Cîrcu- latons paid for by tise Hosplital Woman's Association at a cost o! $290.76. Up-to-date Record Tise Board, with tise ass4Jt ance of tise supenintendeit, Miss Inene Shaw, keeps a con- tinuing up-to-date record o! al equipment needed, including current pnices. Tisey scrutinize tisis liat cancfully, placing tise mast important pieces of equip- ment in a priority position. In fact, wisen tise extra provincial grants wepe announced thss spring, tise Board was able to send in their lîst, elmoat by netun, mail. Future Projects Tise work a! completing aur hospital and kceping it modern is an aperation that will neyer end, because o! new develop- ments, obsolescence and depre- ciation. Some time in tise fu- tune, if and wisen money be- cames available, mare - office space i. rcquined, a system o! air purification including tise" removal o! fumes, and passibiy some type of air canditioning may be considered. In tise meantime, tise Memar- ial Hospital at Bowmanvilie i. a busy, active centre taking cane o! tise sick and launcbing tise childnen o! the -district into tise wonld. A New Collector Lack o! funds bas always been a great problem, witis bas- pitals and ours is no exception. Once more we encourage citi- zens ta mention tise bospital in tiseir wiils and witb financiai gi!ts wisile tisey ane alive. One of tise taugist jobs is collectirîg outstanding accaunts from citi- zens, many of whom éould pa., if thsey would. To take cane of this particular *situation, the Boardreentlv ired Mina. Mur- ici Dunn o! Bowmanvîilce as a collector and repart that ase is isaving, excellent success in cleaning. up tise amounts awing for services. Witi tise continued co-opena- tion o! ail citizens, tise Board under Cisairman Harry Cryder- man bapes ta continue pnoviud- ing modern and adequate hos- pital service for this commun- ity, abiy assisted by tise Ladies' Auxiiany and. tise nany other groupa thnaugh the area wiso have providcd inv aluable iselp. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mira. AI Martin and Grant, Bawmanvillc, werc weekend visitons witis Mn. and Mn.. Ralpis Vintue. Mn. and Mn.. Arthsur Brunt wcre Sun- day visitons wtb tse Vitues. Flietchser is . Chie! Officer on one of these sis. After comn-I ing ta Canada, bis fiancee, Wl ma Tervit, a! Glasgow, Scat-1, land, joined him and they were mrnied in Vancouver in Dec- ember 1952. - YOU SIMPLY -« CANNOT B9UY A &ETTiR GASOINILa cScal & fers anal Phone MA 3-3303 Regular Frlday Skating With Bowmanville Skating Club now on its awn, due ta withdrawal o! tise-Oshawa Ska- ting Club, there will be ce ncw professional in charge and plenty o! appartunity for tisose aid and young wisa wisista learn fancy skating. Tise regu-. lar, round and round tise Arena, akaters will once more bave' their weekly Friday nights available. Last year, tise Friday skating was one of tise moat papular evenings at thîe Anena, drawing 4P0 and 500 pa- Plan, Skating (Cant.inueçl fram Page One) with the \Earons colQurs. - Start Over Labor Day To take advanitage o! tise new hydro arr-angement, thse !ce- making. machines wil go into operatiôn -over the Labor ]Day weekend, with'a Canadian Ice' Machine tecisaician in attend- ance ta mrake certain eveny bit' af machjnery i. in tip-top shape. ý With any kind of, luck, a godd surface sbould be avail- - able by Tuesday or Wednesday, Sept. 6 or 7, witb tise possibility o! hockey practicé by Tisurs-1 day, Sýept. 8th. For tise'rest of~ tue -season, tise Arena âhould go full blast !nom eaniy morn- ing until late at nigist. Aineady, many outside and local groij]PS have made -arrangements o~ir wee]dly ice time. Barons Preptrlng At least two local hockey teama Will put in a negular ap- pearance at tise Anena, plus otisens whicis, undoubtedly, will be !oTmed as soon as !ce beéomes available. Tise Bow- manville Barons Intermediates [have indicated tiscy will have a strong team ready for an'; gnauping wisich may be annang- cd. Xt i. fairly certain.that Ernie Dickens will once more act as, playing-coacis, aided by several otiser pnotinent local and dis- trict players, sucis as Franis Haape, last yean's playing Captain. Thq Canadian Legcion Brancis bavelagneed ta sponsor a juvenile team which. as tipie go eý on, should become an at. tra ètive' featune fan hockey *HAMPTON Mns. M. G* Stepisens, Toron- ta; Mins. Robt. Burgess,' Tyrone, at Mr. and Mns. Bert Stevens'. Mins. E. H. Cale visited friends at Owen Sound last week and since bas been, spending a few days witis Misà Elsie MacMI.. lan, Glen San!ield. Ont. Mn. and Mira. C. Metcal!e, and Mn. and Mns. Russell Rey- nolds, Toronto, witis Miss L. Reynolds. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ~âpmnmnt-SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE *luggsts'ALL THIS WEEK SHOP AT YOUR DRUG STORE D E V E O P ED the safe, logical and dependable place to buy drugs medicine's and other produets for health and beauty care. COST NO MORE!FORA EE Yo*ur I.DA. Drugglst bas a wide range of preparations for thse relie! c~-'ceux/~5IAllergi-Tabs, 2', 60's,1.00, 2.50 Super Anohist, 12's 65c, 20's 1.00 ......... Benzedrex Inhaler------------ - 75e ...........- Dr. Chase Brand Tablets 59c, 1.49 Pyrlbenzamine 50 mgm. 12's ---- 65e 50's --.2.05 Ephazone Tablets ----------------------1.65, 2.75,7.50 j,,,,Templetcn's Raz-mah Capsules ---------- 79c, 1.50, 5.00 SFrosst's Pyrithen Compound Tablets 65c, 1.90 ..*.. ~Idaphedrin Nasal Spray ...____65e Lantigen l"E"' -------- - -- --------- - - -6 00 ANSCO FILMS 3 's Face-Elle - Best friend your nose ever had, 23c, 2/45e Eu fmm.wg min2% .- lt--e il l q trans on occasion. 1Won't Hire Manager This year, the Arena Com- mittes plans ta operate thse program without the services of the recreational director as Arena, manager. This will mean additional work for thse Coin- mittee and the Caretaker, but it was feit that thse savin~ which could be effected wauig be worthwhile. Worried About Bank To date, the Committee is aonly worried about one ~item, which was brought up at a re- cent cauncil meeting. The creek bank at the southwest corner of the building bas gradually beeiï eut away and council has not, ta date, taken action ta rectify the situatioju. Also, the parking area at thse rear of the AXrena bas been cluttered Up with trees which were ta have, been placed as supports, against this bank and this work bas flot been cami- pleted. Constant reminders hai'e been made ta council and it * ,hoped action will be taken in îh e' near future. 0+ herwise, they feel there is some danger that a heavy, floocling ram. might do considerable damage ta the bank and possiblyta the Arena faundation as well. Hope For Profit Due ta a change in the end' of!. the fiscal year o! the Arena, r equestcd by the auditors, the Uommittee will not be able ta provide the annual financial state ment, until after Déec.. 3lst. Howevcr, Mr. Watt stated that he and, the Committcc are con- fident that, at that time, uri MemorjalP Arena wiloncej more show a profit. 0o who passed away last week in Mrs. H. R. Faley's. EXACTIY RIGNT TO GET'IIYUR FIT ANO TIGHT r a guest af Mr. and Mru. Cecil Slemon. Mrs. C. -E. Daw and- daughter. Mary Lau, af faronto, spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw on Geor- gian Bay.* .Barry Cowling, Bowmanville, was a visitor with Ronnie and Barry Clemens. Miss McDougall anld Miss Apha Hodgins, Bowmanville, viste d at Sam Dewell's. Mr. mad Mrs. Charlie War- ren spe4t the holidhay week-end at Godêrich and at Stratford where they atterided the Shakespearean festival and were at Hall's Lake for the re- mainder of last week. According ta rep~orts on Wed- Mrs. Milton Williarpsoni, Grand View, Manitoba, Mr. Fred Williamson, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. ýBirney Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil- llamson, Tor~onto, visited w*th Sam and Perey Dewell's. Wornen's Institute are spepd- ing a picnic at Cobourg Park this Thursday afternoon. Bus leaves at 1 o'clock. MARLE GROVE Will the children remember1 the Vacation Bible School which is being held this week 11 and ne'xt from 9 ta 11.30 a. The synipathy of this com-ll munity is, extended ta the sis- ters and brothers and other re- latives of Miss Maude Powet, PHONE TO-DAY We will be pleased to supply you witli on your Reatlng or Plflmbig 42o - 47o - etc. JOHNSON' ADHESIVE TAPE *StiCkS SETTER *LA$3S LONGER *A SIZE FOR RVERY NEEO. Alex. We Deliver SPECIALS on I.D.A. Brands COCOANUT OIL .Shampoo 8 oz., reg. 49c -------- 39e Cold Cream (Evelyn Howard) R eg. 89e ---------- --- c Pendils (HB) Reg. 5c - 3 for 10e Spof Remover Reg. 40e ____33e P Reg. 75c 59C Wrifing Pads 'I "Eronomy" Ladies' or Letter Reg. 15e - 13, 2 for 25e Cold Cream Soap Reg. 2 for 25c - 2 for 23é I.D.A. English Style 9 Healih Salis 1 Mb . tin ---------- 5e I.D.A. Idasorb Dlarrhoea Remedy 75e - 1.25 For treatment o! Poison Ivy BRISTAMIN 79c - 1.19 43c. 73e. 98c, 1.22 Sisave Cream 49e CREAM-OIL Non-alcoisolic, con- tains Lanolin CAMERAS and FILMS Kodak Cameras - ranging from------------- 3.50 to 39.75 .Outfits 11.45, 15.50, 21.00, 25.75 We hav.e a complete line of FILM always in stock SUNTAN and SUNBURN PREPARATIONS Caligesic Ointment - 00 Acr!flex .----------- 0c Nupercainal -------------- 1.00 Nivea Creme 63c, 1.10, 3.00 Shulton Bronztan ------- 1.50 Williams Skol 55c, 15c, 1.00 Coppertone Spray .--2--Z5 Coppertone 011 or Cream 1.50 Noxzema - --- 5c, 89c, 1.69 Noxzema Suntan Lotion in * squeeze bottie -- -1QO Noxzema Suntan 011 or Cream 39c, 75c Tintoo -- --- 60c, 98e Velvetta Suntan Cream'65e Stili Need SUN GLASSES' We have a assortment of~ modela and Mtyes ringing In price from 49o te, 10.00 Klddies' styles 25c, 29e KILL FLIES Banis the annoyance and threat of disease that they represent. Your I.D.A. Drut Store bas a complete stock o! different, reliable iîF1 Killers INSECT REPELLENTS Tantoo Insect Repellent Spray Bomb -___ 9e Tube ______ eO Veivetta ...--- _____49cl Sta-way, tube _____29c, Bottie - -59c! Sketolax - ------ 55e 6 - 12 Inseet Repellept- Stick or Liquid - ----59e Balanced - "FRUIT SALT" Fitness :* ENO PLEASANT TAS TING KLEENEX I.DA. BRANDS Paper Napkins 70's - White - 17e Tootis Paste 32c, 57e SOFTER STRONGER WHITER, L ACOI PAÇAEo 300issms4-faf 0 2 M0 tIFF9ssees Irx 10" MANJS SIZI 12"'xl2"I 35c Drg Phone, MA 3-5792 1 -, Oshawa General Iospital. Thoe family were former residents of this community. Rev, L. M. Somerville wilI be ini the pulpit on Sunday ai- ter twaý weeks' holidmys. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Faley, accompanied by Mrs. Montgam- ery and Mrs. Violet Somer- scales, Town, spent Monday' evening et Greenbank ta help Mr. John Holdershaw celebrate his 9Oth birthday. He is a cou- sin oi thse former and great un- cie of the twolatter. Mrs. L. C. Snowden,,Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell, Town; were invlted ta spend Manday evening wltli their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, ta enjoy a pleasant evening with Ifheir couàins, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bal- lard, Moose Jaw, Sask., Mr. afid Mrs. A. R. Scott, Goderich*; Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott and littie son, Windsor, and othor cousins from Oshawa, when, a very pleasant evening was en- joycd. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hall and family, Weston; Mn. S. G. Bartlett, Toronto, with the lat- ter's sister, Mr. and Mrs.H. R. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wright, Miss Mildred Hcyd, Toronto, were with the latter's cousin, Mr. and Mrs.H. R1. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, daugbters Karn and Patsy, Town, at her fathers, Mr. and PESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MccGregorr Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store The above photo appeared in the Jul y 27th issue of "Bell News" - a rnewspaper for )3ell Telephone men and womien and their families - it says on the masthead. This particular photo wil1 interest mahy Statesman réaders as Mr. CrQeper is -a native of Bowmanville, being eldest son of the late H. B. Creeper, and brother of Lance Creeper of Horsey St. The cut lines read: "H. L. "Herb" Creeper (lef t) Manager of the Bell Telephone Co. at Chatham, receives a presentation from F. A. Power, Manager, Sarnia, on his retirement after 40 years' service. Mr. Creeper received a leather bound book containing- a cheque an~d autographs of more than 150 associates, a dlock radio from Chatham commercial people and a golf cart from thé plant." We understand Mr. and Mrs. Creeper (nee Elva Power, Maple Grove sister of Mrs. H. J. Kni-ght, Bow- manville, may take up residence in Bowmanville if a suitable house can be procured. j- t f For ENO'S",