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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1955, p. 11

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.zi TRU~DY tG 25th, 1931 1~ m THE.AADIANTATESMAN. BOWMANVILLLP ONTARIuO PAGF. EU Ce lebrate. Golden Weddincq Mr rhei Vec ýh t Social and Personal TeOooNw liMre. P. P. LeQresley left on famnily spent the weekend visit- T e O o o Nw &*.turdaY to visit with Mina Ing wîth Mr. and Mrs. McDougal ~rubb in Weston.I in Newmnarket. Rlobert Hagerman la visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Buchanan bis unele and aunt, Mr. and son Paul, Guelph, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin mrd Stapleton visited with Mr. Un. Colin Hudgin et South with Mr.' and Mrs. P. Fr. Hare and duger Mis Lue and Mrs. J. P. Rogers, Hast.! a8Y. During hie absence Benny on Sunday. M artIn, .Nau rei, p n n. ~ieinonis akngbisTee- Mms. J. Dî Cuningham and a rtfewdy rcnlywt M. M. Wm. Uglow, Newton- gamroute. Mrs. Frank Atkinson, Stouff-1 andf Mn.Go otn vlei iiln n n r.Wilmot Thorne of New ville, vislted with their sister Laiso t aiur's An- Ceci1 Jones. Yok t iiigwt i ltr n brother-in-law, Mr. and glican Church W.A. held apc Visitonswith Mns. Ueo. But- Mrise Olive Thorne. Mns. H. S. Britton on Tuesday. flic at Mrs. Len Bourne's, T- ters were Mrs. John T. Alien, Mns. Alex Brown and Luella, Mr. and Mns. R. W. Goheen rone, on Tuesday. M.Go icel r n eMr. and Mrs. Page and Mrs. VBac, ilaiPeerorug, aer nd f amily attended the Goheen Miss Marjorie Haidge, Tor- Mrs. Smith and Mary, Toronto.Me ,SUndkali ofueatbrh , rs.Mr family picnic on Sunday at La- onto, la a guest af Mr. and Mrs. Mr. "Chuck" Hutton ls a Mesages of congratu. evna usswt .Mr Salle Park in Hamilton. In, Chas. Wood this week. aIn inM oiaHspal and Mrs., Archie Muir Sr. o a~Ms.FlrecePerc ad i~attendance were over 120 de- Congratulations ta Mn. . owmanville. they held a family party to Mr.alrnePearce n d with s~ scendants of the original Thos. H. Langmaîd, Oshawa, who is Mrs. Ralph Philli 8 left re- dinq Anniversary. Duringt 'pfld Mrs. Albert Pearce and G9en2Uiei mie oai thi ns week. cently to join her ubn gî aewspeetc aI who camne to Canada fram Penn- Mns. Thampson, Chaffey's B.C. where the newlyweds hv oc aewspeetdt .obther friends in thie village on sylvania after the American Locks, visited Miss V. Gilfil- taken up residence. hv the bride of 50 years ago. M-Jonday. s'M.and Mrs. E. Fauter, Terny Revolutian and settled in Hp a.Ms .Bllt ilw ,>nd Andy, Montreal Mir. Le a Township. Rager Barlow returned home dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ',*(aiterson, Toronto, and Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew last week from visiting in Nia- Mitchell. Tmi m u4' rer p agtrPr obre aaFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton SU . Cade lqn istr wt r.adMr.vsle n ody ihMr n Mrs. C. A. Cumnmings, Ton- spent Sunday wlth Mr. andn g h Pr s M1arahal Pickering and family. Mrs. Gordon Agnew. onto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. K. Gray, Cadmus. 1 Dick Biesteker spçnt last week LA1vnMthw n o Billings. Mr. CliffRager, Toronto, i h P a s î,'ith his uncle and aunt, Mn. and Rickie, Trenton, are spending a!1 Mrs. John Thompson s ent visitlng Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 1'Mrs. J. Klopper and famlly at week with Mr. and Mrp. D. m.1 the weekend with MV~r. and M4rs. Stapleton. A cérémonial parade and in- ;ýalem. Bernard and family. i Alex Walker, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Hocey 1 spéction of No. 2464 Ontario '.- Miss Peggy Pearce and Mn. Mrs. Arnold Coulter and! Mrs. W. C. Crossléy passed and family spent thé wéékend 1 Training School Cadet Corps,i d.Haney, Toronto, spent the children, Minden, are visitlng away at Mémorial Hospital, at their cottage, Trent River,1 was beld on the parade squae ~weed with Mr. and Mis. with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Bowmanvilllé, fallowing a sev- and had as their guest Miss jof the Royal Canadian School AbetPeance and family. Mn. and Mrs. William En- ère fali down thé cellan steps Carolyn Jones. of Artillery (AA) Picton Camp, iW kend visitons with Mn. and Wright, Strathroy, spent thé at hem home'hast week. Funeral Wayne Bailéy, Russell Major, Pîcton, Ontario Frîday, 19 Aug. ,Mrs. H. S. Britton were Dr. and weekend visiting with Mn. and was an I Monday. Interment Victor Hall, Malcolm McKenzie,1 55. The Inspecting Officer was~ '~M .H. McDonald. Mrs. Ge. M. Thomas Enwright and Oono Cemetery. John Tamblyn, Don Lyý1cett and1 Lt. Col G. L. Vincent C.D.,' "'(ay, M.. nd M. Fred Berry, family. M. Enwight return- M. and Mrs. Milton Morris Laurence Sherwin wth their! Commandat of the R.C.S. o! Tona , and Mr. and Mn. Den- ed with themn ta visit with mla- and Ross t their cottage and Scout Master Achie McLaren A(AA) Picton Camp. The Ca- inis Griffith, Hamilton. tives in Stratbroy. bas as their guests Miss Aima spent Monday at the Scout det Corps crnes fmom the On- Mr$. Chnis. Barchard visited Miss Irène Asb, Cobourg, vis- Cuttell and Mr. and Mrs. Hes- Jamboree at Niagara-on-the- tania Training School for boys with Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Bar- ited Mn. and Mrs. Sam Breneton per Dean. Lake, alsa visited in Niagara at Bowmanville, and this pa- chard in Whitby for a couple of the first of the wéek. Clair Chapman, son af Mn. Falls, N.Y.l rade manked the conclusion of iYday& lait wèek. Mrs. Gardon Watson, Mrs. and Mrs. Stanley Chapman, Miss G. Tharntan and Mm. two weeks of intensive train- Mrs. Bertha Thonipson, New- Percy Ammitagé and Mns. R. G. Klrby, is in Western Hospital, E. Thornton, Millbrok, visited ing at Summer Camp, Paint 'tonville, vislted wlth Mrs. Mary Wright, Toronta, wene here on Toranto. Miss Edith Slierwin an' Mr. j Pare near Picton. Stevens On Tuésday. Friday fan the funeral of thein Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Waddell Robent Shérwin, Monday even- The parade was excellent and Masters Donald and Dennis aunt, Mns. Law. Mrs. Wright attended the Shakespearean ing. in bis remarks ta the Corps1 -Rudman and Rickie and Wayne rémained for the wéekend with Festival at Stratiord hast week. Mr. Hanry Hooper, Salmon Cl icn omne i Perc ae pnd a féw hall- ber sisten, Mrs. Gardon Ash and Mn nd Mr.Ca.Jhs nB., iie n n anks on a véry fine shawing.i days wîth Mn. andMns. Frank iamily. Bowmnanvillé, spent Sunday Mrs. D. Hoapèn. Col. Vincent went on ta remind1 McMullen and family in. Scar- Mm. and Mrs. Lew Bellwood, with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Waod. Mrs. Gea. Cnowther and'them af bis nemanki ai wel- banough. Stayner, attended Mns. Law's Mrs. John Marris, Mn. and Jamnié, Newcastle, vlsited Mn. corne whén théy first came taq Miss Canal Partridge is visit- funéral on Friday. Mrs. Law's Mns. Chas. Stapietan and son, mnd Mrs. Chas. Wood on Tues- camp when hé said "teamnwomk1 ing With ber gnandpanents, Mn. brother, Mn. Henry Dickson, Douglas, also Bllly and How- day. la essential for a goad camp"'. and Mrs. Clayton Staneburg in Toronta, was also bere. He stay- H adta hi efrac Wellington. éd on for a few days with Mr.ndn nftrsIwsaiPè-ts mong saed ht Mn CrlRoud nd LRobin f Margaret Hdgins fPrs "teamwork" was vry much in U O I cott, with hermotecle vdne Lynda Hauber, Phihadeiphia, rI r on Mm. and Mrs. Harold Bar- The Cadet Batteny Comman- TYRONE i spènding thnee weéks witb LINS if owclaugh for a féw minutes der accéptéd from Col. Vincent,î hem aunt and unele, Mn. and a ofs i on Wé nesday evening. Mar- for bis Camps the Gymnastlcj Thoort etiga Tynone Mns. Howard Philp. R rl I - garet leit hast Piday ta neturn Trophy, won by his Cadetc Gabby Gardénérs was beld at Mn. and Mrs. M. Dubyk andu ta the caast wheré shé is Corps in compétition against 55 E Mns. J. A. Rosevèar's home on Diane visited Mm. and Mrs. Paul I u a e g e teacbing in an India résidéntlal Cadet Corps fnom thé Area, at Auguat 17. Miss E. Smye, dis- Kowalski, Maphe Grave. scbool at Lytton, B.C. Margaret vény fine achievément, Indéed.1 trict home economist, attendéd. Miss Shirley Haîkin, Mn. Elgin With tie South Durham Rural taught hère in 1947. Fine trophies made af palsh- e The main business cancerned Mason. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Basebaîl Léague Schedulé com- .Acievernent Dywih a nOnmiston and family, Oshawa; pleted, Newcastle, Welcome and Mrs. A. Glovén ai Oshawa is éd brass wéré presented ta theé Augat 4. issSme xpai n Mm. and Mrs. Robent Vivian and Caverdale wîîî now play a spending sanie days with hem best ail round cadet and ta the a èeAgd s t 4e gis quîîye xin g- iamily, Janétvillé; Mn. and Mrs. round robin borne and bome aiter, Mrs. Haldaway and bro- cadet Who showed mast im- t 'Utbé"~The girls made a tous Dan Vivian and family, Black- séries. The two top teanis wîîî thèr, Mn. E. Bowén. pravèment. Thé cadet gymnas- 1 =aad using fnesh vegetables waten; Mr. and Mrs. Charles play a béat four out ai seven Donna Oughtned and ber fa- tic team raléd out thé mats I from 'thé gardens. Lunch was Vivian and Isabel, Mn. and Mms. games séries for thé heague thèr éxhibitéd gladiohi and and thé woaden hanse and put i served. - Bruce Vivian and Virginia, Bow- championsbip and a chance at théir arrangement in vaniaus Glad ta know Mns. M. Harris manville, wére guésts of Mn. thé Jahnny James Tnapby ways at Newcastle Horticultur- TOdIL wbo ban been in the Civic Hos- and Mn.. W. Vivian. against thé winners ai thé North ai Show last weék and wénéEW O VIL 't1PtboWareoCgsshToonopet Drhm Lage.succésaful again in winnlng1 pitalarenérossnTughtospnt Drhpnov-ue.many awards. Mr. Lawrence Gilmer, Bu'- 1J ýin icely. thé wéekénd with Ronald Phllp. Thé achedule fon thé round Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes Miss Joyce Hopkins, Oshawa, robin sériés wbich began an Léttens and cards from Hé- fala, spent Sunday witb bis spent a féw days in thé Barrie réturnéd home aiter spending Tuesday is as follows: August lené Barrowclough in Britain parents, Mn. and 'Mrs. Frank C and Owen Sound district. three weeks at H. Philp's home. 23d-Welcome at Newcastle; and thé continent spéak oi thé Gilmér. Douglas Dèlaney is holidayin g ..Mm. and Mri. S. Hall and August 25tb-Néwcastle at Cov- wondéniul weather, espècially Ms Thos. Bunkehi, Hamnil- a With bis siter, Mr. and Mrs. W. girls, Mr. and Mrs. A. erdalé; August 27tb-Welcome in England where thé falk in ton, is spending a few days c Polmatéer at théir cottage né rviited Mr. and Mns. Stanley at Covéndale; August 3th-Cov- Yorkshire told ber it was thé wltb bher daughtér, Mrs. Clo- h Bancrof t. a Rabm, Blackstock. éndalé at Newcastle; September best sumnmén wèathén thé>' bad land Lane. iv.- Mr. and Mrs. H. Brént visited ,Mr. and Mns. K. Hardy and Is-eC2td 2.W.1nA had for ten vrers. 7/se /ê~ewcad .1/e Y4epe4e#d os e jr Et c 'h r i I g a c hi e e tE J s Receive* ut Picton on a performance ion thé hamg crawd at baud that showed on and &il thé chais that won th trophy fer thé corps against ad competitioh'. This la thé third summer tha this Cadet Corps bas attende, sunimer camp at Point Pétr fon two weéks. Sanie 80 cadel wama on thé go fron manni ta nîght on a ver>' activé anc diversified course Capt. Fret Evans, Cadet Training Ofice: fmom Héadquàmtema, Eaîtani Ontario Amea, Kingston, assis t éd b>' Juatructors o! thé Cade Services ai Canada, kapt thm camp runniug smoothl>'., Thé camp itaeli situatéd or the ahanes ai Lake Ontariao o. fers evèry faceilit>' ta makc camping a Positive pléasunt bamming thé béat. Thé metil were finit chais and thé bayu "put on anywbeme f'rom one te fiteen paunds ln thé twc weéks thé>' were iu camp. Tèamwork, initiative and ci- tizenship are ahi strésséd at camp. Thé basic training afin- iantmy, range courses, tactics emni>' ta bed sud early ta rise ail combine ta give thé cadets a ver>' sotive life and thé cadets themiélvés have the enemgy ta go at it hammér and longs. Couple ail this with gond food, an ml-round athhétlc pro- gram sud lots af swimming in Lake Ontario and it makés for a qoad camp. Evén Lake On- tario bas wammed up aud can riardi>' hé meferred ta as thé 'original deep freeze", flot t] haughter and a. fniénd, ai Mono a Road visited Sunda>' with Mns Il McKeown's mother, Mns. J. W. Irvlne. el Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown ai g Oshawa, apént thé weékeud 1) v.ith the Grant Thonipsons andi Ill enjoyed a trip ta cottages k ownéd b>' Mn. and Mmi. EldonK vlcCabe near Kinniaunt and le; ----- --& ---- -' ----* Tnesympathy Of tiiis com- xorjni at On Manday of this wéek munity is extendad ta Mr. Rev. and Mms. R. Kooistra ni ai some ai thé C.G.I.T. met at Mrs. George Henderson in thé pass- Red Dean, Alberta, are visiting'1s Barawclough's ta talk aven ing ai bis sisten, Mrs. Bert Mrs. Kooistra's brother, Mr. Si- tsummén activities and tell Crossle>', Orono. méon Feddéma and famil>'. ~ abut hei éxénincé at Miss Sandra Porter who bas Mn. and Mrs. CaiWlo, av camp. Bannie Austin told of been visiting Miss Yvonne Ani- Gwen and Eunice, attended the kij thé day's activitiés and their dénson, Oshawa, bas eturned weddiiig af Miss Ellen Murphy C], prograrn ai récréation, study homne and now Miss Donna ta Mmr. Gardon Bradfiald, 0t and méditation. She described Ponter is spending a few days whlcb Miss Gwen was maid af éd thé intemesting bandicrats and with Miss Bonny MacLéod. honour, in St. Andrew's Unit- léit thé impression that At waa atrGéreEe ,snaed Church, Petarbono on Sat- a good ta bavé been thèe.MseGereEyon f a. Wi Sunda>' was, as evenyone mr n Ms rest Ehe>, met Lds' Ado h Pebt kknows, vèry bat and Sunda>' with a painful atcident whe an CLadies'eAidn thPe byter- t school atndnewas aa thé end ai one finger became ianChunch ometfin thé Sunda>' l onfor that or holiday ab- cycle Héin tcaen ota Méi- meeting with thé Président, it secs oee eceswr yl.H a ae eMr-Mms. Wolfe, in thé chair and )- shencs.fowelclestéacndrs erieanl Hospital, Bawmanville Mrs. L. Fitzé in change ai th2 thèmue rin ahi cl assein thé.ion tneatment. Dévotional reading, explana- - n uéitedn a i hne The man>' inienda af Miss Canal Thorndykè la vlslting Olive Jobnston will be sorry tion and prayen. Thé Président eber aunt, Mms. Longyear in Eli aîan htsé.saptin nweicoméd thrée summen visit- tzabethville. Sharon and Linda thée il optl eèbr ors, and expressions ai thanka' a ré spanding a few days In Port ough, whèré she underwént aWeeetnidaMi.Lvî y Hope, and Marie Austin bas né- major opération on Monda>'. 1for thé git ai rméat for thé e tumned fromn vititing with ber Mn. Milton Graham a mern- sale, ta Mrs. Alice Farder for rcousin Gwèn Woolacott. Nola hem ai ana ai thé pioneer îam- han supervision of thé catering Hahdaway ai Toronto, spént iies ai Clarke Township, who an atéld e boea thé weékend witb hermomther, bas béen in failing héalhbfan and prépared thé basemnt for and Mrs. F. W. Haydén ai To- céveral yeams passed away atté wdneéetion the emonta, la visitîng thé Barrow- committe mpatéd on h I lubs ad ate ned is home on Thunsday. Inter- mnepitn hc eb d coug's and othr riedsment was at Lakeview Cern- manes p atng whch s t h ehère. Ronnié Dinner neturnèd etery, Newtonville, on Sunda>'. bdon sonan ptWiclids' ofthée Ifrarn Welcame whena hé was Thé Néwtonvilhe Woman'sbaigalstWiia' Point halldaying wlth bis cousins, the Missionary Society' éntértainad bave béen gratifylng, tbanks s Hoskins, and Dale Hoskin l h ayBn n ohr tta Mms. Fisher for providing visiting with Donna Oughted. a prt' h d on hé awi o accommodation t er cottage. Tuesday aiterncon. l6th inst., evényane ta vièw Elaîne's wed- with plant>' of balloons an.d ding gits at ber home, then LakeShor, Clrke simple games. Thé kiddies tlla- al ioined for lunch in thée L Lae Shre, lark rouhly enjayed themselves. cbumch basément wheme the At 4 o'clock lunch was served. committée canvened b>' Miss Mr. Lloyd Martin heit Satun- Twenty aduits and fiftéén Rt rut 1vde e> day b>' 'plane from Malton ta childrén wére présent. pnéasan seoibu, . n. wonk with thé Shehl iluCom- Miss Darothy ElliçQtt la spend- lunheand lowshaip.viitr pan>' at Edmonton. ing a few days with Mn. and li hswe o hi oe Glad ta hear that Mn.. Alec Mrs. Wray Saules o! Westa»l. I h et n n .Jh Martin is feeling betten aiter hem Mr- and Mrs. Earh Walkey, PIn ai winnipMrg and M. Jon Mrsuna> Elli, Streetsville, spnt days witb M. and Mrs. Walter MS. as. Rnobédrashanpofrunion, JSna opértion. Jd rsG oGan ndanoMnie. spe a éw S.ask. nobéntsonhai rUnit>' wit Mn an Mr. Uo. nd ysO ta atr. Té'n-with Mns. Jas. Farder and Mn,. Skelding. und'Otw. Annie Watson and othér iniends sing nicél>' aiten an opérion Nestiet on Station -Toronto, and Mm.. Levi McGill: Mr. and Mns. Jimn McKay, ai Petérboro, visited Sunday 4 Bronte, s p nt sevenal day. with Récent cahiers with Mn. and with Mn. Elmen Nesbitt and Mn. and Mn.. Robin AlIdnéd. jMns. W. R. Lamb were: Mr. Mr. and Mmi. Marvin Nésbitt. Misses Domeen and Elainej and Mmm. Kennetb tLamb, Port Mr. and Mn.. Bruce Héaslip Powell accompaniéd Mn. and Crédit; Mn. and Mrs. Donald returnéd roni a two week me- Mn.. Jack Crago te Stratiord Lamb and Mm. and Mns. Lama ýton trip te thé Maritimes end iwhèré thé>' saw "Thé Menchant Lamb and ismil>', EnniskihIen;ý eastèmn United States. ai Venicé" at thé Shakèspearean Thé Cecil Wilson farnil>' alâa Festival, and on thé way home, vlsitéd Mn Lamb fon 'short in-' spént Sunday with Mn.. Don tervah, sincé bis ilUnéss. aa.tMemnorial Hospital Coulten. fniends.are giad t know hé Veky epr Mn. and Mns. Fak Btty impmoving. adfamily and Mn. and Mrs. u-èmn a èios wére Mrs.W Bah Shupak and Gary, Toronto, eManSmlswr:Ms spet Snda' wtb n. nd M cNeelie, Mre. Hill and Ban- Week of Aug. 14 ta 20 inclusive W. oles 1bara. Mr. Scott Hutchison, Tom Admissions ~4 < W. $almés.~~ and flan, al ai Toronto, Mn.! Discbanges.________4 TheLale Sor Laies K..1 and Mr!. Milton Fisher and Births- and C. Club met at thé bomeé aifj er parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dix-.; Male2 M s. Bill Lake, August 17. Thé,0,o f o dvîe. i Fernaic ---i3 next meeting wil hé at thé:, Mn. and Mrs. Ronald WB- Oprations- home ai Mrs. P. H. Van Leeuw- iams and two childrnnoa Osb-h ao. én uut3.awa. visited Mn. and Mrs. Ar-. Miner ... -----lI Thé sympathy ai thé corn- nald Williams. Emerégency .. . -131 munit>' is extended ta Mn, andj Miss Leona Rohmer bas been This report la pubiishéd toI Mns. Ahi Brown on thé death aif spénding a holiday with hem! acquaint the publié with the Mn. Brown's mothen, and ta thé grandpanents at Tilsonbung. i service béing réndéréd b>' thé family of Mn. Milt Graham. Mrs. Wiley McKéown, hum 1 baspitaL.Ioe Port Hope Fair Friday Night September 2md Cainadiain Daredevils' Saturday, Sept. 3rd General .xhibiton HORSE RACES DANCE AT-- -N-G-T dation were received by of Courtice on Sunday w~ celebrate their Fiftieth 'M the enjoyable get-togethe &r. Muir andi a galci brooc] m. and Mrs. W. M. Calby a erywneta ustainm their cottage at Minér's Bay. nd Mns. James Pnescott, Osha- Mns. Brent remained fon a féw wa. deys. Mn. and Mns. E. Pnéscott visit- Mr. and Mm.. G. Whiteéand cd Mr. and Mns. Ace Abbott,c Anne spent thé weekend at their Oshawa.E cottage, Hawk Lake. John Virtué spent a iew1 Miss Elizabeth Knox and holidays with Mm. and Mrs. H. friend, Fenélon Falls, visitéd Wonnacott, Toronto. Mrs. Florence Scott an Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hooper Vacaion chal stntédMonand'family, Edgeley, 'Sask., visit- day morning with 51 children é i aet n te ea présent. On Tuésday 64 childnén tives hère fon two wéeks. His wére présent. This istacn parents, Mm. and Mns. L. F. tanu fo twawées, ConytaHoaper réturnéd home withv .tiue or wo eek, Mnda tothém for a visit. Mn. and Mrs. Frlday, fnom 9 ta 11:45 a.m. W-an iBwmndle r Mn. Cand Mrs.oJamvislDélarey r.ntyatnd ed ' am îDly ne- résiding at thé Hooper borné at t --en on att ow assan. .présent. Snirley owams sen t Mn. Dean Findlay and bride,S Shirey ombs séri a eekUnionville, called an Mn. and with Libby Cale, Bawmanville. sMrs. .RcadsSna v Mn. W. J. Tape, Fart ErieA icadsSndysvn vliing bis sister, Mns. Annie Mr. Bill Hogg, Mrs. F. Shor- 4Hatberly. tèn, Toronto, visited Mns. W. T. a Mn. M. Dubyk bas had a well Worden.h ~ du b>'Mm. ame oskin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tayhan Bunkéton. ay ~. Miss Bemnice Cbapman, Toran- and famil>', Orana; Mr. and nrs . ta viité E A.Claýrénce English, Bawmanville,1 visited Mn. and Mrs. Walter ?Vintué. Murphy. Miss Judy Marshall, Horning's M Mills, alsa Miss Margarét Calé, ai ^ fthiIIIV , om nénar Smltbvillè, are visiting N ~ m nw men Rev. ady s'F. J. Jackson. nr gan51l p 5IL RlhbSaw Oshawa, spent a p - ay ih onVirtua. i gain~, , *J3~fers. M. Cann, Bawmanville; d3 Cet Niw Pop, Vim, Vigor Mn. and Mrs. A. Rundle, Han- GC mnony, visited Mrs. Alma Yél- >1 %Vhat a thrilll Eonnvlawlees, thé Rundîa cbildrén ne- Mv 1; limbe 611 out; ugIy tunonghoe- IoaM u êDck no mIa nina ande ith théir parents, tic I a y;bôd ogeaoDon adMarilyn Yellow- wM pole" look-becauseo or és -e olac ofP Mrs. Alma Yéllowléés and le h ~ ~ Thusns of gs, wmn anlLt erprnsM.adCo . _oe, r . rs.H. Rundlé, Hampton. he sh'pi. elty-okig Rév. Fred Jackpon atténded g' btk akOtc Tne svéral days at thé Internation- au They thn srzTncal Sunday School Convention at Ca Tablets. Contains 110,vi Cleveland. Rév. and Mns. F. J. Fo tami,, B,.calcium. HlsJcsnadJh pn eka bwld blood, 'un rov. age- IJcsnadJh pn eka tite and igemoe o o j at bis parents' cottage at Lake coi jjvio more atYCU g I Penage and visited Mn. and Mns. iv and nourushment; heips put flesh on baze bories. ' A. A. Jackson. wt G.t ov.y Cuv r. n. d Mns. Walter Rahm a]c Cet evoy Crv« vlsited Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Ke As )-ou gain poundayo Union. A5~~ryOsrexTonc ablti Mn. and Mrs. Clarence D. a ow quiek they help buid flp bcy Woo)dlèy spent thé weékend we 1 kn)*due to iron defejencv'. 'et-. îtMsF.LDu-c ,ssna" io nl Oý teail degg 1 ts. h Mn. and Ms .L u a se_______tu g $a le>', Boxbaro. a ci PHONE TO-DAY a We will hé pleaaed te gr(' IT A1WTN G > TM supply yeu with1 CAfNO EPEND FRBE E ma ESTIMATES d APIPE e 9, onCDI CDyour Heatint or Plumblnt co & An a Coa * ~ - MA 3- 613 anc s . affr «Mo P UMBWl is-newas eat wVVicom Septembén 3md-Covemdalea Welcome. Ahi games are scbeduhed t( commencé at 5:45 p.m. shanj accamding ta Léague Vice-Prés Arnold Wade. WESLEY VILLE (Intendéd for hast week) Thé beavy main ai hast weék was -van>' wécomé evan if il did upset thmeshing plans. ThE weekend brought more, so thal thé ground neail>' got a tho. raugh soaking. Thé winds an Satunda>' caused more incan- veniénce than actual damage nième. Corn was ilatténed but appéars ta hé coming upright although thé staika will llkéby have a permanent wave. Apple ochands weme heavil>' lader and hast man>' buahets, the Aind is not a ver>' goad culli ng agent. Thé August meeting ai the Woaman'a Association was hehc at thé home ai Mrs. Clarence Nicholls hast Wèdnesday miter. naon. Thème were 15 ladies present and thé pragmmmn was in chargé ai Mn,. A. Thorn- .ykè with thé thème, "The Uood Shepherd". Thé scripture tsson fnom John was mead b>' Mrs. A. Fond and thé éxplana- on b>' Mmi. Nicholîs, and al! wère led In prayer b>' Mn.. C. Payne. Mrs. A. Thondyké nead etters from hem missionary susin Iu Nigeria describing éer wark and some ai ber han- mage studies. A ver>' bumor- )s readiug b>' Mr&. M. Pay'ne îilled "Thé Sermon My Fathen argot" was much enjayed and ippmeciated. Thé business was înducted b>' thé président, ëns. A. Austin and thé min- tes wene taken b>' Mn. Hai'- ld Béat in thé absence ai Mma. Cen Asbby. Sévèral articles ,maining from thé gamdc.î inrt>, wére sold, and plans èere made fan provldlng a new amtaken for thé chunch at the ,d ai Septembér. Thème was Spicnlc lunch ènjoyéd b>' thé hildren as well as aduits sudi vote ai thanki was éxtended Dthé hostéssanmd othérs of ber Youp. Thee were 48 at Sunda>' :bhool an Sunda>' morning asi 'an>' are back again irom bal-1 laya. It was Décoration Day iPort Hope cemetery and lev- il graves here, tac, were de- mratedin mémory oi friends. Llov'èly basket af gladiohi, suve and white, wère placéd the churcb in rmemnry afMm. nd Mr.. Barrowclough by Mr. nd Mns. Jensen of Oshawa. Mr. Harding's gaad sermon ricerrnéd that prablrn which Sperplexes humanit>' - the 1 !ifering ai thé innocent alonq 1 iti the guhlty as a restt1ai1 Uordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 .e nE c Ca Vt'TYfl~TW. Mountjo and Elennor .LU.aJJIUI Miss Olive Luke v'isited Er killen relatý.ves. Aitér two Sundays Wlith ser- Mis esBmrl Mountia>', vices cance]led, maii>'Kédrot don, spent the weékendi folk féit that it was goad 'in- ihr parents, Mn. and Mns. déed to worship togethér n iNjo'untjoy.LEcsyl bas takei aur bomeé church once again. panition in London a-ain, j.Thée hurch service was cor.- lowing her stay ln Catgan'. ducted by Robent We'my ai lativès gatherèd at hé! hý iLondon, witb thé sermon. an Saturda>' évéýng ta thenié "What Christ' Méans Ta coi-re Atie back, after qi., 'Me". long abzence. \Va eAl bope Adami Hawléy, Peterbono, on-1are hem home moî-e olten,r ganig atnd sohaist, eantributèd 1thal, she la ln Cnlanio o two vocal numbérs, "Prayer again. J Perfect" and "Spirit ai Ge:r',l Marilyn Love, Kingzton, whiah were a message Ili bolidaying with hem grandj thamsèlves, and a tréat in néarients, Mm. end ir. C. EL b muscAlperfection, andi othe1Dttves bei-e. Next Sunda>', thé servicesi Mm.. Alvin Spencer bas b jwill hé at thé usual boumaof honme freni iîe hc>spiLa1 for1 9.45, and la ta hé conductéd weeks, but is stili unable j again by Robent Wenry. hé about nt al]. We hope Iii thé Sunday School ourm a.y soon bc able ta put M .. Iiamahd ohakér led thé wP'eýht safely on that inju Adult Class discussion, and hé limb. braught forth éarnest and Jeanine Werry Nvns a we thaught-pravoking points. Hi. end gu ftaihcr couinu, fl liste'ems appreciaté this oppor- Hoskln,eHamon-,'. tunityof benefitting frani Mr. Mrs. James Pengel>' and hobaem's years o! rending and James have rcnumned to study ai phllosophy and reli- d'On, Quebéc, with Mr. P! gion and look ianward ta hean- gèl>'fgilowind his hali( ing bum again on Auguat 28. hère. Amang thé niany néw homes Mn. and Mn,. Win. Snow',, being bulît bemeabout la that of éntentainati iniends nacent aur neigbbours, thé Murrav honouning Marilyn *i-coth i Mountjoys, wha are building a Douglas Love, *on theiri ranch-type homne in front ai th-c prncbing marriage. A rnisc former stone bouse which bas laneous showen of gifi s \V! ion man>' yeams beén a faiiiar 1 'aFt!îî'u cf thîsnost p1ecis ]andimark. Horace aud Bruce, afternocil. Searle, Columbus, are théý Man>' local fe.k cnio..d 0 buildéns. wa Fair, and congratulate t Néanén completion la the iFaim B3oard cn an>' impro' fine home being bult b>' Gra- 1 monts. Sorne Kedron folk wc ham aggat thé north aide of exbibitor su dd mz en theHrl Warr>' fan aovér- and aur W.A.modd oe looking thé cedar woads. Mod-, pies for'th M ongital Auxilia ern in huée, and artisticalîy dining booth. plannéd, Mm. sud Mrs. Bagg, look farwand ta enjoying the fruit ai thein labours, wheu TRAVEL REIAXED thé>' mové into their néw home.! M. and. Mrs. Russel Nsbitt AND CAREFRE have béén bus>' with a remad-' ehlng PraJèct at théir home hre, and are anticipating liv-:; [ng in thé old famil>' home., wbich thé>' hope ta modémnize for comifont and convénlence,- without spoiling its traditional' I charm. We'li hope ta sa>' more about aur new homes in an-: other budget. i New homes, and néw people> -so aur cammunit>' grows!j And among the ver>' néwést o!f hé people, is a baby girl, Iaughtér ai the Douglas Scott's. 4ms. Scott is thé former Jean 'owler, snd we wélcomé this new littie neighbour to Kedron, and extend aur béat wishes-7 pounds ô ounces, ta hé calleci )eborah. Fniendsanmd théir famihia gathened at thé home af Mr. . TO TtE and Mr&. William Werry, re cently, fan a suppén panty, ir hanour ai Miss Margaret Pel lw, Oshawa. Gond wishés wére xpmessed as this former teach- t spend thé coming year inH~ Jamaica. Dna ne EXHpI IION Thé Misses Dnaand Annea% Chaver hldayed with rela. AUGUST 26 TO SEPT. 10 ves at Sauina, guesta ai their unt, Mn.. Jqhn Knox, and Refum Rail Fores Miss June Djavis bas rotu- n . F- ANDo ci from a week's visit with her EH L gandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Ed FOR THE )avis, Oshawa. J'ames Arthun Wenny, Ennit-Ie iléen, spént a bolida>' witlh ROU ND TRIPr édmon relatives. Thé checker Good ogThrdy1Au.2 )nards weme dusted off and r angTusdy ug . ults wene much as usual. to Sat urday Sept. 10, inclusive. Mn. and Mm.. Adami Hawléy Retum Limif-.Sept. 14 id Cathaniné, ai Pèterbono, pént th tP week-end with the Pull infonnfien frm ny 050w tss Lee's, miter a holiday in 4uskoka. Mn. Frank Lee, Osh- je wa, and Bert Wémny, Ennis- lIen, weré Sunda>' guésta at 2overléa. Eric Brown, Oshawa, enjo>'; d a iéw day at "Sunnysida', guest ai Mlrs. F. Wérry and i* a * £ 7ilma. Mn. B. Stamr and Bian, M. A% i 's 4 4 4 k J à> 4, 4, i s g> k- E' f 'f. "'v f. g 4' E' / 4' 4, 4' e s 4' t, 4' e 4, e 's J> k f. f. f 4, f f. J e 'p e 4, 'e à f f. J> i Ix DANCE AT NIGHT *çr- -717 enu no v i. o er PRýv ,en itly, *(' 1. îSa .ry ge al ýd ce is Ig id -d le n 99". ràvavTAUT ---- LEVEN o

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