THE CANADIAN STATESMAI~. F4oIds Annual Meetfi li(embers of the Chapel-on- St. Martine's in the Field the-HIIi met for their annual ta, found unsuspectedr meeting on Saturday evening at the little reed organ the summer home of Mr. and. Chapel. Mr. Norman Mrp. A. C. Erz. The occasion tenor soloiat, Kingstar was a happy blend af business, United Church, gave an reininiscence, planning for the interpretation af the oic future and sociability. ite. hymn "There Were A review of the services held and Nine". Mr. -R. each Sunday morning at the >Toronto, îed in one of Chapel this past summer brought votional periads. agreemient that the Chapel-on- Mfter the presentatio the-Hill is continuing to satisfy :satisfactory financial sti a need at The Cove and its by the Treasurer, gifi. neighbouring beaches. With the vated as foliows: $25 ta constant support of ail who par- il Hospital, Bowman,« ticipate in its affairsits influence appreciatian for the se in promoting the Christian way stands ready ta give t] of life will be manifest. munity; $15 ta the Mis Appreciatioxn was expressed ta Great Lakes Seamen; $5 Mr. C. P. Robins for bis faith- purohase of a Canadiar ful work as President; ta, Mr. G. for Marburg University Harrap and Mr. W. McCartney many. for their inspiration in Christian Ofîesortecm thinking and ta Miss Willa Siîmp- wfers o h oi son for ber excellent work with e,, elected as foliows: the cidref in the Sunday Honorary President-]V School. H. Carlton; President-i Several visitors ta the Chapel Robins; Vice-Presidents- during this season have. con- H. Fox, Mr. C. Follett; Se tributed - their ' talents ta the -Mrs. C. P. Robins; Tr( services. Mr. Alan Caatsworth -Mrs. C. Erz. spoke ta us on bis impressions A deliciaus buffet of Christian idealismn amongst served by Mrs. Erz broui unîversity students in Germany evening ta a happy clos. and the part Canada is playing preciation ta the hast and1 in exchange af ideas. Mr. Gea. was expressed on our bel- Dunkley, F.R.C.O., Organist at Mr. S. Gage. OBIT ARY1 of directors until iîl healtl H 1e also served as Ocean Dî. John H. Nicholson lCross chairman from 191 Nicolsn, 6,1 tii 1925 and is a past pre Dr. John H. Nihlon 6 of the Oceana Medîcal Si Hart, Michigan, physician for He also was chairmanc over 55 years and active in ci- board of directors of the vic, fraternal and church af- National Bank there for fairs there, died Saturday af- eral years priaer ta the1 ternoon at the Oceana Hopi liquidation in 1932. tai. Dr. Nicholson bad been in A long-time memberc ili heaith the-1past year and was Hart Congregational CI taken ta the hospital a week Dr. Nicholson served an ago. churclu board 0f trusteE Born in Strathroy, Ont., May many years. He bas alsc 15, 1869, Dr. Nicholson operat- active in Masonic Ladg ed a drug store in Essex, On- fairs, beiuug a member of tario. for two years prier ta ton Msonie Lodge 25 entering Detroit medical cal- H art, teOdro lee ngraduation from medi- Star, thue Knights TempL Cal coil6ge in 1898 he maved ta Ludington and the Sbrir H{aîtt-and began bis long prac- Grand Rapids. h-oe there. He also had operat- Dr. Nicholson marriedF ed a drug store in Hart for a R. Benedict at Hart, 0, short time but in 1900 he sold 1908. the store and devo ed al bis Surviving' besides thue tinje ta médical practice. are one son, Guy of Ha: U,ntil the advent of the au- sister, Mrs. Annie Wagara tc,nobile, Dr. Nicholson visited brother, Rev. R. R. Nichc h is patients by horse carnage bath of Bowmanville, Onti and he became wîidely-known Fx.neral services were throughout the county, ofteni Tuesdaya taking ndarly a day ta reacl ay ngat .m an-Ch is,'ýla*d paient. iRev. Orval Sampsono Instrumenital in arganizingiateid and final rites were the Oceâna 1{e.-spital 30 years der the auspices of the Ma! aga, Dr. Nichol son serVed as order. Buniai was in. treiasurer af the h-ospita' asso- cemetery. The body rerx ciation for a nun-ber af years1 ed at tbe Weaver Fur an a anember of the board Home until the final rites. OPPORTUN ITY THIS AREA National Canadian concern bas immediate opening ln, Bowmanvllle and outlying areas for ambitious Persan to manage local business; may be handled ln spare hours to start If dtleslred; honesty and dependability more Important than past experjence. Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a year- round business dealing in national advertised products. This opportunIty for person of high type characeer only. NO SALES EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Applicant must have good references and $1.500 for inventory, equipment, etc. This opening should pay exceptionaîîy high weekly earnings, ta start and rapidly Increase as business expands. No high pressure people wanted. If you qualify and have a sincere desire and ambition to own your own business write for con- fidentiaL Interview. Box 398 c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. This We ek' a-ct the Royal TlEUR. - FRI. - SAT. - AUG. 25 - 26 - 27 "CATTLE QUEEN 0F MONTANA" (Technicolor) starring IBARBARA STANWYCK and RONALD REAGAN Also "SPY CHASERS"' * - (Bowery Boys) Fri. Evening and Sat. p.m. - Chapt. 10 of "Cody" *Time: Thurs., Fr., 7 and 8:30 Sat., 6:30 and 9:15 NqON.-TUES.-WED.- AUG. 29 - 30 - 31 Matinee Wednesday, 2 p.m. BING GRc E WILI gCROSBY KELLY' HOLDEN Three superlative acting performances in a picture described by Look magazine as "The Dramatic Thunderboit of the -Year". Prices for this engagement Evenmng - Aduits Uc, Students 45c, Children 25e Mittluee- Adulta O Studiiiis 5c, Children 15e TErnie - - md Jdock * I Shirley Campbell Receives Bouquet ENNISKILLEN rn-!Cl Marilyn Spicer, Bow- mavfe, and Miss Shirley ~Milis were guests of honour at d, Toron-a surprise "Farewell Party" at1 music i h home of Miss Ruth Rom- ini thel bough on Saturday evening. Wylie, Both girls reoeived a lovely )n Roadgift fromn their girl friends. inspired Marilyn and *Shirley are enter- à favour- ing The School of Nursing at1 a Ninetv' Peterborough Civie Hospital1 Jones,i on September 7. the de- Mr. and Mrs. Clare. Staples,E 71 %'Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. BruceÈ on of a McGill, and Charlie, Bethany, ýatement Miss Jane MéClure, Allan Cole,r ~swere Bowmanville, Mrs. J. McGil, Memor-. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, were re-f cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. i vice itH . M cG ill. issionto gMrs. M. J. Hobbs, attenided ssin o ' School for Leaders, Ontario r yGer- î- n saw rsyeyW.v ýng y e ri 'OwM r. a n d M rs. W a lace G ri*£ - A Mrs. W. in, Heather and Dale, enjoyedm rs.W1 aweek's: holidays with Mr. and Ir. . P Mrs. T. Phillips and relatives e ecreary it rs. Jam s C okOshawa. tj rearuus, sOnt.,afegirls wihoMr.a supp r! rs.J. . W rry vistedwith - tte rs .J eGl atweekenda ;e. Ap-while Mr. J. A. Werry visited hostess!with relatives in Toronto, Osh- ada and Kedron. ýhalf byM isses Gloria W right, Ruth T- Lamb, and Reva MeGili are th fore-attending School for Leaders, h forcOntario Ladies' College, Whit- nr aedoé' by' as members from our local 01 )P7 un-jC.G.I.T. Group.M 7unOur Young People's corn P. esîcntoast will be held at the homeM Soiey.SireyCmpelth ataciv l9-year-old Fegs n. ilwobrey o Joe and Garth McGill on vi of th{ý failed in her att'empt to conquer Lake Ontario a few weeks ago, made a tremendous Saturday evening,, August 27. eFirst hit with the people of this district whefl she appeared at the Lions Club Carnival' last Ail young people are invited. e ýsev- Fn a ngt.Se a itod' d oth aregahrngby ioT PesdntWaly. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox, and fo bank' dyfsIL h vsluouett uelre~te y.~nPeietvai family, visited relatives at Hil- ' Braden and presented wîth a bouquet of gladioli by his seven-year-old daughter ton and Oralland. Miss Sheila ov ofteElizabeth, shown above followinq I he presentation. The beautiful flowers in the Cox remained at Hilton forfo hurchi. bouquet, were provided by Lions" Ed Stummers and Dr. E. W. Sisson, both of whom bliMis i 'h are wvel known as growers of prize glad ioli. -Photo by Carson Studio, Fort Hope Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn l es for and family, with Mr. and Mrs. sIl eenfo Earl Parrott's, Chalk Lake. :geea-AnÂI ~ Master Clare Ashton has re- w( I-n r er vvn er ai ie oohturned from holidaying with f i. of e W n e t h i*g o t his aunt and uncle, Mr. and a5terf Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Providence. ar otn Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry ýlar ofand Sandra, were Sunday vis- itors of Mr. and Mrs. John Bor- Ross tarowdale, Oshawa. Rossic!M r. and M rs. N. Collacatt Det. 7,spent Su day w ith M r. and Mrs. W. Griffin. wife Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, art; a visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Or- fr. ~Mr. and Mrs.C.Fruo tario.and family were callers at Mr. held I, and Mrs& Eph. Wright, Ponty- i thejpool. aurthe Mr. Bruce Davis, Toronto, is offic- holidaying with Mr Rah un Lamb. eain- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt Hatj attended the funeral af Mr. F. na l'r'! Han cock, Rochester.Pak er, apaeeMiss Carl D Seabright, visited Mr. andMs Edgar Wright. dMs - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bottrel, Newcastle, visited with Mr. and Ms. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry - . -,~ have returned home from hol- daying in the States and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Veaie, and family returned MisDoris Wright enterin i ed a number of girl friends to I er bihay party on Friday f , j Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, - visited Mrs. Verna Forsyth and As away, te bngo oot attheLîon Canîvl povedoneof he ostMiss Emma Werry, Toronto. As away, te bngo oe)h a th Lio Canivl povedoneof he ost Garth McGill spent holidays popular to ail a-es. Here, Lion Glen Lander passes a prize to lucky winner, Mrs. T. at Oshawa with Brian Borrow- Hayes, Elgin Street. The lawn chairs wcre popular prizes here and in a special da/L S. R. and Mrs. Kersey, booth which featured thern as prizes. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Ronnie and Rickey, Toronto, 1 were with Mr. and Mrs. Har- YELVERTONenjoyed a two-day visit withithe Cliff Snyders, Toronto. oldAh1 Ashtonsen hEV RT N ler mother, Mrs. Sam Sedman. Tose attending a family pic- a fw dy ih Mse WVhJtby. Thev also attended a fw dy ih Mse On beha]f of the elcctorate of Decoratjon Services last Sunday flic of the Malcolm clique at Charles Ashton. this neck of the w oods we in Port Hope. Birch Island as guests of Mrs. should like t0 express to our l'îrs. Bertha Lane is home M. Sproule were the Lloyd Hun- rPT Tf3 Provincial M.P. Major Footc, le- oaci- spcncling a pleasant fort- ters and Nola, Port Perry; the E T TO gardless of political faith, our 'ight xith lier sons in Kenor.MliVa Cmpan Dle2 sincere desire for a dlecidcd im- Miss Em Henders has retur Mrlin Vak hn am lom, h etltnWA and W. provement in his health. We P ion-te nfrrim a sojourn iuPrt Baksok1teNrmMlo M S, Temes ttheoetonofA.nd . personally hope he will soon fclTrno h e obis ete arnc acl uut1t fit'to crawl hock into lus polit.- IPrva h o edr. ton; the RenJloblins, Jnet- Lwrenc2 aesMandcolm ugustl8th ical harness where we can con- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thorn- tn h a acisJnt Mih2 ade n oecide tinue to snipe away at him idnvkeandi famfly, Toronto, were ville; Mr. Leslie Wright, Torn present. Meeting was in charge the interests of our 7A Highway. M'ndy vin dinner guests i t0; th e Charlie Fallis, Nestieton; Of NMrs. M. Emerson's group and Mrs. Ray Robinson, Judy and' Of the. Floyd Stinisons. !Miss Norma Suggitt,MisT opened with the theme song led - Clare. have returned hlome aftter Mr. CGeorgýe Clarke and Pot ,ioon, Cooksville, the Have b Mrs. L. Malcolmathergn Ai nu mber fram liere attended 'the sbower at Blackstock on il-w-ttn .zZz Wednesday night for Mr. and r m ou__ Mrs. Don Imrie (nee Vonnie p-eio j Grieves). They are living in ~ copyrigt k ~ V-Lindsay. Wird of ~~Mr. and Mrs. WlrdBowies -.IL uk entertained Dr. R. P. Bowies Optome trust "~i:.,~ and friends on his birthday, Disny Blg, August l7th. ing . _a!Mrs. Herb Taylor, Blackstock, - 31 KingE., AS-4J visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 1 OSHAWA~ Phone RA 5-614â "OH COIv'E ON \h--HY DON'T WOU GIVE U> Mrsct r Malcolm and Mr. 307.AND CAUL OUIR ASTER PLUM\BE P..?"j and Mrs. L. Joblin called ons 30.Mrs. Wm. Van Camp o us Did ou rallYknowthatdif day evening. We are ail sorry Did t ypof eahl narethuati- We Seli! W. Insti! W. Servic.! W. Guarantee! Mrs. Van Camp bas been s0 sick ' ed for certain types of! woik.' Remember!8 Always Coli Titis MASTER PLUMBER 'Hpi h ilsonb etr What part- of vour tifile laspeilt Revi. HrvyAtisoMr at close worK., ,Rv HAknnadve tis, O sa And what arnoant of ibis f irne A t In1donMr and MaidrshaL.Job is therefoce, spent %with the t-ves aAKK K tI l n M.adMs .Jb corre(cted? Do you lhave lin .Mroo eyes e.xaninpned Il M. gcahVlx. o mi do you %wait tîntil nature dnî> 'PLUMBIHG, HEATING -Oit BURNERS tondMs. C as.Fem alis. Mr. e gYou tai1We ,o éîel- lie Wright, Toronto, also spent carrected. xere the Csses to be: 47 KIN\G ST.ý E. - BOWMANVILLE - 3.5651 a day wlth them.I (Cop rîg tcd __ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Mr. Ralph Sader showed his worn part Urne ni a ailhorses at Belleville and Oshawa Faim and won several prizes. YellIÏowlees Farni Mr. and Mrs. MerriilVa Camp andl baby Dale, Black- Annual Reunion 11tock; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Macolm, Toronto Mr. and Mrs.' The Yeilowlees family Lloyd H unter and Nola, Port u i n w s h l n S t r Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis, tunon a eon, ugSaturdaa Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malc9lm, ternoo, Auuter 20, zi'aEt G Janetville; Mr. Leslie Wright Pak., ofa ter eveyson Toot;Miss Norma Suggitt, Gtare 0f a onthe rs o Blcktok; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gog r~~~ 'ei MaclnadMti evro;conducted the bu$izness meeti Missolmrane Boon,,Cooksville; The minutes of the' last reu Mr.san Mers.JBonCoombiles, were read by the Secret Mr.byand MRickyoono; beGladys Yellowlees. Bobb an RiceyTorotoMr.The new officers for 195 and Mrs. L. Joblin spent Sun- President-Donald Yeilow d ay a ftern o on at M rs. M arg aret T a n o ; S c e ry r as r Sproule's cottage, Birch Island, TrFaunon SWritrtsurC nearViewakemittee-Gerry Glaspell Ha Miss Norma Suggitt spent a YelloWlees, Ernest Hlock few, weeks with her uncle, Mr, and Bud Moses. The date Thos. Richardson at Viewlake. next year's reunion was set î Mr. and Mrs. ken Hockin and the third Saturday in Augu~ Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bow- subject to change if necessa, manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. The sports weee conducte<jLe M~. Emerson. Don and Helen Thompson with' Mrs. Sam Brooks. Bowman- the prize winners as follow*: ville, visited her daughter, Mrs. Children 3 >'ears and under-.. Lawrente Malcolm and Mr. Robert Powell; girls 5 e Mialcolm and familY over the and under-Donna Thompso; ~veeend.Girls 5 to 8 years-Grr. erek wsqiewl tend- Rundle; boys 5 to 8 year. eon Sunday when Mr. Donald Nri.Topo;grs8to f Bradbury from Scugog Point was yer-on9elole;g4 ;he peaer.12 to. 15 years-Marie Hodgscjx; Mr. aneakrs. nehSm boys 12 to 15 years-Allan Glgb. Mr.s and Ms Aenn isteSmr.pel; shoe scramble - elsd Mss Anna Sm itLidsMy. Hodgson; kickiifg shoe the Zfarts and rs. m. S ithLind ay. est-Jean Glaspell, lucky sp.6t for ]adies-Susie Graham; seqW. ing on patch-Mr. and Mrs. D. OBITUARY Yellow]ees; Lifesaver 'race- George and Susie GrahàAm; JAMES BATES PAINTON mef's naiý-driving contest-Stan The death occurred suddenly While some e-ijoyed a cool Cip on August 9th at hîs home in in the pools others found a Marlboro, Mass., of James Bates shady spot to visit, before te. Painton, son of the late Mr. and turning to their respective Mrs. Samuel Painton, Bowman- homes. ville, aged 88 years. Born in Oxford, Eng., deceas- d will be remembered as à 0f the national income tof rrmer resident here before Canadians in 1954 more thtn moving to the United States 63.5 per cent was accounted, for ver 40 years ago. by salaries, wages and supple.. Predeceased by his wife, the mentary labor income. 1954 %,as lrmer Mina Maxwell, in 1950, the third successive year .i [r. Painton is survived by four which the proportiqn of na- ,ns and nine grandchildren. tional income accruing to -la- ýterment took place in Maple- bour showed a substantial In- 'ood Cemetery. crease. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY' Protects the property of more Canadians than any other Company Arnold W. Wade _______Nevt onville Stuart R. James - -Bownîanville Nelson E. Osborne - - Bowmanville S. Everton White Bowmanville SPRING 'WO QD' by TIFFANY Colo10g ne 4-oz. 1.75 Lotid'olon Solîd DCoon 6oz. 1.20 1.25 I CLEANSING LOTION Penetrates . Lubrica tesr 2oz. Plastie Bottie ----- __-- 1.25: JURY & LOVELL NA 3-5778 Bowimanville LONG BRANCH Just Off Queen Elizabeth Way, and Highway 27 West of TORONTO - SEPT, 2 )MISSIO5 Ample, Parking Space FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT Full 'Course Meals from 75c (including VAGI TWBLVB 6 or. Plastic Bottie 2.00 fflMý m Zi. . 1 THE CANADUN STATESM«. BOWMANVMIX. ONTARM -- -b- e 6-oz. 1.00 zm-'oo bb o n Perfumed I)Pndnir;;nf T.nfinn WGO 15