- ~ . g THE CANAD!AII STATESMM. OWMAIfVLL&ONTARIO Ail Ready for the 'Next Race rer 7- --~. Now It's Polythene Greenhouses TIITEEN g - I MARTI - KING CHflO, -. MALANUCK SOn Saturday, 16h .JUly.' at Maria Loui se' Malanucke - 5 p.m. in a double ring Cère- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nich y mony, Elizabèth <Betty) King, Oins Malahuck, Cochrane, Ont., daughter of Mr., and Mrs. John became the bride ni John Good- mtî A. Kin ofSt. nrwJa i-ndMs Jaa-ail Childs, son of Mr.adMr ca, B.W.I.,was united in mr- Joseph Childs, 214 High Street, e niage to Fritz Marti of Bow- Bowmanville, in a pretty cere- manville, son of Mr. and Mrs. mony ii St. John's Anglican Fritz Marti-Tiischer, of Bern, Church, owmanvuîîe, July 3Oth. Sw:tzerland. The ceremony Stnrd0f hieadpk took place in Jamaica, at the gail eoae h hrh St. Andrew Parish Church gail eoae h hrh &~ 4 V (nglcan)and as erfomedMusic was played by Mrs. John by the Rev. Canon J. T. Clark, Gunn, and Miss Yvonne .Bru- B.A., and the Rev. H. Hughes, nlie was soloist. The young; Polyhntevraiepsiefl dl udinl couple were united in marniagej may yhn e, heigto rw verstil pls i fi wdely use i tepcagn fveea M.A. by Rev. A. C. Herbert. Thesonbhepn to ro thm tiscretl bin tsedaarpaeen Th hrhwas exquisitelY bride was gvnin maraebv for glass in greenhouses. Wide sheets of the tough, pliablepatcsrthdoe heae churh blehydran. Mr. N ven C marîgso e. wod framework form an inexpensiveý yet practical strcue Athe Oat geas and golden gladioli along wore a gown o! cloud white seminary,, Lebret, Sask., a semi-circular, Quonset-lîke greehue(eepooéa ~~ . ~~the aisles, large bunches Of nylon tulle over satin. The long put into Ôperation this year following reports of success wt ngrmdlcn - , white daisies throughout, and L tarso bodice, scalloped aeth potted palms. Atthe altar were hipline, featured a bateau neck- Istructed by the University of Kentucky honticultural depat n.Thsltebud. ~. .,~ga.,. ~ ~ Ž~4 ~tal] silver standards, massed Uine outhined in lace and re- ing is said to have withstood winter weather excecdingly wl.Atog oyhn Dr. R. G. Cowie, Chief Veterinarian of the Health of Anîmals Branch of the with gladioli. embroidered in pearîs. Her does deteriorate if subjected to several months of hot SUnlgt ti lie h, ~~edera1 Department ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Given in marriage by har tfingertip veil of 'silk illusion, h im cnb elcdanal n tl rv hae omiti hn&cn IPeera Deartentof Agriculture for Durham and Ontario Counties, has been fathr them brid wor aelae fuill tull heldl arv daityerwnan 'racing trotters and pacers at tracks in Eastern Ontario as a hobby for the past 25 'lengîh gown of white Chantilly dhignon circlet o! mother of ietoa rehue h lsi osfo di smc ih sgas u h H er.le is shown above with one o! the two horses he now owns, "Blly B. Sultan", lace and nylon, over two un- peari leaves. The bride carried Kentucky experiments have shown that it retains moreofteha.I adio, Sa fast pacer which has won eight out of 12 races in which he has taken part this derskiris of taffeta and crine- a bouquet o! gardenias with wheri a double laver of the film was used, with an airpcebt en ctgasa uuin er. he bove picure as aken at he tack at t e O hawa Fai Gro nds las ine nylon. The bodice was of white sephanotis. irnsulating blanket, the polythene greenhouse proved about afa x e sv o h a Futriday he ablvB pcuedw th dakn fourthei terac s in teOhwic hei c oped.a lace, with a wide boat necklinc. Mrs. Ema Hodgson and Miss, as a glass one. -Frida whereBilly . placd thir and furth n the acýýs nautlinhedcbyetaddoublend row aodoNormaowofeNanetisat bothbto!oforon-- 1 scalloPed frilîs o! lace and to, attended the bride, dressedi iterfront ankles for the saine pleated nylon, and the yoke in gowns o! waltz lengih pinfk1 1. heto as transformed dames- terghaetodiebcae D r. R ~ C v 'je " ason. as o! tull illusion. The nylon lace over tulle, aver taf- VVhat \'Se 3./ ef ti~c lfe, a endcated b sutch ~dcesrfsdt D r R . C ow- as leeve, werellong, clase-iittîng, feta. The fullioffn skirts! ofate them.ng Fear u aqimn sCsl n one t the wnists. The leatured ruffled and 'the strap-: I n Bathrooni," "When we Dress.' nietasasdsae Ashadow rail of sheep wool skirt, which wýasq extremely less bodices were coveréd with: n e t r "In the Kitchen," "In the Liv- ta ow h s !lbrs E n jcycilIe t'as frreabout four inches thick is aisa bouffant, was ashoned of five small shrug baers. Small 1 ing Room," "Hea,ig and Se- ing, ahnsolyo odto E oy b e P s i eplaced on the nase of trotiers tiers of thickly gathered nylon matching plateau hats wvere Cm- B~ ei îlgning the. Radia," -Visiting the th thos hselbr ss and pacers between their e.yes frilis, wîth a pane] o! lace broidered with pals. Bathi Tak oIvnos ste and nostrils s, thy cannai see down the front. For her head- carnied nosegays of pink and Thte fans boo Inventof A. DIa te ctc. deadn whol ls bepad. Ta tille o!dos af news boako bvss trhf A.id chos th chapter, dealing caiatins I ai criîbhn R acing Tro~tting H-ors s iroliswr nlodow se tehesha; dshe brlie chpofse aflr ella M r.nathions, Droulas of .Lw ubihd the Lutr rss odoE- "We e Drs" th Muh,r 1uiW ,wi amn o sh rjump at seeing their jlace juliret a o tarched cu gom, a tmn. Dougidsabote o an th tewrhav Pres Lodo En'o- takes us back t the tume whcn 1nafo rte uaatdA- After srne n his business those years he attended the shadaws on the track. Coin- tened sprays o! lilies-of-the- Harnden, OshIkwa, ahd Howard! and iý hu a ubli coi ary thuang. enadwon l a g n d i h a i a s n m e s e o din, F r iti e ineel a urit e lo c a P u b li L r r th a n d s o ! m n a n da r li in g 1 I e vsbaa o te h 11]is position as chie! veterinar- Dufferin and Long Branch, the racing harness o! a pacer, vaid wasn a! tull iluso theh ushes. anof the Health a! Animais taking saliva tests of the hanses including hobbies, costs ox-er scalloped edges. The bouquet Aacntn n up-ta-date ins el bt theate 1aor îticing il akt oa ,b B rnch of the Federal Depat- in the races ta make certain $300, and the sulky cosis an was campised o! white and Aom retona eda the fro' aens 1 ongatie. Iook I hodave rea n lnigh das and ofhi l itol taecuetcr ol en od ment o! Agriculture for Dur- they hid flot been drugged. He additional $250. mauve Jamaican Cattleya or- fhom re t o!e the gro'sp res 14 olpes a ln lieIfI co Ifo ngHt, as waos pateci The ta uded(sasPo. o.H Ihamt and Ontario Counties, Dr. enjoyed watching the running Two local men, Reg Cramp chids and white carnations. For I*ighe Sreee, h ereth ride' at Ir homudpren an crur a FSng Hodsfamu ptem ShTh. jt declare thtbheieota ~, M. G. Cowie takes a true bus- races, in which the hanses are and Barry Cowling are a ùg er jewellery. she wore a di- mrot ower eceiewning at iner homed. ran anod ural, San to!gh Ihe y hirt. t ihave -ain netin a bywokig isprzetrttrmuh s divnghisef nWhite accessoies and>corsage a! tee that il would be read by welcomed any invention to has igrdfomtecgt and woerri hi pieseh trott nuc ad divingbmefl iaus tracks. helping hlm ta bracelet. pinkc roses. The 'gnoam's moih- every member o! the famîil.,. eliminate thai drudger. 'But eent eir we ahr on the sideroads east o! Bow- you like hanses you enjay any fie nsa~vlîe knd ! acig" hedeîard. ady for the races. Thle vet- cousin, Celia Lord, who served lace inserts and navy and wvhite itsel! a masterpieçe of candeni- workers sniashed the first pracietem hneasCe- mavil. id frain" h ecaed ran harsenian has beconie as matron-of-hanour. She wore accessories. A corsage o! yel- satian and Ieads an a narrative sewing-machines feaning thevc ae mlyen.Ago The a, whse oficedu ige the onlnyeas duingahich hee yewelrknonetaDuthhe afulIlenghldnssnooblu no-Durbrses'raae hellutlt. aghu an pagresotht ismore ouldbe ptrouso! mpia,. aampl is he swingmach Il7yasmneb cm aBw i o hv tbeo i racing fans during his 17 years lon, embossed with sprays o! F'ollowing a honeymaon trip,, exciting than any detective ment. The unfantunate inven- mnewihcnswamchi 17 yebas beene the e si B ow n Me turnved a ta bis oftis o! racine in this district and pink flowers, and cut on pria-, the couple will reside et 72 stony on ronianiic navel. tor saved ane machine, toak il anc ora e wmr oi 94nil a enintePs w-H etre ehsdte they wili be wishing him eveny cess lines. The bodièe WftS M»Ilbrook Crescent, Toronto. Th tr sntai ! thet his home iawn and exhibit-bbadYetoythrae Qffice here,- bas owned trotîingr in Bowmanville fallowing the succcss wilh his iwo hanses on sleeveless and cut with a boat For travelling, the bride wore a Th to dl he onl df th 'and pacing horses for the pasît nacing season duning these lthe fail fair racing circuit. .ncln.Hrsalpnçhtpsi el ihadds di sacroiy r 25,years. The black and while years. neckofinc. Merrsationsinf hat sheath dress o! palest pink chîf- paofa î nvetn es cdiase a cuîsy. fate o silks of bis, stable are a famul- Born in Mankham, Dr. Cowie iIsshds.bn linen, under a dusier coat of cnîbes the resuliso!nvtin ousvethtartiud ta nfaaisas ee sm ight ai trotting tracks attended scitool there. He later th ai ane e cesne i h iigpeet nteiwands labor .saving inventions crnpieda omr3 throughout Eastern Ontario enrolled at the Ontario Veter- For seThe besi man was the brîde's matcited te dncss. Ihaome, in the offrice. the !actory is mare eniigitened today,, home unie xapel and for several years a 2-year- inary College, Guelph, and Fo e t rs LoN couin Eanie McNair, and thes A showe- was given for1 and every depantmneni. a! li- Prof. Low says, "We shouid the cnrt-ieteIvn old pacer raised by hlmn ielà graduated as a veneinanian ln ushers wcnc Trevor Edwands, Manian and Jack at the home of men activity-froma when yoLi remember tai certain unload. lion !wihbs rae ai ý...ihe Cln"dian record o! 2.15 for 1921. He joincd the Mealth o!fvl Keith Pankin, Michael Johns Mrs. Ross Rambough, 216 Higiwake up in the~ marning tliiing machines which could ne- ivmoeepoy nîadb. -onl e. Animais Brnch o! ttc Damia- G amI M onday and Richard Hopkin. Street, pior ta ithe ariage. 1 \ou go a hed at night. The n lieve uch hard labor n lapan ter bidnsadhgw Havlg Gd Saon ion Governmeni afier gradua- IMn. Vin Walker was ai the_____ Dr.Coieg iso itan a tion and was staiied ai Tharnian's Coirners nosed oui' ongan. and Gene MdDonaid, Di . bet e sesos evn titi ofar Brockvilla. Me became interest- a 7-6 decîsion oveî Bowman- lthe bridc's causin-in-law and a ~ :, -':g. .' h is two hanses, "Billy B. Suil- cd in hanse racîag a !ew years ville Monday night iin a Foresters 1radia singer, sang "0 Perfect itan" and "Brewster Boy": have 1later and ht bas bean bis chie! Sa!tball League plavof! gaine, Lave" with the choir and "l, reay on 2 acs blwenpastime aven since. Ha has scoring two ruas la the seventit Walk With God" as a solo. em, th he fll fir rcingconcenlraied on racing hanses inniag ta win the openîng game I The bride's moter worea ~ wit litefaîl ain rciag e bas bougit rather titan rais- o! titis playof! round. Ifi eghdesb lelc eason only Setting nicely un-fl eghdes fMelc way Elly . Slta a ng his owa foals, and itis Pipiten and Bergis hooked up 1with navy accessonies, and her et ioury.1 by B. Sln, 'a champion, Sania Boy, was lthe in a keen pitciting duel thai saw small navv hat , *as trlmmed'à~~- tco1-eac bas won el in rae s an i oaly hanse he raised timscl!. Bowmanville open lthe scoring along ttc entire righi sida wîth this. summer; lwa caci t a Ux- You can bu assceprwith iwo ruas by Leviti and clusters o! blue fiowers. bride, Bllimre, eteron-t1Sa you can naise ihem, your- Shackleton in the third and titen Thncpiowahedite ouit an Booîl tac self", ha believes. Dr. Cowie Thornian's Corners came right 1bride's home wiiq was dacor- s BewterBo, wic isa 3-cae ta Bowmanvîlic in 1938 back ta score three, Pipher, Sto- a ted with silver standards and Bèr-wste Broyw i gding tro- ad ite and bis wi!c make thei via, Scott, Bemis and G. Morcy Icarnucopiae o! flame and gold stern hâs coma titrougit winl home ai 38 Beach Avenue, ail getting mb lithe act. Igladioli, silven fern, aleandens tcxboough. At te Oshawa Sultan and Brewster Boy gel wih a safe bit. Bowmanville cake took place on the lawns. Pair grounds on Friday and lte hast o! care ai thc fanm o!fo îebc ateffib i and later la lthe avcning titere' Satunday Brewster Boy placed Lloyd Ayne an R.R. 4, Bowmar1 Shackletan, but la the sixtit they was dancing ta an orchestra. u~on ndsaati adBilly ville, witere Dr. Cowie keeps s scarcd lhrce ruas Beîis kig Fnbrgugaa ufl 19. wau third and fourtit. thani. Thcy receive a diet of and Huni aIl crossing lteý platel ttc bride wore a dx'ess o! *driven bis hanses in aIl the ra- bey. The wceks in whicb ttc%, te nccded punch.. cd an the skirt with a large ces ln wiic thcy bave taken are d!ot schedulcd ta race'1 lthe Tit made lte score 6-4 and 1spray o! vari-coloured life-size part la lte pasi 25 years and veicran itorseman exercises Tharnlon's gai one i-un in temr 1 giadioli, and on ttc hodice, with- is driving titis summen ai the temn hy jogging tem for ital! o! lte sixtit whea Gibsan a smaller spray. Thte nacklie i age o! 57. Aflar 25 years o! about five miles each on sida- scared Bate. In lthe boltom. of was in lthe shape o! a V, and drivii1g in trotting and pacing roada east a! Bowmanville. ttc 7tit Scott, Bemis and Guv ttc siceves, ware short. The;. m races, te ligitt nacing sulkies During weeks they are slated JMoney ail ieamed up for thie two< boaeymoon was spant at ltaeM M usad in thern seèm. as natural ta race ha works tem oui ai ruas needed ta pull lthe ganie oui Menor Mouse Motel, lthe Tawer ta Dr. Co*ie as bis office chair. fasten speeds, but fiai ai as fast o! the fine. ilsle Motel and in Mantega Bay, ~II ie r t n bis quarter-century o! di- spaads as tbey wihl be running Bowmaavilie: Levit, ss; Rowe, thc tounist capital. The addness g ing he bas flot had a serious la lthe race. 2h; Bergis, p; Kiag, rf; Dawson, O! lthe coupla is now R. R. 4, l g i '-accident. "I hava baca v'ery Me lakes tem ta the tracks c!: Hunt, c; Kelly, lb; Shackle- Bowmanvilhe, Ontario, Canada.$ ,.,,iortunate ta escape accidents in a two-borse trailer and they tan, If; Dewell, 3h; Sellers, 3h., The bride was educated at -~and spilîs aver ltae years", thne are as mueh at home in titis Thornton's Corners: Siovia, r!- the St. Andrew Mugit Scitool votras riersad.as in itemr stalis. Dr. Cawie Scott, c!: Bernis, 2h; G. Moray' for irls, and aft rwards work- Set Canadian Record plans ta race at ahi ttc falli 3hehp edo, s; B te b d in ha fathen's office as a Cowig bas ow n aut- 0D.' Orono, Lindsay and Peterbor- stanyniting, mndse adshbeet anet boas, webout- 1 fa ought. Me wauld not ha surpris- ncad-in rg, t u and sh ort ee ceethrebthsfvrt d if bis 13-yr.-oid pacer Brew- a Sunday Scitool teacher for -was bis pacen, "Sonia Boy" star Boy sur ni ses sama o! tite the thet AB.Cn isimotattoau avri wbich estahlistad a Canadian nAtcpssvnyer.In the saine wa that STERL~~INGo ue nth ...i mpratt record for ane mile in 1934. racng fans tge way ha did lthe 1Ferguson - Adams Thea bridagroamn attended 1ya~a ue m This hanse was oui o! '"Bird- fae Waodbine titis July. le Public Scitoal and Migit School signifies a standard of known value, so is and ourselves: At regular initervalsoafh ~ sns" ad is amwas"Wrccame in second la titis race ramily Roeunion in Kahînacit, Switzarland, titan this A.B.C. emblem a symbol of FACTS ]Bureau's large staff of expenience irua I oni", tndo waldamnown hon- and paid $42.601 for the place i iad a spaîl a! training in the sesinthe 193's Ttc-k w veirn position, ana o! lthe itigbesi pri-I The 131h annual reunion a! army. Ha afierwards studied about the circulations of newspapers and tion auditors niakes a thorough iseto * semn t ied itish cotera cas at sny trotting track titis the Fenguson and Adams !am- at Waldho! Langanihal Collagepeidcs.tishee lmafem rhi n autofuricltoneod.Th ,hrcve. wase ths cotit year. Ttc long odids sitowed ilies was held Saturdax', August for two ycars, specializing in eidcl.Iistembmofebrsp an autofu icltone à anoki t wh te He altit!Au tai ltae nailbirds did flot think 6ti t aiCneam. o! Barley Camp. agriculture and boriculture. in the Audit Bureau of Circulations* and is results of this exacting auditshw ho Iwrk wml rnit. Ase Hal ofwA-an- mucit a! bis chances but ne. We were bicssed with a heaut- iFnom btera, ha travallad ta iim S nîao ," wtlD. C w- c m h m ti s c nd s o t fu !eranaa v ni g a d a m rk w e e hasAs n ss r neaa a rets rst a t ecrc lton n ch cr ulto w a e; w ee t g e P on five years froni-1944-toi rigni front Ieg and lta rig-ht 9ihn ta mccl agoin next year.fe h4 is job and his hobby rear leg. In addition ta Ibe __________an___est__ as narned by ttc Fedaral ness for drawing tte sulky, bathTC ETI 200 w ky redr llcaltb o! Animais Branch ta trottera and pacers oftan wear; TO EVERYWHERE S C flic position o! iakiag saiv protectîi'e Icathar pads on temr Air. Rail or Steamahip ltste hanses runaîng &t rear leps frorn the itoavas ta Cosit:1 h Ontario nunning trackx. lthe ankies se th booves will 1 . u Lu i E AnA not mtiue their anklas an Ja U R y& L 0V lE L ook= SaPliv test v einJure tem. Proteetiv.e rubberi 15'Koeg St. W. MA 3-5778 I _ _ _ _ a oetm s o-C REP0RTS 40YF:ARS0FFA Ft[t4,A DF Ik ?UUmsDAy~ At7G. 2sth, 195. IIAGE