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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1955, p. 14

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PAGE 70'URTEEW T~ ~ANADTAN 8TAT~MAN. EOWMA~IVffLu. ÔIITÂRTn ~AW A~ 4WJ5~IJSU~S~ WW. ~5hI L~- ml Nie BIRTHS PAGE-Clarence and Myra Page h ve chosen a sister for Ian, Mary Adele, born June 2th, PALMER--Gregory, son of Ken- n2eth and Marjorie (nee Allin), is happy te announce the birth of bis baby sister, Gail Eliza- beth, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- nianvulle, August l9th, 1955. 34-1' ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willatts announce the engagement of .their youngest daughter, Muriel Irene, to Cecil Llewellyn Albin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson Albin, Newtonville. The marriage to take place Sep- tember 17, 1955, at 3 p.m. in the Salvation Army Citadel. 34-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Sim of Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, wisb to anneunce the engage- ment of their daughter, Kay Frances Sim, to Mr. William Edward Buttery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Buttery, Bew- manville. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 8tb, at 3:30 o'clock, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. 34-1 Mr. and' Mrs. W. H. Mcllroy, Newcastle, announce the engage- mient of their daughter Maureen Vera, to Russell Elmer Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Powell, Newcastle. The mar- niage will take place on Septem- ber l7tb, in Newcastle United Church. 34-1* DEATHS BRANTON, Ida May-At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toron- te on Sunday, August 21, 1955,1 Ida May Branton, wife of the late Wiliam Branton, and dear aunt of Miss Vivian Bunner and Mrs. Muriel Symons of. Bow- nianvulle. Service was from the rhapel of Washington and Johns- ton, 717 Queen Street East, on Wednesday, August 24, at 2 p.m. fnterment St. John's Cemetery, 34-1 GRAHAM, Thomas Milton-At Newcastle on Thursday, August 18th, 1955, Thomas Milton Graham, aged 75 years. Rested at Nortbcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St.. Bowman- ville. Service was held Sunday, August 2lst at 2*30 part. Inter- mient Lakeview Cemetery, New- tonville. 34-1 VJNDERHILL, Maurice John- At Fairweather Private Hospital, Milbrook on Monday, Aýigust 22nd, 1955, Maurice John Under- bill, beloved husband cf the late Ida K. Smith and dear father of *George of Kingston, in his. 82nd :tear. Resting at Nerthcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division Street, Bowmanville. Service on Tbursday, August 25th at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanvile Cenieterv. 34-1 'i IN -MEMORIAM CLARK-In lçving memory of Aima Maud Clark who passed away three yeprs ago today, August 25, 1952. Today recalîs sad memories 0f a dear one gene te rest And the ones who think of her today Are the ones who loved ber best. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by mothen, father, sisters and brothers. 34-1 DEMCZUK-.In leving memory of a dear wife and mother, Katy Demczuk whe passed away Aug- ust 251h, 1953. Time passes on, two years have passed Since death its gloom ils shadews cast Vitin our homes wbere ail seemed brigbt And1 took from us a shining light. We miss that light and ever wili, Hem vacant place, tbere's none can fill; Down hoee ve meur but not in vain For up inl heaveri we'll meet again. -Sadly missed by husband, Anne, Keith and Jerry. 34-1*1 MOUNTJOY-In loving memnory of Elgin H. Mountjoy who pass- cd away August 20, 1935. -Ever remembered by bis sens Donald and Fay. 34-11 TAIT-In loving memomv of a dear husband and fathor, Jacký Tait, who passed away Augut 26tb, 1950. Tbougb absent you are ever near, Sti11 missed, stiil loved and everi dear. -Even remembered by wife Amy, son Jerry and Myrle. 34-1 COMINO EVENTS A reunion servicewill be beid ini Lotus United Churcb, S.und:.v, August 28th at 3:00 p.m. Rev. T.l. Hancock cf Calvary United -Articles For Sale PEARS. W. T. Cox. MA 3-2927. ~Phone 34-1* WOODEN silo, 10x24. Frank1 Ovens, INewtonville. 34-11 RUYBBER-tired wagon.. Phone Newcastle 3776. 34-1 SEED rye. -Apply David Craig. Phone MA 3-2365. 34-2 WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. H., Cale., MArket 3-5476. 29-tf ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered ini Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf DRY slab wood, sawed and de- livéred, $10 per cord. Ph one Newcastle 3776. 34-11I WALNUT gate-leg table and 4 chairs, cbest of drawers. Phone MA 3-3209. 34-1 PIANO, Dominion, with bench. Apply 194 Church St. Phone- MA 3-5877. 34-1- MARLIN .22 calibre repeating rifle, telescope sights. Phone MA 3-3991. 34-1* GLADIOLI and cut flowers for ail occasions. Mrs. E. Passant. Phone MA 3-3527. 32-3* ROTOTILLER, in good work- ing condition. Phone evenings 6 - 7. MA 3-2315. 341 COMPLETE thermostat for coal furnace; changing to ou. Phone MA 3-5991 after six. 34-2* NEW Remington pump shotgun: also six black and tan hound pups. A. Dewitt, R.R. 1, Orone. 34-1 1 COAL and wood range with I warming closet and reservoir. 63 Brown Street, Bowmanville. 34-1 * GRAY baby buggy, good con- dition,- reasonable. Mrs. E. Green, Leskard. Phone Orone 36 r 4. 34-if VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instaîl. Morris Ce. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Ce., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r1l. 13-tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SMALL Findlay coal and wood steve, good condition. Phone MVA 3-3754. Ron Johnson, Brad- shaw St., Bowmanville. 34-1 HIGH yielding Genesee Fal wbeat, Registration appiied for. Harvey Malcolm, Janetville, Phono Blackstock 83r11. 31-4 NEW boat, 14' tmailer, 10 John- son, with stening wheèl, wind- shields and controls. Alex Stack. Phono MA 3-2420. 34.1* DO your own floors -rent al sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 KingStE. Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5774. 3-tf BACK top for 1/2-ten pickup, aise gym set contairiing herse swing, single swing, trapeze bar and slide. Phone MA 3-2085. r 34-1 SINGER sewing machine, treadle, in geed running order; aise four drawer chest, natural finish. Phone Newcastle 2816. 34-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. H-arry L. Wade. Phone Clarkel 2420. 39-tf NOW is the time te order your Campbellford Silo to have it erected in time for your cern crep. Caîl MA 3-2403, Walter Frank. 32-3 REGISTERED No. 1 Genessee winter wheat from winning field in crop competition. Bagged and treated. Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle. 34-2* TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- chines, new and used, for sale or rent! aise Cole steel filing cabinets, office furniture. Whater Frank, MArket 3-2403. 214-tf QUAKER autemnatie thermostat- ic space heater, 65,000 B.T.U., copeewith 200 gallon tank; tcop oleum rugs, 12xl2, 12x 14. 44'Ontanie St. Phone MA 3-3803. 34- 1l' AWNINGS madeo te measuüre. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa. 24-11* HEARING aid service, testing service and complote stock of batteries and corcA at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvulle. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf USED 2½ h.p. Johnson motor, 10 h.p. Johnson meter, 15-foot Peterborough boat, ai? Palmer Moter Sales, 20 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5487. 34-1 1Articles For Sale THREE oil space heaters, good condition; one annex. Phone MA 3-3137. 34-1 PRINTS of photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson.Studio may be obtained for 1.001 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Pott Hope. 148-f DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custbm mnade, or draperies sold by the -yard. Our representative will cail at your home any time with a complete -range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609,. lowman- ville. 48-tf MALONEY ALUMINUM DOOR.S $55.00 - Installed Free Ross Clark 71 King St. E. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-3801 28-tf Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines Z Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf NEW Philips 21 Television, con- solette model, rogular $389 for $290; new Thor washer with electric pump, regular $179 for $129.95; new 9.6 cu. ft. Inter- national refrigerator, freezer across the top, regular $349 for $295; 24 months te pay, at Farm Eouipment and Automnotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. MA 3-5689. 134-1 DECORATING " For the Latest Papers 1 " For the Finest Paints * for-ihe Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & Son Phones1 MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf DO IT YOUHSELF T IL E 71/2c each and up - Ail kinds Expert instructions supplled CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 28-tf SHOES-The following brand- name shees are now in stock: children's Savage shpos, Brouw-, er Research shoes, Sisman work boots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- McHale shees, Dack shoos, Grebb arcb support wonk boots, Foam Tnead slippers, ladies' Gracia / shoos, Lognollers, Dr. Scboll's foot remedjes and shoe supports, plus many ether linos; Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly- wood Sani-white and Properts shoe polishes; modemn shoe me- pair service in the rear of store. Lloyd Ellis Shoos, 49 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-, 5941. - 26-tf USED traetons-Due te our large turnover in new tractors duning the past 10 weeks we are offer- ing a large number of used tractors at large discounts, al overhauled, repainted and guar- anteed: 3 McCermick W-4's, 2 Farmaîl "H", 2 Super "A" with hydraulie plough, McCormick 0-6 Orchard model, Massey Standard "44", Oliver "60", John Deere "B", Gibsen "H", 'Inter- national 15-30 with good power unit. Terms may be arranged for any of the above tractors aI Farm Equipment and Auto- motive, 134 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phono MA 3-5689. 34-1 ILivestock For Sale ONE veal caîf. Phone MA 3- 2991. 34-1 TWO Yorkshire sows, first lit- tom, bred lbree menths. Phone Clarke 1613. 34-1* HOLSYFEIN cow with caif by side; Jersey cow wilh caîf aI side. MA 3-5805. 34-1'1 FANDGATE English Yonkshires. Pumebmed boars and gilîs avail- able. P. H. Hinton, Orono 14n12.1 34-3 MILKING goals, yearlings and this ycar's kids. Apply Mrs. M. Bleecher, R.R. 3, Cobourg, High- way 45. 34-2' TWO puebred Holstein heifers, accredited,-vaccinated, due one week. Neil Malcolm. Phono Biackstock 66 R 4. 34-1' ONE choice Ieam cf herses, Percheron f iliies, ne further use for hns- a ..- -1- f- . s. - j kelp Wantd TOMATO pickers, elrlericed, if possible. Phone MA 8.2227. 34-1 WAITRESS, six days a week; good wages. Olympia Res-, taurant, MA-3-9003. 34-1 MA4RIED man for dairy farm, experienced; separate new bouse. Phone Neil Malcolm, Bleckstock~ 66 r 4. 34-1w. PIN boyÉ. Earn good money during the coming bowling season. Apply Martyn's Bowl- ing Alley. 33-4 WOMEN for light housework, remuneration, montb of Septem- ber, Rice Lake. Apply by wrif- ing Mrs. E. Green,. Hillcrest, Leskard. 34-if OWN a business! Enjoy a stead- ily increasing income. If you like meeting People write for free bookiet and details. Fam- ilex, 1600 Delorimaier, Montreal. COUPLE wanted for small farnm, bouse supplied, permanent, ref- erences required. Give age and particulars. Write Box 399, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bow- mnanville. 34-1 RAWLEIGH'business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full tin-e. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. H-140- 189, Montreal, P.Q. 34-1 Wanfed To Rent TWO or three-roomed furnished apartment. Phone RA 5-9906, Oshawa. *34-1* YOUNG couple require four- room apartment befere October Ist. Phone MA 3-2241. 34.1* FOUR or five-roomed house or apartment, needed immediately by family with twe sehool age cbildren. Phone MA 3-5690 from 9 te 5 oir MA 3-3592 after 5. 34-1 Cars For Sale Y38 FORD pick-up, $35. Don Adcock, Hampton. 341* 1955 METEOR Niagara, demon- strator, four door model, two tene, with radio and heater, directienal signais, $400 off list price at Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 34-1 PALMER, MOTOR SALES USED CARS 1953 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 DODUE SEDAN, 1951 FORD SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN TJUSZED TRUCKS 3j-TON FARGO 1953 CHEV. Sedan Delivery G.M.C. 1V2-TON EXPRESS G.M.C. %-TON, EXPRESS PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 King St. E. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-5487 Lost GIRL'S mauve sweater lest Fni- day, August 19 aI Liens Carn- ivai. Phono Newcastle 2956 collect. 34-1 BLACK, white arid tan beagle bound, male, tateo on lefI car, SH-l3J. Reward. Robt. Burns, 40 Duke St., Bowmanville. 34-1 ON Saturday, young fernale hound, tan and black with white markings, near Burketon. Please contact RA 5-4524, Oshawa:~ ,34-1 Cards of Thanks I wish te thank Drs. Rundie and Ferguson, nurses and staff uf Memoriai Hospital, those who sent flowers, fruit and cards and those who called te see me. Mrs. RobI. Cameron. 34-1 I would like te express my appreciation te aIl the friends, relatives and neighbours who hiave been se good te me dur- .ng my recent illness. Thank i You eacb one for youm tbougbt-I fulness and acts of kindness te Mns. Scott Pollard. 34-1' I wisbh o theiik ail the fniends and neighbours for their lettons, flowers and cardls and Rifts and. Pnn wMy i1 loË Rent FOUR roomed ground floor apartment in Enniskillen; reas- lonable. Apply 490 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa. 34-.1* FOUR-room aparment in States- man block, not, suitable for yug children. Apply at The Canadian Statesman, Bowman- ville. 27-tf-f FOUR-roomed apartment and bath. Available Aug. 15. Phone MA 3-3880 or write 10 Peter St. N., Port Credit. 34-1* SIX-roomed house, near Orono. Heavy wiring. reasonable rent, available September lst. Write Box 395, c/o Canadian States- man. 34-1 ONE large furnished room, suit- able for business woman, with light bousekeeping privileges. 37 Wellington St. Phone MA 3- 5427. 34-1* TWO bedrooms and one large room, in Tyrone. No objections to one or two small children; possession at once. Phone Bow- manville MA 3-2306. 34-1* FOUR-roomed heated apart- ment and bath, built-in cup- boards, washer, janitor service,I centrally located, private en- trance. Available Sept. l6th. Apply Apt. 1, Arthur Apts., 90 Queen Street, Bowmanville. 34-tf Seed Cleaning THE Seed Cleaning and Treating Plant at Enniskillen is under new management. The plant is now operating and grain will be accepted at any time. Phone MArket 3-5439 or Blackstock 102J. 31-4 Wanted To Buy CARS for wrecking purposes. Phone MA 3-2983. 34-1* HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap mron, rags and metals. Phone RA 3-2043 Osha- wa, collect. 26-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Telephone collect te Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Work Wanted' TYPIST wants work te do at home. Copying, envelopes, stenc- ils, etc. Caîl MA 3-5597. 34.1* ELDERLY man wants a job on a quiet farmn home doing chores, good teamster, good with al live stock. Write Willie Wil- sen, 580 Veterans Road, Osha- wa. .32-4* M asonry Constfruction B~RICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 12-tf A. E. COLE PLUMBING A?-r HEATING Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer 26 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone Night or Day MA 3-3473 16-tf TILE BEDS- TRENCHING SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE WORK BARRY & LEE RA 3-3693 MA 3-3828 34-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 23-tf Concrete and Masonry Ail types of CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK WORK L. TURNER Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 Evenlngs - Phone MA 3-3718 BOWMANVELLE 33-tf Local and Long Distance MOVING Llcensed and Fully Inîured - Also - GENERAL TRUCKING -P.C.V. Clame "C",,'FI, and "H") Contact Preston Transport Phono MA 3-2493 Bowmanville 33-tf re;asappies for sale. e- l %anrcn m ui, will oe trhe OTACO 3 te 4 ton uscd wagon, W." E3. Armstrong, Nestieton. many acîs cf kindness dpizngnB JL f7N speaker. Music suPpied by 15,' tires, $135; rubber-tined Blackstock 34 3m4.*ry atay in Memonial Hiospital Harrv Preston% Choir. Corne wbeelbarrow $29, plowsbares for r.3- aise, a special tbanks to Dr. - E C V TN and bing yeur picnic basket. most makes of plows, nubber-- Fenguson and Dr. McKay and TRENCHING - LOADING 33-.2 îured wagon $49,. Massey spread- E S-F R .L nurses. DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Plan to attend tbe Froiic night or $99, 3-section drag cullivaton r.NraBrs resadLae o in Tyrone on Fniday even ., 49, Mini-swing for cbildren $49, DACHSHUND pups, registered, ____34-1 Gravel and FUI1 Jobs Setebe 9h 155 Dning steel sýoneboats $20 and $25. maie and female, $35. Phone FREE EeTIMATES in hall 10 Stainton's Orchestra. Frank Hoskin.. Phono Black- Pickering 324JI. 34-. PMe.shis. aw wist hens hax-Cnnrcto Bingo and othei garnes under stock 2. 34-1 ppî7 YBmadcosdpes i erfi hnsa Tripp Cniuto the stars. Fish pond for the GENERAL Electnie irons $9.95, witb CoUlie; excellent pets and tives, fnieiids and neighbours, PORT PERRY 392W children. Refreshrnents.. At- kettles $9.95, floor polishers watcb dogs. Ph'one MA 3-2776. for the kindness and sympathy 321f tendance Pnize. Admission: $44.5(ý, bedrom suites, bar bed, 34-__________________the_______ ladies, single, 50c; gents, 75c;,Mm. and Mrs. dresser $169, 34n1' sbOWn ofîm dunig thera. esrsn cope,$.0.33-4 wses areszdobetbospecialiy wishes te thank Rev., large sîze,5. TadetubW mte J. Kitchen for his consoling HYGIENC supplies - (rubber Ftest Home IKitchen tables, chairs, dînette wcnds, the doors of the rnany goods> maled postpaid in plain - suite, Astral refrigerator, new DEAID STOCK reoved froîn beautifî.d floral offerings, Ibose sealed envelope with prico list. A~~cO~ODATION for e$denly I ~unit, 3 year guarantee; combina- vour farn promptly for sanitary hoc sent cards,DrMiisth Sxsape 25,4smps fou. AU conveniences. Co- ion Guerney coal and electric disposai. Telephone cliect: Co- special nurses and the staff cf $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, 'vilescents w.lcom.e. Phono range. Murphy Co., King St. W. bourg 1206 or Tôronto EM 3-3636. j the Mémroial Hospital, Bow- Nov.-Ruibber Co, Box 91, Ham - cSo 177n 3-3 341'Gordon Young Limiited. __ I0-ti manvillo, l iton. .9n&. ]Rewa Estate For Sale LEASK REAL ESTATE '1 5 roomed new brick bungalow, ment, 3 bedrooms, large lot,. well located. $9,000.00 Im- mediate possession. 7 roomed bouse, 4 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, insulat- ed, kitchen cupboards, sunporch, immaculate condition; an extra lot with bouse. Centrally locat- ed. Terms. 5 roomed new bungalow, large sectioned window, 3 bedrooms, forced air oul furnace, garage on cernent base. May be bought now in unfinlshed state reason- ably or owner will finish. 11,500 cash, balance terras. We have choice building lots, centrally located. Houses, bun- galows and businesses for sale. Consult us before buying. M. E, Leask, Broker 65 Ontario Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5919 34-1 O. E. CARSON LTD. Wanted-200 te 300 acres of potato land. Buildings of secon-, dary importance. 125 acres, first class sheep ranch, 9 room twe-storey frame bouse, in good condition, bard- wood floors, steel barn 80x50, never-failîng well, pond. $11,500. Terms arranged. 100 acres, exceptionally at- tractive buildings. the type of land that has net known a crop failure in 35 years. You must see this te appreciate il. $18,000. Terms. 80 acres, white brick home, top condition, 9 roems; bank barn, steel hip-roof, 45'x60', stream, 10 acres of good bush, land relling. Everything for the price of the bouse, $8.250. Terms arranged. 10 acres, new brick storey and haîf home, close te Oshawa and Bowmanville. Price arranged. $1,000 down. 38,650-Bungalow, in residen- tial section of young people, good terms. 6 reom, insul stene, paved street, sewers and water, garage, large lot. Furnace, bath, modemn kitchen. Open for offer. $8,500-7- roomn brick, very centrally located, shade trees, largo lot. A lovely place te live. 52 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 l After heurs caîl: Chas. D. Rankine 'MA 3-276.2 or' Alvin Boyd, MA 3-2487 34-1 50 acre farm, mediumn day. loam, ail workable, creek, weli 2 bank barns with steel stan. chions, water bowls, milk coeler fhon bouse, machine shed; ' reomed claphoard bungalov with eil furnace, running hoi and cold water, heavy wired, À miles fromn Newcastle. PniCE $7,500. 100 acre farm, % mile oi paved road, 75 acres wonkablb land, 23 acres wood, creek, weIll e100'x32' ban4~barn with L-shap- c d extension, implement shed, bon'bouse, garage; il reomec frame bouse with heavy duty wiring. Nicely decorated. Pnie $12,500. Terms. 50 acre farm, 35 acres work- able with pend, wells, 58'x30' bank barn with water bowls, running water, imploment shed, garage; 7 roomed frame bouse with basement, heavy wiring and running water. Price $7,000. Montgage available. 100 acre dairy farm as a going concern, 6 cans per day milk quota. All wonkable, level, drained land with 55'x56' and 30'x30' bank barn with water bowls, etc., 30 head of caIlle, 20 purebred; full lineo f machinery and feed in the barn. Price $22,000. Terms. 100 acre farm, clay-Ioam, 85 acres workable, spning, 6 acres wood, twe 30'x60' bank barns, chiekeri bouse, pig pens; 7 roorn- cd frame house with beavy duty wining. Pnice $7,500. Terms. 5 roomed frame bungalow on East Beach in Bewmanviile with sunroom, kitchen cupboards, hardwood floors, water inside. Price $3,000. $600 down.- 1 5 noomed insul brick bhouse on main street, Orono, with garage, sunreom, hydre, cistern. Pnice arranged. $1.000 down 6 roomed ranch style bungalow with 3 acres of land. Has 4-piece bathroom, running bot and cold water, kitchen cupboands, beavy wiring, laundry room, fineplace, electric heaten. Price $6,500. 5 roomed. ranch style bun- galow in Bowrnanville, with 4-piece bathroom, cil furnace, bot and coid running water, recreation room with soundproof ceiling, bardwood and tile floors, etc. Pnice $8.900. Mortgage available.1 7 roomed frazne bouse in vil- [age with basemeri., furriace and hydre. Price $5.200. $600 down. Besides abovo mentioned we hiave approximately 80 more properties to chooso firo in the Oshawa, Bowmanville and Tren- ton district. Contact John F. De Wîth REALTOR Newcastle Phono 3341 Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Paul Dlamoad, Port Perry a"mnPhone 246 1R - tit31 Real Estcrte for Sale I FOUR-roomed bouse wlth hydro, good lot, east of Newcastle. Phone Newcastle 3776. 34-1 SIX room brick bungalow on good size lot on Concession St., new ail furnace. Phone MA 3- 2439. 33-3 SMALL 4-roarn bùngalow, new hot water heâter, room for ad- dition; partial bath in basement. Phone MA 3-3914.' 34-1' SIX-roomed bungalow, newly decorated, inlaid floors, land- scaped, immedîa.te possession. Termns. Phone MA 3-3477. 34-1*, REAL ESTATI4 FOR SALE Propertie. Sold, Rented. Managed and Appralsed L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffia signal, Newcastle 32-tf HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Orono residence on edge af town, acre of garden and lawn, 4 rooms with complete bath- room and sunroom on ground floor, 2 roorns upstairs. Large attacbed combination garage and workshop. Heavy wiring, built- in cupboards, fitjed-in electric range included with storma and sereen windows, $7.800. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono 1 R 16 34-1 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 43Vz room Newcastle. lot 75x155. 1 Courtice area. 4 room insul Lbrick on cernent foundation, heavy wiring, telejphone, etc.; acre garden soil, haîf mile off No. 2 Highway. $4,000 with good ternis. Overlooking lake, only five minutes from town, elght-roorn brick with every convenience; five acres choice soil. Ideal for guest home or club. $11,000 wltb good terms. South Ward-4 large room brick and block, full cellar with furnace and laundry tubs, full bathroom, hardwood and tule floors; large lot. Asking $7.500 with half cash. We bave a number of ailier listings which we invite you ta fiaspect. Farmers, If you eontemplate selling your farm, gel in touch with us as we have good cash buyers. insul brick, East cf Hydro, telephone; Selling for $3,000.1 PHONE MA 3-3517 7 Alter Houri W Dt OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982 2a ýe ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 )f 37 King St. W. Bowmanville le 34-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE j, 6-roorn solid brick on Church ýd St., good basement, new oul heat- ,y ng, heavy wiring, hot water :heater, 3-piece bath, large lot, immediate possession, $8,000. 7-roorn frame bouse, hydre, 3-piecç bath, extra lots, good soil, small fruit, possession ar- ranged. $6,500. Terms. e 43/ acres in town, barn, hen b ouse, garage. ahl kinds of fruit: 7-reom trame bouse, basement, hardwood floors, built-in cup- gboards, fully insulated, hot and kcold water, modern 3-piece bath, possession arranged. $9.000. 1 acre in Newcastle, planted rin apples, pears, plums, peaches, araspberries; 7-room, insul brick, ïhydro, barn, stable, implement eshed, bard and soft water, $8.000, haîf cash. Lots 66xl50. Priced ta sell. 4-room tarne bouse, -hydro, basement, built-in cupboards, gardon, immediate possession $3,800. 6-roorn bungalow, hardwood floors, 4-piece bath, hot water heating, new roof, basernent, attached garage, possession ar- ranged. $6,500. 5 acres, barn and stable, nice stream, of water, srnall fruit, good well, 7-room trame bouse, basernent, garage. $6.800. 7-room 1 1,/-storey brick house, 3-piece bath, bydro, water and sewer, on King St., $3,000. Farms, dwellings and allier busînesses. James Nixon, Droker 160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville MA 3-5682 Auion .Sales341 -Undersignea auctioneer will sell by public auction, in the Village of Enniskllen on Sat- urday, September 3rd, the bouse- bold effects for the estate cf the laIe Mrn. John Dorland. List of articles in neit week's paper. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Clifford Peth- ick, auctioneer. 34.1 Trees, like people, are said tp be mature, when they are fully deveicped. When trees reach their full aize they are ready ta b. harvested for the. greatest profit and use to Mon. If a mature forest of trees je left standing it may boon ex- penience wood rot and Chler such tree diseages, thus de- creagfng the value to a point wbere it would ceat money to RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen. 85 KIf, E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf HOOVER service man will be at, Our store every Thursday. Bring yours in or Phone Higgon Elec- trie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bow- manville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig. erators, dometic andçmmei r- cial; milking coons, rgon Electne iited, 42 KIg rSt. E. Phone M 3-5438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRING, at M A RR "S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W., Phone MA 3.545 BOWMANV]IiLL TAYLOR Repair Shop RADIATORS and HEATERS REPAIRED and CLEANED- General Soldenlng Rtepalrs Queen St. W. Bewmanville Phono MA 3-3459 32-ti Phono NA 3-3303 The Canadiau Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVEIRTISING RATES ARTICLIM FOR SALE LIVEBOCK FOR SALE rollEN -REp WAX=E CAMS FOR SALE LOB? - TOUND - ETC. Cash at. - - sea twosd with a minimum 61 M0 Must b. paid by date ci ina.aqim wii b. Aehare.ot>,25cwiîî NOTICU .- COMING EVIDIVS AND CARDS 0F =TUiS 30 a word wlth a minimum ci .81.00 tfS a3 worda et leua. MAiA ES - DAE $1.00 per inserion IlMEMORIANS 81.00 plus 10e a lins Ltu vers COMMUCIAL LASllESý , or fdùmal dvîtinqi '0aior od i ay ecI~on cper wosd; minimum chdrq. 75 ahwith«Oder. ToU.t =caasliird et 81.50 put lc1Ith a -lnimum niof Incb. Additional in:UeZtic AUi Cosatlied Ad@ muet 1he l f s <Be olIter than 12 'cl.bsoo,,Wedsesday. S.nd csh. simp sramoue Clip Iis eout lot bandy relereaca Notices Dr. Vinniwell's office wil» closed from August 12th to SeVL 1Zth. 23 Dr. Slason's office will be 'ýlü- ed for holidays fromn August, to 31st inclusive. Dr. Storey's office wil be re.- opened Septemnber ls± followj~ holidays. 3- Dr. H. Ferguson's office wifl be élosed frorn Aigust 13th b September 6th inclusive. 32-36 Dr. C. Cattran's office will bý closed for holidays froQi August 20 to September Sth inclusive.ý 34.2 Dr. C. J. Austin's office llr- be closed for bolidays froin August lst to September 5th inclusive. 30-0 Dr. Allan B. Sylvester an- nounces the opening of bis office at 156 Church Street, Bowman. ville. Telephone MA 3-3578. 33-2' Any ladies wisbing to bowl in the Ladies' Major Bowling League are asketl to leave their nambès with George Elliott at the bowling alley today (Thursday) Friday or Saturday., 34-2 We are novr matiufactiîring cernent blocks, botb interlocking and standard, and would b. pleased to serve you witb a good product at a reasonable, price. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf ATTENTION BOWLERS!. Any bowler or group of bowlers wishlng to enter the Durham Bowling League please seo GEORGE ELLIOTT at Martyn's Bowling Alleys no later than September 9 34-1 Repairs 1 1 qwmmnAgr. PAM YMRTEM -TRZ CMAMM 1 De Wifh Real Estate

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