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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1955, p. 3

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?NUESDAY. Altm. ISth, 1988 4*-Iistory of I 1Ov e r. 33 YE ~arton Bus Personal service la the order of the day, every day, with Garton Coach Lînes, one afi te oldest and largest privately owned and operated bpsls nes in Ontario. At this time of year, Clare *»Garton, owner ai the system, rannounces a special service for visitors ta the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition in Toronto. Every day during the Exhibi- tion, special buses wïl be run- 'Iing from Bowmanvîlie and other centres served byth Une, right into the exhibition grounds, where they will re- Main until the time cames ta return home after the grand- Btand show. The buses will be open for the passengers' con- venience ail day. Garton Coach Lines have been serving the people ai Dur- ham and Ontario Counties since 1922, when Clare Garton's father, the late T. A. "Tim" Garton, moved here from Lon- don, Ontario, and ran one bus be t we en Bowmanville and Whitby. A friend af Mr. Gar- ton's, irom London, moved in. ta Whitby, and the twa men each., operated single buses along the route in a mutual benefit scheme. Later, Mr. T. A. Garton purchased the other haîf af the initial business. Today, 17 buses operate over three main routes: Bowman- ville; Oshawa and Whitby; ]Bowmanvilie ta Lindsay and Bo0bcaygeon via Newcastle and Orono; and Bowmanviiie ta Blackstock via Hampton, En- niskillen and Burketon. TbrPe special buses take district stu- M*P FR ONDA F Pl Fa aciw~ oumi3ndi0.604W P#oki A&P RASPOER DleFancy Peter an WA Saft, strong, Pop$ Ujp - S x le & ô KLE!NX TISSUE Expansion Garton's. ear Period Line Story dents to Bowmanville High School 'n the mornings andi drive themn home in the after- noon Lindsay Collegiate Insti- tute is served by four Garton buses, and Whitby High Schooli hias- two buses transporting àtu- dents. The staff of Garton Coach Lmnes now averages one super- visor, 10 fuli-time drivers, three part-time drivers, one ~ garage foreman and four assist- ants,' one office mranager, and two part-time office workeri. Since the inauguration of p Garton Coach Line.% in 1922, . only one very minor increase in fares has been made, despite a continuing increase in service and expenses. This month, onie zone rate between Oshawa and Bowmanviile was increased slightly to equalize the rate in ail zones along the route. Operating a bus route is an interesting business, as Garton employees have found out, and they learn much about peopde. Forgetfulness seems ta bea common trait of travellers. Ar- ticles left on buses would star- Oxvner Clare Garton tie anyone. and a list would final sehedule dletails for t fi this paper. Schaol books,- umbrellas, billfolds and purssness hr.D ueBsLn are most commonly found. One ns hr.D ueBsLn purse found on a Blackstack af Port Perry suffered a sim- bus recentiy contained $850. ilar loss in the northern end of The honest driver returned the the city. Both Lines filed suit purse to the owner, money i nd r tl watn h e tact. adaesilaatn h e Pubiicity was given to the suits from the Ontario Munici- Garton Coach Line recently pal Board. when the Oshawa Railwa 'v A recent business venture by Company took over bus service Clare Garton, owner of the in the outskirts of that city, de~- fine, was the purchase of 45 priving Garton's of much busi- used buses fromn the Toronto Transit Commission. Most ai the vehicles were taken aver from smaller lines when the TTC expanded. Ail were put out -of service between 1952 and 1955. Mr. Garton plans tc seli these buses ta operators and individuals who may use IO D them for a variety of purpases. Suggested uses include the foi- lowing: Travelling house, trail- er transport for boats, and for to bsapelatas' r. Gartons dovies. nost lanteuseareo ~ During the summnr, thous ea repaiing and e rein fivebuses. in orde r. a epth ilio~oue flest trctveand inuseood re- R.d Besidges averaging th ur- IIWYee K -t caseof donear hew beach ear jý.6Z gnplicn of reaintinandrbid re* fbuingithe adertbuses. Lase NkSALattrctiv and n god r7 c hwinerof on ne bus had its adv mond Fieh campietely remodelled, with extruded aiuminum, complete- WIIWE Un 3c ly chrome-plated. This bus is one af the mast attractive in the fleet, and appears ta be a brand new vehicle. The newest bus, purchased this year, is a 2 Sc Prevst schal bus. 22êzu27c1 ES 2I5s3 Sc ~éhory Sec~i~! Jane Parkor APPLm Jane Parker Large ANGE. F009 MMI Jane Parker GLAZED DONUlS Jane Parkcer Jelly Whirl COFFUE CAKE Jane Parker Blced RAISIN BRAD ed*SC J« e>sc eth 2WC ieo 16m« 29e1c Super -Right Meats! Vomir 'hoice PORTERHOUSE o« WING ROAST, Perime (Shbrt Cut) RIB ROAST Extra Lean - ldeai for Haniburg.u- or Meat Leaf MINCED SUIF Choice Meaty Lcun SPARE RMUS Sup.r'-Rght, Smoked Rindiess SIDE BACON Eseex Brand JaliI.d HEAD cHUESE 2« i 69c 0,45C Fe59C 1659C *k boo 39C Produce Sped.1 Californie Red Mala&a, Fineit No. 1 GRAPES 2%,25'c Californiea Valencia, Now et thewu, Feu Gk ORANGES doz.. 39c s-lb cuIb 5 Sc Native Grown M mgi, a.h.d, fetea«y te Co - Ne. 1 CARROTS 3-b ck beg 19C Native Grown Yelbew CoeukuoabaugeN.. i Ot4IO S 3-N c4 6,919C Prices -Effective ntroFo dS ors1 A gust 27th , Four Nurses Join Health Unit This Month Four public bealth nurses h ave been taken on the staff ofa the Northumberland - Dur- bam Health Unit since August 1, 1955, replacing four who have left. Miss Ida Williams arrived in M »illbrook August 2nd, and Miss 'Maida Harris on August 8th. Miss Williams is from Timmins, a graduat oai the school ai nursing at, Toronto General Hospital. She bas nursed in baspitals in Kirkiand Lalt, 1-enley - on - Thames, England, and in Ottawa. She completed i the public health nursing course at the University ai Ottawa this year. Miss Harris' educa- tion la basic nursing was at Toronto Western Hospital. Ai- ter several years ai nursing in bospital and as private nurse,' stie took the ýpublic bealth nur- fsing course ai 1954-55 at tbe University ai Toronto. . TÉese two nurses replace Miss Elsie Rýpikes, who aiter four vears af service wità the Northumberland - Durbain Health Unit, bias gane ta her bhome near Barrie and is now on the staff af the Simecoe County Health Unit. and Miss Betty Wright, who was married August 6th ta Mr. J. D. Collins, and wiii live in Toronto. Mies Phoebe Macnab bad been on the Unit staff for four >-ears, working from the Port IHope office. She has gane ta the southera United States. To take ber place Miss Patricia IUpshall fromn Toronto arrived A ugust i5th. Miss Upshal graduated iromn the Schaal ai JNursing ai St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto. She bas had a past-graduate *course in obstet- rics and a year's course la public health nursing at Tor- onto University. She bas been on hospitai staff in Toronto, Montreai, St.-Anne de Beilevue and in a Red Cross Outpost hospital. Her experience .n- cludes iwo years in* a physic- ian's office. Miss Miriam Eastman, Porti Coiborne. started work AugustI 22nd from the Brighton office ai the Health Unit, replaci'ngi Miss Jean Murray, who is naw with the Social Service De- partment of Toronto General Hospital. Miss Eaà;tman is a! graduate of Toronto East Gen- erai aficd Orthopedic Hospital School ai Nursing, worked on! the staff ai the Part Colborne Hospital and compieted the 1 public health nursing course at jToronto University in June, 1955. derman's. Mr. and Mrs. noss Cryderman Regular enîertained relatives at a birth- 11.9 Stiorm Warning day parts' for their uitile daugh- 349 ter, Elien, wha on August 24 will: WHEN You know a storm ln be ona year aid. Ineluded in the While Stock Lastg gathering %vere her grandpar- contint, Yeu head for pro- ents, Mrs. S. Rundie, Bowman- tection. BUT disaster doesn't ville. and Mr. and E. Cry- gîve warnings! cerman. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray,, Mvaxine and Debbie, Mr.C EC Frwnaomor other ançi Mrs. J. Leger and Wayne. H C peril may strike unexpeeted- Mr. and MNrs. Ken McMinn and * Leather Strap Lynda, 'Misses Eirna and Jeaný ly at any tinie. If you're Cry>ierrnan, Messrs. Hel mer, * 15-JeweI Movemient flot ready NOW with ad. Freitag and George Bittner,ý equste lnusuce. better eall Oshawa:* Miss Jean Rurîdie, on tis genc toay!ville, Keith and MWary Cryder-î tman and Sam Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Wison,ý STUJART I. JANES iie tM.SaMlso' Insrane eaiEstte Quite a number from Saunah H @ O Inurnc ea Etaeattended Oshawa Fair. og Office Reuidence Mr. and Mrs. MI James, Osh'P MA 3-sui1 MA 3-5493 awaý Mr. and Mrs .. l'ean and fan.x o..nm ua 8 b t  King Street F. Bowmsanville l1ce.ý- [Mrs. Doreen Broo,)k.. 28od-King S.W i ence, visited at Mr. N. C. wottenas. PA5E T TI .CANADWI 5TAPCUUXA, - ý EV AU Prepàre .C-N.,E. Schedule KENDÂL S Mrs. Thorne enjoyed a visit 1 '~to Port Hope, Thursday with! Mrs. Aiva Swarbrick, and Mr.i and--Mrs. Wilfred Roughley,j Oshawa. .~Wayne Byers, who has beeh! home ig Ronnie Glass, returned hoeSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass when they visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byes Pr < Hope. Kendal school section were surprised ta learn of the recêmt resignatian af Miss Colleen Lawe but hope another good teacher can be secured before the term -, .Everyne isbusy these days crops, most ai which were irri- gated, seem good this year. ICongratulations ta Mr. and 1 Mrs. Roy Little on the celebra- > tion of theýr wedding anniver- sary Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Therteil, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass and Mr.: and Mrs. Reg. Ellit)tt andf~arn- ilies were guests. Fred Roughley, Oshawa, bas been holîdayinig with his grand- mother, Mrs. A. Swarlbrick .and great grandmother, Mrs. Thorne. iMr. and Mrs. Percy Thompson and family, North Bay, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Eddie CourouxI this week. Many Kendal residents were awakened Mondav morning by an unusually loi-d biast which i n, foreground, and office manager Doug Pickering. check wscue yJh hmsns he special Exhibition service runs, starting August 26. mnuffler expioding ta pieces! -- when he started his truck. Made * us wonder what might be coin- Leask. The address was well ing next. ',M aple G râve presented by Evelyn Taylor who! Mr. Reynolds had the ms r took as ber subject "The Caming fortune ta fail and break kl athe Kingdom". This con- ribs and get a bad shaking up Hodt il tained cansiderabie food f on Saturday. We hope he will tbought.i soan be better again. cLISunday Schoal next Sundav Mrs. Baker who is 88 vears aid Vacation SCFiooI will be at 10 o'ciock. The~ and has been staying at Kendal- 1 churcb service will be at il wood on the Seventh Line with' Maple Grove: For the thîrd o'clock with Mr. Stan Caverley,l 5successive vear Mapie GraveiEbenezer, âs guest speaker. 1 nheld a very successial Daily The Three M's will mneet in f gble Vacation Schoal. Besides the church basement on Tues- r e ours inBible Study ther.e day evening, August 30. Murrav 1 were sing-sangs, warship per- and Faye Vice and their graup i- e îods, work on study books, wiil be in charge ai the pragram. W handieraits and recreation. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook o Thee ere' hre dffret l'rantfodwr weedvisitars1 sage groups for Bible Study and Iai Mr. J. Yellowlees' and Ralph1 e the work wras handied by local IDavis'. e leaders. This school was held M1dMr Noble Metcalf in the church basement fronM r. and Ms. Nole-i.afe On riaynihtAuus ~ and S. E- Werry"ý. of mercnandise for On ridy nght Auust19. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yeiiowlees,I a very successful "Open House" i,Harold and Murray, Mr. and wa hl. rarm i5-l Mrs. Ralph Davis a nd Patsy, Mr. are looking for son 3ing 'and numbers fromn eavn and Mrs. Harve.- Yellowlees, group was given. Afterward$ Karen and Brenda, and Mr. J.' 3a display ai the work was en- Yeliowlees were Sunday visitars i 1jayed by ail. Many interested at Messrs. J. and Roy *Grills .at H e parents and friends attended. Valentia. 1A total ai 69 children were Mrs. Thos. Turner, Oakwood; iregistered arld an average ai-, Mrs. Hilton, New Wilmingtan , ftendance ai 47. Penn.; Mrs. Elingr Greenwood, Strathroy; Mrs. Walter Outram,î Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy, ctBowmanville, visited at Mr. Should ContactIsaac Hard's.. C ounty Pres Donald Werry bas returnedj home ta Oshawa after holiday- in tRoselandvale. W ith Pro lems Edgr and Glenn Werry are ,holidaying with their grand- While Hon. John W. Foate. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nobe Minister.ýoi Reform Institutions Metcalfe at Caesarea. and M.P.P. for Durham is un- 'Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarrell able ta attend ta local constitu- and Marilyn, Omemee, were ency problems because ofi hs Sunday visitars at Mr. Wes recent heart attack, local resi- HuIis'. Carat returned borne witb dents are asked to--contact Alex themn for holidai's. Carrû*tiers, Garden Hill, Pre- Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter-' sident ai the Durham Progres- borough, is vacatianing at home. sive Conservative Association, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman, on arty Provincial probiemsf Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Miss they may have. Evelyn Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.: Major Foote is resting coin-f Bruce Taylor and Walter, Mr. fortably in Part Hope Hnospita! and Mrs. Harvey Yellawlees,, making favorable progress tjo- Karen and Brenda, attended the ward recavery. Gilbank family leunion at Mr., E. Larmer's at Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs.' Bruce Taylor and Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce SOLINAMontgomery attended the Mont- gomery family reunian at Gen- On Sunday morning at Sun- eva Park. day School, Helen -Knox, Bar-, Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett, Murray bara Hoaey and Deanna Vance i and Marie were at Mr. N Brighten your home ai the C.G.I.T. graup gave an Leach's, Taunton. interesting report ai their ten Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Knox and IJe iL .days spent at Camp, Pretoria in Dean visited at Mr. Hilton N w L m n Juiy. t was a pleasant exper- Tink's, Ebenezer. ience Zr, the girls who made Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink spenti These miust go to make r( there, and they also returned Lamne Tink spent several days with numerous ideas for carry- at Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. -A ing an the next year's program. Mrs. Addie Tinik visited a S aie riée From , The Sunday marning cburc.h cousin, Miss Hortap, in a Ha m- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soucik and Mr. A. J. Souch visîted Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams, Lake- shore. Mr. and Mrs. Westheuser spent Monday in Campbeilford. Miss Beulahl HalioweUl and Mus. Llew Hailowell were in Toronto Tuesday. Terry and Wayne Stark spent last week with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Beth- any. Miss Marilyn Falls spent hall- Miss Donna Souch is spençling a few bolidays with Mrs. Wan- nan, Kirby.1 On Saturday a few friend, were entertained by Mrs. Jim Starlç for Ted's birthday. Mu. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family spent theý weekend with Mr. and Mus. Zeke Adamsa- Sim- cae. Shiloh W.A. met at Mus. Percy Farrow's last week. The Scrip- ttîre lesson was read by Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mrs. John Stark bad charge of the devo- tional selectians. Plans were discussed for Autumn -anniver- sary and a date was chosen for the atînuai bazaar in Navember. Miss Beulah Hailoweili:ave a reading and Messrs. Pèecy and Brentan Farrow rendered violin mnusic. Mrs. Pike thanked Mrs. Farrow and invited the ladies ta meet at the parsonage in Sep- tember. ENFIELD 'ý her son, took an attack last week and is naw .staying with Mrs. Geary. The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith . are living in his nother's home, the former Jack Swarbrick house. -Mr. and Mrs. McAùghey *and Jamily moved iàto the Mark Saper house on Saturda3r. STAFIKVIL LÊ ,.dMore Room!. We have jusi received a large shipmeni Fali and we need the -space. So if you ne good.buys. are They Are " ROYA'L ALBERT' "COTSWOLD" Englisb Bone China .i ONLYi consistinig of Cups and Saucers 5", Plates 7" Plates 10", Plates Cireami Soups snd StandsJ Only 24's Tes Pot - --- --------- Only 36's Cotfee Pot ------- ----- 1 Cream and Sugar on Tray. 1 Afterdinner Cream and Sugar ----- - 2 1 Ovai Baker -.--- 1 Sandwich Tray - 4 1 12" Platter 9 5.75 Regular --- ---i-- 142.30 Sale Price $99.50 with a d Shade room for our W6,9 5 $6.95 Vatch iis. particular wa.tch ilear them. $1O,93 1~ 'i e *9 THESE FEATURES " Luminous Dia! "' Water Resistant Eiuaranteed for One Year % ee JewIUeffy & 8W-S GftSh9p Bowmanville MA 3-5747 Mrs. L. Wearn, Enniski1iený Mrs. Walter Belth, Mrs. George Gilroy. Philip and :Pouglaý, MVrs. H. Gimbett, CeIumbus .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott, Mrs. Ken ,Hardy, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard. Osh« awa, were visitors at Mr. A W. Prescott's. Bruce Bowman stayed a feýv days with Grant Tamblyn at Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stin- son, Hamilton' visited at the Stinson home. M. A. Armstrong, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Osh- owa, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott. iMisses, Ruth and Marie and Mr. Herb Prescott were tea guests. with the McLeans, Blackstock. Miss Evelyn Pascoe is visit- ing with her aunt, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and family with Miss Myrtie Taffblyn visited- at Mr., Charlie Honey's, Dartfard. SMr. and Mrs. Franklin Tam- blyn and family, Hamiltan, were with the W. Bowmans recently. Miss Marie Prescott, Mission Band Leader, assîsted by meni- bers af the W.A. entertainud the Mission Band members 'a a picnic on the church iawn l.ast week. TICKRE T S TO EVERYWIIERE Air, Rail or Stéaiýkshlp Consuit JURY & LOVELL 3ewmanville' 15 King St. W. MA 3-.5778

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