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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1955, p. 4

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at the. front and pleated at the réealand Easterir New York f1aiarge d fhrindofafote 1 r and Mir pJle Peto elsHAEDTf bac Se wrar geri e il Stt~e .th ie c aae R~ecept ion or neihlar'gandherg of forer gcran e r dMspleet er- Rh are ag oqe uqos rsiet'crmwt Crydermn f amily. Ann was wit teir 1iovie camera and for TeWmnsMsinr with tbree cascades af pale white acceuaorlea and a* corsaeunrd escorted ta a gaily decorated p.kad wéhar oesado pin wehat1'S p . Brd chair and a pretty corsage of the riext hour or more we~re en-ceymeigwshl r tiny white 'munis. Prior ta the widding e ïrideroe indo-brsulr.trandbyfmeak et W eddings lpiss Berta Coile, maid of a pnk ranWdetoerl-S.rEn Iea o1 m ye n. ed onwhe hd n ear aind tr ili aclst arkwtML ara?,rs ihonour, wore a rnini greenl by Mrg. Fred Çrawlord Port Ee io SM e t= hapbinesa on * ehaf Yellowstone if-rk,' Sait L essieswr arece tiane tny e ljr,. e leho.t*Jor n arasrMiss, rl-thraugh tothe wCoabetel in Hapton O an d V-neckline. The full skirt Aréceptionetnrn they of Misre- Eleanoriesgiven by the la- visited fnîends, returning viathwtseiosmrnga * had embroidered trim, whilidO e i B1acuthe e - i î E~lano niu day a fteaan s TheUOtreasure turn'ed eut Wilinipeg. Regina and horne. atron r.A .Gaa also edged the bodice. She raueino îeaclg stiés an tht Auévent te aduye ctte onta be many useful and lovely The pictures were lovely but asamiiolrnusfomIda wore a matchîng headdress oai suetff i îac ttoo an Pait ae g 8Ç heman coitt.aeMn. gis. Lunch was served by a the urne was getting la'te aev- wl egets~ek shire nt ve tafeaan Prry Publie Schaols. caMiltine An harg. eral films were lefi- for another carnied j bouquet sirnilar ta ___ olo .Cak Misa" Bertha Colvi]le enter- time. The Président proposed Mr HSithacageo the brid a, amaller in size and It 'vas given by Mr&. Clark tajned aet the home of ber ý1îs- a vote af thanks to Mr. and wosisevc wthM. - ~~using yellow 'mumns. MASTERS - FAIRET and her daughier. Mii. James terdn-Iaw, Mrs. Bill Colvilie Peters for thé pleasure given ~TuladMs ogo s UMITMH CRYDERMAN formed thé ceremany, amid Beut man was Mr. Wm. Mar- D. Moore ai Ottawa, on the et a miscéllaneous shower. that .evening. This 'vas carried ssig hs'a alwdb Trinifty United Church 'vasbes of white gladioli. Thé chand, Oshawa, and thé ushérs A ver-y nreity wedding tock occasion ofai nucn the en- Mn*of Ann'a former scbool réfresh- with Baby Mifresh the scene of thé wedding af bride, weaning a long white were Mn. R. Snively, Harnilton, place - in St. John's Anglican gagement ai Miss Srnye ta Mr. friénds 'vere présent and pre- ments were sérvéd durmng théeinBnlaer n aet,, William Alan Smith, of Ogli- gown of penachee faillé, fash- and Mr. Pat Milosh, Oshawa. Cburch, Bowimanville, an Sat- Camer-on Clark. sentgçd ber ivitb a beautiful as- social balf hour by thé hostesa s getwt natnac awa, ta Annetta Gertrude Cry- ioned with. a painted fitied bo- At a réception in Tinity urday evening, July 30, wben Miss Srnye, daughter- ai Mr. saniment a - gifts. and committee, Mrs. W. Hén- a vroehnrd ufre derman, Satunday afternoon, dice and long pointéd sîcéves SundaySchool Hall, the bride's Barbara Jean. Fainey, daugb- and Mrs. Gardon Srnye of Harn- On Saturday, August 13, Mrs. denson and Mrs. Wm. McHolmn.vaetsai adwcsan Augusi 20. with a scalloped neckline. with mother wore heavenly blué ter af Mr. and Mrs Ernest J. Mlon, is ai nresent district home CrYderman entertained at 3 A-vote af ihanks ta thèse ladies cois 'ee sre, as BillSrnith, a sportscaster ful kint with deep invertéil crêpe 'vith lacé inserts in thé Fairey, became the bride of ecanomist f or thé Womnen's in. trousseau tea in honour ai lier cancluded a ver-y pleasant even -_______________ with radio station CKLB, Osh- pleats and iiny buttons down bodice and bracelet léngtb Mr. Terénce Perey Masters, son stitute Branch, Ontario Départ- daughter. Many iriends ai Ann ing. a'va, is thé son af Mr. and Mrs. the back, 'vas given in mar- sléé4es. She ware a small af Mr. and Mns. Archie E. ment af Agriculture, in thé and ber mother called ta see The regular cburch service John Smitb, Hamilton. The niage by ber uncle. Mr. îrwin matcbing bat ai velvet pétali. Masters, al af Bowmanviile. Couniies ai Dur-bamn, Peter-bor- Ann's trousseau gis. ws4l t1 ..o udy bridé, Ann Cryderman. la tîle Co]wilk, Newcastle. She 'voré a A corsage of pink rosés set off Whie gladioli and -,pink car- ough and Victoria. Mrs. W. Hanna and Mrs. E. 'augst 1s ai h0 a .m.o SAyW daughter ai Mrs. John Law- single,. 4r-and ai pearîs, a gif t thé gown. nations decoasted thé altar, Thé graom-elect, son af Mr. Clemencé, aunts of tbe bride, Harding once again in bis rance Crydér-man and thé late ai thé groom. ',The groamn's mother 'voré a far-ring a backgraund for thé and Mrs. Milton Clark, us assisi- were co-hastesses et the latte-'s accustoamed place after, summen Mn rdraa omn h rd vr aciggo'vn af aqua chiffon linen, cerémony 'vhicb 'vas perform- &nt agricultural repréesentative home in Osbawa on Friday holidays and as if ta greet bim Mr.ll e. ,o Bw a -hapbrdeaddr-éas ati pns with black accessories, and a ed by Rev. A.. C . Herbert. Mrs. ion thé same depaximent in St. eveniflff Augl4tlt ian-tee'vsqieaga oge cea oragea yellow rases. Evelyn Marchant preaided et Thomas. Following their, wed- beansal party given for the bri- gto.Sna colwshl Rev. T. Arthur Morgan per- chée faille with scal]oped trm roow in a mtrtun ai the angan and accampanied the ding an Sept. 10 lie 'vili cam- dal par-ty. -i Ilar..'vith an attendance ai thé Great takes, thé bride and soloisi, Mr. Rowvland Coofnbes, mence post graduaté studies ai aver 30. Mrs. F. McConnl * * * room in ii ive ai 758 Tenny'- %vba sang "0 Perfect Love' and Corneil University, Ithaca, N.Y. - conducted pnaééedings. Dur-mg N m ra evc 9 #snAvé., Oshawa. For thé "The Lord's Prayer". M- méadbrduhé LJA DieoéigssinJa n * - ** * boneymoon t~ip, t he bride ébieWbo waa glv- Miss Marilyn Smye ai Harnil- Ruth Mar-vin with Mary Beckett Ntuasonmnu ns 'vone a tailored suit ai navy en in marniage b her iath- ton 'ver-e among. 75 friends and Mrs. E. Warbunton, Oshawva, i sang ver-y sweetly a favourite mrkr n onrsae 'vool with shawl coller-, anad er- 'ore a floor ength go'vn relatives attending the r-ecep- spent thé week 'vith érd h hymn "I Amn Sa Glad That Our N.2HIHA E.0 * - - MONTRAL - ne thng aur famnily doe - in bound pockéts on thé jacket, -oaiîr-osîed wbite embr-oidered tion trMsALuk..i eve"acrpné IYLMT * Ithese prerioum surner evpnings, je ta rinse and with navy accéssonies. She tlethebdc ahand'rhTe vspu-é yMs . . M.aMrs. . Campkin and o n in yM.He len colm . i D ilO W RA561 stack the dinnpr dishe-q--thpn u'hip through them 'vore a pink cloché bai and a tle h oiefsindait e a ordb r. .B r n r.H ap in n npaob Ts ee com with the breakfast dishes in the morning before corsage aif'white gladioli and salpdenriee ul Mann, Mrs. C. E. Moore, Mr-s. 1 family spunt a 'veek at, Bir-ch Thé closing prayer 'vas given by adtm n ees hre we I.aveforwork or laylIt,' sosimpe n w th t pi k r ses.and sh seevés. Thé ver-y Scat. Berause Gay makes dieghwashing seo much easier! Bowmanville High Sebool, andbo f un c r eaeffeiaai e- chrgé o Caihé rk vih s binsml, Mrgan retE .eR ob-an Juet fil the cap of thé botte -and vou'vé exac'il, Peterborough Normal School, pliqued ____________of____chrgeofte___________Miss_________________tt an the ight amnount. (One I)ottle does ifty dishwashingm'!) You'II ike before becoming a téachér. She broidéred tulle about the hips. Barbara Clark, Mrs. J. Miller, Mn. and Mr-s. Ross Rabbins and the way your dishes. silver and gassware sparkle .. yulil be happv has beén ai Ritsan Road Publie Hen finger-tip veil 'vas caught Mrs. J. Hunier and Miss Mer- Gail, Toronto, visited with Mn., rO U R vv Eol~u~ ta see how gentlie Gay is oh vour bands. 1 llnd s0 many womén I School, Oshawva, for- îwo ye- aapaisude aoadbriy my sitn.adM-. rakGdry en, méét who feél just as pleased with Gay as wé are. Do try itl Bill Smith atténded Harnil- bhtouquet 'vas campoedaoisa on Sunday. Cria p.r! Freaher! Smooher! 'Al hose nire adjectives will describ o n H entis lkeen itéréste in Rer attendants, Miss Virginia1 a s aseMatyîvomeesonwiThronA.R EM II1 E -- ton Ce i enlyTchical eo-bd vihsehntS tirdays Bride tM,s. MyThto mpeesant. oon- your cattons, shirts, curtains when you atarch with sports, and played baséballin~ Stuti, Burlington, as miaid aif1 Watson. GLIDE LIQIJID STARCHI Glide bac,, .I thé United States, lacrossé in honon, Miss Eleanar- Leightan 1- Honoured Mrs. Rose Spry, Alberta, is' ta make starching easy. . . no ronking. boiling . . Hamnilton, and is a for-mer and Miss BarbariL Murdoch ai speading a féw 'veeks 'vith 'Mn. or straining! Ail yoit do ig add water to Glide - quarterback 'vith thé Hamil- Bowmanville, bridesmaids, 'vore Pr e and Mr-s. En. Spr-y. eithér hot or cold -and you have the smroothe3t ton Tiger- Cats football team. similar-ly styled gawns in 'valtz Prior ta iviciiage Mn. and Mr-s. E. Green and tarch thRt. leaves your laundrv .casier ta iran! It length wvhite argendy aven bni- femily returaed necéatly fr-arn s o c takes so lit t/e tim - to make'sirh a grrat differ- dal pink. Thé camea flecklines Pnian ta hèr- marriagé on Au- théin trip thr-augh thé States.> ence in thé appeal-ance of vaur shiris, table linense, t E HMSO vreacntdwt i20th ta Mr. Bill Smith, 0fo e i-vhe hruhN' BAI EY - HO PSO w re ac ent d it a wid , -ua Th y ra eled hr ug N wto n cutain-ihildr-en'sg frocks, or vouîr own cotton folded flangé, and thé long 'vide Oshawa, Miss Ann Cryderman Yonk Staté, Ne'v Hampshire, dresses. Ask for Glide Liquid Starch in the 32 o.- Baskets aif'white gledioli and s0 silhouettés éadéd in bouf- was guéai of honour ai séveral Ver-mont and Maine fa Calais,, or 64 oz. botf le -anri vouli he delighled with thé fer-n forrnéd thé backgr-ound for- fant skjr-ts. Their- headdrésses sho'ver-s held foonlier-. crassing thé barder- ta spénd a resulta you gett a lovély 'vedding on Satunday, 'ver-e haloés ai pink rosés 'vitb Mrs. Rasa Duncahson and few days with Mn. and Mrs. Aléx August 6th, 1955, ai thé home hem lengtb streamers and they Mrs. Gordon Hanna 'ver-e hast- Wade and Carolyn 'vho \vished «And You Warned He!" . . .- E was sad ta see the young bide's ai thé bridé's parents, wben car-r-led cascadés ai pink r-osés. esses et a miscellaneous show- ta hé rerembened ta friends in dismay when -she carne home from ber first holiday Ruth Elaine Tbompson, youngest Short, white gloves completed er- held in thé fonmer-'s home Otono and Leskar-d. Thev ne-1 to find the bouse had heen broken iao- and ber daugbtér ai Mn. and Mna. J. thir- costumés. in Oshawva wher-e numer-aus turaed home do'vn thé Coast, 4 l priceless wedding treasres-stolen!l Worst of 'jt Grant Thompson, Nestiéton, and - lovely gits'ver-e received. Dur-- visiting St. Johns, St. Andrws vas t bat ber father had urged ber, aven and over, Neil James Bailey, younger son bétm DoaldMs theradas ing thé événing thosé présent Portland, Portsmouth and Ide to rent 9 > Safet y Depasit Box at thé BANK 0F af Mrs. Howvard Bauléy and tébimefrbsbother- adwére entertainéd with a hum- Lake. MONTREAL,. For less than two cents a day you laie Mn. Bailéy af Blackstock uses'e- n i itchell, or-aus Bridé's Book prepared .Q/JIIcan keep your preciaus papers, jéwelry, and other 'véré united ini mer-nage. Guelph, and Mn. Lyle Boyle, by bier- aunt, Mrs. E. Clémence, valuables -safe front las., theft, lire on accident î Thé doublé ring cerernony Thornhill, uncle ai thé bridé, ai Oshawa, and fieind, Miss 0 O RS EV A E Mare and more, 1 find, people are realizing thé basic 'vas performed by Rév. C. W. A réception iallo'ved et thé Bertha Colvilé, Bowmanvîlle. I---O--**--I H ~ good sensé of renting a Bof M Safety Deposit Huttan, B.A., B.D., Blackstock, Lions Cornmunity C e n t ré,el Béfore thé close ai schoal théeIGiNGER ALE I IC L O A N E Box. Why not check with your own Boaf M and thée'védding xxusic 'vas Beach Ave., thé bride's mother staff af Ritsan Road School, Thé régular- monthly meeting E ,, :J manager? played by Miss Catherine Balley, neceiving thé guésas varnmg a Oshawa, helda tea, et which ai thé W.A. 'vas hèld on Wed- ______________________________________________ nly sister- ai thé groom, pale mauve tafféte dr-esvth théey pr-eséntéd the bride-ta-be nésday, August l7th in thé home IV Dr meu I Giver, in mer-nagé by ber- metching dustén coitt, wbite ac- wîth a lavely chafiag dish. af Mr-s. M. J. Osborne. There L RE M OD fethén, thé bride 'vas lavély in cessoriés and car-sage ai yello'v On July 28th, Ann and ber- 'er-e Il members and twa vis- a floor-léngth gownaif'white rases. Thé groam's mother as- mother 'ver-e învited ta the itors présent. Thé meeting 'vas 6S nylon net aven satin. Thé shir-- sistéd, wearing crushéd grape home of Mn. and Mns. Gar-net canductéd by thé Presîdéat, Mrs. r-éd bodice feetur-ed a lace s'veet- crystelette taffeta 'vith wvhite Rickar-d for- thé evening. Upon Rer-ny Beckett. Prayer 'vas led béant neckliné and cap siéeves accessonies. R er- cor-sage was enter-mg thé bouse théy found by Mnrs. Fred McConnel e::::s.s .. enhanced 'vith pearîs and se- also ai yello' r-oses. Thé r-al'vas celled by Secre- quins. Shé 'voré 'white net For a haneymoan trip taur-y Mns. Rer-ald Osborne. lu 'vith sequh ins enseé, éns'vr t anevcad gén mn e i thé coutrimetionALP E R car-onet of nylon net trimméd pale grer, inén shéath dréas suitable for a fiah pond. Thée y .5 , held e gaiber-ed iingen-tip length dse otad'ht césrwére red and approvedi veil ai tulle, bander-éd wlth îes endco-sagdwe acssr Thet chiéf business af thé éven- and Tcoeverareomonfthhhous matching lace. Thé bride woré 'mua. Mr. and Mrs. Masters Fng'va th fialplanin ai Fo a édbo le snth ofiten s, th a ponsev a, t é rd c oe aM w va nsvred b a c nti uio nciW e 1 obesrnda ens h wiîî résidé et 150 King St. East, l h détails connected with thé an- egit ai thé groom. She cer-nîed. Bo'vmanviîle. ulanvrry ndtnk Choef m or1ri 4-a quaint - b9uquetpi r-éd r-oses.- Last Year's Cotes offuai nsries toy an d tn hoefo u ag eeio foe white car-nations and stephen. -.WunaSétmerlt otswt oeukcsae udy Spebr1t.300 samples imany atis. vith rd c scadé. , CASSEL -LEASK Con Lé kThé thankotier-ing, envel.opes, Mr-s Nei Wéry, Nsiléon, .00typed by Mr-s. Mor-ton 1-eader- -s ~e~ sistér- ai thé bride, was, mman ai Baskets ai meuve, yéllow and i son, 'ver-e given aut ta al &Xbonour- 'varing a 'valiz léngth wvhite gledioli decoreted Trninty présent. Mna. Wm. McHolrnoai 1956~. Papers n aven net with metching hèad- wedding on Seîur-day, Au s .alrsdnsa o--s dr-cas. Miss Canal Wenny. thnee, o aiBr-ber-a Jeanétté t.ak Mns. Helen McHalmar-ga -. nièce af thé bridé,. 'vasthé litile daughter- of Mns. William Jams aCad Mr.Re--yBckt i-àM"N lo'ver girl. Shé war-e a short Leesk, Ba'vmanville, and thé laie THANK HEAVENS FOR 1 ar-e the cornmittee ch~ose take lo L AAC blué flawér-éd nylon dresa aven Mn. Leesk, and Mn. Leonard ' car-e Wof iCenes - oise crisp tafieta and a Pink floral Cassel, son ai Mn. and Mns. Her- , SANITONEI ALID IRT f on bath services. ForW xsCe -~~~~ " ~~~~héad-dr-éss. Bath attendants ber-t Cassel, Elmire. Rev. T. A. REMOVED... ALL SPOTS 'e Président askéd thet any-_________________________ ... carriéd aid fashianéd naségaya Moranr perior-med thé cèe Rf ONE r' one baving flowers ta sparé ta af pink and bine car-nations and môny. AR OVE> kndly bring thém ta thé church rnatching ribbon cascades. Thé bride 'vone a 'valiz lengih on Satiurdey,-the 17th, for décor- p c l Mn. Merlin Bailéy. Winipeg, go'vn ai white nylon ar-ganze ating. Mrs. Win. MeHolm and "My hero's Davy Cnackétt, youcnSée.. Man., aider brother- ai the aven taifeta, thé bodicé fashian- r.M to Hedsnci- groom, 'vas béat man. éd ai Chantilly lacé in siéeve- *mittela charge ai this. A D E S C Brave and strong 1 too would~ be. For the 'véddîng réception less stylée'viîh portrait néckliné * A Suashiné Box, iilled 'vith a ~~C R P L S béld in- Nestieton Préabyténian A long sleéved 'fitiéd jacket -.deily gi fr-ar membérs, is ta Sa it's me for milk, milk for me! Sundey School noomas thé bridé's woann aven thé badice féatured b eto ae pt atGn e .$.0 o 1 drink plénty of milk every day mothér réceived in a clnamon tiny satin buttons fr-arn iroat - -l Hoapital fan Mns. Haines by _________________________ Sa l'Il have pep for fun and play. bno'va linén drés'vith br-o'n to aat, a fiae-d butter-Ily cal- Mrs. H. Osborne. accessories and a corsage ai yel- ler, and ilaned péplum aven thé Mns. Fred MeConnell kindly (Does milk tasté great? Well, l'il Say!) lo'v ctysanthémums. Shé 'vas hip-line. Her- abaulder lengtb ofier-ed ber home for théeIISep-rn th Milk keepsm ula i n assisted by thé groom'e mather- véil ai ernbroidéred tulle illusion ,.- erévening meeting. Lunch C Ps e ul o vm ndvigor, 'véaring a flo'vér-d black nylon 'vas caugbît oae pedr-I cananet in commtéee, Mr-a. Morion Réa- J e A And kéeps me healthy, grwnigr. rs vt 'ht cesne n éri hp mrîeé 1h. drsnadM-.HrodOhné trwn i«y-.j idecsagi ie. avecsrysa nh-ri nedsecnidacsM.DwnBebradL-PAN & WA PA R brldé 'vas banored at Gêner-iel n germent life. Spots m oder tionMôtors ai Canada, Oshawa, vanish! Even per-spina- whéne she bas béen an employe yeens, end 'vas thé récipient af a Suits and dresses hold H R E R C N £ ' E rc --fr-arn er- deparimeni. 'She 'vas aurlst also preaeniéd 'viih a lovely tri- longer- Why not try it 8 C. - ýA. ~~~~~~lité iamp by fellow employees oaG ndt d Pefr nc 1. C .-.4 D .6 5 >oa her section. t d y Many lovely gits were also received by thé bridé-to6-be ai a misceilaneous sbowén héld ai t tbe home ai Mrs. Douglas Cale, ,.,Ou tsta nding A ttra ctio Ontario S.. Bowffanville. ZIhe ji-ouse of. è g a E E EG Comptition for one-ct. plays in Orona TownHal -. ---i j H'SFriday, Séptemben 9th and Saturday, September 10th e :0pm * * * I J J Undyier Entries alneady recéived fram Little Theatre Gop POR ~Cleaners & yr ifel, hothiv. oftoorrw ~acicemoeraio *~y o'EPU OSHAWA ZENITH 12006 'in Lakefield, Peterborough, Oshawa and Oron I GIT WA)1 .eal& Ent: ORONO CITIZENS BAND IN ATTENDAN CE I e -.~> .- .-. -- - - - ~ r- et - ~ s- -t-> - - - ------------------------------ ~ % -0 ýý , paér T(xm TM CANADIAN STATMMM WWMAxvnlaL ONT-&lqTn

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