?~UESDAT. AUG. lUth, 1955 -~ * *~ ~o a UAAW ~VU Lions Club Majorette With Admirers Beach- Groups Meet to Discuss Various Problems Possible methods ofor improv- ing the Bowmanville East and West Beaches were discussed at a meeting held in council cham- bers of the Town Hall Sunday afternoon and attended by re- presentatives from Town Coun-' cil, the Chamber of Commerce, the Bowman-ville West Beach Association and Guernsey Mc- Clellan, Secretary - Treasurer of the Port Darlington Harbour Company, which owns the ma- jor portion of the property at the two beaches. President Bruce Murchison and Secretary Mrs. Fred Cole of the West Beach Association stated that this body is very well satisfied with present con- ditions on that side of the piers, and also with the way council has kept the road to the West Beach in good condi- tion this summer. There has been no rowdyismn at dances this summer, they reportedl, and there are very few objec- tionable tenants in the cottages on the West Beach. Mr. McClellan intimated that Long Sault Club 50 Hiolds August Meeting Joan Morrison, left, leader of the group of 13 lovely majorettes who peri with the Leaside Lions Club Band at the Bowmanville Lions Carnival, Friday with Judy BroUgh, centre, and Yvonne Anonichuk, two of her many young ad: Not ail the admirers of the majorettes were ýoung, either, as some wives mn, noticed. -Photo by Carson Studio, Po Fish Pond Booth Popular Feature - - Long Sault Club 50 met Aug. * i16, 1955, at the home of Mrs. 'Murphy with a good attendance of Il ladies and littie Miss Margo Murphy xvho pravided some very nice harmany during the M'hymn-singing. 1The hymn "The L ord's My formed Shepherd" and The Lord's Pray- ;poses oer opened the meeting. "The trnirers.1 Good Shepherd" was the theme ae and foilowing this trend of ýy hav thought Mrs. Johnston read the rt Hope scripture fram the 10th chapter of St. John wherein Jesus as- sures of His cane for His fol- lawers. He expresses concern for the sheep which "are not of 1 this fold" but He is confident that they xiii heed His voice, though 'He must lay dowa His if e. The minutes were read and approved. Discussion of the bazaar which we hope to hold October 26th kept the tongues busy for most of the evening,. offering suggestions and high hopes. Quilt blocks and materials were handed out to be prepared for a special meeting soon. Mrs. Murphy was thanked for 'ijher home and hospitality and i the committee, Mrs. H. Murphy a~nd Mrs. Gable for a wonderful lunch which looked and tasted miore like a banquet. S Mrs. J. Ward.' Mr. E. Ward. Miss L. Horn, Miss T. Tiley, Mn. G. Bellnap, Toronto, Miss Cora Degeer, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tom.;, SIEnniskillen, were dinner guests lof Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon on.Sunciay. - ~7V~'~ n.and Mrs. Alan Malcolm and family, Toronto, at Mr. and Ricky Patterson, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson, Bowman- Mrs. David Malcolm's. ville, poses proudly with his prizes from the fish pond, while Pat Hockin, daughter Blackburn family picnic was' of Lion Clarence Hockin, in charge of the booth, looks on. held at Mr. and Mrs. W. Black- -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope burn's on Tuesday eveningl. Those attending wero, Mn. andý Mrs. G. Shacklcton and Ruth. ALronto, spent the iveekend at Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Mn. and Shirley Signs Autographs home. Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs A. E. Billctt family, Salem, Fredie Shackle-ý spent a few days with Mn. Fred ton, Hampton, Mrs. Colo, andj Bilettan failyatther ct-Miss Stella Blackburn, Bow-1 Bîlet hinCO-manville. tageon ake hanos.Mr. and Mrs. Leo ChitÉtick, Rev. Ted and Mrs. Kersey, Alice Faye, Bowmanville, Jimmie, Susan and Donnic, spent the weekend wit Mn Scarboro, have beon holidaYn41. and Mrs. W. Stnawbnidge With bis parents, Mn.adMr. M. and Mrs. RseiAdr 'S. Krsey.son, Banbana, and Allan, Port F/L Reg. K.ersey, AMrs. Ker- Hope, Mrs. M. Anderson, Bow- .y, Ronnie and Ricky, Down.;- manville. visited Mn. and Mrs. view, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ken- Arthur Trewin. -sey, Willowdale, also visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. McLaugh- tMe.n ant s Jcklnn, Buketon, were Sunday Mn. ad Mr. Jac Lvo visilors at Mn. and Mrs. Ross J.ohinnîe and Judy, spent a few Asîîton's. jdcays recently- at his aunts cot- Mn n r.OdhTrn tag atLeaingon.ta, at Mn. and Mrs. J. Aiken- - Mrs. S. G. Niddory and 'Mar head's. heaerenddromntkim- Mn. Frecker, Toronto, is vis- cao ad Tonnto.1 iting with MVr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Joe Chapman attended Aho n aiy the Elford reunion nt th shionr.and fMiv. entWak -Creamn of Barley Park on Sai- i Mn and Ms Kennwaleth ak er anaKennf Bowanvile, a urdayafteroon.Mr. J. Walker. -~ smpahy s exendd b Mrs. Arthur Read and Ina -;Mrs. W. Axfordl and fami1l' in Beryl, Mns. B. Ashton, Mrs. J. tbhe sudden doatb of hon moth-Posan Mr.AtuTein er, Mrs. Wmn. John:ton oni a 'Tusda eon 'l.'ihe funerp.l attended alinen shawen for Tuvesdas hoif mth M- iss Audrey Hav, at Camp- iris Funeral Chapol, Bowmn- beliford on Thursda.y evening. ville on Tbursday aftornooii, W.A. ladies had a sucessfu1 wvith bunrial in Verulam Coi-'sale of homne made cooking at eterx-, Bobcavýgeoii. Caesarea on Satunday aften- -î ý A combîned SLindav School'inoan. and church eiî%,ice is 1oing 1 Mn. and Mrs. M. Bertnim and held again on Sundav mornin'ý family were dinner guests of - a 1045.Mrs C.E.Daw wlihMn. -and Mrs'. Ron Morrison, TheLios Cu~ eîe\'e'Vforunae i obaînnghave charge of the le.osnn per. Oshawa, on Sunday. Shirley Campbel!, charmrn-, an d talented sw,\immcr frorn lad fan- the adults. mMn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Fergus. Ontario, ta be prescrnt at their annual carnix-al The refrezhing shuwers of!; atared ta Pudash Lake and Friday eveni ng. Shirley made a hit with the large crowd. MondaY' wcre very welcom-e Bancroft aven the weekend. Ilee hirey(niht sgns autographs for Joan Smith and and have sonew bat nclievd MnRoGrhmi udng the terrible brcai, a little cool2r a garage on tbe pnopenty whichj Carolyn Mason. air is being enioyed-. - ho punchased from Mn. Wni. -Photo by Cansan Studio, Pont_ Hope About farty relatives gather- Trewin. j d at the home ai -Mr. and Mrs. TT~Imr ~ e~nd with bis mather, Mrs. C. E. S. Kersey on Salîîrday evenig H AMPTONu1 Jeffrey. it heing a caînbined ddn Mn. nd ns.Hiltn Pton, Jannivonsaî-y and birthdav part f ~Mss Carol Yeo, Onoono n, wih ielton es. for members of -,le famîily. Tli t a few days with M.anDr. and Ms.EC.R- honored guests Wcro M1r. and r.Harold Quarry. DTo nonto. E. C.RehnMiss jMrs. Daug Rackham wha have Miss Margaret Ann Shackle'- LRe- 1 iOiWhed tIieir iifteenth veclding ton Saem ba ben! istn ds. anniversary, also Mn. and Mrs her gnandpanents. MnI. and Mr i\ Mr. and Mrs. JohnMi, Jack Lyon, whos;e fifth anni- Roland Shackleton. -Ajasx, %vere S-ondav ovening vorsany is at hand and -NIr. Master, Freddie Shackleton1 callers at the home of Mn. and Kersey"s birthdav aniv\ersar'i.. is xisiting with bis uncles at j -Ur- A. E. Billett. Ail these eveîîts Lbng close Sae. nr. and MrS. Kcnneth Sam- togethen a siunpn-i-e uelebraioa Tim Bate, Elmvale, called oniells, Nestieton. 'Mn. and vlrs. had heen planned. Alttor giftsý', friends bore on Fiday. RusselMuîjv Blackstouk I wene prescnted a cnrni and 1 -V 1 Miss Iris Axford Jackson's 1 ovre Manday calions at Mn. 'M.! iener roast was enjoyeci and a IS YOURTV PICTURE R/6b'r Point, spent a few days at. Mountjoy's. pleasant evoning .vas spent hy FOR TI4EIe-16WrP CALL US! a.pe last week. 'Miss Giadvs Chapman ne- ail.I r.Annie Petley and grani-1 turned ta Bunk's Falls on Sat- Mrs. E. H. Colo bas retunned gtrSusanne Joncs, To- urdy aften bolidaying at home. fnom visiting Miss Elsie M',ac- M Y LbE W Danto), spent the weekend here,. *Mns. Wintenbunn attcnded a Millan at Glen Sanfield. Mis-- at Harold Allin's and G. Ad- family picnic at Genieva Park MacMillan accompanied her RADIO TV SERVICE eock's. on Su'nda-. home and is spendîng a few Miss Dalene Ransbeni-v. Km. Mn.% and %Ifs. J. Harina and days wvith lien. Expert Repairs te Ail Makes by.vistcc Mn an Mr. Cf-Roseileni cnjoved a week's bol- Mn.Charlée Eltord. ISS3Sle t A338 lord Terrill' and girls. idav trip ta Kingston, Ottava 1Mary and Lena Elford. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jef- ar.d other points easýt ville, were guests of Mrs. Joe BOWNANVILLE frey, Toronto. apent the week- Miss Lorrene Warrack, Tc- Chapman. _____________ the East Beach was of more concera to' Port Darlington Harbour Company, as several of the cottages there do not have a, proper Water supply. He did flot like the idea of the cottages on that sie being oc- cupied the year round. Mr. Mc- Clellan stated that rents paid for the company's preperties 9n whîch cottages are located are very low and thé firm does not receive a great deal of revenue from its property. There was some discussion as to whether the Lakefront pr6perty. could be utilized for industry, in the future and Mr. McClellan feit that any firm ddsiring to establish there would probably want some as- surance that harbor facilities would be built before it would consider the location. Other members of the Port Darlington Harbour Company in addition to Mr. McClellan are: President George McClel- lan, Dr. P. E. Irelpand and W. F. Depew. Royal Will Show Film "Devil Take Us" A movie on traffic safe- ty, entitled "'Dcvii Take Us", will be ahown in the Royal Theatre Oct. 3, 4, and 5. This film is being sup- plicd by the 'Ontario Prov- incial- Police detachment, and las qonsored by local service clubs. Police Con- stable Art Watson of the Bowmanvilie O.P.P. de- tachment stresses that this film la valuabie to every- one for the information and the message It contains, and urgesalal to sec it when It appeara with the regular features at the Royal Thea- tre. BLACKSTOCK Misses Esther and Gail Woodward, Pointe au Bari!; Mrs. George Proutt, Caesaneat, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp. Fred Trewin and Keith Vap'n Camp are at Ottawa Fair this week showing their sheep. Mr. David Scribner and Mr. Terry Webster of New York, visited the Earl Dorrelîs and Normaýi Mountjoys last 'rues- day and Wednesday. Theymt in Florida'last winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heaslip, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Harny Van Camp. Misses Joyce Graham and Wilma Toms are holidaying in the States this week on a con- ducted bus tour. Sorry that Mns. William Van Camp is in Oshawa Hospital. We ail hope she will soon be in better health. Mrs. Nelson Mollon, Sunder- land; Mrs, Don Glover and family, Oshawa, with the Har- old Martyns. 1 jMr. and Mrs. Wally Mc- Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rooking, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. Cecil Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Imrie, Lindsay, (Vonnie Grieve) '.yere guests of honon at a shower i the Community Hall hast Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Charles Venning was Chairman for a variety program. The Hillbilly Ramblers Orchestra of which the groom is a, member played for the dancing. Mrs. Fred Bailey was the guest of honor on Sunday at a family party an the occasion of her 82nd birthday. Besides the local members of ber fam- îly, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Daw-. son and girl., came from their co'ttage at Pointe au Baril, and Mr. and Mrsýý.Bert Allen and Scampering Foot need a firm Sfondtion j ' WOLCOTT The best in shocs ton boys Wolcott Shoes give growing feet'the best possible foun- dation for future foot- Shealth. They're comhortable good looking and sturdy, too. S Sizea 124 te 4 $6.95 * Sizea 4%tog J OJHN STUiT 'SHQES 1King St. E. MA 3-5g39 BOWMANVILLE la la miJy of Wiflowdale. Congra-J tulations. Mr. Donald Bradbury of Lake Scugog and Toronto, took icharge of, the service at the United Chu.rch pn Sunday evening and Mr. ]Raymond Bkfadbury, played a violin solo. Mrs. Bert McMullen, Janet- ville, Mrs. Murray Malcolm and girls were Monday vis;t-1 ors with Mrs. Fred Bailey. MissJoar Veningvisited Mr. and Mrs. Pouglas Hayes, 1TQronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Vernning,I Mr. and Mrs. John Hamnilton were at Gravenhurst and en.- joyed the 100 mile cruise through the Muskoka Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bur-t and 1gmily, London; Mr. and Mrà. R. Ford and Roberta and Miss Jean Ford, Toronto, with Mrs. Robt. Ford.* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and j family, Scugog Point at Harold McLaughlin's. Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Di- ane, are holidaying this week with -Mrs. K. Noble at their cottage on Sturgeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Wrigh t, I Detroit, spent Saturday with Walter Wrights and Lloyçl Wrights. .Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tîmleck, Toronto, with Ray McGills. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Stewart an David, Florida, visited Mrs. Thomas Smiith several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Robert- son, Unity, Sask.,; Mr. and(Mrs John Pollon, Treherne, 'Sask., Mrs. J. Forder, ,Nestleton, with the Roy Taylors. Mrs. Norman Sommers, Shei- la and Glenn, Toronto, with Mrs. James Hgnry. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Bow- man, Lenore and Richard, Bar- rie, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brad- burn and Jimmie, Toronto, with Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stro.gI and Mrs. Robert Bruce attend-j ed Decoration Services at Plea-j sant Point on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Helen, Donald and friend, On]l- la, were Sunday tea guests with the Gordon Strongs and Mrs. Bruce. Mrs. J. A. McArthur and Ardes visited friends in Strat- ford last wIeek. The Goldwin Faint family have gone back to Toronto after a pleasant summer at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. Robertson,] Minden, with her' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. The Rev. C. W. Hutton fam - ily are holidaying this week at~ their house near Kemptville.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hall, Daw-- son Creek, B.C., visited the Hutton family last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- son and Jean, Mrs. W. Archer, Mr. Alec Dever and Miss Nora Venning visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Montgomery at Cedar Crest on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Art Rahm Tyrone, with the Stan. Rahms on Sunday. Mrs. F. fHepburn, Mrs. Wen- born, Mr. Ernie Henry, Osh - awa, with Mrs. Edward Darcy. Mrs. Blake Guliter enter- tained the O.N.O. club at her home last Thursday cvening with a wiener roast. Plans were made for the children's wmt I(NSCNE6$ STRIIKEs irs impoRTANT TO sE YOUR OOCTOR. AND WHEN 'Hrs GIVE( 'IOU.A PRESCRIPTION, ITS IMPORTANT TO GET iT Fi LLEO A- LOVELL"S PRI à Two Local Girls urday evening, August 20. Honored at Party On behalf of &hose prisent, Ruth presented Shirley with a Miss Shirley Milîs, daughter, folding umbrella, and Marilyn of Mn. Harold Milîs, Enniskil-1 with an ivory travelling dlock, len, and Miss Marilyn Spicer,! for which they both expresse* daughter of Mr. afid Mrs. A. H. their deep appreciation. A social Spicer, -Queen Street, Bowman- time was enjoyed,~ and a de- ville, who will leave shortly tol licious lunch was served by Miss become nurses-in-training atý Betty Carruthers, Miss Margaret Peterborough General Hospital,' Finley (of St. Thomas), . and were honoured guests, at a, fare- Ruth Rombough. Weil panty given by Miss Ruth Rombough, High Street, on Sat- I picnie at Williams' Point this Thursday afternoon. Rev. M. R. Sanderson. Mrs. Sanderson, Harry and friend, Toronto, were Monday supper guests ni Mr. anid Mrs. Clar- ence Marlow and Bill. TI1C E TS8 TO"EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamnshlp Consult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 "Deser! Star' by Royal Do'ulton A new pattern in open stock dinnerware, Modern in design, it is a soft beige color combincd with teal blue, suitable for nn'y type of home - reasonabiy priced. A 5-piece place setting -$ 5.6 5 Very New in Our Wool flepariment "POODLE WOOL" Made in France - Beautiful shades of coral, bine, green, 'yeliow - te make sweaters, stoies, baby things. A 2-oz. bal-------- 98C - at - Bowrnan ville Business School FALL TERM BEGINS -SEPTEMBER -6 For Enrolmeni write Mrs. C. A. Barileil, Box 487, Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5434 10 te 12 a.m. daily or eall for a personal interview at "The Bluffs", Bowmanville Beach East, evenings. Praduced by IM PERIAL L WA YsTOBACCO COMPANY REFUL0F CANADA, LIMITED As a public service THANK YOU' Being forced Io vacate the premises which 1 have occupieci for the pasi three years as of Augusi 22nd, I wish bo sincerely thank ail my friends and customers who have patronized my service station in the pasi and helped make tbis 'business the succes: il has been. HNoping Io again be of service Io my customers in the Bowmanvilie District in the near future. Ed Foran - - - - - - - - - - - I. i..1 --- - - - - - - - - lur'm-, WDAT, Atm. 2sth, io5s TIM CANADUS 1frAeEBUM. PAM vq" a