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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEE TUECAADANSTTEMA. OWANILE.OeTAMI The Corporation of the Town of Bowman ville By-mLaw Number 1587 A BD-LAW i. u'1LU LAIE AND RESTRICT THE USE sanie lot as a main building, the use Of which is clearly the (round at the front of the building and, AMLOCATION 0F BUILDING AND PREMISES, THE HEIGHT incidentai to that of the main building, and shai! not be (I) In the case of a flat roof, the highest point o: AND BULK 0F BUILDINGS AND THE OCCUPANqCY 0F LOTS used for human habitation, and includes a private the roof surface or the parapet, whichever is tht WITHIN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE AND FOR THE garage. getr DIVISION 0F THE SAID TOWN INTO USE ZONES FOR (b) "main building" means the building ini which is carried (il) In the case of a mansard roof, the deck roof line SUCH PURPOSES. on the principal purpose for which the building lot is(I)an used, and in the residential zone, the dwelling is the (IIn and case -of a gable. hip o gn oothi THEECOUNCIL 0F THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 0F main building. mIn hih tenthe . or amb rel , XHE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. (c) "ýarea of building" shahl mean the maximum horizontal exclusive of any roof construction used only as orna. projected area of a building, includîng covered porches, ment such as a penthouse, chimney, tower or steeple. '. efluitlons but exclusive of steps, terraces and comnices. (e) "building line" shah niean any line regulating the (a) "Accessory building" shall mean a subordinate building (d) "height of building" shall mean the vertical distance position of a building or structure on a lot. or structure whether separate or attached located on the between the average elevation of the finished surface of (1) "established building line" where the combined frontage ESTABLISHING 0F USE ZONES 8. 'For the purpose of this By-law, the mnunicjpaltv lu hereh, divided into the following use zones, the boundaries of whjcli are more palticularly described in the schedules of descrip. tiens of use zones annexed hereto, which are hereby declared to form part of this By-law. (I) Residential Zone: ahl that portion o! the Town of Bawmanville, boundaries of which are described in schedules hereto. (I1) Commercial Zone: ail that portion of the Town of Bowmanville, boundaries of which are described in schedules hereto. (M) Llght Industry: ail that portion of the Town of Bowmanville, houndaries of whîch are described in schedules hereto. (IV) Heavy Industry: ail that portion of the Town of Bowmanville, boundaries of which are describ- ed in schedules hereto. (V) Rural Zones: ail that portion of the Town of Bowmnanville. boundaries o! whhch are described in schedules hereto. The lands in each of the Zones aforesaid are shown graphicall,) on an attached plan, Exhibit "F" hereto annexed. Except as hereinafter provided, ail buildings, structures and parts thereof erected and any building, structure on lands or premnises shall be used for the purposes pernitted ini the zone RESIDENTIAL ZONE i- 9. In the Residential Zone. herein referred to as Zone 1, tche requirements shaîl be as follows, andi no buildings or Structure, or part thereof shail be erected, altereti or used, andi ne ]and shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (al Permitted Usqes: (1) Single and two famnily dwelling andi duplex or double duplex, apartmnent houses and multi-family dwellings. (2) Church. <3) Municipal buildings with no outaide storage (4) Community centrei, (5) Parks and playgrounds. (6) Hospitals. (7) Schools. (8) Greenhouse, but not where operateti as a business with no outside storage. (9) Any professional office when part o! the practitiOn2rs own home, provided this shaîl net be deemne- to permit the carrying on of a funeral home or an 'y of the services performed by an undertaker. A sign is perrnitted ta show practitioner's name and callhng. provided same is not more than one foot by two feet, or two square feet in area. ~'--~ 'g ~' k. KI =G ST, 1 1 oft 'he existing buildings on. any side ai -one block, exceeds more than one hait of thé frontage of the said aide, there shall b. determined an established building lie as at the average set back from the street lin. of existing buildings, provided that this distance is nlot iess than torty teet tram the centre line ai 'the street, and turther provided that the foregoing proviso shall net apply where the said existing buildings front on a streeb having a width hess than sixty-six feet. Where less than slxty-six feet and no "established building line" the building lin. shai! not be less than fiity-iive feet tram the centre lin. of the street. (9) "dweliing unit" shall mean a room or a suite of two or more rooms, designed or întended for use by an individual or tamily for dwelling purposes, and within which sanitary conveniences and facilitles ton cooking or the installation o! cooking equipment are prnvided. (h) "family" means one or more pensons living as a single )f ~and non-profit housekeeping unit in a dwelling-unit and îe includes: (1) domestic servants, Ci one family or cingle family dwelling" shail mean aI)raeso onesnteceigto e separate building containing on. only dwelling unit. ()"duplex" or two dwelling units divîded horizontaily; "semi-detached" two units divided vertically. (k "multiple dwelling" shail mean a building cantaining e three gr more dwelling units. (1) '*lot" in a nesidence area, shahl mean the land appropriat- e ed for the exclusive use o! one dwehling and elsewhere the parcel o! land on which a building or group of buildings is erecteti. "front lot line" shal iean the lin. which divides a building lot from the street, provided that in the case of a corner building lot, the charter building lot line that abuts a street shah b. deemed to be the front Une. and the longer that se abuts shall be termed a "side lot lin.". (m) "Yard" means an open, uncovered, an unoccupied space appurtenant te a building. "front yard" means a yard extending across the fui! width of the building lot between the séreet on front boundary of the lot, and the nearest wall o! any building on the lot. .'rear yard" means a yard extendnig across the full width of the building lot between the rear boundary of the lot and the nearest Wall o! the main building. "side yard" means a yard extending from the front yard te the rear yard and from the side boundary o! the building lot to the -nearest wvalh of the main building. (n) "storey" shall mean the portion o! the building other than the celar which lies between the surface o! the floor and the surface o! the next floor above it. or if there is no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the* ceiling on roof next above it. (o) "half-storey" shahl mean a storey which is situated wholly or in part, in a dloping roof, the area o! which, at a height of not less than four feet above the floor, does net exceed one-haîf of the floor area o! the store3y below it. (p) "hotel" shall mean a separate building or 'two or more connected buildings used mainly for the purpose o! catening to the neetis o! the travelling publie by the supplying of food and also by the funnishing o! sleeping accommodation of nlot less than six bedrooms: as -dis- tînguîshed from any other building or connected build- ings useti mainly for the purpose o! supplying food and lodging by week or otherwise. commonly known as "boardîng houses" or o! furnished living 'quarters for tamilies, and having a dining room or restaurant, comn- monly known as "apartment houses" or "pnivate hotels". q)"hîght industry" shahl mean any industry which is not offensive or likely ta be offensive by reason o! the the amount of noise, smoke, odour on vibration. (r) "Inspecter o! buildings" shaîl mean and refer to such offîcer or employee of the Corporation as may be designated as such by resolution o! the Councilo! the Corporation. and in 'the absence o! such designation, shaîl mean and refer to the officer on employee frdrn timfe ta time employed by the Corporation in the capacity o! Town Assessor. 2. The provisions a! this by-law shahl apphy tealahiof the lands inchuded in the Municipality o! Bowmanvihle the Boundanies o! which are described in Exhibit "A" attacÎ~ed heneto. 3. When the regulations or requirements e! any Depantment of Gov'ernment impose greater restrictions than the restrictions impaseti by this by-law; then such greater restrictions shaU SCOPE 0F BY-LAW 4. No dwelling. business, trade or industry shail be located. nor shahl any building or structure be erected or used, nor shall any land be used, except in conformity with the regul q- tions and provisions of the By-Law and any amendmnp thereto. 5. The permissible uses, the minimum size and' dimensions of building lots, the minimum size o! yard and the maximum. percentage of building lot which may be occupied by befild-.. ings are set out -herein for the respective land use zones. 17 6. Uses other than those stated herein, lots or yards smaller and"' coverage by building greater than that stated herein are prohibited. 7. General Regulations in AIl Zones: <a) Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the use of any land as a public park, community park, playgnound, or high- way. (b) No building shall exceed thîrty-five feet in height, and no accessorv building shall exceed fifteen feet, or one storey in height, except in Zones 4 and 5, whene no buildings shahl exceed fifty feet in heîght. (c) In calculating the height of a building, atny construction used as ornamental or for the mechanical operation of the building, such as a penthouse, chimney, tower, cupola or steeple, shah flot be included. (d) The erection cýr use of any building for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes orn a building lot which is too low to permit proper drainage, is prohibited. (e) The total area occupied by accessory buildings shail not exceed eight per cent of the area of the building lot on which it is situated. (1) No accessory building shahl be erected, or used at a distance of less than five feet from the rear or side boundary of any building lot, and when not attached to the main building, shaîl be located in the rear yard. EXCEPT:- Provided that where dwellings existed on abutting lots prier to the passing of this By-law and the foregoing provisions as to side yards for a garage cannot be adhered to: (a) A double garage mnay be erected with a common wal on the common side lot line for such lots and in the rear yards thereof at a distance of not less than ten feet front the near walls .of concerned dwellings. OR (b) A ingle attached-to.dweîling garage mnay be erted

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