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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 9

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OBITUARY DORA LAW 30 Million Trees. Be Distributed )ntario Nurseries ý* that you were elumnSY enough 'O e Lta leave it in the wsro h day befare. wsro h ~ Gawping around and spiling' yaur glass of milk down the W ! back of the guy ahead in the W II chaw ulne, then trying ta con- r vince him he is sweating. j .g Fargetting to write that longA I ut promised *itter, then trying toa I DU weasel out by blamingthf e Postai Dept. for losing ithe The Orono 'T Swanking around in shorts Of five~ in th in and bare torsa, thinking to im- help produce g9 pres others with your mascul- for d is tribu tion et inity, when in reality, they spring. [y think you look like a hairy ape The. 6,000,0(i il and are acting like a lunkhead, over last year' n (whatever that is>. nounced byt iY When the soit drink iran Lands and Fo ýO bandit in'the smfoke room gocs Clare E. Mapl et nuts and spills out a drink an'j reported well n~ 35c change after you had in.- fuifillment. serted a dime, you insist cn LandownersN *returning the over-plus ta tje acres,,exclusive *x Canteen Service. be planted irr i Maltonitis bas you in a firrn ter belt, may ai 'o grip when your O.T. assignz stock for planti Yau. ta carry 5 pound weights -of '56. Trees u for 15 minutes anSi yau ini bundles of 25 t an carrying 15 pouniders for a foi Scotch pine -full hour. 1.000 for other 0 Usually, people have two pine (native fiv d speeda, i.e., slow and fast, but red, Jack ané after exactly five days at the white spruce,1 aRehab. Centre, every patient. white cejdar, w racquires a gait that is three maple, Carolin [l tixnes slower than the slowest black locust. ikind of slow on the "outside", Other N jthus proving that, when told to Other provii relax, patients don't believe n are at St. 'W kidding. Thus, they acquire Çounty, Midhun »what is known at the Malton Kemptville, anc Crawl. liam. Anather form ai Maltonitis It was haif a us, when you are a newcomer, 1905, that nurs trying ta impress thie other duction and cî guys with your importance inl begun by the the social and economic circles, the appointment and then proving what you ta the staff of th really are by squawking like cultural College bell that you can't possibly fîrt stock was keep a small wife and large Europe but wit family on the miserly pittance mand the policy doled aut-ta you by the W.C.B. tablisbmýt was A bloke bas it real bad when Ontario s f irs he insists on starting work be- forest tree plant fore. 8:30 a.m. and continuing îished in 1908v later than 4 p.m. And bow do purchased at thE you explain, at home, buying Williams. There ahl those two pound boxes bf sive areas of lil chocolates for the O.T's? which had been One fellow proved he had a its capacity, and real jag of Maltonitis on board matter was gone wben he dashed bis radio on subject . to erosic the floor (breaking it) upon was an area ril seeing his wife comiil¶g ta visit tion was needed hlm. Most of the fellows are demonstrated t "over the bill" when tbey pre- largo-scalo hanc fer ta stay in camp over a long and at the sain weekend rather than go home. was suitable for Howover, it is oncouraging of seed beds ta note that, Maltonitis can be lines. cured quickly, painlessly, per- 0f the total ac manently by one application oi a panacea known a.5 a "dis- B sns charge." Whicb is a piece,,ofains white paper certifying that the bearer is ýiow reasonably sound in wind and limb, and ready A c c o unr ta be foisted back on an un- suspecting employer. ~ JH Cnartereci Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. Phone MA 3-3612 The death occurred August J. HUNTER AND COMPANY 17 of Dora Law, wife of Chris Law of Newcastle, and daugh- Certified Public Accountants ter of the late Mr'. and Mr' - Oshawa 5-1621 John Dickson. Besides herhus- Successors ta O. S. Hobbs band, she is survived by one brother, Henry Dickson o!f Toronto, C h 1r op r actc Mrs. Law wias born on the - Dickson homestead, Trickev's G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Corners. She died after an il. Chiropractor ness o! ton days, at Mernoniail Office- Hospital, Bowmanville. Specialty Papor Produots Bldg.ý A homnemaker, Mrs. Law was 63 Tenrperance Street a member of the Unitcýd Phono MA 3-5509 Church. She enjoyed caring Office Hours: By Appointment' for the flowers at ber home.,- and in bier vounger dàys wa- nI active in bowling and bicycl- D. n i ing. Funeral services were held DR. IV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Fridav, August l9th, from hz-r Office: JurY Jubiiee Bldg. honme, Mill Street, Nowcastle', 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville' with Rex'. J. Kitchen of Orono Office Hours: officiatingr. Interment was in 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Bond Head Cemetery. Floral 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday tokens includcd wre aths fromn Closed Sunday the Horticultural Society and Office Phono MA 3-5790 the Wornen's Association ot' House Phono - Newcastle 3551 the United Church. Palîbearers were Jack Crago, DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Alfrad Adair. Chris Barcbard-, Office in bis home Cecil Carveth, Harve Bnitton 100 Liborty St. N. - Bowmanville' and Frank Gray. Among those Office Hoxîrs: present at the funeral fràm a 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily distance were lier brother, 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Henry Dickson, and three lsdSna nieces. Mrs. R. G. Wright, Mrs. PhoedMASunday4 Gardon Watson and Mrs. PercyPhnMA350 Armitage, ai Toronto, and Mr. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. and Mrs. Lew Bellwood, Stay-- Office Povorty is fia disgrace toaa man but it is confoundodly in- canveniont.-Sidnoy Smith. VIGOR OIL Co. announces the openi'ng of its New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on, Hfighway No. 35 FreGosw given away with the purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR HIGH TEST GASOLINE zirlgb. rt. - oowmanvuîle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L eg al STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors 'è Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q.C. A. A,. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvilie Telephone MA 3-5791_ LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie King St. W.- Bowmanville ]phones: Office MA 3-588 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, HA. Barrister Notary Public 33 Temperance St., Bawmanvilie Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barr ister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperahce St. - Bwianvlle, LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First mortgage funds Residences - Farina Business Properties Op!omeiry KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowrnanvtllie Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 ~m Manday ta Saturday exeept Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointrnt JOHN A. OVENS Ontometrist Jury & Lox'oll Bawmanviile Phone MA 3-5778 Tree Nursery, ont he provincè, wil S30,000,000 trees in in Ontario nex M0 tree advancm 's target was Iam the Minister oý rojests, the Hon ledoram, and ii on the way tc with at Ieast twc re of buildings, tc woodlot or phel- apply for nursery the spring are supplied tir at $14 per '1,00< ie and $10 per rvarieties. White îe-needled pine), d Scotch pine, European larch, white ash, -silver rie poplar and Nurseries rncial nurseries Villiams, Norfolk irst,, near Barrie, d near Fort Wil' acentury ago. in rsery stock pro- distribution was SProvince with it of E. J. Zavitz te Ontario Agri- eat Guelph. The simported from h increased de- ry of nursery es- as adopted. st nursery for .ting was estab- when land was e village of St. re were exten- ght sandy land ifarmed beyond donce vegetable m ruch of it was on by wind. It where reforesta- d. The project the value of nd reclamation ie time the soil )r the aperation ând transplant acreage of 4,200 Direclory_ tianc y There's nQ styling liko Thundorbird styling .. . thc sMartft, cleanest, most modern bcauty on the road is yours in evmeyan of Ford's COmpletely new and différent high-style modelsl There are no finer power features thon you'iI find. in- Ford .. . "Mster-Gujide" Power stecring, "Swift-Sure- powcr brakes, 4-way powcr seat and power window lift-as weil as Speed-Trigger Fordomnatjc Drive, naw with, new automauic low-gear starts. THE CANADIAN sTATrSaNt. 11OWMANVMLE. TARIG ke at SI. Williams, only 310 are Il used for nursery stock prdu- M tian. Some ai it was 1bush o t sorts when purchased and the open land has been planted ta ,e trees. The annual production target at St . Williams alone in i1954 was close ta 9,000,000 trees the bulk o! it coniferous or s3 evergreens with approximately 10 100,000 wlldlife food shrubs, a more recent development. The 0 Department also has assumed 0 responsibility for growing or- -namental stock for 'planting Y along with provincial high- 9ways. n "Needless ta say. that orna- 0mental stock is flot for public rdistribution," explained John e C. Jackson, ai the Division of Reforestation. ",Stock which us shipped out is only 8 ta 12 in- ches bigh and is not suitable rfor decorative planting." LESKARD Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Art Young on the bîrth o! their son. Michael Arthur. Proud grandparents for the first time are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Sorry ta bear that Mrs. Ron- ald Page is in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. We wishs ber a speedy recovery. 1r k Mr. and Mrs. D. Smeathers and Brian, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Loucks. Master Peter Loucks bas re- turned home after spending a week wîth Mr. and Mes. D.c Smeathers, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshal0 and sans, Bowmanville; Marg-c aret Everett, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Greena Sunday.c Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey visited Mes. Mary Spcv on Sunday. We are sorry to bear r that sbe is flot s0 well. We welcome Mr., and Mrs. William Boyd and family to1a! Leskard. Tbey are residing inM the house owned by Mr. Jerry e McDonald. Mes. Boyd (fiee ti Pauline Rabbins> was born in ti Leskard. g Congratulations to Mr. and rE Mrs. Leland Baîl (fiee Kay Green) wbo were marrjed on t Saturday. te Mrs. Neta Deweil, Bowman- M 'ville, with Mr. and Mrs. E.w -BETRANY One bah-mile o! bard top surface bas been an added im- proivement ta the streets in Betbany village. It is hoped that next year ail the streets wiili receive the same treat- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, Markdale, are with Mr. and Mes. Ross Care for three weeks' vacation. Miss Lauretta Rowan, who bas been home for two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rowan, bas .returned 'a Iroquois Falls -resuming her duties as teacher in the public school there. Mrs. E. Henders, Yelverton, spent several days last week with Mrs. Wm. Cavano. A numbèr of Bethany friends attended the anniversarv party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilired Reynalds, Cavan, wbo were celebrating their weddling day of 25 years ago on Sept. lst. They were preseni- ed with an accasional chair and wall mirror. Mr. Reynolds hasý been a member of the Bethany baseball team for a number af years'. Mrs. James Neals, Markdale, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neals. Mrs. Winnifred Fitzgerald, Peterborough, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDoii-i aid, Toronto, were with Mis. Richard Fallis for the 'holiday weekend. Miss Gayle Bristow, Oshawa, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. M. MeGee,, Raglan, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Waddell during the weekend. Rev. James Hampson and Mrs. Hampson, Greenwood, called on friends in the village. William Shean left Saturday, on a trip thcaugh Wester-n C.anada. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan, and family are at thoir summer cottage near View Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sande.*- son spent the weekend in Tc-, ronto. Farewell Presentation. A - surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.; Wiilliam Jordan on Tuesday evening, when co-workers of the maintenance department o! the Canadian Pacific Railway gathered ta honor Mr. Jordan's retirement from service. William Henry, Lindsay, cead the address signifying t he es-! teem of those who worked witb Mr. Jordan and exprossing the wish for health and good bh. f 7ax',s in the coming years. Paul! Nimigon. Fleetwood, presented a Iovely tri-light floor lamp fram the Maintenance af Way Brotherhaod and a aubstantia purse Of maney from the em- ployees af the , Peterborough. Bjobcaygeon sub'-divislon of the C.P.R. Mrs. William Henry jpresented Mrs. Jordan witl a1 Icorsage o! pink carnations., r and Mrs. Jordan each exp:ressr- ,ed their sincere thanks for the, ldvely gifts. Mr. Jordan is a veteran of World War 1, serving averseas for two years. He is retiring after 40 years -of faithful and efficie 't service ta the railway and wll be missed by a hast ai friends ail alang the line. He was employed at Bobcaygeon and Renfrew and bas been fore- mn aio maintenance at Bethany since 1939. The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing ta music sup- Owen. R. -Chapman Secretary. Thore's n'O power 1ke Trigger-Torque power because only the world's most expcricnced V-8 builder could bring you this kind of instantly responsive "Go"-wjth a great 162-Hp. averhead- ~M4valve V-8 engine standard equipmcnt in every model!1 There' no ride like Angle-Poised ride .. . Ford is first in its field ta, bring You the road-huggij'g smaothness, the steady steering, the relaxed, easy handling of bail-joint front suspension! Theres no 'value like Ford V-8 value Canada's provedi V-8 leader is worth more when you buy it, Learn what if's lilce to drive the. V-8 leader ... Ford v-8 e, se.m om lm a e ainL ew a ef e A e ,Have Yom drive,, a Ford ..lateîyp HS Tifsi OUR NviTTioN...SEE TOUR IORD-MONARCH DEALER SOONI CR VETH Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 CON O HS E IA- FRIH BS VLE *S SDCRSADTUK ,4,- otvaluesU thiem ail in every mo del at 10 extra cost! 4110 Gai. fax me. Gal. Tax lac. O0VE OLà-for your coitveniece, in smiell quant.ities available at the station Open Evenings and Sundays NOTICE IN THE MATTER 0F Section 3 90 of "The Municipal Act" (R.S.O. 1950 Chapter 243) and IN THE MATTER 0F an application of the Corpora- tion '0 the Town of Bowmanville for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law Number 1587 intituled: "A by-law to regulate and restrict the use and loca- tion of building and premises, the beight and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of lots within the, Town of Bownianville and for the division of the said Town into use zones for such purposes." Appointment for Hlearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the lSth day of September, A.D. 1955, nt the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon E.D.T. at the Council Cham~bers in Bowmanville for the hearing of ahl parties interested irr support of or opposing this application. Dated at Toronto this 26th day pli 1 Il ____ ____ ____ ____ ___PAGE NMm 1 Bristow and, Morley McGill with Leslie Argue,. Eurketon. c.alling the square dances. Lunch was served. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby Mohawk 8-3552 318 Dundaà St, E., Whltbi FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when vou choose from- the wide selection afi' imported and domestie Granites and Marbies in stock C)RD MOTORb

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