~AII ta see, aise the shoreline of ex- iRotary Club vveucomes qisite green and flower be-1 decked homes And Government Distict .,... Fida Buildings. They remarked un "Distric Goyern r Frid V the similarity ofth mrs 'Hotel. Vancouver and the Cha- .f; The Rotary Club of Bow- ards of business and proies-, eu' taa oravletmro llb otsas n otrn h d They didn't have any trou- ,ftanaie Rtor, Govll eror sos n oseigtea-ble crossing the border but they ofMath e 6hDrct of RGotry vancement of good wilI, under- did feel it was a bit pi a plunge bÂnternational. who is making when they finally reached the .j.his annual official visit ta eacni crossing point. However, now -ifÇf the 40 Rotary Clubs in they are there they say they Southern Ontario. He will ad- feel pretty much at home. .,riress the Club and confer with They spent the first night in .FPresident Keith W. Jackson Billingham, then on to Tacoma _.ànd Secretary Jas. H. Stutt, and -a'drive up the Majestiq Mt. nld cammittee chairmen on ...Rqinier. At Vancouver, Wash- ilzayamnîteto adse ington, they attended the S' ,.,,Wce a iviies.Luke's Episcopal Church anâ Mr. ecto is ice resientenjoyed the service very much. à1r.Recor i Vie Prsidnt!The church was full and minis- 1>'e The Griffith Laboratories, te pk anyo ryr. He -:.iiited, in Toronto and is a mentioncd that it was, like a .,_;Mem ber ai the R~otary Club of boat hook pulling the boat ta Leaside. He was elected Dis- the shore, not the shore ta thl- ..4rict Governor af Rotary Inter- boat. He felt there were five nX «ational for the 1955-56 fiscal parts ta prayer and we had a year at Rtary's Golden Anni- cntn ôaywt si h versry onvntio inChiagouse of one hand (not that lie 7last June. He, is one af 238 Dis- avctdcutn narfn ~,trct overorssupevisng te Igers-but ýust as a reminder). activities of some 8,700 Rtar\ 'He outlined the five parts- aý: Clubs which have a member- adorafjn, confession, intercel- -Bihip ai 414,000 business and sion, petitian, thanksgiving, and !<Iprofession executives in 92 the girls feit they were surelv countries and geographical rc- worth remembering. qigians throughout the world.Inteaero hydov !!n Whercver Rotary Clubs are Maurice Rector Iond thaenooandie the rv located President Jackson a ý- standing and peace .amang ail Sanctuary af Our SorrowvIul Afertecd in, discussing the Gov-Mh ýèrnPsVstter'iiis the peoples of the world. Mohei. It is a Roman Catholic Visesi it, theirfactivities Shrine and the Gratta is beau- simlartathoe o te R- ach year, this .worid-w'(-c tiful. It is carved or hollawed * tary Club of Bowmanville be- service arganizatian continues out ai solid rock on the side of f1eause they are based cin thp ta r grow in number and ini a high embankment. The S n(:- *.-ame general objectives-devel- strength. During the past'fi- tayndl]loghescr -opiîlg better understanding a:id cal year, 416 new Rotary Clubsmtuyan laase ng th scarpv fellowship .among business and wcre organized in 50 countries growing an it and Iithstn professional men, and pramnt- af North, South, and Central« steps leading up la ithv ]Dg cammunity-bcttcrment un- Arnerica, Europe, Asia. Africi,grs grig tee th cleîtakings. raisiîî3 the stand- Iailrd the lslands of the Pacifie. stons. Igoks belikea t peaceful place io matter h!aw many people are about. M o e ho 5,0 0 ile In Florence, Oregon, thc-, sta\ ed at a lavely camping area called Jessie Honeyman Mcm- Coverd by 3 Tra elles aral Park. Each spot has i's C ove ed y ira e. ers own table and lîttle fireplace, 1htand cald water plus sho. 1It is now thrce months sinLei lunches they saw much of the ers. They werent bothcred Bette Hansberger, Wanda Mc-1 wild animal life, bears esPe- with rnasquitoes but it turnedi Kay and Isabelle Naylar, "The cially, and,,ane was bold cnough o ut ta be quite a cald nig.ýt J eabes 'in the Woads", as they to take charge of the girl's ta- and they had difficulty gettingl have been named by the office k~e causing them ta beat a has-j their legs straightened out in associates, leit Bowmanville. ty retreat ta, their car. -temrig hywr ldL 'Their trip thus far bas covered -Due tQ wasiîouts Ille route i-uî araudadgt h ao Over 5,PO0 miles ai nevcr-cnd ttook thein ta Spokane, Wash- und a cokndgTe th ac o, ing beauties and adventure. The ington, and at Grand Coulec cap their kindling but a maý' %National Parks ai the provincesi thcy visited Coulce Dami, tht'n from another camp came ovc-ri and States have proven that into Pentictoni, B.C., and the and asked them if iL woul-i çamping is now truly civilized cherry archards. They will ai; spoil any ni the adventure ifý camping. The -sleeping bags and1 ways feel a deep interest in tha.ý he chopped saine for them-iý iosquito bars have been doingnow, for a Hindu family owii- didn't. a wanderiul job. ing an orchard asked thei ta Wanda plays the auto harp In Regina tncy visitcd the pick for themn. In laughter thcy and at this camp they had a. R.C.M.P. collegé and museuin started and did so well were great time with the childrcn aind also visited friends ai Isa-1 requested ta stay another day. and.had several rounds ai Davy belle's wliom she had nat seen Isabelle says: "I haven't pick- Crocket. zince Airiorce days. ed cherries since I did for Mr. In Gacherville, California, The girls spent the fulI1 week I.ickle in school halidays. they camped deep in the red- of the Calgary Stampede at the Then ch ares done, they, press woods. They just cauldn't re- home ai Bette's uncle, Mr. on ta Vancouver and aur sis camping here especially Locke. who is a baker in Cal-i friends the Stedmans. Mr., %whcn the weather wvas sa bat. fary. He saw that the girls Stedm-an works for Cap Ca, A river runs through the paîk «-ere attircd in~ full stampede Swedish Steel Ca. The girls for swimming and they bul.t sty-le including Stetsons. The made their headquarters at thea big ca mpfire in the levening xveek was a iot, eating flap- Colonial Motel, Vancouver, and for sing sang and sbawed pic j.acks from chuck-wagons and visitcd Stanley Park, Butcbarts tures of the district. The grave square dancing by street light. Gardens and galiing at the where they were stayîng in Reluctant ta leave,. Mr. Locke Pitch and PutL Course. has trees 300 ta 350 feet high. ~tihcn took them ta Wasa Lake In Victoria an enjayable day Whiîe there they went on a na- -efnd the Locke's- cottage, where was spent with Mrs. Sigston, ture study hike.. they spent anenjayable week David and Anne. Rev. Sigstan, Then an ta Sacramento of sýunning and swimming. for-mer rectar ai St. John's wbere they stayed at the Ho- ,Their visit ta Banff, Lake Church, Bowmanville, arrivcd tel El Rancho. While in Sacra- Louiwe and Jasper, will always bomne framn bis European trip mento tie girls,,bada mast en- 1emain vcry vi-îdly with thein, the dray aiter the girls left Van- joyable visit witb Mr. and Mis. tiie grandeur and cxquisite- couver. The trip ta Victoria Cadle, fonmerly Mavis Gartan, ~Ibeauty. wth snow-capped Mt. Baker in witb wbam Isabelle went tu,- fl In partaking ai their piènic'th e background was inspiring school.hrete stoufr -Reno. San Francisco and Las . . .. . .Angeles. g' . The Statesmans have follow-- j - j~~ ~ _ d the travellers along by mail 1 113 --. MIIand as Isabelle says she has I thoroughly digésted them anîd * it is worthv ai the full support - -oaielveryane for the communitv J - 'progress. Why do more people borrow v Irom HFC 1411' is HFC Canada's largest, niost recomrnendcd consumer finance cornpanv M BECAUSE Househald Finance gives you every service y-ou want when Noû need extra cash * * * S50 ta $ 1,000 simply on pour promise ta repay. Fast, friendly. anc-day serice. Sensible termns with up ta 24 mnonths ta rcpay. Monev when you need itj QSfOUSEHfOLD FINANCE 71 Walfon St., socond fier,. phono TU 5030S PORT HOPE, ONT. OSNAWA BlANCHES a 64 King Street test, second flo.,, phono RA 5.6526 11/ Simce 5Sreet South, second fl..., phono RA 5- 1139 Power Rates Much Lower 'Than in U.S.A. . rConsumers ai electrical paw- ein Bawmanville who saine- -times feel that their bis iram the Bowmanville Public Uili- ies Commission are bigh should derive cans1derabie salace by comparing themn with saine af the rates in represen- tative American ciLles as pub- lished in "Electnical World' magazine. In Bowmanville the averagce iesidential bill for 250 kilowatt thours a month is $370 with a 110 per cent reduction for prompt payment, making thie Inet bill $3.33. In Boston, Mass- achusetts the average residen- tial bill for 250 kilowatt bours is $939. In Providence, Rhode Islarnd, it is $8.85 and the na- tional average in the Unitea ,States is $7.03. There is only one out ai the 40 American cities on which data w-as given in the maga- zinc that bas a lower rate than Bowmanville. That is Tacoma, Washington, with a rate of $3.20. This was also the only city under $400 in the entire' list. Canýidering this, local P.U.C. (ustamers should not feel that thcv are 100 badly aif in the mnater af electrical pawer costsj asý compared ta their Amnerican. Neighbars. CAN ffl.E Y0UROU,5FT GOO AS NEW MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE Fxpert Repairs to Ail Makes 3 sih'er st. NIA 3-318-!' BOIVNASVILLE i ?HE ANADAN SATESAN. OWMAV!LL.POUAJS A P1 . WvWVf Di rector Reç Busy -Summ4 Doug Rigg, Recreation Di- rector for the towrx of Bow- manville, has been doing an ex- cellent job since he started here early in June. Summer Playground program bas been campleted, and the Recreation Directar jresented a report on the summer activities to thç' Departmeilt of Recreation al their meeting last Thui-sday evening, Sept. 1. Parents of children who took part in the program and the Pee Wee basebaîl and swîm- ming classes as well will be ini- terested in the report, «'hich reads as follows: Playgrouinds Five playgrounds were oper- ated for a six week period. The- average weekly attendance at these playgraunds xvas 1962,1 with an average'daily attend- ance of 392. The seaszons accu- mulative participation figure was 11.. ports on Lr Prograim ether Programme A number ai other feature programmes were conducted usually on a town-widc parti- cipation basis. Penny 1Fair-A kiddies Penny Fair was held at the back ai the Lions' Centre. Ail Play- grounds panticipated in tnce planning and the actual opera- tion of this qvent. Preliminaî-v ta the fair itseli was a large castume parade frarn all play- grounds. Bikc Marathon- This event was held in conjunctian with the closing programme. Al11 parks were represented. The winners for this event were Central Schaol. Orano Picnic-A bus trip tai the Orono Park was arranged i for ail the piayground children who.wisbcd ta attend. The pro- gramme cansisted af swim- ming. races and a treasure hunt througb the woods. There Paul nancock (2):> *John James (6)- .3 4 excellence are set up before 3 2 themn.-Dr. Charles Malik. The Statesman SoId Ai Following Stores- was a total of 150 childrcn at *Jim Mroareraft (3) - 1 3' 2 the picnic..1 Don Bagnell (5) 0~ 5 0 Closing Programme - This is1 *Postponed game ta be play- the wind up toalal the surmor ecd far last play-off spot. playgraund activities. It fea- , Pee Wee Basebaîl - An All turcs threc days ai various Star eain was entered mn a Pce games and activities. The three tWee Baseball Tournament in days were scheduled as followsý:1 Lindsay, Aug. 20th. They wan Tuesday, -softball and volle: ' their first game against ,Lind- bail tournaments; Wednesday, sav 9-8 but los' out ini the sec- a 5-mile bike marathon; Thurs- on ae aOhaal183 n day atMeoîîalPar a- 1~,exhibition game was beld in day af games and activitîrsj Oshawa prior ta a Senior Inter such as beanbags, tetherbalL. County gaine. Bowmanville tii- can , cricket, bike rodeo, was agaîn the laser by the bubble guin blowing contest, identical score ai 8-3. dali show, etc. Central Scho] Shmn Simn n was the winnen ai the thrce- swhutnmain -Swimming in- da., prag¶?amme followed élase- srcina npeiu er 1IbvOntario St. and the Lians was held at the B.T.S. pool un- &nire.der the able leadership ai Bill &nire.Bagnell. In arder ta handle the Pee Wee Basebaîl - A six large number af cbildren regis- eam league xvas opeirated dur- tere d for swimming instruction ing the past summer. AIl games Bill Lepper wvas braught uu were played at Franklin Park from the lake frant ta act as an on TuesdaY, Wednesday anîd instructor. There was a total of Thursday exenings at 6:30 P.in. 425 children registered witb We are noW In the midst ai aur 236 campleting their tests. playafis. The final standing fur ___________ the league was as follaws: W L Pl The masses must be loved and Ross Turner (4) --5, 10 saved. They can anlv, be saved Ben Thompsan (1) 3 2 6 if powerful, actual standards ai The Statesman Office The huge gathering of Canadian cars at the Canadian National Exhibition again demonstrates the over- whelming popularity of Goodyear tires. For many years The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company has enployed research people to courit the different brande of tires on cars in the CNE parking lots on Labor Day. Here's how Gruneau Research Ltd. tackled this. staggeang counting -job this year.. In an advance rehearsal, a staff of "counters" is briefed by V. C. Gruneau, President of Gruneau Research Ltd. "Counters" are paired off in teams -and each teamn is allotted a section cf the C.N.E. parking lots ta caver. On each team-, anc spots tire brands and cails.aut the tire names, the other keeps- the record af each brand. In 4 hours the counting task is cornpleted. The records of each team are tabulated into totals of tires by brand. Gruneau Research people do the tabu- lation on-the-spot in an hour an-d a haif. Results are then telephoned and wired to newspapers al aver Canada.' MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON .GOODy-VEAR TIRES YHAN ON ANY OTHER KIND SURELY THE TIRES THAT SATISFY SQ MANY PEOPLE ARE THE TIRES FOR YOU TO BUY OOODYEAR TIRE LEADERSHIP AGAIN PROVEN BY RESEARCH COMPANY AT ÏJUN.E. - SURVEY -SHOWS GOODYEAR FAVORED 49.5 %O OVER NEXT LEADUNG BRANDI FUEL OIL 16 ' cents per gaI. POR DELIVERY PHONE OSHAWA 5-1109 E p The following message was received by. this newspaper:. AT THE CNE ON LABOR DAY BY ACTUAL COUNT THERE WERE 4905%.0, MORE GOODYEAR TIRES THAN TE NEXT LEADING BRAND CRUNEAU RESEARCH MD THE CANADIAlq STATESVL&N.- »OWMANVUJLE. ONTARIO lp,&ar 'w-ýjEvim Reg. Edmnund's Storrp, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonvil.le C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskilen F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store. Cburtice A. E. Ribev, Burketon H. T. Saywell. Blackstock Keit1h Bradley. Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli. Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market. Milbrook Henderson's Book Store. Oshawa * 0 * -Bowmanvile - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" IV. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovell Goheen's Handy Store