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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 12

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P-*,Gz uw=lmTHE CAKADIAM STAMUMAN. EOWMAÇn=E~ ONTAMRO m eaty"he pointed .out. "If bis glove. The pass-b-ail ad- He who is flot liberal with Thetrygolae ntct Se ls 10,000 - W orrm s îtheyare onl aree gd or itoInH s Hobby is Dew -W orms vanced the runners to second'wa he has, does but d4ceive ivelY hmle1heei es below the surface." out on strikes, an.d plaing me ielif he i hd mh ore.-W S. wichtheko aeo rc To A rde t Fish rrnene explajned the grwt of manager-catch~er Frank "Son-Pumr produc~sAde T A r e t F s e m ndew Worms. First, they are lil<e ny" Hooper was given an __________________________________ alittie white capsule. tlien they Ht i rswatoiasman eBbaes. walk loado maggot-olikeocreatoereso oeoty first-basemaun BobUoeoe. st urn w ito. ma U t ecr a t es, lag er stepped to the plate and 5, ~ F r U u u t H b ygin to grow, and they turn red. slppd a round"r into cenntuIn I,î Asthey mature, thiey turn the Want some worms? worm raising business about brownish shade associated with feat cr ihoe n Charlie Read can seil them to three years ago, starting with dew worms. In two boxes in his ond while Hooper was on third. * you. He's got over 2,500 of them about 1,000 worms which hie workshop, Mr. Read said, hie had Roy Falls came ta bat,. after right now, and he's sold over pcked by hand, usuallW between hundreds f littie worms, about A o c 1000ti umr ..addwwe hy'n nhln.I hesaidt placed a hit over the head cf:oy Sut Mr. Read, a retired General come to the surface of the of the housé are others that have the second baseman for twoti 10, 00t is smm e r. 4 a. . an d a w n, wen h y ne in c h e alo ng. n th e a se m enY o r h ad p p d o t, a ' Mtsepoyespnshsground for the dew, and thebn ntrealtmsoe RBP's. Cox took a walk and]1 time> raising dew Wormns for business is local, and smalî coin- indicatirig about a foot andi a Joneswung t tso'retre h sale to fîshermen.Heaspadtosmwomeîngc- haif, with his hands. The worms ThRoethatndith r f IE builds boats and lawn chairs in cerns which sel! as many as breed about once every four.ji I~ a workshop on Scugog Street, or 60 thousand a season. ý months, hie pointeti out. iThebyRoaes th ase s offn thelu just across from number 135, The worm-farmer started out! He feeds them once every two singles and an error, but; ai 6 ~ where lie boards with Mr. and to seli minnows too, but before seven or eight days fromn a piletes rg ize whn , h butri1î Mrs. Sid Bond. lie had any custorers, an in- Of what appears ta be garden Picton centre fielder, Joe Hay. The dew Worm business is an spector frorn the Department of soi],Iismaeupofhinaryhi en, playing with his right hantiM mnteresting one, Mr. Read said. Lands anti Forests told him hie earth, leaves andi noss vhc le only. due to a broken fingerM1 "You just catch 'em, put eem in hati to bug a license, so he gave. buys in bags froni Jackman 1..cuh ogfybI o box, feed 'em, keep 'em ail up the idea. He has regular Florists,,near bis home. ' third out. W r ENNEy winter, and they breed" And customers for his 'dew worms Builds Boats'GlolyedGlahrbt thein gh i the rn t f s e me l W. S rn o ne t r er B es des the dew w orm s, M r.j did repeat perform ances in the. d u r n g t h s m m r o n h s a f e r y e r n h e r a y to s u -,R e a d is e n g a g e d in m a k in g a b o u t ' i s ix th in n in g . G i ! le d o ff ,ih 1 C itiz e n s a r e e u s d to h a v e t h e r l d a e s Its a good hobby," the spry, mer cottages. Mr. Reati is the hIf a dozeii small hojats at this rqete n 7-ear-oId gentleman said. "Its only person selling Worms in, tim.H xlieita e a single and stole another bamgzie te.i *nls n so ehn o a e neese hsi m daeae .Two men were put ouf, Hocp~ * m g zn s te i u de n lc d o h so tin g o a eti t r sei hs i m dit r aakes the fram es an ti finishes w alked again, and the runners b u e a d ini front of th, i o e ,M n.and it fetches in a little 1 Raisin4 the worms is no real t hem during the Fail, then gefs' ' adivancedi inta scoring position.* far as the worms go, they cost yoý0u get ther, feed themn a good It cosfs him about $50 for ma- r bouerd o yo nvIortmadaltle i1ýeejn epte pair of RBI's wif h a single overa, you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nl y ur tr , ani a ite mi t r an ke p t e da p te nia s, and about tw o w e s1 for food.' ah i rn e," le explained. " - a î i î ne b a, e second ba e Th t ir o f * . tIme toifin edonhoboat,.li mThe ntwcol.Thysanhasanvo mostre fhy ilkcrnef0fot$5,ye arsent aleetitinheeihttinngvvhnnhewoms avftobdket he ar gttngtoomulifod eplind, o he h seîsthm'Theply dvace rnilv followed shortly.UUMUCEMMMU.. to uc hetlieplaineti. the top ant i de. As soon as they large profit. Il t'S just putting ~ Don ihle again ldof Coti tioes not seem to bother are going ta die, for any reason, inteGmtaI l, esae.Ti imeliehooeltio. them, 'anti they can stand almost they corne ta the surface.'" n"The botirn, hat's ail, he saeirirtat s ole ath sec oa ireezing ftemperatures. Wormis Near Surface atef easret.'hytottirtd Te bnetseondaned Started in 1052 "Ybu tion't have ta dig deep ek eeptot niHoe c Mn.Reai gt ito he ewta know if your woims are M.Retusitaetou- epe bshrd ala hi board matons, fao, anti had 12 ofgae BiBoGlahr - btenat one tirne, but novz lie peared ta bc- put for twýo more w~ keeps only four, at his cottage .B' hnlefPe oi h at Rice Lake. He also keeps bal! over flic roadti t the lelt. fou orfiv bots her, h sad.inches outsýdc the foulI l-,.Fi fororfive boats re, Mli esati.settieti fo'r"a walk ta ioad t!iîŽ G r a n d ' ta in -vile a fr eaabss. M:eYourth. who cI- - was rtrdfo eeà oos juciy Bond, a,,e 4_ daughtcr of Mr. and- Mrs- Sid ravbdadul niasn~e in192.H bcan atvtowri 14. e'htiowe ahoe ond, Scugog Street, h2lAs Chiarlie Rend, age- 73, displaytahsceioncedaan in Oshawa -before corning here, sorne of thedcxv xorms xvhich he rais2s for sale ta f isher-1 for agoutrledbeofo O p en in g , wpery hicoUh m a lastuuin a pro ÂÂthe angJe A center li!,, ... I wbee ~ ouli alo ii po-men. 11Ir. Read also builds boais and laxvn chairs " tf111is bcroiing ( ,ihoeft chere i!i . pet wihwas heing sub- in t1-- time" HehtTc.n etiedfro Gitnra Osvhawa, JRis son, Howard of for several years, and bas been boarding wvih the BondS At this point in flth ae O s a a ceasiona ly visits hirn re-ccbe h P rr , a m U i , inBomaviie o a te ot i Bwmnvll.ri ws a lot across the street fromn his Picton pitcher Bill Grccr was CI up1 tage on Rice Lake, witli his wife"ý home, and has a workshop there. teplnext baffer t Pouf fa icifW ear Cou If9 M e o i lanti family. theîti t atretirete d outcnd 'g * tie O r" 1W*19 An ardent fisherman, fedtMrtrete tc nin;N Read's interest in iew w'orms UsEcon or eti eat i8-1. 1"0' n.,I I and boats is nafural. He is also CIub e n s o r eyPc nsordaru ntl lis CoG fond of travelling, anti stafet ihe ciglifl inning off a biit b.v, . Iato -6 A rena - ouldlike ta "just keep o hre iton his W ee endbits i. 1*uel Wian lr'teisseaj _______________othen hy Keith Fenny. 'Bo'v- se A 6 Fuel luiarS -lr Club finals of the Bowrnan.- consist of rnen's anti ladies' two pitchers. vpesrdv1o) Bow ma/f nvjfe- A4I SDle ville Tennis Club are being singles anti doubles ant i mxed. The second gaine of the se- sirlo pe \V]eoUhu flicDae ldti weed ttecourts doubles commencing af 6:30 <on- les xvas nolieduleti for la,,t ini'!t1 snce- iiîsinrdiete athe Lions Community Cen- Fritiay evening, September 9r, ednesary,. Pict riatiCth) tre, entiing witli a Social Even- anti confinuing on Safurtiay tid fncsav.fMmna akii1i- hl~ A w '~arded Pin ing, Presentat ion of Awarc.s from 1:00 p.m., anti an Suntiay Park Saturtiay evening. pae~daai e o ot F rid ay ', S e p t. 9fAt Rotaryineceive1iaftwa of :f hrudses. 7e Upre:Dd Hls pae Modyeeig etme 2 Mick Levine, bascs. igaaddti eradci- Junior players, those under cs; Chalmers. lb; M. Sfacev Pco:Pny f izanc..Sîîls ue ~c Rotanian Me! aercie pefition is expectedti fa l ie 1 years fg s of September aten f {aitn 3;Bi gMernbership Chairman Bruno tournameînt completetibei-e in singles anti totibles, starsting af Greer, Penny (8), p. î i Muer f flc reglar eetin fl-e seaons.9:00 arn., Safurday morning. Bawmanviî:Gioiv h P ub îc ka in iler t he eglarmetin t R ntleas ntiBui ossAlmatches will be single sets Hamnl ill cf; Coe Da21son Club lielti iast Fritiay. y are co-chairmen in change of until tlic serni-finals, wbcn the (8), 1f: Hooper. c: Gallagher, .e ts ul' uoVatc. Thi-ce guests were weîcometi the tounnament, and Art Mon- matches will be fwa ouf of lb; Yourth, ss; Falls, 3h; Cox, - Iob 10 p.m.'tath meeting by Presitient gan is in change of the Junior f e es rf; Jons, p. f koeifli sn.Tbey werRn division, which, wihi .ble playeti Junior finals wili stant af taanians Bent McGîivray anai Saturtiay morning. Senior sing- 5:00 p.m. an Montiay. anti the Admsson . * duis 5c Cilren20 Haoi a<sbi.ngton of Oshaw leg- matches have preference Seniors wililibegin af 7:00, p.m., ______________anti Jirn Lovekin, a former Pritiay evening, anti doubles followeti by the Social Evening Go By Train to the ritient of Durham, who n achsonStudy affennoon. siarting about 9:00 p.m. lives in Toronto. A . M Thomp- O otaflccaposw1114 In the event of nain, flie son, Supcrvising Principal of1 meet for the fropliies.1 tournament xiii be beldthetLiO NID OJ~ N S a t., S e p t. 1 0 , ~Bowmanviile Public Scools. The Senior tournament wi]l following weekend. .; . . J~l~' was guest speaker anti a fuli t S taccount of bis finç atitir -is p m sue ' eur ntî is-içoses irounce .Iicton ducted the Rotary basebali 'yP lay Heads-up Bail* 'giZ Sp.1tot id Bowrnanville frounicet iPc- 'Ceocra!" Jonces, a left-bander. Saturday, Sept. 17 inclusive iton's Intermediate "B" te an inj alioweti anly twoý more bits flic firsf garne of tlieir O.B.A. until fthe ninfli inning, wben Return Limit - Sept. 19 Ur piaydown series licre Montiay the visitons got two for a total ,ri1 affeèrnoon, scaning ciglit runs, af six in the garne. Full informatioff from ant holdi ng the Belleville Dis- Bowmanville starfedth lairan agt trict champions ta two. scoring in flic thirti inning. nagt The Brooktiale Roses were Gilhooiey led off witb a walk, taidedt greafly hy some brilliant anti stale second. Hamilton -p hase -nunning by Don Gilliooley reacheti first base on an cri-or M -..21 55 anti heavy hiffing by Maxie ta flic first-baseman, wlio al._______________ -Younth anti Bob Galiaglier. Gil lowed thc bal ta slip lirougli reacheti fi-sf base four timýs duning flic game, wif h two singles anti two walks, anti eacli fime lie pracecdticif steai sec- anti. On fthc fourth turne a- round, lie went on ta steal thirti as well. He reacheti home thre af the four firnes. Maxie Yourtli lati two soliti clouts, bath alita the roati along fhelcift sitie aoflie park, for + grounti-rule doubles. The sec- M en, n aterials .* ~ d two RBI's. Bob Gallaglier notchedti wo timely singles, with flic bases loadeti in flic thir,'anti with and m oney f wo on in the sixtli, anti each taliieti for fwo runs batfed in. Picton Starts Picton. starfedtihle scoring, when their first baffer, Keifli W'hen a business landis an orcler or a contract, Penny, accepteti a walk andi toak flic round trip, aitiet by it is likely to go to a chartered bank ro arrange some singles by M. Sfaccy anti Joe Hayten. Rses pitcher George of the financing. Iç may need bank credit to meet payrolls, to buy materials or to cover other YOUR EYES and costs that arise before it is paid. 'Vision That's why businesses both large and small a Re-wnsitfen take on many jobs they would be unable to > ~fron -- tru I:vLeaf,were won b anyDavey, Leskard, ai Blain Elliàf f. Birtbtiays were celebrated b: Rot eians Pefe Ncwell ant Frank Jamieson. The sing-sor, was canducteti by Ratanian .A Stnike, wifli Rotai-ian Anfli Morgan abiy substituting fci Dave Mornison at flic piano. Some are unwisely liberal and more delight to give preseni than to pay debts.-Sir Philil Sydney. el"NEVER LET IT 'SE S7AIP IDONT GIVE MY FMILYf TUE BESTF CARE. J ALWAYS GET 01. PRESCRIPTIONS ILLED AT #JURY&. LOVELLS TI4EXRE Sa DEPENDABLE.' SEPT. 12 -17 Low Rail Fares cpreviaus coyrights af C. H. Tuck, Optometrisft -Disney BIdg,. 31pKing.E. OSHAWA 'Phone RA 5-6143 309. It is mucli casier ta wcar glass- es wben tbey anc beco mfng anti comfortably fittei., If therefore any of these things affect you, sec your Optometrist at an early date anti have thcm propenlv fitteti for you. Ncxt wcck if is my intention fa explain some- fhing of a lens partialliy occupa- tional as well as corrective as if applies f0 the sterioscopic effeet of the two eyes ini their effort to mnaintain fusion the loss af this powercausing flic Persan f0 se d u l .(Copyrghted> hancli f rney flac to siepend entirely on their own financial resources ; And why, every day a1nd in every part of Canada, the chartered bahks are lending money to producers, manufacturers, processors and other commercial customers. Commercial loans are only one of many banking services available at a branch of a chartered baril You will find it is a convenient banking service-centre where you cari attend to a/i your banking needs. '4 coleiplc/e hue nf Williatis OIL*O' MA; domcs!jc Oil Berner and Fut-nace Burner Canad ion Manufacturer MANUFACTURIb S. Blain, Elioîf Plurnbing - Heating - Tinsmithing 5King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3 On/y a chartered bank offrs a ff TRAVELLIRS CHiQu&S Protect YQu against deft or los of cash. The7 aie readily negotiabie anywhere. PEISONAL LOANS To finance yaur personal needs, SAVINOS ACCOUNTS Keep your money safe, pay yau steady interest; elncour. age the habit of thrifr. FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS For rnany worthwhilepurposes, addirig ta pragress, efficiency repaymenc ils Ngular mitai. and the comforr of farm liCe. menti from your earnings. THE CHARTJ3RED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY I *---'. -t. 9- h Public Skating 2 Io 4 p.m. and 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - Aduits 35e - Chidren 20e Wed.,. Sept. 14 Public Skating 8 Jo0 10 p.m. Admission .* Aduits 35c - Children 20e ICE RENTAL TIME AVAILABLE For information onu times and prices Phone Immediately to MA 3-5728 or Roy Neads at MA 3-285i HAVE A "MILD" THE MILDEST BEST-TASTINGCIA-TI .*- lq,* Jljj --- Nu 'i 't 1' 't' 'i 'J' f "J TiC M ns M ira e: i. MITED ~ N-IO. 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