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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 13

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TN~ ONADYY STTESMN. fOWMMVffIÀz ONAWTfl a Lnquu I 'f I GALLUP - BETTLES Miss Betty Irene Bettles, daughter. o! the late 'Mr. and Mrs. William Harold Bettles of Bowmanville, was married in a quiet* double ri-ng ceremony Friday, September 2nd, at 7:30 p.m., to Franklin Delano Gallup, son of Mn. and Mrs. Basil Gallup o! Athol, New York. The wedding took p lace in the Holy Cross Episcopal Chunjçh, Warnensbung, New York, U.S.A. Miss Velma Ward o! Oshawa, Ontario, was brides- maid, -and Robent Witz of Athol, New York, was best man. GIBSON -LARMER Baskets of pmnk and white gladioli and cedar formed the background for a lovely wed- ding on Satunday, August 27, 1955, at the home of the bride's parents, when Audrey Margar- et Larmer, daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. Russell Larmer, Burketon, and Glen Riekard Gibson, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Bert Gibson, Nestleton, wene united in mar- niage. The double ring ceremnory was per!onmed by Rev. C. W. Hutton,, B.A., B.D., Blackstock, and the wedding music was played -by Miss Bernice Lar- mer, sister o! the bride. Given in marniage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a street-length dness o! paie j" blue ta!! eta with a wide V- neckline in front and back, three-quarter length sleeves, and a very tight bodice wit!j torso waistline and a full skirl o!, small unpnessed pleats. She wore white nylon gloves-and a headdness o! white flowers. The bride wore a choker necklace o! peanîs the giit o! the groom, She carried a cascade o! pink roses and white etephanotis. Miss Audrey Skerratt, Pnihce Albert, was maid o! honour, waig a street-length dness of softpinkcrystalette princess etyle with wide V neckline and three-quarter length sleeves, ber beaddress was o! white flowers. She carried a nosegay o! blue and white carnations. Mn. Kenneth Middleton, Prince Alýert, was best man. For the reception the bride's mother wore a navy blue tissue faille crepe dress with white accessonies and a corsage of or- chid gladiolus. She was assist- ed by the groom's mother wear- ing a chartreuse suit with black accessories and orchid gladio- lùs. SFora wedding trip to Algon - quin Park and nonthern points, the bride chose a dness o! rose printed crystalette with white accessonies and corsage o! pink roses. Prior to the wedding the bride was ententained at a shower given by Mrs. Austin Larmer, Bowmanville. On their neturn they will ne- side at Nestleton. DUrham Ladies' Bowling Draws Up First Schedule The first scbedule and teamns1 have been drawn up Ladies' Major Bowling The first league game on Monday night, Sept. 6:45 p.m. SCHEDULE Date Time Alcys September- 19-6:45 1- 2 3- 8:45 7- 8 9-1( 26-6:45 10-11 9- 8:45 4- 5 7- E Octobe- 3-6:45 3- 5 12-2 8:45 9- 7 1-1l 10-6:45 4- 7 5-1 8:45, 2-10 12- 9 17-6:45 8- 6 10-12 8:45 1- 3 2- 4 24-6:45 12-3 4-9 * 8:45 I- 6 8- 5 31-6:45 2- 8 6-10 8:45 5- 9 Il-3 November- 7-6:45 9- 1 7-11 8:45 6-12 5- 14-6:45 Il- 4 2- 6 8:45 .8- 1 10- 7 21-6:45 6- 9 1- 71 8:45 12- 4 3- 8 28-6:45 8-12 Il- 5 8:45 3- 7 6- 1 Decembe- 5-6:45 Playof!s 8:45 Playoffs for the League. will be l9th, at 4 5- 6 10 11-12 8 1-12 6 2- 3 2 I 8-10 6- 41 6- 3 8-11 9-11 7- 5 2- 7 10- 1 4- 1 12- 7 3-10 4- 8 12- 5 3- 9 il- 2 5-10 10- 4 9- 2 Teamn No. 1-Doris Joîl, Alyce Hodgson, Duaine Palmer, Aud- rey Burns, Beverley Disley, Wilma Bates, Shirley Bathgate. Teamn No. 2 - Onie Etcher, Lola Wright, Kay Hendry, Betty Stutt, Helen Vivian, Alma Perfect, Helen Brown. Teamn No. 3-Bernice Budai, Mary Harrison, Molly Badger, Kay Luxton, Elaine ýIankj, Lorraine Martyn, Ina Mc- Naughton. Team No. 4-Lydia Bates, Mel McNulty, Helen Piper, Vi O'Rourke, Muriel Holnoyd, Rena Bathgate, Marion Knox. Teamn No. 5-Ena Etcher, Olive Patfield, Vel Miller, Viv Cowan, Dot Brooks, Doris Akey, Laura Robson. Team No. 6 - Joyce Major, Helen Dunn, Lil Hoopen, Greta Luxton, Joan Engley, Donna Martyn, Una VanCamp. Team No. 7 - Lii Phillips. Ada Richards, Edna DeGeer, Marie Yeo, Dot Virtue, Betty Westlake, Jean Luxton. Team No. 8-Eleanon Larm- er, Nonxha Hooper, MVary Wii- cox, Donc Mutton, Dot Mutton, Lil Connors, June Baker. Team No. 9-Vi Coole, Dot Crombie. Fae Reynolds, Amy Winnacott, Jean Firth, Joyce- Robb, Hilda Simnick. Team No. IP -Hilda Brock, Sadie Buckneil, Mary Fagan, Edith Marlowe, Bonnie Cowle, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, September 20.- 21 - 2ý RETURN LIMIT - 15 RAYS RETURN FARES FROM TORONTO TO TOU SAVE WiInnipeg $38.25 $24.30 Regina____ 47.60 30.25 Saskatoon________ 53.60 34.05 Calgary-Edmonton 64.30 40.90 t Frorn points outside Toronto, add local regular round *trip coach fare to Toronto. 22 iL Dolly Bond, Lynda Moraz. Team Ngo. -Il-Anita Nicker- son, Kay Beauprie, Audrey Fletcher, Nancy Kelsô, Edna Kerr, Alberta Kelly, Margie Coid. Team No. 12-Norma Gay, Ev Sweetman, Ann Gay, Babe Brown, Onie Countice, Beth Chartran, Del Vinson. Ahl names submitted but not selected for teams will be held as replacements and will be' notified by Molly Badger wben there is an opening. S TARK VILLE Misses Norma and Beulah Hallowell were supper guests with Miss -Catherine Stewart, Kendal, Sunday. Mns. Harold Souch visited ber mother, Mns. J. Wannan, Kirby. Mn. and Mrs. E. Shier, Ton- onto, spent the weekend at Mn. Lloyd Hallowell's. Last week Barbara Staple- ton, Newtonville, spent a few days with her gnandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Todd. Mn. Stan Falls, Toronto, had dinner with Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell Monday. The children's choir ls pre- paring special music for the Sunday School Anniversary at Shiloh Sunday a!tennoon at 12:30. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule and Diane, Oshawa, spent Sun- day at Mr. Ewart Robinson's. On Sunday Elva Reid was a guest o! Marilyn Falls. Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- ýyeU, Jim and Misses Norma and Beulah Hallowell had din- ner with Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Caswell, Port Hope. Some from the district have attended the C.N.E. Bob Robinson spent a few days in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Courtney, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and fam- ily, Dunsforcl* visited Mn. and Mrs. Ai!. Dobson. Mn. D. Shutka, Oshawa, vis- ited his parents, Mn. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mn. and Mrs. Delbent Hallo- well and children have neturn- ed to their home in Toronto after holidays at thein cotae PERFECT PICKLES ARE EASY. WITH HEINZ 1 VINEGAR - '..idren under 5 travel free - 5 and under 12 ball fane'i *Regular 150 lbs. baggage allowance. Watch for Bangain Coach Fanes again Octoben 18-19-20 LCanadian Pacifie Station, ScuWog St. Phone MA 3-5644 e4%4/JAM&40 KENDAL Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N., who has been hQlidaying a: home this past month. returned to Ottawa lest Wedinesd#iy ta resume her duties at the Cl-vic HI-ospital. Kendal Cuba, hobby Irwin, Ray Couroux, Kenny Martin- erHarland Elliott, Ross Jaçk- son and Wayne P'oster enjoyed a pleasant outing at Camp Samac froin Aug. .20th ta 28th. Mrs. George Langstaff spent a couple of weeks wlth Mr. Langstaff and family here. Mns. Mary Luxon, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Hughes* and Gloria and Mn. and M ns. Wmi. Méncer spent a pleasant holiday nean Ox Narnows. on Lake Kushog. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mary, Mrs. A. Jackson and Phyllis, I'fiiken, spent Sunday, .AuMg. 2OUJ, it 1'Kefdl5. Ross 1VLI. M. LJUbYA. cJackson went homèi with them Mr. and Mrs. Brian Noble ettelte udeJne.M.acMr. evieDns for a week's holldays, returnn.Fak vns for the weekend. and Carolyn, Coldsprlngs, called Mr1n MrsAthrBnet M.- Reichrath is expected on Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan. ing Sunday with Bob Vannatto. Mran s.AtuBoet home from hospital to-day. Mr.ST.Haspnafe School opened Tuesday with of Toronto with Mn. and. M's. his community was shockeddasw Mrs. . N. Ho skint afe Miss Carol Steckley teachlng C. Robb. daswthM TW .Hokn Mis Ane M. ad rs.A. on ndto learn of the sudden deatb Harmony, and also vlsited Mrs. 5at Kendal school, Ms ne M.adMs .Tnadof Bob Pearce in a traffic ac- Milton Werry, Oshawa. Stapleton at McLean's, Miss family moved into their new cident between Welcome and .Mrs, K. J. Ferguson, Ottawa, Valena Copping at the Sixth home on Satunday. Morrish early Monday morn- is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Line, Miss Katie Stewart at Mr. Maulson went ta Indian ing. Our sympathy is extend- Hamilton and Mr. Hamilton. Starkville and Mns. Reg Elliott River last wieek returning. on ed to bis grandmother, Mrs. J. MranMr.LJ.G dmn at- Crooked Creek. Sunday with Donnie. T ere ihwhmh ie oMa le oman .od- Mr. and Mrs. Al. Stevens T.Pacwt hmh ie Bwavle tNra od and sons, and Mrs. Charhie Mns. Janet Hassen, Chatham, and the other memnbens o! the îey's while Mr. and Mru. N. Stevens, Toronto, spent the was in the village last week. family. Woodley are spending a few holiday weekend at Rock Lake Mr. Willis Jones and his Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gil- days at Harriston and Gonrie. near Coe Hill. Mrs. C. Stevehs mother, Mrs. G. W. Jones, are mer visited Mrs. F. Gilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight came home with them for a spending a couplu, of weeks at Mrs. Frank Gilmer in Sunny- of Bowmanville visited Mrs. G. visit. Halstead Beach, Rice Lake. brook Hospital. Phare and Lance. Mr. and Mns. Bill Turansky, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lane of Dianne and Kathy took in the Dundalk at C. Lane's lest Ex. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. week. George Mercer on Friday. Mr. Arthur Norland and Miss A Mrs., Jessie Tremaine, Tor-MayYsofW mig The A nnu a onto, is holidaying with hier spent the weekend at I sister, Mrs. Mult Robinson. MJ lig Mrs. RnGlonH S - O 'O adbabe and Mrs. Ken Ware, H U ET HO S M ORRISH Toront, t Mrs. G. Ovens. . D A The e~la Chuch s~iceited friends'in the village Sun-i A i A was held'Sunday, 4th, the min- Mr. and Mns. Murray Porter ister,' Rev. A. W. Harding, in opened up an up to date snack for the charge. Thene was quite a bar on 'Saturday. good congregation, several fam- ýMr. Munroe, principal and ilies being well represented, Miss J. Kirkpatnîck, teacher o!f~ toral letter sent to every homea duties Tuesday morning. A I in Morrish. necently. Soon the Mr. and Mis. Millburn Hut- .L.I rush of seasonal work will be chinson, Jack and Stanley, H s i a u ii r enjoyéd by many more par- Stapleton's. ishoners. Master Bruce Beverley spent will be held ini BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE,. Sunday School was also well a few days with his grand- attended, over forty started parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil,~ ORONO and districts the September month well. Beverley. The acting superintendent, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- blen 6 ad 8pm Fred IXcConnel1, conducted the ton and Keith, motored toblen 6 ad 8pm Mr. McConnell gave the clos- othy who will be teaching in ~ ing prayer. Sunday School as- Rideau Heights School. Mn a usual next Sunday but no S.S. Mrs. Cecil Burley spent Wed- ' on Anniversary day, Sept 8 nesday with her son Keith and We were pleased ta welcome wife in Cobourg. While, in t teacher, Mrs. E. Wilson, looking with Mrs. R. L. Edwards. The M very fit after the summer vaca- late Rev. R; L. Edwards was . tion and ready to meet new on Newtonville charge about" This wilI be the only appeal for funds made by this ~ and older pupils on Tuesday, 1914. organization this year to carry on their Work ~ the 6th. Word bas been received o! -th4eora osia Mr. Robent McHolm o! Rose- the passing of Mrs. Frank ~ tteMmra optl berry Hill was taken to Port Darling of Regina. Mrs. Darl- Your co-operation will be appreciated Hope hospital for treatment on ing was a Newtonville girl,. . .q Thursday, Sept. lst, where lie Bertha Jones, only daughter of 'i' is resting comfortably and quite happy. This is Mr. Mc- Holm's first experience o! hos- pital routine, something to wonder at ini a glaii o! nearlý 90 yarsof.age Wetrust Mr. return home. Mrs. Wm. Uglow o! Newton- ville is visiting with Mrs. M. J. Osborne. Miss M. Beckett is spending the long weekend wlth her sisten, Mrs. Mary Simpson, Toronto. We extend our deepest gym- pathy ta Mrs. J. Pearce and family in their sudden sad bereavement of a dean son and brother by accident in the early hours o! Labour Day at Morrish. NE WTON VILLE TYRONE The S~eptember meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Philp. The President Mrs. J. C. Cook, opened the meeting with a verse "Down- at the Feet o! Jesus", followed by prayer. It was moved we acoept an invi- tation from Haydon W.A. mem- bers for the evening of Septem- ber 8th and we also accepted an invitation from the Salem W.A. for the following week. Mrs. K. Colbary, group leader, in charge. The devotional took the fonm of a Bible study period by Mrs. K. Colbary and Mrs. A. Hills. Mrs. Percy Werry in- troduced the new study book in a very interesting and instruct- ive mannen. Mrs. E. White rend a poem of Edgar.Guest's, "Serv- ice". Mzrs. A. His read a papen Toronto's B oaurd HeaIth ENCOURAGE5 THE USE 0F of A COVER CAP ON ALL MILK BOTTLES Health Board Urges New Cap To Keep Mil k Bot fie Lip Clean Toronto's Board of Health does not 11k. the fact that the faniily cat is able ta lick milk botties before junior is served. Yesterday it called for use of a more sanitary type of cap, without ah increase in the delivered price. On the motion of Dr. John Kuchere- pa, the board decided ta forward its views ta the Ontario Milk Distributors' convention in Chatham, Sept. 19. -From Toronto Globe and Mail, August 29, 1955 Bowmanville 'has, bad this milk 'bottle protection Since Aptil 8th, 1955. Glen Rae Dairy .9n'their own initiative adopted the fou caver cap ta protect thé GLEN RAI pouring lip of the bottle. This move was miade at rio extra cost ta the con- sumer, and now assures t 'he customer a completely sanitary milk bottie. DAIRY Phone MA 3-5444 for daily delivery, 9 8 King St. W Bowmanville- I j- I - s 1 on Tèmperance. Refréshmnents wene senved. The Mission Band met on Sunday morning with 23 chil- dren present. Lauraine Cook, president, took charge with Shirley Coombes as Secretazy. Donna Yellowlees neceived the offering. Patsy Gibbs read the Bible neading. Mr$. W. Murphy gave the devotional on "Follaw The Leader." Mrs. W. Rahmn nead the story o! the "Harvest Festival" and Carrol McRoberts was pianist. Mr. and Mns. Henry Beckett, Eleanor and Joanne, Stratford, Mn. anid Mrs. Dawson Beckett' and children, Oshawa, vlsited with Mn. and Mrs. 0. Beckett; Mn. and Mrs. L. G. Stevens and daughten, Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. E. Olesky, Mrs. K. Haànis and friend, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. D. Gavel, Donald and Paul wene Sunday visitons of Mn. and 1 1 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATFSMAN. BOWMANVnLM ONTAMO IDAMIP -94, MWVIW 1 31 1 2 6 7 7 8

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