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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 14

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PAG OFuRTEua TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. *BOWMANVLJ.,ONTAR? this field and some have found- aa iie r n r.Kn ed their own private establish- nt a~lso udy mnents where they specialize in Mran Ms. oadMc t h i s w o r k .M u e n M r a n M r . J s M - eThere are good positions MlePtîi n osE. available for men, too, in themusMlrok Mr.J. business office of hospitals. Rwn r d oaJr Gordon Àgnow, Editor Phone 3621 Sùme hospitals have a business adCeyEnsxln i mnager, Most eniploy account.Elath Rwn Yevro; ants and many have a credit Ms agrtSel e.N G. }IARVEY AGNEW, p ~manager, purchasing agent, a Ms oa WtîgoR? G.H RE G E ,personnel manager and others. Trno r.HnySefed Some are now employing foodOsaaMr.Jbad au- PRESIDENT, ONTARO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION I mIniers ter tetoitand r. ad M Social and Personal B n a ns L s Se i sf~ ,rhoiasraioerithtfthosta hysicst smideneerey hospitalexcept the Ohwa r n Mrs. Carl Gould and children 1bleyh and MisstOheied vistedcrop B apent oslasti s SmeekhoinayNerewmarketis hwiofhcnMr. iand uiMrs. H.oeshA. nGrgin her sister and infOshawa on'o L a n a ttneIInecesary havth g e vle Sa ei a d M ss D r and rs. r. nd Ms. Chaledsit oc L o s country thusafdof fie, machines n cancer cnre t eer, an eetr aacarpenter Cnrtltost bohri-a Mran r. M.adMsChre miaThis will be the last year a worked out b pypis loreficint spriinadSm are n Stra.Te Norman Mitchýell. and family and Mr. Robert- school for many boys and girls has specialized ini this work. optl have an da fore-wî yeiOsaa Mensattan Mr.nettaMissBenntt wth Mrs.of terrow vthe nIS(d. T u xu ,,51 now in high schools, univers>- Just as an air pilot depends on1 man who is sofewhat of a M Benet ndM. au Bnnt wthMr. ýItr rothronL o al O t of R u ni g ties and colleges. As they look bis navigator to chart a course, combined chemist, mechaniqlewr up hv eundhm rmaSna.ahead many of them, as well a rýadiotherapîst depends on the andewcastleon xprt moo rpt af adJse r n Ms retSecr Having won the Eastern On- committed by their bpponents as their parents, may ponder physicist in his everyday work. Oncudgonanonfrgess it MradMs.L Park, Alberta. of Camp Borden visited with tario Bantam "D'" Champion- during the first two innings al- what profession or field of en- In our hospital omOf h ne a do go tosenran d nfobnonMn, Mrs. Trudy Sallows returned his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ship for the third consecutive lowed them to score seven of deavourte hu prse bs aigahssomeofthin adention, thost aler em* r.Ega mr home on Sunday following her Spencer last week.. year and the ail Ontaro their nine runs. order to earn a lîvelihood after known as radiological techni- ployment to pharmacists, chefs, adfmlTrno eesp recent operation in Memorial Mrs. Thos. Reid and children Championship in 1954, the New- The Langton boys, after a their education is complete. cans, are men who fInd this a orderlies, groundsmen, porters, prget ihD.Bwe n Hospita, Bowmanvlle. of Detroit returned home on'lcas'e ain Basebal Club sloppy start, settled down in We wish more f our young fascinating career. Other men, elevator operators, painters and Ms akeo audy r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood- Monday after spending a week' wa1s tdefeated by the Langton the third inning to play an air- people in Ontaro were aware employed. in the laboratories of other categories of maie work-an Ms.EetBrw an house of Brampton, Miss Susie with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Car-Lin sponsored team from tight defensive game and kept of the fact that hospitals offer our hospitals are nonaia er.Ms Mre Malw vstd Lair and Miss Margret eth ndcildrn atthe ar-Norfoîk County on Saturday their bats a-swinging when atmayinesigad worth- technicians or technologists. There is n .o çoubt that our D.Bwe n r.Mci Campbell of M aple Grove, and veth cottage at Rice Lake. afternoon at the local park. the plate to take the game by while careers, especially for h y to ,fn t e w rk x- osia h ou o t O t ro Mrs. H. Freeman of Bowman- Mrs. Gerald Stoneburg of Lsng the first game of the a score of 18 to 9 'and earned ougpplwhws tbef e ville, were recent visitors with Wellington is visiting with Mr. semi-final series in Langton on the right to enter the O.B.A. yourgie olerho wi h eto be ofTetoo, fidesrba the p ehospl.its tougho dt ntoo udy !remely interesting, for the lab offer many careers for yoting Mr an M s. F a k me oj Mr. and Mrs. Ros Allun and and Mrs. Frank Partridge. Saturýday,, Aug. 28th, by a score finals.seie stn o note uring theris haof the spiesci eta -the e ople t s i be hp ful n aml iie M.adM family. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wood- of9 o7, and trailing through- Score by innings of the two particular article is being writ- y it is a most important depart- to some young men who, at the MrM.Eesnatdd Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Timmons hams and Marie of Toronto out the second game here on local games along with the ten in the hope it will be of meta d oe w re k nc - c nluin fth pes tsc ol r usau ea or M s Wl a of Penetangueshene were holu- spent the holidey weekend with Wednesday, the local young- line-ups for Saturday's game interest to ambtepcilyt centi and n reo cnsil d- cearcmaus i shtoenrko Rcarsa the promentof Mrol day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Samis and Mr. and Mrs. sters staged a thrilling last follows: y u y u g m n w o h v o i ul r ed d Jesse Allun and Isobel. Fred Couch. ividuals arely o akethneeded. s GmeIn a good înteresting, exciting and vital Pu hn tBwavleo Miss Cora Butler and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbali nig4rn al otaeteWdedysGm definitely decided on a career. mn ntne h ia ig ok George Butler were in Toronto and family, and Mr. and Mrgame Il to 10 and tie the ser Langton -i 2 2 2 3 o o-10 We shahl consider careers for mn ntne h ia ig ok on Tedy tednrteCcl oisnofNwov l es at one ail, forcing athird 1Saturdaye evening.rmti n h e nin an on Tesdy atendng he ecilRobnso of ewtnvilegame which waà played here Newcastle -_ 0 0 3 3 0 1 4-11 women flext time. inosi, rathen d eîso d ein- tnMy umbler 1opiC. n r n r.Af rhmUprsHutnadBon ti neetn ont ht fh o n in mart and r. nd rs. AlonGra arn on ratur ayaftenoo.nUm ire -Ho svo and Bro n.ouis inteestngdasntentatheep nds on t e fndi gs ff thh in e m ght well giveth ugh ta rs. Cha. V ne o th ariva Mr. and Mrs. S. Simpson of and family were Sunday guests The final game was Lang- t înigalto a1boratory. of a youn ur ciosng daniehter on Mon-ta ]Ktcenec spetete hlidanwih Mr an Mr. GergeKîm-tons al th wactakng es Satrdaer Ginesubsaecaltes, her ar ap-thee fidin e ae enîrey dewordasa-caeerdayas Prt erry osptal weekend at their home on baIl and family. ta five lead at the end of the pneto h kl n blt North treet.Mr. Robert Randaîl and first inning- and- adding ta it Newcastle -_ 5 2 i o 1 o o- 9 classifications in the average of technologists who perforin Mr. H. T. Manes, Mrs. Em- granddaughter, Lynda Randaîl, trougout the game. The locals Langton Players-Swain 1f general hospital!thtesan al-e. are visiting for a few days with 1YT9c'mv p;. andMrs. Henlb;Shef ST M.Randall's sister, Mrs. Watts pichig taff of Everett Lake Lnk, ;MDwel b Ge se ho ar pe pare thm e Itlest and aalss. - .PILNE LETONfil, shw;M.nd rs r and eddy Sallows were bath 3b; Chambers, rf; A. Dewale sel osdrbetm.i I agrhsiaspriu ofused and did a fair job, c; Almost, cf; Regole, .2b; .tanteei, of course, the larlyThe technoldgndists mavo nrchieeoffatthed Garry LO W CO T oIwanverlo, .Y. wh M. fielding of the local club was Newcastle Players - Dickin- sare asgreat onu heb e n ferd aora oryieîd hi rndSric ntIemoreCurhWlfr acsn and Mrs. P. F. Hare on Mon-1 very weak with errors and son, If; (replaced by Lake npacinete rcisno peeexesvelsarcs o- tendAIl en idte wa- klf1 day. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e eral lack of pep being the 2nd) Sinclair, 3b; Lake, p r e cialist, and s 0 on, not ta m en- î g u d ra e t i, i d e , a m n il u ret ih M s y s u c n c a r 1US~~ARCEf Due ta construction delays grder of the day. At the plate placed by Sallows in 2nd) P. tion aîlgssptooit great tbrill for a technologist Otto Bragg at the organ. ifal en esnmy k the Newcastle Public School the locals managed ta gather a McCullough, 2, G. McCull- ra d oswoissp theOir n-ta t be a mémber of a teain MMr. Roy Wright, Toronto; aiotofnm o imef u and lsitesoftheodrBo vhe if thersw inner teijewel. bnd rwantinglolm puplslik teiroler rohes few scattered hits, which ough, 2b; Westhouser, ss; Allin, tire working day in a hospital. which makes a new medical r.ReMacla]li aiy ndwl o at Hn i rso hoae enoyînganl coupled With walks and errors cf; Crowther, lb; Dean, rf. Then we hae h hs idscovery, or helps ta pave the Janetville, visited Mr. and Mrs. FOR CAREPtJLextra holiday, much ta the dis- administrator eand bis assist- way for further pragress in me- Victor Malcolm. -aanGeh.- May of the mothers as we found iast Thursday evening and lost atT~rmqnTnts. An increasing number of dical science. Mrs. Frank Joblin and son out when talking ta themn on a tough one by a score of 6 ta ,LJV .Lfl.U. hospital amnsrtsosu h he reoeteni- Ronald Sutton; Mr. George DIY U S T esd y. t w s u forunat 5 n a minstrtor, o su- The th re re ome tec ni-Joblin and M r. Fred M rris, Tuesay.It as nforunae 5in iningswit Fotergo-perintendents, are now taking clans wha devote most of their Valentia; Mr. and Mrs. Bert that the. Newcastle Board of 8ings itsero- First Anniversary specialized training for 1hi iet lcr-ado oîtObw;M.adMs ing a 9 their time to electro-cardioraphy, taiHwet saw;M.adMs ONLY Education did not publish this în Il the way for the locals School days once more already! work. Many of aur larger bas- doing basai metabolic tests, or 1 Fred Todd and Ross, Newton- M information in advance so par- on the mound and Lord doing As we, your Yelverton cor- pitals also employ highly-train- wbo make the readings on de- vle r n r.Rb.Wl 30 ents could have been fore- the pitching for Welcome. Tbeý respondent, celebrate aur first ed chemists, physicists, bacter- licate electronic mn a c bh den and children, Waterdown,fo warned. According ta a mem- WecoeCoedaer of active (more or less) iologists and others woaewihrcr h ml brain and Miss Iva Williams, Tor- aforementironessard loe hoae hchrcodth cmplha o nto, beroftheBordclsse ae psto erdatl Tesay adtei s rmall necapacity, non-medical but whose train- waves - electro-encephaagra visited Mr. and Mrs. L.WAI-A I~~ pau expectoed ta be resumed and the scoeomhsgm snts ates fr head in varying ing is in an allied field. AIl of phy. Joblin on Sunday. ____________________ availablem of wriing lo al Sat oftim ein of a w ritingnd.ighLearning"e a so hveghilyyxtreivponsibdleand auextr Shileiveo conniaI M Ig Y So let's get out and cheer th c l a te a sp t f an c t io i fo r , ies pas i nstare ,terein g, s tiag r h s ias t d y~Si s nS R I E loclstovitor t-ngh T terpy departments ts;Mr. adMr.Dan Black, 9m w 51.. uISm W.u ~imfg meifsh due for 5:30, spite of themselves. This year vidual concerned is an import- where patients re iv eecr- Ja an Do a, C rie, w e gameis shedled :30 they wjîl be under the tutorship ant member of a team that is cal treatments, massage, heat Sunday supper guests with Mr. '00 oeu m viSPO RTS of Mrs. Arnold Williams of dedicated ta the saving of lives treatments and different kinds and Mrs. George Johns on R~-o~~ ~I BR EFSThe Newcastle Midgets took Nesteton. etr and the alleviation of suffering. of water or wax baths. A num- Sunday. Pebbem a yahkg»their first game of their first Uninvited get eeetr One of the newer vocations ber of men are daing well in Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Osh- iramcmdul1en uM ,,.BRIEF series in the O.B;A. Midget "D" tained on Tbursday evening at SMoinpl-w M-iUn )M It was tough to see the local playdowns on Manday ater- the Gibson home when the --- O= "coon»* poI- ~ M mg Bantam squad eliminated from faon in Grafton b>' a score of younger generation of Devitt's M y« keep the -e ee. Two the O.B.A. playdowns on Sat- 19 ta 12 witb Chard and Lane and Yelverton swaoped down ta liue Surda>' after the thrilling came- sharing the pitching chore and catch their hosts in pyjamas as back the>' made on Wednesday McCullough daing the receiv- the>' charivaried the newly-weds c(on igyu" M ic- but, as one of the coaches Put ing for the local lads with a Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson, newly sMose - , ,-P it "it was no more than they second gameý scheduled for arrived home from their honey- ieso sedveto we S im MI~ deserved, playing the paorest Newcastle on Wednesday (last on00 1 1 __ seasan." 50o about ail there is essary ta decide the series, in Mrs. Kejtb Stinson of Lotus on PO eàWPW left ta sa>' is: "Better luck next Grafton on Frida>' or Saturda>'. the birth of a baby girl on Aug.UV ^@W year boys." ** 29. Sister for Kenny and Deb-- --- I.*sThe Orono Pee Wee "D", bie. TOB -OORP D1Telocal Mrhat alltaîcapin fter e- Mn eletnasenjoyed Dirk Brink m a Club are also facing elimination tian' of the Lakeshare Minacr a day this week at Toronto frmthe South Durham Rural League travelled to Oak Ridges Exhibition including Dave, Jack Oppsit te C-o Cod torgeLeague play-offs unless they on Saturda>' and trounced the and Norm Wilson, Oran Moore. Oppsit th Coop oldStoagecan defeat the Coverdale teani bomesters 21 ta 7. On Mondav The hast trip of the season ta Newcastle Phone 3671 to-nîght at the local park. The afternoon the Oak Ridges team~ assist in winterizjng the cottage!-- ~ Merhans paye inWelomecame down ta Orono to take at Lake Catchacoma was taken _________________________________________ in__________ it on the chin again by a 13 b>' the W. J. Malcolm's. ta 4 score. It is expected the Miss Em Henders calîed re- Orono team will how advance cently at the Joe Porter's of PHONE TO-DAY into the Midget "D" Finals. Lindsay. Captain Edwards, Mr. McDon-' Wewllb *ese aId of Gautani (if it isn't on the We llIbeplesedtoOh! by the way, the SOuth rnap don't blame me) at Mr. and IF YWIR OLD FURNACEsupply you thDra Rua eg ondMsEniLn'. SLIKES 1O CHEAT,EE Robin series now stands Caver- TeRbno aiy a' W I AC IEF REE dale 4 pints, Welcome 2 points and G. E., enjayed a day at Kin- E STIM A T E s ýi ewcastle nil, tbough mount Fair on Saturda>'. Tuesday's nd to-nigbt's gams On Sunday the G. E. Robin- PRMOP ~on your Heating or Plumbing fandthe 0unfinished game, locals son 's vjsited with the Bert ______ vs Wecom could tie the wbole Vesus (or vice-versa). WETthing up tight. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm riw and girls at Bethany with Mrs. Au& Henderson and Murray'. Unte C urh Miss Teresa Boon with Mrs. î Unitd Ch rch arvy Malcolm this week. à à Mrs. Harold Stinson caled on ~AI AS er brother on Wednesday, Mr. ,,,,,, O pen and Mrs. Garnet Brown, Peter- 0 LOCAL TftAD!EUWKý1., 1 borough. ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___M aster Dale spent a few days F ail Season at H~arold Page's inPerb- "2 The Ist rguarmetig ouaseg GronPaea 1e eveîdan encour- p sil- may ilb ublished ÂfI5iL iý 1W-gagng balance of $223.97. Extra ~/ "Kn utzy nigh 15" e . Edmunl's Store, Bethary expenses iflurred by VacationTh "Saemn T. Enwright, Newcastle Much of business agenda dealt Satrda - :30anual Thanksgiving weekend L Friday - 7 and 9:20 ata :0 C. Pethick, Enniskiilen fowl supper. ! e T. M. Siemon, Enniskilen- The next meeting to be held ' Th 24 fi. Carson Rolling Studio b ig NON. - TUES. - WED. - SEPT. 12-13-14 G. L. Byam, Tyrone on Sept. 29at Mrs. Geo. Çîarke's, "T e Baefo tHTrull's Store. Courtice 3Othyeron WA.cteebraeits tne Studio bo your Door. 1,T. Saywell. Blackstock active and present include MrsI Contessa ~~~Keith Bradley. Pontypool President. Mrs. W. J. Macom". u ersnaie wl a1 t ae apiiei o Contessa" ~~~~C. B. Tyrrel. Orono frtScyTesMs aÏ (T chnicolor) H. K. Reynolds, Kendal frt S cy T e s; M s a Hende rs, Mrs. Hugh McGil and. I R Ir#eirflc',; 4 Adult Entertainment Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook Ms r Henders. gs" starring * *okStreOshwaA novel idea wsprsnedt ittnsi o m nil e csl rn n HUMHREsBO ART AA ARNE provide the church with a nei UMHEBART E -MONA GARDNER R - Bownianville - set of dishes for special occasions~ m r i Dig to Maximum entertainment. This film is notable for itsW.JBer Ruth Wilson included a reading "'k1 "Holidays" b>' Ruth Malcolm- ' good direction, fine acting and a strong dose of Jack's Smoke Shop '"Work is Not for Me" b>' Bernice i sophistication.j Rite's Smoke Shop Gibson and a memory contest 'ý Time - 7 and 9:25 Jury & Lovell bv~ convenor. The gathering dis- with this project. F Goheen's Handy Store persed following a tastY lunch , The Statesman Office assistants, ~y ~ -s ~so m : a s m u , - ' 1. RrP-Qnav mwmw *fi. taitic

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