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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 16

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AROIN Articles For Sale Articles For Sale NOTICES urn Page fo Help Wante . Real Esate For Sale Real Estate for Sale RelEttefrSl 9 ~ ~10 ACRES standing corn. Phone TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will TOMATOpces plJ.H»CRElo,5x5It nEd Addifio)nal 0laSSifiedS Blackstock 78 r 4. 36-1 chines, new and used, for sale be closed from September 7 t'o Davey. Ponce36r, rs pply J.AvH.,CORN r lot 0x10f.,Pone- ArMILTaOrNoEAL1ESaTres A STACK or rent! also Cole, steel filing September 30 inclusive (Autumn ne r 5 rn-, l v.-frslecep.PoearmrondearOrn, 118resO .CA SNLD A SACKof clean oat straw cabinets, office furmiture. Walter holidays). 35-2 35- MA 3-2721. 36-1* yos ea und creek, w rooe BITSPhone MA 3-2388. 36-1* Frank, MArket 3-2403. 24,tf• - DRIVER for delivery truck. Ap- h oulse, tel oedarnpwterson COKsovIihoiRunrsTOCET tvHslsmnu lsDibStoet 11office will beply Osborne Fuel Co.,CN.R I-ROOMED frame house with bowlus.aImedpited possession. RA TR DUFF--Ross and Alma are $20. Phone MA 3-2675. 36-1* factured and erected-by Camp- attending MedicalonSeti8to •ad. 3-1*garagehne Mle roe oqic-sl,2rieda6$.00 happy to announce the safe 1bellford Sil6s. Ltd. Pri d frog Convention. School. Phone MA e.36-. Trmnos. bra esdn arrival of their daughter, Sept. AFRICAN violets, lovely new,'$495. Walter Frankr e owm, 36-2*AITRESSpa estoaexperined 3-1*aroo suburba r eosince, 6th, a baby sister for Graham, at varieties. Stewart's Seeds. 36-tfî ville. MA 3-2403.,ow35-3 Tap, ballet, baton -- Register Spply Oly Bmpa sarKn g l.3- HI l osfrmh hare of lnd, l6g roos, snm Memorial Hospital, Bowman- PCLIG bSaturday, September 10,,'10 - 12 re at Bwavle.3- HO ld ourseHrme, ard.m whev .wimarg egrage and800 ville. .36-1*,MA 3-3757 cucumbers. Ph6neBABY crib in excellent con- noon, for lessons, at Canadian CLERK for grocery store, full 1voodfvloo. 8Hrvey1 acolm, worsop.aitnyexras,$780. MA3-77.361dition. Will fit child up to six Legion Hall, 84 Quee Stret time. Apply MangJaDmii netile 3 ,-1Bacso roy HamPlon Broker MARSDEN-Mr. and Mrs. J. D. WATER--Hard or soft. Robt. Years of age; will sell for $10.00. Bowmanvilfé. Teacher Dawn' Stores, BowmanvilleerDo 36-1OooPoe1r1 Marsfden announce the arrivalH.CeMAkt357 29t Apply Mrs. R. Walker, 39 Elgin Jones Abramoff. 35-2 36-1 REAL ESTAngaTEwL TD cf their daughter, on Sept. 6th, * Street. Bowmanville, Ont. 36-1 PN-oy.1a'nhootmne SAL 4roomnkbungtalowthnw 1955, at Memorial Hospital. Bow- '6CE.moorcndtoe;We are now -maritifacturing during the coming bowlinght atee ta hn, partialbathNandsORONooRELhoeSTAT manville. A sister for Jeanette all enamel cook stove. Phone! SOLID oak dining-room suite, 7 cement blocks, both interlocking sao. pl Mry's w-baeet.Poe.A3314. Ne;sx ooedhoe with, r lae oanuc an Crstn. 61 A3-98'*3- chairs, (leather seats); large ex- and standard, and would bel ing Alley. 33-4 36-2garae ttachedon sare lot, andChisin. 6-* M 3298.36iltension table, buffet, 1i1 good pleased to serve you with a good -_- closeto shool3stoe0an APPLE-S, 200 bus. of Wealthys, condition. Reasonable. Phone product at a reasonable price. WANTED - Two experienced REAL ESTATE FOR SALE chu rh, $3,500. ho, TH MEGROTEI ENGAGEMENTS also McIntosh. J. W. Boyd, 3r1 8,1 MA 3-5976. 36-1* Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, nwaesesnAply Nwcptersn.rprisSld eid ome elkp oe'RSETV OPNE Orono. 6-1 . P.rtA erry 4-ti Kmsway Lunch, Newcastle M te. garage, on choice residential lot, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grawbarger - - - - HEARING ald service, testing 36-1 . angedanAppISed wih oo$wtruply5frnc of Restoule, Ont., announce the 200 BALES wheat straw, voung service and complete stock of A meeting of the ' Retail LEIBEgr o osýýk' ealM. AtL LI SokeN $6,350. ' to makeon the engagement of their youngest sow due in one week. Phone! batteries and cords at Higgon Merchants' Committee of the REiABLaE girl fr houseworkd eal56EstatewcBroke Ot.Steen i rooe hoe otai dagteBet oatoM.MA 3-2980. 36-1* ae.Wi Bx41 Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville Chamber of Com- sleep isaeepreneadPce266-Nwatentretlocwith grgoicaelot, Cauhrs RalphLab, soo Mr.SA GE1 Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. merce wiM be held in the Cham- wae.Wrt.ox41 c/oý Two blocks north of traffic cnrllctogo ae u.LreiOgnzto Cars. aLorneLamb onof EnMr. Stoer's Garge Pho gn,20-tf ber's Committee Room, Town Cnda ttemn 62signal, Newcastle ply -5600 ruskillen. Wedding to take place MA 3-5804. 36-1* PRINTS of hotos of ublic tHall, at h3 . Am Mo n a Ses. ep- N wa t for1,0R awl i e32-tf.Thes E a sealbargain fo m n R e s to u le U n ite d C h u r c h _ e, t a p a i g i h s p a p i v t t ttmb rn2t . A l6me c h a ts r . d a . a w e g h' s - q u ic k s a le .e 3 3 1 October 1st, 1955. 36-1*1 FRIGIDAIRE, good condition, vaentsby arsn SudioM ypbe ivtdtIatn .3 -1 r ta y.MtoRca eigh s ept. LE95 aSre A L ETA TE IV.n. Evans3Broke Mr.andMrs EmerHeninreasonable; girl*s skates, siz 5. obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch All organizations and indivd- I10SMnraPQ 3- 5ar ar farm in rieltrrono Phonee33 T36 Ms.ElerHenig PoeM -37. 3 glossy prints. Carson Studio, uals wishing to use the Bowman- Samngdstit,5mieRfo announaugh erelggeent onjDRY slabwood, sawed and deli-v- Port ,Hope. 48-;,f ville Lions Community Centre childrn whilegirother is in ho I ead catlearpgean, te hu 26 REae pEaSt oRae toHerugheRheleonYsonnofere,$00,e od hn RAEbidn,4'8,bitduring the coming year are ask- pitaL. Write Box 403, c/o Canad- 8 roomed house inenelent ous e ar elpleaed eto aedv Mr n r.Ewr .Bown _ewcastl.0 er76. 36-1one foAEur 2-tlsins w8x',ith sides to contact Lion Bob Kent at ian Statesman. 36-1*'dition. This is a mn ey-mal ngoranwell-pie, welllcted of Alvinston, Ont. TeMar- MAN'S tuxedo, iz .6, . x-and roof bolted together; easily dates oya ran avails able SNL a, of n ar Term rnae nb ou lsead fbsmlesspoete.H OPN ILB nttri nOio eean 1 e l 3 6 x6w ti in o l a p a ith the p eviou s C e nr e C a ir , ust be e r e c d ikr o e armo. fr i hw a yn ng a $2 500 00 I oT hw o lwn-K O N A DO IN ON pino 8 picOnd n ng Fr d yc tt6O on . 6-f soon as p ssble . 36-1 Benschop or Phone M A 3-2 2 . steel roofed bar ;g 0r e d o m pOn aoft hb ao w use" a d t f nd"y Mrs WlfedJon Rynld romsuite, kitchen table, 4 -DECREE-AND CUSTODY 1-36- had hewn st esrd- tcmp act bungalos bsa-.U wishes to announce the engage- chairs. Phone MA 3-3093. 36-1*1 GSP lE A lc r ao ioses$39.50, M rs. Barbn ara Ke ne g rsi eaet e ete n Bo - EA E J sa s:"f oo for se, bwater l prsu e th rck n stfruction, m oern mentofr idauger, ae MarieGRL3picecatetGneral.95ric oli$.,sp $42 0, a v nisi for divorcegrandtecus-!businessof your o u a aegroundis.Teutfuly lgd-nentehdfrondsaceracsesRAL ESAT tMr.andirs.ertuRyFalls, ow- 3enn cnoinfP oeM s es $4 0 oo o 1 stody of her child by Mr. Justice 1do well sellingFm lx rdcS ! 6 roomled bnunl sow, -i B w-taxssap gro)d,0.raelo Mr.anille. thuariages Bwill389 •- 9esq.Tard TaCh sKc- ThonMpson at Cöbourg, April 19; mnyour surroundings." Write manvi fll e inl soel -ic 8000 knnle.lac eatn araOce r N ARO ptaos,7 b.bgs S e a e rsair,angesterfilds, inan action against her husband for free informatiàn and cata-bahful asm nM ftrng Are you thinking of selling7 Uted Churcat 330 pm., in Triruty delivered in Bowmanville.Phone phy Co., King West. 36-1 * defenda nMre yLay. ounsel 1 eg . FmlxSaio 6,Motn- ue Fl1pie$580,Whehoioifacliiye adMr .E.Crowl UniedChrc, ow 36-l 1 ENGRATING--Your nme en for the plaintiff was G. S. Boy-r M. E. Leask, Broker home. For prompt, e 1oa SAE3n6ubrdretfrm grad freeo hrge on an- chyn. Made absolute September POWERFUL sample outfit free; 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville service call ,proa rmi sGnrlMngr Mr. ichrdWalerAmiVEo o u. PhirecpsLumer atcedprcha nrg tor 1t,19y.361, --just like a department store. Phone MA 3-5919 Peter Kowal Oshawa, announce the engage- Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone students, have your name en- SHERIF' S F Nowlylou cnsel o etire f sam- 3-1 M 3-868 owmnilleOTI rnent of their daughter Mary 17rl 1. 13-tf graved on your pn ,oly 35cSSALE OF AND fS po11y, o clothig sh es, hirtULE.J S unes, slacks, R B . C Helen, to•Robert Joseph Gal- jat Hooper's Jewelery and Gife UNDi ofER A iN Y iTue of sorsar, ore-k clothslet. PUBE.J anelerilea Etat h omnvleBac lager sn f Ms.R.KEYS cut automatically, while Shop,98 King St. W., Bowman-arthe ofExCoutofissed out o Amazmg mo ne-makingflaneleileOnr'otiu3udr6h-mngee laghe, ow M.anville . Theyou wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- vle.Poe A3-77 361th-ont outo'teUite oeprinencsarfl rRIS TOW REAL TOR marrageewil aeblce.o ST-e ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- viIý h A354. 3- Counties of Northumberland and spare time. Free clothng for361 oChreD.Rnn, uar y Oter 8ltat 1cl ock ll. 4-t DRAPERIES and venetian blinds Durham in an action wherein personal use as extra bonus. tin Holy rss Rman aholcilA--BYeuto md, r raeie sl The Toronto Star Limited is the! Write for Powerful Free Sample Property appraised free of J. VAN NEST Chur&yChosaw a n 36-1 freshLA- chair and footstool, by the yard. Our representative Plaintiff and Ronald P. Gibbs Outfit absolutely free and full chg an time, gv urs acl ohordmn n u .,hrh Ohw.361fehy re-upholstered, never will call at yu oeaytm the Defendant to nie directed, instructions. Dept. 421, The!andeorltime18 yous' Fal Ms.Joh H Hll een used; colour rose, $60.00. with a.complete range of sapeagisthgod ndcatesCpr-hsn Co., P.O. Box1 We areealnstargBroer nom fr fa Hamponannuncetheengge-, oneA 33967t. 36-1*1 and suggestions withoutobia and lands and tenements of the 1100, Beauharnois, P.tý. 36-1: properties around MapleGr ov Nor-th Ward, six rooms, 5 onexedorspy Hmntoof theirdaugherene- CENsam uk uial io.FbiTw,5 ig S.said Defendant, I have seized and Courtice area. Pleae ovemain floor, forced air coal heat, dolyn Jean, to Mr. Kenneth Har- for tobacco greenhouses, or ideal W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- anht tk n, intexectiondall th FEMA LE H ELlP c s ouaeudrno'"l° aoom $,5c0 o fyo r old Acheson, son of Mr. and Mrs. for top dressing, at Pontypool. ville. 48-ti i , neet n qiy tion. ol 7,500. . ,eongod ot c Wen-dell Acheson, Torrington, .Sam Manetta, Pontypool. 35-9* of redemption of the De- WANTD7mo-room frme on goodlotconieigslmgotc s Connecticut. The marriage will - ------ MA L ON E Yfendant Ronald P. Gibbs »in and PrONE, modefr cuepbad ielacean take place on Saturday, October PLUMS. Lombards and green A L, U M 1 N U M D 0 O R S to: for PHONE goo floorsempece bath anc 1, 955 a 4 'cockinUniedgags,35ca ix-uar bske o $5.0 - nsalld ree-.All and singular those certain Light Clean Factory Work one3-stool8,50 nbs ermn. Akn Church5, at on, Ockintai.dga$s.50 a se-.uBringakcontain- 0 nsaledFre parcels or tracts of land and Permanent EmploymentMA357$800whtem.2KigS.W Chrc, amto, 36-i. 1 r.0aPheCla re 1602, 36-1O premises situate, lying and being Two nice bungalows on Jane 6- eLECT oeCare102 o s l r in the Township of Clarke in the Special ape[ Street, modern, first class con-BO M N IL Mr. nd Ms. eorg Jae CRIC washing machine, 2 71 King St. E. Bowmanville Cony of Durham and beingAfeHordtin Mpcr ofdTorntornnueJteyears old, in good condition; new Phone MA 3-3801 parts of Township Lot Number Pout t North Ward, older insul-brick M -25 Segmn of otheir dughe rc 29,wlarfce ath60e2-t Nine in the First Concession of, ro•fsLd OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982 six rooms. all convenecs elggent race, toHughRie Phone MA 3-5819.' 36-1 the said Township of Clarke asi6 eprneS.BwavleAkn 550 ihtrenecs HewellGa, sonof Mr. Wiac AGerelrcesefed stotad ecie nIsr-All applicants interviewed wl REGRY-OOO19 Winterized cottage on West Afte or a BrueywlH onwelMan.thelate cuhionEin ood ercnditeio 30, 'ingerSeW1ng enre ment registered im the Registry be given consideration. Beach. Asking $2,000 with easy Mrs.e Honeywell, of O e akvlTe cPhios ooen386d0 iinEast Office for the West Riding of 35-2 37 King St. W. Bowmanville terms. lncludes furniture. Ca akn mrriagoeywill tf akplace h hn on-16 05Kn at For Used or New the County of Durham on the- 36-1 Service station in small il Octobee 8th ' a3:30loc oin 36-1_ Sewing Machines Twenty-third day of December, Experienced lage, doing good business. Five i Detoer Pa Uted0oChrchVNEINilns-ees o- Rnaso earOne Thousánd Nmne Hundred roomed living quarters. Asking Toeronto. 36-1ed r s wNEith plansic taes We ' tisorReaî, and Fifty-two, as Number 15796 HsiL De With Real Esfate$6,800 with $3,850 cash. Toono mes ure and inlstia. rrs o Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 and which description may also Hsery Üooers? Farmns from $6,500 to' $40,000. AvnB A328 F R asu°"® an^ 3-5480. M -iforPrmoSrvc be seen at my office: said lands h 150 acrefarm, good clay lom Call in and talk it over Y For Rent PoeM -40 -f frPop evc . 44-tf are on the South sidie of Pro- for ome WOrk land, 110 acres workable, 10 118 King E., Bowmanville 3- DOyuron lor-retavincial Highway No. 2 in the acres maple bush, remide Phone MArket 3-3230, ntim THREE rooms in Tyrone. Phone sander or a floor polisher from NEW Philips 21 Television, con- Village of Newtonville and there WokDlvrdadPce1ppsue ag re es9eray MA 3260. 361* andr Hadwae, Kin St E. solette model, regular $389 for are no buildings on the property Apply in writing to, 36' and 50'x30' L-sliaped bank - TnesW ne GHTA ho seke6n r.C aror Boan villar ae ho n A .E.3-573 e c Tpm hreguasher wih excet a o bar htn ttl, 1i-M . eIl eS bane tshe n nng w e nmNIX ONtREAL E Sen es wil be rciv d b Pho e M 3- 093 36 tf N SU A TvION , blhon g M et od n ton-57f74r to.. re e'hHsa druiy feedrpi n 4 2 o w e rl A v e S °nem° nt shed, Slien u e " gnaE re o rn tc a o odun flo r, t th u d r i nen i S ROOM and board with reset oga ckd wool. Workmanship1 across the top, regular $.349 for the said lands and tenements, I1 ed highway. Price $15,000. bath, good basernentoilfmo rning insaltotw ais w abe amly Apl Bx 04 H ane Fee, stmaes $95 2 mnts o ay a Frmshall offer for sale by public Terms. insulated, heavy ir, urnacetoies kthn ik,30feto c/o e Canai a Sttesmn.x3-104,a2rry L. Wade. Phone Clarke Eau1pment and Automotiv, 134 auction on Monday, the 26th day 18ar am tnbee aae od1iigdatCh-wtr pp,30fe fsi ie c/o CandianStaesma. 3-1 220.39-ti King St. E., Bowmanville. MA of .September, A.D. 1955, at my 364Township, level land, 85 ceothioped;9ComumtyCHallBlackstoc SERIC saton crne o KngCODWOD,$3a or ad ut3-5689. 36-1 office in Victoria Hall, Cobourg, workable, 10 acres wood, ceekcnirpryi nlnauaeH hrrde lcsok nSEVCugstoStretsowmain-git ourself fromatresdowndhalf'Ontario, 'at the hour of 2:30 in Wanted 12 wells, good fences, baiik barn, manville on No. 2 Highway w hoe8J.3- rile p Osborne Fuel36o, ne, ttaP otypolC'ontact3Sa !Livestock For Sale date a D°Cbolrg5this 14th A MIDDLE age lady,,for a comn-igaageeme9 roorned solidhbrick good lot,3-piece bath,1hotsatr PES F R AL HOUE,5 rom, al onvn-SHEEP and lambs for sale. Tl-FRED C. RICHARDSON, or Phone MA 3-586Chur36-2* wiring. Prifuce ,heavy dutyheatioderoo n kitcheninlat- iences, $35 month, at Ponty- DECORA TING ~~~~~~phone MA 3-2383. 36-1* Sheriff, United Counties of15acedi t;rceaonominbsetRGSED SothCle poole, $r o sale.Atpy- am TNNorthumberland and.Durham IDEAD STOCK removed from mee, 110 acres workabl Oe- araige, t oscaeheavy wir- ppiesegtwksodIea Manet,onyporsle. 352*•Fr he atstmaprs 0ldYORKSHRE Pigs, 8 weeks 35-4, your farm promptly for sanitary 1acres wood, creek, 66'x44' bank $9,00usoo.saw mts1es2o0ciden1al rn THREEroom upstars aart- Forthe inestPains 3-239... e. f. Pone b ur 266o Toont olE 3 3Co- barn with running water, drive- New 4-room frame home on 100 63 m e t , p a t n t r a n c e , _ a v a i la b leL a t s t P a e r so l .n.CR M t cnf. P h n eeAso g 1 2 6 oTord o n t o Md-3 3 . in s e d , h e n h o u s e , g a r a g e , s il o ; h ig h w a y b e t w e e n B o w m a n v il l e E N G LS(p in e OtH-oms. pply 47 Horey *For the FBest Wrkanship REGISTREDlYorkshreoboarsg imied- 50-tf 18 roomed.frame house with hard- and Oshawa, heavy wiring, 3-pusreitedradforin 36-1*1 e ca . 2os Adams To e. held at Lot 2, Con. 5, Seed Grain For-Sale Price $13,500 $4,000down. blnds, basfurneeectv ifxAn g llslreoab.Phe FOUR-roomdeapartmet2on3•..3es-1n*Onownship of Cartwright, just 162 acre farm at Newtonville, tures, some floor covering sto.. 6- paved roaoe mile est oEn- FANDGAE Englsh Yorkhires.West of Purplé Hill School, the 10 acres workable, 20 acres doors, windowsan seor niskillen. Apply in person to PhnsPrbe1basadgls vi-1rpry fHnyMhff. SE H AT Wood, creek, wells, good fences, $1,500 down. Possession arran'sos T. H. Tabb. 36-1 *!MA 3-51 MA 3-3701 Rgsee o n 51 able. P. H. Hinton, Orono 14r12. Sale will include hivestock, im- Rgsee o bank barn, drive-in sed, ilk1 ed. ON DiisionStret, sei-deach 4-tf 3-3 pe ntSle9a1 p.m., SaturdavGneeDablladCornel ih hotandromd ram hueSt6rt oosd brick n ChurchlSALLrd eterwletcn ed,4 rom, 3piee ath bse-THRE egiteed olsei hef-September 1t.3-* Tete n agd 'bath om fan e, lrunning trhetn, god asemern, ne0o1 amig smo oeaon ent4, vy iing;badutbs.eA-YU SEF ers, springing. Isaac. Hardy, R 3-- All seed tested to be freeof Zwanomurae, aolsoi rn. heatm,3hpevybawiring ottr uut ,iiPr Hpbisre pmyPt. Offy ie Box 153. 36- D I* U SE R. 1, Hampton. Phone MA 93' Saturday, Sept. 17--Farm sold, - dwarf bunt Pricer$17,000a Ter bwsin ba n eate3pieesbat, large o, Lbrlcead.Wieoo 0 T I Tst Ofi2e184.1536-1-1auction sale o F r tc . GA N TR C A D1Inrm.nm aepsesin 800 / a ada tts a 53 MARRIAESl. EATHSsuiaec, ev wired. Has 1ticks, -scrp in rag---4 sand m ecletcni 2tfBueLive Stock Co-operative ion, mileage an Br ndill e atJomehn aeir t Dtrct D e to our large ---IN MEMORIAMS w%a, collect. eR -0 26-t r.W J culugRR ]Briensll at het theirrsdec. anturnover inn t.erelrn eenlanng UNFRNSHDheterromin 3100plunlc ue or81.00aes dopvboupoxm AL insaf ivliutr - orfHperPonrCare£82 Sred t, O r, oncTesdMa..ingh ast10%ar e ff--_.___town. Phone MA 3-3236. .36-1* COMIMCIAI. CLASSIFIEDS mr rprisi h a a!r.TpTrnopri y an t . Septmbe 13 frm 3 o 5and trat g m e o sedWE have now installed a ~¯¯~-~~ -- - ---inciers a d eisin g orrmrrprtee h shw ,e sopTrnopicsada 7 to 9 p.m., on the occasion ofovrh led. ea discouts. ailMist-O-Matic .seed treater, OtEhin Bowmanville or! idears oor ondrs s e namp nrentndisrict.Coougqund antifiesr. oe large our sal F rS n their Fiftietvh Wedding Anniver- anted: McCr kWMostmoersnhhemrktwta. Phone Oshawa RA 3- ---eper word; mininum charge . veou on sapir. 35ehWedngAni -*aH "H". Su ormi - -4, Farm sainoSeed Cl te ar ePhone 3264. 36-2*1 75c cash with order. To regular Contact market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. HYGIE I supis- rbe 2e w thhyraul- Black so dCk 89 r 1Phneadvertisers payable monthly. L TlPhone collect to Bethany goods)maedpsadi On -he ocason of th idlough. eCormiek O-f6 .. . . 35-3 TWO room! ,furnished or un- 1 Dis lay classified at s1.50 pertIo n F eWith 3·2-fsae nvlp ihpi FiftitheddinasAniovfer r oe. vSadard"4"TOHE Seed Cleaning Plant o nisd, •en Newcastle ineg with a minimum of one Jh F eSix Sape25,4'a Mr.iet an di J H.Nteha wi- "B," ibsr I on ere h StogRada Ensindastewtonville. Phone New.. inch. Additional insertions at REALTOR Haf dW00d Logs $1.100.- i re e be pleased to receive theirl 1,5-30 with good, ntvernainli pualMndayto atu- _ _ 3-2-a-rtiNe csl hn 34 o.R berC . o 1 friends and relatives, on Satur- Trsmyb rageui.dy from eight a.m. unt ilsxRELIABLE middle-aged couple AUl classified Ads must be han d Tigmbern.Ot 5 day, Sptembr 10, rom 3to 5 o the bov for ;an\ ..Csollann n ra-tocr o col hti fie o ne hnSalesmen: and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pm Cuo9smt teGenEupmn etatrsa amig omcwll eaivadeaompt cild fnrexch age o vierless' 12 o'clock noon, wedgesda. Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanville; Elm, Beech, Hard and Noft Maple and7oom of theLinthCommunt Kqig StanE., Bowmove 3enio.Enouiries at MArketicommodation in Oshawa. Give: rderan a ne money al iMA 3-950BaswootanFAsrry Room f theLions3om -2itvhnSE_ MA 3-5689• Tl36-5439 and Blackstock 102J. 1full particulars. E. Randall, 312 t ap thn out fer handy reference Pau. Diamond, Port Perry 363 hoe Aa-6M36136-2 Kmadale Ave.. Oshawa. 36-10 Phone 246 ••X 0,SC ÍÜ 36-V3510 k M 1iie , W, 6, 1 PAGE BMTMM THE CAMAMAW OmAnur-eukw

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