eeD urham County's Creat Family Jourr VOLUME 101 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAYe SEPTEMBEI Dust, Speeding>, Odors 1Hall'ear Fund Cônvass Planned 4Take Up Council's Time SotoSatBy Hospital Auxiliary As I CiiesCo9li Councillor Says As Cit ens C mplathepitow the outside of Sfarfing September 19 Complaints about speeding, feit was needed, alhd ths was in, the near future, Ceair.nm e s o h o e ' l d d t er a n e a a r uise Of rnosy mufflers on cars, granted. He stated that many man Dave Higgon of the Axlayo eoilHsiabrha ata mrto ratting milk cans, the smell of the town's streets wliich Publie Property Committee AxîayoMe ra Hstabthy prya mahn fron te swég diposi pantwcr oud erlyin ,hesum~r epotedat uesay igh'a Bowmanvjlle, will be conducting bridge tournament, a bridge frOrn te seWig disposi plan were oled earyaih-tuse-toe housetdappealsdaforipartyaoubakedhogoodppesale, pand and Other' annoyances were re. require attention again. Town Council meeting. fudocry ntervr ope atio o d auksalop anth ceived by Bowmanvilîe Town Police to Check He stated that the paint- f. d w orhhe car on Mondaey, opai fal.c Other source o izens and .touncil members Mayor Osborne promised to cr ol ei hi ok September l9th, from 6:00 to revenue last year, besides the themselves î;eemed to be in~have the police department this week or next, and the 80 . canvass, were a dance at Solina, comPainng ood ina ceck orecloelyint sped- cafoldng eedd fo r This will be the only appeal a play at Enniskillcn, card party copann od ng on Liberty St. He also making 'repairs -t the for funds made by this organiza- at Newcastle, Red Feather Foot- Howard Corden, who lives at statcd that he would check eaetogs nthme tion this year to carry on their bail tournament (through Bow- thecorer ! Lbety nd anewih ReveLitleon onsruc wouId be erected at tha work at Memoriai Hospital. manville High School), and Streets,", appeared before courti- tion work on Liberty and a ine Tereartohe The canvass will bie made in individLiai aonations. cil ta complain about "terrifie* ho]e at tho corner o! Liberty steps ieading to the police Bowmanvilîc, Orono, Newcastle Ail rosidents of this district * peeding on Liberty St. "I fOl- and Jane caused by a fauluy department wfiI aXso be and the surrounding districtU. are urged to give their fullest Iowed one car myseif that was catch basin. made In the neâr future, The Hospital Auxiliary handies support to this organization, doing 65 miles in hour," lio A, letter wyas received from, he said. most o! the needs of our hos- which spends much time and dieclared. He pointed out that Mrs. Duaine Palmer, 163 Kiag pital, and doos ail the buying energy looking after those there are a large number. of St. E., complaining about thé' and ordering of small equipment. people who are unfortunàte children crossing Liberty St noise early in the morfingIJIA ÀA. uring 1954, a numbér of activ- enough to need hospital treat- on their way to school and tho- from across the streot betweenI~V New M ains ities were sponsored by the Aux- ment in the beautiful modern fast rate of speed at which cars Crystal Dairy and Robson Mot- iliary to raisle monoy. Thoso ini- hospital which they serve. are being driven on this street orý whiere miik cans are being Makes it vcry difficuit and kînocked around at 6 a.m. A p r ve o even dangerous for Harry Cas- ffen boumn, the crossing guard dt __(Continued on page Tofn S retfl e rn ki g af A en the corner o! Jane and Liberty.To n Sres c - a ngtA e a 1 Children have been touched f ]Bw nvle on C unil6 by cars and knocked down Ci'odcîedat thle rown mtnilf already and they may be badly IIc s rlle dcIedtth reularm eng P r c ed n a la' ed e hurt if the speeding isnt ti Tuesday night ta proceed wittf stopped," Mr. Cordén asserted. eshe-installatder loca imo ae- 'Hors heislation. o!tw wte- afin g Friday Night 51 He alo sabte t st the mont Theistin. bSktin2 s idents of Jane St and Liberty O n Saturday The irdSt w betwe bilht.~ St. ~~~ ~ ~ J Thirrpis r eigad LbrSt., aeen th t. Bowmanvillo Momoriai Aena or for the first while. Watem was o Sat. the rpar are-kw beîngs raer D h a will probabiy bo 'the first arena !irst added to the sand on Fmi- It ardee up in R. G.ll-kown Disrict s aco r. main on Rehdcr Ave. will bi in Onai zndfrtewne a.r aabou St. ho dstt. -I s o1e 1rnhcra ai unorun t frorn a point 377 footin ntiapnefotewitrd.rgtslgh onte of dusy 'ou can't breathe on1of the Fedemai Hcalth of Animais Scggj.t on season this year, Roy "Ducky" Bih ulgte h ofr private citizons hàd even gone Iaccidcnt on Saturday morning,, 627 foot wcst of Scugog. Cst sai Cartaekr-Mabhine po he bulng loday Mor n he so far as ta ail tIýe street them- wvhi le on his way to race at Port P etitions for constr~uction o! sktn saitarlts wdyeckn. Pubic roess ona iday Mr. Noh eads of selves. Mr. Corden also com- IHope Fair. ths aemiswr oc~-saigsat rdyceig tes wtht iti lthte hfets o! , piained that no red îanternis Just west of Newcastle, the cd from esidents concernied An enginecr from the firi-no! the eate outside tad afets had been put on the section two-horse trailor broko loose an ir lc yecmii2 aainI Egnosa sist ed t e te mcinse an tc o! Liberty St. which is under from his car, caroened across the, that the petitions 'woere signed Mr. Neads in getting the machin- spbld t owhc the tmpachine A road and stmuck a tolephoepl by the roquired two-thirds ery into operation for making abethao hotmeaue construction. ~ i o e pôh e rajority o! the property own- ice last Thursday evening. He sunlight on the roof.t fthe osu two ttate thath *hi wase vhe bwunlt ohe the inonit !The Coun. Jack Broughi agr'eod horsos were thrown out, but o rs. sttdta hswsdofinitely ! iteaeawrekp sda With Mr. Corden that conditions 1 asd from stiffnoss and bÉuises teistaeahoîdsardmuhas possiblo ta conserve theA at the corner o! Jane and Lib- werc uninjured. The trailer was this yoar. It is the earliest the: aimndkuper"aru Cc erty are.,ý'a disgrace o ta Bow- wrecked beyond repair. Police BrotartedD.- B o anviona asevr during' ice-making operations. t1 manville. There is a lot O! Chie! Art Randalo! Nowcastleý Ilwies Pla n st1e prtos Two separate machines are v' contraversy about conditions investigated the accident. For thmee days following the uised for making the ice. In one, g there, he said, and something The genial lover o! horsos AI. 1 ,, initial starting o! the ice-nmaking amm-onia is cooled. The am'- Tc should be done about it. stated on Wodnesday that ho, W e ikend at màchinery, Mm. Neads was on rmonia in tumn movos into anoth- te Mayor Nelson Osborne poinlt- iiuid bie right in the unning duty night and day to maintain nr mcie whero it acts to cool tc- ed out that-Reeve Sidney Little, for thc races at Omono Faim this a constant check on the opora- brine inside the netwomk o! pipes de Chairman o! the Roads and coming Saturday a!ternoon. CampI i.., tion o! the equipmont. Once a that linos the floor o! the build- ex Streets Committec, was absent His many frionds will hope, 1 base o! fmost is built up in the ing. The ammonia nover leaves 1 from the meeting through il]- with us, that his run ai tougli The Ist, 2nd and 3rd Pack arona, a themmostatie contrai the machine room. The cooled ce ness and thus could flot report luck is over for this year. Earlier, Brownies are gaing to spen-I switches the machinory onto brine in the pipes acts on the Pr othe repair work on Libertv in the yegr, ho was tossed from this coming weekcnd at, Camp automatic oporation. The work sand and the water which is spr ust conditions on Jane St. his rig at Port Perry, but came Sane, north o! Oshawa. This was of ta a good start this year;1 pae nb adt roei.s * ty-Reeve Carruthers ask- right back to \vin the next race. is tho first get-together o! this the machinery was put into op- Two '"Rink Rats" are assisting Co ed council's permission ta pur- This is the type o! courage well ikind and the girls have been eration a day ahead of what had "'Ducky" Neads during starting Av chase whatever type and quan-- known among hamness racirAg 1looking forward to it for a been planned, and the equip- operations. Wh tity o! dust layer the commiittce enthusiasts. long timo. mon t was operating vemy e!fic-1 The ealy oponing this year litt Brownies are flot allowed to JiientlY last weekond. Ail the 1was aranged In order ta have Wh camp under canvas, so thoy 1qimn mecvdatoog omplote weekend free from Ev wi1 stay in log cabins and 1check-up and was found ta ho power cut-offs for initial ice- L ofe S p o rt N ew s sleep in bunks with airfoam in ecletcniinls ok making. A new arrangement _______________________________________________ Sand about 10 inches deep on between the Amena and the P.A * The group wîll ho in charge the floor o! tho amena above the U.C.' states that, in retuma for a * o! Mms. A. J. Frank, licensed pipes had reached a temperature substantial roduction in rates, r Commandant, assistod by Mrs. o! about 70 degrees during the the P.U.C. may eut off electrie Ba ta s ef ut a s A. Coverley, Quartermaster; intense heat o! the summer, and power in the Amena at timos o! 1Mrs. R. Hetherington, Register- made the cooling process slow- peak consumption. The local Bantam basebaîl of! six hits. Paris mained two e d Nurse, and a group o!f the 'first game o! the playdown Brown smacked a homer into înett. Mrs. K. Nicks, Mýrs. Aub- R sd n s N u c o l series here last night by the deep right field with one on. i'ey Smnith and Mrs. K. Luxton,seoeof 15 - 12. The next game Bowmanvilie got two' runs in Brownie Guiders, will lie in dau wîll be in' Paris Satumday after- the third, two in the fotîrth and! charge o! the program.~4 p ~ M I. Pro riaon. If a third game is noces- one in the !ifth, holding Paris to Chartered buses will lc!e O j c to 'N e Sia S~~ bho isary. it 'ill be played immed-, ane ini the fi!th, off a triple by Garton's Bus Station at 9 a m Sch iaeyfolla.wing the second, in 1Weaver.. A homem'bvý, Ken Spcn- 1Saturday morning and return i Objections ta construction of. concomned objected to the build- adn Patis., cm in the sixth, plus three hits Sunday a!ternoon. sidewalks along St. George St. ing .o! a sîdewalk on tho east legE The Bantam Legýionnaires, Iand twa waiks brought in fiVO N. and on Ontario St. between side o! Ontamio St. between Nel- ont champions o! their own beague, runs, making it 12-8. Nelson and Liberty Streets son and Liberty Streets. They IV and winners o! the Johin Foote Ran Pai ard tapped the log1en eB under local improvements v0r ttdi etrta hyfeol Bov Tropy. ad teirv 123 et hi ofthe allgain inofen e T Be reeieîvd by Bowmanville Town the present cinder sidewalk is yoi. in the fifth inning o! the seven- centre field xith oneoan to give Council at its September meet- adequ.1te, and they also objected tioi inning game. A scoring spree by the Legionnaires two runs. Billy i- ~ ~ t ng Tuesday night. ta the incroase in taxes which hor, the Ponies bought in five runs Bates, star pitcher for the team, Lîvee AtfI onclhdrcevdam wouid resuit from tho wark. cred -in the sixth inning and four hit a long triple ta score Bill ue fmom the Bowmanil Mao Nlo bmn tte u more in the seventh. The Legion- Msboon Neith thern l5the ruoour~iO i a flaires scomed three runs in the fore the side was retired. kic IPublic School Board at the Juîy that a oy o! the School Board ti iast o! the sixth for insurance, Paris entered the same batting iI~vmting fo osruto !th etrreusigth ak making the final score 15 - 2.* order which scared five in the At a recent special meeting oftw stretches of sidewalk. As! copy o! the advertisement, and g The game started a!! whoen the sixth. and tailied for four runs the Bowmanville Public School requimed by legislation cavcring jthe letters objecting ta it would locals got two runs in the firs af! four hits, which was not Board tenders were opened for cases where a public body rather; now be fomwarded ta the Ontario innng ad in fi e n he ec nd uie e ou h.fencinà at the Vincent Massey than the property iownefrss pe:- Municipal Board and it would inning, Schooi. Until the turve ison com- eo titions for the omction o!sd-decide whcther the work should S 1 leted on the west side o! the waiks under local improvomonts. proceed or nat. C ou tic B e ts oli a ~ seoolproort th focewjîî a notice advising the public o! A letter was also receivod C ourticnl Be t1s ho poertdo the feas n d the intention ta construet the from the Secrejtary o! the Dur- P ceived froni Solina th2te Tegm vste 1 oly" de l-Iardweond the stee Obetosatnedcntutdo tews ieo ^j Th hundr" mpofene plate and regular outfieidersj fi Enn roies 4 0 vuu n hndraem4oes ou! hi Lloyd Hamilton and Fred o! a rect addres 4 8 S mud nt m~a wit be happy ta learn "Buck" Cowle word callod en hY A. M. Thonipson, Sup- that.-UAW. Local -22 andi ta Play third and shortstop. ervislng Principal of Bow- GM o Caada illresue mGord Sellers started on the, manville Public Sohools. negoti4tions today (Thurs- mound for Bawmanville and ho The problems of teacher o e C n i u Hld a day) li n«attcmpt ta settle was ielbeved in Fthe third by y hrae rprcrîu omnîî Hg eolo rdsi,1 n 3w shclled hard, andi Johnny Stain- 1 luni of study and many strained ts soams Tu4sday ais s ot thei cs ros The Cmpan requsted ton ivent in befome the end a!otf rrlt atr r TheCopay equstd 81students, the largE ft enrol- Only the upper schoolgrp that negotiations be trans- that trame ta fiihot the r reae otsae mnt ever. eitrd o c~~ ~~ figitish fo h ieusd I ýa r.r the will ho having classes for the ferred ftrnm Oshawa ta 'game. dsued l îianr 1955-56 season. ' first woek. As it is. theme are Terot. aud they wUll betin The Roses' batters faiiod ta' bound t. improve anyone's In the morning, 3C4 pupils ibarely onough c]assmoomns avail- atteRoyal York Hotel ai camne thmough with hits when understandlng of our cdu- sat, staod and loaned on walls Iable for this group. "We arc 11n.noeded and le!t about 14 run- cational systeni. Especially and each other inside 'the aud- jusing evory avaîlabie space at A ith uth ih e U n ion and ners stranded d uring the gam e. t o e w o h r a k t t r u f t e s h ý , a o g p e e t " p i c p l L . D p e Company are siii, lu dis- Bowmanviile coilected about thegood hol hakbakto oru o! the nw ds s obook, and- pel , rincpl .W.Dp te mmoretian 100 pro- ie hits altagether. th go l as ft eqiw esks fo d the n s, adiond posarionodh.ewpr us t ed 1 ew coniracti tems, Third and final game o! the tbree R's wlll find It now uinder constru:tion. O! af the schooi is being rushed, Frici but* aides have cxpressed series wil be played at Memûr- worthwhile reading. ths,194 are first-, ead tdition onstruton o!k athea n e p ar t hr o p t l m lis m . ý t h a t a g r e e m e n t i a l P a r k a t 4 : 3 0 p . m . o n S a t tu - - W o u y u g o o e t . a d 1 0 a e r i i n n , l f t e r o s a a l b e r d s i l ,r#»be eered .v ardork ýda- ad Icalfan ar ased rb ither t-) second forril, or back 1 ) and '0 for iW*rrnda\', wherî ,il and isnexe effort acrosa the turmn <'ut in force ta support the, read the article. We. aise into) fir- againi. 'h"are scheduled ta begin an Wbarsall table. R~oses inz thÂa crucial garne. aak for you.r comment&. Inl the atternoon, 1«i7 stuclenta j caS&es, r 'j, R 8al"95 Classes Start Kenneth Morris C hosen Wednesday foriAs Secret ary-Manager Grds9and 10 at Bo- manville High School lli The Bowmanville Chamber sible for organizing and super- ofCommerce will have a Sec- vising the annuel National atari Wednesday, Sept. 14, retary-Manager for the first Pistol and Smali Bore Rifle at 9 a.m., instead of Mon- tirne in its many years o! exist- Championship Matches at Ot- day, Sept. 12, as previousîy once when Kenneth N. "Ken" tawa. Ho armanged for the planned, Principal L. W. Morris takes over that position, inclusion o! rifle, piritol and Dipel anonce Ystr- probabiy by October lst. trap shooters in Canada's 1952ý Dipeianoncd ete- Mr. Morris has beon employ- Olympie Team. No marksrl day. cd for the past 21 years in the All available classroomas Amnionitian Division o! Can- are being used by the Up- adian Induetries Limited o!f per Shool classes, and con- Montrea, and was employed with the Chemical Division for struction work ls being thmee years when ho first rushed to niake more space joinod the firm. Prior ta bis avalable for this tine. retirement romn this firm at' the end o! Auguste ho had held the position o! S>los Prornotion! T'T'vnSupervîsor for teAmnto Teen n Division o! C.I.L. for sverl years. .11 M. Morris is a Bowmanvijbe W~î Ch oseboy, a son o! the lato Frank H. Morris and the former Edith V. M. E. Carscadden. Ho was Hisfaterwhowasan all- Plans will ho mado at the round marksmnn and a mem- first Teen Town Dance Friday ber o! the Can-acian Bi6ley evning in the Lions Cntre Teamn many times, was employ- fr elcting a iew executive d as a special representative for the club., by the Dominion Cartridge Several members o! the 1954. Company which latr .J)ecamo 55 excutive are leaving, and the Ammunition Divisi '--o! homo willho a largo number C.I.L. "Mugs," as his 'ýâther of vacancies on the executive. was nicknamed, was also n It is fot expected that all the outstanding pitcher on the remaining mernbeYs will ho local basebali tam. eturnd ta office. Tho new Secretary-Manager - o! the Bowmanviile Chàmber Kenneth Morris Recreation Dirctor Doug spent his oariy years in Edmon- Rigg. who was connectod quitc ton an d Montreai with bis par- had provi'>uslv been included closely with the sot-up in the j nts but returned ta Bowman- on the teairsînce 1928. Oshawa Teen Town Club while j ille following bis father's jHo is an L:cecutive Membtr e wrkd it th Rcratondeath in 1925. Ho attended sote Canadiar Olympie As- Association there. wvill ho on public and high. sehoal home, siaion. a Pirc:ztçr o! the and ta givo advice and mako graduating in 1931. . Ho joined1 Canadian Civilian t".ssociation suggestions.* Canadian Industries Limited o! Marksmon and o! the Can- The prsident of the club, j that same yar, and ater fir;t! adian Sports Advisory Cauncil. vin Staccy, is working in 1 servng with the Chemicals iMr. Morris is also a Cclincl ýobourg. Noel Dudley is at- Division, was transfemred ta t ho Member of tho Dominion,, of ending Albert College in Bellc- Ammunition Division and mov- Canada Rifle Association. ile, and Eleanor Maguire is ed ta Montreal ta assume mo- Has Outstanding Qualifications,-., ,oing ino nurses training in sponsibiiity for the company's Mm. Morris was choson froin oronto. AI Richards*will at-, national shooting rganization, among 17 applications for the md Ryerson Institute, Toron- Dominion Marksmen. His car- position o! Secretary-Manager o. Joe Markle's plans are not dom as embraced office man- o! the Chamber o! Commerce lefinite yet, but ho dos not agement, advertising, public e- because o! hiis outstanding qual- pct ta ho on the xecutive. lations and sales promotion ifications. Ho will work in the At the dance, tho usual x- with the C.I.L. firm's Ammuni- Chamber offices in the Town ellent music will ho heard. tion Division.* Hall which havo een re-decora- rizes are hing obtainod for M. Morris' interst. in com- atd and urnished by the ýecial danz-ý. The dance ptitive shooting brough hini Chambr. Mr. Morris' salary tarts at 8:30 in the Lins into close tuch with variosý and expenses wilI bho artly' ommunity Centre on Beech national sports organizations. paid fromn the $5000 whicl' Lvenue. Everyone who is any- For many yams ho was respon- (Continued n page six) ;here hetween 12 and 20 (or a ttle over or under) is invited,aw N ihether members or not. ( .f' IJ l v a 1& a a u &MPHa 9 % u a a a yW d e To Bols fer Ice Fund S Friday Night The Bowmanville Kinsmen appmoximately $3,250 every Club wiil hold thoir Annual year fmomn 1953 until 1963. Tag Day to-morrow (Friday) These payments woro made in ovetiing and ail day Saturday 1953 and l954-minus the opor- ta raise funds for the major ating profit on the Amena during cammunity service projoct o! these two years which was the club - the paying of! o! turned over ta council by the the indebtedness on the art- Arena Management Committee ificial ice installation at tho and applbed against the annual Memorial Amena.' debenture payment. Hawevor, The gonoral public is asked 'sbould the Amena fail ta show ta heip the Kinsmen with this a profit in any year betwoen project whîch bas meant sa flow and 1963. the club is me- much ta the life o! the coi-- sponsible for the full amaunt. munity- by beipg genoous Altogether the Bowmanville when purchasing thoir tags Kinsmen Club bas paid ut from the K insm en m em be rs $ 15 0 o d t o h rtf c on Fida eveingor Sturice projeet, including the a- da . S atdin 1951 mount raîsed by public sub. The rtiicia ic proect -aàsription and the 1953 and 1954 conceived by the Kinsmen in aenaTrots. roec 1951, anly a year aftem the club,' reCmunt rjc had been organized. Tbraugh Through this generous coin. Town Council tbey womked out munity projeet the Bowman.. a plan. whemeby cauncil would vilbo Kinsmen Club have made issue debentumes to help caver it possible for the cbildren and ho cost o! installing artificial adults in town ta enjoy arti- ice in the Amena, but the Kinî- ficial ico in thoir amena and non Club would undertake ta make much fuller useofa the pay them off over a 10-year building than was possible period. when it depended on natural The' cost of the project was ico. 40,000, and the Kinsmnen Club The tag day this Friday ev- tunod over $15,000 raised onîng and Saturday makes it hrough a vaioty o! club pro- possible for the citizens .a ýects and a bouse-to-bouse cao- show their appreciation ta the 7ass ta got it started in 1952. Kinsmen in a tangible way by rown Council isued debenturës making a geneous contribu- )f $25,000 to raise the balance tion ta help them carry the )f tho money needod ta install heavy tinancial burden which ne artificial ico and the Kins- they have undertakon in spon- 4 iss E. Prower Vins Award it St. Michael's Miss Elizabeth Prower, the aughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. rowor. Wellington Street, bas1 mn awarded the Mary Ward ýholarship, warth $1,072. for Imission ta St. Michael's Col- ge -o! the University o! Tom- da. Mviss Prowom graduated from xvmanviile High School thist iar. In hem final examina-f )ns, she had eight first classr ,ours, anc second and one r ýdit. She will enter an Hon- v rArts course at St. Michael's is F aîl.C The scholarship was 0ne0oo!: Yht !romh this college. :outs Planh aper Drive i iday, Sept. 16 1 r ýnothor paper drive is plan- jý 1by the Bowmanville Boy )uts Association for Friday $4 ning, Septembor l6tb. tp ouseholders are requested th tie up any papors or maga- je es they wish ta dispose o! v. Dsecure bundles and beave T1 n ôn the boulevard or lawn af front o! their homes by a -.m. Trucks donated by ýVt] al businessmen will call a!- n iraduate From Peterborough Civic Hospital' Catherine Stewart Jean Moffat Joan Hutchinson Bowmanville Orono Bowmanville Two Bowmanville girls and an Orono girl were members of a clas-a of 32 -ses w.ho graduated f rom the Peterborough Civic Hospital School of Nursing last day. Miss Joan Hutchinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hutchinson, and :erine Stewart, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Samuel Stewart, were the Bowmanville Iwho recrived lheir gradîi-.atc rur e nnr. 'Miss Jean Moffat, daughter of Mr. LMrs. D. S. Moffat, was the Orono graduatc. -Pictures courteby Peterborough Uaine .4 .'-' j I ~ j 'i R' j~ I t4tr~an. 1" 'J ~>' nal" 10e PER ýOPY NUMBER 11