THURSDAY SEPT. th, 195 ?TEE fANAfLTAW STATY'1SMAN- BurIIANi7T.. ONlM9AAEi Miss Isobel Anderson Mil 'verton, and Mn. Ross ±7ayîor St. Catharines, spent the holi day weekend with Mr. an( Mrs. Chas, Taylor. Mrs. Thornton Wilson wa visiting Mrs. Eanl Grady, Hanm ilton.* Mr. and lirs. Geo. Thorne New Jersey City, N.J.; Mr SChas. Gibson and Miss Eleanoý ,èjGibson, Peterborough; Mn. an( Mrs. Earl Duvail, Leskanc were Sunday visitons with Mi and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs.. Gerry Robin. son and Teddy, Bowmanville moved last week to Orono V the house tbey recently pur cbased froni Mr. B. Hendersor Mrs. S. Payne was taken tc Memnorial Hospital, Bowman ville, last Friday following - faîl on Thursday and wa! nioved to Toronto Hospital or Tuesday. Congratulations to Mn. arn Mns. Dewitt S. Harness, th( former Mrs. E. Swancott or their marniage. Mn. and. Mrs. J. C. Gamey and Miss Alma Cutteil werE weekend guests of Mn. and Mns Hanny Lycett at thein cottage, Mink Lake. .Mrs. Alex Watson and bei sister, Miss Agnes Fenguson oi Rochester, N.Y., retunned hornE on Saturday after visiting theii fathen and other relatives in Scotland past seven weeks. Mns. Jennie Richardson î: visiting friends in Rochester, N.Y. Mn. and Mrs. C. F. Duncan visited with thein family ir Ottawa for the weekend. Mn. Neil Porter is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Congratulations to Mn. anc Mrs. J. D. Brown on thein Sth wedding anniversary, Sept. 13, 1955. Mns. J. Arnott and children - - - - - - - - - - - L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bils To Consolidate Monthly Payments For Home Repairs For New Purchases For Any Emergeny Corne In Today Try The Bel1vp.e Way on a Pay from Income Plan - returned home from Regina r, last week. i- Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Han-. ýd cock, Sharon and Wayne, New- castle, spent Sunday-with Mr. 15 and Mrs. Robent Hancock. 1- Miss Madeline Cowan, nurse- in-training at Ontario Hospital, eWhitby, at bier. home for the r.weekend. )r Mn. and Mrs. Ferguson, rd Rochester, N.Y., visited Mn. À, and Mrs. Alex Watson. r. Mn. and Mrs. C. Plews and son John,, Oshawa, visited orn 1Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. -White. e, Clair Chapman netu rne d o home last week froni Western -Hospital, Toronto, following an 1.openation. oo Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Leland BaIl, the former Kathleen Green, on their mar- ts nage Saturday, Sept. 3rd, at n Onono United Church, Rev. John Kitchen officiated. d Mrs. Ch.s. Wood spent Fnl- (- day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred n Brooks, Oshawa. Mn. Jack Wilson, Huntsville, y~ visited Mn. and Mrs. C. W. e Wilson for the holiday wee,- end. Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Bow- manville, visited Mns. George r Butters on Friday. d Mns. M. Farrow, Bowman- e ville, spent a few. days visiting ýr Mn. and Mns. R. R. Waddell. n Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton, the .former Betty Chapman, on the birth of thein daugbter on Labour Day at Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Miller ne- tunned home on Friday froin three weeks' visit to Chicago, Seattle, Washington, Victoria, 1B.C. and Winnipeg, Man. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Jini Linton and Carole, Toronto, visited Mn. .and Mrs. CarM. lnTnnat Mand M rs. G.rM. Linton. Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper with Mn. and Mns, Bob Cooper, London. jMrs. Henry Smith, Barry and iRonald, Gravenhurst, visited Mn. and Mrs. D. M. Myles. IMns. Chas. Awde and Mr. Hanny Hoopen were supper guests Friday of Mn. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. The occasion was Mn. D. Hoopen's 8lst birth- day. Onono was shocked to hear ne the sudden passing on Sun- day morning of 2-months-old Wendy, infant daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Bob Cooper of Lon- don, sister of Ronnie and Bruce, granddaughter of Mn. and Mrs. Cani Tennant and Mn. and Mns. F. O. Cooper. Intennient was on Wednesday in Orono Ceme- tery. Dead Stock Removed Rlighest prices paid for Dead, Oîd and Crlppled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONL PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 For Good 0e 0e Teilvision WE RECOMMEND c7J/h U{iawart4a"-9 -By Electrohome 22 Tubes Heavy Transformer Chassis ALL the Latest Features $339.ou We guarantee this set fully for One Fuil Tear IN WRITING ý-TeIe vision Servicec.Proecio 33 King St. West Expert Television MA 3-3883 Service The Orono News ;eorge Aliciread. Cngratulations to Mr. and' Miss Mary Broomfield with Mrs. Ken J. Hartley (nee Vin-, r. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. ginia Hopkins) on their recent; Saturday evening a crmn oast manriage. ias beld at Mr. Richard Gibbs' Mrs. Les Collacutt, Mrs. ,Ted ,hen a family reunion was beld. Hoan and two daughters, Diana everal frorn Oshawa wére and Lee Ann, visited Mr. and. 'esent. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Nestie-i The Orange Lodge of Tyrone ton. re looking forward to a good' Mn. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff nnout at their carnival Friday and famuly, Mr. Bill Snowden,i ight. Toronto. spent the holiday week- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley end at Harwood on Rice Lake. ýent the long weekend at Que- This community extends con- c City.1 gratulations to Mr. W. J. Snow-! Mp. and Mrs. H. Trivett, Wes- den who on Friday, Sept. 2nd,' )n; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, celebrated his 85th birtbday. îwmanvjhle; Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt,' loyd Webb and girls, Ponty- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoan, Diana,; :ol; Mr. and Mrs. R. Camenon Lee Ann, were Sunday dinneri d Raymond, Mn. and Mrs. guests with Mrs. Ed. Hoar, Newv-i erb Cameron, Mrs. D. Dav'ey castle. -d girls enjoyed a crn roast at________________. r. and Mrs. A. Wood's, Satur-1 ày ev'ening.T1C K E*T S Air. Rail or Steamshlp N'ations bave no existence Consuit art from their people. if 1 J UR Y & LOVELL xer ' person in the Nmorld loved i 3owmanvîlie ?ce, every nation would lovei[1,5 King St.W A357 ,ce.-J. Sherman Wallace. ,W MA-77 Change of TYRONE BLACKSTOCK Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marty called on Milton Virtue and Mrs. and boys enjoyed the holidE Elva Beckett. weekend with the Sid Martyr Congratulations to Mr. L. j. at their cottage, Sturgeon Lak Goodman who celebrated his Mr. and Mrs. Leitx Byer birthday on Mondiy,- Sept. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byej Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and famlly, Mr. and Mrs. Iva and boys visited with Miss Mountjoy and family attende Dorothy Theobald of Saskatch- the Franklin Family Picnlci ewan at the home of Mr. and Orono Park on Sunday. Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton. Miss Margaret Hillis, Mi: Mrs. M. Russnell, Whjtby, is Rosemary Hunter, Bellevill! spending a few days with Mr. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Solini and Mrs. K. Hardy. Mr. Ewart Leask, Taunton, wil Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott visit- Miss Clara Marlow. ed Mrs. A. Prescott, Enfield. Baktc nttt a e Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and lastock Instien as ie o John holidayed with relatives at pleas e t gt eod peri Toronto and Meaford. , Fahir ehibit at ot e Mr. and Mrs. James Park and aroMndy children, Peterborough, spent Mr. and Mrs. Jack His ar the holiday weekend with Mr. family. Goodwood; Mr. an and Mrs. Walter Park Jr. Mrs. Ted McLaughlin and faii Miss Marion Wright is teach- ily, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mr king again thîs terni at Duke of Reg Rimmer and Helen, Scat Edinburgh School, Oshawa. borough, with Mr. and Mr 1 We're quite pleased to see Harold McLaughlin. teachers Miss Elizabeth Knox Mrs. Leith Byers vîsited Mr and Mr. Paul McIntosh back at Jos. Peel, Port Ferry, on Moi 1our Tyrone School. day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coombes, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore Toronto; Miss Alberta Page, house, Sudbury, were recen Honolulu, called on her bro .ther, guests of Rev. C. W. Huttor Mr. Fred Page, Monday. Mrs. Hutton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread Crwih col pn and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crwih col pn Beckett and daughters visited their Fall terni to-day (Tues Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, day). There are four schoc Scugog Island.1 buses bringing the townshi Congratulations to Mr. Fred cbildren to school in Black Page. Thursday, Sept. 8th he stock. The drivers are Georoi will celebrate his 83rd birthday. Bowers, Dick Davison. Gordr) Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rah M, Metcalfe and Carl Wright. Burketon; Mr. George Avery, The staff of the Pubi Little Britain, visited Mr. and Schools: Miss 'Yvonne Chanl Mrs. Walter Rahm-. Mrs. John Venning, Mns. Bruci The Vacation Bible School Heaslip, Mrs. Roy Turner, Mr closed on Friday evening after Neil Bailey and Mr. Grar 10 days of study. The average Campbell. At the High Schoo attendance was 59. Total enroîl- the teachers are: Mr. Gordoi ment 84. Quite a number of Paisely, principal; Mrs. Johi aduits attended to admire the Scott, Mr. Janis Kere and Mr work the children had ac- Keith Beacock, scie'nce teache: complished. Rev. F. J. Jackson who is living in Port Ferry, i. was chairman. The children new on the staff. sang several numbers, films were also shown, making the evening a great success. Much Nsfeo tio credit is due to those who sacri- eteo tto ficed their time to help the children along the right path. Recent visitons with Mr. arn Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson were: Mr Mrs. Howard Brent who cele- and Mrs. John Webster, Lind- brated their 25th wedding an- say, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold niversary at the home of Mr. Lang and Barry of Omemee. and Mrs. A. H. Brent on Tues- Mrs. Herman Samelîs, Mr day evening, when there was a and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and family gathering. Gwen visited the Morrows oi Mr. and Mrs. H. Trivett, Brighton and also the Elwood Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Grays of Perrytown. Miss Eun- Cameron. ice Wilson visited Miss Marilyn Mn. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Gibso, Greenbank. Bowmanville, wjth Mr. and Mrs. Mse ehPot n a A. Wod.ilyn Jackson are home fronr Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbary and Gil Mar Lodge, Dunsford. Frankie vîsited their sôn and where they wene employe< daughten, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. uingsme aain Colbary and Mr. and Mns. G:.uigsme aain Howard, Cleveland, Ohio, over IMr. and Mrs. Charles Tor- the long weekend. rance, Linda and Murray oi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy Lindsay visited Mn. and Mrs. and children'visited Mr. and Ivan Proutt. John neturned Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Bowman- home with theni for a holiday ville, and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield Taylor, Orono. Kenneth Murphy and Mns. Tenwillegar of Osh- returned home after holidaying awa; Mr. and Mrs. Archie with Donald Murphy. Moffat of Welland; Mrs. 'Jobb Miss Lillian McRoberts, Mr. of Mount Clemens, Mich., and and Mrs. Albert Niddery, Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Seamon and son to, vjsited at Mr. and Mrs. H. and daughter of Ipsilanti, Mich. McRoberts and Mrs. F. Mc- attended Decoration Day ser- Roberts. vices and called on friends in Congratulations t o GlIo r ia the village. Brent on receiving Istprize in Congratulations to the Nest- the saddle class at Port Ferry leton newlyweds, Miss Shirley Fair. Ellis who was marrîed to Mr. Mn. and Mrs. George Alldread Joe Walker of Janetville anc spent Sunday at Gore's Landing. Mr. Melville Samelîs who was Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowman- married to Miss Doris Gordon ville; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skin- of Lindsay last Saturday, Sept. nxer, Joan, Judy and Janice, Is- 3rd. .ington, visîted Mrs. Florence Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- Scott. son spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Stainton and their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jean, Miss Phyllîs Maynand, Hilliard Millard of Whitby at Bowmanville; Miss Venna Arm- thein cottage at Virginia Beach, strong, Bethany; Ross Hall, Zion, Lake Simcoe. at Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhert Drinkle Warren Cross, Toronto; Mr. of Newcastle are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Hauber, Philadel- and Mrs. George Bowers. phia, visited Mn. and Mrs. H. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Marlow Philp. Lynda returned home enjoyed a motor trip with Mr. vith her parents. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow to Laurîlyn Welsb, Bowmanville, Stouffville, Musselman's Lake pent a few days with Mr. and and Lake Sim~coe on Sunday. Mns. George Alldnead. Mr. and Mns. Philip Lan- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mrs. feld and family have been Otto Virtue visited Mr. and Mrs. staying with bis parents until Ira Erbe, Cansonville. Michigan, their new home in Scanhonough and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dev-, is ready for occupation this tt, Peck, Michigan, oven the week. holiday. Mrs. A. McLeod and Donald Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs, Mrs. S. of Toronto spent the holiday T.Hoar visited Mrs. H. Curtis, a ýt the manse with ber parents, ALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS Regular $4,98 to $6,95 $3.99 Owne-rsh ip ynI lay ins ke. ers, nrs rat le, ra;, ith rry nd id !n- rs. t n, ed )01 r.n tic Corne in to-day and se e the many ouistanding bargaiirs we have waiting for you. These are only a few of the items listed helow that have been draslically reduced. Ail firsi quality merchandise. SHIRTS Regular $5.95 each 3 for $15.50 Regular $4.95 each $4129 3 for 12.50 Regular $8,95 to $15.95 TI ES Regular $1,00 to $2.00 Tro.Clear. 75c CARDIGANS Long Sleeves Regular $8.95 to $10.95 $7.99 MEN'1S TROUSERS Sizes 28 to 42 Regular $9.95 to $16,95 $6.99 MEN'S Fi Size 35 - 5 only Regulan $49.50 to $79.50 - Size 36 Regular Size 37 Regular Size 38 Regulan . 15 only $49.50 to $75.00 . 13 only $59.50 to $75,00 . 14 only $59.50 to $75.00- Size 39 - 23 only Regulan $59,50 to $79,50 Regular $6,95 to $8,95 .$3.75 $4,99 LONG SLEEVE SPORTS SHIRTS Regular $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 and $7.95 MEN'S PYJAMAS Regular ý$5.95 and $6.95 $4.89 pair -2Ifor $9.50 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Regular 50c each 3 9c 3 for $1.00 MEN'S GABARDINE JACKETS & WINDBREAKERS Regular $6.95 to $13.95 for $ 7.00 'INEST QUALITY O Size 40 - 21 only $39450 Regular $59,50 to $79.51 O Size 42 - 8 only $39.50 Regular $59.50, to $79.5( S Size 37 - 1 only $395 Reguýar $29.95 ---- O Size 44 - 1 on ly $39.50 Regular $39.95. O Size 46 - 1 only $39.50 Regular $39.95----- id of )f Y. ie MEN'S WINTER 11 only Regular $39.50 to $75.00 $25.00 SUITS 50 50- $39.50 $39.50 $1950 $1950 $1950 MEN'S SOCKS Regulan $1,00 to $2.50 89C pair SPORTS JACKETS Sizes 36 to 40 Regular $29.50 to $35.00 $1950 BOYS' SUITS' Sizes 29 to 34 Regular $19,95 to $25,00 $1500 Groten- Ullverkoop, komin,1 en ispecleeri onze voorraad in heeren en yongens kleeding O VER CGATS 3 only Regular $29.95 $1000 BIRUCE- MINNS MENJ'S AND BOYS' WEAR 29 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5423 ]Regular $3.95 each $3.19 3 for $9.50 Thursday, Sepf. 8 to Saturday, Sept.'17 on!> MEN'S WHITE by Tooke and Van Heusen 'I w Bowmanville PAGE Ma= SHORT SLEEVE T-SHIRTS Regular $2,98 and $3.98 99C C AP S Regular and Sport Styles Regular $1,00 to $2.50 89C each 'DRESSING GOWNS Regular $9.95 to $10,95 $5.95 A HUGE ODDS AND ENDS TABLE Everything at give away prices PI, * mm ---------- IL . ý THMISDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1953 9 $2.49 Phone MA- 3-5423