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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1955, p. 4

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- A Lia.~~~~~~~~~E CAIN AJJ1A.[ b*1AT LMAN. BOWMANVIE. ONTA2RIO 'uSlY EP' tI15 PAGE POUR Darlington Consuders A Darlington Council met( Sept. lst. with membersz present and Reqve Nichais pr, siding. A delegation visited Coun re the opening of rbad betwe( Lots 16 & 17, Con. 1, Darlin ton. Road Supt. was instructi to have this raad made pass bie. -and Clerk was instruCtE ta have fence acrass:, road 'r, inoved and road left open. Motion was carried to ti effect that anyone requiring newV driveway on any Towl ship raad must buy his o%% culvert which wili be instalit j b3y the Township. Size and tyr of cuivert must be approve j by Road Supt: Buildini Inipector was i structed ta inform Road Sup of any irregularities regardir driveway culverts. Assistant Municipal- Roa Engineer reported that ti natural watercourse in'Lots 24 *25, Con. 7, is aciýoss the roa where the culvert is now situa ted 'and that the great majoril o! water is naw running in tha direction. Road Supt. presented his ne port and vouchers for Augu; of $3,193.47, which were order ed paid. Cor'-espondence from Dep çf Labour re Business and Of fice Building and Trennh Ex cavators Act, was referred i Building Inspector. Letter from the Board o Transport Commissioners n roads cons truction axer pipe line was referred ta Roac Committee. Road Supt. was instructed tc send bulldozer ta Doug. Bar 'I 04, Wtý'hen Ifs Sleep Time TONIGHT, a f t e r you've turned off the TV and put your hair up . . . enu you crawl into bcd with the com- fortable feeling that your valuables are protected by Burgiary Insurance? If not, wve strafgly urge you to cail on us for this ca-ver- age today! STUART R. JAMES Insurance office MA 3-5681 King Street Real Estate Residence IWA 3-54931 E. Bowmianvllle USED 1166 King St. E. BUICK> Trw p. Cou ncil 1idery, H sapton, wJr. atj Mn. George Aieyset5v eral days at r. Frank West- 'any ~Ltes lake's, Sr.I on tn's oad nd'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake on on' rad ndhave road made entertained relatives at a carn al Passable. roast recently. Those present re Clerk was instructed ta have were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice farmis Printed for Dag Tax de- and sans, Mn. and Mrs. Fred cil mands. Dart, Zion; Mr. W. 'R. West- ta ~ ivenlake, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. ýe by the Planning Board at ttigirMr and Mrs. Reg Land, Cathie "' meeting on August 25, 1955 and Steven, Mrs. Edith Mai- r J.DHoat aa oned lowe, George -and Lillian and e-awD Hnogaerneth a pntdMr. Ed. Janvis, Bowmanville; Law nforcmntQ ce orM and Mrs. Cyril Smith, ,heDrlnt. Violet and Veronica, Fleet- a Counicil ta have hydro pales wood; Mn. and Mrs. Perey r-reset on LawsOn Road. Westlake and family. en Road Supt. ta have 20 nods M.nd rs. D. Flett, Mur- af roaçi to Rogers lot in Hamp- May and M re vsd a Mr. peton repaired.,. Jahn Flett's, Peterboxtough. ed General accounts of $6,975.99 Mr. and Mns. Frank West- ,LWere'ordered paid. lake. Jr., and familY visited in on Sunday at Mr. Fred Caok's, SOLIN- PÊtrborough. ngl SOLr. and Mrs. Hanry Knox and Dean visitéd at Mn. Ken ad Ray Pascoe, presîdent of the PM n. and rsha. Hg ae he three l\'s conductied the open- Mand dhtr shawa, visitmec ý4- ing exercises at the meeting atndr. C.Hmer shaa. iie d Tuesday nlght. For the next atMr. . Brd an Mr.C a- meeting un September 27. Joe Hmes Brated d cmmumty. ty adranthy Sowden wilThe r- shcwer for Miss Helen Hamer2 gtrangef the epro gra.Theprr of Brooklin, bride af this week.h gra o te venngwa pe- Donald Hamer entertainedf '- pared by the group-,of whichsena lite reds tbs st jFaye and Murray Vice are con- blrhay pat rty nds atday 2 lvenors, with the latter taking Gledaynrt n Mls ,o apie 1 charge. The worship service Gaend JniesBird vipie a t. based on the ite o! Fannv wih oen ae Br. iit - Crosby, the biind comPoser of tMr an aMer. SanM fio rhymns, was ied by Eunice aMrd ans visted a Miont o Leask and ber first hymn, ahnd sons, Oshta r.Blls "Pass me nnt, O gentle Sav- DviitsmalOshampns f iou," ws sug. *ited bis cousin, Rannie Baker. '~A very informative and in- Mr. E. Ormiston o! Ebenezer teresting talk on "Hymns a! Spent several days at Mr. Toa. id the Church' was capably given Baker's. by Mrs. J. Baýker in her usual Ms te ocMse Sgracious mariner. It is when MrorielandEheniCouch r- we are singing these love] v MBom ande, iie. at Mn. J. B ymns that Oui sotils are, lifted Bakers. ta higher thoughts - leavxng Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson,G the cares o! life behind.* Brircf Peiiter't4orough, visited at Mr.t acéounts of several famous Isaac Hardy's. . c composers and their hymns Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrîn-W were read by the members, der attended the wedding of during Mrs. Baker's reemarks. the latter's niece, Phyllis Cook, a] Many of the composers were ta Peter Hagan at North Run-V inspired ta write these beauti- neymede United Church, Ton- M fui bymns when in great dis- onto, on Fiýiday evening and G tress. In conclusion Mrs. Baker also visited at Mr. John Brom- led in the singing of two fav- ells, ar orite hymns which along with Miss Elma Cryderman, Osh- ar maîiy others will live on down awa, was at home for the bhl- th through the ages. day weekend. Additional program included. Mrs. Mabel Westley, Toronto, Ti harmonica selections by Bruce is visiting this week with ber of Taylor and readings by Lois sister, lVfrs. J. Yellawlees. Yellowlees and Pearl Leach. Mn. and Mrs. Elmo Archer GC Games were conducted by Stan and son, Mn. Ted Archer, Jan- s Milîson and refreshments were etville, visited Mr. Bill Camnes M served by. the committee in et the Werry's. charge. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Davis, wi Sincene sympatby. is exteiqd- Marilyn and Peter, Oshawa, M: ed ta Mr. Everett Spires gn the, were Sunday tee gests et Mn. ,,i sudden passing a! bis father, Ralph Davis'. Mr. W. J. Spires a! Millbroak. Mr. Don Kellestine, Toronto, ga The flawers at the altar on I spent the- holiday weekend a p Sunday marning were in loy- Mr. J. Yellowlees'. a Be ing memory of the late Missi' ni Nora Werry wha passed away HP' LANS AM ho a year ago. HP' LAETFR Douglas Dewell, -Hampton, Harvey Goheen of Bewdlev ai visited at Mr. Bruce Tink's. was winner of the Part Hape Bo Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and agricultural society's Clean gu. Mrs. Addie Tink visited at Mn. F a r m competitian. Fifteen JQI Arthur Taylor's, Cherrywoud. farmers of Hope and Hamilton 1 Neil Tink had a pleasant township entered this year an( holiday witb bis cousin, Car- Bruce Eagleson, CabotIrg, was St olyn Dewell, et Hampton, second; Morley Wilson, Part anc Miss Mabel Harris visited ne- Hope, third; Gordon Macklin, E lativés at Whitby. of Bethesda, 19à4 winnen, was nin Mn. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, fourth: Roy Pbilp, Part Hope. agE Orono; Mr. and Mrs. F. Aber- fiftb. Gerrpet Rickard of Bow- Pi. nethy and Joyce af Oekwaod manville, was judge. bej visited et Mr. E. R. Taylor's. _________ _ Ne, Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- me -'boraugh, was at home during Lest year Canadian business 7 the weekend. i irms paid $8 milliona week aq Mrs. Ross Woodward, Mn. into emplayee pension and wel- par Geraid Woodwvard and fniend, fare plans and unemployment Belleville; Mr. George Avery, insurance and warkmen's corn- Little Britein; Mrs. Georgina pensatian funds. 9 - PONTIAC' CARS Bowmanville -G.M.C. MA 3-5585 TRUCK DEALER Ban tams Go tb Paris On Safurday Af ternoon Bus Space Available Paris. Ontario, Eantam base- fine basebali titis year, and bail team will play hosts to the~ th e team has won almost ev- Bowmanville Legionnaires on Saturday in the second game ery game played. jof the playclown series. , There is room, an the bus The first' gamç of the two- Saturday for 10 or more pas- out-of-three series was sched- sengers at $3.75 per persan. uled for iast night, (Wednes- This is ane team which deser- day) at Memorial Park here. ves the support of interested Bowmanvile bas been p1pying c ttizens. Solina 'Wins Semi-Final Beats Zion on Saturday Wl! Now Meet Courtice On Saturday, Sept. 3, Sauina defeated Zion by a score of 2-0. The previaus three games had been one tie 0-0, one win for Sauina 4-1 and ane win for Zion '3-2. Sauina now enters finals against Caurtice which is a best of three games series wvith four points as a deciding fac- tor. The schedule is set up for finals:' Sept. 7-Courtice at Sauina. LONG SAULT Mrs. Harper, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Faulkner, Stephen, Judy and baby Patsy, Toranto, were Vlanday guests o! Mn. and Mns. Gordon Fletcher. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- to, spent the long iweekend with bis parents. Mn. and Mrs. H. C. McClure and Miss Jane McClure, Happy Valley, were Sunday guests o! Mfr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. Sergent T. A. and Mns. Baker and, Jili, North Bey, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker aven the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evens, Toronto, wene Sunday guests of Mn. Robt. Sim. Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Sloria and Bob, Bowmanville, ;pent the holiday with Mr. and Ns. F. G. Smith and Grece. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Veneyk 'ere Sunday supper guests o!f Ir. and Mrs. Chanlie Pen- xrden. Mn. and Mrs. A. J. McLag- ,n, Janet, Heethen and Bruce ,ent Sunday et Elmhurst Ieach, Lake Simcae, Murray -turning home efter heving iolidays with bis grendperents. Mn. Alvin Fermer, Garmley, id Mn. Sidney Tomlinson, àowmanville, wene Sunday îests of Mn. and Mns. Bert ohnsan. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Camera» id, Raymond, Tyrone, were mndey evening guests o! Mn, .d Mrs. C. Penwerden. School opened Tuesdiay mon- ing with Mrs. A. Rosevean gain as aur teecher anj a pu- il ettendance a! 25 witb twa eginners, Garry Sincy from tw Park, No. 20 and Jenet ILaggan. The ladies are busy quilting qult et the home o! Mns. F. nrtner. KEDRON Rev. R. H. Rickard was back in his pulpit after holidays and canducted the regular morn- ing service for this Labour Day weekend. Mr. Rickard remind- ed us that God's measure is not a time dlock, nor the piecewark produced, but rather the stan- dard of Divine judgment is the motive behind aur efforts. Louis Vaillancourt, boy sop- rano, sang as a vocal solo "God is Love", organîst Mrs. R. Lee. Mrs. H. Rose was the leader of a splendid Adult Class dis- cussion in the Suinday Schaol hour. Columbus-Kedron Doubles Club plan ta gather on Friday evening for a wiener roast at the Percy Mountjoy Grave. Al interested couples will be made welcome. Local members of Braoklin Jr. Farmers attended the meet- ing in the Hall on Thursday evening, Sept.,1, and heard Mr. Gerry Nelsôn, Hoistein-Frie.i- ian fieidman, talk on the sclec- ttion of foundation animais for the dairy herd. Ron Werry left on Monday morning, Sept. 5, ta spend the; week at Lake Couchiching at Jr. Farmers Camp as one of two Ontario County dciegates at the Conference. Wedding beils are really ringing out at Kedron. On Tuesday evening, some 30 rela- tives and immediate friends of Miss Marilyn Booth, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. H. Werry and Jeanine when they honour- ed Marilyn an her appraaching marriage ta Douglas Lave ta be 4 mid-September weddîng. Following a variety of enter. tainment Mrs. Leslie Boo*.h' and Mrs. E. Lave poured tea! and coffee and nefreshments were served by the hastesses, assisted by Mrs. Grant Ormis-ý ton, Mrs. Howard Hoskin and, i daughters. Guests were presnnt; from Gneenbank, Sunderlandý and Oshawa.1 On Wednesday afternaoni Mrs. L. J. Brooks assisted byI iMrs. S. Coiiacutt and ather friends entertained at a supper party in her cottage here at Brook Park, honouring Missi Elizabeth Li.ndsay, physiothera- pist of Oshawa, another Sep- tember bride-to-be, and Clan-: ence ,Bayes. the prospectivei groom. A shower of lovelyi gifts was a part of the enjoy- able programme. On Wednesda3, evening Mrs. E. Love, Mns. H. Wvenry and, Jeanine were among the many guests who gathered at lhe home of Mrs. Eric Booth. Os,- awa, at a surprise party and linen shower lield ta honaun Mar,yri Booth. lntenesting Lames and contests were fea- Sept. 10-Saline et Countice. Sept. 14-If necessary, Courtice and Salina, At Enniskillen. In Junior league semi-finais home aind home games, Tyrone and Courtice are tied up et faur goals apiece, end are play- ing a tic breeker at Saline on Sept. 8th. Zion eliminated Maple Grave by a score of 7-4 and will aweit the outcomce. o! the Caurtice and Tynone gamc. tured, tapped off as usuel with a deliciaus lunch. Mrs. Ross Lee and relatives- to-be !nom Kedron wercas I mong guests a! Mrs. Vno Osborn, Oshawa, on Thunsday evening when a panty and mis- cellaneous shoxver o! gifts wes again held for Marilyni Booth. Prizes were awandcd ta the winnens a! cantests and ail en- joyed wetcbinig the guest o! bonour seancb fan, end open ber beautiful gifts. The dining- table wvas centred with tali pink tapers, glediolus 'flarets, and four doîl brides arranged on a hand-cnocheted clotb. Mrs. L. Booth end Mrs. E. Love af- ficiated et' the silven services, and refreshmcnts were served by the bostess and ber as- sistants. A stag perty was a jolly event o! Fnsday evening when 16 young men af the commun- ity were guests o! Bill Snow- den et their home. This was a triple celebration bonauring tbree o! the group, Don Mount- >oy wbo recently gave up bis dlaim ta bacbelanbood, Daug Love wbo is soon ta renaunce bis dlaim and Grant Pascoe who plans to relinquish the titie in the lete Fail. Presente- tions were made ta the three guests o! banaur and an cnjoy- able time was spent in ail-maIe Best wishes. -tbaugh samne- whet beleted, are cxtended ta Mrs. Walter Langmaid, Osh- awa, Who. neccntly entered ber 93rd yeer. Mrs. E. Mountjoy .ZeII's spent the birthday with hen mother. This week, on Sept. '11, Suti- day, Mn. R. J. Luke wilI cele- brate bis 87th binthday. Oun warm good wisbes are with hini. Mn. and Mrs. W. Wenny, Don- ald and Dennîs wene Sunday guests o! the Roy Jackson fam- d ily, Little Britain. June and John Davis were guests o! Don Hafier, Saline, son bis birthday recently. Those with tomate craps are busi]y engaged ln the hanvest- ing of the fnx it. Many Kedron folk enjoyxýd Canadianna, 1955, the evening show at the Exhibition and faund it very fine. Misses Eleanor Mountjoy and Jeanine Werny were weekend guests o! Miss Ortve Luke, Ton- onto, and dinner guests o! the rBert Luke family an Sunday. Mns. Alvin Spencer was in the bospital briefly last week for a further X-ray an that injured limb, but stili weits permission ta use it. Mrs. Spencer bas enjayed the celîs o! many neighbouis and othen expressions o! kindly wishes. Mn. and M ns. Harvey Pascoe were dinner guests of Mns. Will McCullougb, Onano, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar, Oshawa, visited Mn. R. J. Luke a n Saturdey. Exhibitons this yeer at theI Port Penny Black and White Show on Labour Day included Elmcroft folk and the Bob Flett's. Many attended the splendid fair fram this cam- munity. Some o! the race hanses were from local racing- stables in this enea. Mn. and Mns. J. Elliott weret guests at the Banford - Harri-. son wedding in Oshawa anr Saturday.1 It was fine ta bave an Osh- r awa girl win the C.N.E. Speil- 1 ing Contest and aur congratu-s lations are offened Miss Maryt Atwood, Oshawa Lîbranian, an J ber achievement.E Students ettending Collegiate at Port Penny High Scboal in- clude this year: Alan Francis, Carl Grass, Keith Martin, Rab: ert Spenoer and Bnian Lee who will continue bis studies thene. At O.C.V.I. wiil be Eleanor t Mountjoy and Jeanine Werny, 1 Douglas Pascoe, Michael John- t stan and Bill Farndale. Wee imagine the glum. look worn on the apening day wes menely assumed because it is consid- ered the propen procedune. In 1867 some of the names thet were cansidered for the new Dominion a! Canada were Leunentie, New Britein, Cabo- tia, Columbia, Bnittanica, Bon- ette, Mesopelagia and Ursalia. At the time of the most re- cent census there were 6,709,- 685 Canadiens o! British Isies anigin and 4,319,167 Canadiens "o! French origin. Othen princi- pal groups were Qermen (619,- 995), Ukrainien (395,043), Scendinavian (283,024), Neth- erlends (264,267), Polish 218,- 845). nly choice is that between co- CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) I 'i Pays Tobacco Fear of The Atomic Bomb By Lewis Milligan There is na need ta go ta Switzerland ta attend a Geneva Confenence, for there is one held every summer at Geneva Park an the shanes af Lake Couchiching in Ontario. The nrimeval fonests which not very' long ega cavered the whole o! bhis Province, and tbe situation is anc o! remnte retreat and tranquility fram the pressing and distressing affains o! this present world. But those wha attend the *conference are nat escapists, for tbey carry the bunden o! world affaira with them This was indiceted by the motta an this year's prognarn: "The Dangers We Face-What We Can Do About Thein." The gneatest of those dangers was depicted an the program by a photographic reproduction of an atomic bom~b in action, and this was funther iilustrated by Brig. Gen. T. R. Pbillips in a factual description, and pre- dictian o! the "vapanizing" o! the entire civilized world if the present stockpiles o! atamic weapans were neieased in a third world war. In times past there have been many predictions o! "the end a! the wanld" by divine in- tervention, but the, "divinity whicb shapes aur ends" ignor- ed those fonecasts a! doom. There is naw no need for di- vine intervention; man by bis own inventian and interfeniig with the atamic mecbanism o! the universe would bring the wanld ta an end "in the twink- iing o! an eye at the lest tnump" o! atomic war. . Gen. Phiilips, wba was for- mrnely with the Defence De- partment at Washingtan, did not pnedict that such would happen, but thet it was a pas- sibility. His subject was, Miii- tany Power: Insurance fan Peace?" After describîng the atomic military power in the riands o! the United States and Russia, he bad no answen ta the question '"Insurance for Peace?" As I sat thene listen- *ng ta this description o! the possible "vaporization" o! en- tire cities, foliowed by a dead-- ly "fail-out" whicb wauld des- troy ail vegetatian an the plan- et, I, was neminded of these mies o! Omar Khayman: One moment in ennihiletionts wastc; One momfnt o! tÉe well of life ta teaste; The stars are setting and the caravan Stants for the Dawn o! Noth- ing-Ob, make haste! And we must make haste ta Lvoid the catastrophe o! a third vonld war, an any kind of war bat migbt leed ta the use o! nuclean weapaus. Once that is stanted the end o! ail wans and f the world itself would be at and. In view o! that lîabiiity, the question o! coexistence is diotie, for it assumes that the 3ppasing nations could do any- 1ing else but tioexist. Their Io existence and no-existence. The oid saying, 4BLet hlmn who-desires peace, prepare 2or war," bas been cancelled by the atomic bomb. Military power today is no insd.rance for peaoe, except ixl the sense that the sure prospect' of mutual anni- hilation could keep bath sides in a dispute in fear of uslig that power. Man by his owr inigenuity has overreached himself. He has created or rather discover- ed a power which could destroy him, and which be dan only contrai by first controlling hi.q own passions and observing the Psalmist's injupctian, "The fear of the Lard*is the bégln- ning of wisdôm." VOU CAM DEPENO O0 Whea kidnevu f" to I'exove 010e..acide and wastu., bsof. II disturbed rest otten I follow. Dôdd'sq ý Kidney Pilla etimu- normal duty. Tou fee! btter-sleep better, work betier. ý Gel Dodd'a et mon ., drug store. You tcen-., W5* depend on Dodd'g1.I» 5 No-not a Communist, but the fire-engine red that gaca with clangîng belîs, screamiùng sirens and recing fine trucks. The Kent Fire Brigade, in Engand, bas gone aganst tradition and now uses vehicles of aium-inum-for three good reasons: No mare painting. Less gas ... we meen petrol. Andý better roedability and bandling because of the ligbtcr-weight aluminum bodies. We'd guesa there's a further premium that the Kent falk enjay: pride. in their firr brigade wben it flashes by in its gleaming new dresa,, Few meterials cen match elu- minum for its fresh and iastlng gaad looks. ALUMINUM COMPANY Op use 1Goodwill Guaranteed 1953 14 International FORD COUPE haif ton pick-up A realgood $ 9 9,000 actuel mileage, $8 for quick sale $ 9J 1950 Pontiac Coach 1953 Plymnouth, Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Coach 1951 Pontiac Se dan 1939 Chevrol-et Coach 190Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Chevrolet 1950 Hillman Sedan Haif Ton Pick-up A Il above cars to be cleared at equally low prices Robson MotorsÇ Limlited 112 growing tobacco, the icight kind of fertilizer is one of the biggest factors in the success of the crop. There is no denying thç. fact that the better the fertilizer you use, the larger is the return on yeur season 's invest- mient of money and Jabor. To get the largest passible profit on your tobacco, we urge you ta use Zell's Tobacco Fertilizer. There are well- established facts behind tlils recommendation - and here tiey are: Crop Success for 85 'Years For over 85 years, keading growers in the principal American tobacco sections have used Zell's - and used it constantly year after year with outstanding resuits.. To stay in business that long, a product has te be right- You can't cnt corners and build a record like that. Year after yeer, for instance, Ieading Durham County growers, in side-by-side tests with Zell's against other goods of the /same enalysis, report as high as $50 ta $100 more tobacco per acre with Zell's. These leading tobacco growers sey: "îTobacco fertilized with Zel s grows off quicker, reniains more unifonni, has better colon, ipens sooner, curès out better." In a word, they say, "When you buy Zell's, you buy experience, not expeniments." Specially made for 'Local Crops To Durhiam County growers, we offer Zell's Tobacco Fertilizers, made ta the samne time-tested standards of excellence - but of course adapted ta meet the exact needs of local souls and climatic conditions. Many successful growers avail themselves of aur soil service te provide the proper enelysis and rates of application ta ensure à profitable crop. Youn formula is based on expenience, not expeniments.. Why nlot use this free service?- Use Zell's and sec for yourself the difference this truly outstanding tobacco fertilizer cen make in the yield and quality of your crop. Write or Phone Agricultural Chemcl iîe Port Hope Phone Port Hope TUrner 5-2484 Sole Manufacturer of Fertilizer j- j qmv_ CATAITAW Fer'tïlïzer

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