PAGE SIX j; - ~ ~J b TAVAzMLL1, LW IVAINV JLL UNTrAIO Instaul Lionhel Parker As Inco ming ýPresidenf At Kinsmén Meeting, OBTU RYWay, fiveaof whom have pe ~ WRAY.blessed bis marriage with Lily ARTHUR M1-4WAF- Blight ta whom he would have Ther pasedta estaftr abeen married 26 years on Sun- brie iinssein o rs aaen-aday.,Their oldest child, Joseph bral Hospital in Ousaa. -,Charles, diçd at 2 years of âge. t0 r thuros llnTieam Aug. Surviving besides' bis wife are lilong resident of Weray one son Alfred, w agtr Kedro Laura and Gertrude, brothers community. In his .53rd year, Russell Wray off Bowmanville, and known ta many 'from boy- and Isaac off Scarborough; and1 hood, friends here maura the two sisters Miss"Margaret Wray ba ç fn nîhbu. eand Mrs. Henry Roberts (Eni- Was'one off 10 children born t,) ma) off Oshawa. Funeral ser- thec late. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph vice was from Robinson Fun- term ent in Groveside Cemetery. Or sympathy- and kindest thoughts arc with the sarrow- RO LLER 1ing famiy with whomh we ST share the lass af'a fine friend. t SHOES fiMemoriaI Hospital By Medcallf WeekIy Report Fashon i sotnes 1Faor the week of August 28 - september 4th: tAdmissions __ ---------41 *Births, Maie --------------- 3 V, ~~Female -----------I ~Discharges --------- -- -- 5 - 6 Operations: 4:1j Major --------------- ------ 7 M inor ------ --- ---- if 4-Emergencies ------_ 15 4 41 These facts ar~e published * . eeklv,,i an effort ta acquaint Ihscmuiy ihtesr vis cofmuaty ith hese- '~Eight styles frorn whieh: -csofauhspt. Z~~ tochos.SCOTCH JOKES + Too Expensive AA and B Widths * An, Aberdeen boy was kentf fî-om school for a -,ear be0ause *he had to paY attention. $9.9 5 pair "lOnly Wt hn ys * "Drink Io me only with tl1iný ey es' is the only Englishi sorig bout Aberdonians. t JOHN STUTI T er~~ é pub collecting corks ta put S H O S i-em through a mangle.t 4 O* Sure Thlngf 15Kig t.E. MA3-83: 1r'An Aberdonian on a visit toe ,b* London spent several days atc BOWMANVILLE 4. the Greyhoiind racing and then a t *:tried ta get a bookie ta take d a shilling on the electrie hare. Lioniel Parker and St air Drrnn. and Pasi De- puty District Govdrnor Ke Nicks. The president for the conaiig terni. Lianel]'*Li" Parker pinned lie pasf prcesident*s pin on Ai-t -looper, %vho thanked bis exc-1 cutr\-e for their support and the fine job they aid during th-' past yoaî-. The new prcsidcnt expressed the hope that ie could' continue doing as finiý ajob as bis predecessor bad done. The officei-s ilistalled were as follows: Diî-cctoî-s - 1rv:n '-Jako'" Brown, Ray' Lathangue, Kon Nicks; Registrar - Jaclk Ca irn of Peace Dedication Next Monday The 1955-56 siate off officers off the Bawmanville Kinsmen Club was installed at their first meeting off the year Tues- day at$ the Balmoral Hotel. Immediate Past President Art Hooper took charge off the instaflation. with the aid of past oresidents Jack Lander ila ping ceamneitons.ain ilar n appeOarieohchaas senaongh ntialnts highway mlarkcinstoricll eeet. ini ian c arnds whl ei-erected ino otn oian re n ua wlpiow- place. Cobourg was the scene off the first one. There wilI be ane erected in Sweden this fall, another in the U.K. next year, another in the U.S. in 1957, la Germanv la 19,58, and in Pakistan in 1959. Dedication of the Cobourg carn is expected to drawv many Ontario farmers and other in- terested citizens. It will be followed by a dia- ner sponsored by the Rotary club off Cabourg at whicb Hon. Paul Martin will he the speak- I &i e Ugp &el/ (By Benjamin Beveridge) 1 bave neyer seen an eîf or a! plays... and Mary Pickfford's .- leprecaun. But if there is a rfirst stage liiîes were: "Don't fairyland alive with lîttie people spçak ta ber, girls, ber father I am sure it is somewbene aaioag kilted a man!" She was f ive. the majestic peaks off the Canad- Remniniscent off the days when ian Rockies. One thinks less off Bobby Breen was a popular man's inhumanity and more off juvenile movie actor is the note man's insignificanco when- ho that Johany Washburn, a 10- finds hiaiself looking upon sucb year-old Toronto thespian, has gandeur. I have just been been sigaed by 2th Century th ere.Fox. Wordswor-th might not haver From another magazine I read feit as ionely as a cloud if ho. that General Motors Corporation Time- 8:30 had been ta Banff, for one can spent $37,39 1,415 on newspaper always feel a reaiarkable Pres- advertising last year. Next ta fnce thene. At most tumes, fao, this was Ford, then Chrysier,l -~r k T r yooucan see mountain climbers, Colgate - Palmolive "rd Sea-ý I[O N S CO M M N ITY CENT E though bÎnoculars, ai they 'gram's Ltd. Latin America bhas LI NS c.aUM U IT th e Csudesho eques- more 'than 70,000,000 illhterates, the trails. And occasioaally thej world the Mt. Everest guide, happy waniderer max' catch a 'Tenzing, makes a classic cani- gliaipse off those clusive Rocky ment on illiteracy by saying: j Mountain goats. 'For a man who cannot read or P41 H S HO L* write, 1 have signed my name At the bot sulphur sprngs in' mare than aiîyone else in the this Alberta resart a man in thewrl C L A S S E S ckerfrio was siriging '.Theý A f iller item lna nw ae STARTNG SON A the balroomn at the Chateau gains 10 pourids an hour, and! STATIG SONATLake Louise, some 40 miles i this reminded nie fa readr I way, the orchestra ,,a playingr Georges Blond's "The Story, off1 B ow m c n vile --avv Crockett". Sa I hasee Whales'. Elsewbere on the page B ow m an illej1ta examine the kitchen with the there was a reference ta the 1 maitre-do-hotel. carly planning off the Calgary The clîateau bas a staff off'750, Symphony's golden jubilee - ln S c o land one marvels at the efficientr eight years! And beside if oU SIfP~~ ranner nin 'hicii the business lament from Newffoundland that B us ne s ch otoff this luxur-lous retreat is car- thene is no syaipiony orchestra ried on for the bnief thice- r in that Atlantic island, Typing - Book-keeping, etc. month orspeidacya.** Enroll ow The elt) is high class. Apant - I have otten hearld that there from an European chef, a fewl n moi-e gaelic spoken in Nova key, employee6 on permanent S cotia than in Scotland îtselff.ý TelephoRe MA 3.5434 staff, and the occasional waiter And if nîay be truc. There are fî-om Belginai or Holland, the probably 15,000 to 20,000 people ____________________________________________help is mostly well-bred under- who speak the quaint language graduates from Canadian col- in that province. And siace the loges. They aiake the beds and Gaelic course at the Nova Scotia Iwart on tables with a charmn onix' Summer School for Teachers li e ,,an amateur- could have. They was firsf inaugurated la 1950 ici~ r ~ ra V IT rrins are much botter off thian the there have been 44 teachers Take Extr V i a m in i'guosts, howcvcr, since they eat qualiffy to teach if. Already iii the samie food and follaw the same off the Scattish coaimunity rsanie recreatiarial program. dur-- ichools youîîg lads aad lasses are 1ing off hiours; and they don't lcarning f0 say: ,"Ciamar a tha N O Wave t pav or it. I; sibh an diugh" when they greet heeplcasuî- reoai-s is this:flie LeU~ U ~ lientele is not as aitcrtcas r FOR C IDR Ni ocewa I nd1think the in- an i ML>ads Oicni lecotiorl)lettni4.75 people ta bc ee thene h s',y V M ad s O cu i l cîcorlo îil eu î - 1. vbolic off a trendî la ur tim es.1 a i t i g 10D Cod Liver Ou - 1.00, 22 Peoplo ai-o not waiting these 1 n r Mead's Polyvisol-. 1.8.3, 3.10, 4.75 r days uintil tlic lafe aftennoon off n rlife bofore enjoving sm f f Trivsol- 1.45, 2.45, 3.85 luxuries. I do' nof know hîow I Infantol -----------------------------1.00, 1.90, 3.25, 5.80I much material wealth fuis gesi- vvallpapering 1 eration will have ta beave ta ifs Ostoco Drops _..-------------- --- - 1.45, 2.40. 4.25 heirs; but one fbiîîg is certain. ---- ---- -- - W o are getting m ore good Iý Let our skilled painters rroff if as xxe go along. Noxzema lVampole's Extract ---- .5 Alka j Finie tli.ings are riot onîx' for and paper hangers re- pec iii - - eltzer ~Clev-eland ai iii o n aires and fishyoroefrth Spe il Phospholecethin ,.5, nteriavie stars. Ever-v anc lias somn ie ihy om o h ____________ alibut 011 Capsules- Vaum Vi ('ai Fer. 12 19 Botties 90 ScoWts EMulsion 1.00. ?.00 - Neo Chenîlcal Food Capsules 1-65 - 2.95 - 6.60o Thermots Boitles Aiphamettes .00, 1.8, 350 1.79 - 1.98 Bensanal Tablets 3,50 C E RI1T 0 L - Multiple Vitainif Liquid Tai 1.35,- 3.29- 5.49' 3.29 Charles Anleli Formula 9 - Spe COWLIN< MA >505 DRUG STORE W~iidroot Creamn-oi 3c-1.23 ofthi iccni-onionces of lîv\.ng. They nia v not ho paid for, but jWce got therm! And thanks fa r thie pay,-as-,vott-go Plan 1 doubt if there wa*s ex-en a fime in aur histoi-v wlîei the worker could have the samne luxunies as bis bosýs. If nust be all for the best. Brylereerm On the trip castward I was iand (0mb *îiterested ta bai-n that the air- 690 lines havc chiangcd tbe terni- j 69e rnol9Yogv <f their i% ork. The stewardc ss used fa ask the pas-ý sen.-ers to fasten thîcir safetv Iran onicbelts whrle landing and takingý J rnTn off. Now she calis theai a "seat; blets beit"*. It %vas probably poor t psyclîolagv fao suggest that theî'e was anv rîccd for - safetv-" belts. 5.4 an 'vxay. Tie ternim air sick-lI People -et su-k on trains, on hoats aod in motîi- cai-s. Whîv cal-1.25 p' 1 blaine buttenflirýs In the stomachr on air-travel wîc <î r'eallv 1 'motion sickness". e-ery drug ~ *i store has a bottle off little puis to prevenif it, 'Ihe-se ar-e sanie miar-ginial notes WE FIT on mv airborne reading 1t.roa TRLSSES CuLtîrral an is magazine I learnr- 1 rli haf th,,rm Are t600f.000 groupet UUUIMMEUU~ hin b. United States producing1 Fali and Winter season. We are now in a position to give you fast service on any of your decorat- ing problems. Cail in to-day for A FREE ESTIMATE Wallpapersr See our extra large stock 0fr Walipapers, includint many of the new 1956 Papers being shown at the C.N.,E. ABERNETHy'S Paint &Wallpaper Phone XIA à-5431 . er. 1 eItQ/m a4' O)f Cýi a*o n g'rircu In the same way that STERLING on silver signifies a standard of known value, so is this A.B.C. embleru a symbol of FACTS about the circulations of newspapers and periodicals. It is the emblem of membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations* and is assurance to advertisers that the circulations of inember publications are rneasured, audited and reported in accordance with the rigid standards that have been niutu- ally,approved and adopted by o dverti gnce and publishers. -lodvetisowhhao yetbishng:pA de- FiDa in the A.B.C. is important ta aur advertisers, end ourselves:- At regular intervals one of the Bureau's large staff of experienced circula- tion auditors makes a thorough inspection and audit of our circulation records. The 'resits of this exacting audit show: haw much circulation we have; where it goes;, how it was obtained; and many other FACTS that advertisers need as a sound basis for their advertising investments. This audited information is published by the Bureau ini easy-ta-read A.B.C. reports which are avail- able ta aur advertisers on request. f/lie Ca riac/ia n With an estimated 12,000 weekly readers H i A . , EP R S 40. .R F AC*FNI. A D AC - *ORTeC -. - qliMqSDAY, SEPT. -8th, 11, 1 lNortnumberland ana Durbarn -s "Smokey" Hayes; Treasurer- are ta bc highly hanored b: n Ken Hockin; Assistant Treasur- having the first "cairn of peaup ir er-John Living; Bulletin Edi- and Qlenty," ta cammemarate -tor -Clark Wilson; Assistant the first plowing match attend. Editor-Ken Nicks; Sergeant- ed by eleven nations in Octob- ýt at-Anms-Dr. Charles '-Chuck" er, 1953, dedicated at Cobourg eCattran; Vice PresidentsL-Joii on Monday, September l2th, ,f 1 Graham, Don McGregor; Sec- at 4:30 p.m. rctary-Garry Vennirig; Presi- aThe chief speaker will bc dent-Li Parker. -ve Hon. Paul Martin, Federal Min- Each new officer xvas itgivenat ad efae a token of~ his office. t f elhadWla' i The Kinsmea Club wil once again bc briztging the Golden! Mile Choir ta Bawmanville for a concert in October. Ki~i) Clark Wilson is chairman off the committee ln charge of the ipraject. I Taggers were narned for Fni-j day evening and ail day Satur- day, when the club membersr will be seeking money for the artifficial ice fund in Bawman- ville Memnorial Arena. Kern Hockin is in charge off this pro- ject *this year. Anather story in tis paper gives completej details off the major project which this club has unde--r taken. Birthidav spoons were pre- sen ted ta three inembers- whos r birthdays felld'rring the surn- 1 Imer months. They were Rov j M "Red' SwindellN. Ron "Bar-", I MDonald. andi Ken Hockin. Foutr stinimel- meetings were hceld hy the club, eacb under ai lon. Paul Martin different committee. Past Pres* wl edct heGle ident Art Hooper-, in 'prcsenting w'ho wl eiaeTeGle the pi-ize ta the , committee Plough ta be or~eted on the which presented the best suai- 1 cairn. Mr. J. D. Thomas, pres- mer meeting, stated that 1- r ident of the Wuî-ld Ploughing helivedthes soial i - Organization4 w-ho has been the~ xvere a -delinite asset to the mo'ing spirit in itls ,worl-- club," and expressed the hope xide mavemnent, will be chair- that they would be continued man. again next summer. "We had The public is cordiaill in- a lot off fun," he said. vited ta attend this important The winne'r off the prize waS jý noyxhchtkspaeo the committee under chai ahe western border off Cobourg Ken Nicks, who accepte d the' and faciag the Home for the prize xith the comiment:- *Well,' 1 Aged on Highway No. 2. summer meetings and summer The monument, surmounted iiot!"bv a replica off the "Golden Plo," covoted award off world 1 j g '-4---... rn )y te THE CAMAnTAN fl..a.Morris back ta is native town Surprise. Party -New Manag eran ilwsnr er u- ain ofl wsh niaryManeer 'suc To Celeb rate (Contnued from Page One) the Bowmanvill Chamber of Town oni set aside in Commerce. March for publicity an4 in- -_________ 25 Yea rs \Ved utria promotion, and partlydosft fro i d es oll cte fr m t e u intheservice of our M ake. )f A surprise party was heid at Chamnber members. Incithér does with-holding ehrich nMemorial Park Clubhiouse Sa.- Bis duties will caver a wide us.-Mary Baker ddy. ,urday evening, Sept. 3rd, taoi range of activities in publiciz-- yhonour Mr. and Mrs. Arthur j ing and promoting the ToW--n le Marjerrîson,, Fiett Street, on of Bowmanville. One of his their 25th wedding anniversary. main jobs will be ta try and Relatives and friends were attract new industries ta the preàent from Iroquois Falls,, tawn sa that the taxation loadr 91Belleville, Oshawa, Newcastle on residential- property may be and Bowmanville. Cards and reduced, Mr. Marris will also: es- sing-song were enjoyed. The~ be responsib]e, for obtainingl hall was tastefully decorateci up-to-the-minute statiÏtics on withpink and white streamers, Bowmanviile, such as industrial with a white bell ovete land available- for new li,- table. On the tablewa a dustry, price of such land, and1 large wedding cake, data on alniatters whicn Prior ta lunch being served, would affect 1 new industry ,eeve Sidney Little asked Mr. moving here. and Mrs. Marjerrison ta take The preparation of a bro- m n seats at the head table. He, chure outlining what the Town addressed the guests off honour of Bowmianville has ta offer to in jocular vein. and closed. wihr the tourist- or prospective per- remarks pertaining to their in- manent resident is aiso _high fon MS terest in sports. They were the list of Chamber pians for presented with a gift off silver. th~e future. Pooaa uv waeada purse of money. Local citizens are looking Mrs DvidGry. ewast~,forward ta welcoming Mr. gave two humorous readings. - -___________________ The party was arranged by Mr. E. L.Marjerrîson, Mrs . A T L le , M rs . Ge n W . Graham , Jr., and Mrs. L.A. MacDougal ,'Present Gift TOnDeparitre On Oganitr M. Norman Williams, organi- ist off Centre .Street Uiiited Church, Oshawa, was hionored last Sunday morning after the service when he was presentedi with* a walet containin-g arf cheque, a gifi from the coni -.... gregation;, before leaving fer Newcastle United C h u r c h li. where he has accepted a pos- -$.,r, I iti on as organist. rMr. Williams bas been at i Centre Street Church for 20) years and the Rev. A. F. Cowaii paid tribute ta his service. He had, said Mr. Cowan, given ex- cellent music and shown faste lin his choice of music f or the services. Makes Presentation "I race for home when school is out Mr. Ray Valentine, clerk of And at the door 1 always shout, the session, mnade the presenta- 'Mom. P'm back. I'm hungry, too'. tion. recalling the number off years he had known Mr. Wil- 'Milk's the very thing for you,' liams. They had worshippedSasMm omean wiha il toglether at Albert Street Unit- asM mtmean wiha il ed Church 25 years ago. 1 get a glass and drink my fi. Mr. Williams brieffly thank- ikhsafvo1sueaor" ed the congregation and saidMikhsafvrIsueavr- that he had always enjoyed his Work and his fellowship withl them. That glqry only is imperish- l Re D able which is fixed in ane's owfl MA 3-5444Bom vle moral *xake-up.-Mary 'Baker Bomnil Eddyr.